'gociet Tc!Gponryl ( : Oft . - ' ' . ? ' ' . . , - ... . - - .... , .i5K I IK tJV-rcj - 311 i r . Jfi'l . y . ? I II IB I III 1 S-n. W 'trAGfelTSIXSS. ; 3 Proprietor. . THE 'POST STAND jFrao'D.Rj ft ale. - ' i has cord : wood J Mrs. A. 8. Bver has been on :ths sick Iwt . I iRev. Soable and Mrs. Miller, of 3alem, were in town Sunday. I iMiss Claire Graybill, who haa !)Men sick, is improving. I ' A. II. Ulsh and wife were Belins 'vrove visitors last week. Mrs. Harriet W. Smith spent last Iweek visiting at John Dietrich's C. E. Corkins is busy repairing Watches, jewelry, etc. Bring in h'our wor. James Beaver and family, on nunday, were the guests of his feth ter, Gabriel Beaver. Colonel Grover gave an exhibition f war sences in the Court House in Saturday evening. Miss LibbieDunkleberger visited Hunburr and Shamokin last Tluirs- ilay and Friday. Dr. A. J. Herman and his nephew k Herman, spent Bumlay at wrataerville. E. E. Pawling and wife visited liis parents at Selinsgrove last Fri- y and Saturday. Misses Laura lluukle and Ellii tetler are visiting at Northuraber- and this week. ; . ; ' Mrs. Df. J. W.' Orwig is visiting lpr daughter, Mrs.- Harry' Hartor, it Northmnberkufci. " -; r.. M. L' Potter, Esqr., and family pent Sunday at Selinsgrove and took in Saturday night's concert. Mrs. Win. Snyder; of Shamokin Dam, spent last Friday at the jail the guest of Mrs. Sheriff Ritter. Miss llosa Schoch spent several (lays last week, the guest of the Misses Hendricks, at Sehnsgrave. The receipts and expenditures of Snyder county are found on the 111- Kide pages ot this week's Post. Mrs. Samuel App, of Selinsgrove, tnd Miss Ida Field, of Kreumcr, were shopping in town on Monday. The C. E. societies of this place will attend the local C. E. conven tion at Hossingers church this Wednesday) evening. John R. Kreeger, Harry Bower, Jtlie editor of the Post and wife took iu Thursday night's concert nt Se- jhnsgrove lost week, I A full line of tinware can be jfound at Schoch and Stahlnecker's Wand. All kinds of repairing Tiirnmntlv nttonHnl in. tf i r v .. . We understand that on Feb. 22, there will be placed on exhibition in Middleburg, of the finest pro ductions of American Artists. Don't miss seeing this exhibition of art. C. G. Hendricks, the junior mem ber of the progressive hardware firm of Hendricks & Sonj and Miss Alice Pawling, of Selinsgrove, were visitors at Hon. G. A. Schoch's on Sunday. H. E. Walter, on Tuesday morn ing, went to Philadelpliia to buy a full supply of - furniture. Perseus intending to go to'housekeeping this spring and others needing furniture will do well to call on Mr. Walter. Last week the ladies oi the Mid dlebprg Social Club had a genuine surprise for the other, side ' of. the house. They prepared a . literary program and, arte? enjoying this; a feast of good things were spread out to satisfy the cravings of the inner Man. The surprise wan a complete access and so was everything. els '; A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair kilt, or other ioosorial , work, is al- ji obtained at Sold' Barher Shop; ui Wittenmyer'a building,': opposite PostoQoe. Qu to .Soles W yoii will make no uak, torlka soap, uwereaav hair oil and e9ham- p for jk" ;v ; ' A. K 5oim.' : ; ' -v. I-:: vJJ ,1 u t j. 4 MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO.. Jacob Shelly, who has been class-'. ed with the sick, is improving. The musical people at Saxton, Bedford county, are holding a tn ! days' musical convention from Jan. 31st to Feb. 9th. Trot. Wm.Moy er, of Freeburg, is instructor. F. B. Bolig, II. H. Glass aud Wm. Moycr, viewers appointed by Court to re-locate the public road thux obviating the Hassinger church hill and Snyder hill west of Middle burg, will meet on the grounds Thursday, Feb. 17th ut ten o'clock A.M. The planing mills conducted by Haines & Son at Selinsgrove was entirely consumed by fire on Tues day evening. The mill was run during the day, and as the fire start ed in the engine room, it is supposc ed that something on the floor caught fire and in that way ignited the building. The high-bred horse purchased in New York by George Rusel of Lewistown in December when Cashier Thompson purchased his steed, had to Ixj killed. While be ing driven by a Iwrrowcr of the horse, the steed got the advantage of the driver j went through a tres tle, .broke both front legs and had to be killed. The following named musicians from Freeburg were prominent per formert1 last week at the musical lubiloe m bclinsnrove. Annie Urujun, ha;f. llilbisli, Dora lirown, Surah 'C. Glass; Emms'' Ki Moyer, Mary Brown' Llla Moyer, Mary Wiest Dilla Moyer, Rev. U. D. Druckcumillcr, F. S. Glass, Howard M. Wiost, Myron A. Moyer, W . H. Grimm, VV. F.' Brown, Trombone j Wm. Moyer, Violincello. . Sale Bills. The Post printing office is pre pared to keep up its reputation for handsome Sale Posters. We are adding new features this season and would advise those who want attrac tive Sale Posters to visit this office before placing an order. Charles A. Rathfon Charles A. Rathfon, a well-to-do young man, dropped over Sunday noon at his home in Swincford, fell to the floor, and in a few minutes expired. It is thought that the fall burst a blood vessel in his head and discharged the blood into the brain. He is about 28 years of age and will be buried Thursday. Samuel Bowen. Samuel Bowen, of Franklin, died very suddenly on Tuesday afternoon, aged abqut 67 years. Mr. Bowen was a very 'successful auctioneer and hod a very extensive acquaintance reaching over ' the entire county. He followed the business of con ducting boarding houses at summer campmcetings and picnics and did a little farming. 11 is son, John, had been in from Indiana and just started ' from Montandon for his western home about the time the summons came. - Tho trouble was with his heart. ; - Home Improred. . The editor of the Qautte recently had two porches and a balcony built to bis bouse on Allegheny street and the whole thing painted in Colonial style. . It now. niake a very hand some appearance. A statement mo desty would lorbid us to make were it not thai we owe a 'compliment for superior, work to Robert Cole, . Bel lefonte'l popular ' architect,- for the I' "j ' . -a t '.irn Banqsome designing, w isaao oiitier for speedy and substantial carpenter Work, and to 8. II. Williams for the MMsrawory joo ne uiu at 'poiuuog. BeUefoote has reasons to b proud bf ' itt-merchaiita--vS,bnr IJartn$ A ' i U. 8. Congress- Sen. 1 DISTRICTS. .aUj m ! 105: 1671 1741 211! 721 2021 67! 90! 94: 113! 192: 103! 34: 189! 212! c o Adams, Beaver, Beaver, W. Centre, Chapman, Franklin, Jackson, Middleburg Boro. Middlecrcck, Monroe, Penn, Perry, IVrry W. Selinsgrove, Spring, Union, Washington. TOTAL 70 131 75j 144 26 17o 40 48 48 44 9 r. 15 111 175 150! 94 132 00 23131413 Nominations In addition to nominations pub lished last week we give the follow ing: Adams, R. Judge of election, J. F. , Zcch- man ; Inspectors, C. F. Fiss, C. P. Erb; Assessor, A. H. Swartz; Over seer, Moses Erb ; Supervisors, W. C. Lose, Lion Snook ; School Directors, J. E, Fctterolf, H, II. Thomos ; Au ditor,7 J. A. Wagner. ' . Beavik, II. ' Supervisor, C. H. Binganian; overseer, J. v . JSmgainan; judge oi election, Johu Ilcinilmch : inspectors, C. E. Dreese, O. E. Sanders; audi tor, J. F. Hassinger; treasurer, B. F. Hoffmun; ussessor, J. S. Kern; school directoiv, J. D. Hcrlwter and J. II. Hetrick. Cestkk, R. Judg', G. W. Sheary ; insi)cctori, S. S. Ilowcrsox, E. B. llnrtinan; assessor, C. E. Sumpscl ; overseer, Wm. A. Napp ; supervisors, Lph. Keister, Uriali Wcirich; si-liool di rectors, Xathaniel Jordan, Phares Shanihaeh ; auditor, D. Bingaman. Centke, I). Jiulire, J. I. Hartman ; insiMct4r, Clyde Fessler : whool directors, W. Deouler, W in. Ioss ; supervisor, I' . H. Bingaman ; overseer, Cyrus Marks ; auditor, Wm. C. Hartman ; assessor, o. 11. otroub. ClIAl'MAN, R. Judge, M. E. Curling; insector, A. S. Kreitzcr; supervisor, T. K. Lcight; school directors, A. II. Troutman, John II. Brown; over seer, P. II. Daubert ; assessor, W. L. Hummel; auditor, J. L. Bogar. FbakklijiD.' Judtre. H. A. Rauch: insncctor. J. A. Oldt; justice, J. P. Bachman; supervisor, J. S. Jvauffman ; asses sor, L. C. Bachman ; overseer, J. L. Marks; school director, J. L. Mitch el ; auditor. A. Kreeeer. Jackson, R. Judge, F. Brouse ; inspector, J. F. Wagner ; assessor, G. B. Benfer ; supervisors, Wm. Seebold, Josiah Shrader ; school directors, P. W. Benfer, John Ritter; auditor, C. J. Beaver. Jackson, D. . Judge, B. M. Fetter ; inspector, R. J. Ijeitsel; assessor, H. D. Maur er ; school director, Solomon Kline ; sutler visor, Darnel HoUenbach; ov erseer, John Reichley ; auditor, J. A. Leitcel. . MlDDLEBUROH, D. Judire, Paul Billhardt; inspector, Joseph Clelan, Harry E.' Specht ; school directors, Wm. Jl. Smith, Aaron Stahlneckerj. town council, Frank 8. Riegel, E. C. Graybill, N. S. Bachman ; assessor,1 W. (X Snyder ; overseer, 11. D. otahlnecker. - , ' . '. ofn'Nnna.' R. ' ; . Judged George Fiss' inspectors, Edward Toutg, Peter Tonne ; so- A THURSDAY, nUGYTHAT COMPELS SUBMISSION TO THE PEOPLE'S IMTEBE8T. AsRx-iate Judge. man, ' c a s I I Cu Q 4 2 c S 5 JS A l ,40 33 'i 44 70 24! 85 20! G0i 27j 15! 311 GO! 117! 52! 45! 100! 15 85: 28! 8101 56 4 8i 9 10 no 1 4i 1( 67 88! 9 109 42 o! 41! 10 29! 10 li! l 15: o! 8(i ! 4331 18! 3 13! 18! 3 13 28 3 :5i 27 11 1'29 146 131 60 31! 7! 29! 23! oi 25j 35! 31j 63! (539j 4 .50 9 15 16 ;97 4" 4.' iH8 47 81 8! 2 22 5 12! ;i!8 9 A 40 11 72 51 89 119 1170 10! 2; 59; 353J 251 nervisors, Newton Hartman. Gw. Shatter; school directors, Theodore lluinmel, Jien. llunimcl, sr., Jack- son Kreider; uuscssor, S. Hartman. Monhoe, D. 'Judge, J. P. Gryell ; inspector, Wm. Frymire ; Supervisors, Win. Slear, Geo. Zimmerman; school di- rectors, G. K. Fisher, Jos. Lepley, Alartin Iicsher, (2yrs.); overseer, (Thos. Watts; assessor, Wm. Reich - lev; auditor, Aden Stetler. ' Pen, 1 ..', , Judge, G. W. Row; inspectors, II. W. Romisr, P, N. Grouse; J. P., W. O. Holmes; overseer, C. P. IiUU - denslager; school directors, 1. JS. Jarrett, F. P. Kuster; assessor, W. A. Fisher; supervisors, II. B. Smith, Bctij. Stetler; auditors, B. F. Img, II. I). Kuster ; treasurer, J. M. Aurand. Pknx, I). Justice, Mcver Millner assessor, W. D. Jarrett ; treasurer, llok'rt , How : Bow .er ; KUMTVisr, .1. W auditor, Theo. Fisher ; judge, F, B. Ulneli; insjRM-tor, M. 1 overseer, Jacob Mittcrl Herman; ;; school dirwetors, Geo. Kuster. PEitnv, W., H. Judge, Adam Ferster ; insiH-ctor, Francis Martin ; siiiH-rvisors, P. S. MitUrling, J. Z. Stmwser ; school directors, John Wheel y, J. Ilcich- enbach; assessor, T. P. Derr; ove seer, Abram Mitterling; auditor, I). ManlMJck. 1'EIUIY, W., D. J udge, C. S. Dunn ; inspectors D. N. Graybill, J. W. Gannan; school directors, 8. G. Stroup, D. V. Haas; supervisors, J. S. V tMtiu- er, H. II. Mengle ; overseer, John R. Gordon; auditor, II. S. Horn berger. . SeLINKXiROVE, R. Council, 3 years, Dr. F. J. Wag- enseller and W. II. Gemberlintr ; 1 year, E. R. Gemberling ; school di- rectors, D. S. Sholly, G. W. Ixng; assessor, Val. Bolig ; overseer, D. J' Keller ; judge, C. M. Bottarf ; in spector, I. F. McFall ; auditor, J. A. lleQclfinger. EUN8GROVE, D. Council, 3 years, II. J. Deobler, P. S. Albert ; 1 year, Frank Ulrich ; school directors, A. A. Conrad, W. Holtsworth; assessor, B. O. Kessler; overseer, Michael Kratzer; judge Josiah Kessler; inspector, J. S. Mil ler; auditor, B. F. Kants. Spuing, R. Judge, S. F. Aurand ; inspectors, Lester U. Smith, Ira A. Kline; su Krvisors, 8. W, Shilling, Henry tucrv: school directors. II. W. Ulsh, Elmer-Shannon; for unex mred term of John Zieber: A'' G. Kaufman ; assessor, Henry J. Lep ley uditor, H. H. Laub overseer, Jndge, 8. E. Xlinepeter; inspect tor, J.attriupervisor, R. FEB. 3, Assemblyman. ....... ...... State Delegate. Co. Sur. Si C : . ZZ Si P -i .5 - 12! 24! 2! 98: 49! 103! 37: 00: 40! 84! 98! 34! 39! 112: 2: ti3! 109! 92i 0 0 35 39 7Gi 140: 134 77! 97! 29! 104 27 27 54 111 100 G8 82 17 139 35: 174; 43: 71! 50! 58! 32! 82 50! 91 103 58: 54! 1392! 1 43 47 25 27 44 70 18 5 4i 48i IU! 73: 20! 112! 223! 91 83 184 41 3 24 11 139 108 62 1 3! 10 9! 53 112 01 124 10! 123 1109 153 393 972:1419' 223 Felker: school director. Willnnl Mechtlcy ; for unexpired term of John Zu-ber, James Jienfer; asssor, Jere Koch ; auditor, Jas. C. Seham- bach ; overseer, Jos. N. Haines. Union, D. j Judge, Wm. J. Neits : inspector, John I. Charles; J. P., E. S. Stukl; overeecr.G. Shrev; suiK'rvisor. II. ' H. Reit henbach ; school director, F. ' A. Bingaman; assessor, A. W.Auek- er; uuditor. C. W. Knights. Wahinoton, R. Jiulge, H. M. Wiest ; inspector, Z. T. Hoover; auditor, W. L. Bass- jler; assessor, Ed. 1). Moyer; over 4ecr, John llcpner; siin'rvisors, Jl. Dcobler, Peter Kratzer; m'Ikm1 di rectors, Dr. R V. Tool, Charles Kissinger; township clerk, (.'. A. Gcurhart. Wasiii.(!tos, D. Judge, A. Itiegle; iiisj)e'tor, Calvin Miller; school directors, II. S. Sch nee, Kolandis Seip; supervis ors, Samuel (JillxTt, Miles Kant.; overseer, Dr. I). (J. Smith ; auditor, Thomas E. I loll'; township clerk, J. W. Haas. Special Reduced Prices. 5 lbs. Arbuckles cofl'ee for 5 lbs. Prunes " 5 lbs. Kaisins " 1 pack of Bak inir Powder for 5()c 25 25 3 2000 yards Calico, ikt yard ' 1()0 yds. Ijaiieostcr Gingham, 5 ;ih; yaros aiusiiii, i yaru wide o 500 yard Muslin " " G 50 pairs Indies SIkh-s $2.25 now $1.90 50 pairs Ladies Shoes $1.35 now $1.10 50 jwirs Ladies Shoes $1.15 now 85 Boys' Gum Boots $2.25 now $1.60 2000 yds. Henrietta 25c now 20 200 yds. Henrietta 50c now 35 W. H. Beaver 2t. Middlebure. Pa. Freshman Banquet- The Freshman Class of Susque hanna University, Selinsgrove, ou Tuesday evening hod their annual banquet at the Washington House at this place. After partaking ot the feast of good things provided generously by the caterer of the time-famed hostelry, L. G. Stouffer presided as toastmaster and the fol lowing toasts were responded to : Class of 1901, Levi P. Young ; Class History, Ed. R. Wingard ; The Banner Class, R. Z. Burns ; Class v Musical Ability, Geo. W. Gramley; Our Girls, Chas. Yon Recitation, Miss Barb. Te 'fol lowing participated in the festivities Misses Anna Barb, Effie Briemer, Sarah Gortner,' Lucy Hooti, Irene t.':... vr '. '. a - i; R. Wingard U S. Stouffer Chas. Y on, M. B. Herman, Chas. Lam bert, G. W. Gramley, Bruce Cro'usc, RT Bumes, -G; ; D. Strail, . P. Young and Prof, ih K. Fisher. : VOL 35. NO. 5. Ha A Rich Strike Near Adam burg, Snyder County. Phihulelphutnii Interetted in iVo ptding and Tenling Specimen. A Aaniorr of fl-act of Lamh leaned. There is a quite undercurrent of excitement in Adanisburg, Snyder county, which, it is expected, will result in the finding of hidden treas ures in the as yet undeveloed lime stone ridge aud a regular Klondike Imkiiii for Adamsburg. Philadel phiuns are interested in this new en terprise and for the past week the prospectors have been tapping and testing specimens found on the ridge that runs between the Jacks and Shade mountains. The object of this search is not the glittering gold of the Yukon. It is a practically new discovery ot some phosphate substance that finds its home in the same localities as imestone. This new material is used entirely for the making ot some fertilizing comosition which is now leing worked in the Tusenrora al ey with great success. This new enterprise has at its head Harry uchter, of Selmsgrove, one of the est known mining experta andeng- iners in the state. J le is a lirm xilicver in the discovery of mineral treasures in the limestone ridge that will make Adanisburg the Dawson City of the quiet little vally between the Jacks and Shade, mountains and may sidetrack frotune seekers from the sea voyage to Juneau to the jewistown division of the Pennsvl- ania Railroad. The working of this limestone ridge has Ix-on kept quiet and all newspaper men and outsiders have K'en told to await the oiiemng ol pring, when a sensation was promis- I luring the past week arrange ments have lieen coni)lcteil by which the new enterprise is an assured suc- sess. Mr. Richter, who is acting as the superintendent, did not care to 1h interviewed on the subject, but a reMrter received the following facts rom several of the land owners with whom Mr. Richter has been trans acting business. The new company is making provisions to work the ridge for alxtut two miles east ot Adanisburg and one mile west. Options have Imh-ii secured for this purjtose from the following well- known land owners: Wm. Dreose, Joe Gcarhard, John Klinrer, Joseph Snook, Henry Getz, Moses Bentcr, Lxra Smith and John Wv- and. These options are good for five years, with the proviso that it the promises ef the new mineral prove g(Kd the company can make leases for years. Other provisions are that each land holder shall hold a royalty of 8 jH?r cent, of every mineral min ed, with the exception of coal, which is put at o per cent. One of the land owners is evidently expecting to have gold found on the Lime stone Ridge, aud in this contract he has exempted gold. Still another provision is that all of the products mined shall be worked into the ne cessary lertiliung composition in Adamsburg, and that the requisite labor shall be performed by Ameri can laborers. Bv these provisions it is expected that the town and its citizens will share in whatever suc cess the venture may prove. I he hopes of th towns people ot Adamsburg arc very high, and it is expected that as soon as spring opens work will lie pushed rapidly for ward and the new mineral mined in large quantities. Those in a position to know say that this phoshate substance has stood all of the required tests, ..and. maxts up a omposiuon lor lenuis ing purposes that will find a tare and certain market, no matter how . large the output. . . . ' : i .':v ," ; 'li