AN AOT. T Frst Ik Health sftl DbmU Astasia af la raaiaiaawfalia r PraaaylTaala. Section 1. Be it enacted, etc., Tlwt the importation of dairy cows ami neat cattle for breeding pur poses into the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is hereby prohibited, excepting when such cows and neat cattle are accompanied by a certifi cate from an inspector, whose com petency and reliability are certified to by the authorities charged with the control of the diseases of domes tic animals in the State from whence the cattle came, certifying that they have been examined and subjected to the ttilicrculin test and are free from disease. Section 2. That in lieu of an in spection certificate as above required the cattle may le detained at suit able stock-yards nearest to the State line on the railroad over which they are shiped, and there examined at the expense of the owner, or cattle as nlove sccilied from jHtints out side of the State may, under such restrictions as may be provided by the State Live Stock Sanitary oard, be shipped in quarantine to their destination in Pennsylvania, there to remain in quarantine until pro crly examined at the expense of the owner, and released by the State Live Stock Scuitary Board. Section 3. The State Live Stock Senitary Hoard is hereby authorized and einjH)wered to rohibit the im portation of domestic animals into the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, whenever in their judgment such measures may lm necessary for the proper protection of the health of the domestic animals of the Com monwealth,' and to liiake arid enforce rules and regulation governing such traffic as' may from time to" time be required;- ' v' SectiouM. Tliat any person, firm, or corporate Ixxly violating the pro visions off this'aM,t shall be .-deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, . and upon conyictiou'shalli in the proper court of thecoimiy in which' such ca,ttle are sold, offered, 'for 'Bale; delivered to a purchaser, or in winch such cattle may be detained in transit, for each offence, forfeit and pay a fine of not less than fifty dollars or more than one 'hundred dollars, or be punished by imprisonment for not less than ten days, and not exceed ing thirty days, either or both, at the discretion of the court. Such jhtsoii, firm or corporate Ixxly shall lo liable for the full amount of the damages that may result from the violation of this act. Section ft. The State Live Stock Senitary Hoard is hereby charged with the enforcement of this act, and is authorized to sw that its provis ions arc obeyed, and to make, from time to time, such rules and regula tions as may be necessary and prop er for its enforcement. Section 0. That this act shall go into eflect January first, one thous and eight hundred and ninety-eight. Approved May 26, 1SD7. ttl'I.KS I'OU tiik Knkokckment ok tiik Acr k May 'lit, 1897. Dairy cows and neat cattle for breeding purMses may Ixi brought into Pennsylvania from other States only in accordance with one of. the three following provisions : 1. The cattle may Ixj examined and tested with tiilxTciilin in the State froiu.wheucc they come by an inspector whose competency and re liability arc certified to by the au thorities charged with the control of the diseases of animals in that State. Special blanks for reporting upon such examinations will 1h furnished by the State Live Stx-k Senitary IJoard upon application. Cattle thus examined, found to Ix- free from disease and brought into Pennsyl vania, shall remain in t he possession of the person or jmtsoiis who own them when brought into Pennsylva nia until the inspection rcxrts have lxi'ii approved by a incmlxT of the State J jive Stock Senitary Hoard or by an agent authorized to; approve such reports. After such approval the cattle can lx; disposed of without restriction. t, 2. Dairy cows and neat rattle for breeding purjxtses may, if shippers so elect, lie -examined and tested' with ttilicrculin in suitable stock yards nearest to the State lino on the railroad over which they are shipped. Such t xaminations are to 1h made by insix'ctors" approved bv this lioard and at the expense of the owner of the rattle. Cattle so inspected shall la marked with a suitable metal tag or theV 1511. !:. '!i::il.- idelltiiiod, a.l; a reT. ,!; ex-unina'ii:i ,i. t-.ti .s for 1. 1 '. ii ' u Miultc.! vit.m;u tioii, --iixii lav t f. r ..i 1 neat caitli- for niv orought ;: t;llntut preciuUH ! . ,l,i'T till' ... j .-.;. -v -lirtv i'.1.' p'li'j ilit.l I'- Hi IV tXdili nilli'Ui (a.) A. n.1- it to tlieSt lit- !.iv Stock S. ni: i: it .ml that U i- pi' -pisvd to Iri:c ruin dairy cows or neat ca .tic l:n- i.. .-cling purKscs in to this State V; !i i-otice must Ix? amiiiUKinie-l ' ihe nuiulxT and a full and accurat" iltsniptK'u "f the cattle, the names and addresses of the owner and consignee, the late upon which they are to Ik; brought into the S'atc, the route over which they are to lw driven or shipped, and the destination. A blank form to use in rendering this report will be sent Uwn ipii cation to the Stale Live Stock Sen itary Hoard. (b.) Such cattle shall remain strict quarantine during transit and after they have arrived at their des tination until they have Ix'en ex amined and tested with tulx-reulin by an insjxcter approved by this Hoard. Under this quarantine it is required that the cattle shall be kept apart from other cattle, that they shall remain in the possession of the person or jK-rsons who bring them into this State and that their milk shall not lw sold or used with out previous sterilization by boiling. Dairy cows or neat cattle for breeding put poses brought into Pennsylvania under this provision that are found upon examination or test to be tuberculous, shall ' be strictly insolated aiid quarantined, their inilk cannot lx? used for any purjvose whatever without previous sterilization by boiling, and they shall Hot Ix? moved to other premises 'excepting for -'slaughter. No com pensation shall be allowed for such cattle. . . Approved by the State Live Stock Senitary Board, at Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 5, 18.97. Leonard Pkauson, '. . Secretary .' A Physician's Tribute To the BwtflU Rscslvsd From Dr. JUIlM' NEW HEART CURE. HEART DISEASE Is curable. It la not surprising that all cases are not cured, since no physlclun hus made the heart a special study for a quarter ot a century as Dr. Miles has done. The follow ing tribute from a physician will be read with Interest. "For six years prior to taking Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure my wife was a terrible sufferer from heart disease. She bad a constant flutter ing of the heart and severe palpitation and pain in the left side. She took three bottles of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure and was complete ly restored to health, and has not taken a drop of medicine during the past two years. Under these circumstances I cannot do otherwise than recommend It to others." Friendship. N. Y. W. II. Scott, M. D. Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee first bottle benefits or money refunded. Book on Heart and Nerves sent free to nil applicant. DU. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. HEESCH & DROHGOLD'S SAWMILL AKD ENGIII A wonderful Improvement In Friction Feed and lilc-llnrk. Hack motion otCarrlagi'.-i time an fiwt a.i any oilier In the market. Frlrllnnf'lnlrh Feed, caunln all the fwt Rparlnn to aUuid f till while hack Iiik; rent anvins In power mid wrnr. t'ata lnmie and price tree. Alwktprins Harrows, Cultivator, Corn Planters, Hucllcrs, tu Mntum IhlM pn;er. UENt'Il dc UUOMGOLD, Mfrs., York, Pa. VEJERlNAV. SUFj'CEON, , ' ' SELINSOROVE. P. All professional buMlhesBdhtrus'ediM my care will receive prompt and careful ttltyiUon.... . FrcriastiDS Posts. iiJrJssZ' time. 1 itimmI for nil kinds of tiinlier. Kcclpe for mnkinir this paint, flPo. Write to-day. Ad dress, D. U. Hack, Krci mer, l'u. Off Vn t"- :. f . IT........ . - - - w t . Tnb. .itKCILI-.tH tlltlllltfl .- ir,-tl. inn t r r , i ' . ... .. . atari Curstl jr,JfctOrC!. J ES Inti-Quay Republicans CaU a State Conference to Discuss Issues. QUAY'S PHILADELPHIA DEFEAT. rod LesMllnK ItepabHc.n to -The Baalneosi Men's Lieacrae the Battle Candidates Will Suseested This Month Some ot the Bonaes' Latest Moves In City Politics The Appointment of Boyer to the Mint. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ilarrisburtr, Jan. 11. The action of the Pennsylvania branch of the Na tional League of Business Men in de ciding; to call together for conference representative business men from every part of the state Is regarded here as a very shrewd move. General satisfac tion Is expressed over this action. The determination of the league to save the Republican party from another An drews candidacy for Governor and to use Its best efforts to send a representa tive Pennsylvanian to Washington in stead of a politician of the Quay stripe meets with general approval. Senator Quay's sneaking methods were never better illustrated than in the fight for tax receiver in Philadel phia, which, for Senator Quay and hln friends, came to such a disastrous close on Tuesday of last week. After de faming Secretary of State Martin for several years Senator Quaycame crawl ing on his stomach to Secretary Mar tin within the past three months with vain pleading for a "fix up" of theli differences. Quay offered to do any thing If Martin would only turn In and help him out on his senatorial fight. Martin positively refused to make any deal. Then Quay's friendn started the report that a deal had been arranged. This was in the hope of weakening Sec retary Martin in Philadelphia, where Quay Is so lamentably weak himself. QUAY DECLARES HIMSELF. During the past two months Quay" friends In the Ward Leaders' League have been declaring that Quay was op posed to their candidate, Newltt, for tax receiver. But this fooled nobody. Everybody knew that Senator Quay, in his sneaking way, was doing all he could to help this sandbaggers' league defeat the .regular Republican organi sation. But the cat came out of. the bag on Friday last, when, with the ut most haste, Senators Quay and Pen rose secured the appointment ot Henry K. Boyer as superintendent of the mint in Philadelphia. -r This was done In the hops of help ing the ward leaders' combination in their losing fight This combination ot city contractors, - lobbyists and ward heelers immediately began spreading a report -that there were several hundred places In the mint to be given out to their followers, but this falsehood did not win a. delegate for them. . The ef fect which Quay figured on did not ma terialise, and so the Boyer appointment fell flat It was more than counter balanced by the withdrawal that day from the league of William B. Ahern, clerk of courts and chairman of the campaign committee ot the Ward Leaders' League. Now that organized effort is being made to defeat the candidate ot Hon. "Asparagus" Andrews the element in Dauphin county and the adjacent coun ties that Is opposed to bosslsm and one man power Is taking an active In terest In the matter. Quay Is not liked here In Harrisburg or In Dauphin coun ty. This was shown by Dauphin county going for Dr. Swallow last November. State Senator McCarrell, one of the most subservient of Quay's followers, and who wants to be lieutenant gov ernor next time, will not be able to carry the county for Quay and An drews this year. This much is assured. ANDREWS WORKING HARD. For weeks the agents of Hon. "As paragus" Andrews have been working in this and neighboring counties to set up delegates favorable to Colonel Stone, the Hon. "Asparagus' " candidate for governor. The great majority of Re publicans have stood ready to oppose this scheme, but they have been at a disadvantage because of the absence in the field of any organization or can didate around whose standard they could gather. When the members of the Business Men's League and other anti Quay Republicans who Join with them decide upon a candidate to oppoHe Will iam A. Stone, the bosses' man, there will be little trouble in uniting to de feat the efforts of Hon. "Asparagus" Andrews to. "own a governor." The work of the political bandits In Philadelphia who, masquerading as Republicans, are known as the Ward Leaders' League, have been threatening to oppose the regular nominee for tax receiver, has been demoralizing upon the party all through the state. The Independent candidacy of Sheriff Crow 'last year, his bolting of the regular Republican convention, has angered thousands of Republicans. Quay ani Penrose are equally denounced for not halting this movement at that time. The recent uprlsinc In Ohio against alleged bosslsm, the failure of Piatt in New York to control the pnrty, and the split In Republican Maryland is pointed to ns a possibility of what may happen In i'ennsylvanla this year. QUAY' PRECEDENT FOR BOLT ING. Senator Quay and his friends have established In the Crow campaign a precedent for boltlTig, and they will have nobody to blame but themselves If they neglect the warning ot the Shallow" ' -vote,., smash ,. the party and elect, ail independent or Democrat to Bu'cceed Governo? Hastings. The men who are protesting against Quay boss iBtn are men who, have never failed to support the party nominee. This has been a part of Xh'elr' faith, but when they see the profpHBod leaders of the party In Philadelphia Join with, the Democrats, us was 'the ' case in the Crow campaign, in 'defeating the Re publican nominee, for' sheriff and divid lng the ofllces with ; the Democrats, they cannot be censured if they refuse to follow.-, the leadership of such'- Re publicans. And especially Republicans of- the stamp of Hon. "Asparagus" (at 11 a plate) Andrews. THE COUNTRY DISTRICTS NOT FOOLED. ' It has been my privilege since my iber ef tnea representing at least half the counties ot the state, who wen la Harrisburg oa business, of ficial and otherwise. The concensus of opinion la that Quay's melodramatic utterance no longer catcjt the farmers. His cheap talk about "men In blouses" and hla assertion that "the country districts" are always for him is rapidly dytr.g In point of efficacy. In other words the country people are ."onto Senator Quay with both feet" The proposed conference of over one hun dred representative Republicans from all over the sta'e v.ith the Business Men's Ler.gue In Philadelphia Is looked forward to with hope by the enemies of bosslsm. There Is no real sym pathy with the efforts of Senator An drews to accomplish what he failed to bring about when Delamater was his candidate for governor in 1891. What ever Andrews may be able to accom plish In securing delegate will be through false promises ot patronage, the use of Quay's name and those other methods best known to the gen tleman with the asparagus appetite in his campaigns. The independent voters of the state, who today hold the balance of power, have confidence In the patriotism and Republicanism ot the men who con stitute the Business Men' League, and so they await with Interest the an nouncement of name around which they can rally in the coming battle. The meeting of prominent Republi can held In Philadelphia, to which reference was) made In my last letter, Is separate and apart from this meet ing which the Business Men' League has undertaken to call. That two great forces should thus be working to the same end Is the best evidence of the universal feeling of distrust of Sena tor Quay and hi methods. There is no doubt, however, that these interests will be merged and a common ticket agreed upon. BOYER'S APPOINTMENT. . The appointment of Speaker Henry K. Boyer to the mint 1 being severely criticized. Mr. Boyer represents no body but Senator Quay. He was Sen ator Quay's speaker of the last legis lature, and he is the representative of bos power In politics In the mint to day. The Evening Telegraph, of Phila delphia, In discussing editorially the appointment of Mr. Boyer to this re sponsible office, eayi: ,i "Speaker Boyer was not made superin tendent for that reason (his personal fitness) or for any other reason that reflect credit on any one concerned; he was appointed because he ha al ways been a henchman of Senator Quay, and because - hi 1 appointment was demanded by the latter and by hi colleague In the senate. . "Moreover the change In 'the 'mint ha been effected at - this ' particular time in the belief, which is probably well founded, that It will, have some influence upon the primary elections to be held In this city next week. It will not have any perceptible Influence upon the mass of the Republican voter, who have not been going about the street clamoring for Mr. Boyer' ap pointment; but it may be expected toil hold some Quay worker In line and to keep them up to their work until the last moment by Impressing them with a sense of Mr. Quay's Influence at Washington. If they want anything for themselves and their friends they had better "look sharp" between this time and next Tuesday. SECRETARY GAGE SORE. "There Is still another feature of the Boyer appointment, according to the Washington version of it, which de serves passing notice. . It Is said that Secretary Gage was opposed to a change in the mint Just at present for business reasons, and, moreover, that he desired to consult the buslnesss men of Philadelphia about the selection of a successor to Major Kretz when the time for the change arrived. Rut Ma jor Kretz's resiKnatlon was secured and Mr. Boyer's appointment made with out any consultation with the secretary of the treasury. Such Is the story." lustice of the Peace AND GONVfeJYANGER-M- Z. STEIMNGLK. Middlcburgh, Pa f.k. nowr.R. K. K. PAWI.I1A BOWER & PAWLING, AttomeyB-at-Law. omces In Hunk Bulltllntt. 'Nidfllclrt Fa. JA8. O. CROUSE, ATTORNKT AT LAW, MlDDLKUimO, PA. All buiine-iM etitro.xte.1 to Ills euro will reui'lve prompt attention. CHAS. NASriPUUVIS Collections, Loans and Investments. Rcnl Evtate anl rrlvrtfe Hunker, Williamaport. rjvpnroing Co., Pa Doponlts nRccpU'U, Hiitiji-ct toil rails or checks, rum any part ot the world. THE OLD ESTABLISHED - - Merchants7 House?-- Thlnl Hirer t Ahnve ('Hllnwliill. PEILABELPHIA, PA. Under New Management. Kates $1.50 a day, 5.00 per Week. Wm. F. Miller, Prop'r. HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures- Fever. No. 3 ' " Infants' Diseases. No. 4 . .'' " Diarrhea. No. 8 " ' ". ' Neuralgia. :No,;. 0, V. Headache. No. 10 t" Dyspepsia. No. 14 Cures Skin Diseases.. ' No. I S .'. ; Rheumatism. No'.' 20 ' " Whooping Cough' No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. SO Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. fifttfl IW j4snmtjjr a rm saat hmmM 1.TW.H riVMitrif of prfott cants evl). FnTihiTTi Mwuoine Thip iD the PccEir remember it Itcontains Washing Powder . that cleans everything quickly, - cheaply and perfectly. - - - For economy bay lib. paekage. TH I. I. FAIBBASK CMPiHT, Cttoafo. St. Louis, New Tore, Philadelphia. in.' J ftrS CANDY IDC aM-lliftf! lllVrSV 25c 50c ttii" s. I ir . V n arc intended for children, Jadies 'arid all ', ...who. preier. a medicine disguised' as con- -fectionery. ', They; may now be haJ (pui i tip in'Tiri Boxes, seventy-two in a bbx),;'1! price, twenty-live cents or nve Doxes ior one dollar. Any druggist will get them if you insist, and they obtained by remitting me price to The Ripans Chemical company Mn in SPRUCE ST DON'T SACRIFICE . . . Future Oonnort for present seeming Economy, but BUY the , Sewing Mncliine witb an established reputation that cuarsmtH's ,mr and satisfactory serrice : IQTSend for our boauliful linlf tone FIRE.eLIFE 9 AMMCClDElTRl ' ' Insurance. ' . ; . Snyder's .old, and reliable Gen'i Insurance Agency, ' :, SELINSGR0VE, SNYDER COUNTY, FA- 1711 OT7" sEIti trrf AKOTlt. . Successor io the late The Par-Excelleice of Reliable Insurance is represented in the follow- . ing list of Standard Companies, from which to make a Belectiou, .None Better the World over. . NAMK, LOOATIOW. ASSETS. ElliXj noyni, Liverpool, &ng. unciuuing lureigu ast'ih; ,njKi,ynnj.m Hartford, of Hartford, Conii., (oldest American Co.) 8,645,735.B , ... ' , PhcBniz, - - Hartford, Conn. 6,088,058.07 -, - Continental,, i New York, t , v . ,8,704.908.72, , ' Uerman American, xsew.xoi'K, . -; , trFESfutual Life Ins. Co. - New York. " -r :l ' $204,63H,flft8.i C.JJUU j11 J. AJ UJ piVJ d O UMWaUVJ Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of , . $a,70U,upu.oui Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowont possible ratei jut-, tified bv a strict record to mtual safetr. All iust claims promptly and : nfisfftnfnrilr nrliiiHt.fid. Information nce promptly furnihd ATT. DRUGGISTS may always be Tl;e l;ite. Us beautiful figured wood- vrork, durable construe- . tion, fine mecbani- cal adjustment, coupled w ith tlie luntt Set of Steel Attachments, makes it the Most Desirable Machine in k Market. FRANK S. RIEGLE, MlDDLEBURGH, PA. eatalosrue. "V illiam H. Snyder. sVjVOO VA vs ivs Mswy , in relation to all classes of Insur- ELT'E3 w. SNXDEK. Agt, - - . . ..i nn if ri