Some RambUag Thoughts rtipyrtjftttnim l.-," A T. i." Tli strtnjrth r :i m-i-.M- coim-s from a l.m-r-oMitiiiiiod ovroiso; tin- liroiij;hi tlu m'Tyes down toile-unio-1 umu or Borrow. lie follows literally strvnpth of an idoal lV.nn voar of ii:i; ll(,t bv tJio wiokodnoss of any j the sugtion of the Master: "Take no devotion to it ; stroiij:;!i ot miad oiu- nun, but lv tlio pvneral un- j thought for the morrow." and looka with from iKiiient trail!..-. ; i-tivn-th of rfchu-uiiMK and urprf.e at the -white folks bor- i 1 ! i , i j", I .. K rowinl trouble." Offer any of them ohnniotor li'.:u t ho iiiarkiti-rs loll m noss of tlie maav. v . , . . , . ii.ii.ii , . work at reduced rate because of the doea.los oi niir-lo. And tiioro is Ala ! tho Mronj and tlio- weak j ringtjcy of tne money market and no short wav ! together make iit a nation, ujkI its : omr the Independent disdain with WouM vo i vk the royal mid iM-nlinuoiis powor is oiliIe only bv , which he or she Mounts the proposi ti the ..inna.'le of vour lil'.'-'s high iiiormse of .he xvoak Tho weak j .ion. -Ef I can't get wy price , lean set .ns'ibiliu,' Then move for- a.v those who. lo nut util.ze lite to i down ,d r.' myself. And they gen et jvMMIiu. nun noxcioi . crttny contrife to live wlUiout apparent ward, f-r a pudo ,ot the full ; ho, U.n the -.nit rt I with the single xvor n .rt " Torn in bv il .-m.1 uress on i. though it i m I.-nl iv tloworv iialhs il,r..,..rl, .-.!!. .v Your hii'h- oM like a m..'..'itaiu-l.vjx, will never s,vm ... e.ove t mi.1 xou ....til vo.i ..... move Inward ttaysol He are thus .livi.i, I:-:., the .l.M.l.tiug an.l tii.ii.l one-. ! no s iile il. i.K ' pllVc.vl!!!!. ii-:i.liig jH'riellee- t :i .i" wix ;it!i-t!.:.i give io the fearle. an.l w that cliinh v lil'lliv rlV'.ll X- n.vt no-t l.n...l 1 l.iosi I Ml mi I :-n.l to :.r mm: .v-heiv cxhilar- ..i:,... .. ' . ,.i w ii .i.tu.. . . i . Iriiiinn!. ov it the ,i,,w:.tM ;ho iox !; t.-i.- . ileneies of oil! miliire, l:it the eoiiiitonurt ..f real niminlain elimlv- in" in xvhi.-!i '.lie w.rM ever grows l.Ma i. r vet i.i..e -ilen- aloverv f...w',r.! V;'..'.,,,,! In. kw.uvl trlan.v. 1 . wanl so ... i l i. Kxx ... . mere alone Willi uie uigm-i, o.n lie:ilN an i:!!e,l w.tlim-.nghng emo- tions. mi! i-ve -.-listen w ith tears ..lil, i...n. with teals ..i.i ... I I.... .-lllll we hnow IK" will , we are sn.i.ll. -mailer in relation to the universe liianan invisilil.-ani- niMe.ile i- to ii- greater than all Treated tiling il" wv unit.' our Ioinv with the !oree iihovc, weak weaker than variest thn-.-ul if we forgot our union xvith the great hu- , f..i,.;K- l...l,.- i-iri sinliler man tamilx iwlow .sail .mu r flm-. M-r. .-in mi.l..rstjini Im'ius' Si many ot our fellows are with narrow vallev-siirhi. . , ii contented ' TTir KO AT) OF UFE. Thr isrn po oT mir dutv p.iintmi; tip tlir hill, Ahove- thr vmHkv'h higmty. Thai nfroti'hPM noft w utill. Thr upwfkrd pntli in dfiitrd. WIhti hiriMH.' fr4 hvr lroi-1. at wt would lie ronl nil rpnit Ilic- flowrr-Btrewn pod. Tt ill to tv wphttnf. hiinhiiw the wpv in lone : For vigor coin with chttthitiK Aim! efTrrt mnkrm u ptrony And ttioiiL'l. It lr not (tivfii To ii- li ri'Hi ti the kiw : To knew how wr hnvr utriwwi Mity i 1 1 1 another rmr Kfl.irt overcuinetli tlie world, for e.Hort i- faith in oiirse!v-s, and in the value oi life, mid in the ripht of the World lo tile lies' we can ae- 1 i-i" . 11 . 1 eoni-dir-h. htlort well-sustaineil and xvoll-.iire.-io.! this the vie- ... . . 4 torv ! 1 ; j 1 1 xvtuilil run seek 11 short- er :'. r hen tis- "lioiiin" as 1 i 1 1 I ,1,..,, F r "."": 'V l.ntlit ti, (rlni-i,.-, t!i;it v.-ilii-ih when you nwiikc. Jt voos you ,1.. ,1 ...... ..,1 In.. .t ,,.,,,. xvitli dazzled oom ml into a diearx . (liwrt .-mi c.-iV(' Villi tu elllov tie r-uliaiiee ui i! mirage. It weakens ih!- i :- i I i m-- - tiir action, not lot."- in, i- 'ii . 1'iir hotter to toil path thai ii:i- iieen proved hv t he . th- r : all 1 i ' Wllo make 'Jli- stroti-j- iile tin si nn-M o- uie ;i- ii eoiiu- to infill 1 1. win. .M.IMH i:.,i..ieiiee a- thev would i wornion: who turn the ileleats ol i Iile in' more certain victories hv strii-;riii! on wliot. till wt'iii lost; win. vi.-ld tu ncitlioi diflioiiltit'.- nor di--U.)i(ii.iiiiioi.i.-. not lM--aiis- tlii-x nt.'p in itr-riio out uilvantti-ros, out lit-riiiisr t.'io Hiirit of :i trtir man il.iics irldinj: oannot viokl ! TIiom- a ii tin olios wim stand w- lnit rttif ai'ii'i irroal rr,-istiiijrs wllOKC , , , , , r'(f4'M.'i Ho lllllltor illioin mail s UlChifX. arc XVOXOIl IlltO OVorV ; i i i i . i' iripeN aiui wiiow-irooi i-K!iii ,i . , i . ions aro ino scoroi oi iixiinan in- , ,, ii... ill. .1 ;.iii.ii i mil- iKinv, w Iuuii no iN-ri.sliubl- Uiok ... I I .11.- ....... -thall over fully itrord, hut wIiomo works live Utottli tlio liands that wvnu'iit In- dead. ili-roin is to.ii Iioim- and mine, li.lllllllo inon of lllll poso. .Sllilll WO t-mlit Luther w.U. tl.o Kolormalion V i iSo ! ratlior llO lllt-roIX' VOIVttU It lOOI- u,anKluil. To traverae tills K"t eoiiulry. 10 , ., .'.;., ,.,fl.ulv betioUllU.dlieiHlUenttnaiU.-AouaorMiiaUbe.rttl lilg t Ililt XV1IS ltflltsf.iv e(jutatin,urovellloii lo Uie lininured melne 4).. 1. fl... .,-..L-,.i.iii.r I'nr.iii.-iin IUaiielll!li. TUel'eraouully-t;uuUueUHl'i'our tlllolliXl. tlio awdKellllljr ltiroptail ,,wu,lrnmuliaor,uuUirw.uouoHlier'euii!i.vl. .r'l int Witlioiit that dlinili orv fortvanlu tuilruail compuuy wtucli loaves New ;iaiu. lllioui mat ouiiio iui Vufl(01jammrvgtlllw,(lIiordi4aiulexw)aeul irtedoiii il tlioiijrlit a ory tiiui. was iMit tolt'ly a . rolipou.s iirytorit ho might well have iinjjertti xvithiu tlio M.liolastio walls of .. ittciiberg. iShall tvo jiaint the signers of our Declaration as lieroef? Yes, if you will. Yet surely they tame to the front because there .was u )tiblio opinion back of thenl, and tltis wa va made up of those- nainelesH yet u.-acieutiou cleuivirtif o uouulry's life tlwt are tlie buUraUnu and the very ubHtaoe aWlif-aU great for- wuiii HK.M-iu iiiri. Atnl tiu-t ,, vl l,.l lull we mi 111 .vluriol wmi, J.M-.m'ii.j: the LUimu Kiiiiin-? v-ii . .. ,. ; rl i.. tl... I jNolliiH-ln-illi ooi.tod n. ' j wouklto-! 'I ins eii-Jimon, - t, Hoavon lv their .m Uios, ot t 10 hot house, imtimi ai uie mh- eero ehi.lin of the north xvnul ; wlio crumble like saint laiujvins at at the fuM ton. h of tluMMvail of twt-.,lot ing that all charmer must eiuluro' iftlioy woul.l U- true; who nrk for ,i I .i ,.:,.lw I'.l'.. ,..kum- x y . . , : sa.ohe.l to t... -ego the honors if nix I lu-y can eseape the strivings tnai jref.le lionoi-s; who, like tix.pte sa atio, are omieiit xvith I'imhI so- i'ure.1 xvithoiit iaiKr aim lou.-n shvj. with late awakenings; who i . . tn-ing weak an M-ltish, ami . .i .. r....... ),.,,. avxay in.-.r eo:ll,,.M..M . ..... ,:h"g, e;.ger humanity whose elloits .i . .. i.... .. I. tK. ...... in.-v iiiey s orii, dih m- tin v arc not worlliy tounloose ; who liave the forms of men hut the virulent softness of jelly-fish; xvl... . have the outer app-aran.v of manly I . . - l tomal WM, n. i.ieu. ueMm, . mvetif onto x et eX'el' ted lix omiT s iiix....oiiH., "l ,.'1 .11X0., xci xn .7 l-.lw.r ; l.,.,r C')in)-K YE Tills DAY YOl'R fl.ASs! Lippia.a's liagasine. 1S3S T.iiKTv-l'nmi Anm ai. AssoriM'KStiKM. I ii-risviirr'n Uiizink lor lsH lll on 111,11.. I. ...Hit IIII T H .lillUt.lPU- .NilVC. n"(''1 Ha i ""' '"' """r m - . Uv)vu NM..,M. (mi. etwWK ,.ic. u- tlii- NTUk.- Il.uiriwl ihh .um o.iiIkiiiI Artm t.ini,' no "nH. ii iivinnn on- ....jn....... , ,llV , ,i.-r t o loi.und u.ry. ', nil I in- r.l..iiu.l' TihiU nl a miik'a.iur. -. u iiuiuiH'i itt t'tiiiipio tu hmhi ' t-. mm imum!i n..Vii.Le'ii-uM ot pu4 iiisiiru tun Mi 10 Ami in Kirns (PrlnoessTioiibeUtkoj). author O. ' 1 11.' .MJ,t:k H " l""" II- M lu s liivt- aiory in uri uwu fr.-i.i maku Loii-k I-0..1.S. known by her k,T I w .Hi lut- 'infii ut lrujrdj. anc.iierlmrcn-.M ,.ii die mo hnroinwi a: ulily Hkaloiird na ' RiniiiKlj . uutmHiea. j ; .-APT..-, CiiakiS. KlQ. wbo Is supreme and ' nlm.M ul..n lu dBS-. iiiUiiiii M arm Iiik. luk.- . M h ,Ht lu I lie s.,UU-H.l. i.d , eoiiitiin a iiiP.ur.-... itIo.i Hm-..ei. wuii mi- , rwr,,,U,! 'U ' Una akiis. Vk Zilk. auMii.r or --Tlie Mhh- , i,i.ixui,. rv 'l.ia i' riim-r .i iu..., , n . I I m- I HIIHI 1. 1 KlirlMlHr HIS IHPt :ui- ev.-iin uij. in .. o.i-liiiir oi wiiirn Hit- is s i lliailU'll.lllU llll UIT.'IIIC . u n - " ..nPA AI...KuiK.i.1.uaw,.i,m..r.. r,- nuir iiv iorlio: lUr AimiiK-aii n-voiuiluii. niiJi" ii iimi r. i.l sui.i-el in a HUiN-u a. r..ii4l...W ! ""IT"" ' .. . ... . . uf.Brl...-Aulls...-r ..i mi -iniTic-aii tir. wim (mm I 'ri iii unim.-. . .o...l.. .i...oi.-.l uu.- 1.1 ''' All1 ,,. ,.,.,,, u,.rv wiissra rre..cii. uad wl" l'""l'"ur ,, , Huiidry li.iliiirlul. M.i'lul. jreOjf mjililnul, ulit! . njwtrui inaw-sui A.u.-riuu vui 1-nin-itM.i.i. u b. IC' iirnirl l V.ulr.Ji. Allali .Uci.l.l l."k, ...I. I'.,... uridyl- li'iit!d. ii. . iloiilunoii, liin 11. II. 1 . II lu.. J'luii jwuui'Li, auu uuci triMiu writuis. 1I . Tii.-.m.. ,1 F. Willie lll (iinl liue Ills JlJrZilJ-, K..f.U'l-uL: ' ssi mi v- .--.i- . uu." SUIin li-l 1 (lLIj'tfd H 'I til h'ltt'rs will he aiHL!en bJ! ,..Ulll f,. M lllleiej.h A.AUdd,-ii. IX loa Aimu. ri. G. (.al'iniui. r. 'Uluui 1et.11 t i. Weu.Jr.. m. Harvey U. liusiiure. Aiot-rn..iivuu. uuu uiiivr.s will writ ecua-iuu- lllll uu OI ICUlllh nuiiiiA s. O.-i-ur HerzlleiB. Allies . un Hue. Kiully 1'. ! v eiivt-r. unii .HiiL'i'f ..ui u muie u. uie ui i.i-- ' l.iMcui, luieiKu. ui (,'eiieiul luuiesl. ! T...-K -. au..HDruieJuuz...B.i,.u,erio. win liioeiuu uud p.uui. uud win euuie nuiu ; vurluu biiureen AuiuuK timir uuiliurn uie Ma- riulJ Aiui.wlic -0,:, ..eramiue liouuer. loru ( I'cuil .ioiiUuI.'. Alice aiueuuwen, siau lulu, .,..,, ,..,,..,; ni.n Um. r. Miii.iu, uwM u- BUcaaej. auo nui u lew n.i.r. . U iietliei ii wrlier tKi known or unknown Is of ! ivrnei iki K1KIW 11 III UllhllUWI 111 UI. i.-e uwu now lie writ.,-, ami Ku..a ; le.ns eoim- iiueL wnieii n nr oul, are tlm vaiu-d cjiiiiiIju- lors lu l.ll'l-l.SOOll'o MAUAZl.NJi. ,, . . .... . i J 'onnsyl kutlroad Co.npai.y j will suo Clerical ( )rdornfor Tlie l'rfimKjIvaiil'.i Kullruud 'lomimuy an- liouiieei. Iliul llielnMie ol Uie uiiien. inlll Ue..-.,uliiiu.l lor l.,i ou tin-Buuit-iUi-aluel- leel UI pi OSUII! . Ai)iill:allon IiIiiiiI.h iimvU' ohlulued ot tlrtet ' BKenl. mill aauni hu.iuIo retieli Uie Unnerul UI- ' oln:e iiv iMH-einner vu. an mm uiuern nui. ue i uiulled Uei-eiuiierSl loclorgyineiienUlliiil loro- eeive ihein Orileitt will bt-IHinitfd only uu In- 01vi(ul unnllcutlou or cleriryuiHU. lo lie made in, iii, i'.k-i iiiniiNliiiil In Uie ciiiiiunliv unrt rerll- oi-;eU l)U 11M0IlWttKeuul. k-s rr. '"u""" " ' - . . I A . i ui ri n ,p i p i jn.m I w r.-r.Minallv-CoiidueUxl Tours via I IVnnsvlvaniu liailroad. Anierlcu Isfl Brest country. It vurlety and ' grunduur ot natural scenery It Is unrivaled, lis wooileu iielBbts. It lerttle valleys, lis bountlluoH . 0 uaruu oi i j to view lUo vuxt varlou slid bound- Iush beauty ot tins uiurveloun laud. Tbo burly ew.ll Iravl vtuHlwuruiu apociui j uniiiuii turn in cliaiye ot a Tourist AkuuI sud CUuporon. Blop liluir en rout.) at Oiuubti, lk-uvur, (Julorudo SiiniiKH. Munltou. Oiirdon ot tbe Ooas, Uleu Mood bprlug-M, uud ball LuieClty, liiCulllorula vlalbt will be uiitdo lo Moularey undlho tuuious lluu-i Del Monte, Kuula Cruz, Sao Joae, Us An eleH. ban IJIuirOi Ulverslde, 8un Beruardl-iOi Keilniud.H and paaadoDB. Tbe party wllbtovuru ou tbe "Uoidt-n tiate bueulul." lUa OaeHt train that vrbaaes thocoutlnujiu leavluK Los Aru;eles february x, and slopping at Tuiiboii, JH Paso, and HI. Louis. E.ittitoen duys will be spout . in ('ttilforiilir. Koubd-trlp rate. Including' all neu cenaurv ejipeniies durlUK entire trip, VJX Irom ul I uol'nlMuii tliei'enniiylvaula Kallroud KysU-m ea-tt of PIllsl.urK . SW from MlwtiurK. "for lu. neraryshd full IsloruiaUon apply to tli'ket sifeiitH. or sdiirts Uer. W. Boyd, AwlsuintUeu. rrai ra.wi.xer Ayout. r Buad btreet Siailun, fuiudeiiiuia. , ls-vat. CbMrfWlacM of Um Ne(M Trouble and runitlt tnajr com la bttlhk,lon, ar.rtileD and famine, '1 olI8' damp the cheerfulness o! ,,e MAric De utterly wfu. - . OrWua j 1rn to He,, a tline-, sick . a fortune In iuelf to have ' ., n t.ktmrnmint lint I It : kUrh a temperament, but qucHtionable whether such a race cl.arwterUtio will not nlxvnys be a bar against .heir gaining s Inch civilization, for a twtain deep - pp MdMM,al tu, liVie of I1irl al, M,livitJ. oMnU,,,ccl i A medical nuthority claims thnt bad j hh-.h.ik i.nau.u nj uire.itc vr. .aio condition, of brsin ami nerves .he n,in, rr ,llr ,vril "of" IllKlrn.l patient frequently writes "ot im.ten.1 " i"i ii(,"v "w" a! l. 1 nnAlh.. cl!rtl.llf 1 Aft'llltT .,.,,, nf lh- -,h- firs, cr omict, nm, M , nia otlur ,hort .. . . .. words. The malady usually snec.s .lie urain ony jn connection wi.h words of one syllable, but cases have occurred where longer words have been so lis- torted .ha. it as difficult to get .heir nM. I, i, . question whether one would be comforted by being told waaeause.1 by ...ental : ,. . . .. . disease or whether one wou.d pi eur to .i,... nr .. h-.,,pr one would rieu i to I. . ... , . . ...... .u:. .....i. , umr .um .um unuimj . ..v.... ... ; ignorance or carelessness. That it is ; no. always proof of defective educa- i .iod is quite certain It is reported .hat a citizen of New ! Wbatoom, Ore., is fitting up a schooner for the purpose of making it a floating business block at Skaguny and Ihioii City next season. It will be steam . ... , , ., .hroaghom. In the upper apart- j men ;s rooms nave aircauy oecn leasca i .. .. , , . u... (...u.i,., uim( ik, . harlrf-r klion. hutrlx-r slion. barroom. Clirar Otld lobacco Stflnd, phvIOI8n , ... . . . i ollice, and bakery. Should the ncmila- lion leave Skiig-nny .he queer hotel's proprietor will hoist sail and move to i some other irood locality. In the Klon- I dike rerion next year the floating busi- , , , ... . .. . ncss block wi.l follow the course of em- pire and the bulk of ropiltation. i ' 1 1 ! The peanut crop is said to be .loomed Jear. It beptn by being cut off from a fourth ton hulf by tbe prolong-cd i , . . . t)l- . w euthri- that's doinp the daronpe. The i . . . . ound part of the crop on the cround, uiip, but not sacked, and a 1 , .J. .. .w.u l,nen4 l.n.,n ,,1,;.,,. n,,,rrK . n . . . . . i , i dry the pens, the result IS that both the vines ana trie nre aamnpea irom mildew. Anil even w here the peas h.-nl 1 .11.1 1 x lieen s.aekwl t here is some datnnjre from the rain Mv.g carried by tbe hijrh wind the intrrior of the stack 10,0 lne n'erior 01 me sia.K. , 1 1 . -. "- " j i-b '"..i "... ; known in Toducah. in utmcr Kentucky. : a few nv uo. had some verv ' feature.. The bridesmaids were all of . , different size. ufe, type nnd appear- , um,e ... waR wgB:ue 1o ,rpt .i)em -ri ., CTooni is u I'resbyteriun and the bride aD Episcopalian. They were murriid. iever. aieuiouiat cnurt-n v u Baptist minister. Tbe bride kissed ull the foomEmen and the proom all the bridesmaids, and the (rroonismen and ... . . ,. . . , , bridesmuids all kissed eucb other. "The face of every woniau is a 1 i--tory or a prophecy," suid Airs, .lar- . ... ...11 .. F"ret Ratife'ster at the unnuul banquet 0f e ;niaiu Willard ussociutiou rv- A, .... , , cently. I huve no symputby with the wotnen who try to effut-e wrinkles. A . l than she is. There is a history iu every liuc u. un Jove. ii.. c3iii:oiv-i n... )... ,.p-reed with bv everv worn- uur0,y , uKreea ' l , u, aa la trviueuveu uy iue uuurinuiujj i mciriwcc rlnii l.r ill i flf ric' ..t l.a , . . " leuiiuiue luue. , . ... , Speaking of philosophers, Missouri j Iiilh am nf her own. aa the following ,. : , . .. . Dukhshed as a couiinunication in the I . Linneus liulletio. unquestionably in- I dicales: "Brookfield. Mo., Sept. 5, 18'JT. - - aud rny wife left, and tbe last I oeard of tbein they were between j .1.1 St. Catberiues and Brookfield, and I don't know where they are to-day. I think tbey bad John Sappington's team. If tbey have left tbe country it will d tnln M p,. ure D0 0O(j 0 way An Arkansas couple who were on the eve of marriage met with a most tragic end a few duys ago. Tbey were over taken by a terrific storm on Bladk point mountain and perished. After an oil night's search tbey were found dead, locked in each other's rii)i, under a tree, where tbey bad taken refuge from tbe storm. Tbey bad been struck by lightning. Tbe bodies were interred In tbe same grave on the mountain side on tbelr wedding day. A Connecticut man wbo married in a den of lion t Hartford a tow days ago. already protested against living with bis motbcr-in;law. . There is o lim it to tbo courage of eve- tbe moat dar ing of men. ..,' mm nr lAtiie if ir tve-1 nr riii(iiiiiiit First Duke Wssn't that a terrible mesalllsnce thst young Lord Deobroke made? Second Duke Yes; tbe girl hasn't half enough to psy his debts. T. Truth. , ' t S BtUI Akeaa. ' "And so you fblnk Tlearen la like ItostonT" "Well. I did think so, but you know Uostoniiss Improved a greotdesl In the last 0 yesrs." Ilsrlem Life. A Ileal Dodr. Winkers 1 haven't seen you at the tub for a week? You seem to have be rome a great home body lately. nilnkers Yes. Wife's away. N. Y. Weekly. . A POMlfcl Dlaapsolnttaeat. "The bridegroom sppeored to be fear fully nervous." ' "Yes; you see his father-in-law's wedding present wasn't certlfled." Chicago Journal. Oat of Ilia Claaa. School ma'am (encouragingly) Come, now, Harold; spell chickens. Harold Plesne. nia'nm. I'm not old noiigh to spell chicken; but you can ry me on egps. .Indue.' A Kntnrnl Iteanll. 'So tlie Mothers' club decided in fn r of corporal punishment?" "Yes. Yon ee .he members wer inking of each other's chil.lreu." ' roit New. I'lI.Ks PK"X! . N l.N I'l.V .1 I I II In InuM S fit .. i I;...'. . i !i n 4 1. l..:..' ;iMti'i-. Ic -ll n M.I. j .. .i .. , . 1 1 1 . ri-nrii mi l..w I. Miff v nixiiiik' . v n ii i lili'd, in Inii your i.l x.i.'i i. ini.t I'liiiui. M -ni'V I .-fiiinl.'i! if ... .1.. ii ,.l nn-M U ..I.Ih-i.h.I in in., ''- ?' .'" : Ar . urn.-iM iun i.n m ,,; . , r l, I'll.' ,.)., i.-r i ,le ... ..i I-I.-..V. ..-r '..,iM, . ,.,,r,.. ,.i .-. ... ,,f ..ii,... ..l.l.-- tlmrv I. .t.-. t'V.I Y I'onitl -H'.-i. W 1 1 1 m - i . n-. 1'. t) 3 ly v r.oi.1 1 1 y Ml. Ilih. ' i. -i. .ii ntwtS il.XHS IT.'Xi. " "SVrite na mooth a rol.l pn. TI.e n fur vv niTvniia n.ii. , W il mil Mot HiHr. riot or it.rroilo. A .-..rliMilv A .lrllit In hI. Irltrr SCZ-'V ffiMll'r A fi PTC WANru it evo. hm Ut tjn -u n sir Healing . """" .' un' n"i "'Uil ) in iimw ii.iiii Invoiili'Hi. nn-1 a reiutv er &r K P"dlfP. o kem run rnly nmku " lo lf l.'lv. JOHXST.IN )., III. Diihhor Eimirl StniTlfK. v .,. .,s,..k,, L.,' "veeni. or s ir-inkii.K siini-an- wnnlnic ink, etc , l.w Sr., TV, (M n.xl f. M Fifty ;.M t r it.,i,i,pr T im. s Al.l.a- iCn "T"JZZLil'Z " '0'1 swneila. s Slninpn, Hrsla. Ink. e at .mlly l.,w ,,ri.. All o.k "'"''" u j,j'Mr .MX.,Hh s. . n'ffi Pa. r lTaMS S! j3 Pw tlmi AGENTSir,.::;; lAl.t Improvf.! t. ally make t00 lo Mr .lav Milliuif my iininc Fir.- Kin.llrr i H'hic.i Minrt Hr.-n win. out the uorof otlirr Kind. IjtntM f..r yea-. ami -i'I.h for a tan. nil nrioe i . '"r . ,"''. '.'"t JH".,".fVr.' .1 k W'' Ul..'ll. I...1 ...... ... i.m.le I, n in one. av s.ll.nif tlin. .. I. It. N.-.-l.... V;.., Un-I. Mm... r,ie- tl.t lie mmlr T ..... ... . i-r .... mi h Ij.i K-ini m ntli.-r . ti ti'fin. On ;(... 11 -lit ithiiU-.I iii evry ' , ,, wr.i,,oivfo-irti-ui-.r. Ntmpie bv ;'J ''""- ,vi..e Tr -i.- 1 . A.... .. I.. s itlo Lie. Twin. 1 w vi f f T-" .Ii-piht. surr e;irp SI Oil twi 141 1. 1 .. for .Ian ti. lx Is , ims -,i ..,-riii.asrii iou to , .. . W AXTKIi-Tru-iw.-rUiy . .l tnuii--hpd ht.u- m simh-r numy Monthly1 Vj U' nd espm-tr- ltm()uii Htuudv. l.VIrr ,.,. Ki.-io. -it-i.iird uu.i rnn- i-li-r, liipi. I.ip.-. in- Ihimininu . ..niny. X. (l.uyi;.i, Ulilioin. 'J-iOlut JMATrHSSILSL JoUB ?7 ami aw im man - tal' an a- roa isav cvunraan t SMatrflr t a. 4aaute nomccio. C. lUI-AK- ' i.ijr ( GKAV 1IAIK ie-' 11-ell.e stliui uud 1IKM (sineri. . dsimi. Mai-miti. III. ' XV A NT U- Airei.u x 1 1 ul.ii g nmi-liinea Joiim L. Knull. KT . 4 J'a. Jy 1 i. FREE IKFORMaTIDi.- 2 C"i-"IS i T1UUA Uvuk M kUVa-K to., Unif. .V. . I- 04"V"5.cJ!i".'Tt:-'t"I.' ..WITHVT anesuLSTtLi. it ii mlt it iti tmc ea"o. :"tn'Z"T.'m - iZSr . - IT SACUBTY lill' It IH-e. ' l ' " an lor only 10e. Kail biuk to lu in; Fail-, X ".. V ElO.NOMl(.AI. XVAHiil.NO I !.l ltlM.veoaU Md .lib r. l.eeipe iln. K. J. Uruiiilield, lino uiii' r. i.e.'ip-- un. Hmd-in. U. A A 1'TOMATI"' PKN. "llet IhiiiK l.nueiied" Sc. KAlK.'olI.l). . liea, Mum. V VKLLOW JI-MiAMlMM. KlruUir rujla for piauui-is. iw -r. . J. Mruuiiieid, jiard- i " r-KKATKHT NOX fJ.TV Ol T. Vitua apli II v. v inn ulclurei. move an il aliva, Ioj. K A. VarriiiKton, pui.vville. L I. PILK8 Ollt HOMK TKKaTSKNT arnt on rtHWipt of It .liver. L. TWA Vl. il. V . 8 Hoeketeller, III. SKN1I 00 eeniH aUimpH. ! ixMia-e, eU.-.. and I will seiid nl one-u ntie pu-Miiii woitii liva dulliUK. I nieau iiuoiiie. Kluule A. OkUiw.k. Ia. 111. H HUMPHREYS' No. No. No. No. No.' 1 Cures Fever. 3 " Infants' Diseases. 4 " Diarrhea. 8 u Neuralgia. 0 " Headache. No. 10 " Dyspepsia. No. 14 Cures Skin Diseases. No. 15 " Rheumatism. No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 80 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Crip. Bold by driurir-U. or sent prepaid upon reoaipt of price, V cents each. Uumporeis' Madlubis Co.. Ut WUUsm Kw Twk. , " -" V.IXIlf;!.'-.;, I Lrtent pckac srsaUwt aoonomr- Msdaonljpy i f TUB S. IC rAIHBAHK rOHPAIT, . Chlosgo. Bt Louis. New Yors. Do ton. Phlladslphla. CANDY (( CATHARTIC Ji I xN.acoNSTiPA , ,0c all ' 256 506 DRUGGISTS I V are intended for children, ladies and all who prefer a medicine disguised as con fectionery. They may now be had (put up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box), price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for one dollar. Any druggist will get them ' if you insist, and they obtained by remitting The Rips ns Chemical company SPRUCE ST DON'T SACRIFICE . . . Future ('umi'tii lor pi t-sent set-mint: Economy, lnir l?l t lie Setting htdiine ttitli an tht:tMislini : that -.uai'iintees ton lorn; and M-ttisfactorv suvvice : R;j fJ-'J rbi-ud for our louutiful L-tlf lot.o . . . . . , . ... -j-Firp, Life ai)J Accidei)! Iisuraice. SNYDICH'S OLD, AND Intiuraiice SELIWSGKOVE, SKYDER COUNTY. Vh Successor io tlm late William li. Snyder. The Par-Excellence of Ileliuble IiiHurance rprBt'Uled in lh'( ug utit of btuudard CouipuuitiB, frow whicu to ninbtt a uewi-uu" Bolter tbo World ovw. . i MKV aiaaiii- uu'l-rmH " . FIltK Royal, Liverpool, Eng. (including foreign aHHets) WW Hartford, of Hartford, Coun., (oldeBt American Co.) Phmnii ' Har' ford, florin. , Phoenix. Hurl ford, Contiueuta), New i i vi, s. ca suiu n iswnsj nvn LIFE Mutual Life Ina. Co. New ACCIDENT EuiployeiV Liability A - Accident Ina. Co. rjubacribed riro, win buq accident riss wccepiea s . "wu"." ,,,nt titi1 ,117 a ctrlr lunoril In nmliiul DiiluO All Hint CIMIIljn Vfv1 h" Oflic on Corner Water may always be the price to yjSjj t.a fcific lip I.KitiitiJ'iil fio-int'd "oi Murk, duniMe lint mo tion, tin iin-fliiiiii ca adjust incut, (oitjilcd m it li tl.o j'ii'ot S'tol' llaolinionli-, iiiiihon it I in' Mast Dtsiratsle MacbiDC iiiIn FEANK .V. RIEOI MlDDiaiHI'lKiH, ouIiiI. - .mki. fip PER nu"h '.ill., i KEJI-,lAtlLK. c'e Agency, Ulu won,, t?CHANTS: Godu. - 0a oi k, l New Ma v,..,i. ji m-t York: BurunoeOotpoiatiun, Capital of i iL'ri f5.0( ? Mer and Pina titreets. e)'"jr1 i i 0 o t n; ci CJ 911 sn of Sn wli Ca ilia bur i can A: S. ( II Cati enr. llou i dines s br I lor hcx The of Atlj others treatnn "For taie ol ympto: in pan ins in k sci edici lemled i used ipplicatl iid no el I wa lie S.S lfic) rfectly lects of l Those wcliof C tooK by i Wt. ( "Ulit rel pt in lo waste i sshes, in konly t Nl froi ftrshonl P them Hk. s, iwhich ct V at the M cures It J-S-S. (S, My, am W of Cal "" Blood lEczeina, "edies hat Oi is the I P COUtaina Itr (lant.em Poots wilt tomp XI) GO M. f WER i Atlori: r:t''uii( iiuii, Sri . - r Pronipt in Ml'ItOl'SI . - ' . .1 Xiivlv If. tl t p, :1a3, Lob Ei... wtU n v. . J ,'tll0U eivo .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers