oin IT PAYS TO Wif- AT i HIE Ml STORE Is wll supplied with a full and complete line of Patent Medicines, Soaps, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Etc. A li n u cMiie to town to buy ur pr scut come in ami mtihv '1"' tliinirs vu nn'.l luiui tir ihmv and JVlidtHcburgh, Pa. If . ii v si a o u is offering: a nice ti . 10 Suitable for Presents. At the same time you can get your Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Etc., at ROOK BOTTOM PRICES at the old stand. Runkle & Walter Desire to call the attention of the public to their Fine Line of Jewelry, -Jlmius, These will make nice Christmas and New Year Presents. We have 150 Over Goats on Hand, All sizes, Men s, Youths' and Hfllf Price Children's, cut down to about avv Same way wl Dress Ms, lions, Etc. Middleburgh. Penn'a. Schoch & Stahlnecker Have on Hand a Full Line of Stoves, Heaters, & Ranges. We keep also Tinware, Corrugated Hooting and a line of other useful goods that you will lind acceptable Goods For Presents. Opposite Jail, Middleburg, Pa. Is offering special holiday bargains IN Shoes, Rubber Goods, Etc. Why not buy a useful article for your boy or girl. 1 have them. AN ELEGANT STOCK ON HAND Middleburgh, Fa. Complete Stock line oi i ,n . a '-v TJ "V Si k NecK Laces BJBLOiister OF SWINE FORD luvitvs yon to cotno to his store. i Ho has a nl I lino of Groceries, Dry Seeds end lotions And everything usually kept in a IWell Regulated Stored W. 1 WITIEII At The Old Stand, Hiis a full supply of (leneral Merchandise. (Jonie in, wo will show you some nice articles suitablo for Our regular line of Groceries, Hardware, Dry Goods, NOTIQNS, ETC. Marke t SflMB. C. H. WALTER'S CONFECTION RY lathe place to secure the finest line of Candies in town! Don't forget to call and let' me have the chance to supply your Christmas Candy, Cigars, T&Ijbcco, Orarges, Banannas, Prelzels. Icc Crcan) H Oycsfcers ii; Seasoi) Middleburgh, Pa. The Best Xmas or any other time is a year's subscription to the It will be sent from now to Jan. 1, 1899, FOR $1.50. Useful Christmas Presents Buy something useful rather than ornamental, i have Ladies1 Feather Boas,' Kid Gloves, fine handkerchiess, FINE LlfflS NECK and Center pieces, L DUMBCLEBERGER'4 I. H. BOWERSOX'S Confectionery Store is the place to buy your Fine Can dies, Nuts and - 1 ' .' . FRESH OYSTERS. I gain eew customers in the Ul nifflAindL Pa. Preset 33 same way I bold old ones TO DOILIES BROSIOUS BROTHERS. ' ' - ' THE' LAST WEEK ! THE PEOPLE WERE SPELLBOUND. S''! J'i .ORE 113?LS mm Men's Fancy All Wool Suits Only $3.97. Child's 1.85 Suits KOe 1W (5.00 Suits ?4.7S Hoys' $8.00 Suits Men's $6.00 Suits.. $4.78 mom Market Square, I Love Her Still. We have just received u copv of the above-named beautiful ballad coinjxiseu by M. imiiiiani. a. lie music is rcmarkahl y pretty and in polka time, very cutchy. It is be ing sung in all first-class theatres in New York, 15o.stou and I'hihidel- phia. FtltST VKIWK. I love lier still, I love her still, Tho' hard it is to say, I saw her go with Jim lost night To see the last new play. She gave tne just a frozen bow As she walked by her side, But, ah! I dared to hope she would, E'en yet be my sweet bride. Price 40 cents per copy. All readers of our paper will receive a copy by sending 25 cents in Bilver or postage stamps to The Union Mutual Music Co., zoo Sixth Ave., New York. CENTREVILLK. The funeral of Mrs. Masnrie Wagner (nee Walter) of White Springs was held in the Lutheran and Reformed church last Thurs day. Her age was 20 years, seven months and 20 days. liev. Selioch preached the funeral sermon Kev. Hushoung, the Reformed min ister, held communion services on Sunday, Nov. 27th Simon Sie of Troxelville and Mr?. Susan Mus- ser of Centreville were joined in holy matrimony since our last re tort. Their friends now extend congratulations The teachers of Centre District held their regular monthly Institute at llartnian's school house on Friday evening, Nov. 20. The teachers were all present except one. The next In stitute will be held at lierge's school house, Dec. 17. The following sub jects were given fordiscussion : "The difference between theory and prac tice in teaching," also Orthography. The teachers of the same school were instructed to arrange a program ..... This is Institute week and our teachers are spending the week at Middleburg. The lxys and girls are enjoying a short vacation .... Kev. A. D. (J randy, who hud been to Milcsburg and also spent some time helping Kev. bhambach hold a revival, returned home . . . . G. W. Sheary, wio was away to Shepton carpentering, came home on Wed nesday. .. .Mrs. Scchrist spent a week at Adamsburir the guest of Mrs. P. E. Ilackcnburg Miss Mamie Laucr of Laurclton was the guest ot Miss Lulu Bingamao .... Airs. C. Mohn of Laurclton paid a visit to her many friends in town .... Bert. Aucker of Michigan is spending a few days with his rela tives at this place. . . .The friends of Peter llartman will be glad to know that he is slowly improving . . . .Mrs. Julia Markle is very ill at this writing. . i Dh Swcigart wishes us to say that hn finu tnnvoA , fmm A linn tn Strouptown. The Dr. is spending TO SAVE MONEY Men's $8.00 Suits $0.38 Men's $10.00 Suits $7.98 Men's $9.50 Suits $7.19 Men's $7.00 Suits $4.98 woMisrs, Stanbury, Pa. GREAT MUSIC OFFER. Shuo ax tho names and addresses of three or more performers on the piano or organ together with ten cents iu Bilver or postage and we ill mail yon siitenu pages full sleet music, consisting of popular Hocgo, waltzes, 6 arctics, etc., arranged for the piano aud organ. Address : Pc'Pdlab Music Co., tf. IudiaimpoliM, Ind. Don't Abuse the Confidence The country newsjwpcr man's real friends are those who pay every year. His best friends are those who pay at the Itcginning of cadi subscription year ; or if that Is in convenient, when the time of reciv ing it is half out or if any are un fortunate, and have not the money then, before the year closes. The city newsjmper's friends are nil real, for the publisher thereof will send no paper unless he gets his pay in advance. Thats the difference in having friends who will ask for trust aud those who will trust you; and confidence should not be abused. O. J. W. SEJP, Office near the Lutheran cliurcb. Leave calls eurly in the morning if possible. Sours i 7 to 9 A. SI.. 12 to 2 and 0 to 8, P. M. Telephone No. 162. 12 8 3u. Corrected weekly by our utv.iur. Butter S KiriM S4i OUIOIIH Uird Tallow 4 Chiokeusperlb Turkeys Niile , Shoulder I" I Hinu I" WIlBHt Bye 1 'of ii toes 3" I Ol.inoru l Oat. Brao per 100 lbs '. l XfiH,ni...J " .vl 4U.l....n I'hnn Flour per hbl 4-75 Look! Look! I I 'A ( ' f' ,J ' v -i i, : ' 'fax ' ' :. '.'?, ii .'i I I ' ' ' V V ''" I : ; ' I I'.itX ' ,:i l! I ' ! I . i . . ' -; 1 Look "at youraelf when jro clothing at my atore. . I kP J tantly in stock the best and & line of Hats and Gents' CloU Furnishing Goods, TJnderwitf Caps. Call to see my stock W. H. BOIER? BROTHERHOODS Bowror,,-..-.-W"". a can. klin com "ubcntG Michael "fill tmm mrv ir;i "ton, one hers'w trairu fllf fi last Th Do tiwt n by always giving toe best Goods, SdEZX33DZj3DSX7Zl.C3SCv - - FJUNN'A. Wahort