The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 06, 1898, Image 3

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."a i 3 te paCaaa Lu-
C7 ni trt CKitcx)lBir
tare-? n ewes? to Lta aUJ eaactaat-
17. la-C-y Iva nwid at lec-t ta
Lava MeUt a tetM. tor aa tOesl
t kU oU m aaals la ncj ewrioaa
Kale's fcoay fm :
Nw. yea Jee" sol (rtCl. yek m Yottns
via," e Mid. "I waat yah to knaw
1 dla am Kaw Yeaa's day an' fum die ou
I ain't a goln' tea hao no nonsense.
Yea undahstand T No fool kJckln' aftaa
.dts, Darius!"
Darius flopped ona aar knowingly.
" MNo,aah!"aaidCacaar,adlamdeda7
w.hen wo got teh make food resolutions,
an . me an yon am a folo' teh do dat
same. ,rtl heah mtV
The l tale glanced at Unci Catiar
wit a pc naive look, and tba old nerro
walked at ouad In front of Darlnn and.
UMnr bit
long black forefinger In the
air, addret
aed bin tknat
yon an' ma bab been big
Dey alat no doatft beut
bab kick yah way moa' cleaa
1, an' I been atealla pullets
nl'a moa' lost, bat Tat a
mek a compact wif yea,
dia yere Now Yeah I'll agree
.Hecate ao ehlokena of yeaH,
eh trow p dea sebbll keele
Vra dat afo, Darhuf
eked lata the eld maa'a aeV
eyea, aad- aeddedt It
climbed Uborieoalr
ky -kerrldra," and flapped
Derlaa' toagk back, and
gged ant of tba ra-d and
ad.:; . . -. ..- ,w .-.,
crisp, cool monies'
felt very nappy. . Be bad
' right, and the wicked
tway in the preeent eaee of
mllea down the road) to
rn Undo Caesar suddenly
to a walk. Then he palled
, sly. Darina looked around
tnt Unele Caesar waa lost
' . four fat bene and a roos
e t teblnf by tba road. At
4 ae ol arky shook hia bead.
. "No, sab, Istah 8atao, yeb cayn't
tempt LW aesar. I done made a
' compact, an won't be de one teh break
" tt Darins d 't git no sicb chance teh
row ober n "
s , But he did not drive on.
'' In a minute 4nore be had slowly de
, nmnded from 1 Vis "ken-idgr," A straw
. lay in the roa 1 nd graepiuf this be
' -cautioaily tick let Darius on his left
' - flank. For a m n!ert the air waa full
of heels. Then T facie Caesar shook his
head sadly.
"Darius." he
aid. "I'm a'prlaed at
break our compact,
o state of what Uncle
ensiated that New
yeh! Yeh done
yob no 'count m
la Hwecessary
Caesar . menu
. YeartCay?
, fEUM
4i Am"'
He teaersea when
. - be tat ' .
'.To breaking the
sr Oae. .
te new rear can la aa
raetlos of ssseklng at.
away he would wine
down to hie favorite
-Chicago Mewa
Tba baMt eenetv
eeirnn aims
V I . 1 ' ' 1 "
.'.. bt m, m m . u m- . mm
1 "
fM.1&,im C not ol ba wtyic tad be
ovff2f;tB jf: ! JTJIB faTB ttaaT.
-3Um Xaawaaaaaaa la Bntaaa eaw la
tataatLaf. U tba maraing the netaoea
of Um la portal family, psreoaagea of
tba aaan, raactkmartea of tba earSml.
ku order te present their eenafvi and
goad wishes ta the emperor, who Wanes
all tba members of hia family, and all
the high ofndaJa three ttmta anoor rthig
to the Ruwlan faahwn.
The feeUTlUea eommoaea on tba list
of December, and are ended oa the tth
of January. During tbeae two weeke
the young people gather together to
play gamea and to danee. Oa Mow
Yeere day. at broakfaat, dinner and
sttpper. tbe guests, standing around
tba table, touch glaaaea, drink the
health of the emperor, and offer good
wlahea to each other.
Masters give presents to their sen
ao ta, but don't giro preeenta to each
other, aa they do on Chrietmaa. On
Chrlstmaa day. In all the famlllea, the
tnblo la act with profusion, and boa
pitality la offered to everybody. In
high society they drink chsmpagne,
while the common people drink broody.
At thia time, also, they devote them
eelvea to augural practices. They
throw melted lead Into water, and from
the flguree formed by the euddenly
cooled metal they endeavor to make
horoscopes. The young girls try to
learn whether they will be married,
and to know something of the face, tbe
finalities and the fortune of their fu
ture huabanda. At midnight they sit
down between two mirrors by the side
of which two candles are placed. They
look into one mirror and Into the other
until they can sea It llghta. Inthlswsy
some of tbe glrla fancy they eee In tb
mirror the Image of their fiance, and
that givee them hope.
No Effort Loat.
t Every effort toward reformlng
Helpe man en te higher thine:
. Bravely, sin's Intrencninents itormlng.
Every fight nw courage brings.
Even careless New Tear's swearing
Leavee aa Imprese on his life.
Though no character repairing.
Tet It belpe him fool hie wife.
-Oilcage Record.
A Hew Deavtr.
"Julia and I hit It off beautifully
about the New Year."
"What did you do?"
"She framed all the reeolutlena aha
thought I ought to make. and. I did the
thing for her." Detroit Tree
Sergeant (to eadavoroua-looklng re
emit) You look exactly like a pad
calendar on the 31st of December.
Fllegende Blaetter.
A Mew T ear's Toast.
Bore'e te the world, the funny eld world.
And the day that are happy or blue.
And nere'e to the future, be what It may,
And bore'e te the best that's you.
N. T. Herald.
A Oeea atai.:'"
"I've made one New Yeare resolution
that Ta going to eee carried out."
"What la it?M
"Tba world has got to treat ma bet
ter thaa It did last year." Chicago
Boon eme that New Year's esereiae,
And, wat seema sadly quoer.
The faults from which he wUl ewearon'
Are the earn he named last year.
Washington Bur.
Hie felly.
Jenklae 4 .bear that Bark
sworn off smoking.
Hogg Poor devil! He's
always keepa hia word. S
r put. tnroTjgn-tneir n rouer 'I
Tba wont ta learning rapidly to
paad wpoa ftaoif. Ita aono aa
tore bo kmger go ta the oaat for eoV
lsgkUo advaotagsa, aaya the St Louis
Gwhs Desnocrat. ' la tba opaai&g ad
draaa before tba stndonto of Fsnsas nmV
versity last week the apaakar took tor
his thema the proposition that western
youth should ba educated la western
noUegse. Hie argument waa almost un
nsrissary. Chancellor Snow, of tba
Xanana university, baa looked Into thia
subject somewhat. Qa baa found that
of aevea Taneaa boya and girls who go
to college, only ona seeks aa eastern In
stitution. Kansas baa about T.0OO of
ber youth engaged thu year lathe pur
suit of higher education. Fewer con
siderably than 1000 are In eastern eol
leges. Tbe chancellor's investigations
bear upon the slgna of the times. Kan
sas baa II denominational colleges, and
the number of students attending them
this year averages about 100. The
Kansas university opens with an at
tendance 100 In advanoe of laat year,
good evidence of the Improved times.
The enrollment Is 1,000, and will reach
1,100 probably. In the agricultural and
the normal are 8,000 atudenta. Alto
gether there are In the higher Institu
tlons of the state at the preeent time.
the chancellor believes, fully 8,000 stu
dents. His examination baa failed to
show more than 300 attending the prin
cipal colleges of the east. Making al
lowance for all other scattering Kansas
students) and for the girls who have
teen sent to eastern colleges especlaJIy
devoted to their aex. the chancellor Is
latiaflcd that the number of Kansas
students In colleges outside of tbe state
will not exceed 1,000.
"There Is considerable whooping
cough prevalent nowadays," remarked
an old lady, a resident of Weat Vlr
ginia, to a reporter, "and there are a
number of cures, ail of them of some
value, no doubt. Dut the eimpleat rem
cdy that I know of la warm milk juat
aa It come from the cow. I waa raised
la the country, where the remedy waa
eay to get. There are a number of cows
kept la the city, and It la not vary dim
caft to get worm milk, If the proper
effort la made. Warm milk Is aa al
most certain euro, and it baa tbe advan
tags over most of the other remedies
In that It is a food as wall. I don't know
that any particular quantity la aoei
mry, my rule being to let the ehllddrlak
aa much aa It dasiraa. Tba child should
get It at leaat twioe a day, morning and
A young man weat up recently to
bla examlnatlona in a great university.
Juat before ba began, says Laslte'a
Weekly, hia companions aaw him
searching in hia pockets wildly. Then
ho murmured in despair: "What shall
X do? It is goos!" "What Is gons?"
soma ona asksd. "My lucky stone.
ahall never pass la the world. Upon
Inquiry it waa found that among ths
four or five scores of young men pres
ent several wore some sort of a charm
upon their person in order to aeeure
success In their examination. Too
many young men of the rising genera
tion depend on luck to carry them
through, when proper exercise of their
brains would make aa assured success
for them.
A Kentucky physician suggests thst
transfusion of the blood of the colored
men may be tried as a remedy againal
yellow fever. The negro, it is well
known, hss been rendered immune to
this disease by generations of exposure,
and It is asserted that thia condition
Is due to the phagocytes and planocitee
la the Afrlcaa'e blood, which, being In
jected Into aamtbera blood, will make
him also unassailable by tba disease.
A striking Illustration of ons of tbe
changes that have taken place la this
country Is the fact that a posse of Chey
enne Indiana has been trailing a band
of white train robbers In tbe weat.
Probably the red men have overtaken
the paleface outlaws by this time 'and
csused them to meditate on tbe some
times queer reversal of sltustions
through the advancement of civilisa
tion. Mrs. ITanna Oould'a band of CO wom
en to aall from Now York December 1
for Dawson City is composed, according
to their chaperon, of "widows and
bachelor maid en a." It la extremely
probable that in a very- abort time after
their arrival on the Klondike such des
ignation will ceaae to ba applicable to
any of tbeaa female argonauts.
A prominent capitalist who
eeatly offered for $7S,000 an interest in
a Klondike scheme, warranted to pay
$11-0,000 a mooth: from the start : re
sponded '.with thia mesiiagoi "Pay 'for
It out of the first month 'a earnings.'
Sepd tba surplus at ooee." The nego
tiations failed to go through.
The child's Jaat Uatamistak la not
a beefsteak would hardly ho compre
hended by the Xeataeky young woman
who, oa being Informed that her lover
only played lor' dinners,, auppers and
email stakes, declared' aba waa rejoiced
to bear that he never played aserpl
for something to oat ' '
.' Sight dead, tea maimed, IT of them
Injured for Ufa thjg la the aeaaoo'e
record thus far at the ftebleteaUo
mea's gam- of footbaO. . And yet
al w.tfeeeVftteiM wnaHMr-
r x irr jrr.-r-i r
"i.j -.1
Tii'vTioTraf TtXTnOT
tl Fas tta
.Sore. t-
T. 4. Sleeura, the Oreal Uneralat a ad Sdentlat.
Will waa to Meg-rere. Tare rre BotUra of
Ha Mealy Dttoovorod keawdk Car Cee
. eenpuoe aa aC Luag Ireeuta.
Nothing oeuld b Hirer, toon ahUsntropto or
carry aior)oy to the affllotod. thaa ise goeor
ou offer of the aoeored and dlailngabkodJtem.
M, T. A. BkKwa. M. Cot Moo York nty.
H has eiseovare a MlaM aad abmhitecare
rnroouMimpiloa. and all bronchial, throatt, lung
ad cheat tlaiM, oattarrhal affKoiloo, svneral
dn:llM aLd weak item, loon of flih and all con
dition ol wasting away, and 10 make lia grmt
mrrtu knowa. will Mnd throafnra io(tlaot hi
newly dlaunvend reuimlk-a io auy amicted read
of Uw Poor.
Already bis nw arleniinc avsiem of medl
clnr" lias prnnsaeniW eur-d thownda of p-pa-enlly
hnpnirM iiwk
The Ijoutor oonxldf rs It not onlr his Drofes-
slonal. but his religious duty a duly which he
ownes 10 surferlng butuanlly do donate bla In
fallible euro.
He has provided tba "drMdd consumption"
10 no acuranio aura oeyoud a anuot. la sn
climate, and has 011 die In bis American and
Kumpean latraiortm tUousands of "heartrelt
KwilmoalslBof Kntiluule" from lliose benerttU'd
and cured, in all psrta of the world.
CaUrrhal and pulmonary t roublrs lead tn ein
sumpUon. and consumption, uninterrupted
means speedy and cennln denih. Don't delay
uullllt Is too lute. Simply wrllaT. A. tOoeuin.
M. C . St fine 8lreel, New Turk, irlvlng expnrna
and puNtonice address, and tbe free mllclne
win be promptly sent, piense tell the Doctor
you saw nis oner la tba Prar.
Alaska -Klondike
Gold Mining Co.
Capital Stork, 500,000 Sliares of
$10.00 each, lull v paid and non-as
sessable, of whit'li 250,000 Shares
are now oHered for suhstrriptions ut
There ara many persons who desire to go lo
the gold fields of Alaska Ilia cumins season,
who have not enough ready money available
so enable them to do so.
To all such, wa would advice the desirability
of forming a local syndicate of three or more
persons, and jointly purchase BOO shares of our
stock, and select one of your number to go and
prospect and mine for Joint acconnt.
With parties .'.forming such syndicate, this
Company will contract to send out one of their
number lor each Mothers of stock purchased
torn II at par, an J naslnleln snob 'party there
for one year from the dale of arrrWal at the
gold fields, supplying him with food, tools, and
all things requisite to enable htajto prospect
for gold, and with help to develop and work all
good claims located by him lb claims to be
located U tbs ssss of the syndicate sad lb
Alaska-Kloadyk Qold Mining Co., and to be
owned Jointly and equally, share and share
Writa fof CircularFull Particulars.
... Biasness.
Jesses Bice, let Bssratary Btat of Colorado ;
Was. Shaw, capitalist, Chicago 1 ' Ttecoaab, Tis President and General
' afansgs assesses frail Dispatch Co. j
If. C. rash, member Maritime Bzahange, Raw
Tork; '
Ceo. W. Herges, Circle City, Alaska
Joha B. LswtherJNsw Tork 1
George T. Duff, Fall Rider, Maes.
aavlasav soabd.
Uea L. II. Wakefield, Assoclat Justice, First
' District Court South Framlnghom, ataas. ;
Hon, S. Richmond, late President Court of
Appeal, Denver, Col.
8. 0. Vpdegraf, lat Treasurer Lycossing Coun
ty, Wllllamsport, Penn.
Bemuel If. Bryan, President Chesopeake and
Potomac Telephone Co., Washington, I. C;
Dr. B. IX Fieber, l,l Mlclilgsn Ave., Chloago
Col. P. A. Huffman, Detroit, Mich. ;
M.G. R. Hwlft, Allorney-at-Uw, Fall Hirer,
Isaac W. Bcoll, Deduty Collector, Cedar Rapids,
Wm. F. McKnlKht, Alloniey at Uw, (Irand
Rapids, Mien.
,' The ef the. Alaska-Elondyk Gold
Mining Company will be to run llnsof steam
re oa the Taken River, and between Hnallle
and the different parte of Alaska, open supply
stores al the different camps, de a general
transportation, eommarelal and banking bus
iness, and. In addltloa, deal la Mining Claims,
and work the mines already owned and that
may hereafter be seq aired by the Company.
The Company controls the following
Bight Cold Placet Claims sggregttiuif let)
Acres Is Eitent, located on Forty Mile Creek
under Untied Heat mining law. Development
has uroved the pay slreak lo be Ave feel thlrk
and baa yielded placer dirt that pans from IS
to 111 to tbe nan. Five Gold Placer Claims, eg
relating 100 Acre la eitent, on Porcupine
River, that pans from ousts lo lit to a pan.
Tea Gold Placer Claims, eecraaatint ISO acres
n lb Tonus River, panning from 110 so gW a
A Aneroid quarts lods in Alaska, which as
asvi from IIS tO'SMO Der ton. The lode ehow
an enormous outcrop of free milling ore, vein
at surface belag 11 lesltble j oa Ibis property
have made 12 locations of U00 feet by 800 feel
equaline 190 acres. We don't claim that II is
the mother lode, but we do know II is without
a equal for prospective values.
Ths estimates and statement above are of
necessity based upon information obtained
from eur Superintendent, eud are believed and
accepted by lb company.
This eomoanv bavins Seoul red eatenslvo
holdings of rich placer and gold quarts proper
ties, capable of earning large dlvtdende on lie
stock, offer lo Investors advantage that in
sert large d proSktbl returns.
Mr. George W. Morgan, oor Superintendent,
has been on lb Takon for the paal year work
lat hk the interest at Ihieoomneny . Therefore,
srearenot sskinganyona to contribute to a
project unplanned, DM so ons inorooguiy ma
tured. This company, with lie able aids, es
teasiv knowledge, and great rssoaroes, le ser
ial to besom on of ths rleaeetaompanl op
erating la Alaska.
Oar Prldeal sskee pleasure la referring you
to lb following lie el rsfsrescss t
James B. Dwn Bill! Co., Bankers, Detroit,
UulC.'TesraVtiranilssloer World's Pair
from aerlco, "The Rookery," Chloago, III
BsaatorM.M. Teller, of Colorado; . . .
Joha Shafrolb, RepreawntaUv lo Congress,
J. M. Bll,BpresnbMiT to Congress, Colorado;
C, C Cleraenl. WssAUsgto Tiusl Co. Building,
Waekiaaioa, rXOii , .
Joseph C a, g-Chtof Josno of Colorado j
Charlaa D. Ibyt, Chief Jasrle of Colorado ;
a B. Maagseas, lit TIsMS-Hsrald, Chloago, UUi
Mssries Joyce, Bleetr Pidura, Star Baildlsg,
Wsshlagssa, D.Ct
Capi J, J. Lambert, Owaer aad Ml tar Chief.
aia.raahla.ftil ; :
a. U Bllligaii, Tail Ageal B. f. B. B. at. .
B. BO was, Peeael Co., ruvaelpala. '
The) foil-paid stock is now offered
at Tkk Dollars per share Sand
joar ordan to tbe
rtnew nova.
i- . " r ' i cortua but .
. J .-JT.: --"L "
Tbara la a mw ta Iowa watek
tbe wife oqaally Uable fog oofcta eea-
iracted for ameieriee aita aa fcaa
bead. A Jeweler sold to a anaa named
If oNatr a diamond ahlrVotod. for wkloa
the latter gave bla note. The creditor
soed oa tao aote, making Mm. ICoNatr
a eodefeadaat voder the statute. 8 be
dam aired oaUie ground that a diamond
stud waa aot an expenee for which she
waa liable. The court below, report
the Dubuque Time, sustained the de
murrer. Tbe case waa carried to the
supreme court, and Judge Ladd ren
dered a deoleioa which waa concurred
la by the wool court except Judge
Robinson. Judge Ladd held that: "The
make of the shirt or the taste of tbe
wearer maj be such as to require some
kind of a button, or stud. If the Ines
pensive pearl were need, no one would
suggest making It a family charge
But it might be aa much out of place
on theehlrt front ta person of fashion
or fortune aa a diamond in that of one
who earns hia bread In the sweat of hia
face." Under this decision the question
or orneauent, not utility, la raised. The
inexpensive pearl would answer the
utilitarian purpose equally aa well
Ornament, then, become a necessity to
tbe rich. That la the gist of the court'e
The greater number of white people
do not seem to know that the black man
haa now in hia hands In thia country
all the resource of progress and future
power, aaya the Eanaaa City 6tar. lie
has land; he haa labor; he own hi land
and he controls hia labor, and the ag
gregate wealth of the colored popula
tion of the United States Is yesrly in
creased by millions. He haa schools,
hundreds and thouaanda of them, and
scores of colleges and Institutions of
higher learning. If he choose to r
main Ignorant he will be cheated and
despoiled; if lie chooai to be a vicious
brute, he will be exterminated like
other wild beasts; but if beoheosee to
walk up the ascending way (and thia
the great majority do elect), then he
sees into tbe high atmosphere of free
dom and enlightenment, end a greater
prospect spreads ell around him
Big nuggets of gold will be muea
la evidence aezt year, but the largest
that have bees found were less valuabls
than Is supposed. California's largest
nugget was is inches long, 6 wide and
thick, weighed IDS pounda and was
worth ftS.000. Australia, -largest
weighed M pounds, and Chill holds
the record with one of 400 pounds. Tbe
first piece of gold picked up by Marshall
wben he made his fsmout discovery in
California waa a grain worth 90 cento,
but the second was a little $5 nugget.
A United States soldier, whll drink
ing at a email stream in California,
found the first largs nugget in that re
gion. It weighed 9s pounds, and caused
a great sensation throughout the coan-
It is reported that the recent hoot
ing of striking miner at Hasleton, Fa.,
baa been made the basic of a claim of
indemnity by the Austrian govern
ment, on the ground that tbe Hungar
ians who were killed were Austrian sub
jects. Secretary Sherman has made in
quiries of tbe state authoriUee aa to the
clrcomstancea. The United States has
several times recognised its responsibil
ity for injury don to foreign subjects,
the most recent instance being the ease
of several Italians who were lynched In
Louisiana. But in aoch cases, hitherto,
the vlctlma were killed by mob; in the
nasleton case they were shot by deputy
We are told that Andree, aa he waa
abont to depart on his polar balloon,
waa asked bow soon tidings from blm
might be expected. His answer waa;
"At leaat not before three months; and
one year, perhaps two years, may elapse
before you hear from ut, and you may
one day be surprised by news of our
arrival somewhere. And if not If you
never bear from us others will follow
In our waka until the unknown region
of tbe north, bsve been surveyed." If
the explorer should return the world
will give him a great welcome for his
splendid courage.
A learned editor, of Philadelphia, who
haa made a atndy of the problem of life,
haa at last decided thst a man who has
a aloe house In the city, a large and
pretty country sea and an assured in
come of 120,000 a year is just as well
off as though ha were wealthy. Quite
so. But there ara many other editors
whose Ideas of financial comfort are
not so expansive. Some there are who
would consider aa assayed inoome 119,-
000 sufficient to warrant them in count
ing themselves Immensely wealUgr.
Tbe fish ewarypf the season la Cali
fornia haa been eollpeed by the tale of a
honey cavern la a cliff of Matloclno
county. On some tavya the bee obtcur
the cliff from sight and tba aried honey
In the neighborhood look like lava
from a volcano. A Vesuvius of hoaey
should not ba permitted to ran to
A Canaaatirat man who received a
bill for a book that ba bad ao ece.e
tioa of barlaf eedaredaent tba fellow
lag anew ari Severer ei'daredtttbeask.
UIdloylaotaeadM. If I got it,
1 paid for it If I dldat?! woaf
A ROTXtlaMbsvasttBsta
tba atodat ti .err itdla. tl to
lso aaaaaa laV " 'ieuo
lui Mon
en..0uS& .1.... HI.
B3- CIiriOfKjH
RbenmaL .
Is a blood disease aad only a blood nam
dy can cure it- So many people mak
tbe mistake of takiag remedies which
at best are only tonics aad cannot possi
bly reach their trouble. Ur. Asa Smith,
Greencsstle. Indiana, says: "For yearj
I have suffered with Sciatic Rheums
tism, which the best physicians were un
able to relieve. I took many patent
medicines bnt they did not seem to
reach my trouble. I gradually grew
worse until I was no
able to take my food
or handle myself in
any wsy; I was abao
lutely helpless. Thret
bottles of S.S.S. n
lieved me so that '
was soon able tomov
my right arm; befor
long I conld wal
across the room, an
when I bad finished one dozen bott.l
waa enred completely and am as welt
ever. I now weigh 170."
A Real Blood Remedy
S.S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eorem
and any form of blood trouble. If y
have a blood disease, take a blood me
cine S.S.S. (g uatanteed purely vrgt
table) is exclusively for the blood a
ia recommended for notbinK else,
forces out tbe poison mutter ix-rmane
ly. We will
send to sayone
onr valuable
books. Address
Swift Specific
Co., Atlanta,
Sund us tbe names hud nddren
of three or more performers on
piatio or organ together with
cents in silver or postage and
will mail you sixteen pages full h1
music, eonsisting of popular soi
waltses, B arches, etc., srrauged
the piano and orgau. Address ;
Popuub Muhio Co.,
tf. Iudiauapolip, In
Small adrerrisement of every floerr
sot, asle or Heni, Lost or round, or til
llces Inserted under this hatd r,ir niik.i
s word lor ooe Insertion ana oan-fimrtli 1
word each ulaeqient Inserilon. Noiiil
serted tor leas than ten cea'a.
U KDSTATts. A bouk of twn 1
pares. coQtstnliigcatliirMe of s
thoussni newspapers, bring ll ibal are t
d b the amerlran NeWHiiauer lllrectory
ember edition for IfhlT) with hevlnir rHlrul
suet of I.Os) eople or mere. Also swparale
m.u. ui pwjii DU0firr HL1111 or uie Am,
Uliloa, namlnr those towns onlv In whirl
tre Issue newspSDer havluir more thsi
elrculsMoa. Tnls book (Imued Devenil
1817) will i.e sent, f mtnge psld, to any bi
on receipt of one llnr. Address tbe 1
rtoweii Auverllsl Co., 10 huruca H..
York. ta 1,
HiVP IRnilT forelsn a tl. a stanitr
nfllfj ADUU1 srhsBkn for nu.h. i
price, Also bar two smmrm bonks for
Address rrea. u. Koeliler. Kiiunmtlt 6!S.
log Oreen Bldg.. ten B wsy. N. V. Uliy.
Ive geiitleineu or ladles 10 trare
refllKIIISlbl. I'StnnilNhnd linllMa.
iniyiuaiideipaiiHeM. Position steady. 1
eni'e. tin I self ai'dri'r(l Hlumiiedrnvi
The Douilnlen company, Dept. v., Chlo
Election Notice
The Annual Merlin nf tha Mt,,nbl,1,u
the First National liank for Hie elecllo
Meven Directors for the eusulnir year wll
held on Tuesday the lHtli day ef January
between the at 10 a. ra. and li in.
Mlddlebergh, Pa., Dec 1, 1IW7.
Scribner'a Magazine tor 18
A OSSiT 1'HlKiluMMS.
THs sroar or ma Ic.voi.utiom bv k...
Henry C'sbot 10 k n, to run throughout
rear, iror the nrst time sll I he modern
forces snd reeourera will le brought to I
upon the Havolutl'in. llowaid Vyle and an
otarliiteare nwklnir over lflO uainliugs
drawings espreesl y fur this great work.)
(.'ATTAIN A. T. MtHAX'b "The American N
In the Resolution. ' to he lllmlrated by Carl
T. C'liaumaa. Ins marine artiM: llarrv Ki
and olhsrs.
TH0UA NaiSON Pauk's Pimst l osti Nov,
"lied Hock A Chronii'le .if Uncunslruclion
Mr. Pen haa devoted four veers to the star
and ha considers II bis Iwsl vurk, (lllustraK
by U. Wset Cllnedliisl.)
KVDTABD KirLlsu. Uuuihii Iltanfsn Dm
Joat'HAaoaallaaats, (iaoaus W. C'Asi.a, ad
others, are under enSkeurut to uonlrlbui
tones during lew.
Rosaar H bast's "Hear. h I lnht Ittrra " n
piles to various letterelluilrainr in consenuanc
of bis "Ueflecllons of a Married elau" and "Tfl
Opinions of a Philoeophvr "
Tas Woaaaas" In a new flai J W.lur A
Wyuknff, the eollege man who became labor
er, will toll about bis axperirai e with sweat
shop laborers aad anarchists In Cbieaco. Ill
I uy Irs ted fross life by W. It. I cif h )
TniTHBAVBB. Ths Miss, a r. will he ereatMd
In ''The Condaot of Ureat Hue iss ' sarlee (as
ware "The Wheat Farm." "1 le Kewsosuer."
eto, lu'V7), with auinerone illnslratione.
Lira AV OIBIS' Ooixsns Uks the articles am
"Undsraraduat Life at llarvanl. l'riuoetoa and
Yale," and a richly lllustralrd.
Political Baaiaiartsi-as br Senator Hoar.
who lias been lu public life for fony-flve years.
C. D. Qiaaol will eonlribute two l-aorlel sat
of drawlaas during 'Se, "A New Vork Day'
aad "The etevea Age of American Woman."
Sv The full pros peel us fof ft) 1st small book
form (M 1
), printed In t
colors, with
numereoua lllustratlone (covet
id decorations
upon applica-
srv "V" .
a: .
by Masneld rarrlsbl. will be
lion, postac paid.
raica, ts.00 a ybab, IB caai
CastBLa Scaissaii's Boas
Df. J. W.
Office near tbe Lutb
Leave calls early in th
posiible. -
7 to 9 A. M., 12 to 2 and
Telephone No. 162.
-Newly Establia
aJMrtk aalla Base s
Taama fraa fortraveiing
to Iowa, before or
Bataa 79 aenta per Da
e7.S3 . r9a:y
'w ilniHlicd'. 1 "
Qr enllon : ' -""
nates 70 cental per Dajr. :