Csw k Csarssa. T. . meeoM. tae Ores ul sen U Sufferers. Tbraa Pree J""? UMMrwIlDtaeowradlMMdMtoCura Ce- sunpUoa u4 aU Luug Iroublse. ttotliiag muM be Mm Man klkatfopto or mitt more y-y to ike effllcUtt . the Uw genrr ous offer or tli honored siut dWlngnkrtiml.iMah 1st. T. A. Btocuin. M. ft, ol Mow Yorlt Oil. He bu dleoovef a rellaM aaJ absolute care roroousumuilori. and all bronchial throat, lung and cUeat dbsMsva. catarrhal affections, general uiin. a ntu ioa nr aaah atad all Cn. ill I Ions ol WHallug sway, aud U Bake Its sTreat, merits known. wIU neud three free iwtUK b owlr discovered remedies to any ammea reau of tlM Pour. ' i t.i. u MiMilib avutsm nf msdt. A1ICMUJ Hl llirw m ' ........ w ' - Cine" lis pes-msoenUy curd llioeennds of ap- The lsjetor considers II not onlf hut nrofes rtonal. but Ills rllifou duty -a duty wufeh he usvnes to sufferm-humanity do donate tils lu fallible cure. He has provided thi "dreaded consumption" . . .. k.... rtnnhr In inv riiraaia, ana na on lire in dii uiivm " auropeaa laoorauirits, uiuunauvn o , " ' : leatlnioalahi or gratitude" from those beneMted and cured. In all part f the world. Catarrhal and pulmonary sruuble lead to win. sumption, and consumption, unlnterruptnd. in m in speedy and certain death. Don't delay ... a. ' I . UImhIu BwvllaT A Ml rvl 1 1 1 1 UUHI III m WW MID. 0"MHJ , M. G . tM Pine Htreel, New York. tlnif express arm posiornca suuresn. nu im will be promptly aunt. Please tell the Doctor you Raw bin offer In the Pnsrr. Alaska -Klondyke Gold Minim Co. Capital Stock, 500,000 Shares of $10.00 each, fully paid and non-assessable, of wlrifh 2o0,000 Shares are now offered for suiiscnpuons at SPECIAL NOTICE- There are many persons who desire to no to the goM fields ol Alaska the comlns season, who hare nl enough ready money available lo enable them to do so. To all such, we would advice the desirability of forming a local syndicate of threo or more persons, and Jointly purchase 500 shares of our stock, and select one of your number to go and prospect and mine for Joint aceonnt. With parties Storming such syndicate, this Company will contract to send out one of their number for each 800 shares of stock purchased torn it at p tr, anl maintain suohtfparty there for one year from the date of arrrival at the gold fields, supplying him with food, tools, and all things requisite to enable himjto prospect for gold, and with help to develop and work all good claims located by him the claims to be located l l the name of the syndicate and the Alaska-Klondyke Gold Mining Co., and to be owned Jointly and equally, share and share like Writt forCircular Full Particulars. James Rice, Ute Secretary State of Colorado ; Wm. Shaw, capitalist, Chicago: B. M. Titcomb, Vtoe President and General Manager Bastmaa Fruit Dispatch Co. J K.C. Fash, member Maritime Enhance, New York; tleo. W. Morgan, Circle City, Alaska; John B. I-owlher.lNew York s Oeorge T- Durfee Pall Rider, Mass. ADVlseiBT BOARD Hon. L. H. Wakefield, Associate Justice, First District Court. Bouih Framinghom, Moss. Hon. O. Q. Richmond, late President Court of Appeal, Denver, Col. ; 8. O. Vpdegran, late Treasurer J.ycomlng Coun ty, Wllllamsport, Penn. Samuel M. Bryan, President Chesopsake and Potoinne Telephone Co., WaslilnRton. D. C ; Dr. R. C. Fisher, 1,121 Michigan Ave., Cliloaffo III. I Col. P. A. Huffman, Detroit, Mlcb. ; M. O. B. Swift, Attomey-at-Law, Fall Kivor, Mass. , Isaac W. Hcott, Doduty Collector, Cedar Itapldr, Iowa. Wm. F. McKnlght, Attonioy at Uw, (Irm d Unplds, Mich. The baslness of the Alnskn-Klondykc Gold Mining Coniiftny will be to run a linrjof stosnv era on the Yukon River, and between Seattle and the different parts of Alaska, open supply stores at the different camps, do a geneial transportation, commercial and banking bu iness, and, in addition, deal In Mining Claims, and work the mines already owned and that may hereafter he aoqulred by the Company. The Company controls the following properties: Eight Cold Placer Claims ngirregHtlng IfO Acres in Extent, located on Forty Mile Creek under Untied States mining laws. Development has proved the pay streak lo be five feet thick and has yielded-placer dirt that pans from $10 to 115 to the pan. Five Gold Placer Claims, ag aregaling 100 Acres In extent, on Porcupine River, tliat pans from 23 cents to $10 to a pau. Ten Gold Placer Claims, aggregating MO acres on the Tanna River, panning from 110 to "0 a yard. A fine gold quarts lode In Alaska, which as says from $13 to IVJO per ton. The lode show an enormous outcrop of free milling ore, vein at surface being 12 feet thick : on this property have made 12 locations of 1300 feel by U00 feet, equaling 120 acres. We don't claim that it Is the mother lode, but we do know It is without an equal for prospective vulues. The estimates and statement above are of necessity based upon information obtained from our Superintendent, and are believed and accepted by the company. This company having acquired extensive holdings of rich placer and gold quarts proper ties, caimlile of earning large dividends on its stock-, offers to investors advantages that in suielargo and profitable returns. Mr. George W. Morgan, our Superintendent, has been on the Yukon for the pa-it yer work ing In the interest of this company. Therefore, we are: not asking any one to contribute to a project unplanned, but to one thoroughly ma tured. This company, with Its able aids, ex tensive knowledge, and great resources, is cer tain to become nno of the rioilest companies op erating la Alaska. Our President takes pleasure In referring you to the following list of references : Jnmcs E. Dewey, Mills & Co., llslikers, Dulroll, Mich.! srr: fouls C, Tctard, Cominl-Jsloncr World's Hair from Mexico, "The Uimkery," CiiKMgn, III isenntor II. M. Toller, of Colorado ; John Minfroth, Representative to Congress, Colorado j J. M. Bell, Representative to Congress, Colorado; C. C. Clement, Washington Triut Co. llulldlnir, Waililinrtou, 1. C. ; Joseph C. Holm, cx-C'lilef Justice of Colorado; llinrlcs 1). Hnyt, Chief .TuiHeo of Colorado i C. B. Maugham, 21'J Tlmes-HcraM, Chicago, III.; Maurice Joyce, Kleetro l'leture, Stur liuildiii);, Washington, 1). ('. i Capt. J. J. iAinlicrt, Owner and l-Mltor Cliluf laln, 1'ui-Iilo, Col.; , S. L. Hlllcginan, Tax Agent N. P. It. It. 8t., I I-onis, Wo. j , . I Ft. K. Gowan, 1'rcxel Co., l'lilluilelphla. Tho full-jmid fitockis nowoiVt'r.Kl :it Tkx Dou.AKs pir sliair. Send vour orders to tin; AlasMl3:i-?Jc troiil HiiiiDj Co., No. 83 Rroadwsy, H'.it York. Cm nrnciRG siNa Tht ;aAj tag elaatlns timpU tiou which max pro? a man's iTl ' tf I . nut art oorxtpM- SBsmfle o ins swMtnesa of tha Colden h o a jr. Tha ttxt la I Samuel xlr, 4t, 1 did but taata a lit tit honey with tha and of tha rod that waa In my hand, and lo, I must die." Tha honeybaa la a moat lngtntoua architect, a Christopher Wren among Insects, geometer drawing hexagona and penUgona, freebooter robbing the fields of pollen and aroma, won drous creature of God whose biogra phy, written by Huber and Swammer dam, la an enchantment for any lover of nature. Virgil celebrated the bee In his fable of Arlstaeui, and Moaea and Samuel and David and Solomon and Jeremiah and .Exeklel and St John used the delicacies of bee manu facture aa a Bible aymbol. A miracle of formation la tha bee. Five eyes, two tongues, the outer having a heath of protection, hairs on all aides of its tiny body to brush up the par ticles of flowers, its flight so straight that all the world knows of the bee line. The honeycomb is a palace such as no one but God could plan and the honeybee construct; ita cells sometimes a dormitory and sometimes a storehouse and sometimes a ceme tery. These winged tollers first make eight strips .of wax and by their an tennae, which are to them hammer and chisel and square and plumb line, fashion them for use. Two and two these workers shape the wall. If an accident happens, they put up but tresses of extra beams to remedy the damage. Do you know that the swarming of the bees Is divinely directed? The mother bee starts for - a new home, and because of this the other bees of the hive get into an excitement which ralaea the heat of the hive some four degrees, and they must die unless they leave their heated apartments, and they follow the mother bite and alight on the branch of a tree, and cling to each other and hold on until a com mittee of two or three bees has ex plored the region and found the hol low of a tree or rock. not tar bit from a stream of water, and they her set np a new-colony and ply their aromat ic Industries and glre themselves to the manufacture of tha saccharine ed ible. Bnt who can tell the chemistry of that mixture of sweetness, part of it the Tery life of tha bee and part of it the Ufa of tha fields? Plenty of this luscioua product waa hanging in tha woods of Bethaven during the time of Saul and Jonathan. Their army waa in pursuit of an ene my that by God's command moat be exterminated. Tha soldiery were pos itively forbidden to stop to eat any thing until tha work waa done. It they disobeyed they were accursed. Coming through the woods they found a place where the bees had been busy great honey manufactory. Honey gathered in the hollow of the trees until it had overflowed upon the ground In great profusion of sweet ness. All the army obeyed orders and touched it not save Jonathan, and he, not knowing the military or der about abstinence,- dipped tha end of a atlck ha had in hia band into the candled liquid, and as yellow and tempting it glowed on the end of the stick he put it to his mouth and ate the honey. Judgment fell upon him and but for special intervention he would have been slain. In my text Jonathan announces his awful mis take, "I did but taste a little honey with the end of tha rod that was In my hand, and, lo, I must die." Alas, what multitudes of people In all ages have been damaged by forbidden hon ey, by which I mean temptation, de licious and attractive, but damaging and destructive! Corrupt literature, fascinating but deathful, comes In this category. Where one good honest, healthful book Is read now there Is a hundred made up of rhetorical trash consumed with avidity. When the boys on the cars come through with a pile of pub lications, look over the titles and no tice that nine out of ten of the books' are Injurious. All the way from here to Chicago or New Orleans notice that objectionable books dominate. Taste for pure literature la poisoned by this scum of the publishing house. Every book In which sin triumphs over vir tue, or in which a glamor Is thrown over dissipation, or which leaves you at its last line T"lth less respect for the marriage Institution and less ab horence for the paramour Is a de pression of your own moral charac ter. The bookblndery may be attrac tive, and the plot dramatic and start ling, and tho style of writing sweet as tho honey that Jonathan took up with his rod, but your bcBt Interests forbid It your moral safety forbids It, your Cod forbids. It, and one tuate of It may lead to such bud results that you may have to say i at the close of the experiment or at I the close of a mlslmproved lifetime, "I ' did but tasto a little honey with tho rod that wna la my hand, and, lo, I must die." i I.lfo is so short and your time for ! improvement so abbreviated that, you ( cannot afford to fill up with husk and ' cinders and debrlB. In the .interstices of biiHlnesa that young man Is rtmllns ; that which will prepare him to bo a' merchant prince, and that younc wo man is filling her mind with uu Intel- j ligonce that will yet either multe her the chief attraction of a good luai.'s home or give -Lor an lndcpeutknoo of1 character that wfU qualify her to build her own home and maintain It la a happiness that requires ao aug meatatloa from any of our rougher sex. .Tfcat young man or young wo man can, by the right literary and moral Improvement of the spare tea minute her or there every day, rise head and shoulders in prosperity and character and influence above the lounger who read nothing, or read that which bedwarfs. See all the for ests or good American literature drip ping with honey. Why pick up the honeycombs that have in them t'.. fiery bees which will sting you w:ih an eternal poison while you taste U? On book may for you or me decldo everything for this world and tho next It waa a turning point with me when In a bookstore In Syracuse oaa day I picked up a book called "Ths Beautlea of Ruakln." It waa only a book of extracts, but It waa all pure honey, and I was not satisfied until I purchased all his works, at that time expensive beyond an easy capacity to own them, and with what delight I went through reading hla "Seven Lamps of Architecture" and his "Stones of Venice" It is impossible for me to describe except by saying that It gave me a rapture for good boo!:) and an everlasting disgust for Jpi".q it or Immoral books that will last while my life lasts. All around iha church and the world to-day there m- busy hives of Intelligence occupied by authors and authoresses from wh.so pens drip a distillation which is ths very nectar of heaven, and why will you thrust your rod of lnqulsitlvcnc;? Into the deathful saccharine of perdi tion. Stimulating liquids also come into the category of temptation delicto is. but deathful. You say, "I cannot bli the taste of intoxicating liquor, ar.J how any man can like It la to me an amazement" Well, then, it Is no credit to you that you do not take It. Do not brag about your total absti nence, because It Is not from any principle that you reject alcoholism, but for the reason that you reject ooi tain styles of food you simply don't like the taste of them. But miilll tudea of people have a natural fond ness for all klnda of intoxicants. They like it so much that it makes them smack their Up to look at It They are dyspeptic, and they like to aid di gestion; or they are annoyed by In somnia, and they take It to produce aleep; or they ar troubled, and they take It to make them oblivious; or they feel happy, and they muat cele brate their hilarity. They begin with mint Julep sucked through two straws on the Long Branch plassa and end In the ditch, taking from a Jug a liquid half kerosene and half whisky. They not only like it. hut it is an all con suming passion of the body, mind and soul, and after awhile have it they will, though one wineglass of it should coat the temporal and eternal destruc tion of themselves and all their fam ilies and the whole human race. This Infatuation of strong drink Is so mighty in many a man that, though his fortunes are crashing, and his health Is crashing, and his domestic Interests are crashing, and we hand him a long scroll containing the names of perils that await him, he goes straight on to physical and men tal and moral assassination. In pro portion as any style of alcoholism Is pleasant to your taste and stimulating to your nerves and for a time delight ful to all your physical and mental constitution Is the peril awful. Re member Jonathan and the forbidden honey In the woods at Bethaven. Furthermore, the gamester's indul gence must be put In the Hat of temp tations delicious but destructive. You who have crossed the ocean many times have noticed that always one of the best rooms has, from morning un til late at night, been given up to gambling practices. I beard of men who went on board with enough mon ey for a European excursion who landed without money to get their baggage up to the hotel or railroad station. To many there is a complete fascination In games of hazard or the risking of money on possibilities. It seems as natural for them to bet as to eat. Indeed the hunger for food is often overpowered by the hunger for wagers. It Is absurd for those of us who have never felt the fascination of the wager to speak slightingly of the temptation. It has slain a multi tude of Intellectual and moral giants, men and women stronger than you tr I. Down under its power went glorious Oliver Goldsmith, and Gib bon, the famous historian, and Charles Fox, the renowned statesman, and lu olden times Senators of the United States, who used to be as regularly at the gambling house all night as they were In the halls of legislation by day. Oh, the tragedies of the faro table! I know persons who began with a slight stake In a Indies' parlor and ended with the suicide's pintol at Monte Carlo. They played with the square pieces of bone with black marks on them, not knowing that i a- tnu was playing for their bonus lit tliu j same time, and was sure to sweep all the stakes off on his side of tho ta ble. State legislatures have n:t!n and ! again sanctioned tho mighty evil by pusslng laws lu dofense of rare tracks, i and many young men have lo: t r.ll tholr wages at such so called "meet- lngs." Every man who voted for such Infamous bills has on his hautls j and forehead the blood of these souls, j But In this connection bouio young converts say to me: "Is it rteht to play cards? Ia thoro nny harm in a game of whist or euchre?" Well, I know good men who play whiat niul euchre and other stylea of games with out any wagers. I had a friend who played cards with his wife and cull- dra aad thest a ta doe said. "Com, bow, let ns have prayer.' I will not Judg other men's conscience. nt I tell yon that cards ar ia my mind ao associated .with the temporal and spiritual rula of splendid young men that I would aa soon say to my family. "Come, let us have a game of cards," aa I would go Into a men ageri and aay, "Come, let ua have a game of rattlesnakes." or into a cem etery and sitting down by a marble Blab say to ths graTe&ggors, "Came, let us have a gam at akulla." Stock gambling cornea Into the same catalogue. It must be very exhilar ating to go t the stock market and de positing small sum of money run the chance of taking out a fortune. Many men are doing an honest and safe bus iness in the stock market and you are an Ignoramus If you do not know that it la Juat as legitimate to deal In stocks aa it is to deal In coffee or sugar or flour. But nearly all the outsiders who go there on a financial excuVslon lose all. The old spiders eat up the unsuspecting files. I had a friend who put hia hand on his hip pocket and said in substance, "I have there the value of 1250,000." His borne Is to day penniless. What was the matter? Stock gambling. Of the vast majority who are victimized you hear not a word. One great stock firm goes down and whole columns of newspa pers discuss their fraud or their dis aster, and we are presented with their features and their biography. But where one such famous firm sinks 500 unknown men sink with Jthem. The great steamer goes down and all the little boats are swallowed In the same engulfment. Gambling la gambling, whether In stocks or breadstuffs or dice or race horse betting. Exhilaration at the start, but a raving brain and a shat tered nervous system and a sacrificed property and a destroyed soul at the last. Young men, buy no lottery tick ets, purchase no prize packages, bet on no baseball games or yacht racing, have no faith In luck, answer no mys terious circulars proposing great In come for small Investment, drive away the buzzards that hover around our hotels trying to entrap strangers. Go out and make an honest living. Have God on your side and be a can didate for heaven. Remember all the paths of sin are banked with flowers at the start, and there ar plenty of helpful hands to fetch the gsy charger to your door and hold tat stirrup while you mount -. But farther on the horses plunges to th bit In a slough Inextricable. The best honey I as . Uk that which Jonathan took on the end of the rod and brought to his Hps, but that which God put on the banquet ing table of mercy, at which we are all Invited to alt. I was reading of a boy among the mountains of Switzer land ascending a dangerous place with his 'father and th guides. The boy stopped on the edge of the cliff and said, "There Is a flower I mean to" get" "Come away from there," said the father. "You will fall off." "No." said he. "I must get that beautiful flower." And the guides rushed to ward him to pull him back when, Just as they heard him aay, "I almost have it," he fell 2,000 feet. Birds of prey were seen a few days after circling through the air and lowering gradu ally to the place where the corpse lay. Why seek flowers off the edge of a precipice when you can walk knee deep amid the full blooms pf the par adise of God? When a man may sit at the king's banquet, why will he go down the steps and contend for the re fuse and bones of a hound's kennel? "Sweeter than honey and th honey comb," says David, ia tk trxth of God. "With honey Jt of th rock would I have satisfied thee," says God to the recreant Hf t honey gath ered from the blossoms f trees of life. and with a rod aasais) Mt wf th wood of the cross I dip It up for all your souls. The poet Heslod tells of an ambro sia and a nectar the drinking of which would make men live forever, and one sip of the honey from the eternal rock will give you eternal life with God. Come off tho malarial levels of a sin ful life. Come aad llv on th up lands of grace, where the vineyards sun themselves. "Ob, test and see that the Lord is gracious!" Be happy now and happy forever. For those who take a different rrars &h tuta- ! ey will turn to gall. For many things 1 I have admired Percy Shelly, the great j English poet, but I deplore the fact ' that It seemed a great sweetness to j him to dishonor God. The poem ' "Queen Mab" has in It the maligning : VI iuo u.,. oucmqr s iiupiou. ,1 ' I . . . 'L 1 . ....... 1 1 I cuuuu ku oaa iui ibuiliauu Jim a DUi- rey chapel that he might denounce tho Christian religion. ' He was in great gtee against God and the truth. But he visited Italy, and one day on the Mediterranean with two frleudd In a boat which was 24 feet long he was i.c;nl!iK toward shore when an hour's squall struck ihe water. A geii'.'nmui stTr.dtni? on shore through a ';; snw many boats tossi-d in this .sqii:;!!, but all outrode the sto:-m exec pi ohi lit which Shelley and his two. friends j were sailing. That never c:u:v3 ashore, but the bodies of two of tho occi:iianU ivors s-iikIiwI nn nn th lw-ii-h v,,. nf ihem the poet. A fur.crul pyre waa . la,,ci w'k may be compelled to sup built on the seashore by sumo classic-! I'orl h''r husband. This ileeision was friends, and tho two bodies were eon- I rendered in the case of nn agt"l auilin sr. Died, l'oor Shelley! Ho would have ' firm spouse who was deserted by his no (iod whilo he lived, and I fear had no God when ha died. "The Lord ( knowetU the way of the righteous, but the way of tho ungodly tsh;il! perish." Lie ware of tho forbidden h-.n:cy! When we cannot do ns we wor.e.1 It will smooth the jolts to be willing to do as we should. V TrtasBSda Is arcy. On of the moat wonderful arfioal operations know to aclenc has Dta perfermed upon As Francisco man. It constats la the colling of IS yards of stiver wire about the slse of a hypodct ale needle within the aorta, the great artery leading direct from the heart Tbxee or four months ago, from th re un of ao injury, there arose very grave danger of a runture of the aorta. -Weh. of course, meant death. The phy.icUui ... . iHirrcivre ovum mm wire wuoin a a IS- tended portion of the great artery, in order to partly (ill it and form a clot thai would, it was hoped, contract the channel to ita uortnal 'size. Having been in place for this length of time, the physicians entertain strong hopes that the desired result will be secured. When the peculiar construction and .!... 1. .. . ..1 , . iuikuuui vi iiic nuiin are laacn imo j consideration, it will be seen that this i experiment was one of Uae boTdest strokes in medical history. If it proves a complete success a most signal tri umph in the treatment of arterial troubles has been uchievcd. William float ty, a farmer near Scioto- vilie.O.. while sp!ittiii)iup a tree which he had felled on his farm, found in the . . ,, . , , , , . , lieort of tlac trunk n buckskin bag eon- taming a letter, discolored by age. The writing had practically faded away, only a word here and there being in- ..,n;:i.i t . . tclhgtblc. The tree was evidently 150 years old, and It was thought that the letter had been placed there a hundred years ago. when the "Little Scioto" trnii ,., ni,;.i......n..-,1! .. - ....... ,uv v...w .i.ci tu vuiiiiL-uiiie 1 Bntj treat was' used by the traders, and passed nient. mailed close to iHlhere I lie old tree stood. The free by Swift hole In which the letter had been hid- j Specific Co., den had beeji completely covered by the t Atlanta' Ga- new growth of the tree. It was un- "bii r " P8t 0mCC,, ' An English prophet announces for 1808 the discavrrv nf tha tint-il, r.lo opening of communication with Mars war in Europe, a revolution in South America, riots Ui London and the kid- naping of the youoa- klnir of Snaln That South Atnericau everjt is reasona bly certain to happen, there are a few men out after the north pole, war in Europe seems to be an assured event and as for catching on to Mars well, our old globe has trouble enough of its own and doesn't need to tack on any war bonuet. Senator Marum, of Oklahoma, recent ly proposed to hla sweetheart by mail. Uer answer was handed to bim while be was engaged In an important law suit as one of the attorneys. For three days he carried the letter unopened in his pocket for fear that It contained an answer that would unnerve him and tshus prevent him from properly contin uing the case. Finally, when the lat speech had been made and the case went to the jury, be tore open the en velope and found that it said: "Yes." The Worcester Gazette takes exeep- ., , ... ' t.on to the remark of Mrs. Fields lib a t Mrs. Harriet Ileeeber Stowe was beuuti- ful. In Hartford, according to the Ca- 0 zetlo, Trof. Stowe once engaged a green backman to meet his wife at the sta-' tion. The driver eame back, reporting1 ! that no elderly lady was on the train, nor any woman except "an old, ugly Irish washerwoman." "Well, you go back," said I'rof. Stowe, "and bring that ugly woman that's my wife." A Maine humorist announces his in tention of appealing to the next legis lature for the amendment of the game laws limiting the number of guides or fellow sportsmen who may be shot by deer hunters to tiot exceeding three in any one season by any one huuter. He 1 says tnis is an amendment greatly necded fur the preservation of guides, who are now threatened with extinc tion. The mid-winter ardor of the Alaskan gold sccLers would appear to be not en tirely assuageO by the news of hard ship aud famine there, as tCie steamer Topeka has juat sailed from Tacoma with 200 passengers, bound for that country, who will probably arrive just in time to avail thetruelv-s of the relief supplies which the government is now hurrying forward. The house of Thomas Mansticld, six miles southwest of Washington, Ind., caught tire one morning recently. The roof was burning briskly when an llv-ansville & Indianapolis passenger , j happened along. The engineer stopped the train, and the passengers and "trainmen carried water frum the tender aud extinguished the Humes. A revest, report tVom Kestuvky says that two brothers !ivi::g near U.irtoiW burg look so much alike that they can't be told apart. One of tliem jou.oil the I'.aptist church, and when about to be Immersed found that lie had ! clothes fcuitable, and gave his brother tea cents to e baptized in his place. supreme court c-f California has "eculcil that miner certain circum- vi :fe. The wife was ordered to pay the husband ;":i a month., 1 It is reported that Geuvre Ford, cf I.ouisvilie, Ky., "7 years o!J, ki been married seven times, and the age of his latent bride is IT, years. The figure 7 cretus to cut quite a figure iu Mr. Ford's career. Blood Poison. Contagious Blood Poison has been ap propriately called the curse of mankind. It is the one disease that physicians can not core; their mercurial and potash remedies only bottle ap the noison in the system, to sorely break forth in a ! mor Ti,ent ,0' ia a total 1 wreck of the system. :. u, pr.nV R M.rfin . jeweler at 936 Pcnsylvania Ave., Wash- " - m-m - SB IVIUIUUk lngton,D.C.,sayt: I was for a long time nnder treat ment of two of the best physi cians of this city, for a severe case of blood poison, 1 . . , ... K uui my couuiuon grew worse all the while, not- withstanding the iOfact that they charged tue three fY My mouth waa I filled wltu eating sores; my tongue was ! almost eaten away, so that for three 1 months I was unable to taste any solid oo1- My hair was coming out rapidly. Bnd.1 horrible I 1 Wed ; various treatments, and was nearly dts- cournged, when a friend recommended , S.S.S. After ' had taken four bottles, I ' began to get better, and wbeu I had ! fiuiph,e(1 eighteen bottles, I was enrol sound and well, my skin was without a blemish, and I have had no return of the disease. S.S.S.saved me from a life 1 ol misery." S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable) will cure any case of blood ipoison. Books on thediseaae ' GREAT MUSIO OFFER. Semi us the naiiier mk! mlilt cHKes of three or luoro performers on the j P"lu(. or tocher will, ten ce,lta lu mlT'r or PhIhk iiikI we Wl11 ,u;,il you ltixtt', l'K" fuH "beet U1I,81C coiiBiMiiiir o popular houkc, waltzen, 2 arches, etc., tu iojiKoti foi the piuno and organ. AddreHH ; . Popular Music Co., tf. IuJiuuapoltH, I ml. SPECIAL NOTICES. Small ndvertleinetitH of every flesorlptlon, want, sale or Item, U.stor round, or ther na nces Inserted under Mils lisail tor onr-half cent a word lor one Insertion anil One-rmirib enl a word eaoh nuWqiirnl insiTtluu. Nutlilug In serted for less than leu ceuls. Hew to be Haudsotne. It Is a mistake to suppose tliat Ilia only wav to lie gtsxl looking Is In be born so. Oood liealtli has more tu du with good looks than anvtliiiiaelse- Much d I nines as consttpatiuii, dyspepsia, liver complaints, rheumatism, ner vous disorders, c , not only shorlm life, but spoil tempers and "looks." Huron's Celiiry klnir for (lie n.-rves cures theoe troubles. W. H. Herman, Troxelvlllej Mldilletwarth a ITIsh, Mi-Cluie; sell ll and will give you a sample package free. Large sices Jrk- and SOc. CO.VFIDKXTIAI. circulars of "Hare Hook" not otiUlinnhle in hook stows, that will aur. 1 prise and interest you. : resses lii lights, scaled I 1 inirton, lit. . .Simple photo of act 6 cents, item L'o Ixv- ' ' k NpW Ilipq H-ipc for choke-iorlng shot U HUH lUUu. guns, silver. No humbug, ; for full limiriu-tions. mlilress J. T. Sums, Lot- 1 '""'"' ' " ' ' .- m. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a Well Mart ( as t ' S ul nth Day. ihenliore re-ulls In ."?0 dnys. It s- ti .- --r-illv and mirkly. I'uivs w hen sll other, rail i l l. 1 1 11 ,n nusui tumr lust nisuhooil snd old 111 .nil rei-ovrr tli.-lr youthful Titor bv in.in.1 :r. io. It itll-k 1 v ami mirclr ru-torrn N.rvnus i . l.-t Vitality. lluHitiM v. Nichtly Lnu-sioos. .. .1 lus.r. r.ll. in .M snorv, WaMinir lJiKI Hea and :i i it. ru of self abiira, or rii-e-Msml Inrlim-r.-tion. 1 .1; 1111 11 u . ne f.ir s-iiiiy. l.ii.m.-- or inarriaf e It nulr cures hr starting st the seat ef disease, but i k-rrni nrrvntonie ami blood builder. hri.i ! i-1 bars tho pink glow to pale cheek, a d ra ' tli (Ire or yniuh. It ward, ol! insanity I -Will louhimiplion. lnsi.-t on haiu ItKVlVO, ci . 'IhtT. It can bo carried In vet rocket. l)r mall 1.00 por packane.or an for s-o.lll), with a posl tvti written guaruntea to euie or refund -he money. Circular frua. Address 10YAL MED1CIXE CI. 71 Wa&ll .it.. CHICAGO, ILL r'orsaleat MlilUleburgh, bv W. 11. Sl'ANi.I.EH. Klondike Alasku: Why not get your share of the great fortunes to be realism: from the wnmterlul illseoverlea already ninile uinl to f c made In this N-' Kton-illke-Alaska Kliloriulo? THE WASHING TON lilU.l) FIK1.1LS KXPI.OKATION COM PANY under Its character Is authorised to rrs peet fur at'd ncipiire Mining t'luluis and l'n) erties ill tile wonderful gold fluids of Kloi.dlks and .Mi . kit. Immense fi rtuues have ulmidy been millid mid mllllniK lucre Mill le made there. Will v. .u allow this nt.lden oporl unity to ias you by? A few ilollurs Invented 10 in this undertaking may Lo the roui.datiou to your fort uue. The rii.U to t;ic o!:drr an 1 Dec-cs.-itiites illilneiliule uc'iotl. The (Irst in the Held the llrt In fortune. No si.ch o.u.rtiltiity lias ever b.'eii piesciiied t.i the eoi e of Hie present gcOcrulh'it a. i. tlT.rt.l in the Ivtoii dike Alaska liold Hel ls. AM hare'ioldcvs get their tall iroHirti"ii ' f al I proiit.. No diii iL.".ils are uiailo oil 'Im-k ri iitaim: z liu.old. ?-cnil your older. cm-!i.iii One Ilollar C r eu h -hare of fully -u;d.iip ami iio!i-u.se.s;ili'e tiK-k desired to the WASHINGTON ,l!i.ll MM US KXri.l'U ATMN fl.V.l'VNY. 'I 1, Wa-li iiikt The follow nr; Ta.-oeia i.alei . i ti .-ipj.l i- . for tho Klondike and Al.i-.ka tra te are !tH-U!n!d-e--. in the 1 oilman and w ill inf. rio you r" ard itig th" relialiiliiy of i;. oill,-er: Mon'y t f itlnn, liroeerie-: A. F. lio..k.i. llirnc-i l i ; Morris l.ioss I'o , Ih y Uu-.d- mi.l foiliii it , W. i. KoM'land. llullilk-r; l'li-o l-Vl.ti. Ti nts; Tueoi--. Hardware t'w. io .-:.vr. Nn't 1. twi-co Spit ami Siuuac Vim I.!!'.- Ana;. To qn t tul'a.-ro cnsily nnd forever. Kair,g in lie. lull of li fo, ueiu and Viiror, take No-To Hau.tlis wonder worker, that mtiiti -1 weal: men -strong. Alt drus.'ists, Wc orl. t."uro guaran teed, llpohlc.l au.l sample free. Address KtovUtig S'cuK'dv Co.. I'Uico.io cr New York, Ssj""V IMUS, lit -lay. f0"JrCJi I iH QmEAT