Brief Fum Hawsa Barrick. Bellefonte (ituttr. LlEVEB Kkknel IIautek. Ich hob tic on nor nocht en trip ganunimu mit fin Sauta Clans we are hi rounds g'nmuclit hut uuich aina gliHia frcind tar wcna was se wcllu far krixhkindlin. Per oldt karl hut si buffalo roU- suit aw un tlerno is are nous un si liursli ci gshpoht in der shhdda, un gli sin mere ivvcr barrick, un hivvel, un falser iiowsgayawkedosesg'Hhmok cd hut. Edlicli mohl hov ich ga glawbcd arc daid umshmiss won are ola ivvcr dc rdioushta nows g'f'ora is, tux eg wore mere so boug arc daid amshmisa won arc ola ivvcr de uhonshta nows gToro is, un es wore mere so bong os es u'glick gebt os ich nix g'schwctzed hob bis mere bout en dowsend mile fardt wora. Frfidlich hut der Bellsnickel (em ttants Clans si deitscher nawma) wich room gadraid un hut g'sawd i "Coomsht, Gottlieb?" fcFarloss dlch druff," hov ich g'sawd, "awver fawr mer net so dooners shtarrick !" , I Der oldt karl hut galocht bin es wasser cmc iu gTrorna druppa we koogla ivver si rhpdebocka. nunner gam lied sic. ,. "Si net bang, Gottleb," hut are mwi Dur waL-p bin loh hunt n shier tsww dowsend yohr gfora un hob in meim lattvanrtumg'shinissa. " Ich nem dich ' widder lavendich hame ten dincra lecve Polly. . .. "We oldt siut, dere anyhow, ISose?" hov ifh g'frogt Ioh con dcrc farhoftich net - MTTgn TVUII Hill IIUUIU Ullli Al to ' ak long tsurick os ich mich nimmy arrinera con we ich yung wore. Hare Iwwrd wore wise fum awtong An my horc wora so long cu dow send yore tsnrick os e now sin. Ich hoi) di grose-groBC-miidder ga kcnt we so sc g'shuckled hen in ma (tiis-gahihchta block for en week. Icli hob era grose-muddcr gakent mu era grose-grose-m udder un so ii." 'Du tzeidu aiissa sich feel tarwex led hovva Bidder os du ni - g'shtart buht krisht-kindlin pcddla. Hen Mt net?" "Wooncrbawr," hut are g'sawd. "Des loud wore ols oil bush, un dale molds hov ich en hoonert mile gfbot fun aine house tzu'm oncra, wver fella niohls wora oil dc olionshta ousa on da heiser uuft ga ftowed un icli hob ols usht draw fiirby foro kenna un es soch dorrich nunner dtunpabonyshtuppa. Awver now muss mer en holb dutzent uhonshta unner-sucha bis mer der rocht greekt un dcrno greekt mer de Boclia de helft tzcit on der letz rtlotz. De arawet is (eel schwarcr now os se ols wore, awver shunt far tbele yohr hut der oldt Adam mere g'hulfa mit sidera express cooin bany. My load is aw entirely dif fcrentjfun was os se ols wore. Ich wind nuch gout, Gottlieb, we du en glaener boo worsht hov ich ols pawr koocha gile, en fchissel full taffy un eat bushel keshta ob galawda on ei rem house, Es wora so feel fun , -eich os en buphvl keshta usht about a hoot lull tsu yadem kint ga- juaucht hut, un ich bob en monnich mohl im shonslha eck ghuoked un etcn tsu gogooked we iron os ere ward far eir gward keshta wo de mommy olla owet fur Grishdawg etchoua gadaJwl hut. Der dawg oach Grishdawg wore ols detswet ta Grishdawg in der shool, un der boo woo en gona txooker shtengly g'hot hut wore gaglicha by oil da idiuoler bis ei tiooker oil wore. Kn gward keshta, a pawr koocha gile a a biseel belly-guts daid now net wot go oonieh da kinner. nembt now feel mas expensife bres- emts. Sella moils wore de duohter frob won ra beau era en poood cany gabrucbt but, now nembta en (uldcne wakk . odder en diamond ring, no won aw der boo geld stipend far brewnta so os are nix hut fnr Hhtarta households, don shtaid areom haichslita by der mudec Se denked dcrno awer net so feel fuu eme won de yung couple en slitoie- box usa missa lur en ec-K-snonic wur der duchter-inon oil higeldg'shpciKl hut far karrasccra. Luss mich den; sawga Gottlieb, de leit schwetza ol lawile fun hurdle tsaita un se sin selver leel de shult. Se wella olles uffamohl do. Wou tsw hira dou doona se grawd en gonscr furniture Bhtore in era house, un wterai ues she dei furniture fargrotzed, es wicrdt nix nias mae ins house ga brucht, un we's furniture ouswrdt iried era leeb. Ae dinjr utf amohl. r ong oona aw un gnce nun. rn niar shpiggle, shuckel-shtool, odder HI l.V even en ncie liuls-oox maucnt ue fraw shtuls feela un luse mich dere sawga wiega shtulse weipsleit was se wella en fcawos net awen ich shtuls is holdt sich net sowver, un en wtipsinciisch os net sowver is shtiuked, un en weipsmensch os shtinked is es naixt ding tsu'ra garriverer. Ich mauch my laiva on breseuts bringa un, mind you, ich farshtffi de bisnis." iiv daro tzcit wora mere finf dowsend mile tun hiiinc un woruom eck fum loud woo's iu der m go;d, un mere sin room gadraid. "Doh is en house," hut der oldt Santa g'sawd, '-os ich dere wisa will. De kinner iu Ucm house sin tsu badowcra. Dare mon hut nine kinner. Se iu oil shrena, uff-ga-la;bde, good-bahajfte kinner. De mommy is good galwrnt un dot olles os se con. Se sin noddeerlich schmoert se orda era mommy noach. Olla yohr shicka se mere wardt far hicher un tzeidnnga, awer der fodder is en mups. Are con net selver laa, un nembt ken tzeid- Uug. Areaawgt de kinner kenta de ilecvel shtuddia wile are tsu awrem is fareena en tzcidung greega un duch shpend are en fardel dawl er de woch far. duwock. Won de kinner uff woxa un cooma unich de leit far era wake in der weldt maucha don sin se we glsne fish de grossa fressa se eb se holver out gawoxa sin. So en mon set mer farhoftich forgaishela." "Whoa!" hut der oldt Bells nickel g'sawd tsu sina liarsh un se hen g'sbtnpped. Mere wora far hoftich widder dahamh om Hawsa Ikrrick far der Polly eram house woo se em lcdshta soomar gakawfed hut on minora shrief sale. We ich runner ga-groddled bin hut der oldt Bellsnickel g'sawd : " Woa soli ich dere bringa, Gottlieb?" Un ich hob g'sawd, "En jxxik Frishmood." Ols widder, Gottlieb Boonstiil. WEST BEAVER. Fred. Gundrum had three or four teams on the road, last week, de livering ties to MoClure from the John O. Goss tract. . . . J. J. Steely made a business trip to our county seat last week and reports the burgh still improving. . . .We have had a few visiting candidates at this end looking up, who i the other fellow's friend. . . .Joseph M. Wagner is in the lime business this winter, and with the aid of the old veteran lime burner, Levi B. Treastcr, he expects to burn 5,000 bushels The little school teacher at the llidge has the good wishes of all parents who have little boys and girls to send by not allowing the larger ones to impose on the smaller ones, by pushing them in the snow and other abuse ..There is a man at this end claims he is willing to marry the colored princess, not so much for love as for money T. F. Swine lord had 150 visitors inside of a week to spend the evenings, and they all enjoyed themselves, by telling stories: drinking cider, and eating apples until the wee small hours of the night when they went home much pleased with their treatment ....P. W. Treaster came home from Mifflin county last Saturday to spend Sunday with the family . , . .One word to the wise. Stick to the best man, or at least the one you think the best, at the coming primary election, and then good old Snyder will be safe. . . .The snow. Sunday night, has improved the sleighing as it had been about over. Sellntgroye Husical Ooftven tlon. A musical convention will be held in the Opera House. Selinsgrove, beginning Jan. 24th, 1897. Tic sinirers of the countr are invited t to narticinata. !, CoMMITrXB. tfi a BROSIOUS BROTHERS Sunbury, Penn'a. Wednesday morning, January 12th, we began the Clothing and Overcoats ever offered to the of Sunbury and vicinity. -WE WILL $10.00 Suits will be sold at 07.13 9.00 800 7.60 M 86me Rambling Thoughts. I "IHIO." Oopjrtgbted tj Dw k ttber.1, A Happy New Year to you, Boys. If it isn't it ought to be. An unhappy boy is like a chicken that lays no eggs. If you are not happy, just look within to see what is wrong. The fault must be there; for you have no cares, no auxieties, no regrets. What privileges you have to make you happy I A home with all its comforts, leisure for sport, holidays and merry-makings. Even your school is made attractive, aud learning easy. Ask your fath ers how lessons were thrashed into them, how hard and monotonous were their schooldays, and then con trast your own advantages. How grand too is your health 1 You can not even realize the sadness and gloom of the sick room, the weari ness of the dyspeptic, the hopeless ness of the invalid. Your toothache and your headache come from your own folly or carelessness, and you have only to deny yourself in camly and pastry for a few days and you will be well as ever. A Happv New Year to you, Girls and Maidens. You and the boys have equal rights to happiness ; but remember yours are " woman s rights." I hope you will be strong supporters of woman's rights, and the equality of man and woman. But do not forget that equality does not necessarily imply identity. You have the right to learn all that the boys learn at school, to exercise your bodies as they exercise theirs, to travel, and observe, and work, and rest as they da But, though you do all these things, do them as wo men, lest forgetting the distinction Nature herself has made, you gain more than your rights and lose all your privileges. So, may this year be happy for you; happy because you realize that vou are women, and that, like the skilful general, you may win mu many a fight in which Jyou handle neither sword nor gun. , A Fruitful New Year to All .Youths. You are Fortune's favo rites. On you she showers her choicest gifts. : You have the heart of child and the will of a - man. Days full of innocent happiness are behind you. Myriad pleasures open around you. Golden visions lie be fofs you.; ' Hope rests upon your h loveisinyouryes; coaraje . ft ai?d Suits and THEN SELL AT ASTONISHING is Sale will positirely ,6.97, ,6.38 'V 5.06 . , . . , in your breast the world is at your feet,' and, for, you there itretchea now an opening centurv. So, may this year be happy toyou. Happy, because your eyes are clear to recognize your many gifts ; happy that passion does not weaken your heart, nor affliction hold you back from high emprise ; happy in your rich inheritance of life, and in the wisdom not to waste its glorious fullness. ' v . - A Prosperous New Year to you, Fathers. You have thought your individuality worth perpetuating, and have won au attribute whose uame belongs to God himself. You are an autocrat. Whistful eyes watch your every look and word, and eager minds strive to mould themselves on your cliaractcr. You have provided for yourself an earthly immortality, a second self to take up your ambi tion and carry on your works of good or evil. So, may this year be happy to you, happy, because you have had corn-age to undertake responsibility, and confidence in your worth and in your good intentions. , ' A Bright New Year to you, Mothers. Consciously or uncon sciously, you have made the great sacrifice. You have risked pain, sorrow, anxiety and death itself, iu the sacred hope of a Hebrew mother, that to you may fall the honor of bringing into the world some prince of peace. That sacrifice was a de dication. You are a priestess for ever. So, may this year be happy to you ; happy iu the knowledge of your high calling ; liappy in the discharge of its holy duties ; happy in the hope that your constant care may furnish to the world a being worthy to hand on the torch of lofty deeds ; happy in the thought that you have forged another link in the chain of love, whose clasp is held by God. a A Happy New Year to you, In valids. Does happiuess seem a mockery, and my very wish almost an unkindneas? Nay, I know it is not so; for the same power that per mitted the demon Pain to work his will with you, chained him to the angel Patience, and you will be happy la her tender councils. ' For she whispers to you that all is not in y4n y that souls hungering, to do good deeds love to (minister to you, and, that from your agony are borne tjto the world pure sell-denial and sweet compassion. Hay, then, the UiHUi SAB -AT c2s. h Sunbury, Penn'a. Cljildreii's Clotl?ii?g, Overcoats. lut until Janaarj 29th.' $18.00 Overcoats atQ12 39 16.00 ' v 11.86 12.00 f " 8.90 6.O0t Eoeforo fbr Children 8.98 breath of sympathy so stir, for . you, during this year, the sullen waters of affliction, that they break into the laughter of a summer stream.' A Tranquil New Year to you, Aged ones. . You have anchored in the harbor, and only wait the mast er's eall to land. Meanwhile the waters-are calm around you. The anxious captain, and the busy sailors sleep, the weary helmsman stretches his strained limbs. You can watch the changing sea beyond, smile at its sunny stillness, send warnings of storms, and counsel the strife where in your past is done. Your fellow veterans ere moored beside, and cheer you with their brave familiar shapes. Together you live again in tender thought the varied voyage, together hail the new-trimmed craft that pass outward on someuufiinish ed guest, rejoicing that they may gain fresh courage by seeing you safe sheltered after storm, and shoal, and strile. And now "SuCcwa to All" Whalteittonocawlf blttoain AppUnat bom mon, tha vacnoua nfmln From fl.kl. arawda, who wtitt their 141 roar Llk. oooMi with upon a rock-bound enore, Whoaa flaa.1 lanror iadea aa Aa doaa tba fullyed ann from trople ak ft la it to gain More of gathered goM That an for you aarth'a eboietet gift, aafold Bat bringa no happineaa to minda untaught To uaa Ma wondroua power, aa they ought, Which tempta tno long eta? la plaaeure't bowera like beee in over liuh ol tummer floweret Hajr. rather 'tla to take the life thafi given, And mould it to the pattern eat by hoavea t To train ita every pooetMlttr " Aa ever in the Great Taakmaater'a eye " To work and atrive that othera, aore dMretaed atav.tiy your living, be forever bleated i To abun ao toll, nor yield to advene fate, But willing be to labor and to wait . To keep your mo tiro, pure ae aleeping lake, ! Doing eaeh duty for dear duty'a take 8ueh la the Ideal God blmaelf wUI blaaa- Such are the attribute, of true D1KU. Dec 25, at Beavertown, George A. Smith, aged 84 yrs., 3 mos. and 28 days. Deo. 24, near Kreamer, Mrs. Mary Benfer, aged 74 years and 3 months. Deo. 30, at Knousetown, Mrs. Catharine Deane, aged 86 years, 6 months and 15 days. Jan. 3, at Selinsgrove, Mrs. Har riet Bergstresaer Ulrich, aged 80 yrs., 7 mos. and 22 days. William Stroub, son of Samuel Stnfl and his wife, Anna Maria, (a born Staily) born apr. 8th, 1856, died Jan. 7th, 1898, aged 41 ym, 9 mos. and 2 days. Greatest Sale of people PRICES- UNIONTWP. ' Edwin Shrawder, a prominent clerk of Shamokin, Bpent Saturday and Sunday with his parents and ; friends here. Protracted meeting . is still in progress at the 01ie United Evangelical church. .; Mi W. Auckersold one of his track horses last week. . . . . Artie and " Reuben Aucker were visiting friends and relatives at Shamokin last week . They say they saw many wonderful' things over there Mercliant Shaf fer, of Pallas, was seen on our streets last week . . ; .Artist S. J. Stroub is kept busy finishing and delivering pictures. He turns out first class Auctioneer I. Y. Longacre, of Verdilla, has already slated many sales for March . . . .We were pleased to see that so many parents took an interest in our joint teachers' institute at Chapman last week. KHEAMBU. The young people in this locality attended quite a number of sleighing parties last week. . . .frank Keeler, an accomplished young man of Johns town, who used to live in this place nine years ago, was visiting friends in wis locality airs. unas. Mit chell was in Lewisburg last week Last Tuesday a sled-load ld' Selinsgrove enjoyed the hospitality of J. F. Walter's. . . . A. D. KreanH At Varna in Suf SnsrwAirA 1nar Xsf rlAjJ . . . .The death of Mrs. Henry Snyj I der, who lived one mile north of thw place, took place last Friday.' - In terment took place at Salem las Tuesday morning NoraKrefim er is confined to her bed with i i severe attack of pneumonia. Wj hope to see her well again befon; long 01188. Mitchell, who ha ' been visiting his sisters in the vif. cinity of Phila. for several weekij has returned home. ? I Cometed w klr by oor merehastM I Ke9 iMIHttMtMM'-r ' rMHttNNIvMIHMtNIMIHNH tlljl Lard...... ChlokMU per l).-p. .. n BMlSw V ChcmkUr If heat... aTye....... Potato OliOora HWNtMINHMHI ItMN'MMtMtM lltlttltt WttW Mdne iMttiMMMt ejefesiw tuts a . Olb me Crav ff lO Itaa llMrperlibL. o r .' . .- - -..I i-