The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 09, 1897, Image 4

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    4 f
The Middleburgh Post.
i'uMislu'l uvcry Thursday.
Editor and Proprietor.
.i wri pt ion $1.50 per year.
, m .. i i !! l'i ; n:i when wit ouN
H.llf I 1,1' IKIIUM.)
, ', .ii i t.: .i.ixcri ;:..- not oilitrl'
,,,,:r ,' fur lilt h.n.i-t l the rid.- ol IS
bin in i .i ..i.t'M i .-I mi .imb" t'-r ilr-i Hir.
.,u and nuvnm ihtHih1 dr every ulwn.mtit
ml'n ' I, rff.. ri-Vl a I'"-
Tlmrwlay, 1,', ! IS!)7.
There's Always a
It leads to our door. Holiday
seekers always find their wants
Rimnlifid at our store. Our
w - -
Holidav Di
That Hc::rn Xlatfcnn.
Tlic iMiti.r of the l'osr is oil. rinir
.1 premium tin- the construction of
the Ik( platform lor the memlcrs
of the lit -islatutv to r.m upn at
the li. vt WopuMican primary in this
vunt. ju-t wish to say to
Ktliio'r Wagi-n'sdlcr. platforms arc
made to run on Ixfoiv election and
"not to stand np.m when in otlice.
We mi truest that your premium con
sist ol a phtv of Uue sky on the of Jack's mountain.
,i lint-, (( ,(' Time.
We realize that what the Editor
of llic 7Ti. si i- true. lnt we
exxvt competitors to devise plans
to overcome tlu-sc ililVli-llltio. We
want a plan i ooiiin-l tin cnfoiw
nicnt of tlic proposed platform.
Honest Lcg-slators.
Tin- Philadelphia 7,YW of Sat
urday says :
"The Middlchurg (Snyder coun
ty) 1T sav that that county lioiild
haw "nil iio.!o-i mini at the Stale
capital' in ilio mxt 1 .legislature.
There arc niar.v oihe. counties in
tlic Suite, im-iu.linir Philadelphia,
txpcricmv tlit same need of honest
delegations in the 1 Agislature.
though elsewhere the need is not
quite as lilumiy expresl a in Sny
der county. After a while, how
ever, when the jol titers of the late
liqrislaturo shall have lx-gun to
move for renomin;;tion and re-election,
it will W necessary to Stoak
out very plainly.''
!rTt or Ohio. Crrv or Toirw, 1
Ia a- C01-T.TY, I
Fbavk .1. C'hkvfv make, oath tliat be i. the
anninr pnnrr of ! Mrin nl K. .l .THKiirT A ('..
di inctiiKinrv in thr 1ty of Tol. C'iy
and sum- for-m nl iiiki uu(1 firm will nay
tnrciini of oM. i.l"Mi;.I lHl.LAKfoToh
ami rvcrv rw ot f atiirrfi Iht crninnt lie cured
,v v:n- m o! Haiai. t A iunn TUR
fKASK J ( Iir-NEY.
Hvrorn t lirf.irr cw ami ulrnlHi in my
imvniT tint-li duv of lnwmlier. A I) l'.
t A W. OLIoN.
Sl.Al. - . ,.
I 1 Notary Juhlic
HU (Uirrli ( uri if Utni iiitrrnail and act
dimliv on ttii lilnrMi and inurou nurfacf of
the fVHf'ni ,nil ttiimo'nal. ftw
f .1 (ill'.NKY 4 t'".. Tolodo. o.
ha.lJ l.v Iriiccii- 7"it..
liail 1 amil I'lllt-an tlir lft
av lispiay
L Ml
Never h Want if ul as this year, Goods more brautiful,,prioes
n4r.irA..avnmnrtm.itio8tOPOOOUrBtoek. No Holiritatiou to Imy.
coiupulHion to keep after you havo bought if nut "ll';h1-
Wenreofforirs in Ladies' Watch in 14 k. Solid Gold at fiOi Fillnd
Gold nt $10 If any of the readers of the Post happen to le tu our City,
wo will be p'o aed to have joa Rive u a call. You aro nhvaya w. loome.
The Jeweler and Optician,
An avuliincho of Xow Goods
F. H. iaurer's
WMi ftWM hMP K M !tirC8 for wiiKoiis, v.iunJ l:ir inui, chains of all
uivui uuiuiu mm viiiumi.i.;
I keep evcrytliinjr in the hardware lino. Horse shoo
j nails, other nails hyth ke or potuul, tte steel, cast steel,
iiic-H iur uuii'N iiiiti uoiiM, I ouiiii n:ir iron,
kiiulM, forks, shovels hoes, tools of all kimls,
JHorse Blankets,
Tift Lmheran ami Kefonned
Siiini:iv s'-iiool will In ild their Xnia.:
festival. 1'riday eveiiitij;. -Mth in-'t.
Thex have rc-eived tin- Christmas
sen-if - and had at. iinvrtinp irac-ti-
Nuttday .I'.ri.u. Teat'., ol
lliiiuiiii i'- Wiiarf. arv iuivtl church
and Mindav -c1hh at our jdacc last
Sumlav . .Myron Mover returned
from ;. ivw. weeks" vi-i; t. hi-brother
a i K-aiii: . . . .KeuUii Mittcr-
li ji -. nt Miniintovu. vi-ited nlu
frieii i- is: on'- vicinity l'r. 1.
(J. Maith jrave a turkey ujlMr to
hi- Viiifinv m-Ikioi cia wiiii-li is
oou!p"-ed '!' eiiit yountr ladie-. .
tieo. A. Jiot iori' anu .loliu A. Moy-
iur luiiiH-r on 4"aTes
j'roti. Mi. Siiafler. near
i. .1 i!i!:r.;. fi'.nnv. 'J'tii'v iii-
in, iv tli. r new saw alio
in... o: mi
il'olll Jiuck
under its new management. H. H.
Mover has resumed the mawijxc-
uu nt of tlic jvijht and we can ex
Het regular issues Prof. Win.
Mover will conduct the music at
the Northumberland County Insti
tute which will convene at Sunbury
Poivmlvr 'JOth.
Miss Mary NiHllins left Thurs
day for a visit to Kcv. 1 raver .
family at Water Strtvt, Pa
(iach (iilchrist, of the foot kill
team, left Saturday, for his home in
Florida, where he will siventi the
crentcr part of the Winter. . . .Mrs,
Kate Kant tier and Miss (. lar.i al-
laev sjH'nt several days at Sliamokin,
visitinc friends.. . .Sirs. Mertz, of
Sprinsrticld, Ohio, w ho had Uvn en
tertained by Mrs. Htltnp returned
to lier home Thnrstlay last. . . .J.A.
LumK-ird left for Washington for
the oivcninc of CVincress. . . .Miss
licsic Gcrliart, of Sunbun-, was
pleasantly entertained last week by
her grandmother Mrs. -Marparet
Seh ch A. W. Smith was at
l'hila. several days lat week ....
Miss Donna Allert, who has Ixx'ti
visitinc her- brother's family at
Itloonisburjr, returned home on Fri
day S. Wets and M. Millner, ol
Kantz, were in the 1 jistorn markets
laying in a supply of Holiday ponds
which they otl'er cheap. . . .F.lmer
Snyder has moved his tiflice to liis
new htiiix-, (.-r. Water and Pine
St?, tieti. Ixnip, Fxj., is occupy
ing the room vacated by Snyder
. . . .Mr. licwi Heboid's, oflValti-
niore i the put-t of uncle, Hiram
App Miw Lizzie Kohrlmcli. ol
larriburp ir vir-iting her arents
Harris llohrl.ach's Miss Doll
Hctrick has returned hoin from a
visit to Mifiliiiburp.
ami !1 perches in l'enn
II. .1. Riiley ami wife to Cather
ine Henry, 11 aeresaiul 1 IT perches
in Cent iv twp., for $'200.
Mrs. Mappie Herman ami C. K.
Fisher visitttl S. 1 Hernian last
Sundav lames Monroe linker
went to Sclinsprove last Motnlay to
butcher for, Mrs. Uomliorlinp.
Ira Mitehel and .lohn Foster, of
Bristol, Hucks oounty and Samuel
Foster of the o." th Ward, l'hila.,
spent last week at our place. While
huntinp they were suoetssful in kill
ing 3 wild turkeys, 10 pheasants,
15 rabbits and 7 quail. They left
here Saturday morning for home
well pleased with their week's hunt-;
inp. The people of K reamer w ould
lie pleased to see them lek again
next fall to sin-ntl another week as
they are all jolly good fellows ami
perfect gentlemen.
Alf. Steininj-er.
Alfred Steininper, of Lcwislmrg,
formerly ol Snyder county, having
resided West of Middlcburg,- died
on Monday evcoingaliout six o'clock.
He was afflicted w ith pneumonia.
The funeral will take place at
Dreisliach's church on Thursday.
He is survived by a w ife and 2 sons
Claud and Parke. The many friends
of the lKTeaved tamily iu this coun
ty sincerely sympathize with them.
Charles Snyder-
y,J, L. Vomer,
Alt Pleasant
Mills, r..
LOW. !
Our I'oimtcm hii1 xlielvuH aim now i
loaded with a magnificent lin of. Whips, halters, tie ropes, cuiry eoiuhsi, brushes of all
io?4r tinwart., rnnito wnru, tubs, buckets, and
IIih beautiful fall hhados. Ilotiiorr, I ATEXT WASHING MACHINES.
&fr?ims?w Call to see my k,h1s and yon will bo tint
deiphi". lyoti can buy cheaper hero than any v.-he re in the county.
a II t. .a ... A !. ...t. ...... ft I
aii mi i ih.;imt nitrtiu viiiiuiimiu- n v-jhh
niiiKCaiin., n " i our rest:
.1 ' I I l.rl.l I VII. fl I
" Ui'.l Oil Callin. to!l ' I
" ' lhrk Ciiliw, S.l.lUn " i
Knnry Novelly lrt. UimiiIh. only 8 '
Tlimiatlin realeMt luii'Riuu we
ever had. Everybody ouulit to nee
the barcnina xve have iu dress goodx,
Htyloa ami prieen.
Tlic Inl.-nt ilk. ni) liicln-n wl.lo, only m via.
Kxtm line novi'lly Uri'M it'odi, 7.1 "
Also a full line of the liiteht trimm
inizst, braidn, nilks ami ribbons. Cull
and "eo our low prietm and Htylna on
tlit'HO poodn ; we know wocau please
you. In our
i nfl I i
u 1
will be found elesiuit stylish Huits.
Heavy and lipht weight. Overcoats,
Stortu-eoals and Every day units at
prices to astound you.
Mrn'a lti-avy lU-avcr Waok OveiwaU, W.fM
Htorin " ti to rt
Hoys' " " " Jtot.1
M' milta, .In :1A to 12, uiiwnril from f i VI
Ikiyi' .mis, lllii IV yram, for fl .V)
Yn'ulliV " for only 1 liu.lirl of vrlicat, II (K I
Men', limtvy ritrapniiU, only o
Men . over.lttrti, only -vhi
Mt-n'a nmlerware, or anlt, only MV1
Yoiitli' " " " " IV. la Sic
in prices, ana wear lor .wo. latest
see our bats. Our Ladies
'"V ;
-1 'I.'.
.'ii ;i
.J All . ' .
r..vfciir: i,:
I kii.k 1 1 ! I fU
Hrfj-ht new (IchIiik look out from
every nook ami corner of our Store
Sliai e mill Styles In which at ouc.
j oil hhp your Ideal.
PICTCRKS nt iirictm ho low that (.i!,.
er mercliiiiils mm not eoiupete.
Youra RcFpeotfully,
. H. FELIX, Lewiowi;.
or pi:r'
o! liu.
( )ri"!ila
Hi';;; :"'ii'
nil;;..'. :i
pu "
mi!. '
..- v. :..,
... !
. . . : .
. "' '
;i;.' r :
J" ' ':i
M"". ... O
l'i ku
an. . .
111: I'll!' ill
T it:r fi"'! .'.
W ill' i : I
li .i,.-i.
ll! til' fl
l).-c :,t:
.Ki.ji'i. .
J jf; '. i--'
o! toi' 11
. A inirt
. I'V .lli
t i : i l
! '
A great many of our people are
attending institute this week
Mi- Dora YtKlcr i.- visiting Alvin
I'Ui's. Mis- liutli ha also re
turtiwl to tin latter place. . .Jesse
lKekertV If It for thcr home in
Kansas last week. They intend ti
stoji til! iu Ohio and Michigan
Samuel Shilling 1- the jtrotid father
of a young daughter iu-1 arrived
. . . .Lmauuel Wagner V stave mill
is I inir idle at pre-cnt. Thev hav
ing r-cnt the stave saw off for rt
pair. . . .Mr.-. JJ'.uiU'ti Steiniugcr
rwived a H-vere siirain ol an ankle
.. .. iv l;il in" .1 icv i'ru:ii last week
.Harvey Ii iinl in'ii i- at pro
working for iiis uncle. Henry,
ti--;, M i-.i'Keburgl CanuidaUis
io! MiM-r i.-o' arc io ijijiiig uji it;
even' corner of the lown.-hip.
Snyder, ol Franklin
died at the Man- M.
PacLer Ihisjiital at Sunbury at 10
minutes after '2 o clock on Monday.
He was suTering from ajipentlicitis
foralnnita week and on Monday
morning was taken to the hospital
at Sunbury for an ojieratiou. An
attempt wa made to give him ether,
but the plivsicians found his system
would not accept it and life was
far gone to jK-rfortn an operation
The ailment was :ipjondiciti.
Men.B Lata and raps can't bo beat
prices, and wear for 50c. Latest
styles and lowest prices. Call and
MP DeptMl
is now complete. Hero is a bewild
ering array of Charming Waaps, rich
and strikingly handsome Coats and
Capes a dozen or more styles to se
lect from. The Children's Coats are
perfect beauties. We had these
made expn-ssly for comfort ana
ease, r or elegance ana style oi gar
ments our Ladies' Wrap Depart
ment is not surpassed anywnere;
and what is io your advantage, we
are able to sell at Manufacturer's
Ijulim' fine roata, from COO up
I Allien 'fin oanra. from . II. roup
Mi-sr' coata, 4 to H, oily 11.50
Don't miss the coats now, you can
have your choice:
A Marvelous btorni of
Boots & Shoes
reached our store yesterday. Ev
ersthing for footwear freni the finest
French kid to the ordinaiy dollar
shoe. Greoter assortment the ever.
Here is a whole counter full of 6hoes
for the Little people, for fat babies
too, sizes from 1 to 5 aud 6 to 12.
Ladies' Rubbers, 25 cents-
Ladies' Storm Rubbers, 35 "
Gents' Rubbers, 40 "
we have added to our usual heavy
stock in this line a lull assortment
oLvery choice FiDe Groceries, such
as rritufc Old Govrrnuint Java and
Mocha Coffees, Spiced Cherries and
The W'iruierG.irce,"i:., '1 lbs.2."c,
Now is the time to make Iiarfjainil
in Boys', Youths' and Men's
Shoes. As we bought our
stock before the late advance
we can give oar customers
tho benetit of same.
For Youths. Hoys' and Men received daily. Heinein-I
ber wo are Head-quarters for Gents' 'Furnishing Goods,
Hat-. Trunks. Satchels Umbrellas, lUc. lou will save I
7 f
money by buying ol
rail Hue Morn. Blm
Lap Kobes
nk,,"U flnnnniimmni' Market St.,
- 11. UUUCIIIKGllllCiSelinsgrave,a
! i II'
ear hmd o!"
J lend ricks,
. has buteh-
ilMllllsSii Ull'l'
ic. c.--s: ! t-i-a-'."iii'lcil
ioii:iu', 'J'iii
v ii- i ;:!' i".-
IM ti tUt M'.
i-it p' '!;. t
ll'll'l to 1.1'.
,!'. V.'ni.Moy-
j.i'- mi'
i;,l ,ii II: !'.. 1 .iMillUilV
ni i. : ii, '.iic .icia
u. Jan. 1st
inn council
U'o i-y.lur.i;iv
ti :
-I The
i l -.; I,ul -.! Jtr Knord.
! (Jei.. Fi-:: ati'l Ann Ik. la- wilt
i.i .. (.inxv i aero in Mon-
i jr ;.iviisi:li lor .! i: K
John S. Auckcr and 'uvh his
wife, to J. C -Niij'lc 17 U'-'i'is i:j
I "ill' 1! : t. W llsllip 1 If 'lj'.
J rcici ick Hathfon t i J w i.- A mig
Middleburg. - Pa.,
Li ni
Sugar, Urown,
" Light iirown,
" Soft A., 10 lbs.,
" Grauulatcil, 1 lbs
Snip lsjan, Ijc,
liaking sola, er lb.,
J4MJ matches,
(xiru starch, ix1.,
Jiest Jiakcrs' ChotJate,
Carpets, Rugs
;. ll
3 lb:
.. i,i i n ; 1 : 1 1111 .
i ;..,( on.-.
:. i'. . S"
a-;. it' .- ftulaiy
the I'l.Vi'lvpc MSlclll 1,- tjUUC bati.s-
lactory au'l tliat the pair's Hilary
is iy paid ... .T he Osuwr
Vii.-s a welcome visitor last week
'1 I'USilXs lllll!
1 ruckeiiliiillii'
Liici. trcaiirer
, l-ejtofti.X.1 thill
I'J'iact No. 1. l'i acre- nntl Tract
So. 'J, -'. acre- all m W fist Ferry
i-jwnsiiip fur
John J '. (iu, cxtieui'.ir uf Win.
Su.-clv tvi Tillman Wci'ior. 2 tracts
in Njiriitj.
acre.- fur
lowii.-iiiji tuuunning li
Josonli SiiaeHcr tu o.-a-i Ii ii.
Shadier, two li acts iu J'erry twp.,
containing acn lur WW.
Freuciick Miller and Jxui.isi his
wife, to Jacob A. Fkshcr, o acres
Sclli of bis own manufacture
the Purest and Jiest
Vou :ati lind these goodtjiM
as liep relented.
The aes are from 2 to 6 yrs.
For iml Use
They Have No Equal.
r t vr T i -rJ sj. r -r. vi
TvTru .TiT? i T fit n
bwK Cvuxli biriip. 'i bhw V'jvtL I'm:
, Vk:
HP .
Personally-Cwnductcd Tours via
Pennsylvania liailnmd.
America Is a great country. It variety and
grandeur of natural scenery It Is unrivaled. Its
wooded lelgUls, Its fertile valleys. Its boundless
plains. Its rugged and rocky mountain", in great
lakes, lw balmy slopes are the admiration of all
mankind. To traverse this great country, to
bebold lis diversities alid Its wonders, ls;a liberal
education, a revelation to the luiinured metro
politan clUzen. TUe Personally-Conducted Tour
to callotrnia under tbe direction of the rennsyl
vanta Railruad Company wblch leaves New
York oil Jauuary . ifjvs.affurds a most excellent
opportunity to view tbe rait varle'y and bound
less beauty of Oils marvelous land. Tbe party
will travel westward In special Cullman cars In
change of a Tourist Agi-ut and Chaperon, stip
Dliiir en rouw at Omaba, Invcr, Colorado
Sort Dies. ManlUi'i, fiarden of tlis Oods, Qlen-
wood Springs, and Salt Lake City. In Cullfornla
vlKll will be made to Monterey and the famous
Hotel Del MoMte, Sania Cruz. San Jotie, Los
' Auteles, San Lle'0. UlverKldu, hau Iiernardlno,
. Jo-dlabdH aud Hafttdeua. The party will return
loulje"tloi'ii-ii fiate sjieclal." tlm finest train
t'.iut cro. thecijiillneut, leuMug lM Angeles
j February a. ami st'il'pltz at Tm-wii. Kl Paso,
i and St. 1O'iln. fc!hi-eii days will lw fj ent In
C.ilil' Kouml-trluian-, lin lU'lliigall m'
. ' 1 1 4.1 lijewiiryexiAiihrodurliiifi'iitlie trip, tm from
ailQ WllClO LHS ! uH IM u tin l'unylvuitt lldllroud SysU'iu
U'Rit of I'ltlM.urg , nwtroiu rilisMirg. Kor In
, ., , 1 1 i.eruryai.d full taforucnion ni ly to ticket
lave nil tU new e t patterns and I ' l)f uf.,J(11)t v... B)rt, AwUunt fu.
CllOlce COlOrUJS. Jlie laifcM ut- ,.r,i J-a.w'lii;il' Ai'tl, llroaU hi reel mill iiiii,
siirtiK are buutuul fiti't ul a quurtc-r I'ivxiytu.. u..
jil' fiotii forim.r prices. j M"
The btbt Itii.'i:i:n I over hjlW , IVi-snna v-Conilnctftl 1 uiirs Viu
for only 2-iC. rt r )ul. ,. i ,. : . .,,1
NtUttr.. i Pennsylvania Ka.lioa'l.
Next bettt r, Ui'.
Jit'UbbUS, OtlJ.V i5f. Pkanok tK Wti
Hull. made l-ari-trts, livO. to 5Uc. The l''l Tourist hynlem of
J 'Juor Oilcloth 0 4, Only Ouc. f r yard. I'uiniaylvailia Jailroal Coiiii-imy i Um
J ublu Oilcloth 0 i " 14. " " :iiil't iH-rfii-tluii yet atuiliad lit rullway
' " C 4 " I'JC. i iruvcl : it allofds all tU ooii.orU ami coiivaiil
ti t vvtrnvi Hice of iniMltio ruilwav A'iui(iiiieut, and at the
onie tiui lluluut all minlily umI aiiiiny'
Ut.d bJuukcts for only OOcfs. per jatir '." i..'"iy coum-a-J win. l.iUivi.iul
ZvC&.Xt.ZZllIj'Z.Ma 1'i.r th anuM.ii of "jfl and "Ji it lim arruiigtii
Nu. 1 iiultvr. MO I'oUloea, 60 for Hie fwllowiuu touia
Nu. 2 JiulUr. JO tiwlM4,7, t.'ulitiiriiitt -1'our 1 'iur, Uavliik KfW Vork
i-ri.h -l'i Old lrd, t I'laiaiMplila, and J'ilUburn Jiiiiuuiy S, Jaiiuury
Ouiiii.. i ViiUnif fl.likcua 7 tl, Kahruary i, and Mwcli IV. Willi Uifl ei.ip
A 1 1 (lnrA Vant.d. ' tiou of tli. Bra lu.ty u-"4 '" '"""'
u .'luK.all .f ! rll will tiavvl Uy tU
is. i. ne nae ii niiv.ta.i tioiiico Oau siwii.i" iwiwuen huw aim
JJarijain Jav, Our JJamains '.''-. ""- H"
V.. it. , rooU.
are JVVen JSiy. i'lorlda.-J'our tours lo JaAkwovlllo will
T -V-. . - il:av. New York and t'hllaiiiilil January o,
fyGW ijGI'JlD, tfSL, ! J'uhruary .id W, and Wurch . 'lh.B,.ttl,ru.
" admit of aojouri of two t k In lUo "I'liw
Jf. V. Comer, fot audUiiwa ritu bu." iuua tit u.e f "rih iur wiJlM
good to return by reicular trains until May '
Tickets for the above tours will le solil froj
II principal stations on the l'eiinlvtii
Rail row).
For detailed itineraries. RivliiK rates anil f I
Information, addreas Thos. E. Watt, I 'amend
Aent Western District, PlttabtirK. '.; K-
Ilarror, Division Ticket A Rent, William-pol
Pa. ; or Geo. W. Boyd, AssiBtniit tiuneml II
aenuer Airent. Pliiladeluli's. U-W
f lfiicficd Kleelricity. Tlio Manh'T:"" M J
axiteuulDt for 10c siler.
Itapids, H. 1).
Iwiac iihimi, 1
Election Notice
The Annual Muetlnir of the Slii'kli"l'''l
tha K rat Niitlonul Hunk lor tin' n""""
Ktifii llirrru, fur the eniuiuir ynir will
held on Tuemlay the IHtli ilny of Jiiiuinrj '
between tlie ot 10 a. m. aim i-in i
J. X T lo.MCSON. .Hi.. ' a""1" I
Midill. Iiuruh, I'll., Dec. 1, lh,'.
A. l l r
i i m
Trade Ml
n.alGHl I
IJ. 1.-..1. ..,rflMcrlptlnl ! .r., W!''!
tluua Irliitlfia.litlilBilllnl. II""'1'1'",'
I una irimif iniiiniiBiinni. ,,, ii
.nt fr tnilMt sir f '",""'" "i VTi
.i.nla lki,n ihrnuilh Munn .
tri.ii .u.tbi. iih, iul thnrua, In
Scientific Jftncrican,
A m... ul. .Ii.lawl WlVwlf. I'"?
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