iKi)yn mm? 'Mi?4i:8mirrirM imr ' No. 32. GEO. W. WAOEN8ELLER, Editor and Proprietor. -TH POST STAMPS NEWS NUGGETS. DE EROPS OF EYEBT DAT INTER EST GATHERED FOR OUR MHT The Prattle ol Interest to all recount ed in an Interesting Shape tor the POST; Mrs. Isaiah Walter is sick with 1 heart trouble. Elmer Snyder of Seliirsgrove was in town on Friday. There will le no paer issued from this ollioe next week. There are no prisoners in the Middleburg jail at present. ' A question of color will we liaVe a white or green Chaistnias. Mrs. Jere Grouse of Selinsgrove is visiting relatives at this place. The Republican Standing Com mittee will meet here Jan. 4, 1898. The Sunday schools are busy making preparations tor Christmas. John Thomas has moved in with Robert Shambiich's with his colder shoj- Don't forget that the contest for reform platforms will close Jan. 1st, 1898. Editors Anrand and Lcshcr made fraternal calls at this office lust week. Kid Gloves, good quality at quick wiling prices at Oppetdieimer'tySe- liosgrovo. ' ' ' " W. W. Witteninyer and Sherifl Hitter were Selinsgrove visitors Wednesday. Turkeys 10 cents, Chickens G ants, at F. II. Maurer's, Xew Berlin, Fa. tf. Charles Gable and wife of Selins tovc spent Sunday with Dr. J. W. Stin,amr' family. Goto H.Oppenheinier's for a full line of all colors and styles of shirts Selinsgrove, Fa. Ex-Sheriff Alfred Specht of Pea- vertown, was a county seat visitor luwday morning. E. W. Snvder, the insurance agent of Selinsgrove, lias placed u phone in his olHce. Hon. E. M. Ilumniel of Selins grove was in Middlehurgh lietween trains Friday afternoon. ltev. I). E. McLain attended the funeral of Kev. David A. Day at Minsgrovo ednesday. K. C. Graybill is erecting a large table on his lot on the French Flats ' W used as a livery stable. Harry Gutelius is acting as ox- FCS8 agent at Shamokin during the pwi with the holiday business. A full line of Nock Ties some thing nice for Christmas presents at H Oppenlicimer's, Selinsgrove. Mrs. Ira Ulsb. win. Alter. and ; daughter of Millersburg are visiting their relatives in Swinefurd. F. II. Maurer, New Perlin, wants "XX) turkeys at 10 cents per pound pn onier is filled. Call at once. I Samuel Hafley had a stroke of (Apoplexy. He is achargeofFrank r wnship. loiter. He has since flea. I Tlie SelinsLrcovp nntlinrities hnvi rll Fiaea a stone crusher for which k ' I WV 4 1.1. I . n .a I i . " 7 paid $400 and their old fire .Tguie. I This i8 tlie last issue of the Post 1897. We extend to our read Jan unusually Merry Christmas d Happy New Year. fte are authorized to state that J w3r will have a candidate f we republican nomination for Pwman of this diatrict MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDEU CO., RW WMTY 1 POLITICS AMD AMY POLICY -THAT COMPELS MBMillTl T HE BfCilHIf EM8f Christmas matter will le found on the inside pages. Rev. Spangler, of Yeagertown, was a Middleburg visitor Tuesday evening. Miss Riise Schoch is spending the holidays in Xew York City visiting her brother. Puy your Christmas presents now while the assortment is complete at Weis,' Selinsgrove. Iiiirge line of Ladies' and Gents.' umbrellas, prices from G0' 'o $3.00 at Weis,' Selinsgrove. Editor Wagenseller is in Ilarris burg to-day, and Mrs. is attend ing Dr. Day's funeral at Selinsgrove. Miss Marion Schoch will give a party to a munlicr of her young ladv friends this Thursday evening. Harrison Mover of this place pays the highest cash prices for calves and hides. Call on or address as above. tf. Senator Hummel, of Selinsgrove, is in Fhila. attending the meeting of the Republican State Central Com mittee. The turkey that escaped execu tion sings "just tell them that you saw me," but don't ' tell them where I was. Advices from Sunbiiry say thatll. 11. Hassinger of that place, former ly of Middleburg, is sprely afllicted with heart trouble. A lull line of tinware can lie foiuul at Schoch and Stahlneeker's stand, ' ' All kinds of . .repairing promptly attended to. '" tf. The Kepubliean State Central Commit toe of Pennsylvania met at 1231 Walnut St. Philadelphia on Wednesday of this week. The telephone lino to McClure is almost completed. A few phones are already in place and communi cation will le opened in a few days. An effort will Ik- made to secure a sure and safe skating area in Vnn Zandt's meadow. The water will be dammed up and allowed to frooy.e over. Supt. Powersox delivered a lec ture lxiforc the Local Institute at Plain, Perry county, on Saturday, DoccihIhh- 18th, subject, "The Ideal Citizen." Win. Xaoc of Shamokin Dam was an interested visitor in Swine ford Sunday. On Christmas he will lead one of Swiuefiird's damsels to the marriage alter. Puii'Ks roil Sam:. I have on hand '200,000 bricks. Any person in need of bricks can get them at any time. F. F. Hahk, tf. Middlehurgh, Pa. Di. W. O. Perkins of Morton will conduct the Musical Convention, at Selinsgrove, Jan. '21, 1808. Dr. Perkins has a reputation in this sec tion of the State and needs no furth er introduction. Penny Oppenhehner has a full of line of banjo and Guitar strings on hand at Opponheimer'sstorc, Selins grove. V ion ns, Panjos, Guitars, etc. ordered on short notice. 3t The rebuilt United Evangelical church at Poavcrtowii, Pa., will lie dedicated Jan. 2, 1808, Rev. S. L. Wiest of Harrisburg will officiate. Other ministers are expected to be present to assist. Turkeys wasted 1000 Tur keys wanted at F. II. Maurer's store, New Perlin. Call as soon as . pos sible. Price 10 cents only till the order is filled. Call as soon as pos sible. . tf. . You cax boy Furniture j It's of all sorts good and bod anything to fit the price paid, but if you are looking tor the best how ever at lowest prices, callt and .806 my stockV ' a. K.'WAfPEB,v Middleburg, Pa. The contest in thecomnetition for the Post's prize reform platform closes Jan. 1st, 1 SOS. Pe siwe to have vour production in on time. The winning platforms will le pub lished also the uames ot the winners. Misses Pertha Erhart and Lulu Smith, who have been attending Kee Alarr College, at llagerstown, Md., are spending their Xmas vacation at home. Dr. C L. Keenly is the president of the institution. . The different Sunday schools ot this place will hold their Christmas exercises as follows: United Pre thrcn and Evangelical, Thursday evening, Dee. '23rd, Lutheran and Kclonncd rrulay evening, Div. 21. Mrs. (jeorge Auiniller of Shamo kin Dam was ocrutcd on for cancer of the breast at the Mary M. Pack er hospital, Thursday afternoon. Dr. W. L. Shindel )erfornied the operation, assisted by Dr. P. II. Reiin and Dr. E. P. Cooper. The two passenger cars on ex press East on Monday evening Ure a deep crease along the entire length of the train caused by an open door of a freight oar that was passed on its eastward journey. Xo one was hurt. Invitations are out which read: "Mr. and Mrs. John Ilonsiuger re quest vour presence at the marriaire of their daughter, Anna M., and Mr. M. M. koto, Wednesday even ing, December twenty-ninth, at eight o'clock. Hartletoii, Pa., 1807." If you are contemplating buying a Christmas present, do not fail to visit Weis' store, Selinsgrove, when you will undoubtedly bo a! do to find something to suit you. The assort ment ot Christmas novelties for the approaching holidays is extremely largo and attractive. A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair cut, or other tousorial work, is al ways obtained at Soles' Parbcr Shop, in Wittcninver's building, opposite Post oflice. Go to Soles and you will make no mistake, shaving soajj, face cream, hair oil and egg-sliam-poo for sale. A. E. Soi.kh. "Joaquin" in last week's Selins grove Times seems to have Iiecn un der the impression that we wanted a democratic reform platform. We do not. We do not even want a plat form for the Republican party, but a plat form for individual candidates to run on at the oining republican primary election. "That the richest, and largest de posits of gold that the earth lias ev er produced up to the present time have been found in the Alaska Klondyke country is now an es tablished fact. We eall your at tention to the advertisement of the Alaska Klondyke Gold Mining Co. in another column." 10-7-(im. The eollege students at home spending their holiday vacation are A. F. and A. R.Gilbert of Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster; Charles Marks of Dickinson Col lege, Carlisle ; Pruce Croiise ami Wni. Shindel of Susquehanna Uni versity, Selinsgrove, and Samuel Wittemnyer, Jr., of Cornell Univer sity, Ithica, N. Y. Our townsman, Henry Fisher, shipped a grandfather's clock to his son, Samuel, at Harrisburg one day bust week. It is a fine specimen of clock work and was made in 1700. Mr. Fisher has been its owner for many years, and the son doubtless will prize this relic of by-gone-days very highly. Freefnirg Courier . In accordance with the usual cus torn of the papers of Snyder county and elsewhere, there will be no a per issued from tliis oflice next week. We observe the week between Xmas and New Year as our holiday va cation. This, office will be open for the execution of job Work and ' re ceipting for subscription money, PA.. THU11SDAY, Old Copies of the Post Wanted The fill's of the Middleburg Post have lieon regularly bound only since it has beeii au S-jKige paper, viz: July 1. 18SS. The files from Jan. 1, 1881, to July 1, 18SS, were simply tied up in u bundle. Among this lot we find many that are lunllv torn and damaged and some of them missing. It any of our leaders or friends can assist us to supply the missing numbers, they will do a fa-' vor not only to us. but to nostcritv as well. The only written history we now have of Snvder county is that preserved by the newsapors of the county. The Snvder County Historical Society will shu begin work to hunt up data to preserve this history and a complete file of the Post is almost indispensable. The missing copies are Jan. 0, Fob. 10-17, March 10, Oct. 13 and Nov. 10, 1881; Nov. 23, 18S2; April '26, 1883; March '27, June 1'2, Aug. 7, and Oct. 30, 1SS-1; Sept. 17, 1SS;"; Jan. '28, May (i, and Oct. 28, 18S0 ; Jan. '27, July '28, 1887 ; Feb. 1(1, March 22, ami June 28, 1888. The issues of Doe. 0, 10, 23, 188(1 and the issues of Deo. 15, 22, 20, 1S87, are so foully damaged that they are practically valueless. We are in need of the issues of the Post above named. The missing numbers will command a fair price deK'iiding upon condition of copies. This will then complete our files from Jan. 1, 1881, to the present time. The Post was established in 1SI13 and .no files are in our poscssion from that time to 1881. We would like to have a complete file and if any of our friends can assist us we shall be pleased to hear from them. The Post was established by Mr. Gutelius in 1803 and was bought by I Ion. Jere ('rouse in 1 S( 7. We presume that on the attics of some of our readers can be found all the missing numbers. Will vou assist us? Christmas Announcements. Quite a number of our wide awake merchants have their Christ inas announcements on the hist page of the Post. Our readers will need Christinas presents, Xmas candy and other good things to cat and nice things to wear. Hence you will do well to see what they have to otler. 3t Christmas Presents. I desire to announce to the pul lic that those who wish to buy Pi anos, Organs or Sewing Machines for Christmas and New Year pres ents can buy cheaper of me now than ever. Full line of samples on hand. F. S. Kkkm.k, tf. Middlehurgh, Pa. The Snyder County Historical Society would like to secure a com plete file of all the county papers, including the Valkxfrmiiil. The present publishers will confer a fa vor by begining Jan. 1st to mail gratuitous copies to the Snyder Co. Historical Society, Middlebtirgh, Pa. These copies are preserved, 1m)uik1 and filed to preserve history. Pack numbers are also welcome. Fred. Gniober of Shamokin, who drove into a mine hole a year or more ago, losing n leg by the ac cident, and the young ludy with him being killed, has had another accident. I le was taking a carriage ride with Miss Maggie Watkins, havidg a coachman. As they drove on the N. C. trucks, a train was coming and Graeber yelled to Miss Watkins to jump, and both did so. Graelier cleared the track, but Miss Watkins was struck-on the hip by the bumper. Graeber and the driver escaped unhurt and the ladv was slightly injured. The horses escap ed unhurt, the carnge was demol hiked. ' DEC. 23,. 1897. Court Proceedings. Court convened on Monday, Dw. 13thatll:l.-o'clookA. m. ' Present, Hon. II. M. McClure, President Judge and Jeremiah Crouse and Z. T. Goiufo'rling, As sociate J lulges. George Sjarht, I). P. Dciscr, Michael Haekenfo'rg and II. F. Mohn were appointed tipstaves. litWUTKU skhsions. The oa.es of the Commonwealth vs. George Konard, Win. Xcitz and Elias Xoll were ignored by the Grand Jury. Report of bridge view in West Pea vor township not confirmed by Grand Jury. In the ease of the Commonwealth vs. David Marks, the defendant, was acquitted of the charge of lar ceny and the ousts were divided be tween him and the prosecutor, David 1. Sholloy. Reports of viewers of roads in Peiin and Union townships were confirmed ni. si. Wm. Moyor, Henry H. (Mass and Fnil. P. IV dig wure appointed to view site to change road in Franklin township. C. L. Wetzel, John Heterick and A. A. Roinig were appointed to view road in Spring township. COMMOS.rjLKAS, III case of (Jeorge S. Iiino against J. P. Hall the apMiiutmoiit of -auditor was enlarged. He to report to next term. Masters were appointed in the di vorce eases of G. A. Itrown vs. S. E. Hrowu, W. A. Ilasom vs. Sadie Pasom, Arthur D. C. Sliircy vs. Martha Jane Shirey. In the ease of Charles P. Plrieh vs. Malinda Roniig, tlir verdict was in favor of the plaintiff for the uni Ot (').'.( id. In the case of A. W. Potter vs. Malinda Roniig it was agreed that the verdict in this case should be the same as in the prccceding one. In the case of'Charles Ilowwr vs. Hiram K. Gninhy, ot. al., the ver dict was in favor of the plaintiff, for $:.33. In the case of Dr. II. M. Nipple vs. the lcavci town Mutual Fire In surance Company, an amended state ment was filed. P. S. Hitter, High Sheriff of said countv, acknowledged deed polls to J.C.'W. Passlcr, (J. Kline, Harvey Sholloy, the Aultinaii Company, A nielia M. Gutelius and Caroline Staid. OKIMIAN'S lOI HT. Order of side were granted in the estates of John Hartiiian, deceased, Ester Hare, deceased, and John S. I lassinger, deceased. Returns to orders of sale were confirmed in the estates of Harriet Xeitz, deceased, John R. Arbogast, deceased, John A. Goss, deceased. In therc-estateofJosiah Kline, de ceased, Ira Kline accepted the real estate of said decedent at the ap praisement. In ro-cstatc of John D. Mil ler, doeeased, on petition of Morris Showers, guardian, oe. The sale of decedent's real estate was ratified by the Court. Auditor's reports were filed in es tates of William Sti-cly, diseased, and Daniel Zeibcr, deceased. P. F. Hummel was appointed guardian of Emerson Hummel, a minor child and grandchild of Dan iel and Jacob Hummel, deceased. D. S. Sholly was appointed guar dian of the minor children ofDaniel 11. Heintzclman, deceased. The accounts of Executors, Ad ministrators and Guardians and the Widow's Appraitcmeuts were con firmed as advertised. Returns to writ of partition was confirmed in estate of Z. P. . Gross, VOL 34. NO. 50. demised. Saturday, Dec. 18, 1807, Court adjourned to Monday, Jan. 21. 1 SOS, at 1 1 o'clock A. M.' Card of Thanks. 1 desire to express my heartfelt thanks to the teachers, directors mid citizens of our county for the verv earnest interest manifested in 1 1 '. lOth Annual Teachers' Institute of Snyder county. Since my connec tion with the public schools, no ; -stitute has reached the altitude of sihvoss enjoyed by this one. Our people manfully and liberally sup ported us by attending the day ses scssions and giving us crowded houses in the evening lectures for nil of which they have our pro found thanks. Rosp'y yours, F. C. P.owi:i:.s().', Co. Supt. Dr Day's Body Arrives. Hm Iiilmnl (if Sifiiisijrnrr -l-iirsdni iijhrnnini. The My of the Rev. Dr. David A. Day, the distinguished mission ary of the Lutheran church, who has served the Muhlenberg mission, on the west coast of Africa, for nearly twenty five years, and who died on the steamship "Lucania" hist Fri day, one day out f-om Xew York, was taken to Pahiinore Sunday. At a special ineotiugnfihc foreign board arrangements weiv made fur a service in tlie First Lutheran church of Pa hi more on Tuesday at 2 p. m., when prominent clergymen and larnicu from all the large cities of the east were present. The in terment wiis made :C Selinsirrovo, where services were held on Wed nesday afternoon. Religious Announcement. The -'Week of Prayer" will Ik observed in Middlehurgh, bv the various churches holding union meetings as follows : .Monday, Jan. 3, Lutheran church lead by Rev. D. E. McLiiu. Tuesday, Jan. I, United I'.relh ren church, lead by Key. S. I?. Poi.glitcr. Wednesday, Jan. K'eflirnicil church, lead by Rev. S. Kohler. Thursday, (i, F,v;uielic;il church, lead by Pe'v. J. II. Hertz. Friday, Jan. 7, Kvan. Lutheran church. This meeting will be ad dressed by William 11. Irvin, of Williamsport. . George P. Spangler Going to Klondike. Poplar P.luffs, Mo., Dee. Hi, ".17. Ed. Post. Kudosed please find draft fiir !?3.7" for subscription to the Post. Prosperity has not yet reached me, but I will start f t tlie Klondike March 1." to make my tor tune or my wife will make hers. I have insured my 1 ife for 10,000 for years. Si if I do not come back, my wife will be able to live with the insurance money. Iam paying up all my debts before I go. You may hear from me from the extreme you and iind your wife a Merry Chrirtmas and a Happy Xew Year, I am, Yours truly, Gko. P. St'Axm.Kit. We are pleased to receive this bit of news from our friend, Mr. Spangler, who formerly resided here. We hope that he may le able to scoop up millions of dollars worth of gold dust and further that he will occasionally write a letter U the Poht. George Spangler is a son of Mrs. Adam L. Spangler of of this plaee and consequently a brother to Charles, formerly of this place and of Dr. A. C. Spangler, the popular young dentist of Selinsgrove. to ft