Tbfe; Middleburgh f ost; Published every Thursday. GeoW. Wagenseller, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription $1.50 per year. bleb muJt be paid In advanc wbei lent out side tne county.) RATES OF AOVIKTISINO. in tmnslnnt adTertlrnvn not- otberwlae eontrai'Ud (or will be charged at the rale of is oenu per line (nonpartel measure) lor flint tnwr Uoa and 10 oeuta per line lor every subsequent IMeruoD. ITSMlt ikjux jntbHiktirm i oMisiry posny, trttais. scraps, ate., OtrmttnU a itn. Thursday, Jan. 27, 1898. CONGRESSMAN MAHON. Congressman Mnlion is recognized by Sxnker ltecd as one of the ablest men in the Houseof Representatives. The LStli congressional district has never l)een more promineiit betore tlic public than during Mr. Mahon's term at Washington. It is a duty we owe to our fair name to perpe tuate and build up a reputation- of sending able men to Congress. Be fore this week closes in the annals of history, the Republicans of Sny der county will lie called upon to endorse the candidacy of the present incumbent It is not sufficient to sav that because the Congressman has turned a deaf ear to some office seeker's request that our representa tive shonld be trampled in the mire. The time has come when loftier mo tives should dominate the political arena. If it were not so, 'e, too, would now be crying "Down with Mahon." There is no ' one in this Congressional District who has been more sorely disappointed in request for olitical appointment than the writer, yet this is no reason for us to lielittle the ability and the sterling qualities of our able representative at Washington, It requires no sncriticconour jwrt to iwv tins well-earned tribute to our Congressman It is the triumph ot tumor and tlie rich etiusions ot a Demosthenes or a Cicero Mould mean no more even to the highly cultured of ancient Greece, or of iiowerful Rome. We do not Is-lieve that the U'ttcr judgment of our cit i I i . .ft. iti izens will lie tnwartetl, but will lie registered at the polls and renuiin a lasting and honorable legacy to the honor and credit of our congressional district FREEBIRU. The teachers' district institute convened in the high school room Saturday evening, l'rof. Walliorn presided and delivered the oiening address. Misses Annie llutl'inan and Sarah C. Glass, two of the Frceburg teachers, produced recita tions in line stvle. Tlie College Mandolin Club played several suit able selections. Supt. Bowersox de livered the closing address on the subject "The l'ower ot Small Things.". . . .Saturday forenoon was devoted to the discussion ofnews- a juts in our schools, and school discipline. The sentiment was un animous in favor of newswijcrs. It would Ik; a wise application ot school funds if our directors would xubscrilje for our county jctirts for six months during the school term, anil place them in the care of the teacher lor use in the school. A large amount of useful current in formation would lie acquired and a taste fur reading encouraged. About 00 x'iits average cost tlie jiajiers could Ik? secured which would be &J.00 for each school during the term. The inqiortaiit question should !' agitatel in every district in our county until the newspajier will lome as neciary a text ljoks and school supplies Th Farmers' Institute is in umWu! ojK'ration. The proceeding are in teresting and instructive. Particu lars next week. Dedication of the St. Paul's Doited Evangelical Church of Oentreville. Two' Excellent Sermons, by B'uthop Stanford and a Very Succesn-. ful Service. On Sunday evening, Jan. It), Bishp W.M.Stanford, D. D, oftaining h audience. . In about an Harribug, Pa., dedicated the newly "our 10.J9.oO was raised by cash remodeled and lieautifully enlarged church of the. United Evangelicals at Centreville after having preached two masterly sermons during tin. day. Early in the spring the good people of this congregation decided to improve and enlarge the church, and the followiug building commit tee was appointed : Urich Merger, Samuel Straub, Epraim Walter, Reuben Snook and Win. II. Hart man. This committee, soon alter their new pastor arrived, went to work in good earnest and practiced great economy in all their under takings. Much work was done by the members, and. many willing hands made the work light. New ground was brought to mak" I .1 I A room enough tor tne enlargement. An entirely new foundation was made very substantial and shows the wall to Ikj of a master's hand. The ceiling was raised, and a Sun- lay school rtiom of 3ox.50 was built to tlie east of the main audience room which is 50x!5. This room connects with the mam room by means of a rolling partition so that the whole church can be thrown in to one room when occasion requires it At the south-east corner is a 9x9 tower, sixty-two feet high, in which swings a 5U0 lb. bell. The entrance is through tlie bascot this beautiful tower which forms a fine vestibule, connection with tlie audience room and Sunday school room by swing ing doors. . The walls are waincoat- d four feet high and from the centre of the ceiling swings! a fine 14 double burner. Bailey Reflector, a gift of the K. L. C. E. No doubt the most attractive feature inside is is the pulpit of oak finish, the three plush-seated pulpit chairs, two flow er stands and fifteen "choir chairs," all the gifts of the Ladies' Aid So ciety. The most comfortable feature is the fine, substantial ' "ook-hnish-ed" circular pews, bought from P. M. Teats, gen'l agent, Shainokin Dam, Pa., ot Stafford Co., Muske- sr. a - gon, Mich., and IkjUi rooms are heated with the "Specialty Eve Opener" hot air furnace liought of II. I. Ronng, Beaver Springs. 1 his new church is a tine piece of architecture, and the committee used goiKl judgment in the wise ar rangenient and neatness of every' thing. The front gable end is Ix-au-tifully adorned with a handsome cathedral window1 of leaded-glass, a gift of the Woman's Missionary Society. New windows were insert ed all around with frosted glass of handsome color. A pulpit recess of 9x4 containing two small windows is at the west end of the church and faces the en tire Sunday whool room on theeast The aisles are laid with good matt ing, and the tront ot the church is covered with ingrained carjiet of handsome pattern. 1 he outside is nicely painted and makes a neat ap iMtarauce, an ornament to the town The great anxietv was resting on the congregation for sometime prior to the dedication. Some predicted failure and the inclement weathe seemed to confirm the;r prediction. Slowly the time arrived. But the hand that sways the sceptre of truth over all, did not forget the dear jk-o- ple of Centreville and graciously ...... .I...!. I .i uunwi'HTl UH-ll lll.lii.ia. iin.'aiui- dav. Jan. l.". at 7:l-" P. M Rev. J. F. Dun lap, A. M., oflx-wisburg, opened the services with a thought ful and telling sermon on the "heroic Stephen." After this mas terly discourse, Bishop Stanford ad dressed the congregation. His wise cotinciling Mas kindly accepted and prevailed with satisfaction to- the members. At this juncture of the nut-ting hoc of suoti-ss filled the hearts of all and the "desire" turned into the "lielief ' of clearing the en tire indebtedness. On Sunday at U P. M. the Sun day school, after an interesting les son and a sjicccli of the Bishop, pledged iU-lf for fl33.(JO. linn J. li. Biiigaman's class of young men leads the list with a sulscrip tioii of $22.00. Good for the young men: r-very inciiKiinir me primary with $10,did very nobly. 15y ten o'clo k tlie ministerial fun liad swelled and Dr. A. K. (iobble, Hcvs. J. II. Hchultz and J. II. Hertz were present to wt. About this time the clouds had dis persed and the sun cheered every one present, and the beautiful au dience room was filled with anxious listeners. The Bishop preached . a heartcarching and earnest sermon on Malaohi III. 8. The Bishop has a jeculiar and happy way of riveting the truth and at the same time cnter- and subscription. "He is the best collector 1 ever saw" was the pass word among the people. In the afternoon the audience was addressed by Revs. Schultz, Dunlap,Dr. Gol ble, Prof. A.M. Wonder and Bishop Stanfcrd. Collecting was resumed and in a few minutes 8114.43 was raised, When the collection plates were passed through tlie congrega tion, a $20 bill fell from the kind hand of our good friend, Mr. Geo. Mitchell. The choir rendered ex cellent services and 'merited general praise for the good anthems. The secretaries, Mr. A. A. Bingaman and Miss E. Jennie Walter, deserve credit for the good service and ac curate accounts given. In the even ing, after, an interesting C. E. ser vices conducted by tlie imstor and addresses by Dlinlapand the Bishop, tiie last, service of the day began. The Bishop then preached a very spirited sermon from Ps. 119-97. K. L. C. K. pledged $lo, the Indies' Aid Society $75, -and the choir $'15, and in a short time the amount was at "high-tide" $1- 309.01, The church was the impressively dedicated as the St. Paul's United Kvangelical Church of Centreville. Throughout the entire day the peo ple did well and nobly. .A. 1). uramly, l'astor. If our Readers will write td the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Co.,' Passenger Department, Chicago they will receive , tree a copy of the pamphlet "Alaska Gold Fields and How to Reach them." Candidate Cards. The Keanbliean Primary Election will be bald Saturday, January 29th, IMS, between the hour of 1 and 7 p. m. Candidate can make their wiahea and policies known In this column : FOH CONGRESS, . . .. i t To tub Rkpvblii-ars or Snydkb Coi'ktv : t deaire to say to the Republicans of Snyder couuty lhat 1 am a candidate for the nomlnav tion m Cons;reiinian of the lHth dlntrlct ana I to vote for me direct. I challenge the cloaeat will Blve the people or Snyder eonnty aenanee scrutiny of my record In C'oiiKreiw. 1 believe the tienublirana of Snyder county ought to have the chance to vote direct nn the conirreMfonal quention and hence I submit my candidacy to you, wiin tne nope mat I may ne nonnrea who your support. thaw. . m Alton. I'hambcraburg, Pa. I present my name to the Kepublicans of Snvder county for the nominntion fort'onirress and with it 1 submit this question, cannot the interests of the people of Snyder county and especially the interest of our soldiers he as well represenieo by one of its own citizens as by one from a county one hundred miles away? The soldiers of our county for the last two or three years have presented their clninis through their nension nttornevs to Congressmen of ad joining districts with better results than through their own Congressman. This many of our soldier know. ery KeHpectftilly Sub mitted. EDWIN M. llUMMtL. Associate J i'Due. Kd. Post: Please announce my name for the onii-eni Associate Judge, subject to the decision of tlie Kepubhcan primary. Very truly yours. JOH ii . KNKI'P. TO THR lOll'IBIJCA.NS VllTEKM OK SXVIIBB C'OCSTV. No doubt many of you hare already learned from an indirect source that I have concluded to enter the contest at our next primary election for the nomination of Associate Judge; hut I ure.ni it advisable to thus Inform all of my friends. After being urged by many of my old. tried and true friends. 1 have Anally consented to enter the contest. I submit my candidacy to the Hrpubllcan voters of Snyder County on my record of the treatment I accorded to all our people while I held a former county ofnee, and earnestly hope that my kindness wherever it was possible for me to extend It, will bo re membered at the coming primary. I am pro foundly gruteful to the people 6f our county for their syniiathy in the past and shall have the same kind regard lor litem In tna future, I submit my case to the sound Judgment of the Kenuhlicans of Snyder county, in the fullest hope that our political relations may continue i Very truly. D. HoLESDKB. En. Post. I'lease announce my name as a candidate for Associate Judge subject to the rules of the Kcpubiican l'riiuary. . J. 8C1IOCH, Ell I mull ASitMBl, Y.MAN. I'oht: Please announce my nnmO as a c-amlidate for Assemblyman. Promising a Mm hi fill support of the people's interests, if elected, I solicit the support of all nepuiiiirnn. W. W. WITTKNMVEK. Ki. Post : Please nnnoun my name as a candiilale for Assembly, subjeil to the rules and regulation, of theiwrty, Kesp'y yours. A. Si. SMITH. Kit. Post: Pleuso announce my name as a candidate for the nominntion of Member of the Legislature from Nnydcr County, sulject to the rules governing the primary el' rtlon. West Iieaver twp. W. V. IIOWELU I)KI.K(iATK. Kn. Post I Please announce my nume as a candidate for Delegate to tho Slate Convention subject to the rules of the Ke ulillcnn Primary Klectlon. J. V. M ETI.EK. Kp. Post : Please announce my name ns a canuidate for iHilegnteto the Republican hUtte C onvention to be uelilal llnrrisliurg June 2nd, IWJH. GEO. M. WTMEK. Penntwp. ABASHFI'L VOUX'l MAS; or. How I Went Home with My First Uirl. What 1 did, how I diil it, and .well, no matter. )""t aend and get it all. I'llte 10 rents, postpaid. Address Uakviy Daiikkh. 1'leasuntville, fa. Edueate Tour I towels With Cascareta. Candy fathnrtle. cure constipation forever. 10c, Sc. If C. C. C. faiU druKitisut refund money. I 1 Bast Cough Syrup. Tsmss tiooi TJs I I I II in tlms. Hoirt hv ilnisslMs. f"1 I An avalanche of New Goods F. H. brer's I Mil EHFORIDII. PRICES NEVER KNOWN TO BE LOW. SO Our counters and shelves are now loaded with a magnificent line of rich and elegant Dress Stuffs, Chev iots. Covert Cloths, Henriettas in all the beautiful fall shades. Hosiery, Gloves. Trimmings, &o. &o. just re ceived from New York and Phila delphia. All Bet iMca'tor Apron QinffhAin. S eenta " 111 ue Calico, S " ' " Miclit Calico, 5 " " " UnHMI Calico 4 lo.1 " Dark (nlicoa, S. 4. 8 " Fancy Novelty Urea Oooda, only 8 This is the greatest bargain we ever had. Everybody ought to see the bargains we have in dress goods, styles and prices. The latent allka. 80 inchea wide, only Met, Kitra l)ne novelty drees Roods, 79 " Also a full line of the latest trimm ings, braids, silks and ribbons. Call an J see our low prices and styles on these goods ; we know we can please you. In our will be found elegant stylish suits. Heavy and light weight Overcoats. Storm-costs and Every-day suits at prices to astound you. Men's Heavy Beaver Itlack Overcoat, 13.00 " " ," Storm " MtoKI Boy' ' " " 12 to It Men's suits, slseSS to 42, upward from Boys' suits, 14 to 10 years, for 11.80 Youths'" for only 1 bushel of wheat, $100 Men's heavy extra pant, only Me Men' over-shirts, only 2fte Men's underware, per suit, only 50c Youths' " 15c.to2c Men.s hats and caps can't be beat in prices, and wear for 50c. Latest styles and lowest prices, Call and see our hats. Our Ladies' MAP Department is now complete. Here is a bewild ering array of Charming Wasps, rich and strikingly handsome Coats and Capes a dozen or more styles to se lect from. Tne Children s Uoats are perfect beauties. We had these made expressly for comfort and ease. For elegance and etyle of gar ments our Ladies' Wrap Depart ment is not surpassed anywneret and what is lo your advantage, we are able to sell at Manufacturer s prices. Indies' fine coat, from Ijtdle' fin cape, from '' Misses' coata, 4 to 14, only Don't miss the coats' ttOOup ' tl.fOUp II.M now, you can have your choice; ,'.T A Marvelous dtorm of - Boots& Shoes reached our store yesterday. Ev- ersthing for footwear frcm the finest t rench kid to tne ordinary dollar shoe. Qreoter assortment the ever. Here is a whole counter full of shoes for the Little people, for fat babies too. sizes from 1 to 5 and 6 to 12. Ladies' Rubbers, 25 cents1 Ladies' Storm Rubbers, 35 " Gents' Rubbers, 40 " IN GROCERIES we nave added to our usual ueavy stock in this line a tull assortment of very choice Fine Groceries, such as priiD6 Old Govrrnment Java and Mocha Coffees, Spiced Cherries and Aprocots. rnt vav t a ii t llie inner Notice, loc, z los. zkj. ArbuckW " lie, 4 " 40c. Lion " lie, 4 " 40c. Sujar, Urown, 4c, " Light Urown, Tic, " Soft A., 10 lbs., 50c. " Granulated, 9 lbs., 50c, tdoui) U'ans, oe, i' lbs., Zoo. Daking soda, jier lb., 4c 2-100 matches, Sc. Corn starch, .V., 3 llw. 13c ! lliee, 5c. Ikwt Bakers' Chocolate, 18c. IN Carpets, Rugs and. Oilcloths we have all the newest patterns and choice coloriDRx. The latest de signs are beautiful and at a quarter oft' from former juices. The best Into aia Carpet I ever saw for only 25e. per yard. Next better, 28c. Next better, Ale. HruBsels, Only 45c. Home made 'carpets, 25c. to COo. Floor oilcloth C-4, only 00c. per yard. TableoilclotU6 4 " I4c. " " C-4 19c. " " BLANKETS Bed blankets lor only 50cts. per pair. 2VIA.H.X5LHJT3. No. 1 Butter, 21 Potatoes, 00 No. 2 Butter, 10 New Lard, t Fresh Eggs, 28 Old Lard, 0 Onions, Bv YoUng Chlckons 7 All Good Butter Wanted. N. B. We have no Special Bargain Day, Our Bargains very pay, New Berlin, Pa. Corner, Front and Union Sts FuTlDlTflnE, - X' : ., - , y r ) r1 r- 7ff-4t" W. H. FELIX, Lewibowi). Liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments. REMEMBER H. HRRVEY SCHQCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, . SELtlNSGIlOTE PAt Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. H(L Assessments No Premium Notes. The Aetnsi Founded A. D., 1819 Assets $11,055,513.88 rt Home " 1853 " 9,853,628.54 " American M 1810 . 2.409.581.5X The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. Your Patronage Solicited. 10 Per Gent. We have a line1' unequalled in the and quality, cannot be beat in the A full Line of florse and Whips constantly on hand at LXx's Blools., - - 181 Great Reduction Sale of FURNITURE! For NHety Days ! The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN TIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT THE GREATEST SACRIFICR EvER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENN SYLVANIA. We are not fcellinii out, but we do this to increase our sales above any pre vlous year. We give a few of the prfois as follows : Soft Wood Chamber Suits $14.00 Cotton Top Mattress 2.25 Hard Wood Chamber Suits lff.OO! Woven Wire Mattress 1.75 Antique Oak Suits, 8 Pieees 19.00 : Bed Springs 1.25 Plush Parlor Suits 80.00: Drop Tables, per ft. 60 Wooden Chairs per set 8.50. Platform Roc hers 2 50 In stock, everything in the furniture line, Including Mirrors, Book Cases, Desks, Side-boards, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Fanov Rockers, Baby Chairs, Feather Pillows, Lounges, Couches, Dougbtrays, Sinks, Hall Raoks, Can. Seat Chairs fine, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes. Prices reduoed all through. Come early and see oar stock before' giving your order, and thus save 15 to 20 per ceut. on every dollar. Special Attention Givon to Undertaking & Embalming. XJLi txEj tUaAn llleu Hardware AT lYIT. PLEASANT MILLS. I keep everything in tho hardware line. Horso shoo nails, other nails by the keg or pound, too steel, cast steel, tires for buggies and wagons, round bar iron, chains of all kinds, forks, shovels hoes, tools of all kinds, Horse Blankets, Whips, halters, tio ropes, curry combs, brushes of all kinds, brooms, tinware, granite ware, tubs, buckets, and Patent Washing Machines, Call to see my goods and you will bo convinced that you can buy cheaper here than any where in-tho county. Yours resp'y, I 1nrnnr' Mt Ploasaut Ji ll ValliDlj Mills, Pa. Subscribe For The ADD WEIL :0:- Brlgb Brlgbl new designs look oat from nook and eorner of our 8 to re and Style, la which at onea your ideal. W ' W A rr r a r -mr w - 1 --r-J CARPETS, RUGS, ART 8QUAR3 and PICTURES at prices so low tbat oth er tnerebants can not compete. - :0: Yours Respectfully, Discount will be allowed On all Goods In Stock. s Until you see Solid-fact Bargains. We have opened the Season with a stock of goods that beat the record for beauty and low prices. Be fair with yourselves and see our Elegant Stock of Winter Clothing. It presents an opportunity for economic al buying that is not found elsewhere. OVERCOATS, Everybody needs something in this line. We have just what you need, and at the prices that defy competition. We have the Finest Line of Gentlemen's Furnish ing Goods on the Market. Hats, Caps, Valices, Trunks and Rubber Goods we have in large assortments. . ' IN DRESS SHOES, county, our heavier wear, in price State We want you to see our shoes. Blankets, Lap Robes greatly reduced prices. Sollnsgrovo, JPci. & HAKTJNAN, Limited, MIFFLINBURQH. P Store. I POST.