The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 09, 1897, Image 2
J 1)l A Eeinarkablo Story of Political Highway Robbery From Philadelphia. THE SAME OLD "GANG" AT WOBK. All the HumIdom ori'iilIadelphla'aClty 1 GovrruiiKMit to lie Held Up by a i Combination of I'olltlctana Sonoma That Twwcl Never Thought of fu II la 1'Hlmlent Days Ita Influence on ! the Gubernatorial and Senatorial Flgritn of Next Year. (From Our Own Correspondent) Harrlsliurt,', Nov. 23. Some very In teresting utorlos reach this city from Philadelphia. They are Important, too, i aa bearing upon the next year's fight for governor and United States sena tor. They ure still more Important, as they unmask the sham reform claims of men who have been fooling: the peo ple of the Btate for their own benefit. The tight now golnR on In Philadel phia Is for rtceiver of taxes. It is one tf the meat Important olllces In the Bift of the municipality. The present incumbent. William J. Honey, was for merly chief clerk In the office and reached hid present position through long years of faithful service. Mr. Honey Is a veteran of the late war, and served with distinction, being compli mented In orders for biav.; In au:lun at Antittnm. During the last session of the legis lature nn nrcanlz.'ition of certain ward leaders of I'hllaoelphla was perfected, after four of their number had paid a visit to Senator Quuy In Florida and received his benediction on the scheme. It was subsequently declared that the organization was banded together to secure more political plunder than here tofore had been obtained. It was stated that they would serve Senator Quay if il was to their Interest to do so; if not, they would turn In and support the anti-Quay element, or anybody else that would pay the price. In other words the Ward Leaders' league, of Philadelphia, ullicially declared Itself to be a combination of political bandits leagued together for purpose of per sonal gain. HEADY FOR ANT DEAL. During the present year this outfit of "Swiss soldiers" have been open for propositions from anybody that had use for them, but nobody seemed to have required their services except Senator Quay and his friends. When the fight for the receivership of tuxes was open ed this league appointed a committee to wait upon Secretary David Martin and informed him that they were ready to make a combination and had come to talk J he matter over with him. Their proposition was that they would sup port his candidate, Mr. Honey, .for re ceiver of taxes. If In return David Mar tin would agree torsupiiort one of their number, a local leader in Philadelphia, named McNlchol, for chairman o fihe city Republican committee. There were various reasons why It would be impossible to put McNlchol at the head of the great Republican or ganization In Philadelphia, one of the principal reasons being that the or ganization would not be safe in his hands, as he is a self -confessed politi cal trader. Another reason was that McNlchol Is a large contractor, and occupying such a responsible position as chairman there would be Demo cratic sneers and perhaps scandals con necting his politics with his business. MARTIN STOOD FOR THE PARTY. Having nil this in view, for the wel fare of the party Mr. Martin declined to make any arrangement of the kind, and refused to help elect McNlchol to '.he chairmanship. That Mr. 'Martin had the welfare of the party solely at heart In this matter Is shown In this, that he I. light have, by ngreelng to go into a combination for the election of McNlchol, saved all the trouble and expense and worry of the campaign that he Is making for the re-election of William J. Honey. A word from him would have settled the matter, and there would have been no fight In Phil adelphia. An a result of their failure to make u deal with PecretnryMartln this league nominated a andldate of their own In opposition to Mr. Honey. They selected H young lawyer without experience or prominence or other (ua!lficatlon named Newltt to oppose the veteran soldier, Roney. They started the cry of "re form" and clamored through their or iran for "purity In politics." They did not dare to raise nny cry against Mr. Martin or his candidate or any of his friends, personally, for a number of the members of this league were coun cllmen who hail voted for the propo sition to turn the city gas works over . ..o a private corporation. While casting around for support they discovered that they were power less unless they could force Mayor Warwick and the city government to help them wit. Senator Penrose and Jt!ite Senators Durham and Thomas had volunteered to help them, but aa .there gentlemen only control a few -wards between them their help did not count for much. The meetings of this league are held with closed doors at various hotels around Philadelphia. Hi-ery member of this "gang" is sworn to serrecy. but somehow or other their dark lantern and bludgeon methods al ways slip out. TO HOLD UP THE CITY. ' A meeting of the league was held at hotel on last Wednesday night to discuss ways and means for forcing. Mayor Warwick to help them In their fight. It was agreed to "hold up" the various appropriation bills setting aside money to run the city government un less Mayor Warwick would agree to keep "hands off" In this fight. In other words, this band of political cut throats agreed to cripple the city, hold back the salaries of policemen, firemen and others and bring all the business of the city to a standstill unless their de mands were agreed to. . Their method was to be as follows: Some of this "sang" are members of councils, others control the votes of members of council. It requires, tinder the law, a two-thirds vote to approve any appropriation bill In select council. By mean of bribes, promises and threats tbe learue could control enough members of select council to prevent the passage of any bill, and thus the city with Its millions of Interests would be at the absolute mercy of this hand ful of men. It Is needless to say that this pro cedure has aroused Philadelphia to tbe highest pitch of excitement. This out rageous action is denounced in the most unmeasured terms by every paper In the city except the personal organs of this "gang." It must be distinctly understood that this .a the crowd with which Senator Quay has been training, and these are the ones who are shriek ing the loudest for reform In politics. The Philadelphia Press. In Its Issue of last Sunday, speaks of It as "a procla mation of shame," and In an editorial on the subject says: THE PRESS' FIEHY WORDS. "A more brazen and shameless mas querade of hypocrisy could not be well Imagined. The whole pretense of the movement is hollow. It Is perfectly well known that the leaders of the Leaders' league offered to support Mr. Roney for re-election as tax receiver provided one of their number were made chairman of the city committee, ('hey were ready for any sort of a deal, and it was only when they found that others were not as willing to trade as they were that they put on their cloak of virtuous protest. "Hut their latest demonstration Is still more characteristic. Like the Jack Sheppards of the plains, they are now talking of holding up the city govern ment unless It can be brought to do their bidding. To make the appropria tions necessary for municipal oper ations and to Initiate the loans ratified by the people at the recent election re quire a two thirds vote In councils. The highwaymen claim to control more than a third In select council, and their game Is to draw their revolvers and call on the city administration to stand and deliver or take the consequences. This holdup Is openly advocated by some of the bandits, nnd while some of the more discreet hesitate to ratify It and while It is now disguised In more euphemistic form, It was seriously pro posed. Do the people of Philadelphia need anything more to show the char acter of the plunderers' conspiracy that sought to emasculate the Rullitt charter through the Infamous Becker bills, and that turned so good a man as William R. Tucker out of the port wardens?" THE "GANG" NEXT YEAR. This gang of political pirates will figure more or less In the campaigns of next year. The refusal of Secretary Martin And Senator Magee to make any deals with Senator Quay or help him back to the senate, has angered Senator Quay and has disgusted Sena tors Penrose, Durham and Thomas. The latter are ready to turn Quay down if the opportunity presents, but If he behaves right from tbls on ther will be no trouble, as Senator Penrose stated In an Interview In Pittsburg. In other words, the people of Pennsylva nia will be compelled next year to fight the same old "gang" that tried to loot the treasury and brought disgrace on therRepublican party that cannot be wiped off In a 'decade. Newspapers all over the state are clamoring for a candidate next year who will represent the people. A man of correct principles, of high standing and clean life. If such a man Is nomi nated It is conceded that he can be elected despite the machinery of the corruptlonlsts and the influence of the "gang." It is a. notorious fact that Senator Quay has pledged his word to Congressman Stone that he will sup port him for governor. When Senator Quay supports a man for office It means unless the man has remarkable powers of Belt control that, as an official, he will be under the absolute domination of the stoator from Beaver. DANIEL MYERS, OF PENNSYLVANIA. A Living Object Lesson for Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure. -TV. EART DISEASK Is curable. "For over forty years," writes Daniel Myorsof Two Taverns, Pa., on Aug. 10, 19(1. 'I suffered with heart disease. First a slight palpitation, gradually urosviug worse. Then shortness of breath, sleeplessness, sniotlier ing sensatlous and much piiln In the region of the heart alarmed ine and I consulted a physician. Keroivlni: no benefit I tried others and a numher ot remedies, spending a large amount of money, but finally be came so bad that it was unsafe for me to leave home. I commenced using Dr. Miles' Hoart Cure two years ago. Miles' KHsaiK k- Restore . Zj, Health For eighteen mouths I have been well. Al though 72 years of ago I can go where I wish and I sleep all night aud wako up as cheer ful as a babe and completely rested." Dr. Miles Uemcdiesare sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money refunded. Book on Heart and Nerves sent free to all applicants. DU. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. PER DAY SURE ynr Salary on CoMMiaaion. DO yen aunt hononNt, tftadj tmploymm I lit ynr mustf. at food mapt. at your turn komi e to trawl? If 39, ttnd 4c. in stamp, for ow vholfiali prict-Jttt end particulars. Wifvmii MSI oftaH nftrtncis. AMERICAN TEA CO. Oitroit Mi?Miaan Robert L. Shcarrcr, "KALTIUAL IIHICK MAKER, HITTEU AND rrilSER. Can give besl of reference. Country pre ired. ID28 Monroe St., Huntit ! -. Pa. o-Min. s iytt fj V 1 7 H 2J I o CROFULA, s . i One of America's most fa mous physicians says: ''Scrof ula is external consumption." Scrofulous children ere often beautiful children, but they lack nerve force, strong bones, stout muscles and power to resist disease. For delicate children there is no remedy equal to Scott's Emulsion dS t t t t ! of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo- i 6 phosphites of Lime and Soda. ' a It fills out the skin by putting $ good flesh beneath it. It makes w the cheeks red by making rich J I $ blood. It creates an appetite $ , 'I for food and gives the body $ j power enough to digest it. Be j ; $ sure you get SCOTT'S Emul- $ sion. w j $ Juc. end $i.oo; all druggists. (1 JS SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. -J Special Sale " FINE FURS. Seal Jackets. Persian Jackets, Cents' Overcoats, from $175 ip " 100 op " 50 OP GENTLEMEN'S TUR CAPS, DRIVING CLOVES, ROBES, ETC. Muffs, from Z op A. JAECKEL, Fine Furs, II East 19th St. NEW YORK CITY. RKOISTEU'S NOTK'KS. Notion Ik hervDy giv en that tlie following named persons have Med their Administratis', Ouurdian, and Kx euutnrs' accounts In the Keglsler's omoe of Hiiy ilrr roumy. and the same will he presented for confirmation ail' allowance at the Court House In.Mloillctiiucli. Momhiy, Dec. la. W,'. Kirnt and final account of V. M. Ittiyer. Kxec utnr of the eititto of Jitcoli Slinlly, lute of t'niiin Townxliip. ili't'il. FirKt nnd filial account of Charles Ntnuffer, Ex ecutor of the estate of Tumuli Mauffur, lute of Hvlinsgrore, la., dee'd. KirNlniid rlttal account of Ucnry S.Schnee. Ad ininintrutor of the estate of Alexander Koitsli, Into of WnnhinKton Township, dee'd. l'irtiiml Him I account of 1. I'. lloust, Admin itratr of the estute of Francis M. Kui tig. Intc of Monroe Township, due'd. Kirstnnd final aceount of Jesse Cornelius, Kx ecutor of the estate of Kli.alH'th CornuliUH, late of Jackson Townslilp, dee'd. Account of Daniel Heaver, (Juariliun of Knier on Uuuiiiiel, minor chiM of l)unlcl lliitnmel, deccasrd. First anil final a-count of John P. T.elt.el, Ad' ininistrulorof tio I-cilwl, who was guardian of riullic A. HnMilocer. a minor child of David liassinger, Into of Middlecrvek Twp , dee'd. S,cond and II nal account of Franklin anil Cur tin Howersox, Kxeeutors of theeHtntenf Samuel Dowersox, late of Franklin Twp., dou'd. First and tlmil iiecnuiit of A. S. Kurtz, Admin istrator V. T. A. of the e-tule of John Kurti. lute of West Perry Township, deceased. Accounts of tieorge ShotslterKer, Ounrdinn of Klmei 1'. and Daniel W. Ilcrntzclniaii. minor children of Daniel It. llcinUcltnim, dee'd. U. M. SII1XDKL, Nov. 1.1. "97 Ifeiilster & Kecorder. Caurt PrDclamatian. W'lEKUAS the Hon. Harold M. iMfClure ' I'rcfldunl Judge ot the Judicial District. ei.mpOM.-cl of the enmities ul Snyder, dinf t'lilun and Jureminh Crouso and Z. T. (iem biTllug, y'.. AsmkIiiIu Jmlges In suit InrSnjr ilnreiiuntv. have Issued ttioir piecept. Iiearllot date Uie'4tbdav oi Out. A. )., 1MT7, to uo llrecteii Inr the holding olan Orphans' Court, a ouurt ot Common Pleas, court nl Oyor and Ter miner an 1 doner. 1 1 t'uurl nt (Quarter ul IhoPcnce, at IMIddlsliurgh. lor the county nt Snyder, nu t!ic '.'nd Monday, (being the 1.1th dv ol Deis. 18;i7) and to continue one woe. Notleeis thereliiie liurchy given to Hio t'orun er. Justices of the Peace and Constables Ii and tor Hie, county ol Snyder, to appear lu thnlr proper person with their rolls, reoords, imiulsl tlon, examinations and nthor rrmeiahranees to do those thing' which of liielr oltlee- snd In their behall partnln to ha done and witnesses snd pc'Sons prosecuting la hohnll ul tho Com nmnweiilth avalnst any person or persons are re quired to lie then aud there aitemiln and de parllnif without leave at tholrperll. .Iiistlcei are reiUeitoi to he punotual lu their attendance at the appointed time agreeably tn notice. (liven under mr hsnii m.i ..let the Sheriff", ofnee in Midilieturgh, the 1st day ul Nov. i i) ., one thousaac eight hundred sod ninety seven. J a. Ki n tn, ne. UTIIKUVS' APPIIAISEMBNTS. Notice Is here ' by given thnt thn following Widows' Ap pralHcnientauudertheJWilaw, have been flied wiih the Clerk of iheOriana' Court of Hnvder county for Confirmation on Monday, the Utb dav of Dec., ikht. A ppraisement of I.uoetta Rears, widow of Wm. B. :-ear. Inte of Hellnsgrove, Snyder Co., Pa., dee'd, elected to be taken under the ftlOO exemp tion law. Appraisement of Elizabeth Btetler, widow of Noah Stetler, late of Monroe Twp.. Snyder Co., Pa., dee'd. elected tn be taken under the t30i exemption law. Appraisement of ''arrle Broslous, widow of Napoleen Hroslous, late of Perry Twp., Snyder Co., P , dee'd, fleeted to be taken under the $300 exemption law. LEARN .jA,iik ivn1tr for jtnr.( iDrp, Sdtrttlotv .v' 'uWl, I'cutllts Alt iFilLalEj Bishop HCab, of Site Tai k. on ,tt Jaiif' Ucadarhe PoaOern. "With legal t! to Pi. JaiutV Head-m-l.-e Powuert, I liam uo hesitation Hi (-(iltilileiulilit; them to stifloiers !nm . headache. TLiy relieve tbt ' pin f ililv , and 1 . Lave never ! kiow n Rf .xtne to he banned by their us-. 1 baVH been a tfrnat suflerer li oin tieuuacne iu my III-, but Live 'liuont gullet) tid of it by t lie cmi tuiit use of but v. uter aud fruit and 1 di'iiitf milxit.t iH'fTec. Tlie' Ur James Had.-ti-Le l'owders . Lave; however, Kreatly relieved rue at tune .ii tl I Level hII'MV myself to te with ut tliein, bud Ijhvc i ecoiunifinled to ot hers frel.v. 1 U. C. J'cCabi;." For sale Iij W, H. ftjmiitf.ei, Drug Kist Middleburcli, IV - G 17-Dui ONE OF TWO WAYS. The blud(lr wm creitled for one puriHrft', iimiilv. a rec-it!le for the uriliH. mill ii h hiiuIi it ix not linhle In nny loriii of !ir,rtM f XL'tjtt. by ! if two wiiy. TIih tirct. way is from :ill)HlftTt (ll'lillll of tllH kiiitiHVM. Tli hm!oih! way is from cnrclt'ws loml trpHtuiriil of oi lit-r liixfitricN. .41 M. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kitineVH is tile t llief (illli.e of hlxtiiler troubles. Uo t lie uonil), like the blnililer, wiit. created for one iurpies, iiml if not douloreil too iiimih is not liable to wenknehH or tlisense, except in rare cotes. It it Minuted it.ick of and very close to the bladder, lliere fore ny puiu, dii-eiise or Inconveni ence lll.lllifeKfed i'l 1 10 liidlliM s. ilHl'k, bladder o : iimry passage is often, by liiixtake, attributed to leinale wenk- liens or womb trouble of siiip iort. ' The error is easily uiMle and may be j as easily avoided. To find out. cnr ; redly, set your urine asida (or twenty four hours, u sediment or settling! .i: .... 4 .... .!.! I.I. .11 . l.l.. ' iiiinruien riioue or uinooer i roiioie. The tn I id Hiid I tin extraodtnnry eirect of )r Kllmer'r Swamp-Hoot, the tfrent kidney, and bliidih'i' remedy is soon realized. If you need aiin'dicine you should liMVe the bent. At dnitf cists lifty cents aud one dollar- You may have a sample bottle and pam phlet, both sent free by mail. Men tion the Middleburli, Post and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., BiiiKhaiutou, N. Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantee the genuineness this offer nUODD POISOn 0 U"L,thiHiP roiSOW pnnnSS curdlDUloS6 fiays. You watx treated U nomaforuiiie pnoanndsr samsg;aaraa J iir uiaivurv w wiiioob Boebaiys.lrwafsll tucuia. If 7oubtTtskomer nry, Iodide potush, and Mill hsrs scUas sod Mlns, MaooaaVBtchea lu month, Nora Throat. FlnplM, Copper Colored Spots, fleers on oat. It Is this Secondary IlLOOD POISON a roaraateo to ours. Wa solicit the most o be ti ls fe eases and. chalteme the world for i K!SS""a-T!'?.?'f?- aj-srs muw must WDUDflDt till Till S1""?!- 8.0 ospiui b.blnd ourincsnde Uorl fnamow. Abaot nteprooh sent sosled oa spplleatlim. AMnu COOft REMEDYCoi 01 Mason to XeiaDle. chIcaiml im. Divorce Notice. BilllF. BAIOM LATE OK HT. I'l.FASAXT MILLS, HIV DKB COl'MTV, !!' A. Whereas, William A. Risoin, your liusliand has tllcil a libel in the e'Oirt of Coininon I'leus of Snyder county. Pa , of May Term. 1HM, No. 11, pra.rlnx divorce nuainnt you, now ynu are hereby untitled and rcipiired to appear in said court on or before Monday, the 13th day of December, next to unswor the complaint uf toe said William A. Iliioui, iirvl in dufuult of biic'.i appearance you will be liable to havu a divorce grunted in your absence. I 8. KITrUK, Sheriff of Snyder To. Sheriff's Otlice, Middlcburgh, Pa , Oct. 14th, H'.i? Don't Tobarro Silt aud Sniuse Vuur Mfe ins). To quit tobacco ensily and forever, be mag tictio. full of UIo, norvo and vigor, take No-To-Dac, the wonder worker, thut makes treultmco strong. All druggists, We or II. Cureguaran teed, llooldul and sample free. Address Bier ling Kemedv Co.. Chicago or New' York. Klondike Al iskn! Why not get your shnre Of the yjiit furluues to b3 realist from tho wondcrlul dbcoveriea alreudy male and to l e made lu this New Klon-dlke-Alaska-KldnrndO THE WASIIIN(-! TON COLD FIELDS KXPI.OUATION COM PANY under Its character Is authorised to rroa pert for and ncq'iiro M'nln? claims and Prop Crtlcsin the wonderful gold fields of Klondike auJ Alaska. Iuiincnse fortunes Lave already been renltzedand millions more will le luado there. Will yoU a'low this golden opportunity to pass you by? A few dullurs Invested In in this uudurUtklng may be the loiicdatlon to your fortune. Tlio rush to t!:e Wuiider'atld nec essitates immediate action. The first in the field the first In fortune. No Hi.cb opportunity has ever been ptesented to tho iwope of the present generation as Is offered in tho Klon dikeAlaska Cold All elinreboldces get their full proportion Of all profile. No dlvi. dotids are made on htock remaining unsold. Send your orders enclosing One Dollar for each share, of fully paid-up and non-assessable stock desired to the WASHINGTON COLD FIELDS RXPI.OHATION COMPANY, Taeolua, Wash ington. The following Tncoma dealers in supplies for the Klondike and Alaska trade are Stockhold ers In the Company and will inferm you regard ing the reliability of its ofilcers: Monty & Qunn, Groceries ; A. V. Hoska. Harness Co.; Morris Gross Co , Dry Goods and Clothing ; W. G. Howland. Outflttor; Hugo Fclltx, Tents; Tacoina Hardware Co. 10-2H-lyr. trj q saa m m weaknens easily enred by 0 1 1 1 J MsU Dr. Uilee' Nerve Plaster. News and Opinions National impofitaNce. The Sun. : Contains Both. Daily, by mail - - $6 a year Daily and Sunday, by mail a year The-Sunday Sun In the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world.. " Price Go.', copy. By'mtdl, $2 a year. Addraaa THE MVS. Waw Tsrlv . at MISS PARLOA'S GOOOOOKS. MORI THAN MALT a MHUOM Of ' . w ' f THUS UI kiln am m fej VaabaP Wmmmm l'Juu . . food aod ticat goo liT ( tht ttort Nat pot1 ? rtttlpt pri. trsW tr pir intiillst w W w. ESTES L LAURIAT, Publishers . . . BOSTON. O 3" o o 3 0 O O O 3 a 4 o o r 3" 2 3 B) 3 3 o c a !? " CO S o o zt 0 3 - o a 0 5 tr o ? a & W 2s or P0 . e. . p A SUMMER SAIL in ladies' ulioes is a pleiisant voyage afoot, For tlio pleas ure it gives, llicrii's no sail like our salt. Crowds ait; enjoying it, and securing prettiest, coolest and best fit ting Summer shoes now man ufactured, at prices wlii'jli buyeis find it a pleasure to pay. ior house or street, wear, pleasure or every -day practical purposes, walking, iidinff,' or drivinir, we supply the ideal shoes demanded by fashion and tho dictates of individual taste. Ladies, whoever claims yoir hands, by all means surrender your feet to these shoes. 6. H. 8 An Important Qitesitloii. If your Irlends or neighbors are Rurrerliin from coughs, colds, wire throat, or any throat or luiic (ItseiLsa (IncludliiK cnnHumptlon), osk llK'in if thev have ever used otto'a Cure. ThH Iuiuouh German remedy is having a lariio sale Iwre aud la perlormliik some wunderlul curea of throat and lunifdlnesaeB. W.U HpanKler, Middlehurir j M. Kolhrock. M . U., Ml. PK a-unt Mills, will Rive you a sample bottle free. No mutter what oilier medicines hare tnlled to to, try Olto'a cure. Larue size sin and Ducts. Everybody Bays So. Cascarots Candy Cathnrtlo, the most won derful medical discovery of the npo, picas, nut and rufroshinii to tno tasio, net pcntly nntl positively on khlueys, llvci' nnd bowels, clcmminif the entiro system, Oispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy nnd try o box of C. C. C. to-dny; 10, ii. Ml cents, boldaud guuranto' toctiro by nil druggists. A GOOD MAN WANTED. A Rood opportunity for the tight roan. Wanted, roan well and favorably known (practical man preferred) to sell on commis. sion, Hillliifrw, King A Co 's lligli Grade I'alnto and Varnianes in the counties of Snyder. Union, Centre and Mifflin. Apply, with references snd particulars of qualification, to IIII.M.NOH, KINO & CO., 1 18 Pearl St., New York CJty, To Cure C. i nreve t Take Caseareta Cau.iv c' .11 rile 11W orSSo. It C C. C. tall to cure, druveixis r uwl money TO CURE A COLD IN OXK DAY Take Laxative Quinine TableU. All lrur Elste refund lbs money if It falls to cur. tto. , , 10-14.7oi. . No-To-Bae for fifty Cents, Guaranteed tobacco habit euro, makes weak man strong, elood pure. , too, 11. All drugvista. i ..'.BUT IN TO! WORLD. Its wearing: qual Itlss are unsurpassed, aotaaHr ouUastiDg two boxes of any other brand. No affroied by heat, (TOST TUB OBNOINB. rOK SALK VT PXALKB8 QIMtJUUit, I K i-'. . '.,iei..lili, niici'OytoaaUgiaosrs, Tells bow to fur cash tbaUlcbM sensibly i At right war to buy to care far it. etc, A pUa book far aaia people. A book that farmers' wires and sughlm vifl ke glad to own. One iron which any houanrU nurr obtain aa f"iirmt asMuateiYakiaUcaM SLOO i - K! tela's Ksi CkI fed. The mo thorough Cook Book published The directions are deer and concise. It is thoroughly one perfectly reliable end is marked by strong lactams Jl receipts, etc W.50 Kill Pirtci't Kltchii Certain, a complete compendium of cookery, ' MarvtHeualy com' prcheaslTe and copiously illustrated $2.50 Remember w Dead! SELINSGKOVE MARDLE-YAI.D1 M. L. MILLER, Prop'r I keep oonotnutly on hand and tuau Hftioture to order all kinds Of Marble and Granite MoDDniests AM iaflstes! Old Stance Cleaned and Repaired, i.ow ii::ct:' i i.ow pmces luivc 1. o-1 f tli bt'ht Mnrblo Ct.t Icru in Hi. J-'tate nnd couHt-qiipntly tiiru out 'hikI work. Star-Dome mid Hee tuy viorkit'iirlcen. ' TtitinUf ul for punt favom I mo.Ht re eppdtfullv ni-k a ooiitlntiuDOe of bihiii-, M. L. MILLER PENNSYLVANIA KAILR9A0. Sanbury & Lewistowu Division. In effect Nov 28, 1897. laSTwaao I dis. I ititio. sasTrasD A. I, IrSWhtows J, Main street Leaistowo Maltlsod Painter Hhlndle Wanner Meolora Bsuh's Mills Adaa)lura Rf evertnwr) Hen I" 1 a in 1 t M T.;a 7 III ' T.43 ; 7.H 7 64 , 7..V 4 OS I S IB I S ill e.1.1 1.81 ! 8.4U I H 4li M 9 us :lai IK 3:11 .1.16 8.1s 3.31 8..W 4.04 4.14 124 Itt 4. .11 4 41 til SO) Vlo.llehanrli Momer Krsamtr Pawlloc sehnsirrDTe y. 4'j M S 'J V 01 It.Oi 9.U BsllneKrove .1 HQoourT Train leuvcH Suubury 5 25 n in, ar rives Bt.SfliUHKrovo 6 45 p 111 Trnitis leave Lewit,i'iw!i Jatuttioti : 4 Ms in, 1018 s ui 1237 P IU.5U7 n m,7 117 11 68 u i Aliooua. Plthiliura ano the West. Kur Hallliuoreaii'l WhsIiIiikioii 9 Ma ill Hi. I S3 4 It. 1 Hi p in For l'lillaluldil k im.l York SSS 9 S6a m. 1 02 1 88 4 411 and 11 Id ai lot narrisnurx 7 00 a lu and sua p in Philadelphia & Eric R R Division NOUTIIEIIN f ZNTUAL RA'LWAV 1 ruins Icaro Suiibury dally except, sumljy : . 24 a 111 lor Erie and Cnnandnlua 6 ii a in lor r.cllclout.i Kris aul CiinaiKliilu'iiii 945 a in tor Look lUvon, Tyrone ami t Ii '.Wr, I lu p ui (or Hell, loiitu Kauit X CauaMlalju.i 6;ili iu tor HiiDoro and liluilru Vsi.1 p in lor l.icK Haven Nuiiiiay A a 111 lor Kris and Camuidulgiu 0 45 a 111 for LocX ilaveu ail 1 UUnui lur W i llaia?ort , SSa ui lorClawlis 1 a:id llur.oluri fl am. 9 S5 a mi 2 00 and 6 4.; p 111 lor Wiici liurri' and llazcltou 7(0s 10 l i .0 H'li. 2 s. p m, 5 45 p in f'r S.i.oc ki 1 .,n 1 nionii ciirinai Sunday ') Ki i ul lor Willi o T.alni' h'aV'i Sellnsjmvo Jum'tio'i 10 ID) a 111, wouk , lys srrivin t al .In I i ' -' 8'iupm No. Vurk 3 .'i3 p in 11 iliiumru U p Wii-liliiKton 4 lu p iu 6:14 p in daily arrliiK a I'll huio'phM 10 20 li in Nusr Yur 3 .VI a m. Dal inioiu 'J 5 11 1 4l p in wcuk d'tys urriviiiK al I'liii olt'i'' 4 sua iu ew yora 7 m a in Tra H4 alo lsav S niliu-y : 1 ,10 am dallv arrivlnu at I'lnla lnlolihi 6 3 H.iltilnoru a Jil a in ;4nu.ii !" York Wit) a in Wcokcl.y. l(l;,8 am sun my: IU u m, week dais arrlli.a; at Hnil 'l'l' 6 U!l li in. New Yoik J p in, Ualiiiuui II WilhIiIui(Ioii 7 13 p ui Tuln- also luavo Snnhnry ut WW a in ml and S 3(1 p ii., lor llarrlslur(, l'luhok-ilii.i liullluiore J It. W'l.lU, lluu'l 1 aA: J. B. HUTCHINSON, liai'l Msuaaer A Short Cm to I3"altli. To trv too ire lun by fiiklinf like iruliK round in a oli olo. You will iii-ver the polni ,iui;lit, but only ijet. biii'k to tlx lug point. A perfwt natural laxiitlvn is B- nce I't'ieiy HliiK, tnecniruriHtui ruiiii-oj on I,lmr1 St,,n,i.H. iivtrml tfldnnv dlKI'S4' r.irnlnli.H Mih ImivvhIh. W. 11. RltalllfllT. H' nmirli XI. Dnthrnok. M. T).. Ml,. I'lt'OAM)' will tnve vou a aamule uackaco Iree. tmC it5 and suets. 0 BALLOONS The Wonder of the Age: The Shooting Star BalUn. These wonderful balloons combine 4 merits of former similar Inventions sn many new and interesting features- ! 111 na mr, iiihviiwihih; .,,11 U.lllinnt ll,n.,lluw l4nr wllil'll Uin"l delight every beholder, mey co.ur y I .. ..... l.n 1 ...... a " ...nnMiirinir over 1 M 1 Mnw.l,mln Mt.M unil eall 6T tmA Ith njkrfM-S mm tllM OIllV safe Interior Kirework, irlviiig a ssii t.. 1 .-.1 f la. n...,l(llll nispiax, ever iiivuiitni. 1 1 ails works yet produced. They are wanwj trVere for home amusement, parlor siw . . .. 1 . ... 1 . u . i 11 In eniitaiiiinK 10 balloons with full direr"' U 10 cents. for 23. Agents Ibis is Send (or prices. Address, ....; EMHIRK NOVELTY CO.. MAIXJM1 in ivpnnD nrpTDTf! PEII j..., 11 AOKNTS WANTED, m 1 . ' ' ' OsxmIs seal ! p"?; paid for a"? . W. H. WJ pin pmi 4.i!i l'J.01 4 is la.iail iJOt lit! 4 04 II 46 R 8 9 U 40 II 3b 11. to 11 a 4a ll.ttft 17 S.D) ll.ial HI tJM) 11 li 3S 9.1(4 u.ofl: at a is io.6(ji is 5 07 10.60, Ii) 8 00 10.41 M 2..'MI 10 II 2..V2 ' lO ltt 8U HI lo.J.V 43 S37 10.17 t 2 21 10.06' 111 W at 7 1 4 eloctrlcHy lerieswiiH'",J li 1 the 1 A, VOIIT 1 r s hand. No one liut what can wear KheusnaUstn, Liver 4k Kidney lame Back, and other diseases. rr Feet and taking Cold. 01.. glow ot warmth all over the body. that II is acting on the oirculatlos tlslng pnrpose wa will give ,"T Mjr I'aat to one person in each K K. J. BMEAD CO., Dept. 41, Vint" 1UIUUK- . With 1 t n In w; In re of In me so ban for for ever than Vo; clan, cent I; Prede florlf broke Alaski deaths cine st rs. wl of the connect the guc the opp Wolf, As V( "ft a afi nintpj. wmalna box BY If thort ltution "f'Khborli Sound. R 6een burl It was. it the way . tunatoly, 3 throuBh a 'W In Esk f'h the nn Nfaclorily bo time pupate tholr otvi ajorfty of circus tc 'amnienced. II A funeral r atslUe the hen 'he true e'P nol.lo t. t fagots. ,a called by the cJi penclve. hn 4 a' tended , stou' Thlln 'e. e funernl r, Inform.-.!. ev "ff any old w ln dozen (1 ' "f vetora ,un.' aojour s and brief f D P the rB Tow;i To-nl 10 I hem. hn. f fat Buccesi. ""nal hyrr ? '' 'he del ,S'"-Tor,UPe 'e rlatiV4 "und in a " 'united. , ne Puosts 8tar rk Uienwclve,, ""iRsolven t th, bo , ?"v.a, deput, . 'and tm "tllu beo, . bolrei !' t0 " wm. .;i..vpB and doim " ma n "U-le Mo- tor, tl "heir na and .iu In. "Bni