The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 23, 1897, Image 5

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Absolutely Pur
no-ru muuno n4 co., ncw ram.
A Layman's Chrietmas.
. Copyrighted by puwe A Tuber.l
Join ntriiin the dukcI ehnrim ;
Tell of dofl'a irn t if ft io mm :
For 111 Mint ii now In-fore ie.
When the Chrmt-chll.l conies nilu.
Ever bringing to Hie nations
' Thoughts of swet Miiiplielty,
Al Ihry pour their iclit.1 ut.tiUiowi,
At the shrine of mianey.
Sing the Joyou (liriotiiuiH curol,
How the Ureal Ono cionf? lit earth.
Not In ifloriow. appurrl
Put by lowly human birth;
Unto all nmnlffHtliig,
Ttuit O.wli greul".t Kilt in mill
- Nothinir hut u npirit nllnir.
Child-like, onu r'litlier'iwill.
So vnln nnd wnyiranl ninrtiiN,
In enrth'H wilileriieH hrguileil,
Safe limy reiu-h the golil:ii portals
Helped mid quilled by elnlil.
Seasons revolve and we once
more greet the festival of "The
Child." Who can exaggerate its
hold upon tint hearts of those who
celebrate it' There is not a mother
whose birth-pangs ure vivid in lier
memory but that is moved witli
compassion lor out-cast Mary, re
mote from tender ministrations in
tho. hour of her anguish; there is
not a child whose little finger reach
out in awe to touch the lat"t tiny
'babe in the household, but that
i finds thy manger-cradle at IScthlc
hera a thing to marvel at ; there is
I not a inun who surrenders Imnsclfio
thought but that sees a worhl-trans-jformution
resulting from this.mpialid
birth and tlie legends tluit have
gatliered around it ; there is not a
childless wonlan whose heart is
hungry for the pressure of a little
face against her linsoni, but that can
ien.r in the message of the angels,
her own errand to the world to
proclaim peace and gotpl-will, and
to ever Fee deeper even than the
'ontcntcd mother iiito the holiness
'und possibilities ot all children.
Over all virtues let us set wm
city. .. ' Great messages, great
juths, grai iiuppcniiigs are ever
V. 1 ' xl- - i ..j . O! l : i ..
imnie in men eieineitis. oimpneiiv
is the grandeur of the great and the
greatuws of the obscure. I t is the
charm ot prattling childhood; it is
the diadem of the learned.
Now if we divest. Jesus of the
complex theories of warring com
mentators, strip him of bewildering
i ,. :,. i
.k V-1.. n, in ct hi I uiiu in I vi
came i into existence until hunt Ire Is
of years after hfsjdcatli, we find his
i deathy.wc find his message- to the
vorld one of intense simplicity.
' rawing in our minds from the
t iros oi tlie coniuer, oi me lor a lew
ivmienls, possibly we may find iu-
U;i ration to effort by looking l'ck
tins man who led tn.e world out
I into broad truth whose simple char-
J is after ages oi thought forcing
bsi'h to the front just buoanse it is
i illJllG. ....
V ' ' '
Qivard from the narrow thought
ftii Jews who selfishlv . roLrnrded
)od of Abraham, Isaac and
jhfi.l.ns' their' own' jieculiar 'jh-
W.:n mid whose character w:s of
outlined a little more than that
I'l'l'.t blood-thirsty leader ot a fight -
'' .in lion- onward IVom the mvri
' I '.uties of reverential Asiatic ami
'-'bopciui niliuls who sought by the
'"'Jf niultituiltj of Gods to include
'1 ? truth onwui'd . , with givater
"veiled hhn,'1 he led ' the' World's
h 'liLrlit to assert ! the existence of
M God of one universe. He did
6' 'argue Ilmi to exist; lie ussum-
' IIin (IS t ln .!m iiln.;r nvnl'innliiin
tlie powea'Sj visible jmd invisible,
fa mighty creation, ' "' ,
V .vy. j - . . .
1 Furthermore, ns omniscience ont-
tni. i i
I rwtrtTo, oninipresence nis' - ixtvomi
;lllV lH.wersvf.imr. Jiuatef't.diuts; U
;8,,IHn. ;.1ikiM iuiitna. 1 J.wVi,
.1UK.n the Vildcst ' thWrie- cif eager
and.Vet . s iripleV' tTisul.1 1m
'yWtjwUon 'orWii, oy
"''ounen.g iym 'Author" ami
..T.r Tka tmnMMl mul can
understand that, aud rest. Ihe
"Father" chasteas i His little , ones
thatthaymay develop, He bnk
down His trutlu into. small frag-
nwuts to suit their growing powers,
He interprets thornv ways into up-
wardimths. 11 u love makes all
tilings work together for, pood to
those who love Him. hvery w -man
heart can understand Hiiu ns
"Iiove," for in her love has been
tlie "ascent of lueii'' nd in His hve
has Urn the ascent of t!ie oii1,
fi'ore neoide bv i
liiuto ..vlcnt
in. in'. w
than the complicated sacrillces and
penances of other and earlier; inter
preters, was his answer to those who
( impure the way to c'teiiMMity. t he
j simple act of eve-y .d iy kuubn-s
done to tlie least ot Uod s cniioren.
were tlie jwisspirt.s thither. He
made "the chil.l'; the thing for hu
manity to reverence. While other
svstems east children to the Ik-iMs
l ie made of them moral tminarelc
whose service called forth ncckne-s
and gentleness, and whose worship
united men and women on eipial
AJter nineteen centuries we are
drifting back to his simple .-landar. is
of the first. Out of tin: ferment oi
and the fury
t.ait nu n I ave wngco,
up, like tne ory lanu out, oi ni.ur,
greikr simplicity and therefore
greater power. We see that to v.
b 'cn a ruler of a nation is less tha i
to have lived to hate evil : that .
live without purpose, though ne e I m v ti is Ic.-nS in the Divi i
..I .i t i.i ..i. ..i ..i.
estimate than the hesitating cares j
of the least of us who voti'd sooth,
auother's sorrow; that it is better to
!ie for a truth than to live by a lie ;!
that our Father watches our feelilc'
efforts with lender ere
ami judges
ind not bv
by aspirations
h; that "Love" is ovtr
res 1 1
guiding where reason fails
fjot like I'.uddha, did he preach
inaction, nor like Confucius did he
jircach veneration for traditions. Ac
tivity in the direction of others'
needs, anil open-minded fidelity
towards truth though it separated
him forever from the sympathy of
his own people these were his
characteristics. .'.What is Uethlc
hem to us? A olace onlv! What
is Jesus? A real person
Then at
this Christinas time let
us who
think, emulate what He did as
man ratht r than venerate the place
of His birth. Thus shall we !i
Christ s to those who dwell in the
darkness of doubt and who sorrow
in the pangs of bcreuvemeut.
Ihunin Wwlu of Avt hi Wafer
or lit a Ift'iivmn Artixl.
The water color work of Mam
Mumnlirevs alwavs commands a
high price, but' six1 of, the
specimens of her pictures of
life have been si cured by the pub
lishers of the rhiladclphi.i Sunday
ld ress" and devoted to the adorn
ment of calendars for 'IS! IS, which
will Im given free to all readers of
the Philadelphia Sunday "Press" of
DecumU'r 'JG and ..Tanuarv 12. The
calendars wi'l consi.4 ot six cards.
fastened togcJicr with a silken cord.
I-iich tsird will contain, in addition
ti a beautiful -picture, the calendar
fiir two months, nrlistically arrang-
oil.- . I iree oi tlie caros win oc
given free to "Pi ess" readers on
each of the Sundays IX-ccmber -!
and January 2 -and the' complete
set will make a calendar tor t.:e
vear '1SDS which will be an orna
ment to any home, lt is announc
ed that the supply is limited ; there
fore you had U-tter orihr the Sun
day "Press" without delav.
The Summit
company h now
I'rancb llai'rtmd
i thing of the pat
as tlie reorganization eonuuutiv lias
turned over to the purchasers the
property of the old company, which
w as bought at foreclosure sale some
time ago. The name of the new
company is to be theSunuuit 1 (ranch
Coal company and Hie diwtors
were elected as ftillown :. K. K. M(r
I'is, Williani 1 Winsor, Captain J.
P. Green, Samuel Koa, Isaac J.
Wistar and Joseph U. Craw ford.
Geiirge If. Koss was cUk;ted secre
tary and .xlavilaud tmisurer.--
t rifl tlilicS WKlKk All tlot UllS. Pj
Lj Botttfouwh tui. Tasies lloiL 10 I. j
Pyl ln Hiiie. SeM hr driaOt. rrt
7P11TA nnninirci iiTnnrnjTi
Euna Fro; u s a
aJ J
Down iae mountain oiae.
. ..." ' " '
j.w Mp Killed and Several Others
KIlKhtly InJured-TrolloyCar la IMill
dolphla. t'ratthe Into a Horna far.
CouilnMor Will I.oso Arm and Loir.
Altoona, To... Pec. Zl.A frelRht train
consisting of 31 loaded cars, hauled by
engine 604. Engineer Fred Hurket, Fire-
man nucnaei cauiey, gnu in cnrSe ui
t;onauctor rort urnrr. panw
luui A.'ril.iir en Ihu ve v Hnlt'n IhA
"" . .... .... -j -
mountain to IhU city. A KUtrht rain.
Milch was freeilnK on the rails as It
fell. made the track verv slippery, and
before the enclneer or truln crew had
time to apprehend the danKer
heavy train bad attained a momentum
which could not be checked by the
brakes. In 12 minutes the 12 miles be
tween Onllltrln and Altoona were cov
ered, and at the frightful speed of a
mile a minute the runaway train
crashed Into a freight train Htumlin
In the Altoona yard, directly lit from
of th'.' piisneni;er station.
The wrecknse piled up higher than
the top of tl:e passenger station, and
cov red nil the tracks. About 50 cats
were completely broken up, and the
Tol!ilayxhurK passenger train, which
was stantlinK on the tracks outside the
passetmer shed, was thrown over on Its
Hide. The i tiClneer and llremsm of the
runaway train were helped from tlie
cab of the wrecked locomotive, tied
both were able to walk away. Their
escape was almost miraculous. Tim
other trainmen were taken to the hos-
nlfnl Ono if them in MJild tf lie f.l-
tally Injured. ISrnkemen t'orbln nad
Vtirncr wen- burled under the wreck
age, their bodies In 1 1 1 u crushed Into a
shapeless miis.
Fireman Wllllum t.eavitt, ilert Halt,
of fliff riilun. I'a.; John McKadil.-n.
lisotivllle. I'a., and Jame:t rresscll,
Moiioiiefiihela, I'a., coal mini is on tlclr
way to I'unxi-.utawni-y, were taken
from tlie wreck, none of thein u-riou!y
Injured. S. Knster. of IlafCerstown.
Ind., w ho w is uccompanyliiK a carload
of poultry, was fatally Injured.
h:om.i:v ah awav.
Ono V.nti V 1 1 1 I.o'-o Ills l.vix mid Afn
Hi it lEcxiilt.
I'hlladeliihln, Dec. 21. One person
w as probably fatally hurt and r!
others were more or lesn ii.Jurtd ye.
terday iifternooa in a collision on the
Ui)lioroUKh, Wlssahlckon and Mana
yunk Kleetrlc road, on the ouis!;irn
of this city. While descending " bill
a tn lley ear became unmanageable (m
account of th" slipiery trucks and
struck a small horse car at the foot of
the Incline, plowing through one end of
It. and brought up against a trolley
pole. The roof of the trolley car fell
in on the passengers. The stove upf-t,
and the vfeek lire. J. H. l-i-lin.n,
used years, conductor of the
lunawey trr. suffered Injuries which
w ill ni i t ;itte the amputation of a
les nnd en ntm, and mry result In his
death, others were severely cut and
bruised. The vn;ck:i.: was consumed
by the flames.
Klondike IJ. I lof 1U II I'ned-Ad..iiini-mi-nt
for the Ilolldiiv lleecss.
Tuesday of bisl week the seiii'Le was
In :e;isloii but 15 minute-; and the house
only two hours. Tln-n both adjourned
out of sympathy fur Mi Kinley,
: ..i was alU ti.l i n ;r his rnother"sfiin"ral.
S. n-Kcr Kj ! intri.ilueed a bill tm-liaiue
thi.- Immirtition laws so Ir.tendim;
i!.iicii;ra:iis may be cxamln-d by our
consuls abroad. JI ...M- il. i. u.., tli
legislative, cxecutho und judicial ai
propriati. biil.
In the senate on Veunipiliiy the bill
prohibiting in l.ikic s aling by Ameri
cans was passed by a of to 17.
The bill appropriating hTA.fim) fop th--relief
of suffering Klondike miners wa i
reeor.ib.itt. . In i;;;,. adept' d ...i
cmetuimiMU to the legislative, exv u
tive and Judicial ii;iri'rl:.t!oii lipl,
w hich reduces tlie ! i iriil fori at the
pension oillec by '.'i and -reduces tli.
salary list ! i.-,.ii(rt.
t :n Thin s,!:. v the In, us., passed '!i
bill appropi iilng jnri.iiini for the ivlici
of Klorid!!:.' sufferers, and also the bill
to prohibit polar ie : .-.iing'. by Anicri
enns. The senate nl-o iiassed a Klon
dike relief resolution.
On IVIJay last the hou.-e completed
the comdiie ration iif the li-lsiitive,
cNeeutlve iirnl Jiidiclil ttpprupria'.ion
bill, excel,! ti;.' civil service paragraph,
which was pest; ."led until after the
holidays. The si icite nceepted an in
vitation, b; join' resolution, to par
ticipate la Norway's fishery exposition
next year.
The only husines of Importance trans
acted on Saturday was the adoption by
both h iiises of i he" conference report
on the Klondike relief bill, which ap
propriates J-:tio,ofin for Mm- relief of the
sulTerliiR gold si'idn-rs. Iloth house und
senate adjourned to Jan. 5.
Ktitriiitid mul the Oi-boit.
lVrlin. Iiee. ;i. The rumor Is current
liere that the Hrkish Asiatic
siiuadieii lus b-en onlered to sail for
litelpii:rt Islatul, at the entrance of the
Yellow pea, presumably to occupy lt.
Trw tone yf the (lerman press Is fa
vorably t sucli uotlon on the part of
Oreat ltrltiiln. Quelpnert Island, which
Is H mlle.i. muUi cf Oorea, Is
long-no J v IS mtb'S lread. lt l.s stib
ordlntite to' fSiren, nnd'has been used
as a penal settlement. , ...
Carter (Jots 1.1ft. Imprisonment.
New York, Dec. 21. Seaman Philip
K. Carter, who o June 3D hint killed,
with a. bayonet, his shipmate and su
perior olllcer, Thomas K Kenny, on
board tho battleship Indlnnai lit. the
UrookJyu navy yard, wua yesterday
convicted of murder In the first tU'r
Biee; the Jury lixlnir the penalty at lin-
prlsonmeut for life. ,'
" Van Wyoa-HStifceHsorHsJuilco '
New Yort !tec. :i.-D,s(rlet A.L
William K. Oleott. of Ncv York county
a,arAa o n.i .k.. fc!v. r T
cepted tho appolntomnt . by Governor
Black as a judge ot the city court to
111! the unexpired term of Mayor-elect
Itobert A. Van Wyck. The term is for
one year, and the salary (10,000 a year.
nil 'L'll'li I i 1 1 lllivi
Maceo'a Alleged Betrayer Provided
Pai .
For by Spain.
lie Is the Physician Who In Itellcved
to ilnre 1.m1 the Famous Cuban Com
nuiliiUtr and 111m Parly Into the Fatal
Aiiibutili For a Cash CoiiHltleratlon.
Havana. Pec. 21. Dr. Zertucha, who
Was the physician of the late General
,,,.. h , ,.int...i
mayor of Hcjucal. thlH province. Zer
tuchll hn .ie,lonrea , hls day to all
lne pnititcal parties in cutia. At one
1me hc wn a hsin(m , tnP vuolta
AoaJO( and hl8 rer()rd was verv lls-
crejtn,)lH. lt was (,u,e expi(.al...
4o lhl tr,pni,9 . ,1(.,u.rni M;.,.,.,, that
he kept the physician on his staff for 1
so loiiK a period, iiot'A'ilhHtamllng the j
watnlnKB given him. At the time the (
famous Cuban commander was killed
Zcrtucha was charged with leading
him and his party Into the f ital am
bush, but he Issued a Ion;; Kt itenn nt.
in which h" tried to show that .i.cio
met bis tbath In battle In the usin.l
way. ertiieba also bitterly assail..!
the honor of the other Cuban P a -iers.
After the killing of Mneeo th ilislioii
ored physician was allowed to go free
by the Spaniards, and It was r ibl ami
generally In Iievcd that his pockets were
lined with S'piiiiish gold.
Over n Million nnd a I T ii 1 1 Has l.oue
Abronil l or llolblny bi . r.
New i ur'.., Dec. 21. The Christina
money order business nf the New York
postotlice this year greatly exceeds that
of any previous y.-ar. The oclgiiug
iAiropean i mil has piiaeticallv be.;,
cioreil. I, bt the ini iioing mail from for
eign countries has just begun to
live. All of the foretrrti money order
business is transacted through the New
Turk postoilli e, and a great mass ot
orib-rs will le handled lure thi. u-'ek.
our Christ mas presents to Kiire;, ".
represented by the money nnlers sent
ilurini; the I'rst IS djvs in Iiecember.
was M,ri.:n,. -:,''.. In lt'i.'.si:; orders. Th
largest number of orders. VU'io, "tit t
lire it IP-lt.iin and Ireland, represer.ti .1
The remainder -f the nion. y orders
were divided as follows: briiiiuiy.
$ :js.71 1 : Italy. ; Sweden. "o .:,.',"..
Norway, $ t ..'..; .S.vp.. rland. $2I.::-'T:
r.elglum, J1!.:;'.'); IJent-.iark.J-'1.:'.!'!; Neth
erlands. $!.f!': Austria. Sl'i.2' ".; Hun
gary, $H.:e'.'i; P'ran
$l'J:i; i.tixeniburg,
II; I'orttiga
t 'ii o.
ii. ling
; real
The amounts of th" inc miii
up to date, with tie: countries si
th"!.i. are: i lernia::y. ?b;.2''.;!:
r.r.taiu, S.i 1.P70: Sac. .:i. ';.".. '...I ;
in. irk, f I.T : N llcrbiiids. ;?..
Way. Ja.le"; s .'. 1 1 z- ft a to 1 . J .".el I ; I'ranc,.
tT. .'''. Hungary. i;.i..i; It i!p. $ I. too
Austria. Jii.Tim.
1 1 :l 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( oliilis i:plo. led.
w York, I lee. 21. Two paste
li..e.-. teP-.l .... itli i . Hn'oid i ..::
Ii c. nta - t wt'll sti-u-i pip. s of a car
on the SiM'j Avenue Klev.ated road y- s
tenbiy and e.lo.l. .1 with gr. it force
while th.: train was standing at a st.,
lion. Two m. n were hurt ov tic- o-plo'-ii
ii and three women f.i.nt-.d and
had to be carri-l .cii of tic r;r. Titer.,
was a '.tiie in th" i .1'-. lejt the fa. t vli n th" :n ' Id en occurr. d th"
car w:n stat : r.ary and th" gates v.c-e
open, operated to avoid disastrous re
sults. Th" car was badly wrecked.
Trmios l nloiiUts In the Mllltpi.
fill' .i".". 1 ' "c. 21.-- Trades unionists '
are ! .iiire.l 1 y tic Chi. ag . rcierat !"ti
of Labor '." L ave tit" tu'cual gua.-l :f
once. This was th" tm-iidmoit .l."-i:-:on
readied by tli" d.-l. gat ,u th. ir r. g
ular Weekly inc.. ting. U wi.s said with
out contradiction that a iiiihui man
CliUlll Put CollSisleruly Si I V ' ill til-.
militia and Incur the ihk of cali
cd out to shoot J.iu :i Ins fe'low t : ad a- i
men who wre on stfi!;- for th" hctt"r- -mcnt
of e ..''lot'iic condition. j
Strict WuH-li on the Datiiit tes. j
Washington, Ucc. 21. Tlie it.'asury i
department has nolhie.l the .ii.ilei pu- of'
I'listotns at Kcv Wet tn keep wat"i:l
un tic tuv liautit ! ss. which is sua-j
pected of having ur.nt her tili'iu.itering
expedition on liarnl. The itifot t".ai i. -i
was furnished by th" Spanish, minister.
While there was tiethiiir; apparently '
unlawful in the movement:! of tic big,
iuti. the minister said he had :vum n j
to believe she coii'.eau.UiU'.l another
'ttriirettes Drove lllm to Snlcidis
Syracuse, N. Y., J,ioc. 21. IVUr S.
McMahoit. of Albany, craisc l by vigar-
t;tte .smokliig, committed imicide !
iK ie
yesterday by shooting. He was about
20 years old. lie left a note, givln his
name, and also the following: "Mroiher
Ian: Please quit smekin.t f -r my salt";
you don't know what I suffer. Clgnr
ettds is the cause .of this. 1 have been
cuuy-ubout a week.'.' ...
- ,', - ...... .
. l.u,mbjr Protection l;i utmd.i.
Toronto 0 tW. StThe Ort-lo
2 ZLn
V .. ,, " ,7 ?
tlouhtedly .xmis, .Jt einhofll.i . th-
polky.'ot the opposition, making resul.-i-
tions Jegardlmr- tlj i.vultlUK- ol timbers
cn erowq bortuu. ; Jt,, p.wvl.iiej, that all
pino which may be put Into logs shall be
lu to sawn
1 jr:
Republican Defeat Would Follow
Adoption of Gage's Plan,
The Currency (Jin! Ion Ho Declare.
Should t l.t Alone lUirlnir the
lreont ShIoii ot C'onirr.-4 to I'ro
vent ttio S u cccm o I llryiinUin In llioo.
WashlnRton, Iec. 20. Senator Cliand
ler, of New Hampshire, lias written a
letter to the Washington Post In which
he says:
"If the secretory of the treasury and
his single fjold standnrd associates will
cease their demand for impossible cur
rency legislation, congress will pass
the necessary appropriation bills, prob
ably take euro cf Hawaii n:il Oubn,
there will not be a serious tarty di
vision tl urine th'1 fisi'ion, ami there
I will be nn adjournment In May. llusi
ness will revive, the tr-asury receipt .s
will eiiuai the expendit ui . . . t"ie l .i'
! mice of traile will continue in i ur fnvor
j and the Kepubllcnn iarty will In Km-
vember, lM'N. elect a majority of Up
house In the Kifly-llf'h congrc--.'.
"On the other ban 1. if SVer oary ( 1 i -e
j continues to press upon com:--, -s a bill,
the object of w hich. Ic says, is -lirsi. to
I commit the country more t;.
' to the gold standard, and the ion.), li
; ale effects of v. hi h is to tlim.v il.oibn
upon the sincerity of the president's
declarations In fnvr of eon i :i,..e .1 ef
forts to secure bimetallism, a politi
cal turmoil will an e in ci;..;rcss which
I Will Split the tl'Cv linite l I! ''
Into fragments, v. bile ii v. 'II i.i;.;
consolidate tic now ii: ..ic'i op; o
ritlon. ' It Is md f. ::-i: !e to r lir I'.:- r ". i-
baclcs. tb-re is more pr
a bill ill f.-e n r to the
increase tie Ir aiin unt. I
Slble to pecure the pas:
i'.;i:i v II at
in-sid.-nt o.
is l.l.t p.S-
either home of a bill tcaki t lv ,
backs Into told nob . m- i.utlc
1 1 i V t
fit . e , - ;
V.'il.LtA M !
bor. Is pnyabie In
do oil her thing
( iiA.Mo.
gold. The
It pr.o.i'.ly to
the .assa .' of a.'oiil 1
i f the gi-.'i nbai 1-s In
for the pajn-.eft ..f
b.eid-i in ;:o!. or : l'v
cret i. n of the 1 r.-si.
eoniiuan Id to Ti
the advantage of Ue
not f-n- lie- !v i:i: :-:
"With r-u '.i .'.n u; :
these pr. c. . dings
- est.-rti c , s-ti'.'ii
a r h pr"sbi i:t ia! v '
I y Seer t a r v 1 Pine w
.r t h-- r ! a- ,.t '
el..!- dollar-, an
I'nii.d sta''
i 111. ill t ii" .1 '
. aha will I
his option f-
.'eiai:ic-i: , :...
t!.-t i t ..
iT". a t -. : ::
i.i-o.i.-l th i:
as t life t to
r angry .; -' -t
Ii itii bUl-.!l
Hloll. it will
nterpris- .
in: d stur.
. hi i-.- wp;
cans will
1 1, as m V--in
l ''1'1. and
voraol" fea.
ha ; . . ii
n! li.c.
lli.! I.
oi I a
la .
w in
dent n-id c
th- se r-.-.:
,:.-: - i'. I
eftlf. !y U-
by Secret::
(eiid Soir.
and the
tary . 1 1 ;
l big" e:t ! ' '
not ki:..".'.
Xit'.vy. -
.1 1'.
'ti. Vi
ss w-.r,
is II
"V .r: - 3-
WnA -v
it v , )- ")
Hut ii" lis :l -. . . " h is ' , ::. , ; .. : : :
ci.'.ic : ;': ,:i ti: t a i, .nnd ; - S' : '.'-,;..' 1 "
s; ice ; h" i ". a' - . ' a : a . . ; ':.:': , : ,.,;. , . ., e " ' ' ' !
marv.-e li.f .ir- - .-i .: : i. 'I')'. , , , . . , , :( , , . !
nr" 1 i : :' : ail h : Ti" '" ;. i :. :: .. .a a :. .
tin." (-.-..''"! a :!: : . ': . :, . ' "; :,' ' ' ' - '
an I tc l til" t I" s.. k ... .... ; -( . . . ;y .;; !'V
"I: is se a ;. p. a, t ra' s' :. id ' r tii. .; ,, . , .,. .
IP'pub'i' aa party i" x'.-t . . ,... j.s to ., . .'; v
atiirttait i . iy op. n t ii" . 1 ... . . . a - a' : h- , , -, . : , , ..'..,..., .
na n y .;:; ' : u .i" i t . I ." . n '. a ,, ;, . . ..t, . .,. ., , , , Ht-
n::. ftj ! t: , ai . i t ! ; ; gi s::: - , . : ,
It!' n. W" tr:l'' : a . a ': .,: ... . ..
of In' ertiat : .-:i.i ! I.;;-. tl'Mst:;. tp" .:'- i'-ia'P. .-hii i . . Ii...-
V't'.t of b'asii'e.ii p.-onp. roy 'ia I :h" Ml- IP!.' . 't. ' . I o " - - .-;
ingot t lie i r. .i.i j:-. ; t a. u . w.-ru -rah :.
iug. so. n o. i" .;, of th" :i. w t.a;an ind. ." f ii : : . '. e,
law. ...i!t .' ; n; in- the-" 'l;, tips or in fi c ; e of 1:1 its r " i. , l ,n
ru - ii on t si ' f ' .;:.!.:.. i.i ' P: "-! a h -; i i ' ; s . ... !:
.M -I.i r.ey n. ; : ' i ' a W: ... a.. . . i. . I '
It's :i'.w:,:' v. ill .' . o-; tp - "v-oits , a' -,,.o. i .-pa a." ai:-:;- ; .
l' -S." .in,: a.-. . a'l: '; ; Mn . ,,1
I cgb-i.T v' a I o i i a i a l.iia a i or.. :"'; ' i ; pa ; V il.
N"W Y.if, if-.-. ::'.-A-. a !:.:;. I;, a.- !.!:. a ' ' :' I'a'" " a
t"U.l"iI II"- it! ' of si it" . .:.. ,; t U:i" V- ! . PI b I
owners, hoid m this .i;y p. s: .ia . er:ui si . . , .. ,:,. .s a .. . ,,:ii-
res. duil'-iM v."- . "ass'd ii":':tia :! ;;;:;y."
erection bv the star- of -m ei,o-a
tors at P.iitT.ilo net N. .v Vm-k. Th" A:n!..iii. Icon t-.u-.l. to.
res. .dm tons decline that tins acton ! hrtmio hail'. A' u. !. lb ' , ' n
"wettld giia'd the -ia'. . 's . n ie C'.al. lf"i aad IP, a . .-.....
trallie tioiu Lile i. t.-uoii ;uia. k.s of
railroad s-ain ei. .uor ousts." lt
fort lie c u iv.'il that " . '-, :tpa
tlnuap il canals,
snail like i roc
should Speedily
fullC'bt capacity."
now in;.: agoln;;- a
"i of Itnpi' iveineiUs.
be cnliirgcl to their
Xho Swoilou-Norway t ' vvt'i-cy.
l.oudi u, Ucej. 20. A "dispaicU from
Chrlstiat'ia to Tdc. tmily Chronicle says
the polici al situation, since the I'.illuni
nf the united committee on foreign af
fairs, hns) become critical, mid it is
feared thai Sweden will seek an occu
Valou. tor iwiiu-'Ot bW AVcBVoit. uv Xory.
Tho dispatch adds that the Swedish ,
press hopes for assistance from i;,a.
peror (Vllllam, - . I
Gold Seekers Returning to Escapa
Impending Famine.
Indian Mall -arrler lVclnrc That
Twenty-five Per tVnt or tho Sti oir
ItlliiK Army Will Never l.lve to llf
clto llio Terror ofTludr I'llulit.
Victoria, Ik C. Pec. U. liy st-.imer
from Iyea news Is received thai more
than a thousand III provisioned men
Htampeded from I'awson iluiiiii the
latter pai l of October, an I i pcbeil
by fears cf t amine are now fonim;
their way over the mountain-'. Auk.
the Indian mail (arrier. v.l.n lecits
this report, 'eft the Yukon c. ;.' a! fully
ten tla;s after the l:ilt..n ; ;tv. He
snys the vanguard of the t. rr-.r sir'ek
iii army is following I. ss :i v
behind him. Auk ! Pi r. fi;:!y
2.i per i .Mil of the st i n ,-,:liic: . .i... . ill
never live hi recite the ten - i :' t ! lr
lligbt north.
The i i r rleamers I! 11. i c. n '. '..' are.
it now
V" to
In la
CO lit
' appear::, did
ns i f provisi.
i .v e.n In ;!'
not 1
111 oil
t 'in
i . I a
i in
. n!
t tin-
Ii v.
ir 1 :
Is th
1 -y. i a'el S
d. 11
V. Ii
in !:.
r.a :' :
' 111
' '
' ' ' '
.!. Ill" . - .in
N ! IW I. Of I) M 1 1 I'l -i'
in I
i cretin- A
.1 III
1 o
n 1 c
a- i
II! ft.
:P :!:..ll
cnt t i v
p pr
el'S p.
from til
to pro.
1 til"
to b
la. k
: t.
It:'. :
t in-
V.. !-. a :n: '
t hr. :: ;h to t a
ii i'lvr th
1 -ait. m trail
pt'ef -. in fo
I'a ol
fol lile
ill'. 11 Who ',.To
y. sierday : - ir
li.-y ..'.:. t-i:
eit'e r i f I h -.
FibilttV if
r in on.
i ace ..
..' Hi-
r th
pi. i.
I :aki;:.r g.
ii.. . a'... I I j a A 1 1. . " '
1 lie f tty li.l' t.el ( icnpoteol
Io l: n:l tile Uiii'l,-.
to. I
a i . a v. i
l.e.ny .
A :.:-.!
w lr in
d ii-..
: it w iil b.
.k diaiaa. .
and Yt.k'.hacm. .h'p.'.n. A i.sal .b:p
iiient of Alabama iron made p. Japan
several months nap) gave sfn ii ans-f.-vlloti
that e-tleiiHlve ordi is ; iv
su 1 1 i ;i . Japan In retofore was -.applied
by Kuropean furnaces.
M i'ii. C'roly school Iu-.p. clot-.
New York, l-ee. H.--iirs. Junne! June
i Croly was yesteidti-' appolnud an .m-
Kpoelur of publiu schuuia by M.tyuc
Slro,"J for thu twcuk l, liv y'"'M- Ul
Croly l!t tlum'11 u11 ovor t'"iHM
oiaie" aim wot act-ta wu.u-
eu' cluba.