ill WS MESSAGE Urges Action to Prevent Eepeated Bond Issues. the Untied States and pacify Cnoa within a reasonable time. To thta and. political reforms will be put Into effect ' and military operations conducted on humane lines. It was suggested that Spain be left free to conduct military operations and grant political reforms, while the United States for Its part should enforce neutral obligations and cut off the assistance which the Insur- 11 'iV A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED. TERRIFIC WINE GAS EXPLOSION. Warships Make a Demand on Hayti Fivo Members of the Jennings Gang For Herr Lueders' Indemnity. Behind the Bars. SHOULD HOT EEC0G5IZE CUBA. L7y' TltZZ'eV UTTLE EEPUBLI VILL YIELD' AL JENNINGS WITH THE CAPTIVES i oiu ore nice IS) tunl otti- a 'S Men's t onr vance omew OTG emein-Gooda, 11 save Lve,Va. 1 lie sold M lYHH'Sl" ; rates iin'l I futt, rni rit. I'" '. fc t (iuiieral I' ii-m lel'iii" . ill-""'. ;ice HANK. Htocltli"!1'"" Hi.- I'',i!1 ,. " f 'jilllUMJ " .US.,"1"'"" iO YEARS' Spain Should Be Given Time to Per fect the TropoHed Autonomy Plan PromlHed by 8ugtas Cabinet Fa JTavora Hawaiian Aunexatlon. Washington. Dec. 7. The attendance in both houses of congress yesterday was notably large, despite the known fact that no business would be trans acted. The event of the day was, of course, the reading of the president's message, a voluminous document of 14. 000 words, and at the conclusion of the reading both houses adjourned until today. The message congratulates congress upon assembling under felicitous con ditions. Peace and good will with all the nations of the earth remain un broken, he says, and we should feel genuine satisfaction at the growing spirit of fraternal regard and unifica tion In all sections of our country and the lifting of great public sense above party prejudice Beginning with the subject of the finances the president says that, while the full effort of the legislation of the extra session has not yet been realized, what It has already accomplished na tures us of Its timeliness and wlsd.:ni. To test Its permanent value further time will bs .required, nn.l the people, satisfied with Its operation and results thus far, are In no mind to withhold from It a fair trial. The next question pressing for con sideration Is that of the currency. With the great resources of the gov ernment and with the. honorable ex implo of the past before us, we ourclit not to nesitate to enter upon a cur rency revision which will make our de mand obligations lers onerous to tho government and relieve our financial inws from ambiguity and doubt. The evil of the present system Is found in the great cost to the government of maintaining at parity with gold our different forms of money, and the ex perience of the past four years have demonstrated that this Is not only an expensive charge upon the government, but a dangerous menace to our na tional credit. Protection Against Itond Insnra. It Is manifest that we must devise tome plan to protect the government against bond issues for repeated re demptions. We have (900,000,000 of currency which the government by sol emn enactment has undertaken to keep it par, and nobody Is obliged to redeem IB gold but the government, which must redeem in gold. The law which requires the payment out of the treas ury of redeemed United States notes demands a constant replenishment of the gold reserve, especially In times of panic and Insufficient revenue, and dur ing the preceding administration $262,- 115,400 4V4 per cent bonds were Issued and sold to sustain the gold reserve and pay the expenses of the government m excess of the revenue. While It Is true that a greater part of this is ved to supply deficient revenues,- a tontlderable portion was required to nalntaln the gold reserve. If no fur ther legislation is to be had to cor rect this, and the policy of selling inds is to be continued, then congress iihould give the secretary of the treas jiry authority to sell bonds at long or iort periods, bearing a less rate of in- ttrest than Is now authorized by law. president says: "I earnestly recommend, as soon as receipts of the government are Mte sufficient to pay an the expenses the government, that when any alted States notes are presented for ttanption in gold and are redeemed in KM, such notes shall be kept and set part and only paid out In exchange "gold. This Is an obvious duty. If ke holder of the United States note tters the gold and gets It from the "eminent he should not receive back nm the government a United States te without paying gold In exchange f It" That amounts, to the presl at's mind, to giving an Interest bear t debt, a government bond, for a non lerest bearing debt, a United States it. The president " s-ites careful con Itratlon for t!...- detail plan of the sec- Ffy of the treasury to protect the H reserve. He concurs with him In W lecommendatton that national 8k be allowed to lssu,e notes to the value of their bonds deposited: U the circulating tax be reduced to t-half of 1 per cent, and that nn W banks may be established with opltal of $25,000. lie also recom p1 that the Issue of national bank f o restricted to tho dononilna- f oi $10 and upward, and that they quired to redeem their notes In llU-atlon Is hoped for. The president declares that the Span ish disposition to charge us with fall lire to meet International duties Is base less, and points to the efforts thH gov ernment has made at the cost of mil lions and by the employment of the ad- ' Wedgndar, Ic. 1. Premier Badenl, of Austria, tendered Ms resignation, and Baron Gautsch succeeds him. Thi decision of the United States su preme court against the Frankfort Lot tery company ended a legal Hunt that was begun more than 20 years ago. Senor Cuestea, acting president of Uruguay, has exiled Ir. Miguel Her- rnra y lines and two others. The f..r- The Pom mi.U of Germany InelnriMf h Inception of the It.Hlj Ins German n'' n"1 "' "fo""r 'rnlc WereTry. mer was Cuestea' rKal for the presi- d'Afrhlrea-A Humiliation l ' Arkan.a.. In ency. For President Muion 8am. Covered Won When Th.-y Were Judge Mark II Wood, of Harrington. Surprised by a MamlinPa Pow. 1 ' h'"'e wlfe has "U,"J n,n f"T Port au Prince, Havtl. Dec. 7. The support, is said to huve admitted beut- mlnlstratlve ministry of the nation to trouble between Germany and Haytl, Muskogee, I. T., Dec. 7. Four mem- ing her because she was possessed of a perform Its full duty. He also says as a result of tho arrest and Imprison- Der" OI ln Jennings gang or outlaws demon. that the fact that no military expedl- nient of Herr Lueders, an alleged Oer- were '""Red 'n Jail here last idVht. Al ' Thnrmlay, lire. ?. Hon or armed vessel has left our shores man subject, reached a crisis yester- and Fran1' Jennings, the reputed lead- A medal of honor has been granted has been diplomatically represented day- Two German cruisers entered er" ' th ,,anl. are among the prls- to a Union veteran on the affidavits of with Spain. Premising that through- this port during the morning, and an oni'ni- Tne two Jennings brothers and several Confederate soldiers. out alt the horrors and dangers to our Ultimatum from the German govern- Tom O'Malley were raptured by four Consul O'Hara reports that the stories own peace, the United States has never tnent was delivered to the Ilaytlon of ln"'11 States Marshal Bennett s of the rich gold llnds in Nicaragua are abrogated Its right to determine Its government, giving the latter eight n"n 'While traveling In a covered "pure Imagination." policy as to Cuba, the president hours In w hl.-h to grant the demands 'aKn toward the Arkansas lino. The Minlter to Turkey Anc-ll has points out that of untried measures of Germany for an Indemnity to Herr P'' surprised them on tho road, newed his demand for Indemnity f.'r ih' there remain only: Recognition of the Lueders. Tho members of the dlplo- ond they surrendered without firing a pillage of American missions in i. Insurgents as belligerents, recognition matlc corps hero believe the govern- "hot- Tne deputies then went to a m.-nla or tne independence or Cuba, neutral ment of tho republic has decided to "OU8e near onti switch and raptured Intervention to end tho war by Impos- accept the conditions of Germany. Kill TRe Mf iWr-srJTi lltlllil". : niril Dunn "L mil" I uriHil"-) 0 , lien"' u.i"' '"'Via . ...huOlW' -I III" TIlB IS..... J .. . .. .... iiimi. ur-ni it'll. President devotes much space 'consideration of the Cuban qut-a- I Bumniarlxlug the l.lstory of for outtireaks, tho president comes II ta the present Insurrection. speak ' Its retnat-kablo Increase, Its ten 64 existencu uruinst ononiinu.i ' nmsyed by Spain, the wld 'l destruction of property and the ssrd Uf the clvllUed cikIu of war "a aides. Ilti says these comll 't've riuo to kiii vent appreheu 1 thvre Is o desho to prollt by misfortunes, and wo huve only .'Wnj to neo tho Cubans enjoving fure of self conlivl which I wnaMo riKjlt of ul(i of ,,,,. f'ion policy of Weylor ho says: r utterly failed its a war meaa I', U m,t clvllUod wurfure; It ta r this abuse of the rights, of I , 1'resldent says hw has Mt Mined oi repeated occasions t Lv flrm ani' truest protest of fwnment. Ho outlines his iu- Minister Woodford, which ! Wi'w1'5''14"1' u Impress upon Ut.1. vernment tho sincere Vsa a l'nU0', m ,u ,t,,l lta ' th endlim t'f tho war ny JJ peaceful and luatlns ro " honorable to Poain and la people, I wnith reply ta Mr. Woodford in preidonf opinion, In tho better uiuUnsUmllnu. It vu w frleiully purposes and , et, anj aoem.ed that tho I minent was bound ta H Wlcy wy should ifttisfy In anticipation of trouble tho cltl- xens of German nationality sought tefuKe Sunday on board two steamers which were at this port, and the French steamer Vllle do Marseille has been requisitioned by the French minister In order to serve as a place of refuge for French cltlxcns. The Vllle de Marseille has arrived here direct from Porto P.lro. The population of this place Is In a state of great excitement, but the Hay- ,!Cr m ALBERT JKNNINflS. Tho Margate CRnslan'l) life s.ivinc crew started for a wreck off Mayland P.ock. The boat capsized and ten drowned. George PIIHman, 10 years old. robbed the contribution box of a Sunday f Ir.ol ; at Baughman. Kan., urged by his father, a deacon In the chur. h. Friday, Ire. ;l. i B. K. Bruce, the colored ex-senator from Mississippi, has been appoln'ed register of the treasury. ; Four men were seriously and two fi , tally hurt by the explosion of a dinky" engine at Tltusvllle, pa. The postofflce department will apply the lottery law to missing letter" and I "missing word" contests, j The United States court at : Ore., decided that there was no viola I Hon of the law In labeling whisky as 1 catsup, as it had not !.-. n s.-nt to Alaska. I Saturday. Ioc. I. I F.x-Senator David It. Hill declares EMIL LUEDERS. tlan government has strong forces of ing a natlonul compromise between the contestants, and Intervention In favor of one or the other party. He says: "I speak not of forcible annexation, for that cannot be thought of. That, by our code of morality, would be crimi nal aggression. Iteootrnltlori Not Warranted. Taking up the questlonof belligerency the president quote at length from President Grant's message of Dec. 7, 1875. wherein he declared that the con ditions In Cuba warranted neither the recognition of Independence nor the re cognition of belligerency. He adds that, moreover, a recognition of belligerency would confer upon neither party to the conflict a status not theretofore actually possessed, while It would weigh heavily In Spain's behalf, giving her the right of search on the hlirh seas and ex tending her maritime rights to the mar gin of our territorial waters. "For these reasons," says the president, "I regard the recognition of the belligerency of the Cuban Insurgents as now unwise, and therefore Inadmissible. Should that step thereafter be deemed wise as a matter of right and duty the execu tive will take It." He points out to the hopeful change In the Spanish policy to the pledge of reform and to the abatement of the horrors of war as reasons agalnt In tervention on humanitarian grounds. I The president sketches) the autonomy scheme of the Spanish government, and says that It Is honestly due to Spain J that she should be given a reasonable chance to realize her expectations and to prove the asserted etllcacv of the new order of things to which she stands irrevocably committed. Urirc Hawaiian Annexation. The president next takes up the sub ject of the annexation of Hawaii. which, he says, should be accomplished. Rap idly reviewing his former arguments In favor of annexation, he says that legislation Is required In the event of the ratification of the treaty, and, while abrupt assimilations of immature ele ments of population should be avoided. Just provision should be made for self rule in local matters, with the largest political liberty to the Hawailans. He says that, the dispute between Japan and Hawaii over the Immigration Question Is now In a satisfactory stage of settlement by negotiation; that our government has not Intervened, and that it Is learned that Japan is now confident of tho intention of this gov ernment to deal with all possible ulte rior questions affecting her Interests In the broadest spirit of friendliness. Reference is made to the failure ot Mr. Merry to be received as minister to Nicaragua on account of the obli gations of that country to the diet of the Greater Republic of Central Amer ica. Mr. W. Godfrey Hunter Is said to be likewise accredited to Honduras, a member of the Greater Republic, and his case Is awaiting action. The Nicaragua canal is spoken of as of large Importance to our country. Tho Monetary Conimlmiou. The president says of the internation al monetary commission that, notwith standing diligent effort, the envoys have failed so far to secure an agree ment. Gratification Is expressed at the action of France in this matter In Join ing in our efforts, and It is said that the negotiations are still pendtng. The president earnestly hopes that their labors may bring about an Internation al agreement. The president urses the Improvement of our merchant marine, declares that negotiations for the protection of Ber ing sea seals are in progress, strongly recommends international arbitration, and bespeaks a liberal appropriation .vi mil. i u ti . .u.i'iio . . . . tttto ia - - .. 1 1 1 it v v. , aiivi - - ' i . k ' . Pales. feet 'itll position. I'nder tne head or the navy j rvcugnixeu inose aoout ner, but Is grad- mru an" -lrs- t eary wun trie Heartiest IVrk ukt. family. JU.: the president points to the necessity tially sinking away, and her death may applause. . western steamed, u. for speedy legislation to procure the l,e announced at any time. The presi- ! 1 w-st-rn creamery lt.,1.- armor for the three battleships now ll'nt arrived at his mother's bedside on . Teacher stob.-.l by a lliptl. building which would be otherwise use- ! Saturday morning, but was obliged to l'l I' kshear. Ga.. Dec. :. k-v. s. . les-'s. lie that three or four of rvturn to Washington again In theeven- H'".irne. the principal of tho Tierco the '.attest docks be provided on the, '"K- owing to the opening of congress r,,unty hish school, was s.ji;usiy stab Atlantic, at least one on the Pacific , today. Ho It ft Washington for Canton 10,1 ',st""'-3' py Harry Harper, a 1 coast. and a llontlng dock in thu gulf, i acaln tonight. year-old pupil. Mr. Hearne w as pun- Theiv should also be provision for mu- Isning Lattinter Harper, a younger ' nltlous of war and mi Increase of ot- j Mrvnu on the Mchmi::, Drotner. when Harry arose from his llceis and enlisted men. j CJalveston. Tex.. Dec. 7. William Jen- s'11' -nd slipped up behind and stab Attention Is called to the need for nlngs Bryan reached here yesterday 1,0,1 hlm three titnes. Harper. Immedi prompt legl-datlon as to Alaska and nJ ll'ft party of friends for ntl,' after the subblnjr. went home, the extension of civil authority within J-nke Surprise to hunt for ducks. Mr. a"J securing a gun left town. tlio territory. If the startling reports I'fyan expressed himself as follows ou J as to the probable shortage of food for tlu- president's message: "The mes- ! Kx-I'aiik l'ahk-r Arnxtnl, the miners be fully verllled every effort BUBl Indicates an Intention on the part Waverty. N. Y.. Dee. 7.-C. T. Hull, should be made to furnish relief. ' tho president to aid In turning tha for niany years cashier of tho First Na- The deals at some length ll,!,ue or Taper money over to the na- tic-"-1' hank, of Athens. N. Y.. was ar- wlih the unsatisfactory condition of tlotial banks( and In the meantime A rested yesterday by the lnlted States HlVaha In th- Indian Territory. Tho purpose to give gold a further superior- "arshal. churyed with embezalement laico whlto element la said to be w ith- ':y ver silver as money." , and itmklug false entries in the books out protection and without schools or' . or the bank, tie pleaded not guilty other rluhts of cltUens; leading In- ! nc-i-lltie.l a IViikIou. dluns havo absorbed great tracts of ' incennes. Ind.. Deo. 7. Tho Rev. I tnat he has no intention of s. ..m - Morris O'Malley. catching him In bed. : "ur-r'""1 f-nator Murphy. Since last Tuesday the deputies had -mporla. Kan., Is suffering from a been close upon the trail of the bandits. 'ar,'r famine, not a dron flow-in ir, for whom there are standing rewards lth''" the Neosho or Cottonwood rivers, aggregating JS.000. On Tuesday last Virginia's Democratic eg19iatj.,- ra. Marshal Bennett's men encountered the cu" ,ast night nominated John W. Dan gang at a house in the western part M' la succeed himself in the (.'nitel of the Cherokee nation. The deputies States senate. then succeeded In arresting John Martin Thorn, for the murd.-r of Oul O'Maltey, but the made their densuppe, was sentenced at Long Island escape at that time and had evidently City to be electrocuted the w-eic he. satisfied themselves that the officers (finning Jan. li). had been eluded, as they were not pre-j George R. Blodgett. head of the law pared to resist when surprised. i department of the General Electric The Jennings boys and their follow-' company at Schenectady. N Y.. was era nr. rhonroil u'lfh uvoral ,.(vtaa ' faraltv ,hn. Im. n K. Irnnn. . ir. At.,...n ,l 7 " ' " "u.m.. '"'.' , - -"'"" - :. nut were particularly wanted for the; Monday. Deo. n to maintain order. no,d up of a Rock lKUnA penger, Residents of Tehuantepeo. MeT w.r .re ,,rmany de- train in broad daylight several months alarmed by an earthquake shock' early mands on Haytl Is as yet somewhat In ago near Chickasaw. I. T. They are on Friday morning. V German ovenment 'ask, V .n" ' 4 h'a1, The Ita!lan "ahln't 'd. and letter to the German government In ani both Al and Frank are .rrad.ite which Haytl will express apology for ?MheTnlvr J' Brvan hiW ",art-1 fmm the proceedings toward the German tlV, vZ ul lH.Tm h" "XlCn- government In the whole transaction. ton. of Tmm durlnJ a sa,oon fUow I a"d will make speeches en route. That the president of Haytl shall about two years ago. Al Jennings was1 rlov,'rnnr John W. Griggs -vill su.-ceed graciously receive the German charge shot , ,he arTn dur1nir th, Mnl, af.;Mr- McKenna as attorney gem-ral when d affaires at Port au Prince. fray. The hrother!, r)m of a , , the latter goes to the supr-m 1Ur- It is this fourth demand to which respected family. Their father is pro-' h"n':h- the most serious exception has been bate Judge of Woodward county. O. T 1 Tartar. Deo. 7. taken by the Haytlan government, as Harvey Martin, who is heiieved to h! iIaynr Str"n ' endeavor'm? r, ar- ran a greater Ne-v T .rk ciebrat A hill Introduce.! in affecting Haytl's honor and Involving a member of the Jennings tram rr,o-! a deep humiliation, for It was Count bing gang, was captured In the Creek Schwerln, the German charge d'affaires country. O. T.. yesterday. u., .., k ou nunc, who weni Derore I'resldent Simon Sam and rudely sub mitted the demand for Indemnity and apology. ANOTHER liKUMAN INVASION. (tailors and Marines Take. Pnasomilon of Klno-Oiau'a Walls and Oi.te. London. Dec. ". A dispatch to The n. -nngrss by Mr i Ailama-.n. of Georgia, propos.-n to man ' every posrofhVe .1 money .ir-l.-r .itn.-e. Albert Giles. .1 prominent farmer f ! Van Eursn county. A.-k.. w is mur-der-d fpim ambush by moonshiner. Dr. W R. .Ir'gijsby is lnd.T arrest harj"-l with w;f? For Postal -avlngs Hanks. Washington. Doe. 7. The establish ment and regulation of a postal sav ings bank system Is provided for In a bill Introduced by Representative Lor-' t Onkr.iwn, tnd tmer, of Illinois. Tnder his scheme ' p'1,!",mnir- money order offices selected by the : oererary Gai's -st. mates for the postmaster general are to be made next year ."ill for $4it2.-!4: v'-r.. which is Dally News from Shanghai says a tele- branch postal savings banks, wtth an ah"ut !..2.'m'.'Ki in eX, Hss .r that for gram has been received there from office In the department to be called the The postal -iortcten.-y is -st.mat.-l Chlnan-Fu asserting that 200 hundred central bank. Any person may become at M.'WN.Ui. oermun marines and sailors, with two depositor under this act. including machine guns, on Friday last (Dec 3) married women an 1 minors above 1 entered the city of Klao-Chau, IS miles years. Deposits are limited M a dot-! .., , , , , , from the bay, and took possession of lar and Its multiples and not exceeds A Rfl' BcfS!,. 1 ,,n""1"1- ii. c ,io3 nun gaies, rney were . ueposus accumulating Phila- not molested, the Chinese troops re- above J1..W0 will not draw- Interest, De- aid w.- trewting as the Germans advanced. resits will not be liable to seizure or extra. The Berlin correspondent of The detention under any legal prx-ess. Times believes that Germany has pro- posed to China to take a lease, at a Itanqnetliiir Explorer Peiirr. Immlnnl an r, ..f L't... nkn.. I.... . . Trimti.n T .n T f i i . , n .. , t".. . ... ' ""J - ...... j-jHf- I'l D.T Oil--! fir .-holcu l..nnsvl Jacent territory for a "long period." tn" Arctic explorer, was tendered A vam.i. Wheat -asv- v, .r . ,4. 1 banquet last evening by tho Goograph- No. 2 Pennsylvania an-i ... .a. Mother McKlnU-y Dylnir. Ical club. Sir Clements Ft. Markham. r-.l. spot. i-.i7.-. i-orn No. i Canton, O., Dec. 6. Mrs. McKlnley, president of the Royal Geographical yll" for 1 il rn.V. ZnMi, - . No. the mother of the president, now near- c-iety, presiding. Afterward Lieu- mixed. In expurt elevator. S'iis1-.-. .'at. ly S3 years old. was stricken m-iih r- tenant Fearv lectured in the the.itee du"- tuc st-uoy; No. 1 white. N... alysls last Thursday morning, and has f the University of London under the h'te Wlppe.1. rv: ; V.. I white ,-itp-since been unconscious most of the time. aP "f the Royal Go.raphlcttt VX tlm.ftC"'. "i.-a mi t ?mrt unit; ioua, ana ' " ij- THE PRODUCE MARKETS l-nua.!-i;in:.i. L'ee. i- . . 11 1- ,:-.L,-tiv.. lit. winter stipertri-. !!::'(::.". ie. S:.'t'l..". P-nnsv!" ini.i roiler. lear. Jl'il.."., U). str-iihr. S4.i.m",. western wnr-r. clear. M. M'o I. :n . do. str-iinlu. W.t.'..:4.: .- mills, -vr-i. JS.JI i:!.jV Rj-" rlour in Mrnit-I l.-mand it ElL-ins. 1J -rv do. creamc-y. I(.iU:: : bmg at J7'tf3lV.. Jo. whi. steady: lance, white ..:i-i ber. -'iiV-: iiiinil do. i.i.-ns, Sil L.ird stuaui'-r t!:;tr-r :lrm. factory, "'-..rjlc. . Im.t it-mi -r-am-N-w r if.iirv l-'tii,-.. t irj.-v ;ir-i : s juo- . 1 'h-. 'so ?.-Iit''tn- skmis. I'a'f ero s ; .'". - -' s: ,t.l v full sli :ns. Y"rk and 1". 11 r-s!i. .'. .' itK'it ii. 1, .!! 1 ""'.( v. ;-l 11. I .1 4" i ll, i'-J, '.rent. r . do. ladle. t.lcke.i. and gave bail In $.ouo for his appear- 2"c. C1 ance on IVc. 2S for examination. Hull turn.-. '.' 1 .. ., 1 1. .,1 mi ui-Ui. .,..,. ., 1 J. Keith, of this cltv. bns wrln.m l..t. left tr-e Dunk n emu ov about small. 1 tho fi lends of tho Indians believe thut ur u " commissioner of pensions OS1'- Death Kihii Ii-lnkliitc 'ooil .Vleohol. Fxctcr. X. H., Deo. 7. Mrs. AiiniJ Fitxsiiuinotw. Kdwin w. vjulnbv and pie," Vi his wito were poisoned by drinki.iu. tr-.-is-u- v.-r.v 'i'liei. si .1:1 i 1..'. I. per I'u.-!' I'-. I., p. ... te... : 1 ir. .or orders. L-.-r tpiart-r. '.I., I.1 -ti i.-.-t-. -3. S-I. ' .'.s. J.IIOI.l." . Sui; ir -iL--on Hutor -ii . ran, v 'lc. ; do. unit 1' ' . 'V-. . oej t.iif;-. i : s'.ir Ilc. L-:i.;s slr.ui; . . -...!. : se si.-itdy : f i:ie N -w Yorit. I'H-.: do. m-onon, , -. ; do. 'i !''-..-. Whisky. i!.Ji-il..5, per D illon lor iloish-.l ;hihI. m (.-.i- i-.i.fs. ft..'; hi t.-N per 4-. Mom for 'olihoi '.lis. Whi.-ut. brut, -ot :i:id riiontlv -.'o' -.i. . : Jan uary. May. :'i:: . i im.-r No. J rod, '.'l ' 1 " ''I stmih-.-ru ! tt. Dv s,im- '. ' .i -k-.: do.- oil -ir.i.le. '1' 4 i:..)'4.-. im. .;ot. 'l..'J.-. ; m-.tll. 'l.if It Rocka ItlorUsof House- nd fatally Injure Three Mi-n. Ptttston, Pa., Dec. 7. A t.-rrlflo ex pl'isl.m of gas In the Clear Spring mine will cost three men their lives. The remarkable escape of seven others from a living tomb forms a thrilling Incld-nt r the aecld-nt. The Injured im n are Adam Donavlt. h. p.-'er Dona vllch and AI.-xiind.T D-irSra.-t.-y. How- the accident o.iuri. 1 Is not clear, for the men who figured in It nr.- all for.-lKnors. and una!.!- to tell a coherent story. Th r Spring mine Is located across the t...-r from this town. Th- first Intimation of a mb-hiip was when the e:irth violently shook and caused whole blocks of houses to swny lis tbou-h nu.ike in progress. Th ble.y to i.leces. masses of coal and r ... k ! work of th- r.-scuers Th tombed men escaped b-d: v wcr- rescue, 1 ,-ifter several b fin- ut lb- men who e-r., runaway car had knocked This fell, and with It civ. of ro k. th- d-adly g:n e the f,f,. r.lriir thus cans- I la badly damaged. an earth- explosion t. ! great i.-'-d the 'I in- 1 and work. 1 :ild a .., a .rop. I i-i a mas . ; itir from Th: i.-ine ills" ITEMS OF STATF; NR'A'S. Pl.ii.i.letphia. Dec H. l.-is. assist. int siijierl-i-. :. ! rf. S Whit- Ih-rt,i ..rks f-.r-l. wh., was shot by A', v a d.fharir-d enip..y. !;. .s.i t i.rd.i y .-1 ;r. :, 'pal hosp.tal. H-irk- rT ; nihilist. Sh.'iniokin. I'a.. . t .1 as---d 1 y-ars. of Natal;.- . t.ibi.-d i-.i - ir- .'.1 -. th eye yester-l.l , 1 1 1 his mother ho v ..n- t . r 1. anot h-r in .i 1,1.1 v T' er.t.-ro. Mary's . y- I ; I. r lin. .-'I.e 1 an not r--- M.iz'-t. n. r 1 . Ih-r. A- F. f the i.'k .rr. f his 1:, .is. : . -inn li- nit y v in 1 ni , . ,e,l -.t ci I th hou- vis made s. ks ..f .f a ; ea r' v I-, r .1 : t 1 Mr. un.l , h- ... ., .... . ..,,t n-o 1 -v. -n. '-..-I- n-.y .II- .f the o th.- .1. '.i.-t .lent -e. 1,1-1- ,,.h- I . ir si. h.iv ha.-lj.-d by 1 . -f N'e- - -. i-- wlr hi- rrmted t 1 al.i.sf is i-a nvtl .nts will Ajijiraisers v i ll- .f the o ie 'i.niijht d .-nam ir.?. n the .nilmv si; i,y a ho '.v.r-- .r-cinn,- t u -r s. ar I off. f'lalt sh-nf s -lepiit i-s . 1-.. tinier mob Ho ;s f .r mur l-r fittsb-irir. lec. I - lih-s tho details ..f the ; trust. Th- combination ' a;,ital . f tr.e iH.ii.ainl. ...i, .1 I'l-r: ont .f,, V-.rk. It vlll take in rod and wire nail Jam 1 States ind heshll these furnaces, one of which '-. or-- sii,nly, and tiir-e sti he included in the d.-al. are now .it work fixing -h-diff.-r.--nt plants which ar.- up. N'orrlslown. Pa., Dec. .-Tun-s .V. Cleminer was formally and unmis takably Identified on Saturday In 'on nection with the murder of Mrs. Kmm.i Kaiser, on the Gulf Mills road, in Oc tober. l.VJH. After an examination of many witnesses I11nmr wos ..o.nmlt ted to tho Montgomery county ;.ri.-;..n, there to remain until Dec. -vhen all tho testimony in tho hands ..f :he prosecutor will be bromrhr -o ;ho'V that he it was who did -he unf .rtun.-ite woman to death in connection with 'lie wretched hushan.l. n-v iwaitlnj 'h halt.-r in 'h- amo ;ail. .S. ranton. i'-v.. L'-c !. 'A'...,- listen ing his father preach :.n -ho First German M.-'hodist .-b:;rt 1: tier-- 'ast niiif I'harlos iia.-n-lig -s. 1" : -.n- .id. was omi.'Tion-d 'o ill- lo. r n.d t t -1 by the polic- for ' .!-.- .1 r-'ail stor-s -vi'hin n-f -.--v months. Lam. li ti P 1 lllll 'ii:. : "cars ..l-l. wa 1 v.iti himin. "10 u,e.i. .aid ' ii- pp-.i, : ' he ' "V. 1 ' :l.i 1 -i. had t- 11 l om- M- s li; : :-d ent Pr.iio-. !oroifl ,!i:iiii:.-i. "A' nims-on. i"-'. "..i... . oa In fj 'ost. 1, Jt -ti 1.-0 1, . ., i- l.til .ntro-!-i. '--I -ta-.-a.-nsett. o ! :: 1. 11- tVi V-t-. -teili. - 1 Tt fli -. v ping -very -i-.- ",.st-.:S 'It'.-tl It l. ! ' 1 tT'-s ' -.., . 1: and "lat a 1-v -ii.storf!. !'. :.! '-m--i li.-h- d u any jioint 01 1 ! - 1 'Mllslde ho .unit 1 1 Itl "in-Tiiinity. v'i'-ii r ipi-.. ! : r u iiiji ti". "-ting lis. 1: -1 n it postotf!.'- !-"...r':ito'it f 11 -ropi . Hi'..- s voiiiti '-vo ni!-s ,t l;l -.;it ing .ill. ". i- .n 1 It-. I- - It.;i(. -'e ,f- f.-l 1- 'tl.-'Ml-.- the bust Interests of tho five civilised "bwlutely refusing a pension from thj tiibci wotihl bo found In Atnoiloan KO 01 OiJient. and has made full rvstt cltl4euhlt. j tut1""- ot all the money received by Tho president recommends a sys. hl"1- aniountlng In the aggregate to t.., baoteiloloitlcal Investigation t. J 195.88. Mr. Keith served four run diH.over tho exact cause of yellow fe- anJ ",x months In tho civil war, and hm anonoi. tne ritasltnmons woman -K'mc: lv tnOvr. new or old ver. und thus prevent the spread of ttooa record. He says the pen- uurinx the night and the other two Jatni irv. jt-Vi3l-v.: Fehruur.v. ;'At the. ducase. Ho calls attention to the 110,1 ,loW " was not well bused. fue that but tJ.fW.Wt) Is ottered for t.19 " Kansas Paclllo load, although tho go-,- o Liquor In tho Senate- Wlnsr. ernioeivt's claim against tha road is ,v axnlnston. Dec. 7. The senate com. lia.0OH.WA and ask whother the gov ml"'0 pn rules has Instructed the ser- dk'd at th hospital. Kntu heavy drinkers. The victims had u'a"" '' !i-d, M- ';'!.. : suuthom whit.) YK-tlmi of the- I'l-aauo Uloti. Vienna. LVc. 7.-It is oltlclally stated com. A'.K.iv'.; do. yellow. Jl1- tlrm; No. 3 whit-. S"-. .UK-. : No. i uiixvU, JT'rj 7Vo. Kyu tlim: No. J wtsieni, tlusi l.iVrty. I'a., Dec. i. t'-mlu llrui; I'll. U'an-r ( oiiitiaijv TTetM)ii-.lbio. Si-ens I'oitit. 'Vs., Ph.. i, flio 'tir Into,, -(..s,. if JmU L. Gre.-t:, is tdmin istrtitor. igamst -lie Ash, mid V.n-. ott-pan." r. tight n i fH-.-,i- -in !':iv:ir of -he piaitnilt n ! -; ; j ii Jfl.."l -tl -lie ,-irelllt -out-'. T'V ;--OU!fi-s ol ..,-. iv-r-. ..- .'i.. i.-. g-ti. - of h- Ashcitid 'V i - in furnishing m:-::- i-.' r- -. . Wat-r . on; i : in eg ..!.... i ., th- ,. i :.;!' ,;.s:M...:. .... ,. .,. , , of - . '1 he di. .i. T:- ;: '.e CU. L-d I- h- -HIT-". i- I'Ttii 1 ai I t-.-u: o ' -,-.vs. i.--ti-i- it, i .. Th.- t'.-i -, . for-' h i . i. - 1 1 - . . .,. I'lU ' :' , !- '.. .l'-l "!!- .... '' T-li ;. -a :: i ; ai. .. . ,, ... o' V -1 : ' T-lj , ;.. s ... ... .,, of "J o .: v ..::.:. . ... 4 ,.,. l-taai---! x tits ,-i -i i . x. Oe-...:. : ,- :, I .li -. ... .,. ,. ,.H !l-y w i-. d. Ti,,. ...... ., , ,, says 'vi : . .-.--I-... i- :i , . K. -l ' " ' '.'-ir- k-y. . V .'ta.-.- W 1 1 II 'I,-, i, n. Chuugo, X'v- i, , ot... t'-siti.: th-- ci- '. ,)!.' Mi..- o-.-in. r V. M .!-.' -y, had i ' it.-e :-.o .. ...t: , Lai!" MU-hig-u 'ast;. 'on, .,. iu out iti the !t..,ii mi t ii.j v.sei i ii,:: o.t Kvausl.'ii. All siotun wat i r,,ij on, '.bo sai'fiy vnives ft -;v.i down, and ith l ho -ih-ii woikitig !:k- T:-..ian in tho blinding smoku tho run ;-.i-.noi commenced. Al tho Ihlfivi lv. -i. , oi-l.j from th-- cabin land was f.-a.-U..., uiu the crew wa saved. ertiimmt shall purchase or redeem the Knt-nt-arms of the senate to enfoix-e since the beislnnlng of the dls- tr. mtiu i'loga slow and "lower "prhiw road. Cnnswsa Is congratulated on the ,n ,'u'e of the enate prvhlbltlng the ( order at Pragua there have been tiW uiclium, K.u.i.i6: fair to bet ckr. eubUBhiueitt of tha Congressional 11- miuor in the senate wing of th .arrests, ww people nave beeu injured by ad pis.; heavy. ,iu',;j.s,; i.j, piwi. i nre was no liquor on sale "na sworus o tne police anj troops. v, n.i.i lis iidi-u onmuiit is nrireii .uimioi. inn was no Honor an u a imv vs mo ikjuco ana inuu,. roun.s, v,;m,0. snwo sieniv: eiioie... Ths messaga closoa with a vhapter on th8 tsnate restaurant during the rn w fo'lcemen and W soldier itv. s-W: common, m3.6i); uhoic Uuubs. . ,. , . ' .IllW Aira.l hw I K. a.nna .1... n.k to-tjcU.-. COllllllOI to. Mood. &L bkoAVo tna civm set ic sjsojiu, i - - " v u u.v eal galves Kiuij? lot tlvulll I'liiviliii xitntik I. tails. Trenton, Dec. ?. Josi ph.tio Waader died last tiislu from bums :,usl;uticd whilo piuyiiiwt Su-'iia- Ciau:--. Mia Varder enveloped lleistlf in f;iou,lt. siuffed w ith colttoii, This c-ituj,iit, lire, audi despite- tho- efforts o luii- i'rieud sh wa fatuliy burned.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers