The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 02, 1897, Image 6

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Mil IKK UK. H KlU.F.n
roiB thoim rt:RMs.
Awawa tllmtrlf nt Ikf aroVra of
III Kalarr m4 Mother and of tr
Ml.lrrn i.rnr tllm.rK I Ml
Knxmiirlil rullof Matlna In Hut.
terriam w hra tar Offlrrri H
ln.cit Mrllrvr tMm. Ikf lml-
I 1 -(.! nn thr IVV I'nnr HUnilv
llimmi Vn- He I Trtn lo
Martr HlmtrK tn IVmk-Hf a
tanrt In an I'.KilUk law
Fx An.-,'-Amrlpiin Vr 1
T, r. Marion ovinia ."f tlio late
Amrrlrnr mnr!otvt. H"lmo. havo Iwn
ontil."f- T iN- w h."lfnlo Viiti'horica
icrii'!r;'i! by Ou!sv i"ail KrliMrioh
Ml,':,:, m w t.-limskcr vf iht oily, xvho
hhs Mi-rvi-.Vr .im.-lf to thf pltoc for
tin n ssmi. Int. of his nifr Ini1
nr.:. vK- ; (.ui'iy ! I'll- numlor
f; his fatl.or. m-'ihor. (onrloon iv
n1 'ivn', if his ol.iMpcn Tt Is N
lirvoil :hNt YuIV-. lhouvh only S; yar
o! HL-f hh n.u-ii'TiV. morr tlmn twonty
Ir"r t hli of -hoir, he wf bourn!
V ni.nv. ti.s Hi" t row trying- to
l;itvsi-'f f .iohth.
YiilVl lhr K:ismnrkt p.V.-
tRI'or. h f.-w !sys up... sml. pproH.-h-inc
th o:'i,'ir or. limy, f-x.lnlinpd lm
n i ' ' 1 1
'; s -i --v r'T.-T" m,,"iir' i h'.'r mur-i-.
r.v Tvif, nr-i h:!V"
V, )t,t .1, y .i; ri"T RSkoii thf of-
f,-fT : rt.' -f..' ill. 'Iiil
",1ns: vhai ; sly " mre.-rwl Muller.
"1 hfo'- Villr-d thfm hoih
1 ho ok tit ! Man ii.
"),. ilni y. .: -. n lo A-. I;"" uskoS
thf o.n-i Mil'. tMr.kir.c thr mr.
tirv! KliiTit thi trutli.
"'. wn. it. thf Vil.-hPr. iMf mornlnc"
V.ill'"' --t'!if3 'oleRrlni: mussi-l for
thr mvilk?'; h i oirr rfillM; to
mi to .! rr.v Vnifr rr.y IfV'f
ihrfifii hr 3 rs'l)er. to ohcy.
Ther, 1 V-i)).': thf Htllr f.m."
The fiffu-er. ronvlncwl thst Wullr
-ss i. flrunkurfl fir & mn!nc, tRuphMl.
hirh fnriipx: Ms visitor.
pt-rhani- J'pu bflifve me now."
crifd Muller. tnkinF from hts pivlcet
n! plsrli.f: on the flk In front fif th
horrtflfd nfflprr frar WwJy human
ar "Oc t- my iiouae. and you will
flnfl that what 1 have said true."
The man war lmmfdlateJy plaprd un
fler arrest, and Chief Strang, the haad
nf th? Pollr IVT'artrnxr,'., w nntlflwd.
Orderlnc Two offlnera to follivw htm,
,TJe Phtfif burrttl to Iff lirlaotww'a
hontie and there tnund ample onnflrma
tinn of Muller'f traflc JJe , v
Bntfa V rrr Bvtrarrp at.
In thf kitchen -were the Two nodte
of Wuller'f wife and child, the heads
of ntr. hsvlnp henr, nearly aevered
fron: th( Trunks Th room was Fpat
lerw': xi-itr tilooC
Ct.i-f Ftrnnr wen: H th. KaPFmartl
ftUitim. Ful'itcicu Mullrr f. k riFid
exumn.L'io!. Mulii: wiihi.u" nay cran
J.UlSliil. f C 1 1 f fSH'-i int.'. tlics Two TCU'-
df'i vrr men:)? lmta U. J. lonp rhkii,
.' rrinn H' ml: ln rhi'. '. ht ftuii
tiu. rTiff-i. hit fi.tti" ant. mtithe unc.
hai mtrrie.. lnu-v-f: wnmei lr. hi
juu.r' tii.ri.' i : lli- n i'il. of vttoe.
h- tin: (ion- t (H-i.ti. will, h nuir.M'
o' :ii'': I'.l.iic'' i. li foul', no" r--niriiii''
tinv n.a.r" !:U' on ti iiac
j i ' rT.n, in' cpici:. fu.-lr-
t-:-iim- i:i"- 'S- ciir.- an,. r-!u-;.
f ..: K- li-- !.: !!( :r. !'-r.:.':
if '.!! c:.:;
itiir:::: suivui
!..'. vii.-::'.. V
::.hi. .li: . v.";
w: 1! !!!!! va:
m !:m;i.i-' hi.i !'.:.
Halt lMiinr l.iititt- t'tti1 br
l- .1'
V :'. t 1 JIH . Ill
: . it ; .. : . , , ,, ' ; w . ' . . . I i.iui':.-
, 1 i... 1 1...' ;..'.';. . r . n ...r
; : . . ,j i . . . . ' : : . , . " . I . l'. U : -
,i" . . . i.i. ' : . . . ' i." .,i'l.
, ,.l, :.. .- ...!' 1 ..1
)li( I'.l iil .Vjlil.i'.
Tl.. I' . ll.J 1.1- WJl.O. i li.- lliwll'l'
.... i , 1.1 1. i-.....' .i 1.' 1 .il.i.u f.ji
in: Irl.ilHIl! t' ii it.lui'..i' aii.viUUl V.uS
ii Lc ui". i.iii! in. I'm J.'ilr i J: pi l'. 1W-,
jUiiU'' i'uili- w a.-' UvKt v., ir: tUo uail
iv,:y. io ti. Jj'.niU'ji'. 'Juuniy Iuuutic
b'luin, ,ut .Eaiinivud. in Burtv-y.
'iuiu Si.y,uiriufi luuile there j vonjidiiy
after the announcement of tht crime
at Rotterdam there la no doubt that
the Oustav Muller who waa detained
at Kanatead, and the Guntav Muller
who rave hlmaelf up for the murder of
hi wife and child to the Hot ten! am
police, are one and the name person.
In the book of entrlea at ltanatead
Ouatav Muller la described as well built
and well nourished, with healthy or
Fans, and a "well-shaped cranium." Hla
aye was plven aa JT; by trade a watch
maker and inMd worker. Nothing was
known as to his rellRlon or nationality,
and whether he was married or slnKl
Nor wore any deislls forthcoming re
snr.linK the epileptic fits from which he
was suppoved to 1m1 surTprlntr, the dates
of their occurrence, his treatment In In- j
dta and in Kurcpe, and so on. Hut he i
was reported to suffer fnm suicidal
mania, though not to be a dnnRerous
Itrhaved Melt at tlanstead.
As a matter of fact Oustav Muller
riot only behaved very well Indeed all
the time he was at Hanstead, quietly
work In pt on the farm attached to the
asylum and cai-ryinR out all the ordeit
irivon him without reluctance or de
mur, but showed no sirns of delusions
or hallucinations. Nor was he subject
to any epileptic fits whtle staying at
l?nns;e.V His health was reported fair
and improving; his mental state was
slate,! to be "ealm and placid." and
hi features did not Indicate "any low-e:-ins
of the Intellectual (Trade. " No
tremor of his facial muscles betrayed
any inward or mental disturbance. Hut.
as Vtiller persisted in sayinc that he
did not comprehend anything else but
ttorman, further invest igation was, no
doubt, rendered somewhat difficult.
On April IS however. Pr. Shaw, the
medical student of th asylum, who
srenks Oormar. and Krench fluently,
had a lengthy conversation with his
Teutonic patient The latter confirmed
to him that he had come from India.
H from aa Klephaat.
While sojourning in that country, he
s,id. he had toward the end of the
yrar lOl fallen from an elephant he
w hs riding, in consequence of whlch he
had to remain in a hospital for some
time. He attributed his epileptic fits,
and his mental condition, to that fall
in India, from which he had never en
tirely recovered. He repudiated, how
ever, the correctness of the statements
In the certificate of the medical officer
of St. Oe-orpc's workhouse, and cer
tainly was not aware of having acted
and spoken as therein stated. The doc
tor In Southwark, he said, must have
misunderstood him, not bein(f able to
follow hi German.
To Trr. Shaw, Wuller must have, at
i any rate, spoken with great clearness
and JntellUrenre. He appeared thor
oughly aamest and penulne, although
1 he averred aa a fact what waa un
doubtedly false fiansely, that he waa
' unmarried, adding-, what waa probably
i tr&e, that he had no friends In Eng
1 land.
Ra4 a Family ta Rerlla.
At that time Gostav Muller had a
wife and child a boy living In Berlin.
His parents were also alive In Ger
many, his fa thf being a foreman on
the Royal TTuBtdan railways. This Is
proved by a letter, sen: to Tn. Shaw
a: Banstead from the secretary of the
aiiiu railways at Berlin In May.
therefore a: th very time that Muller
was detulnec In the asylum. In thai
Ktter thf writer j-lmos-. Implores rr.
Shaw. lr. th nam- of a "mourning
lamily." tt. teX ii:ni whether GuFtav
V or .7
ulier wu f UttTof lion, an Maiuiau
u.ji V io-'Ui-' llwl lli.i;ii' Ll it
I : i.i ll l'1 HO I I'1. A' Wr f I Jyiifal.:4U'llliy.
i. uier t ' ii.yu' .iit' Liiniiy" luuft iic
lie 1. iiM.tli I.C l.ii. UOO 4lt ltt lil -li'.Ui!'
o-i'. humii' lw.: u-i'.i I' foi-uO. 1' i'll
U'uii:iW 1 epl I" iul'Ui:. Juuuu'.:. ill
Ji.;ii. i6i' . j ueUiv iualn-i Hui lupiiiiy
ii.i;i i.o 0.,' !! l.tMili.. j: t!ll. 01: tin- il-tl
o' u..i ' n.t..ii'.i . I'n (.i.iinmal;o oi' vib
'i'.'i; li'i' jUiUttl to OIUVI ilitf H'ii'iit.1:
.i: '.il'.'.y ' H0..1 1IW1." if', couiw. on UW
I 1 ;i'..l ' vr lin ti'il-.i. Ut
1 ...l.Li Ui lo t i .it ' el'cc'..
bi ul 1-ii.ei. to liiriinU).
JUH.U.V Iulii:l' il
: '.ubi jf.;lit of for li wiiilt-; but timie it
in' (iutibt tuut toon uflcrwuid he .wa
fct iit bunk to tJtMiiui.y, ii(.hUiiuiL!y iit
tl.f iv-viuti1' tl.e Jinoi-ria! KJicliviiucr,
I ue u VJ.UVC'', for, .tit the cud of the
; biiiti juiir vc liufl liUn eain Xa
Wm feu
I;.- V-i' v- ... .
the conjuval domua at Berlin. Be had
deserted hla wife and child In January,
iS90, leaving no trace of hla where
abouts for fully three yeaia and a half.
Thla period in the murderer' existence
I still largely a blank. . It Is only
known that he wandered about tn he
world, visit lug many count rlea, and
finally finding hla way to India, where,
a we have already seen, he met with
a serious accident toward the end of
There Is no doubt that Mutlcr ab
sconded In January, 1S9, from lletlln
ns a frnudulent bankrupt, but he per
suaded his wife to take him back again
after his return from England, and
things seemed more hopeful for the
Muller family, n Oustav aeomed wish
ful to settle down In life, and managed
to obtain some lucrative employment
In his old line of buslneea at Heriln, he
appearing to have been a ivally skill
ful artisan.
IVsorleil Oae "Wife.
Hut Frau Muller wa not destined to
be quiet and happy for lor.g. In 1S05,
toward the end, Muller vanished from
the Oerman capital once again, and It
was then discovered that he, having
sent his w Ife to the olrcua one evening,
had managedto get hold of some 1.6tH)
marks, which the poor woman had re
ceived as a legacy, and managed to
kei;p Intact In spite of her financial
troubles occasioned by the former con
duct of her husband.
Oustav Mullsr. who had married her
In 1SSS, at Berlin, appeared to have de
camped not only with all her aavlng
but also with the daughter of a man
named Hannemann, who wa living
wtlh his family In the same house
where the Mullers stayed. It is this
girl. Margaret Hannemann, and her
little 1-year-old daughter by him, that
he has foully murdered In Rotterdam,
after basely betraying both her and his
lawful wife.
With Margaret Hannemann Ous
tav Muller has lived a a husband,
first at Amsterdam, afterward at Rot
terdam. In both places they appear to
have lived a comfortable life, mainly
on the money stolen at Berlin, but at
Rotterdam Muller managed, to obtain
profitable employment with a respect
able watchmaker.
KlKkt-VraMlM Cilrl Arreate foe
teallna a W a tea Welle,
Rv Anrl"-Am1wn Ptws
MANCHKSTKR, Kng.. Nov. 1.
There waa something very human In
a charge of stealing a doll preferred
against a child at Brighton police court
yesterda.'. The small occupant of the
dock wa only I! year old, and her
name wa Rose Coleby.
When passing a toy shop the other
day Rose espied a doll dlsplared out
side the fancy basar In a manner most
The child' weakness for doll wa
not proof against the sudden tempta
tion. She passed and repassed, and
still returned to feast her eye on the
waxen beauty, and. at last, unable to
resist any longer, she snatched It up
and fled.
The shopman, however, wa on the
alert, and Rose and the doll were soon
The case aroused considerable curi
osity and amusement at the local court,
but matters took a more serious turn
when It was Intimated that there was
another charge against Rose of pur
loining a watch. On that account the
child wa reminded for further Inqui
ries. fx.
HOittit) Aliil-r HiHitoKV.
l.vum wl' ile iu-laias ut Hv-tilvnl
lAvlvd if it HurnlDLf.
Ky Aii:i'j An.. ' ijii J'fi'i )
wyuywi iNw. 1.
Wob Ji 11 A'oiii.''. tie out of tlit J vl-v
of JUvuloiti. Mu brokvii liito yttu-iciay
i.iiU uvo valuable cl'A.H fetid a dibyblcu
volt yoi stolen l'coiii the jriv.le tiu,i l-an.-utr
of tUe iui:ln.s.
'J o walchim r. yMK-K tiicir iounJii
biLH the UiU-f iciiVOJf OiV liouwr iii.c!
uiii-fUid )iUn af'.ei' u tierut eUule.
'J'ln- ii.a.i!, wUo uvoi iu nd to tic of tijf
tntuip clutas, ;ave ti; vf Jol.n
Kmitli, uud fciild he ctime Iioiu lilrmliiis-
It was jtlia'. te cliinUixJ a ieuo
into U.M.abVtf J5i 0"iie and fciitwtd tins
Kiiiimioji ly forcUii? a pivAw. i w e
iiai jsuJ livfyre uifiUi
tiid iciiuoidwd.
'4 ;y
1 vru-.'
A ItHle luisipir. nl;-l with bin el
tel, imik belted in Mith a llliffrre ailver
im-Ii. mill it lint nt ffinv fell in the new
iiiims.tuf mire sliur una embellished
uitli ii 1 1 mi lea ii of inhered velvet and
two i. inli s luil imti ieli feather In
iiiicf oi slmili'il prav.
nii ritiqiily uinile for the inn Id of
Inn hi lun I ii skirt nf renin bonpilluo
ml ii iouiiiel bodice of the same
tiiiuiilcil with guipure. A souuve of
piiik elet nml i puulets of crenm luce h iii bill of pinli irlvct n ml wjilte
Ii ittliers comple tnl the picture.
tine of I bo prettiest costumes In n
very inmiilctc iroiiHaenu which litis Just
been sent up lo Scot land xvns n little
iriixeliitR piu of dove-pray face
cloth. Tin IniUon-over snctpie bodice,
so liccotiiitig lo sliplil llffurrs, hud four
roumliil labs, or senllom, which but
Innrd on I lie left shoulder.
A ben ut I fill ten rown which comes
frvm a very famous Pnrls ntcller In
tended for nn extravagant Irouasenu
la of pnlo snpplilre blue brocade. The
pown is cut on princess and nmde wllh
a full vvnttcau bncW the pbiita of the
wnltcnii si art (11,7 from n hand of
Jeweled embroidery, which Is placed
across the bnek, between the shoulders,
and whlohpllttersw lth smnll sapphires,
cinernli's and dinmotuls.
A wedding pow n carried out In a very
original fashion Is made In while
duchess satin, with a court train, orna
mented with a big trnc-lovera" knot,
beautifully embroidered In pcnrls,
hunches of orange blossoms and n bow
drapery of white pnim The whole of
the front of the kkirl Is veiled with n
panre drapery of the finest and most j
delicate design and on one side there la
n graceful chatelaine, formed entirely i
of long trails of orange blossoms. The '
bodice Is particularly becoming, with :
its soft draperies of pnure and chiffon
and its crossing bands of satin, on :
which appear smaller trne-loiera' i
knots, tracoi out in pcnrls. '
The snored crcxvidilcs of I'gypt were
bnrie1 with her proudest kings.
The Sandwich islanders believe that '
the souls of their deceased monnrcha
reside in the ravens and they entreat
Europeans not to molest them. j
The calf, the white cow of Sinm, the i
hawk, the ape, the ibis, the cat, the asp.
the crocodile, dogs, beetles, frogs, mice ;
and rat have all been held tn reverence 1
in different section of the globe. I
Spiders have played important parts.
It i said when Mahomet fled from
Mecca he hid in a care and a spider wove
a web over the entrance. When hi
pursuerscame thitherthey saw the web
tnd believed no one was there. It I said
a spider performed the same kindly act
for Pavid when Sanl waa hunting him.
Swine were abhorred in Crete.weasela
at Thebes, rata and mice in Troaa, por
enpinea in Pefsia, the lapwing In New
Mexico, bnHa In Benarea, serpent li
Greece and many of the African coun
tries. The Hindoos never molest
(.nukes; they call them fathers, broth
era, friend and other endearing names.
On the coast of Guinea a hog happen
ing to kill a snake, the king gave order i
that all the rwine should be destroyed. ;
Tn K.0!i an Englishman named Banks '
had a horse which he hod trained to
follow him wherever he went, over
fences and to the roofs of buildings,
lie and bis horse went to the top of that
immensely high structure, St. Paul's
church. After tnnny wonderful ex
ploit at home the horse and his master
went to Rome, where they performed
feuts equally astonishing. The result j
was that both Banks and hi horse were 1
burned, by order of the pope, aa en
An engagement ring that is not cost
ly hat. act in its gold band, a Email
After iayinp tttiiue crape a gown of
Liack ccrocl's Lair or vicuna cloth
triruuMrd viiL woo! braid ou fckirt and
bodice may be worn.
A t oE'Jy rhif.' should not be w orn by a
g:rl in tiie workaday world to the ofiice
wiie-re Klie jk euipiuytf. Ufi it is in ex- .
tr-uj )y bad taste.
l'oIit-ntis demnnds th::t a iady yier
uiit u p:itieiiiau near Ler to restore to
her a iai.. piov, Laiidherehief or au
small belonging v. Lii li !ie may have
I ahhiiiiu'ule glo'.i-s are of a pale tan
wjtli deii'jote Ktitehifig of laint blue or
n.-ariet on the kin ki-:. Tie stitching U
not eoutpicuouK, and the four buttoue
proclaim that tlj-y me for stieet wear.
'J ie g'jud iiius-iatj who aii gin;
ieab'Jie to eo;le. rod dee lines to do
j without iiju' li ci ;f i ff . i properly
'.reatefl w Ueu her ;:-!jiu:- it ifi.oi ed, aiid
oi;e more polite, out livable, girl is
iuvivcJ to 'w the jnuNiciUU of tke eien
ii.. la'eit" Home .Juuiiia!.
1ab('i ic atii.viiig at Milan at th
pti M-ut i.o:m u. lie l,;.f ut.'irly coui
plvtud U't Lew o.x ru "lri." wliieli may
pobhioly be prooiK'cd at Monaco.
iiodvard iwplii.g. wbo ia leei iry
ilibg in Joi beUsliii e. Ivaglaiid. with
1 l.oixiais iiuidy. i lit-potiatiii for llie
. I'Ui-chase of u ai.d j.;Jom.di at
j.'ydoii. ik ar J7i ljebl r.
J'ooiwuo ejipj'.) bi.y llie cliiiijilo'
ii;;iir 'lat ?. J'iei-jiit i!ot'iiii fciiioUe
i ijsls bill! hot Icfcfc li.Uli tlJiO. Jiikclgura
ii 1 e i.',i-!e iu KaMiiju of UAiu:vu M'leeUid
iiMi oia!,v for Jiiui ly an expert whom
Lis b u'U t';uiU tier U'i.r.
J'i;4 m-t . the plyuiUr vvl.o ilijsliu
guihl.i.d tiiiUM-lf u greatly 6 0 ivm ik r
at the JJaar Ai la 'iiante lire, nat. luar
rWA iw:eut!y iu Jii i; iidle. Viey,
u daiiihel in bin ovi 11 sphere ')t life, f t i lit
'.X'v'ie Dawe J'iuiha w e el.urcL. 1'ic
quet Li.d ou'y Ukked for u liinlL-eiab
. uiarriutfe, Lul Uic eUrjy L;uJ prepared
! the church its if torn firt-t t-Iaiioiieu.i.d
! the sum)! building wu'.d he idly eojiluii)
; the AHjuierouis diputalioim froiu life
t.aying ai.d oi Ix'r Koeielies. 'jequtf re-x-'xved
a uuiwliti" frf iiuiTioe j,rea:rf
Ijinnt rarksii graatrat ei-ononiy.
fbloacu, W. Units. New York, lloslan.
25c 50c mt
I. V.
arc intended for children, ladies and all
who prefer a medicine disguised as con
fectionery. They may now be had (put
up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box),
price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for
one dollar. Any druggist will get them
if you insist, and they
obtained by remitting the price to
The Kipans Chemical
Mr. f
Future Coniiort for present
the Sewing Machine with an established repute
that jjnariintees von lone;
im.1- -r
wii'ii I Kr
''T'-mtXUH beautiful lit:
UWlmM work, durable
snydkwh m", and imuAHU!
fc5u:t-fcwr io ilm lale Willjuiil l, WnyI'-.
TJjO I'ui-Kxci-Ilejff, l,f JfeJmllu JdhUIUIII'O In lr)l'Hiil-i in.'""'
INK Jlbt Of lulidald I untl)uliU:ti, f0)
XMU-r Die Wui'ld uv 1:
i.'JKlv-Hoyul, J.ivei lio'il, I'.utf. fiiiijuilind foruitfii t.tilb) fy,
Jiui Lf iJ. of Km I fan, Ctmn., (olih4 Ainfc-l itJiui V"-)
iiiliii.mlnl Nnw Villi'.
IJi'T. AfUlUul ;lfO ll)H, l.U). JVuW
L-cMwl fun. tUt, tiu,mllmilU)itHut .V J
Fin: JAfa ""J fiixiJuii jidtu uix-ejiu4 Hi I j'O )')wpiie jinumliW
tifitd Ly nit iii l-fuui il tn mat mil
ktJ iiifW'.l mil v u din si 1-1I Iiini'iiiiillon
1 Vn?M
may always be
Ming t
her dan
, eSwift .
seeming Economy, but B
and satisfactory service
1 Hunk i,
" proaij:
ured v
tion, tino lnech.iiii
cal adjustiiicnt,
(oujiled willi ili J'inoit Si
Atlucllliielit, lillllvCH it t'-
Hcst Desirable Machine iHlliel
ft PI
fre f,,,.
15 font
3. an.
WfllCll IQ It Hfclicuoi.
in r
i.l.ill.'ll IomII (!iwb w j
tic :
ck s
( tr
ills' C
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1 trial
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