8' r 15! i. litlv lew I ri- ii lue, FiR I Ul on n us It HI I IVl $ I'M ision ,l.y: iilntia l lor ir Win liii MA Iil.i ire 9 hlU'loH IlilaJH, I'hilJ iior.i . l.eli-U er AI.0'1 I7L3 C? STATU rZTi iMNitw, Dm. Ml-fas Jtsnr te ths cm of WUUasa A.UtboM. Las U year old ker accused of tai-err.; re tired at a lata hoar Saturday might ao4 yesterday morning; brought tn a. TtrClet of guilty, with a recommsndatloa to mercy. His counsel. Colonel B. Fraak Behelman, mads a notion In arrest o( Jugdment. Philadelphia. Dae. XL The Manu facturers' club laat nlf ht held a meat tng at which reaolutlona were adopted favoring the creation ot a new oabl aet department of commerce and man ufactures. Communication was also received from the National Ore anima tion of Traveling Men, complaining of the inefficiency of the Interstate com merce commission. Pittsburg. Dec. M. Notices have been I posted m the majority of the 4s lamp I chimney factories of the country that Instead of the usual two weeks' shut- I down there will be only one day o( ! I Idleness (Christmas) during the noil says thla year. The etra work meana "2!??' Umo hm of uf ....... r SM awr Ina --f Kama. aVatamljf a klm a W thousands of dollara in the aggregate I to the workmen In Irhriatmaa arlft la hlehlv innnwliiul I -- rr- , Stroudaburg, Pa., Dec. II. T. Charles iBeetty, former supreme secretary of! I the A. P A and a tiromlnent lv.i 1 MkVBiMiTi ,7b ,v 7 a ... ...,, ...... """kiu, were taxen yesteraay to Philadelphia to arve a term or in montna in the I Eastern penitentiary for forgery. Be- ; If.ire he left Reattv wrnla In tall an an-, I count of his life. whlch he headed "Life's Experience of a Smart Fool." Susquehanna, Pa., Dec. 20. Flora Sweet, aged 40, about midnight shot her mother. Mrs. Elvira Sweet, aged 60, ;n the breast with a revolver. Inflicting a wound from which the latter died in about an hour. The daughter said the shooting was the result of a quar rel. The mother, In her ante-mortem latement. said the daughter had been ill health for many years, and was not to blame. Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 21. William Lel- iifi, the 18-year-old boy who waa on Sunday convicted of forging the name of Charles B. Grubb to (7 checks, and at iMUlng the aame, waa yesterday sen tenced to the Huntingdon reformatory. Judge Brubaker. In sentencing Lelbold, uid he could be sent to the peniten tiary for five years on each of the 134 indictments under which he was con sisted, or a maximum of 170 years. Pittsburg, Pea. 20. Coal operators hod miners are holding separate and Important conventions today prelimi nary to the Joint convention that will he held tomorrow. It Is expected that fho miners will frame their demands Wnd the operators will devise plans to tqvt them with advantage to them Ives. The Joint convention promises it be interesting and last for several jUrs. District President Dolan, of the U1VI ttBBVl-IKllKH, BB.JTS a Wl OI It ts will be demanded hy his men. Lancaster, Pa,, Dec. 21. Dr. Charles Helnltsh, of this city, haa received cablegram from Paris announcing t the late Dr. Thomas Evaaa, the lebrated American dentist, who re- tly died in Paris, left a will la whloh bequeathed the greater portion of estate to relatives in America. It Intimated In the cablegram that the ased has provided for a memorial Philadelphia. It la said that Dr. ns left an estate valued at several lions. The heirs have already taken leas to send legal representatives to ce to look after their interests. Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 20. Thomas H. niton, aged 6 years, died last even- at the County hoapltal as the re lit of swallowing a number of opium Hi Saturday night, which he followed by turning on the gas In the room the hotel at which he was stopping id closing all the means of ventilation. iton came here about a week ago. registered at the Hoffman House from Washington. He represented iielf as a pensioner, engaged a k's board at the hotel, paying in ranee, and spent money liberally illl he went broke on Saturday. Pittsburg, Dec. 20. The Initial step ard securing the Q. A. R. encamp- it for Pittsburg in 1009 was taken lurday night by the Allegheny nmty u. A. It. association, and the will be agitated at tho coming Innatl gathering. In connection Mi the encampment, if it should be here, It Is proposed to unvett a id soldiers' monument, to cost In neighborhood of $500,000. It la be- 1 by the veterans hereabouts that will be the last year for encamo- . and It Is their ambition to have organisation wind up its career In city. arrlBburg, Dec. 18. The polloe are mr to locate Rev. 8. Sparrier. a wh of God minister at New Bloom- whose satchel and blood stained 'tr hat were yesterday found along Susquehanna river bank, la this Bcartier was in the habit of a silk hat. and the finding of 'by, cut with a knife across the s a myaterv to the officers. A stained pocketbook waa found the satchel, which leads to the ' that the minister was murdered whwaymeo and his body thrown lie river. Mr. Sparrier la about Hrt old, 1 ton, Pa.. Dec JO. President War- f Lafayette college, haa issued ' (or a meetlna- of the local raem- ' the board of trustees, when ar- "lents are to be made for coatln- t the different courses of study dls- by the burning of Pardee Hall lfaay. President HaUenbach. of o. haa Instructed Dr. Waxflttd all necessary arrangements 'mporary relief and to call a meet- the trustees to arrange for re ln th structure without unneoes wty. Among tho property saved ; i atudents have been found Dr. rorter'e Pennsylvania flora and Instruments lately added to the ""wt of geology. "owo. Pa., Dec tl.-Uiaie De no is to have a hearing with 7 Clemmer thla afternoon, on i 1 i wPolr In tho murder Ema p. Kaiser, for whom ' O, KalM k..- a . .v. . ;Ui nun, V under death aentence, haa made "'"'"l r.100 her counsel. She says 'hrM Clemmer haa C frPBotlo Influence over her. hight Of tha n. il....l P drlvlag with hltm. When they i -- wnain point on tho road. for a Z77.r Malm m . w "sa 1 "4 Preoeatly 7 Wadoaadewt aao aeara totklaaJWdrt TK2 CHZATC3T OT ALL Agtd or Young, the SbephcM Hatr Cart of Hla Sheep. IOIf O reare had wl tela, " whlt- fAad wrinkled tn ruaay asn. . Of the oM esaa wait lag oa Christ To weloome hla kith and kin. Thro' the wide-Aung door afreamed a sudden flame And the wallsgleamed sunset red. As they came, and ha cried: "Oh! the homestead hill Is eteep and rugged as life, but skill. And courage, and patience, and care, and Will, Must wla to the fountain head. Tst the soul that triumphs la strong,1 ened he. itnu u u ant f rutiii. ...Y. ..." V, VL'r.'l .T?? . green. Ita sard ens and paatures fair. ; Though the read that leads to these grate- ' ."r. winning, ana rougn, ana ateep; has toppled the blue-bells come. When the thrush la silent the pheasants arum. Ana tn rook will sing when the birds are dumb The Shepherd Inspires His sheep. , There's beauty and gladness for all who I see With tho vision of Jesus of Galilee," AROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE. "The aky may teep." Cried the soa "What aaattart cleudy, the mountain rlth the sable hair. The aaall with Ita shell most keep, Man enly abroad may fare. He neeae na oaatle, nor cave la the cliff. Re conquers the elements all, lie wranehes ths meuntaln asunder, tho wave Of the wldesrooean he makes his slave. He scoffs at 'fears and he mocks the grave When he answer that one brave caO That on bravo call: 'Come, felfew thoa me,' And bo c ens. iters with Jesus of OeiUes." "O, the lowland sweet, where ths bea-e-Unk rasje Through ble tangle of tipsy tunas, where the sees dive deep In the otoeer bleems And the rlng-deve eoas and preens: I lore It love It with all my heart," Cried the daughter, a blue-eyed matd. "My limbs grow never a-weary, 1 run Te the hill's brown crest where I dance m the sun TMl tho earth and the sea and the sky are one (And ahe tesssd her yellow amid). He taught us that beauty Is best," eried she. "And I worship with Jesus ef Galilee." "See, grandpa, my dolly Is ready for bed. Tou must take us, and rock her to sleep." And the eld man said, as he lifted the child: "The Shepherd hath care of His aheep. Be ye aged or ycfung, be ye weak or strong. The end of It all Is thla Teu may letter or climb if the way yeu go Bo warm with roses or bleak with snow. However you boast, the all yeu may know Is a doll and a goed-nlght klia 'Ho. suffer the children te come uaUi Me, la My kingdom they're greatest ef all,' said He." CHARLES EUCENB BANKS. or first Christmas Paddlagr. Once a bride, unused to cocking, saade an Xmas pudding rare. And In weight, at least, do pudding sver did with It compara. Then the bride unused to oeoklng bowed her weary head and cried: But heroheerful husband whispered: "Nevr er mind, my precious bride. It la Just the thing I needed: we will yet outwit the fates!" And ho cut It up In segments whloh be used aa paper weight. -N. T. Truth. Inelcht. "Tommy, have you dreamee about Santa Claus yet?" "Yes, papa; and be waa bow-legged, just like you." Chicago News. Their Theaflhtleaa Girts. "I wish," said the minister's son sad ly, "that people wouldn't gio pa slip sets for Christmas." N. Y. World. rRATCRS MEANT VWtor (toattot- ;Dy -Uttls Tot (Jo now. 'auso n im' Ion Chiistmul N Y. TrtHur CLESSSiSS Cr OKTS. Why it Is tht Day of An Days In ths. Christian Calendar. rVUDCISELT ale rteencen tnrlea have passed sine . V J. 11 wuv iiu ypjn um eara of a very youthful Jewish mother ths moat gladsome sound that ever comes to mortal the first wall of her first born child. She was scarcely mors than a child herself, being hot about 10 ysrs of age; but tradition attacbea to bcr moat excellent judgment, and a maternal iaat.net in calculably strong. Besides did ahe not know her boy had been foretold by the angel T "Thou ahalt call His name Jesus, because He shall save Ilia people from their sins." Bhe might not love Rim the more because of His Illustrious destiny, bot her heart could not be but lifted up in commendable pride at thia reflection, as ahe gared for the first time Into Ilia dear, sweet face snd Ilia tiny blue eyea looked woiideringly Into bera. Then the newa quickly went abroad, angels from Heaven Ix-ariug about the tidings of the birth of their King. They told the shepherds upon tba plains of Salem and the wise men of the east amd all of them entered the lit tle caravansary of the village of Bethle hem, and saw the babe and ita mother lying; down In the Rome room where were the camels and homes and oxen of et mage, who had pome up to Jerusalem to be taxed. Angels sang the praises of the newly born and a new atar appeared in the sky. The wise men brought gifts and Uid them at the feet of the mother. Thia waa the firat ChrUrtmae and Mary waa the first person in all the world to receive a Christmas gift, and hers was infinitely greater In value than all combined, that have been since received by all the people who have lived or died. Her gift, the Christ child; ahe honored above all the wom an who have lived or died, In being mode the mother of Film who should "be sailed Jesus, because He shall save HI people from their sins." The angel song to the shepherds bad for Us burden "peace to men of good will." One. could ecarcely think of a Christmas that Is other than gladsome and Joyous. The clouds' may be thick overhead, while In north countries the earth may here o beet of snow, and sn las southland there may be 'thunder and rain. But there are warmth, sun light and gladness In the heart the best placjs in all the world for them. In the heart birds aintr carel Mnn if triv ia tho heart sowers bloom, leaves are out upon the trees and velvety prase covers the hills. O, ths Christmas tide Christ's birth day, day of all days. In the calendar. How hearts glow on this day and warm each, to the other, now strifes and bit temeseea end, snd all cares, from with out ahd from within, take on oulck wings and fly far away. How self is - " u u,wc ivi- lunt iuuni est, i ajid a.1 become, like the Magi whs v.laited Jeans, bearer of gifts gtd- heart sifts that make radiant ths cheeks of donors as well as recipients. U, the Christ day. Would that ths ebecr of the family board, the joyous. home-bringuig and the gladness of the her.t might be. in every day ef the year. That, indeed, would be a bring ing down of ths New Jerusalem from Heaven to earth; for then there would be no more sorrow or tsars, snd wicked ness and sin would end in thejand. WILLIAM ROS8ER COBBE. Santa Claus There, confound thoas hard-coal burners! I've singed my whiskers and ruined anotier suit sf clothes. Chicago Inter Ocean. To Be rtlles. Said fianta Claua on Christmas eve, In Jolly, rood, fat (lee: "Tu judge by all these stockings here ausy ve turn en the hose on mar Us-to-Oste. TO BE ANSWERED. IT MADB U1H ROT. A TSlUlaTH. ..sti.. J rr. Car i T. a. Steeenv the Omit t:betalt and tMenlUt. . . . wi aaad toSuff-ws. Tares Ires Hours of ' ' Uta Newly Dtacuvrrml keSM-dks to Care o- ; apnea at si: Lung rouMM. Nothing euiM be tulier. more iblUntruplc or ; carry more )- to the amidiM. linn ttie gener ous offer on ft lKMirM ami rnvl-igubhedibeut-1 m. i.a. nHK-um. ..'., n stow luratitty. lie budKAnrrrv a rrlinlili- and utMtluterure fnr ooilxuiii.'hMi. m.l ail IiiokcIiIiiI, lliru.it, lung and cliexl iliwi. c-HntTl.nl rTei-iloii!i,iteuiTal d-vllneai.ll WHHkiH-Kt Iuk of UVtli aliU all cuii- (lltllHISIlt WlUlltlf HWO.MUl IO Illlike IIS KIT.il rlla knnM it. will x-mi lurw iree mutinxoi lita newly (Iir-iim1 ri-iu.iln-s t.i uuy amk'inl n-inl-or I lie l'ur. Alrenrly nix ih v M'lniilili- amictu dJ medl I'll lias frni tiK-nil' e.r ii miihix ih aH pu-i'nii l o. i- The llw Inr .1,1.-1 '. i 11 mil ,mv ut i.rnrM. Rlonal. bin tii Mii.iu.i" ilnit'-a ilmy t uich lie ownm lonunVrilij iiiiiua m ilu iloinuu liU In fallible rniv. Hi' ha provided the "drenltil eoiiHiiinpiioir 10 lie a curatilo diva e oeynn.1 a dnniii.. In anv ellmate. ami linn on H e In hi Amrrli'iiii iiuil EumiN-an l.ilfrni.iil. tliunxamiH t liMntfll leHilmnalaloor KrailiiMe' nmailioie liriiHllttcrl ami luiiil In Mil pin- ir Mir wmlii. Catirrlial anl inlm'iiinrv imiiiili-a If i l 1.1 c i'i. siiiupilim, aiift iniii-ii'iiii :in iiuiniirrupitil men npwdy anil ivii.iiu rtc.it ll Dini't ilehiv limn II l liai late Hlinptv wilie T. A. Mraiin. m. v . na run- Mine . New vum itmn:,' !-Min- awl pouintr aililrei, ami Mm inn uir ll. li.r will iiepnunpiiv m-iiI. I'.pih.. ten iiu; Uuvior OII Mill' Illl. 11 1 it la I lii l''tr. Alaska -Klondykb Gold Mining Co. Capital Stin k, .lOO.OOO Slunvs t.f $10.00 t'iii'ti, lullv i:i il ami ikhi-;is-sivsiililf, dt wliirli 'i'lOjOOO Slunvs un now tillortil for i;lisfriptittis at ar. ! SPKO'LAT, NOTTOK Tlmro ar ni.iny pernuua who tluiiru tu kh tu ; lliu kiiM tlulila nf Alnakn tltn eoinini; ania.11, J wlin have n t vnniii,'li rra'ly nnini'y availulile j tu eniilile tlirin tu iln an. I Tuall aiit'li, we wniilil ailvli'e tlin cli-alraliilily iif fnriiiliifc a lural aymlicnla nf tlirre nr inure I Mrniin, and jointly puri'lirtae 3 l aliartia of our I atock, anil aHrct nun nf your iiuinber to go mid j proaprcl anil mine for joint aix'oiint Witli partira forinlns atlch aynilli'ntit, thla Company will contract to aeml out one nf their number for each Wuhan of atock purchoanl fnm It at pr, a iJ in tinwiii an !hi'prly thora for one year from the date ot arrrival at the gold flelda, supplying linn with fond, tnnla, and all things reiiilaitetn enable himjtu proapnet for gold, and with help todevelnp and work all good claims lucated by I1I111 the claims to be located 1 1 Ilia name of the aynillcate and the Alaaka-Klmidyka (lolil Mining Co., and to be owned Jointly and equally, abare and ahare alike Write forCircular Full Particulars DIBECTOKS. Jamea Klca, lata Herelary Htate of Cnlnrailo ; Wm. Hhaw. capltollat. Chicago : K. M. Titcomb, .Tie I'reaident and (laueral Manager Eaalinan Fruit Hiapatch Co. ; il. C. Faeh, member Marlilnia Kiabaugr, New York; tieo. W. Morgan. Circle City, Alaska ; John K. I.owlher.lNew York ; ticorge T. Durfae, Pall Kider, aai. OTlaosv Boaso. Ilau I. II. Wakefield, Aaaoclele Juitlce, Vlrat Dlatrict Conrt Houth Kraminghnm, Maaa. ; Hen, U. Q. ttichmond, lata i'reaiilent Court of Appeal, Denver, Col. ; 8. O. Updeieraff, UtaTrraaiirer I.ycoBiinaCoiin-' ty, Williamaiiort. IV1111. -Hamiinl M. Hryan, I're-iidiint t'hnioiieaka and rotomnc Trliihone Co , WaahlnRtou, l. C ; Dr. It. 4'. riahrr, 1,'UI Miehiirm Ave.. Cliicith'o III. ; Co!. I A. IIulTinan, IMrcit, Mich.; M. ). II. Swilt, Altorm y aHjiw, Fall Itiver, j Iln... , I lautc W. Srotl, Drduty Collivtor, (Vdur l!uil(la, I Iowa. I Win. K. Mi Kniulit, Attorury at lw, tinind I ltapida. Itii-h. Thalioaluaa of the Alaake-Klnmlyk- Hold , j Mining Ciimuany will he tn runs linrolatain. ! 1 on on alia Ynkou Klrer, and brtwueu Suultle I and the different Mbrtaof Alaaka, upon aupply , j atorca at Ilia difforent vain pa, do a ucnnrul , J trsnaporlalion, commercial and liankliiK tiua-' ( iimaa, and, In addition, deal in Mining I'laima, ' I and work tit mine alraady owned and thai 1 I may heraafter Ua aoinircd by the Company. I The CVinijHtiiy wintrols the fullowino; 1 jinijurtii's Eight iftild Plarer Claims Ognn-g -lliiif lilO . Acres in Ks'enl, locate I ou Fort.i Mil l.'ivek undi-r 1'iiHnl M-atea mining iawa IbtIoiiiio I i haa prord tha uav a'rrak lo lie Ave fiit thh k and lliu yielded plai-er dirt that pana from ; lo 115 lo tha pan. Flro (in d I'lacer l'luiiia. au- : gniatii'g 100 Acres in riti-nt, ou l'or.'iiiiuu Kiver, tliut pana from J.1 u lit lo Ilu to a lii. Ten ttold I'larer Clnima, aKregniing 'Jniarrni ! on Ilia Tanna Itivar, punning from I0 tJ Sal a , yartl. A Ana gold iiiartx Imlaln Alalia, which ua aaya from $13 to l ier tun. Tlio lixla allow : au siiornuiua outcrop of free milling ore, vein ' at aurface being 12 feel thick : nn litis proprtv , have made IJ iucaliona of I.HJO fcei by 000 feet, quuling 130 acraa. Wa don'l u.aiiu that il ii I the imillier loda, but ws do know It la without t an equal for proawcliT valuea, ' Theeotiinntea and alatcniant alxive are of' necraaity luaed Uon iiiforinalinn oil aine l ! from our Huuerinteiidriil. and are believed ami i I accepted by lha company. This company having acquired eitonaiva t holdinga of rich placer and go d quarta proper- ' lies, capable of enrnlng large diviiiemla on ita i look, offer to invaalora ailvanlages thai in ! ure large and proll labia returns. I Mr. Ueorgt W. Morgan, our Huperiutendeut, i baa beea on lha Yukao fur the paal year work ing in the inter! of lliiacompany Therefor, ; wa are not aaklng auT one lo contribute to a project unplanned, but to one thoroughly ma-1 lured. This uompany, with Ua able aida, ai : IruaWe knowledge, and great reauarei, ia cer-1 lain to baeom on of Ih ric leal companies op- erallug in Alaska. Our President tukea pleaaur In referring you i to lit following liat of reference : i James K. Dewey, Hills t Co., llankera, Detroit, Mich.; I Louts U. Tctard, Cdmmlf eioner World's Fair from Meiico, "The Kookery," Chicago, 111 ' Benatur H. M. Toller, of Colorado ; , John Hhafrolb, Itepreaenlatlra to Congress, Colorado; J. M. Bll,kteprcantaiiietCongraa,CnlnrBd(i; C.C. Clement, Washington Trust Co. Building, waabisetoa, D. C. ; Joseph C. Halm, ei-C'bief Justice of Colorado; Cbarle D. Hayl, Chief Justice or Co orado ; C. B. Maugham, 319 Tlnies-Herald, Chicago, Maarlc Joy, Electro lluture, War Building Wsahlngtea, P. V. ; tp. J.J. Lambert, Owner ana Kdllor Chief lain, Publo,Ool.; s. L. Hlllearatan, Tss Aganl M. P. R. K. St.. Louis, Me. B K. Oowas, Drestl Co., Philadelphia. The full-paid stock w now offered t Ten DoixaB8 per shiire. Send your orders to tho MMIsUm SilfQiBi Co.. ; Ne. ft Broadway, Ns York, I I NR. CILCAL'S SURTR2SE. , It Was Ccftttlnc, and JUdt Chrnttmas nennnnt. - MU MR. GILO AL occasion, ally took. a drop too much. I doaoV say he usnaily took a drop too much because what he took usually was several f lasses too much. And en ths beautiful Christ mas evening os which I sm speak ing he had taken at least enough, and a drop extra tor good measure. Good measure, poured down and hiecosgh mg over. Mr. Gllgal had purchased a beautiful ten-foot feather boa for hla wife's Christmaa present. Not so much aa a aurprlee aa a peece-offering. For Mr. 1 r:i 1 t- -i . . 1 ""Ki ne wuaom 01 tne serpent. ID tact he waa pretty near the atage lira he would have the serpents minus the wisdom. Mrs. Gllgal had been unusually severs of late, and bad said aeveral things "YOU BEAD, SEAR OLD FELLOW." mere.jsst than kind In a tone that failed to remind Mr. Gllgal of the voice aa the dove Ift pad courted and woo. II re tnisded him mere of a man flting a buzz aw. ijfi thia account Mr. Qilgsi deemed It wiae to make hla wife a pres eat, and after purchasing the boa and taking aeveral mars grasses of llej-uid wobble be halted a cab and drove home. Mrs. Silgal waa already m bed sleep ing ths sleep sf innocence, and Mr. OUgat craftily laid the boa on the foot of ths bed in a beaatlfral waviag length, than he fotjnto bed ase tried to sleep. He oouki not. Either hla con science or his abase dlstsrhed him, snd he arose to take off the latter. He-sat on ths'fitfOT to do so, becaaae' the chairs Were behaving awkwardly. When be regalaedi his feet sad start ed toward tils bed be suddenly stopped. "M'aU," he said, in aa agitated whis- Per- "M'rla; gt P ' y valne ft nre i - Mrs. Cllgal did not deign to ope a her eyes. "Coma ts bed, you old idiot," she said. "M'ria. my dear wife." said Mr. GU gal, very Impressively. "T'r life's In dnnger. I tell you, .Life ln danger. Ge' ap 'mediately. Ft my sske. M'ria. do ge' tip!" "Come to bed and be still," she cried. Mr. 5lbral slowly backed away froat the bed. Uls eyes were very large end be was perspiring freely. He tried ts be calm, and aa he backed toward the door, keeping- his eye on the baa. Ue raid in a voice of agony: "M'ria, 'a auake oa bed! Awful snake! Blgges' snake ever see! 'M goin' for pUce man!" Mrs. .Gllgal sat up. She saw tbe bos, and in aa Instant she bad seized It and was out sf bed. For tbe first time in I ....k. LL..J VI. (IM 1 I .... . . ' ,,. . I ' 00 ear- "ar OM fellow! the , cried. "Trying- to snrorlse me weren't 1 j - -. . Mr. (Jllg-al smiled sheepishly. "S'prlse yon, didc If" be said. "I sh'd shay so! Why. s'prised myselfr" ELLIS PARKER BUTLER. ' Mr. Klak'a Prefereac?. "WeU. Uncle Kbenezer, will yen have turkey or chicken for your Christmas dinner?" asked Mr. Oildersleeve of the aged negTO. "I prefer chlokeo. aah." replied Mr. Ivlnk, who then added, reflectively: af Its a a I Uen none ob my neighbors don t keep turkeys, you know. tf. Y. World. A Haikssa's Pies. I ask not gold ner gems, my scar. nor robes tram Persian client; I de net bee a diamond elear To sparkle on my breast. But frem your heart O, glvs to me, Tho' short yoqr stare of pelf. Borne wee, small gift wtaate'ar It he That I can use myselL Chloavgo Record. Presc'tasT ( tk Ummiu "There's only ons thins; that I iaaist upos." aaid Miss Elderly as abs skipped airily about tits boose. , "And what 1 thatr "I want mistletoe placed over every doorway and on every chandelier." Detroit free Press. Holiday TrsaS-lee. "What do you Intend to get your hus band for a Christmas (Mr "I cant make up my mind whether te five him UuMourWa a dinner sat, aW portieres or a drawing--room clock." Chicago Record. Ta TesBptev. George I do noises tbscnlsUetosia Its usual place ; what Is ths matter Bess Papa oooid net aCsrd It tKIa year. Bnt I am wearing la say hair tbs ribbon It used tabsUedap wtth.-w lo-Da'rs. . . . Dtoawsea'tlsasse. - Ts bv, these -Ihtasw tas. W as )tby New ts taeChraMjaas ssasth a- J A quartet's werta sd awiaeac fcsLVi J ' I tV Jti I " 5 . iilSl ml L I Cancer Ot the Face. Mrs. LanraE. Mima, of 8mltb.ville.Ga., sya: "A small pimple ef a strawberry color appeared on my cheek; it soon began to grow rapidly, notwithstand ing all efforts to check it My eye became terribly inflamed, and was so swollen that for quite a while I conld not aee. The doctors aaid I bad Cancer of the most malignant type, and after ex. hansting their efforts without doing m snv srood. thev cave op the case as hopeless. When in formed that my father had died from the same disease, they said I mast die, as hereditary Cancer was incurable. "At this crisis, I was advised to try S.S.S., and in a short while the Cancer began to discharge and continued to do to for three months, then it began to heal. I continued the medicine a while longer until the Cancer disappeared en tirely. This was several years ago and there has been no return of the disease." A Real Blood Remedy Cancer is a blood disease, and only a blood remedy will cure it. S. S. S. guaranteed twrelv veeetable is a real blood remedy, anil never fails to per- uiancnuy cure cancer, cicrotuin, eczema, Rheumatism or anv other disease of the blood. Send for our books oa Cancer and Blood Diseases, ! mailed free to any address. j Swift Specific Co. Atlanta, Ga. GREAT MUSIO OFFER. Send us tbe names auJ aildrtiHses of three or more performers ou tbe j piano or orgnn toffetlier with ten 1 ceutH in silver or posing mnl we will 11iis.1l yon sixteen imges full sheet music, eoiisistiin; 'f popular sni.trs, waltKus, 5 aiflies, etc., iirninifeil foi the pin 111 1 mill oinn, Al-iir- . I1' I'l'LAn Music Co., t f. It.ilui.npciliH, Ind. SPECIAL NOTICES. Small a tr.TiNi.tni'i'iM ,,t .mrv diwrrtutlno. tVani, d.il" or lliMi . I.imf or K.himI or 1 ii-r 110 tliv Inwrtril 11 i.i.t iin.t lion 1 r.ir uiii'-hiiir ci'nr w.,rd lor one im-riiini hii'I nii -tniiriii o-ni a viiiril ea. li hiiIimi q Ti.t lniriii,n. NiitliliiU Kl r.erfi'd fofli'da I lutu ii-n cnulit. N KM'M-A Prill ADVHTISIW IN THK I'MIT i:ii .iT.VI'ha A Ijouk of Ittu liuadri-d liau'i'l. rot. I ill, In ,1 1 .1 all ,ir if ,t 1. Ml 11 .iil iii-wjiiuinTi, Iii-ii all Midi an- iM'illi- ed ! Iln AiniTl 1111 Niwim')Mr liiri'rlnrv ( Dif emtnr filliioii f..r ink,) mtu hnvlnx ri'xuliir l aiia.iif I laj rnpli'i or inari. Also "iruti Sf iu inais 01 i-urh mid I'lvry sihIi or the Amwlcaji I'lilon. 11111111111; ili.ise iiiwiis ni.lv In whlRli iliiri are laui-ij iii.wsimpri-H l.aHnrf iimiv tlimi l.ule Clri'iiluikn. Thla lamk il"""'l llvretnhfr 15, ; will 1 esiiit. atui.'H ...hi. in unv addn-w, ou receipt ofoini ilollur. Addre:ii Uih Hid. I Itowi'll AilTrril!ilii Cit., 111 suriirn si ew Vr. 1st i:i it. HAVE ABOUT so riii'iinii i'. s. ntniiiiw. win ii'Ii;iiil.h fur I'n.-li. (iimiv prion. AInu Iiuvh two Htmnna boiiks fur mile. AddreflM Fml.u. Kia'hlrr. K'HiIiih I4 M:H Howl ing Uri'i-n Hldif.. 4 k II B'way. N. Y tlliy. S W ANTEU-TKLSTWOUTHY ANU All- ive KenllHini-n or hiillfa In travni t,1r reNDOIialblH. I kliirillsllill lli.li At, in. thly aii(leiiiHH. rositlon hIwiiIv. Kit.r ence. Km-lnn nnir iitlilri-axeil aluniiieilViiveliiiir . The Uomluloc Uoiiinuny, Dept. v.. t'lilrmo. 1 j-io-ir. r. Election Notice FIRST NATIONAL HANK. The Annual Mm-tinir of . ,lhn Stockhuldnra of the Firat National llank for tliu elii'tion of Heran Plractora for tin aiiauinir vtinr will Im held on Tuemlny the lull day of January neit belwufin tha of ID a. m. and 1'J 111. J. N. TIIO.MI'HDN, Jit., Caalilor. Middlahargh, l'a., Iiec. I, 1W. Scribner's Magazine for 1898. A (iKIAT l'HUUUAMMK. TflK HrnHT OP TIIK IUIVIII.UTIIIN liv Sn.t.,r Henry allot I.kIk, to run tlirouKhoul Hit yi-ar. (For Hie flral time all lli umdi-rn art 'ori:,'S and raaourci-a will be brought to bear , upon ma llnul imun. Howard "ylo mnl acorpa upon Ilia Hevolutiun. ofarlintaare making over PHI painting mid druwiuga expraaaly for thia great work. CilTAIN A. T. Miltl'.l "The Aim ricnii Navy in the UcAoliitinu, ' to be illuatmtcil by I nrltnu T. I'liapiiiuii, Hie marine 11 r lint, Harry Fenu. and others. Thomas Nki win Paus's Fimir I.omj Niivto. ''Hod Hock A Chronicle of Itcconairuclion." Mr Page haa dev. till four ycara to the alory. ami he uoliaidcra it Ina ucnl work. OliuatruKd by H. Weal Cliuediiiat.) ItniVAKli Kli'Litfii, Uii iiahii II tiiiu.Nii Davis. J11K I'llANUKU IlllltllU. tiS'illllK W. I'AIII K. UllS others, are, under fnga.emiiiit to couiribut atiintia during Ihuh, ItoiisiiT (iaAMT'a ".Senri.'li-I.iglit letters," re pltea lo vanoua lultmalimicuiue in coiini'iiueiice f"" " " "Hit lUlsM I JS llllts (.'UIIIU I II ft of hi "Uefii-eiinua of a vturriod Aiau' ami -Tha 1 Opinions of a riiiloaopher.' "TllK Woukkih" In a u.w llulil-Wiiltur A. I Wyckoir, tha college man wholiecnino a labor er, will Loll about his espi-rieuca with awiai- shop laborer ami aiinrrliiata in t'himgo. til luairaieu from lire ny . It l igli.) Ths TitMATBa. Tiia Mian, etc , will bo xrt-nt.il In ''The Conduct uf tireat buNinesa" ierirs tu were "The Whi-ot Farm. I'he Newapiiier," etc, In 'V7), Willi numerous lllnslratinna, I.I ir K AT illlllji' Coi.LBiia-lika tliu nrllcle On "t'nilergradual l.ifnul Harvard, I'riuoetou BDd Yale," and ai riclily illnalraied. Political Kstaiaiw a.ai ua by Senntnr Hoar, who ha bean In publio life for forty flvo yonra. C D. UinaoN will contribute two aecrial ata of drawlnga duriug VS. "A New York Day," snd "The Mven Age of American Woman." S Tbe full proapeclu fur 'IM.in small book form (24 pagea), printed in two colore, Willi nunieraxiu Illustrations (cover and liworationa by Maifleld Pariish), will be seal upon applica tion, postage paid raica, Ss.iO a tbab, S3 cam a k tunica t'HAKLBS Hl'BIIINBR'S MOSS, NbW YoHK. D. J.' W. SKIP, Office near the Lutbei mi c'uurct. Lett v culls eaily iu tin uniriiiiiK if poshiblf. XX o vi x ia 1 7 to V A. M . 12 tt 2 and 6 tu H. 1. M. Telr)itiotie Ni. 162. 12 8 Niiwly Ewttiblinlntl WEST PERRY HOTEL, s-fartls bbIIs KaaSwrKlehaleM. Tatn free fortraVeliiiK tneti to driv ti! toaVti, MifiiT) or aflff tueHltf. U'hIvh 73 ctthl per Day. T. xa. Rom, Pro. r-" "r V"Z . .Vl"4 retsr sraawr wsna sc aiswiet). fftM-ts 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers