The ttiddleburgh Post. rublihHl every Thursday. Geo W. Wagcnsallcr, Editor and Proprietor. Sntwriitim $1.50 or year. h h. ri'i.-i N imM In flv.ni1 when arnt oit-ki.- tiieinini.v.l ATfS Or ADVERTISING. Mi irsnM.'nt .liT.:.ii.iitii not ohorlw cxnir.'t"1 !,r 11N hsrvsl m HTtot 1 Cenl ri line an.rp.u iW nv '' "r ,,rH' ""r Jon ami 10 com ivrl'.nof. r .wry iiiWjiipiiI IrAv'ra frfmfff, V.. tkrrr frntt a hw Tlmvs.Uv, D.-o. 2, 1S97. Profcsssts and Postal Banks. Sininlv :t an Ajtvsin ir nil men vlio :ir' lr:iinl to K'.tl ith prol'lcnis nn1 1 Turin tlirir opin ions from on iction, tlio jiiii n of tlio l'(iiirtvn jroto.-sors of Nortli " western nnivTity to wlioma jvist:il s-iviiiL'v lunik jx-lilion wn prfsnMitttl arc ol interest. Fu'li .f llii'in jrsiw lii iiulorsenn'iit to tlie projivt ami appMrcntly took ple;iure in loini so. .Int as tlie laK irinj; titan ap provet the plan from a keen per sonal sense of its nut ; just as lus iness men I lave indorsed it as the Ix-st availalle iiienn- of promoting ivnileiitiiieiit ami tlius forfciulinj; agitation- uiifavoralile to sternly jrrowtli in trade, ilie tmllep' men approve it as a tlieovy sound in the alistraet and praetiealile in its tip iliealion to the conditions of the time. The "Northwestern university fac ulty is representative, in its jhtsoii nel, ol manv (dneational institu tions of liijli class throughout the eoiintry. It is not iinrejisonalile to supjiose t lint an aetual test would disclose that the frreatcr juirt of the educators in this country take the same view. In the lilit of this general con viction among all classes as to the merits of jiostal hanks, how long will it lie lieforc the system is re garded by tlie people not as merely an advantage hut,. as a, necessity of, nKMlcrn wieial iind economic vn- t 9 ev, ditiolls. Kx-( iovenior llnics protests that he had nothing to do with the fram ing of tlie Chicago platform. There are others, I 'tide llod ! I tail mad men who voted lot Me Ivinlev and sound nionev a year ago without reference to former part - alliliatioiis have every rmsoii to he gratified with the result of their vote.-. The ( leioher railroad earning-shov, an increase of nearly .",.1 ii n i.i mi i (1 (; tiiMM- of ctolcr of hisi yiar. whiie iiie jraiii- in et leinher aad -Wigu-t were eipially lanje. Jcporis of tin sii vcr-niining'oni-panie- show that in manv eases the cost of producing hilver is no less than -' cents per ounce ami that the silver used in the manufacture of a dollar would now probably cost nl m it it :'cnls. Mo wonder that the .- i ei-niiiie owner- are w illing to spend million., to force the cd Slates to adopt iaws by wliieh thev can turn cents' worth of iheir products iiitu a dollar, espec ially in iev of the fact that most of the silver mine- an now owned bv f li'ei'ilici'-. SI A 1 .. Mi I 'II I", t I I ul i M LI. li i, I I.I M-I.HJ IS . I "" I i. ..i-.i.i v ii u:.v ...iliitlml In' in t iit- wtmir in t II- I of tin' linn of I . .1 . t II l.N t. V iV Co., dtu i iniMin . in l,(i- 1 1 of 'l olrdo, CuUilly uiul -iu' iit'ui (sii'l. uiul tli.r, ..i l linn will .iv tin - i " -i. ..I'Mllii.ll lill.I.AUSl,.i ,:.',l anil i ii'i y ' .im oT I a'.iirrli cui'iio! lie i nu u lt tlie ui' ol 1 1 Al L n t. A I AKUIt Cl HI-: I j. eiii'.M.v. S. ! n t li'-fiie- i.ii an 1 f.i.1., rlln-'l in inv I1'" llil-. Mil d.i ol J . . . iu'mt, A. Ii 1-'.. w. oi.i: .sun si. A I. - ' Notary l'liltlii-. .i ' . - i ,i'. .ii t h t. u. , liwt ii , iiti-i null a nil ailM iii'1': "il'.i- I .1..! .it. ! in ,u nil- urfa.L' of ii. .v . i i -t nil I . i- It-riiii.i iiuN, fri-iv .! I !l! M.V ( ' ., Toledo, o. II II. C. an- tin' l.r- a o.v ' inn: ll 1- cU' ict' to get to i mi :! a I'clbrm plat- e,.i !' i : i'n: .; filTIs the n .'oil! It 1 In o,. cliM'tci d of- !n .-lain! i.ii t!u:i;i and abitlt.' by I :ii i'i un a! ol lac same Com- jii '.ii.ii - for pnvs aie t pceLcd to devi-e jilaii- i'ur the proper fullil iiit i:t of the requirements of theii platform. Avuii'd will dejK'iid uji on f!ie fca.-ability and jjiacLability of l'.e suggestions made. A Layman's Thanksgiving. lOopj rbiolcd by 1)4 t Tah.-r.'" Wk thank Thee, who art Power uiiimuMirvil, that though icrishel ami lorgotton grncratioiis have sought to know Thee hs Thou art, yet Unh Thy form and Thy tlwell-ing-phuv remain as ever unknow n ami uiitleseilttl. Thus gnitefully do we see that each generation, clamoring for life and firling aller light is prompted anew to reveren tial Kvking, U-ciiiisc Thou art etill hiiMen among countless things that proclaim Thy handiwork and hint at Thy mighty power. And wo thank Thee that the secret of the Almighty is lead known Ivy the froward who seek Thee tlipvantly, not U'ing impello.. by their soul hunger. But Thoo who mirt endlra pc And or hy IllKhert hosts nliroi, Iw u aome light. Thyself i trace l.e!twc should loe Tlieo, lrd, Ci.katok of all things, and lVr- liiittcr of evil, wc thank' Thee for the world as it is, with its wrongs that need righting and its pangs that crv out for soothing. We thank Thee that things are not as thev ought to lo, for therein do we find justification for our existence and stimulus to effort. Created to 1h' doers of deeds, wc thank Thee that there is need of lc-ls, and that wc are still called to lie co workers with all who in all ages have comliattod evil, and worked, blindly sometimes, to give Truth's light to the world. Rut Thou who nnit rvury niit. Ami Hlirntlml "till Hi nvcnifiiiK riword, IjH nol Ihi- wicked h'wuvii win, l,ot ood (frow wrftry Ixrd. Tuof Trver oi men, from the depths of hearts distressed, wc thank Ihcc for sorrows. though smitten and disappointed in hopes that seem purest, we yet can raise a quavering note of praise to Thee, who seesl the precious metal where no human eye can trace it, and who increased afflictions that no dross may remain. In suffering we learn synimthy. We thank Thee that we deemed worthy of kinship with Thy great est oiurs, niolders of thought and saviors of nations, who have ever been led upward to usefulness through great tribulation. , But Thou who Mmlmt pain ami we Aac! rinctMKih trimttna Wfr h rooortl, v Give in not more than we pan boar, 1 .rot our fiiith falter. Lord. Tlior Ciivcr of will, thou Fash ioner of individuality, we thank Thee for standards of morals, vary ing with nations, yet existent every where as it boundless gulf between ourselves and the brutes. We thank Thee for the double nature within us, warring unceasingly the lower against the higher. "We thank Thee that our lower natures nre strong and insistent, causing us ever to be watchful warriors within the citidcls of our own hearts, and above all we thank Thee for every soul that learns the secret ot victory over self and thus gains power to help the weaker fight hiswearv bat tle. llut Tliuu who fH'ut riulit and wruny, I.iku day and mk'lil. in t'i' ur UmcurU, liulil not the twiliKlit nvvr lli;. I.ckI iiimtuko tliL-m, lxird. Turn Unimaginable One, whose breath is the life of our nostrils, since we can dream of nothing high er we call Thee, LOYK. J or hu man love and love Iiviue, we thank Unit-jTil(M, ;,.,, l)y lv lll()Vinj,s i f tite wings of affection wc rise further and further from the dis- curd and selfishness of the dark places of the earth, into the calm of the heavens, w here peace reigueth and the view is broad like Thine. For the heaveii-on-carth that hu man love can bring, and li" the rlorilied earth in heaven which our love-enlightened laneies picture, we thank thee, (Siver of sex. lint Thou, u ini' lnhi'l naiiii." l "l.ov',1' Who KiV('M it a our ivwal'il, Lft it (oiui' efcr fiom ahovc, l..'nt lltiiiadc tl, I.uril. Tilt M" .1 lldge of peoples, whose vast baud is but lightly burdened with our Uxiiiiiig millions, wcthaiik Thee for our nation, restless, im pulsive, hopeful. 1'dr its faith in ' ic t I .1 1 i' ... iisen its set ajiitti itni: oesiitieo 101 great testings in s-lf-goveriinicut ; ltd' its devclo)inelli, lvmole il'ym threatening neighbors, so that back ward steps can be bluinetl only upon ourselves; lbr the national sjiirit firmly holding to the belief that be neath the tossing waves on the sur face of our lederautl life, there still moves forward a mighty, uurulllcd current sweeping toward ultimate national glory antl iglileousuess: lbr these with loud voice we thank Thee Hut Than who halt upon aar lana, a flood ol llbertjf onlpaurad, Ii u m Umila anderatand, Ln lleanaa flourlih, Lord. Fou our huniuu nature that is never content with t!.ing attained but must ever forward to new Ileitis of action ; lor enquiring minds in un enquiring ngv. ; tor tlie pro gress ol intellect until we weigh the stars ami trace them in their wondrous courses until we wrench secrets from nature, hidden through all ages ; for tlie conquest ol earth hy diniinutiue man, so that the rocks an' rent and rivers turned to suit our needs as monarch of mat ter; for the material records of our racial progress ; for all these things we thank Thee, Thou giver of do minion. But Thou W'ha ivet to the race, A wealth of gamereit wiadnm.MonMl, l,et n not win too hinh a place Irut pride lx-rt Ua. liOi'd, a a Imik the growing understanding of heredity, that makes "a little child" now lead us into new edu cational fields; for the union of men and women on increasingly equal terms in the thought of these later davs, directing us Ivy gentler jwths into more peaceful life then when men uneurlietl, ravagetl the world ; for these we thank Thee. For our enforced sojourning here, and the conviction that life's experiences viumI not ivrish at death ; for being a little lower than the angels in that wc can grow in grace ami fight the giKul fight, wc thank Thee, Thou (Jod of battles. Iitnl of life ami of death, of earth ami of heaven, of never-ending ages anil of our own little fleeting mo ment, WK THANK TlIKKTltAT WK AREl! Proceedings of the Jackson Township Institute. The teachers of Jackson town ship held their first institute in the Hazlett school room, ov. :, 5J. Thp meeting was called to order by the teacher of said school. The following program was rendtTed by said school : Salutatory, by four girls. Recitation' "Ham 's Dog," Ilov Stimmcl. Recitation, "Little Star," Mi nerva Seebohi. i Recitation, "Sa'mt -and Sinner," Lester Mover. Recitation, "Only Five," Susan Arliogast. Recitation, "Cracked, rlorence Mover. Recitation, "Little Mitlget," Mary Miller. Select Reading, Warren StH.'lsild. RiH'itation, "Thev ask me whv I ' a am so liad," Amnion Mowerer. Recitation, "Santa Clans," Har riet Mover. Next in order was the discussion of subjects. First. "Should u teacher join in the plays at noon and recess?" ojiened by Reno Snyder, followed by Harry Reaver. Second. "Discipline" opened by lLiljih Wetzel, followed by Harry Heaver and Reno Snyder. Third. "History" opucd by Harvey Heaver, followed by Reno Snyder, Sina Renninger, Gertrude Gihk, Ralph Wetzel, and I'rof. F. C Rt.wcrsox. Fourth. "How to celebrate Na tional Holidays," ojieiicd by Gert rude (SihkI, fiillowctl by Harvey Js-uver, Ralph Wetzel, llcuo Snv- dcr, Sina Renninger, and I'rof. F. i C. inivversoT. After diseussion of subjwls the rest of the school program was ren dered ant! was us follows: Recitations, by Zeno Slccs, Ralph Arliogast, Marie Rreoti, Agnes Sholly, ami James Miller. Dialogue, "1W Old Maids," by four girls. Select Reading, Zeuo Stecs. Reeiiatitin, "The Widow," by W arren Scebold. The niectinir elosetl bv sintrini' 'America." GkktkujK Goii, See. Any one e;in fcell all tbt! rubbiU and .squirrels he can get, but no oue can sell turkeys, pheasants, quail or woodcock. The law goes fur ther and prutwetsthe jiurehusing of game birds, under a penalty of $25 lbr each bird bought or sold; and the arrest of the seller docs not pre vent the arrest of the buyer, and both may be fined. The most im portant change of all is that which prevents the violator from escaping under the insolvent act. Jf the fine is not paid the violator goes to jail one dav for each dollar of his fine. SENSATION! ita HiiirjitmT An avalanche of New Goods! C U WT I I". II. IrlBlirGr S1 PRICES NEVER KNOWN TO BE SO LOW. Our connters Riul kIipIvph me uowi " loadd with a iimKiiifioent line of,1 Whips, h ilti'rs, tie roport, cut rv conilw. hmshoH of all rich and cleffKut UreMH Stuffs, Chev-1, . . . . 1 J v 111 ' ihiimkn m un iot. Covert Cloths, Heunettnit iu all ; Kinup, orooins, tunvaic, granite waro, tubs, buckets, and I no beautiful fttU slmdes. Honierr, Gloves, IriiimiiiiR". &c &e. just re ceived from New York Rnd l'hlla- delphin. .!' IirrlAIwn" 0in'hnm' S I J iiSHr ..::! Fancy Novelty IJreM U.Mla, only " This i tlio prPHlest bargnin wei ver had. Lvervbody onclit to see the bnrgnins we hare in dress poods, Btrles and prices. The ullk. art lnrh wlili, only IW ct. Extra fine novelty tlrcm inoil 7$ Also a full line of the latest trimm inps, hrHids, silks ami riMons. (.'all and see our low prices and styles on those poods; we know we can please you. In our Minim iff nuii will be found elepant stylish suits. Heavy and light weight Overcoats, Storm-coats and Evoiy-dnv suits at prices to astound you. Men'l Hi-avy IVaver lllaok Overcoats, 13. Oil Storm " l to f4 Boy M " " 2o.1 Mcn' anlt. pt.e Ki in 42, upward from li.M) Uoyfl miita, 14 to 19 yfarft, for 1 V1 S'afltln' " for only I luii-hol of wheat, l fltl Mpn't havy extra panto, only Srte Men' overahirtu, only SHc Men'" itnilera'are, per suit, only .Vo Youths' " I V. to 2.V Men, hats and cans can't he. beat in prices, and wear lor 50e. Latest styles and lowest prices. Call and tment is now ctmplete. Here is a bewild erinp array of Charminp Wsaps, rich and strikingly handsome Coats and Capes a dozen or more styles to se lect from. The Children's Coats are perfect beauties. We had these made expressly for comfort and ease, r or elegance and style ot gar ments our Ladieb' Wrap Depart ment is not surpassed anywnere; and what is lo your advantage, we are able to pell at Manufacturer's prices. laltrti' fine eoata, front f3-00p lAdlea' fine eanea, from $l.ffl up Mimea'ooata,4tol, only tlM Don't miss tbe coMs now, you can have your choice":- A "Marvelous citorm of ' Boots & Shoes reached our store yesterday. Ev- er8thing for footwear frcm the finest French kid to the ordinary dollar shoo. Greoter assortment the ever. Here is a whole counter full of shoes for tbe Little people, for fat babies too, sizes from 1 to 5 and 6 to 12. Ladies' Rubbers, Ladies' St orm Rubbers, Gents' Rubbers, 25 cents' 35 " 40 " IIM GROCERIES we have added to our usual Leary stock iu this line a lull assortment of very choice Fiue Groceries, such as prime Old Govrrument Java and Mocha Cofl'eeB, Spiced Cherries and Aprocots. The Winner Cofl'co. K'c, 2 lhs.2.'.c. Arhucklcs' " lie, 4 " Lion " lie, 4 " Sujrur, lirown, " Liht Drown, " Soft A., 10 lbs., " Grunulutcil, '. lb., Souj) Usuis, !e., S lbs., Baking hotla, jrt lb., 2400 mate-he, Corn starch, ."c, '6 11 rs. ltice, Uotit IJiikcrs' Chocolate, IN Carpets, Rugs and Oilcloths wo have till the uewcKl putlerns uud choice colorings. The lutest de- aiffiis urc be.uutiful aud at a quurtor oil' from former pricos. Tho bubt Isii'itiiu Curpet 1 over saw for only !45t. per-yuid. Next bctltr, 2c. Next betU-r, 8ic. Jji ubbcln, Only 4rc. Home uiude carpets, 25c. lo 50c. Floor oilcloth 0 4, only 50c. per yard. Table oilcloth 5 4 " Mo. " " .. ci j,J(. . . ItLAKKKTS lied bJuiiktU for only 50oU. pair. No. 1 BulUir, 20 i'olatOt-'H, W No. 2 llulUr, 10 Now I jird, 7 Kruih KkK".3U OldUud.O Oni'JtiH, SO Yutlntf C'lili'kuim 7 All Good Butter Wanted. K. B. Wc have uo Special Bargain Day, Our Bargains aro Every Day, New Berlin, Pa. N. W. Coruor, Front and Uuiou Sts WRAP Dew A,. 1 OC. I mT" PLEASAWT MILLS. . 1 ket i verthinj; hi the hanlnaio lino. H owe shoe limits inner minx oynio Kc or pound, too utecl, cast steel, tircM for Initftfus ami vrajjons, rouiul bar iron, rhniim of all kinds, forks, nlmvels hoes, to.ilrt of ull Unila, H .orse Blan 1 iti.'vt Wimx. At . ........ - ' i . .iv ll i.i I uau to sec ni v yimdt and von will bu coiivin Mil thai 1 t - y,,u CiUl hny vhva l)l'r Youi;Mre-pV. I i Ll .-. .- - . -. . . FURNITURE, CARPETS AND CHINA. t I w ,- I 'it.3:i i , . I W. H. FELIX, Lewi5bvi; . . FALL For Youths, Bovs and ber wc arc Head-quarters for I! j I I I I I- I i: I : I ' 1 A: I J Hats Irnnks, Satchels. Umbrellas, htc. lou will Stive iuont-r by buying of 1 1 1 I'all !!)-Uoror niankel L:ip Bobcs durirj 1S98 a-TJl present to its readrn 1 tiUMul pictorial repre enutioa of the wurld't mott intrrening wd important newt. THE NEWS THAT BECOMES HISTORY ' i I'-WOK a. P bJ National and InUr-lTheWEKKLYwiHcmtinuetoiuitiripate national Pol Mica I 'n tl in the Social and Economic Qutttiont Induttrial Enlerprii Art and Llieralut LONG SERIALS 4c. ? tm Two long vi vll appear during the f year, uiuli.uuft-'i by auflior. ot inter- J national tame, and will be illustrated. 0en Witter Thew Hoaard V rid John Kendrick Eanat '. Wki ar'ters Minrr E.Wllkint 'ciallyrichinfiction Other featiiie. are the DEPARTMENTS AN0 SPECIAL ARTICLES THIS BUSY WORLD FOREIGN NOTES c, av. Ui mri.TKKr uiom.o LETIthS rflOM LONDON AMATEUR SPORT I., s.l.iIV UI1ITK BttAM-AHMIIITKItt A P0ft!IKG FILCRIMAGE AROUND THE WORLD iur Vv liauy Ii uteic! -f ihr'i Kki.v,Cabar Whitney i. on his aay around t.f& the Mir!d. lie ai!l visit biam r V W'1 i,ri.i.:....iili .11 liutw l.oui hangkok. V w tu '-"'"I"' I'li-pateailiclea on , vX ' J4 ''' UruJjr itt f,uftilui. Suticritli-i '. ' f i'-ir-' 'a. .: 1, et iu tf r 1itittJ St.iftt, CjiiiiJii, ami H ri. a . vi Aii lirv. I!i:l'l It k lUlOTUKKS.I'uUllKheri.Nrir Vuti I'M Iluiis 'i tibtiiPs t urp liiliof.hni F8. Hijiiiu T;tiiu!o .;i'c bad bnnli. KlpaarJ T.i bu!i:t euro iu(Jig(.'6tiua. 'f'::'.",:lc:.: "i:c ti.ivtm relief. BO YEARS' I'"..- .A Tmnr Mark L, iiO Designs 'riW Copyrights Ac. Anyone aomlliig a akotch and diwrlritlon may quickly annvrtain our opinion free whctlior an liivciittiin If pmhflhly pulonliihlo. Coninitintra aciit fri'O. Jldoiit nii'ticy tr siKurmir put ruts. ttoiiK at rlvtly cuntldunu rlvtlyointluunuiil. iiuihid.k)ciu caivuu ajirrfaf notice, clinree, lu Ui l'lttunta throuuh Munu nu k. v.o. ructuvv Scientific JltMicatn hnntlaomoly llluiitrntod weekly. I nmost cir culation of any m-lc-ntitlo Journal. 'I'ernia, t'i a year: four nioiitha, L Sold byall nowsdi-ulora. IVIUNM &Co.6,B-New York Braucli Oilco, C2i V 61m WashUiglou, D. ii, Hi 3 v m .... AT ' i.n ) horo in tho county. Wjirnnr Mt Pleasant f Ul 1101 I Mills, P I. " Hrltlit new tleslpns look out from every nook ntitl coiner of our Htor MiH e anil Styles In wlilcli nt onnJ yon see your Meal. fAMAUr ASDEASH CHAIRS CAUPKTS, UlUS, AUTHttUAlJ8 nml I'lCTl ItKSiti prlresHolow that er iin'ii'liitiitH cm nut i-ompctM. :0: Yours Kihn'otfiillv, A NEW ENTERPRISE . . AT OPPENHEIMER'S Cloii & Sboe Eioriii Now is the time to make Bargains in Boys', Youths' and Men's . Shoos. As we bought our stock before the late advance "... . "we can jjivd our: customers the benefit of same. ' AIJD WINTER BEADY MADE CLOTHING Men received daily. Remem Gents' Furnishing Goods, U fannnntinimnr Market St., n, UppCIIIIGIIimi,Selinsgrove,?a. i i try. Ii will treat of the .ocial and ecu. nomic question., and ol the development ol the niiddle wen. It. icciai corrc .pondent in the Klondike rrtponwill trace the noiy vl the (rcat (old ditcoveriea. Krrat politic! event, ol ou ereat political event, ol our coun- AND SHORT STORIES THE IIU UK i,in hi i' AA.rr THK 1HMM MTrD MF.HWtTH 11, HUSk H aini.klu.1 and a score of equally prominent alii contribute slwrl .tones 10 the y iu iti-jH. making the nanerrsne- in search ol UiK game, lu..iug in. kit will India and then pnu.ceit lilt sioruof (jcrilMliy and Krai ce. V Wanted-An Idea I Who can 'l ,turfUl"J wnu) j6hn wajjoiiitijuftN co., r1'? Buys. wa.mngun, D. c.lor tour fi "rr aad Ust of tw biuidrad tutauUouJ aauwo- Baco-Curo Baco-Curo Baco-Curo The oiily'c,'I lie cure i ' Tobatto haw' rnri-o tl'01"' vtliuruolliirf',';'' fit I'd. . (" iirools.) Baco-Curo i Dlni'lioii; n" .v."'." , 111 I1.'" V III" ' t. n n .. ,i,in lnriNtli'tn ltiioo-Cliril llc'furB rt'iniidy lor Ilie ToIihi'co llnl'lt; .. xuA AUdniiruWtiaro antlmriit! to w vm 1 Willi our iron cum wnui'n niui .-i. Oue hoi ai.M; I tox.'ii l" KaJ your ilruuixbl does nut kiM "1 '" fnrfn lniiikl.'t nn I iirnof irrr' i i t ii t; a h w III ll hi fil M in If Dc ill! wit n f trii lltll Imr pi-n Wo mcl slov C0V( spen a i risit AT. hip Lutl mm. reprc ihurt bUt-s L in tJiif Xuv. kith r h'i Mrs W, ;J tarn, (I