The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 16, 1897, Image 4

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    The Middleburgh Post.
Publiahed every Thursday.
Ceo. W. Wagenseller,
Editor and Proprietor,
Subscription $1.50 per year.
much must be paid In advance when aeut om,
side tue county.)
AU transient adverttrnwnU not otherwise
WnWactTlor will be chanced at the rale ol :
r.i oer line (nonpar"' measure) lor nntt inner
ttoQ Md 10 cenw per line lor every nubaequent
trDtatknotieapMukedfrtt; Mtuarypom.
ttiimlf vfrtttct, dt.. tkrtteenH ha.
Thursday, Dec. 16, 1897.
The MAN Is the Best Platform.
Insist Saturday's Philadelphia
IWm in an tentorial lias the follow
ing to say c'oiMvrniiigour attempt to
tecum honest men iu the Ixigisla
ture: The editor of Middlebur: "Post"
is ollerinjr u premium for the eon
stniction of the Ix-st platform for the
candidates for iioinination to the
Legislature to run iixii at the com
inir HepuMiean primary in Snyder
There's Always a
It leads to our door. Holiday
seekers always find their wants
aimniipd at our store. Our
County. There are plenty of gonl
platform makers in Snyder County,
very likely, hut it is' doulitful if
there will le a very erowded com
petition for the reward offered by
our contemporary.
The fact is all the reform plat
forms that could lie packed within
the limits of the county would not
accomplish the end which the es
teemed editor of theesteenied "Port"
has in view. lie wants an honest
man to represent the county in the
Legislature. Dishonest men some
times make use of the liest platforms.
Insincere politicians are ever ready
U) deceive the people and gain at
least a temporary advantage by de
claring in favor of the most radical
reforms the refornr of the very
evils which they have done all they
could to cultivate. This sort of
thing takes too well with many
people and has hcliicdto continue in
power some whose influence lias lieen
steadily pernicious, and could never.
well ! aiivtliiny else. It has lieen
Intended to deceive the lieoplc. am
tliouirli made use of by those whose
. . . . V .. X.
record must be convincing oi its in
sincerity it has served its purpose
No doubt every candidate lor tlie
Legislature nomination in Snyder
County will go to any extravagant
length in declaring for whatever may
be thought likely to aid his nomina
tion. 1 low many would heed that
declaration alter election?
Conscience and capacity are the
need iu aineinber of the legislature.
What our public-spirited and right
minded contemporary wants to do is
to secure the nomination ofa man of
such intctjTitv and streiiirth of char
acter that the temptations of the
capital will not swerve him from his
fidelity to his constituents. It wants
to secure a man of sullicient intelli
gence to know that it is his duty a
a rcnrcscntativc of the people to
serve the people and the State am
not become the tool of personal in
tcrcsts. It wants to elect a man
who will not, as soon as Jie reaches
Ilarrisburg, sell himself, and his con
stituents as well, for a few dollars,or
for a particular committee place, or
for the chance to name a paster and
folder, or. the privilege of going up-
on a special eommtitee with lots ol
mileage and personal expenses in it
Those who are purchased in that
way are weak and cheap men, unfit
to represent any constituency, and
there is not one of that kind who
would not run upon the most radical
platform ot
he ciiulil lie nominated and e
. . 1 lmn t f ill ttf iJU lATTAt
Never as beautiful as tins year, uooub iuuio -r.
oOW ni-tiir.itie to iee our stock. No solicitation to buy.
compulsion to keep after you have bought if not aatisfied
We are offering in Ladies' Watch in 14 k. Solid Gold at $20, Filled
Gold at 410. If uuy of the readers of the Post happen to be in our City,
riUl.e nleased to have yoa give usacan. i"'
An avalanche of New Goods;
AT !
we wi
The Jeweler and Optician.
We commend the excellent pur-
Mise of our Middleburg eontempor-
. i ... .i ... i i:.. .. ......
ary. Il is tioing tne puonc u in-
nouiiced service m seeking to nae
the district properly represented in
the Legislature, lint we admonish
it not to rely upon platforms unless
it knows that the candidate who
stands uhii the platform is fit to lie
there. It can hardly have forgotten
the contempt with which the last
I jri hitiirc traded t ho iilcdires ol
two successive State platforms.
Thinks the Argument Unanswerble
The report of Postmaster-General
Gary, embodying as it does, the
rejiorts and recommendations of the
assistant jiostiiiaster-general, is an
exceptionally imjsirtant document.
A large part of the volume is de
voted to an argument to our mind,
unanswerable, in favor of the prompt
institution by this country of a ost
al savings-liank system. The array
of facts and figures marshaled to
show the timeliness and importance
of this step ought to make a deep
impression upon the congressional
mind. The enormous growth of the
postal money-order business, is ad
duced as showing how the jieople
already patronize the ostal service
tor the transmission of funds. That
they would avail themselves of it to
deposit their savings is beyond ques
tion. Within a few years the de
posits would lie counted by hundreds
of millions. The time is certainly
auspicious for the adoption of this
policy of postal savings banks.
Further than that, however, it ought
to lie possible to combine thut policy
with some plan for the improvement
of the currency system. Reviews of
Purer Politics Demanded.
The seeds of purer polities sown
by the Post during the last month
or more are already showing signs
of thrifty blossoms. The Post is
not afraid to tell the truth, this it
has proved over and over again. Its
devotion to truth and principles; its
antagonism to theft in public office;
its opjMisition to men who fail to
stand upon a platform of their own
making; its unfaltering determina
tion to insist upon honor and inte
grity in public as well as private
life; these are some of the cardinal
principles by which our pen will be
iruided. and these are none too right-
wins to receive the unqualified sup
nnrt ot everv candidate for public
lioiiestv, if by so doing. omee.
....... ;,.., t,.,l un.l ..l.v.til.i Younir man and you elder men
Th" best platform test in making
nominations for the Legislature is
the character and record of the man.
Nothing else is required, and they
ought to be of the best. There has
Ik'cii no time in the recent history of
the Slate when a high type of re
presentation in the Legislature has
Im'cii so much needed as it will lie
at the next sessions. Unless the
people are projierly watchful it is
certain that most if not all the scan
dals, jobs and grabs that were halted
by executive veto at the last session
will be revived. The various bills
for committee expenses that were
defeated will be brought forward
again, together with the 00,000 or
$70,000 for the Andrews-Pennine
investigation in this city, which had
to lie withdrawn for obvious reasons.
If Senator Andrews' present plans
in State polities go through so will
every expense bill, vetoed by Gov.
I lastings at the last session. The
jicxt Bcssion will be a highly import-
. . ill
too, are already being Inittoii-nolea
for votes. Don't promise to vote
for any man until you are sure that
he is going to be a credit to his of
fice, lie sure that your choice for
assembly is a man who, when begets
to Ilarrisburg, will not forget his
people at home and vote and work
lor himself, "l on have lieen deeeiv
ed too often, lie on your guard
now. Don't nominate and elect men
to ollice who will rob you of the last
dollar you have. The time has come
when you must open your eyes and
are vou not going to seek honest men
now? The time has come for re
volt and resistance to public plunder
and we predict that it will come and
that in this very next campaign.
Miss Sallie llouch, of Frecburg,
sjient Sunday with Mrs. Amanda
Speeht The Telephone Company
now have polcscrected and are ready
Perry Y. Treaster has lieen
sawing lumber for the past few
weeks, in Mifllin county for the
(Joss Isiys, and exjieets to be em
ployed all winter. Perry under
stands getting all out ofa log that's
in it. . . - James Steely made a bus
iness trip to the county seat last
week. . . .Henry Mover, of Ia'w'ib-
town, spent last week here visit
ing Ins bnyder county mends....
Our teachers rcMirt a good time last
week at Middlebtirgh, it being in
stitute week. They claim they are
wiser, but much weaker. . . .The
butchering in our end is about over.
Up to date Adam Baumgtirdiier
takes the lead for the largest hog
...lievi 15. Treaster killed a beef
this fall something over 18 months
old, dressed f35 lbs. and had 110
lbs. rough tallow. .. -Some ot our
weather prophets report 43 snows
for the winter. It they don't come
any fiister than they have been, you
can look for some next sumhicr
The 12th is past, and no,, doubt
some of our Centre county friends
were disappointed in seeing the
world still in a flourishing-condition
...T. F. Swineford helped bag
alxiut 105 cotton mils this fall and
at this writing (Monday) has still a
few days in his favor. lhe
Treaster boys are t til I in Hunting
don county, but expect to be home
by Christmas, as the null closes
until Spring.
Mrs. C. B. Witmer and children,
from Sunbury, spent a week with
the family of II. I. Hoinig
Thieving is lieing carried on rather
extensively in this section. . . .Mrs.
Jos. Dreese and small son from
Chillisquaquc, were entertained by
Mrs. Caroline Dreese Our teach
ers from this district have returned
from attending institute, having, no
I 1. . il F.L.. I I..
Uoiilit, spent me time proniauiv
Myrtle Klose, Mamie Meehtley
and Jennie Keller attended
institute several days. . . .3Jrs.jsaac
Saltzman, who has been quite ill tor
sonic time, isslowly improving
The oyster supiier, on Saturday
evening, held by the I. O. (). F.,
was enjoyed by all who attended.
Addresses were delivered by Co.
Supt. liowcrsox and Prof. I. It.
Smith from Troxelville. . . .Calvin
Helfrieh has returned home from
Indiana, where he had Ix-en staying
for a year .... Solomon Manlx-ck
and wife, front Thoiiipsoiitowii, visit
ed their son, Edward, last week
....Daniel MeChatle has conic
back from Lewistown where he has
spent the summer.
F. H. Uaurer s
i Bargain
I keep everything in the hardware line. Horse shoe
nails, other nails by the keg or pound, too steel, cast steel,
tires for buggies and wagons, round bar iron, chains of all
kinds, forks, shovels hoes, tools of all kinds,
JEEorse Blankets,
Our counters and shelves are nowi Wliiiw lialror tio
LiHuVd with a magnificent line of tsa. C r ' ' uiubiiwhiuu
i icti and elegant Drena stuff. Cbev- Kinds, brooms, tn ware, granite ware, tubs, buckets, and
lois, voveri' iiowis, Henriettas in an-1 ATJSAT WASHING A ACni'KS
... i.. ..n . i. ...i.. u.
Call to see my goods and you will be con rinsed that
you can Duy cheaper licro than any where in the county.
Yoursresp'y, I lfnrnnr Mt Pleasaut
Jl Li VQIIIDIi Mills, r,.
lhe bountiful full bhades. Hosiery.
Gloves. TiiiuniiuRs. &e. &c. just re-j
ceived from New York and Phllu-,
All llwt I-iuicmtcr Apron Gingham. S cent
" Mile fnlh-o, S "
" I.IkIiI C"lko, 8 "
" " ItalOil 'IIoo, HoS '
' Pork Cnlicon, 3. 4. S "
Foncy Novelty Drew Uoodi, only 8 " I
This is the greatest bargain wej
ever had. Everybody ought to see i
the burgiiina we have in dress goods,
styles and prices.
The Intent ilk. RO incliei wide, only S5 eta.
Kitra line novelty drew good, 73 "
Also a full line of the latest trimm
ings, braids, silks and ribbons. Gall
and see our low prices and styles on
thpse goods ; we know we can please
you. In our
will be found elegant stylish suits.
Heavy and light weight Overconts,
Storm-coats and Every day suits at
prices to astound you.
Men' Ihsvy lknvcr Black Overcoats,
" " ' Storm
Boys' " "
Mci.'ii milts, sire :V to 42, upward from
Hoys' suits, 14 to IU years, lor
Great Reduction Sale of
For Ninety Days !
The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EflJ
Youths' " tor only 1 l.ushel ol wheat.
Men s heavy extra pants, only
Men's oversliirts, only
Men's unUerware, twr suit, only
Youths' " " " " 15c. to 25c
Meii.s bats aud eaps can't be beat
in prices, and wear for 50c. Latest
styles and lowest prices. Call nd
see our hats. Our Ladies'
WRAP mptnt.
is now complete. Here is a bewild
ering array of Chat ruing MVsaps, rich
and strikingly handsome Coats and
Capes a dozen or more styleo to se
leet from. The Children's Coats are
perfect beauties. We had these
made exprt-ssl.v for comfort nud
ease. For elegance and style of gar
ments our Ladiet.' Wrap Depart
ment is not surpassed anywuere;
and what is ;o your advantage, we
are able to sell at Manufacturer's
prices. r
Iilles' fl ne coatm from 12.00 up
ladles' fine capes, from 11. fO up
Misses' coats, 4 to 14, only 11.50
Don't miss the coats now,' you can
have your cbroice:
A Marvelous dtorni of
Boots & Shoes
reached our store yesterday. Ev
ersthing for footwear from the finest
French kid to tho ordinary dollar
slioe. Greoter assortment the over.
Here is a whole counter full of shoes
for the Little people, for fat babies
too, sizes from 1 to 5 aud 6 to 12.
Ladies' Rubbers, 25 cents9
Ladies' Storm Rubbers, 35 "
Gents' Rubbers, 40 '
we have added to our usual heavy
stock iu this line a tull assortment
of very choice Fine Groceries, such
as prime Old Govrrnment Java and
Mocha Coffees, Spiced Cherries and
The Winner Collie, 18t, 2 11m. 25c.
Arbuekles' " lie.
St. (.'loud, Stearns' Co., Minn.,
December 11, 1S97-
Ivlitor Post,
Middleburj;, I'u.
Dear Sir: I like to know
the Mlitical situation us it is in old
Snyder county, and I like to see
manhood exerting itselt tor more
nmnly and cleaner political methods
in the Republican ranks in some
quarters. Therefore, you will find
herewith inclosed a money order for
$l..r)0 for a year s extension ol my
subscription to Ihk I'ost.
Very respectfully,
E. W. Youxa.
I I Best Cough Syrup, Tastes Good. Vm I I
I 1 In rlrna S.ilrt by drumtlKs. F
Lion " lie., 4
Suar, Brown,
" Lirht llrown,
" Soft A., 10 lbs.,
" Granulated, 1) lbs.,
Soup beans, ue., 1)
Bilking sulii, jK'r lb.,
2400 matches,
Com starch, 5c, li
Best Bilkers' Chocolate,
W nrM Oot hellinif out, IjU t e do this to increase our mtlea ahovt) r.oyn
vlou)-r. Wi' t;ivM hw t.f lhe pric.i'H hh follows :
Soft W ood Chait.tier Suith ;14 00 Cotton Top MuttreHs 2
Hard Wood Chitinlx-r Suith
Antlqin- Oak iSntix, 8 V
PIiihIi I'Hrlor Sult
VVootleu Chair? ir of t
10.00 Woven Wire Mattress..
19.00 i Bed Springs
80.00: Drop Tables, per ft
." riatrorm KooKerH...
in stock, evprythlng in tlie rnrnitiire line, Including Mirrors, Book Casci
Desks, 8ide.t(.MrdH.Ciipionrlh, Centre Tables. Fancv Roekers. Bahy Chain
E..,..l.n Dill 1 r I . , , A. . ..
r" miuwi.. iuuiiKfs, vm'iies, uougnirays, miiKs, Hall Kaoka, Cai
SSeat Chairs line, medium aud cheau furniture, tn suit hII nl..aa
Prices reduced nil through. Come early and see our stock before trivlrj
your order, and tluic save )fl to 80 per cent, on every dollar. "
Special Attention (livon to Undertaking & Embalmin
t0LB or) m Yowwbbjm
Until you see Solid fact Bargains. We hi
opened the Season with s stock of gool
that beats tne record tor beauty and
prices. Be fair with yourselves and
our Elegant Stock of Winter Clothi
If. presents an opportunity for econod
al buying that is uot found elsewhere.
Everybody needs something in this lit
We nave just what you ueed, and at
prices that defy competition.' We I
the Finest Line of Gentlemen's Fun;
ing Goods on the Market. Hats, Ci
Valices, Trunks and Rubber Goods
have in large assortments.
We have a line unequalled in the county, our heavier wear, in
and quality, cannot be lieat in the State. We want you to see oursll
A full Line of fiorse Blankets, Lap Robes
and Whips constantly on hand at greatly reduced prices.
xz. oi'i'EiKriiiiJiiviiijri.,
,Ap?73 Blools., - - Sollnsgrovo,
Scribner's Magazine for 1898.
Til it Story or TUK Hrvolution by Senator
llunry Cabot I-oOko, to run throughout the
year. (For the Hrst time all the modern art
forci s and resources will be brought to beai
upon the Hevolution. Howard Vyleand acorps
ol artists are makliiK over niu paintings anu
ilruwuiKs etprdwly lor this great work. )
lbs., 2.rK!.
Carpets. Rugs
and Oilcloths
we have nil tho newest patterns and
choice colorings. The latest de
signs are beautiful and ut a quarter
off from former prices.
Tho beht Iu'i iiiu Carpet I ever saw
for only i!i. per yard.
Next, belter, Me.
Next better, J2c.
Jhussels, Obly 4.rc.
Home made carpets, 25c. to COc.
Floor oilcloth G-4, only COc. per yard.
Table oilcloth 5 4 " He. " "
C-4 " 19c. " "
Bed blankets for only 50cts. per pair.
Captain A. T. Maiian'h "The American Navy
In the IteAolutioii, ' to bu illustrated by Carlton
T. Chapman, tue marine artist; Harry Kenu,
and others.
Thomas Nkison PAK'i Foist Long Novbi,
"Hed Koclt A Chronicle of Koeonstruction."
Mr Ue has dovntcd four years to tho story,
snl he considers it bis bust work. (Illustrated
by li. West Clinedinst.)
Kri.VAiin Kii'Liicu, Itu iiabd llAnoiNQ Davis,
others, are under eiiKaetuout to contribute
stories during lm.
Hoiibht Gbant's "Searoh-I.lulit Letters," re
lilies to various letters tlmt came in consequence
oi ins Huiiections oio nnrriou mull aim i nc
Opinions of a Philosopher."
"Tiik Woiikkim" In a new field Walter A.
1 8e. WycKolT, the college man who became a labor
jcr, will loll about his eiperlenco with sweat
I shop luborcrs and anarchists in Chicago.
lUKtrutod from life by W. It. Iz-igh.)
TiikTiikathe, The Mine, etc., will be treated
In "Tlie Conduct of (I rent business" scries (as
wore "Tlie Wlieut Farm." "The Newspaper,"
etc , iu "Jl), with numerous illustrations,
Life AT nittiji' CoixEtiE liks the articles on
"I'nilurgrnduut Life ut llnrvard, Princeton and
Yule," uud ui richly illustrated.
IVrffdiially-Conduetetl Tours
IVnnsylvania llailroad.
No. 1 Butter, 20
No. 2 liuttcr, 10
Fresh Eggs, 20
Onions, 00
Potatoes, 00
Now Ijird, 7
Old Lard, S
Young Chickens 7
All Good Butter Wanted.
N. B. We have no Special
Bargain Day, Our Bargains
are Every Day,
New Berlin, Pa.
N. W. Corner, Front and Union Sts
Season ok 1W7-S
The Personally-Conducted Tourist System of
the Pennsylvania ltuilroud Company is the
highest perfection yet attained in railway
travel : it affords all tho comforts and conveni
ences of modern railway eciilpiiicnt, nud at the
some time eliminates all onxicty n'.d annoy
ance Inseparably connected with lndivldul
For the season of '97 and 'US it bos arranged
for tho following tours :
Ciilifiirnin--Fotir tours, Icavinir New York
Philadelphia, and Pittsburg January 8. January
87, February 10, and Murch IV. ith tlie exeep
tlun of the first tarty goinj and the last return
ing, all of theso parties will travel by the
"Golden Gnte Special" between New York and
California, stopping at interesting points en
route. '
Florida. Four tours to Jacksonville will
leave New York aud Philadelphia January 25,
February 8 and 22, ami Murch 8. The fln.t three
admit of a sojourn of two weeks Iu the "Flow
ery State." Tickets for the fourth tour will be
good to return by regular trains until May 81,
Tickets for the above tours will be sold from
II principal stations on the Pennlvanla
For de tolled itineraries, giving rates a.
Information, oddressTbos. E, Watt, ?i
Agent Western District, Pittsburg, Fa I
Harrar, Division Ticket Agent, Willis
Pa. ; or Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant VteuH
senger Agent, Philadelphia.
Liquefied Electricity, Tlie Magic Psil
Kecolpt for 10c silver. IssacOIJ
Itopids, S. I).
Send us the names and adl
of three or more performers
piano or organ tocother '
cents in silver or postage
mill mail vnll BlTrOfln 11(1268 fj
music, consisting of popular
waltzes. B arches, etc., arraW
the niano and ortran. Addii
Popular Music Co.,
tf. Indianap
Wkill Co
W hl an
,30tl of N
C a,H!tor sai
finely. '
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