,1 i i i ! 4 ': if ft B DIE BOOKMULT VALLEY. Jtcfirhitrd from PoaT Feh. IS, 190. In Dockmult Valley w hue mere, Der Harr waes, shun we long. Uh do mit Pencil un Dubier, JeJ)t's Iiiedli un (Jesong. Die lktrge urn uns rum sin Ikhm-Ii Un's Dahlie isch so eng, ,Mere Jawfa hinnenonncr ihmk Ii Tsu-tewct M-arr's sclinn tsu eng. .Mi licve Frav?, die is so dick, Un ich bin g'wiss, net din Jute's navenoimcr ull'de lirick, Jjigt unes solum uniia drill. )h wk'die glacher in der ket, So gate's in Itockmult Dahl Joh wo mer navenoiiner wott Zu eng war's ivverall. Mere drawga oil g'peggde Schu Der Schuster konn net nahe ; .Mere lawfa grawd deni Himniel tu Mer konn sich net rum drake. ;'Ks wosser loft ware wane We weit? Der wage loft lkrgnulT; . IUn won der buck de shioimel ride iEIuek'd Yuckel hinuadruff. 'Mm blonzu nix os tswivvela do, Un die oil in a my ; . lMre 0011 ken wcatxa bowera do,. -. Qvie hawer un kte. hoy. Mare kiK'lia nix os Noodta do Far puinnkiiepp ware's m eng; Jatmpt olios utt de bradeing aw Un goriiix utf die lang. H&lous st'litate .longweise ivver'm IJaeh TJn's wiwr loft Iwrick-nunner ; da liiltzner hoiui nifni doch Srayl riega, blitz, un ntinner. HK)a won's e'mol bol midduwg is, Don gookt met in die ho?, IDoeehind 'die helling dorrieh en riss, A) bis on uhra-tswa. Don gate die sun scliunt uiinersieli, Die sluMldawarra long ; .,x , Die hinkle warra schlaf'erich Un Inieka ull der solitoiig. On fiej ulir isch's sohiin hiHK'h-lH't- tzeit, Die sclitania sin oil hous ; jVm si-hpinrawd (KmkI ineruiVeii side, Ctfs 1 ich? lie mooht mer ous. Mcr'Liigt sich he un schlummert ei, H)i lei ii i inert sich 11111 nix : .Mai' hard Men larm un ken g"schrey Os iKH'hteil, tux un krix. Mer saned die sun, aw morgets not, So bis on uhre-nine ; ;Sie word bis mere sin ous'm lied, No iongt sie aw zu schema. Mere lien schun ordlich kinncrg'hot, Un die sin oil fun hame, Un inscr gonse lKK-liberschofl in figcl, fux, unci bame. Mer siineil ken bustles in dtm dahl U' smischt ke' liKH'hiiiuts-sclioiul Far so gapulscliter war's zuschmall, Far jdilllmcks war's schieriuoiid. j)o hicliade pohawna's net Fur wagaera schwnitz; (Won enderschwoutzdosehtellii wot . Don mist are uif die tens. "Do sanscht ken bruder hosssilots In oil deni enga dahl ; Arc hut tun end zu end ken blots, !S ware ivverall tsu schnmll. De weipleit schlafa's net im dreok, CG-'ipuIwIttcr hen se kens : Die irronsleit drawga blooa reck MitgVhpitzta whwclma-m-liweiit: Kr K,U)ft) fmlct.ntf grec-ketsi luh, Des dahll wor m t far broad-pige! IrfUt arlich un ga-dri. ,, , , . ,naU i S loiij; os schmolt1 schmelst in der Far sell war s gon s tsu eng . p S wart ollesiKN'h der binding ga- .. . . , ..'')0'' rinoelit freilieit fawna wliwabt, i i inn Sin mere far Jackson tsu ma niomi, Lin gorinx ihkIi der lang. -v i -i i i i i , , . l nsht wihrare olsnuch Iiebt. Irs nirlie gade woii's wosscr hut, IJn's IxmIHc, des foiigt aw "Oeli "' J'p 'wft " aIp. ' Out! -Vn wiskey ous'ni wJipieket, AV is ler meiwli so diim !" ' ' fate f"'re ya-rlieh on lcr jm,! 1 rr. . rt . r i U ii vote de Jackson Ticket ! ' JJDcr miller schloft won s mehegaiU', Woh's net gade, wihloft are aw ; So lava mere in lJockinult dahl, "JJa won' aw giulcim won's awj V wase ken nienseh we long ; schtate; Un won's aw is so vug un whinall, ,So tzoiikct dueh si fraW. Hleibt ollcs slue im gnig. "55isli iiHnichmohl so jlittmip-uu-jSois my U-dle fartzich now, . .. achtill ! Uus dahl in olsnuch eng; , So gwiss os ich hr wwg, Mer hardt ebmohls der wipperwill (Joint free im nochmidawg. Do iseh'a wo oochteil, haws, un fux Knonncr larns keniia ; ' Do inch's wo nocliteil, haws, un fux Fuiioniiv-r obflchied neninia. Es mnid ken (toddler in des dahll Ok unlit der aavich Yut; Den fint nier don boll ivverall (Jate aavich net culmt Mer wane nix fun da gumma weld Un fun der schinarta leit ; Ka helft der fun hen Guttom Geld l)e ouncr, net reeht g'scheit, . Mer lien ke shool-housc in em dahll Ken knrrith-liofe unken karrieh: Diu'h lieb un frieda ivverall, Un nix gade ivver-tswarrrieh. Mer lien ken geld far in de hank, Fur gentle-leit tsushtala ; Ae arliehkeit tzecked nix oh blunks Wan dawg-deeb's geld fardahle. I)e reieha deeb de gahna fry, Trotz trial, proof un sentence ; De onnc in de bresend ni, Un des in Independence. Der tox-mon dare eoonid dri-mohls Un fuddered una de toxa; yohr Der kondudawt eoomed hinnu-noch Un Hhtriclielcd uiih de oxel. In Rockmult Valley wohne mere, Un knoochu unscr dake ; Un ollas sunsht, des doona mere Ols niich der oltc wake. So we ae ols far ohlers hen De olde liockmult leit; So we se hunnert yohr shunt hen, ' So doona mere nuch heit. ' . Mer essa won mer hungerieh win Un drinka far der dorscht; Mer shtuppa won mer fardich h'iu Un froga net "was kusht's?" Der mawga is far maisich-keit Un net far sowery, Un hi una olda Hockmult leit . Is aw ken brewery. Mer shtoma oil fun Adam hare Un fun der Afie uw Of course, ich denk de Afie wore ! Am Ad. si arahte fraw. ,. DeBchlong de hut do Afe fershtift De Afe hut ere ttibnn ; ;.' I . Dei con mer law iu der Shrift, ; Wai's' las4 will unri, -v ,(f . Mer.wisaa'dofl de urdt shtill schtate Is flat un gor net rund; . Un don de suu pans drum-ruin gade iu fier-un-tswonsig schtund. A week mit ductershtuft un law Won aner ohbes schiieert, Don gade are tail der ducter-fraw Un wart mit huna-fctt g'shmiert. Dueh nemt mer lie kens innerlich, SuiiKcht sahht mer Elfadricha, Uii drawnied en gonser moonet nix - Os founder hund un bitcha. Un won nier ungf'are Hypo' hut , De holb-ferheet klawgie, , Don gade mer won mer glawa hut, Un lust hieh wohrheit sawge. Un won ich in de law mist decf, Far mich ous druvvel schnitzla Taum bischtM-cl, far an shada-brcef, (Jeb mere der IJillv ittxler. ; Ka is un hex im Rockmult Da 111, So runslieh,' grum uu din, Os we un durre boona-shawl, Odder n olde keshta-rin. So oldt we oldt Mathusalem So Schwartz os shonshta-rossc ; Se eoomed ous oldt Jerusalem, Un oil der wake tsu foose. Klir g'schef des is don ousgoshpiclt Un gowl un fee hut ruh ; Dueh won em Shtuffel eblies faled Don hut's de hex ga-doo. Mer muueha miser redlining noch Km wedder in kollenner ; Mer muuclia unsrr essa uoch Am howfii in'm gehtenncr. Mer hen tswa bicher in'm House De lieevel un der l'saltzcr ; Do lusii mere un singa rous, So we se hen far older. Mer beed net geld un mcnst-liu aw Nix os des iieve (lott ; Do halt muer uns inuner draw, We ehr's Itufola hut. Kn yader mind si bisiiess do, I'ii ni'iiii'lil Leu tiiulillrv S eoooMd olles uff brmdlng aw, Un gornix uff de leog. laBpiMef. t NEW RULES Qoverniog the Republican Par ty of Snyder County. At the meeting of the Republican County Committee, held at Middle- burgh, Sept 25, 1897, the follow ing resolution was adopted: llemlvedf That the Chairman ap point a committee of three Republi cans to commie a full set of rules governing ttie licpublicau party of Snyder County, and a more definite way of holding the Primary Elec tion. The County Chairman appointed Geo. W. WagenscJIer, T. A. Wag ner and Ji. F. Arbogast a commit tee to present suitable rules to cover the requirements of the ocoassion. On Saturday, Jan. 15th, 1898, the following was adopted : THE Kl'LEft. - 1. Tbe organization ol the Republican Pnrty ot Snyder Uuunly b&all consist ot Ouuniy omi mlttee, or wbicn eacu elecllou district rbaii elect two memlwra, uid cominliu-fl 10 sunuu i elect ft Clialrmau, SwreUry tLd Trssburer. i. Tbe commUteemeu of escu iilMrtct will see that tbe election uusnl la pniunriy urKauucu by cnooslngs Judtfe, luHptxrtur, slid Clork, m election, wbo beiore emerliiK upon Hie din casrge of tuelr duties shall severally lake, i u i Bulworlbe, on blauks to oe preparwj by Ui . u retary ot tblscoiainltie for tue uuiooso. lue oatb or affirmation prescribed by Uw. S. Tbe primary election sball be beld ai ucb times ftt snail beUnsMuatod by lueUouuiv.t'uiu. mttlee, eighteen membtirs of wuicli snail Cui -stllute a quorum to trauaact busiueMt. 4. All known Kepubllcaus quulllled to tuii t tbe ensuluK geuorai election idiall be peruiu Ud to vote at tue primary aieouou. i. Incase of a vaoauoy ' lu tue OuiuuiI.Ua Caused by deutu, rsaUiiaw jo, riuun. u uiiiei wine, it sball be Ibr duty at Hie reutaluliis ooiu milteeuieu from said district to sptmu uu uc ceasor. subleot to tue .upuruval 01 uu m.u Oumuilllee. C Tbe primary election utaall be held on Sni urday liuuiuue u'cwua uyiu seveu uuuca v. ui ?. AayTjersottotrerlsl Uis utM at tue pi mary eleotlou way os cuallebKHd by'JSvj uue enutled to o4 t the aaiue electloii.. . . I. Ii ease auy persea ts o cuaileiitfea the MecUea board suaU hot receive bis et uaul baa established bis right W ote. . ItsnaU he tbe duty of tbe election officers tookftUentf tue vote im any and an persoas tf teflnr lo vote as alurossiu. of whose quantity Uobs to vote the said eiecMoa board,' or aay m them, may have a uoubu -i ; , . . 1. The county Committee sbaU sauroat. mate tbe epe,nses of said frlesary X tactions, sad assess each caudMate bis- propostionste hare ss the UMuuuuee suall dovut stir la eun siderstHjs ot the term u-l emoiumeuU of lue eOtoe fur which tbe several csudatalee preaeu their uaioea. . 1 . ; II. TiieOuiMi CommitW Treasurer sball be required u preseut to tue Ouftuly 4wiUilb teeslthe-nrst Mfetuut fhaewlii.M primary elecltoa,ao HfHei svuuns us. the, ro-itiiu. and expenditures u Itn pruaaiv. U AN ballots shall contain (he met of os dldutsstur Ooaoi;, lK.-r uur emeu) Atr propOkhluiui to oe ikmki oil ay Ui stepuiutuuiis ot lue Uouuty at Ulo fr m Uf KtovUou aad shall b prefer! by tile frlunitf uomtultios and each bauot siuUl wur tuoU ay uatunM. 13. Each of aid iwUqtsSibsU coulaUi the names ot aU the candldaU&T lutt names of eatd caudldstes shall be stooped 'log-ether in alplw betloal order under Mia uue ut ttue vOloe for Wbicblhey Mwrenpectiveiy.iupulutf. ' U. Tbe PrtnanK Oouiiumee sbsll bsve prldt ed on-white papur ol ucu uailote sol feu tuu double tue number of voles cast for the Kepule lieau Candidate fur freakiest . a the last . pre ceding f reatdeuUal j.u l v tud tuey suall' dis tribute to oue luemU.-r 01 tfhtAMinty Coiumttttw in each eiectlou diatr.ct',' u jl .les tbau doatikv the numuer ol bnioy vs tur.-tbe uepubikMh rrealueullal C'uudid4ie Iu Said district, aud luke a receipt tut said b-liuU irom said Committee, mau. lu addiuuti uaadaflaa may procure from tbe friutrr live aaja ueiore na iltue hxeu for bokllUK the Prim u'. etecCuul . U4 hiulty ui tidal bajotaaS'tU uavo.-Uisug utl lu cwt. ui prluUUk". . 15. Tbe" County CjUiuilte Is to lurul h at least one Coouty OtauasiUuvUlkn tu' earn dla.ru;t a list ot cdhrtirtsli, i tuve; uoeu uuly iegi- terea, saiu vuuuiLbeew4ii.iw fin iuu uai iu I Iim klwl un)i H.iMrU. -. lap.Miiv. I'll Ik. dldaiea bluer than Uiuae uu s id ollicwi list shall hot on ouuuled. -'wiUi lue eicvptiuu ol Buuiaiug uimmiueemuu. a , 16. If on any ballot mure names are voted than tueru are peraoua Ui be taumiuated, or, 11 for auy reasou it Is impossible tut detormlue the voter s cUoiow lor auy uUlce sues ballot suait not be couuted lor such willco. IT. TbeolTlnlal twliou pnvided for by tbe above rules suall suite huv many uaudulatea are to be voted lor;, lor eauh office. ' 18. II two votes are glveu for one person tor the same office on auy uulkit, but oim ol said votes sliuli oe oouuu!. IV. Ear.b voter's name shall be put on the beet lor voter's uuiues aud uuuittoiud by the Ueik, and a correspuudlug number uu put uu the ballot by Ue luspeulw, wuosua.l place the btUlola Ui the box as received. JO. It sball be tbe duty ot tbe Election Board to make public procluuiatlou, immediately iur couuilug the ballots, ot the uumiwr of votes uiut ! lor eacu caiidldate lor eacu purucular office ; abd It sball be llie lurtlier duty ol the Keluru J udge to return, uuder the cerililcate ol the Kiecuou Board ILe return sheet, oaths, pull list, and UUIy-sueel to the meeting ol the lteturu Judges. SI. The Ket urn J udges are to meet at the Court llouoe, In sttddieburgh, Pennsylvania, tue Monday loliowiug the Pruuary Bleclion, at one o clock P. M. W. Tbe Prtntlnic Committee sball consist of one person lor each Hepub.lcau newspaper of the county ot which the County committee Treasurer sbsll be chairman aU-ofllcto." a. Tbe Chairman shall call the Committee together wneu In his Judgment the business ol tue cuniruittee requires It, or he may be re quired to do it upon tbe written request ot five or mure commlttminieu reprraeutuig at least nve different districts. The retiring Chairman eballculltuenewcotnmiliee logstiier lor pei muuent orgaulzatlou, wilblu atl uuys alter tuelr election. 84. These rules can not be changed except by tbe concurrence of ut the members of the Committee at a regularly called meeting and not then unless thirty days' notice has been given ol the proposed change. , Tbe foregoing rules go into effect from thisdute. j. O. Wt WAOEXSKI J.Kit, T. A. Wagxeu, . Ii. F. Arikxjakt. Mitltlleburgh, Jan. 15th, 1 80S. . MT. PLEASANT MILLS. Hotli parties held their nomina tions in this township Saturday. A full list appears elsewhere in the I'okt MorQ votes wcrepolled at lxitli primaries on Saturday than there hiidliecn for unumlicr of years previous.. A full turnout is expect ed at the Republican iirimii'rjr "next Saturday ....... II. J. llowell,' owilig to ill health, wilr-quit .-farming in the spring and move to town .... James W. Arbogast, teacher of the Fremont primary school, gave a sH'lling bee on Monday Nelson Mcngel fpt'iit several tUiyslast week in NortliiiiiiU'rland county. nqm; ii BROS The Clearing Sale Has Just Begun And we will make it The Greatest Barjjaln Occasslon iu the bort Uiatury" of this store. Prices Will Be Slaujjhtered or you might say CUT JUST ABOUT IN HALF. Afeu's Suits, considered a ! bargain at $8.50 have been marked $5.25 TLe $9. and $10 Men's Snits we mark 56.38 f Men't) Ororcoats tbat sold at .$18 we cloMe them oat at 018.37 Jury List ' r. lliun. ' ' .1,1 List ot OiaaJ Jurors drawa for lb Court o Of or aad Tsrmlncr and Oonoral Jail dtltoorjr aal Couitof (luarttr MewiuDS of lit Praos of Snydr Coualr. Fa., hold os Fabntary Term evamsaetiiaj Pstirsj trf anh, JJM. OKAMU JUBORS. Name. ' ' Occupation. , Rcsldcuo". Alg sr. John W., earpeutrr, : Beaver BlMfSXDaa, Frod., vsnllem in,' tVntro Blllbardt. Paul, mudclao, Mlddleburf Oordon, John farmer, West Perry OrayMII, IrrlD, luborar, . franklin Disss, Henry It , lima burner, Washington Iluuser, Jamea N., laborer, Union llanilrivs, CUus. tl bard are, feclin.ro Uurtmao, Newton, laborer, Monroe Uornbenter, U. U furnwr, West Pi rry Living tn, Oeo. K, carpen'er, frelln gruve Meiser, Utvlil, miller, ' Ubapman Miller, Levi, laborer,- Jackson MaUern, David A., inerchant, Adams stcC enlsn, Wm. tl farmer, rtprlng Markley, Jooaluan, farmer, Perry 8'taaellug, John, laborer, ' Penn Snook, Joseph, farmer, Weit Beaver schimbacb, Harvey, farmer. , FrHnklin Worinier, Ainmon, farmer, West Perry U ill Daniel, laborer, ' Washington Wagner, Uarvey, laborer,' West Beaver Winner, David O., farmer, Union Wolgnmuth, A. 11.. merchant, ftelinagrova 1'K I IT JL KOKS. Adumt, Jobn, laborer, Penn Bolig, Kred., carpenter, Centre Bargo, 8, D farmer, Pelry BacbmaD, L. C, teacher. Franklin U rouse, Muab, farmer, Jackson Charles, Uenry F., sawyer, Union Duukleberger, Lank. Paddler, Washington Drerse, Reuben, gentleman. Spring Dlnius, A, 11 fanner. Middlecreek Derk, Henry, merchant, Jackson Dusk, II. J., printer, cellnsgrove Eisenhard, Oabriel, farmer. Chapman Keller, r'ranklin, Ltruter, Jackson Qearhart, Job n A., farmer, Spring' Uoltsapple, F. II , teacher, Washington U ummel, J. K., lulmrer, Middlecreek flerrold, Wm. 8., laborer, Union Uumiuei, Jarry, farmer, Monroe llerrold, Jobn H., laborer, Chapman Hendricks, Henry, farmer, " Uouls, John, eigannaker, Wukbington Klose, Uriah, farmer, Franklin KIom, Wm. J., saddler. Spring Keller, Win, K, eonrectloner. Beaver Moyer, M. U., laborer. Sclinsgrove Martin, Thomas, la'orer, Centre Manevall, Daniel, farmer, West I'orrv Moyer, Harvey, farmer, Jackson Napp, W, W., merchant, Centre Newman John, Br., fanner. Chapman Oppenheiraer, Solomon, merchant, Sellnngrove Pontius, Henry, teacher, Washington Kearicb, R. H., farmer. Franklin Kouau, Nathan, laborer, Union Helchenbach, Daniel, farmer. . Perry Keigle, Irvin, laborer, . Union Btaley, John U., farmer, Eellnngrove Hprlggle, C. 8., farmer, . West Perry Btahl, Peter Jr., laborer, Union Smith, Daniel, thrasher, Monroe Spangler, J. B., laborer. Spring Bcliocli, Oeo, J., farmer, . ; Monroe Snook, William, laborer, - . CelliUKrove Shannon, John, plasterer, Franklin Walter, (leorio, son of Jacob Wa(ter, . . , fornayr. Franklin Wolf, (Jeorge H., laborer, Hulon Winter, Isaacclerk, Heaver Ziegler, James, fanner,.. . . Middlecreek ' T saaj-sss- i .ToIhV W: Iloil'uian. ol'-McKctw 1 laff Fftllrt, wus in town 6n Siiturtluy. lie h liuvniL' huIl- thiri HtU'ini; and O . i tz-- gets h!s bills priiitotl at tins olliee, Un-aiiHC lie gets a lurgor bill for tlio pritf, ln-tttT mpcr Uiid n notice in a uewBiMix'r that rem-lies nearly ev ery one in the county. 9 nflP Trrnr-7 T ml UnlLUJ U AT I OUS rJEH'S OVERCOATS Considered a Bargain at $2.60 . have been marked $148 (Children's Keefers, the $2.50 kind, we have them priced 01.29 The $5,00 kind will go at 0398 Ohildren'b Suits, the price was $10J 80,0ta Id order to complete our files we want, me 101 lowing namea iwuea 01 the Pout: . I July 8, Sept. 16, ' 1869 ; Oct. 6, 13, 1870; Jan. 26, 1871; Apr. 17, 1873 ; Nov. 4, Dec. 23, 1875 ; June 15, 1876: Mar. 7 and July 25, 1878; May 15, 1879; Dec. 23, 18S0; Feb. 17, Mar. 10, 1881; Nov. 30, 1882; Apr. 23, 1883; Mar. 27, June 12, Aug. 7 and Oct. 30, 1884;ept. 17, 1885; Jan. 28, Mav6, Oct. 28, Dtx;. 9, 10, 23, 1 1886 1 June 2 jjnd Dec. 29, 1887 ; 'May 10, 1888. . Any of our readers having copies of the above issues will confer a favor by letting us know. Such copies in good, condition will com mand a fair price. tf. Sale Register. Tuesday, Feb. 1st, 1RM, oneand one-half miles north-west of Middleburgb, George Bickhart will sell J horses, 3 cows and farming imple ments. Thursday, Feb. 21th, two miles West Of Mo Keel H rails, John W. Hodman will sell S horses, 1 cows and farming implements. ' Saturday, Feb. 2S, one-Half mile north of Mid dleburgb, Harry Hewersox will sail 1 mare and 4 eows aud farming implements. Monday, Feb. 28. John Gilbert will sell, at hi residence 1 mile north-east of Middleburgb, live stock and farming Implements. Friday, Mar. 4, J, . 8mlth, ot Globe Mills, will sell farm stock and farming implements. Saturday, Mar. 8th, in Middleburgb, M'. Harriet W. Smith will sell at public sale a lot of household goods. Tuesday, Mar. 8. 1NM, at Globe Mills, the 8. II. Yodsr estate will sell farming- Implements and household goods. Tuesday, Mar. 8th, near E raise rvllle, Perdva N. Broune will sell 2 horses and farming im plements. - Tuesday, Mar. 115th, at Fremont, Oeorge Dre ee will sell 8 horses, a lot cf cattle. SO shoals and farming implements. . Tuesday, Mar.22d. James Rrdley will sell, S miles west of Middleburgh, live stock and farm ing Implements. Tuesdsy. Mar. 22, two and one-half miles south of New Berlin, loaao Bilker will soil 4 horses, 8 Cows and farming implements. At New Berlin, l'a., by Rev. V. II. Schoch, John W. Hare oi New lierlin and Mihs Minnie I. Stetlcr of.Wiiifield, Pa. Jan. 19th, at (Jliupnian, by Joseph lirubaker, John S. Stuufler and Ami It. IJrubukcr, Ixith ofChapmnn twp. At Salem, Jan. 23rd, by JJev. II. G. Suable, Joseph Jj. Jtoush und Mazie Forrey, both of Freeburg. ' From an Editor's Standpoint. , K , eaissassiosssa An editor in a neighboring town sarfastieally remarks that he wants to buy a suck of flour, a pair of snotw anu a ien inn, ami ne 1.1 reauy. to receive tlic lowest bids for the same. He says that someot his own town ieoplo treat him that way when they want printing to the amount of three or four dollars. BROS, Mnn'sl Vannv Uatvi Ql,Sb 4lia WA anlA Ol t1 KA' unt nw sviu 4Si spa. W yj,kmt we have now marked 79 Cts Men's Dark Outing Flannel Shirts a wonderful value at 19 Ots Men's all wool Sblrt the $1 and $1.25 kind 79 Otd Oorriroted weekly bf our nierehutsv' Buttor wwws,n....,...., ,, ,,. . IcH Enn ' r. ts OniM..,, . 4 law) '. ' ' 'a MHWH,,,,.A.U,M,,.U u.... v- n . '' U..M ,.. fflllnlr,,.u.lk nii tf. .... ,..,....,, xurKeys ...i n -, Tl AtlAlilftit tA' Hovasaava i a Ma a s ) ss titpisansaHi TT DOltC ), s Iptr" Ry .4 Potatoet m OldCorn ..-.i. X Oati Bran per 100 H)... 6C UlddliiiKK ". . .7 Hour jier lib! 4,71 Caution Notice At the constable's sale recently I pvrahaaay the following named articles and left them It ine possession ol John V. Moyer. All pen are hereby cautioned not to meddle with same. ,5 8 horses, lot harness. 8 shoots. 1 fal h wagon, spring barrow, lot corn, burar. ssowe. plow. H interest of twelve aerea grain Ir ground, lot potatoes, cook stove, lot earpet, i ueilaaad bedding. J. K. Buoar, McKees Half Falls, Pa, NOTICE We have discovered that Tt is violation ot the law to wsue urr miuni tickets, and wo have beena vised to discontinue it. . We hat accordingly stopped giving them. t We will, however, redeem all oi standing tickets. Respectfully, , J ' S. Weis, Scliusgrow At Centreville, Janimry 1, 1'89K Julian Markle, relict of Pha1' Markle, aged 72 yrs., 11 mos. sl 28duy8. 1) At Centreville, Jan. 1 1th, Josci 13. .1 I I r-.t . n T ouuwarni, ageu t . yrs., y num. ur 25 days. j In FAfit Bufliilo tow nsliip, Un(o Co., Pa., Jan.. 17th, 1898, Jio Kunkel. uiriil 80 venrs. 8 nms. an 10 days. ... Jan. 17th, Mis. RcImkkiu llmal aged 79 yrs., 1 mo. and 16 dav Interment at Salem church iV lhurftday moriuiig. Revs. Sua): I ir m i . "fi. uuu x laun oinciuieu. Aenr I-reeburg, Jan. 18th, m Riegel, aged 71 years, 10 11103 W 7 tlays. Interment nt.FairV Cemetery, Freeburg lust F'iu' niorning. Rev Il.'O.SimbleofiUls ed. 1 ' WAHTKnirt.i home for a snia: little, girl Oyeurs.of age. Ar liublc Mirty cuiiTliarc the girl, f any length of time and for nJof.-.': if desired. ' Inquire at this oth'p, . ) . c: