RAIDS III CUFID'S HDl TRIMOM.t,L AGENCIES THAI WAJSOLK TRUSTING ISHOCBHT, Tfct-r Advertise All Seirte Brllllaal tOptwrtaaltlee, bat leaeUly latsw 4are I sespeetlag Weanea tm Vm rrMltu Adveetarere-Phota-mrmi be of Haadsosae Bwalaa mm4 tfit-auteona Maidens Are) (ha Caaal ' Wall, hat the Originate Ara ocu B pvldeaee What Cu Abetlleh the Bvt Special. ?tKV TORK, Oct. 14.-On would Ira acta that It was hardly necessary awrw-a-days to warn the publlo against professional marriage-mongers. When fw the veil that covers th operations ret these gentlemen has been lifted It tarn been made clear to the dullest corn avtirnslnn that bunkum Is the basis eC C&e tuRinesa mu iwiom , swindle are Its common accessories. rest exposures ana warning. ..- " tapped the supply of dupes, and these Bsaachief-maklng agencies are still psJCJsetlng the savings or servant girw and the spare cash of hara-wormng yaug men who ought to know better. The recent prosecutions for "missing ward" frauds and other bogus compe titions show that 20.000, or. perhaps, 60, fMk, fools are always standing ready to psurt with their money. They appear tot rely upon such theories as that a sum who Is not publicly branded as an tanmoster must be honest, that a man wfm advertises extensively must be wealthy, that whatever appears In pefwt must be true, that an enthusias tic testimonial must be genuine and uaatillclted. None of these stupid notions will hold wster for a moment. It Is no easy task tr reveal a rogue's character and ca reer to the general public. The law of IHhrl Is so severe that a' newspaper Is SRsteraliy unable to publish a sentence anttll It has In Its possession a long rteadn of well-corroborated evidence. In ttst) vast majority of cases the victims skillful trickster tak no steps to protect others, thinking that they will ffwsi avoid adding to the unpleasant itssss of publicity. They say to them mttjr: "We have been fooled, but why sCaonM we let the world know what funSs we nre?" Victims Doa't Cossplala. When the victimisation Is th out- of their matrimonial schemes. are more horrified than ver at the of attracting publlo comment to .ambitious aspirations. The dry tcgsjos clerk who wanted to And lady wAth 925,000 a year and th dressmaker whs thought that th photograph of tnar ipretty face had beguiled the fancy ttt a Wall street broker are naturally tt Inclined to amuse their friends' with ta avcltal of their disappointing expert Wartea. The agents of the marriage ntfrfctft krwrw all this beforehand, and rtan 4t happens that a course of de amM Rnd "blatant humbug may be car ritod un Tor months and years without rtse 'Interference of press or police. To place confidence In the simple dls gAw of wealth Is equally senseless. 3ttr)mrmlal agencies, like bogus loan VflVit, have often proved gold mines to rbotr unscrupulous promoters. The fees f fhe foolish soon suffice for splendid MDran, the costly upholstery of which f.iuHr's the caller to believe that he Is OtuiIinR with people in the front rank tT h? business world. A staff of frock rSBtd clorVs are there to show the ten vrweM sympathy for the husband-seek-fusr hii)j j?lrl or governess. Lifelong tuisjptntttr la on sale for a small fee. tVhtiCitn wonder If they are dazzled by th; Snvlflni; prospect and part with rtarlr 'hard-won earnings in response to rtuf'hotrey-toned suggestions of the cun- 'I'hMp Oame to Ron. JVt 'thiii Kurae a big show can be made Wtth little expenditure. Most of the advertisements are evolved In the mar rkhtee agent's office, from the marriage nitwit's fertile brain. When a genuine jHtverUsement does come In. It Is proba ftT Xncra some forlorn maiden who has twwn -watting for years for a mate. The caatuU If there Is any result of her seftiavipttnns to the agency will be an Introduction to some worthless adven- wirer, who will borrow whatever money may be possessed of and then fly avery after a fresh quarry. At these offices a part of the stock-ln-trssae is a collection of highly orna mawital photographs handsome fellows srKfi .curly black hair and drooping mast aches, doll-faced beauties with Msose 'Charms of face and form which itae jihutofrraphor has touched up with aOt'h nonsunvnate skill. If the custo mer thinks Xtmt a choice Is offered from these specimen it wilt prove a cVelsftlon. for the best of them are not os (he .bonks of the Arm at all. Th ber tare probably dissolute persons, mttOi tiom marriage would be a dire ful catastrophe. - .Plaaioad Cut Dlassea. ' IVrhups the most amusing element fa such negotiations Is the frequent In troduction of one adventurer to an nOvr. Each Is overjoyed at the oppor tunity of acquiring the fortune attrib uted to the other. If they wed they c-asnot be long In discovering how ab csrdry they have worked at cross pur psssee. Mutual hatred follows, and mls raia reproaches and appropriate tjoiashment' for their mercenary rater- .flow are these agencies ultimately to b disestablished? It oan only be don br multiplying th genuine opportunl ksa) for the young of both sexes to meet nse another at soclabl functions. It srght not to be difficult to get some psxbtkvspirlted people to organic and sspertetend' somethtntT. similar to th -which Ut , Salvationists ptaaned. .. oosamitt of aoat Ms WSutssi coats) t trusUd to proCuot at ssorkakls sekoai. tr.'fie ful In the sllph bout hsp:y , fort now havr ' But th only r Into jiromlr advrt!lr-r. Iti terniliK esse. e In bringing . we should be- ?ne of them i: ..i ever cmn o.ii. ij:it of the ! - ti nt r-tit .'ul divoi-c- ROTALTl! Ulfesl.lAUR. They Will tinf tr la I'sivrll the Stater nf Km, vr ' r. tlcrlek. B Anslu-Anwr ian Press.) LONDON. ttei. 14. The Duke and Duchess of Connaunlit will go to Ger many to represent the Queen at the unveiling of the statue of the Einperoi Frederick at Wiesbaden, on Monday, Oct. 18. The German Emperor and Em press, the Empress Frederick, tb Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Baden and other royal personages will be present and It Is rumored that the Emperor and Empress of Russia ax coming- from Darmstadt for th funo tlon. After the statue has been unveiled, the Emperor and Empress will give a roya, banquet at the Schloss. and at th(re ,g t(j fce a pecM perform. Bfjce Qf ,.Der BurgKrar at o,, 0per iIouse SHOI'LD WIUOWI niKEt .New York Society l Asjltateel Orer the Quratloa. Bprclsl. NEW YOIIK. Oct. 14. It is a much discussed question among feminine de votees of the cycle in the metropollii whether young widows should "bike" or not. Of course, the spectacle of a new ly bereaved "lone one" speeding along nt a record rate, with the emblem of woe streaming gaily In the breeze, would be a sight to shock ancient ma trons with pugs. Then, too, a wreath of snowy floweri held In the gloved hand of a pgle-faced "'itw iita hs a pathetic Interest for the beholder; while this same wreath strung on to the handle-bar of a machine would lose much of its ar tistic value. It is said the question will be debated at the next meeting of Sorosls. AVED THE CORPSE. Rslsla Cssitl m Plr That Ah- raptlr Eaded a Wtkt. (By Anslo-Amtrteaa Prw.) DUBLIN, Oct. 14. An extraordinary seen was wttnessad early on Tuesday morning at Ballymena, County Antrim, during th progress of a "wake" In the house of a woman named Wilson. By om means a petroleum lamp exploded, setting th place on fir. Immediately there was a wild stam ped from th house. Borne of the more daring spirits returned, however, a mo ment later, and, amid considerable ex citement, th corpse and an Invalid girl named Johnson were lowered from an upstairs window. .Th constabulary extinguished the fire before the arrival of the brigade. CRIME IX HERO COSE. Herseaat Rollers of the noyal Scots Faslllers Passes Away, (By Ancto-Amrrican Pros.) LONDON, Oct. 14. A Crimean veter an. Sergeant W. Rogers, late First Bat talion Royal Scots Fusiliers, died at Blddeford on Sunday. He joined the regiment In 1841, became color-sergeant In 1852, and at Sebastopol and Inker mann ' was attached to Captain, now Lleutenant-Oeneral. Boldero'a compa ny. This officer and his subalterns were Wounded, and Rogers commanded the company till the end of th action. Their ammunition falling, the Fusiliers emptied the wounded Russians' pouches, and peppered th enemy with their own bullets. MOTHER! There is no word so full of meaning and about which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that of " Mother "she who watched over our helpless infancy and guid ed our first tottering step. Yet the life of every Expectant Moth- a Id kA.ttl m i f Vi stinrrAr 1T1I all f , , , 71 , . . . rt should be made to avoid it. so assists nature Mother's Friend in the change tak ing place that the Expectant Mother is ena bled to look for ward without dread, suffering or gloomy fore bqdings, to the hour when she experiences the joy of Motherfcood. Its use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement in short, it "makes Childbirth natural and easy," as so many have said. Don't be persuaded to use anything but MOTHER'S FRIEUD " My wife suffered mora In ten ruin otes with either of her other two chil dren than she did altogether with her last, havinr previously used (our bot tles of Mother's Friend.' It Is a blessing to snron expecting to be come a MOTHER says a customer. IIirdibson Dalb, Canni, Illinois. Of Drag lits at 11 W, or sent by audi en neslpt f price. Writ for book containing tertlsietiuUs lad valuabl Information for all Mothers, frss. Th BradAtU sUsaUUrCswitUals,8a. It th ealstlng g,r!" wshmCw nmnsss ' )tmis1 fJIUsJsMiswslsjssh UmmmH , II VI COL GRUMPY. H was a darllag lit tle boy. With sunny ysol bin And happy as tb day was long Unless he had tod Boms task that did not plsass bint moot And then he was so cross, Bis mother tbought her boy was gone. And grieved so for bti loss. And mid. "It was a dreadful ease. That here in ber own dsar boy's place Was early Colonel Grnmpy." Hsr boy. she said, was good and sweet Tbs pearl of little boys I Bat Colonel Grnmpy was most ruds. And broke np all his toys; Be tore his picture-books to bits. Cracked bis slate, lost his hat, Pulled bis little sister's hair. And teased the pussy-cat. Shs wished he'd go away, and then Sbe'd have ber own sweet boy again Instead of Colonel Grumpy. "That Colonsl Grumpy's not my boy I'm sure Is very plain. And so I'd better send blm off To-day la all tbs rain. So, Col jbsI Grumpy, go away la spit f wind and wet I I want my be', who does not sulk, Nor does be soold or fret I" A little sob two pleading eyas, Tben clasped tight In her arms, b cries; "Good-by, cross Colonel Grumpy I " Jane Campivll. ABOUT CAMPHOR. Bow th Odoriferous Drag Is Obtained frans the Trees. In the native forests In Formosa, Fuklen and Japan camphor Is distilled almost exclusively from the wood ol the trunks, roots and larger branch es. The work is psrformed by hand la bor, and the methods employed seem rather crude. The camphor trees an felled, and the trunks, larger limbs and sometime tbs roots are cut into chips, which ars placed In a woodsa tab about forty Inches high and twsnty Inches In diameter at the base, tapering toward ths top like an old-fashioned churn. The tub has a tight-fitting cow. which may be removed to put la the chips. A bamboo tube extends from near the to of the tub Into the condenser. Thli consists of two wooden tubs of differ ent sites, the larger one right slds up kept about two-thirds full of watei from a continuous stream which runt out of a hols la one side. The smallet one Is inverted with Its edges below the water, forming an alr-tlgnt cham ber. This air chamber Is kept cool by tht water falling on the top and running down over the sides. The upper part of the air chamber is sometimes filled with clean rice straw, on which tht camphor crystallises, while the oil drips down and collects on the surface of the water. In some cases the cam phor and oil are allowed to collect to gether on the surface of the water, and are afterward separated by filtration through rice straw or by pressure. About twelve hours are required fot distilling a tubful by this method. Tben the chips are removed and dried for use in the furnace, and a new charge is put in. At the same time the camphor and oil are removed from the condens er. By this method twenty to forty pounds of chips are required for one pound of crude camphor. U. 8. De partment of Agriculture. A Pony as a Household Pet. Billy Johnson Is probably the only pony In the wborld who is a household pet Billy lives In South Bend, Ind. He bus nil the privileges usually enjoyed by a favorite dog, except that be has never warmed himself at the Johnson fireside or slept on the spare bed. But be comes Into the bouse and prances gaily up seven flights of stairs, the click of his small hoofs pattering like hailstones on a garret roof. Naturally Billy Is the banner meui ber of the little circus troupe which holds high carnival In the Johnson children's bedroom. "Playing circus" is their chief recreation In stormy weather, and the pony helps the dogs, cats, pigeons and babies to furnish a fascinating programme. As Billy Is only forty-eight Inches high he easily stands or sits on an ordinary chair, with his front feet dangling against his breast like the bands of a lackadaisical lady. At th. word of command he shakes hands, kisses his master and "plays dead" tc perfection. When the babies are put In his bas ket saddle be steps softly, evidently appreciating the helplessness of bit precious loa'd. But when the older boys get upon bis back he jumps, klckt and bucks like a stiff-legged bronco, enjoying the fun as keenly as hla rider. One of Billy s famous tricks la U become the foundation of an animal pyramid, lying flat on the ground while Sir Kldred, a splendid St' Ber card, lies atop of blm. The capstones are Penny and Dot, two tiny blooded black-and-tan dogs, weighing twenty six ounces each, New York World. A clever workman In a cutlery fac tory In Sheffield, England, has recently made a dosen pairs of shears each so mtnut that they all . together weigh less than half a grain. ' That la about the weight of a postagt stamp,' Each pair was perfect and would eat If suf ficiently dellcata material could be found. Lying oa a piece of whlto pa per, they seemed no larger than leas. Hardware). ' BfesCaa. !' Tarsi. oa JrvassM' Usadacti Puadrrs. "With regard to Dr. Jaws' Head ache Powders, I hsvt d Imitation in eommpinlintf them t mflemi from htrndatilif. ftT ieli-v tin paiu epetdily, and 1 iisve utri kuowu anyone tol. Lhuui-.i by men Ue. have been a trimt Kiifl-i-r from bradachtt in my hf.-, hut Ijhvh ulinot got teu t id t it by r It .i. taut us of hot w tf r hh.I ft ui nml br doing without o.ttV- T: t' James HfuuWIit) Podm 1hw, however. rrttly relieved me t limt-e and I neVf-r hIIo'v iuvki li' to I n u out tbeui, mill Li i in lin tM lii to oltinrH fi. ly. C. C. V'cCab.' For khI I iy U'. fl SmiiikIhi , I'm gibt lliddlrlMUKii, IV 0 17-9iii ONE OF TWO WAYS. Tli bluddt-r wax or-Hi-(l fur one ptirpoM, iinn.f I v, a r-ct-(.ti,ele for the uriliff, nml an moll it in not liulil to any form of iIhhid txc pi by otn i.f twit WHyn. Tin lii't uny is fiom iiupfrfent mttioii i f tli kiilnfyn. Tin-Ht-uciid wsy Is from nreles ioonl trt-attueiit of oilier itiHeiigfs 4'IIIEP Al fcK. Unhealthy urine from uiilieHllhy kiiltievs Ih the (thief mux. of lil.tlilr troubled. Mo the womb, like the blmliler, WKcoreuteil (or one purpose, and if not doctored too much in not liable to weukneHK or dUeam, exoept In rnre e-tMPs. It l hit tint e.l buck of mid very olone t.o the blmliler. there fore uny n in. ili-t-ime or iiiuouveiii euce luitnileKleii in theklilliev. hank, hlNtMer or urinary puNKiijteU often, by lull-take, attributed to (finale weak liens or womb trouble of snme sort. The error IseitMilv niMile and may be as easily avoided. To Hnd out ror recfly. set your urineanlila for twenty four hour?, a pediment or settling Indicates kiduey or bladder trouble. The mild and the extraodinary effect of Dr Klluier'r Swamp-Itoot, the tfreat kidney, and bladder remedy Is soon realized. If you need a medicine yon should have the best. At drug. Kists fifty cents and one dollar You may have a sample bottle and pam phlet, both sent free bv mall. Men lion the Middleburtrb, Post and send vonr address to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Biiifrhaiutou, X, Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantee the genuineness this offer PILKS I'RKMANKNTLf Cl'KKD 1st fro as t Is 9 nV time, fcy lb su r i,unu. One bottle guaranteed to eure auy case of piles, regardless of how long staudiug. what you have tried, or what your physlolan may claim. Money refunded if peMuauent eure is not obtained in the most severe eases iu less than S days' time. After all others fall get Lo-Mo and be cured, Price 7Se. per bottle, seut prepaid to any add reus, ou receipt of price Address Harry Logue, 100 W. Fourth street, WllllauiHport, Pa. 8 28-ly sT.Sold by all first olass druggists 7T.L0DD POlSOn I I lltolTS.TonaaaiTead3 jhoaMtoraasssia-iMBiHlwsasMsraa? sty. lIToa prefer to eosMhata sra villas traottopsrraJIrnadfareandbotelWllMna '""r!,'.1 fall to ears. IfyoabsTStakeasBr iry, fodid potash, and Mill hare acnes and las. Masons Patehaa In month. Hon TkMT PlsspUa, Coaper ColprvdSpots, Uleers oa as. It, Is tkls SaeoDdary ULuOD POISoU ve raaraaU toeare. we solicit to saoetobstl ai aasaa aao. ahaltoqa; th world for a we)aMiaotara Tile dlasss has alwars sat ike skUl of th Boost emlneot phrsl aaaa. tWaoM eanllal twhlnd ow meeuak tonal racaT. Absolat proofs sent ssalsd on Klondike Alaska! Why not your share Of great fortunes to bo realised from the wonderlul discoveries already made and to tie made In this New Klon-dlkeAlaaka-Kldonuior THE WASHING TON GOLD FIELDS EXPLORATION COM PANY under Its character la authorised to Pros oect for sod scaulre Mlninir Claims and i'roo I ertlra la the wonderful cold Aelds of Klondike and Alaska, Immense fortunes have already been realised and millions more will be mad there. Will yoll allow this golden Opportunity to paw you by? A' few dollars Invested In In this undertaking may be the foundation to your fortune. Tbe rusk to the wonderland nec essitates Immediate action. The first in th field tbe first In fortune. No Such opportunity bas ever been pi fee n ted to the people of the present feneration as la offered In th Klondike-Alaska Gold Fields. All shareholdee et their tall proportion of all profits. No divi dends sr mad on stock remaining unsold. Send your orders enclosing One Dollar tor each share of fully paid-up and non-assesaabl stock desired to th WASHINGTON GOLD FIELDS BXPLOKATION COMPANY, Tanotna, Wash ington. The following Tacoma dealers In supplies for th Klondike and Alaska trad are Stockhold ers In the Company and will Inform you regard ing tb reliability of Its officers! Monty A Ounn, Groceries; A. K. Hoska, Harness Co.; Morris Gross Co., Dry Goods and Clothing ; W. O. Bowland, Outfitter; Hugo Fellta, Teuts; Tacoata Hardware Co, to-ls-lyr. ,lREVIVO RESTORES fTFAUTY 1st tay. lOtbDay, THS CHEAT 30th produce th boot reiltt In SO days. Itarti fiwsrnllrsu4 quickly. Cures whss ail others fall ouagmsa will ragala tbetr lost aaaahood.aad old man will recoTsr their youthful vuror by nil of Uteri VO. II quickly and surely restores Herons seas. Lea Vitality, ImpeUscr, Nig htly laaissioBs, Lost Power. Vaills Maaionr. Wastlat masses, sad all effects at satt-abasa or ssaaaiaad ladlseraUa, wbiehwaSts ess tor study, kiistaassetsasrrlafs. It set calf ears by starting at tks ssas f disease, bat It eras swev is l and btood balldar, brtu ing bsek the rusk gw to pals ehMks scd re storing th flra mt yauth. ft, wards off Imaslty sad Osaauasptlaa, laslst a havtsg BKVIVO, a tfesr. It esa sa santad la wast aoskss. gar 9 saasase, e sli ssr oe, with a Mat M Mass nsntMt s rate aw nraael saw sn t. taiemia rer sal at lndsUsbargi, by W. H. t AXOUB. Made a flf XirjkJfN Man W of Me. bay. . ; i r : r.j(2l.!L TlULiL.O TM2 STYLISH PAIILAH. At- tbiic raUoasMs. urmsv rsnscs Fttlsar. Prfcss 10 MO 15 Mats. I Nooshsrr. NcMbitt at auy fa , Sons Kksbis iiwcaaal ssOs tbsaa te mtm mmmmm -H aa Snarau Ask ica I tbsorttwycaaU Wbynufl Irom tai m ctusv rrw iora or vbouxo, Stunt tafcaa. Lstaa Faabaan Sbsal stat poa neefpt of eat cant to pay j HtBnlcat tsjflea mastiaa 'i-f In valtubl for tbs noma. Fashions of I ' . . . . . f w f m m Vm oay, imam Mwaanm lamuia f Hints, Fancy Vork, Current Topics, I Fiction, all lor only 50 csnls a year, lo I -lic4(ns a fren nstirrfl. vnor ownaclee- ? tioo any tha. Send two 2-cent stamp fot sainpls copy. Addrcsi THS MCLALL LUMfAnii 142-146 Vest I4t& Street, New York. . ca wini. A..- "n.i - v so a uui nviuuc, .umu A SUMMER SAIL in ladies' shoes is a pleasant voyage afoot. For tbe pleas ure it gives, there's no sail like onr sale. Crowds are enjoying it, and securing the prettiest, coolest and best fit ting Summer shoes now man ufactured, at prices which buyeis find it a pleasure to pay. For house or street wear, pleasure or every-day practical parposes, walking, riding, or driving, we supply tbe ideal shoes demanded by fashion and the dictates of individual taste. Ladies, whoever claims yoar hands, by all means surrender your feet to these shoes. GE Dae It Pay to h Mick T Besldee the discomfort and (-uttering. Illness ot any kind Is expensive. Hundreds of people consult tbe doctors every day about coughs and eolde. This is better tban to suffer th dieeaee to run along, but tbote who uee Otto's Curs for th throat and lungs do better atill. It coats less than cure is certain- You can get a trial bottle free of our agents, W. H. Herman, Trns elrllle; Mlddleswarth A Uleh. HoClure; H. A, Ebrlght, Aline. Large si sea Uc sDd 1Mb. Bvarvbod Bays So. . , Casoaret Candy Cathartic, ths most won derful medio! discovery of th age, plea, ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently aud positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dtsiel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of 0. C. & to-day; 10, 95,60 cents, bold and guarants to cura bjr all druggists. PATENTS OBTAINED. Tsao im. Coniultor communicate with th Ml tor offals pspsr. who will give all seeded Infor- MsetUTest BweU XtttU Casearota. Candy Cathartic, sure constipation forsrer. lOstSss Xf aaClalLdrugslstsretundmoueT. mm GREASE ' - imisniwi 'I A I MwartartsInJr Siilliswsg twa boxes ol a e-u- awvotad by beat uri-trt. w WOm BALM T DBUJSa a. ssswswasTasTswsas 3 a a 4 f s - s 5 hS O. sa am m r a : ts '5' V S I ? E33 I n 85 .hsa . n .... KEUNSOUOVR iAnn-vflnoi Prop"r I k" p ooiiMniitly ou liabiluift tuan trHotiire to nrtlr alliils of Marble and Granite Old Stone; Cliased and Bepairod. U)W PRICES I LOW PRICES I liavt- oop ..I th bt Marble Cut tttr iu tilt Stat and consequently tiiruout -ohI work MTCotue h nd sps toy a ork it irioes. Thnokful Tor past f avoid I most re- pwtfult, ssk a eoutinnHhes of sauia, M. L. MILLER PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Sob bury & Lewistowu Division. In effect Nor 38,1897. sTaao ois. iTarios. sastwasb p in 2i 4l 4 IS 1.09 44 a e M 4 SS S4 5 11 s 07 300 2.M til HX 1ST A. L in sst Lewlstows J. j 3i Mala Street f ft Lewistcwe T U s-la Mattlaatf 1.41 Sjo Fainter 7.4 ( as Mhladlr TM Ijl Wagasr 7. ' IJI MeKlare I n l l.a Bssb'i Mills '; (1 S.M Adasi'osrs; II M Rravertnwa 4J Hent. r . e.ui 4.14 MlddleburgU t.40 411 s 4(1 H K reamer 8 4 4.1 HawitoK MM sJt Hahatgrove o u Ssllaigrera J .M 4 41 ttaiibarv 11 la.ltj U.M 1 II. Ik' I M.Sl II 44 1 a 4(i li.SCl II.USI 11.1V 11 11: 1 1.01 to. is iv.tu 10.4 J I i:i 1U.; m.ltl Train leaves Sunbury 5 25 p m, ar rives t SlinnKrove 6 45 p m Trains leave Lewistowu Junotlou : 4 M a m, 1 II a m.1317 p m,5 17 it tn.7 1)7 II M S at Altcona, Pittsburg ami tbe West. For Halttmore au-l WshIiIiikioii M a m IK, I si H.Ipn For Philadelphia and New YrksnSSm,lHIU44Sand 11 Up a rat HarrisouTg T Ot a n sad S M p m Philadelphia ft Erie R R Division AND NORTHERN CKNTatAL RAILWAY Xralns leave Muobnr dally aieept Sunday t ; 14 a si tor Kris and Uanandalgua t U a m lor Hcllelont Kris and Canandalgua 1 48 s lor Leak Hsven, Tyrone ami tbe Weal. 1 10 p a for Helleninte Kaaa A Uanandalgua 6 M p as tor KaaoTO and fcliatra t pas lor Usk Hava Sunday S IS a si for Erie sad Osntndnlsna 4Ssm tor Look Haren ssd fspai for wll UsauiMTt 5 It a a lor Oatewliss and Hasel ton ISSaa, tHaalooand Silpator Wlltst- barra and Haaalton 7 "8am, lttaDa,leSpsi, ft 41 pm fur Hhawo- sln sad Mount Carmel Huaday is a lor Wllkesbarra Trains Iost Sallaigrsv Janctlon 10 00 am, week day arrtrias st full doldrlita INia New York Up a Baltimore! It p a Wasblaftoalpa BS4 p a daily arrlrlng st Philadelphia 10 M pa Mew York Ha a, BalHmore 5ua 1 41 pa. week days arrlvlkg at PblladelpL 4 Wa m New York T Sla a TraBS also Isava esnbury : 1 M a a dally arrlrlng at Pailadeidhla lllsa BsJUmore I XI a a Waahlsgton 140 a iu Now York SU a a Weekdsyi, 10 as s a Hunuayi, IU pm.week days arriving at Philadelphia p a, New York Stop m, Baltimors itius Washington 7 Up m Trains also leave Sunbury st W a m ud IX and I M p m, tor Harrlsburg, Philadelphia aud Baltimore . J R. WUOU. Oen'l foMS Agent J. a HUTCHINSON. 0al Manatcer Haw tm he Haadsome. It is a mistake to suppose that the only Way tobegiiud looking Is to be born so. Good health baa more to do with good looks than anytliingelse' 8uch diseases aa constipation, dyspepsia, liver complaints, rheumatism, ner vous disorders, Ac , not only shorten life, but spoil tempera and "looks." Bacon's Celery King for the m'rres cure these troubles, w. II Um-H T- I..J1I.. . U I .I.J ... . I. k TTI-.. McOlure;sellitandwiii give you a sample' pacaage iree. urge aisea lav sua ouc CONFIDENTIAL airaulara of "Rare Book" not obtainable in book stores, that will sur prise and interest you. Sample photo of act- reason in (ignis, seated s cents, uem. Uo. urn ington, III, A Vow fJnn Recipe for choke-boring abo Hun lllbd. aruns. mc silver. No humhuv. For full Instructions, address J. T. Norria. Lot- Isrille, Warren Co., Pa. Jan. ft 3 m. PppV't Po ft XtnV u1 leo other fuuny stories i uua o uuu uuj I oy famous uumorisis, aiso a Complete Porluu'e Teller and a Dream Book. moiu iianaaoine Dookt aenl, postpaid, any wbere for only one dime. Geo. Malabsv, Woodstoak . N. B , Can. . IVR sample pens, and price list, novelties and nrlntinD. So stamn. Bos 011. Haliowall. Maine. It. HAT.T.nniTfi nil mivvaiM The W onuer of the Age : The, Shooting Star Balloon. These wonderful balloons combine slt-tue merits of former similar inventions and have many new and Interesting features. They rise in the air, discharging Wonderful Fir Bad hi and Brilliant Shooting Stars, which thrill with delight every beholder. They come packed. 1 large baloona, "each measuring over 7 incoea long," in an enveloping case, and oan be hand led with perfect safety, as tba only absolutely saf Interior Firework, giving a satiatacory display, ever Invented. It la pronounoed by the press as tbe greatest wonder in ante fire work vet produced. They are wanted every where for boms amusement, parlor and eburca entertainments, fairs, ate. flampla envelope containing 10 balloons with full direc4lona.on7y lOoents.1 for 25. Agents this is a hot Salter. Send for prices. Address, a. KMl'IKK NOVELTY CO., MALOKB N. Y. AH ANCHOR EcCTBIC BELT. AGENTS WANTED, BOTH SI A Meats Seat to atoll, able jMresMs ta he pM fWr after setUaur VU IT D.I - '- - Conn., has sold 1.0S of meee oeiu, ana a auoi as SO in oa day. Thai elsctlicitv from tbe hsk-l ioa will turn a nsada thro curb your labia, or hand. No one but what ean wear them. Oil Bheamatlsea. Urer a KMnay Ulssass, Weak laun Back, and other dtaeaaea. . Prevents COM Feet and taking Cold. Give a eomforssbai glow of warmth all over tb body, Wh lob, shows' that it ia acting aatb etreulatlea. Fee adveej tlslsc purpoaa we will pv em aeis artw My aestt to oa persoa In aaaa loaaitty ... a. B. J. SMKAD a CO., Dspt 4S. VlaaUad, H. J. Siwiid saesrlsalty Ikt yeaaf sssa. fs-nM ,sd salary nd. aWaw