The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 02, 1897, Image 3

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It is impossible to promise particular features that will appear in the
"AMERICAN MONTHLY" during the coming year, for it is, as tht
Cooknum says, "a great monthly newspaper." As such, it prints for
Its readers an illustrated account of the notable things which make the history of
I Ve know of no review published. In this
' r--n:i y or In Europa, which combines so suceess
I : v ,3 the American Monthly the alertness,
I 1 -.-hn- an.4 mnrOT sf inna1!ti (! ik
ecjnd judgment, carduily weighed opinion, exsct
teycMge, ind well-chosen English ol the pureijr
literary periodical." Tht Oulhok,
C-vs the best thought and information of the current magazines in five eontl
u:t.lsj the contributed articles furnish the character sketches tf the man of the
month, and give timely discussions by authorities on any question of immediate
serious import
The result of this comprehensive effort to edit in one monthly volume the
laTormation needed by Intelligent people of "live" instincts is best gauged in
the opinions which the readers of
h-.vs seen fit to express. These
:r; llinking business men, clergy-:.!.-.,
editors, lawyers, professors,
tr iters, the wide-awake women
1 1 America. They write that the
. .... iEVJLAIN IVlUiN 1 flLY IS
' u::pcnsr.ble"i "is simply invaluable"; "is a generous library in itself "j is
" .-v l::;torical cyclopedia of the world " l " the best means of aid for a busy man " I
"t::e best periodical of the kind we have ever had"; "a triumph of editorial
j:niia"jwthe world under a field-glass," etc etc
Am mean Monthly Review of Reviews
1ST tt tht tUn silt (Htitll ipsa rttttpt tf tries. Qrlir frta ktakMllir r t u.
ESTES & LAURIAT, Publishers . . . BOSTON.
it.J 1)1
will enter the coming vear prepared to give to the
r. ijsm- zrrariBm
Hie paM quarter 'i a cTl'iry tiHiiriuuimun intiii luc pens in uik ktcii iiit-u iiiu ss i trite li til UK-
world, illustrated by leading artists. A brief glance over its prospectus announces such reading ,i .
riuiJEtTS ron i mcAKifir cijiai, tiik toaiEiuiAt. mi'nitTi'srF of as iktiiviiji cAj.ii,
fly .. DAVID TVHVIH Bf WOHTHIStSroN C. font)
B, arsrzny bonsai Bt charlm r. lcmmis
by Hbnrv Sbton Mirriman, author of "The Sowers." Striking novelties in short fiction will
be contributed by such authors as W. D. Howells, Richard Harding Davis, Itramlcr Matthews,
Frederic Remington, Kuth McEnery Stuart, and others. There will be a series of articles on
Pottagt fret to all nibtcribtrt in tht Unittd Slates, Canada, and Mexico.
Sub. $4 D year. Address HARPER BROTHERS, Pub's, N. Y. City. Send for free prospectus
Gen. Lew Wallace
W. D.
Tlio Wonder of the Age:
The Shooting Star IJalloon.
Those wonderful bnlloonfi comblno nil the
erita of former Miixiilur inventions find luivo
ny new and inU-rt'Mini; features. They riso
"llio uir, tliBolmruing Wumlorful Fire IIiiIIh
JlllrilliinitShootinu;!Stnrs, which thrill with
"Unlit every bchohlur. They como pnukml, 10
;Ke n.ihions, "oHeli inousurlii over 7 Indies
""!(' ill uu euvcl "piiitr onso, nutl cull be IiiiihI-
with perfect siifoty, os tlio only absolutely
I' Interior Firework, giving n Biitisfiiotory
yv'y, ever tiivcntcci. it ih pronoiiiiceu ny
press ns tho (ruatest wonder in snfo llro
Jts yet produced. They nre wniiteil evory
for home amusement, church
"ettaininents, fairs, etc. Hainpfc cnvelopo
ulaiiiin lu lialloons with full lireetiiins.ntily
"H a for as. Agents this is u hot seller,
for prices. Address, .
DllilAtl weakness easily enred by
irtJJ4 pr.Milus' Nerve Plasters.
II. S. Williams
Tn 'in iv
ilMMlH HPIlt to Kcll-
Hl! prrsoim lit lo
altl lur nl'trr M'lliiiir
W. II. J'nliner. tlhic;o.
Conn., has sold 1,000 of
these Holts, mid as liih
us 30 in ono day. The
eloetriclty from the but
teries will turn a needle
No Otin hill .fiinn timm tfilfa.a
Jtim, Liver A Kidney Disease, Vck A
tukinjr fold. Give a oomf.irtnblo
o wnnnth nil over the body, which shows
iiitC c,,,iron tlio circtilution. For ndver-
awf PUriHIW. WA will lanlt M
' Ht tn n,. .v... I.. l. i ii.. n
L?KAI) CO., Doit 45, Vlnctaml, S. J.
5an1 P''Pr,u'y 'or the rlRht man.
Xtliii we" Bnu roruuiy icnoivn
kiln preierreil ) to sell on commii.
'vli F"' Kln -'' HiK Orauo I'ulnta
tr .L lc;.in "' oounttea of Snyder. Union,
M M'nlln. Apply, with references
U ?21 . quHHttlon, to ItlLUNOa,
. -0., 4J8 Pearl St., New York City,
. ' , ' ' .. -.; t '
the month, of the political, the
economic, and literary happenings
which are of value to tcie'Iigect
men and women. The Editor's
"Progress of the Vorld" tells suc
cinctly an illustrated story of the
month. The "Leading Articles "
The cirrent number
and .o two preced
ing Lilies. ......
25 G a !
Miss Parloa's Young Housekeeper. Designed
especially to aid beginners. Tell how to hit
nish the kitchen sensibly i the right way to buy
food and to care for it, etc, A plain book for
plain people. A book that farmers' wives and
daughters will be glad to own. One from
which any housewife may obtain aa immense
if valuable aid .
Miss Parloa's New Cook Book. The most
thorough Cook Book published. The direction
are clear and concise. It it thoroughly prao
ticaL perfectly reliable and is marked by strong
good sense. Contains 1724 receipts, etc. $L50
Miss Parloa's Kitchen Companion, a complete
compendium of cookery. Marvellously com
prehensive and copiously illustrated $2.50
.-. W J V. . . i
reading public that which his maile it f.vnous l'ir
Owen Vki.ter
C. U. Warner
A Cnll Which Failed.
Snodgrass I went to consult the
divine healer about my rheumatism.
Snlvely With what result?
Snodgrass I did not see him. The
defendant told methat the divine healer
hud been stck in bed for several days.
N. Y. World.
A Ureitt Inducement.
"I have about decided tonmrryMr.
Drest.beef," said one Chicago woman to
"lie is 'not nt oil handsome."
"That is very true, but hft ex-wives
tell me that he never opposes a divorce
suit." Judge.
A Theory.
Towne I don't believe that alimony
can be legally collected.
Browne Why not?
Towne Well, mnrriag-e is generally
recog-nized as n lottery, so alimony must
be a gambling debt. N. Y. Truth.
How lie Felt.
"You must have felt cheap?" said the
"Cheap?" said the man who had been
relatinr the unplnusnnt experience. "I
felt cheaper than a silver dollar."
On Something Soft.
"I don't see how a brilliant man like
Prof. Duscntrais can put In so much
timu talking to that Insipid Mrs.2f.ok
talque." ' "Oh, lie Is only stropping his intel
lect." Chicago Journal.
Financial AetlTlty.
' "Do you think prosperity has come to
"My wife evidently doesj ebehasbe
gva. to go through iny pocketa again."
The DradMi t oMnniuplloa Cast kst
(urea. ,
T. . SI'jrum, I Ho tlrval 'hemlf and Hclttnllxl,
Vv ul s-nd lo SuD toik. T:ire Free Botth a of
His Newly Disoon roil Ki iimkIKs to Cure C'ou-
buuipilou nii'i id: Lmi),- '.rutihltti.
Knthti.gruiiM l:ef.tlrr. more ptill uitroplo or
carry timiejoy to the attlieti.i. Ihau til- jp-ncr-ou.'i
QVr ot loo liouoiwl mi i illsilotruNi,e(ti.lieiit
11, T. A fcioi'iim. m. r ol Ni-w York tllty.
He bun ill.-wiT.- a ri'H ii.lf and absululeoure
t-ircouMiuip'lou all iT'i'iolil il, III rout, I una
snrt clii'Mt mwasi s. :uiiirr!ial olToi'tloiiH, Keneral
dii'lllMULa MiMkhex, lo-sol Uenh ahj all too
fl'lliom nl w iHtliu' xv.i . ::m to tnuko Ha pvat
IrHTlls kt.owii. v. Hi -i-i,,l i.iin-H iree txiillennt Ins
newly (Honored iciin ttus ui uuy alUU'teU rvtid
ol Hie ToriT.
Aire ody lil "now m-lmtHln ayslorn of modi
Pino" Inix pi'rin.inoitth cur i ilicufinda of up
pai ullv lM'hvis )-,
The liik-ior niul lt rs H not oidv his proioit
Mioiial, hut hi- lYlk'lou--duty n duty whli-ti lie
ovviien tosulTrrlu litiM'a i; tiiidonnte hlM In
tall'Ulo onrt'.
lie Htm pro hied the "ili-rvdvl coiistmiptlorr
lo he a cin alil" dKi'a o noyoiid it doiilil, lu nv
eltniule, it ml lui" on lllo In his Aniorlcau and
European lalviralorli t 'iiii-( n Im ol ' heart I. Mi
leKiltiuinlulM ut ttr.ttliuili-" Hem hcnelllteil
and curfd. In nil p.iria of the world.
Cularrhul and pulinoiiai y Iroiioli s load to eon
aiinipUou. mid rntistiiiiptlon, unltitcrrutitisl.
Itirana ttpeedy nod teiialu iloalli. Don't delay
n in tl It iHloolato. simply write T. A. Kloeuui,
M C , IW I'lno Siri'i't, New York. Klvlnj; expro-.B
and poHiufili'o uddroi-s, nml the frti iiu'dli lne
will lie promptly sent. I' imko tell the Doctor
you saw hlsullor lu Iho 1'ivsr.
Aluka -Klondyke
Oold Mining Co.
Capital Stuck, f.00,000 Slmrcs of
$10.00 cacli, fully paid niul, non-iis-st'sxahlo,
of wliicli '2")0,00d Shares
arc now ollcml fur suliscriptioiis at
There are nmny perHons who iliwiro to (ro to
the gold HoIiIm of Aluskn the eomliiR aenson,
who littve not enough ready money arallnhle
to enable them to do no.
To all such, we would advice the desirability
of forniitiK a local Hynilientn of three or more
H'rouft, mid jointly purchase 500 aharea of our
sloc k, and delect one of your number to go and
prospect and mine for joint aceonut
With parties formiiiK such syndicate, this
Com)mtiy will contract to send out one of their
number for each WOahares of stock purchased
fom it itt p tr, to 1 m tint tin such 'party there
for ono year from the flute ot arrrlval at the
Kohl Holds, supplying him with fond, tool, and
nil Ihiuipi requi.irto to enable liltnljto proapeet
for gold, and with help to develop and work all
good claims located by hltn the claims to he
located I i the name of the syndicate and the
Alaaka-Klondyke Hold Minim Co., and to be
owned Jointly and equally, share and share
Write for CircularFull Particulars.
James Rice, late Secretary State of Colorado ;
Wro. Shaw, capitalist, Chicago:
K. M. Tituomb, i VIco President and Oeneral
Monagcr Raatinan Fruit Dispatch Co. ;
H. C. Fash, member Maritime Exchange, New
Geo. W. Morgun, Circle City, Alaska;
John K. Lowther.tNcw York ;
Oeorge T. Durfee, Fall Rider, Mass,
Hon. I- IT. Wakefield, Asxoclnte Justice, First
Ulstrlct Court 8outh Kraininghom, Mass. ;
lion, G. i. Richmond, late President Court of
Apieal, Denver, Col. ;
8. G. Updcirraff, late Treasurer I.ycomlngCoiin-
ty, Willianisport, Pcnn.
Samuel M. liryan, President Chcanpeake and
Potomac Tclepliono Co , Washington, D. C j
Dr. Ii. V. Fisher, 1,8L1 MichiKiin Ave., CIuciiko
III. ;
Col. P. A. Huffman, Detroit, Mich. ;
M. G. II. Swift, Attomey-at lJtw, Full River,
nhtHH. ,
Iwiiiu W. Siott, Dedoty Collector, Cedar Rnpldm
Win, F. McKiUKht, Allorney-nt Utw, (Irilnd
liiipidK, Mich.
The business nt the Ahuka-Klondyke Hold
Million Company will be to run a line of steam
ers on the Yukon River, and between Seattle
and the different parts nf Alaska, open supply
stores nt the different tamps, do a general
transportation, commercial and hanking bus
iness, und, in additiun, deal in Mining Claims,
and work tlio lollies already owned and that
may hereafter be acquired by the Company.
The ( 'oinpany controls the following
F.ight liohl Placer Claims nKgrciMtinif 1"0
Aeres In Kx'ctil, located on Forty Mile Creek
under l ulled Statin minlnir laws. Development
has proved the pay slrcnk In lie live feet thick
and has yielded placer dirt that pans from (10
to tl'i to the pan. Five (iuld Placer Claims, ag
Krcgatiiiir 1(K) Acres in extent, on Porcupine
River, that pans from i!i cents to $ln to a pan.
Ten flold Placer Claims, nggre(riiiing2H( acres
onthoTaniia Uiver, panuiiiii from J 10 to S.iU a
A fine gold quart lodein Alaska, which as
says from $13 to J.'xH) per ton. The lode show
an enormous outcrop of free milling ore, vein
at surface being 12 feet thick ; on this property
have made i locations of 1.KI0 feel by :! feet,
equaling IMncrcs. We don't claim that it Is
the mother lodu, but we do know it is without
an equal for prospective values.
The estimates nod statement above are of
necessity based upon information obtained
from our Superintendent, and aro believed and
neeeptcd by the company.
This company having1 acquired extensive
holdlnir" of rich placer and gold quartz proper
ties, capable of earning largo dividends no its
kick, oilers to investor)! advantages that In
sure largo and prolltable returns.
Mr. (ioorge W. Morgan, our Superintendent,
has been on the Yukon fur the past year work
ing In the Interest of this company Therefore,
we are not asking any ono to contribute to a
project unplanned, but to one thoroughly ma
tured. This company, w ith Its able aids, ex
tensive knowledge, and great resources, Is cer
tain lo become one of the richest companies op
ending in Alaska.
Our I'rosldent takes pleasure in referring you
to the following list of references :
Jnmea E. Dewey, Mills Co., Hauliers, Detroit,
Louis C, Tetard, Coiumi.-sioner World's Fair
from Mexico, "The Rookery," Chicago, III
Senator H. SI. Teller, of Colorado ;
John Shafroth, Representative to Congress,
Colorado ;
J. M. Hell, Re presentative to Congress, Colorado;
C. C. Clement, Washington Trust Co. liulldlng,
Washington, D. C. j
Joseph C. Helm, ex-Chief Justlco of Colorado;
Charles D. Hoyt, Chief Justlco of Colorado ;
C. I). Maugham, 219 Times-Herald, Chicago, III.;
Maurice Joyce, Klectro Picture, Star Ilulldlng,
Washington, D. C. ;
Capt, J. J. Lambert, Owne ond Editor Chief
tain, Pueblo, Col.;
8. L. Illllogman, Tax Agent St. P. , R. R. St.,
Louis, Mo. ;
R. E. Gownn, Drexel Co., Philadelphia.
The full-paid stock in now offered
at Ten Dollars per share. Send
your orders to thui
AMa-Wyte Bolt Minina: Co,, i
No. 98 Broadway, New York.
The Locust Point yardi of the Botti
nsur & Ohio are completer) and that
octarj terminal at Baltimore now haa
a capucity for 3,600 cure.
The last of the bunch of 15 81x20
consolidation locomotives built by the
Pittsburgh locomotive works for the
Haltimore & Ohio 'railroad have been
delivered and are In service on the toc
ond division between Rrunswick and
A company of men and some officers
of the British ship Intrepid were taken
from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico
by the English colony of the capital city
at an expense of $3,000 and pave con
certs there which captured the town.
The men were well entertained and as
well pleased as the citizens.
The navy is to return to the old-fashioned
practice of instructing naval end
dets on sailing' vessels, ngaitiRt the pro
test of many of the officers of advanced
Ideas, but with the hearty approval
of the old admirals, who contend that
no such experience can be gained for
young officers as is secured in working
ship under sail power.
There are CO modern steamships fit
or cruising now available by the
Inited States navy in cttso of war, ex
clusive of regular war vessels building
or In commission, nnd there nre rapid
fire guns enough to equip 15 of them
within a week. These ships are the
oceau liners and const steamships car
rying the American flug.
The Italian minister of public works
is a practical man. He has abolished
the "complaint book." which used to be
a feature of Italian railway stations.
Instead complaints must be written on
stamped sheets, which may be pur
chased ut the station and dropped in n
box provided for that purpose. Thus
the state will profit by those complaints,
but. as they cost money, people will ho
less ready to make them.
The drunkenness of a trespasser who
sits down on a railroad track is held, in
Price vs. Philadelphia, W. & 11. K. Co.
(Mil.). 30 L. R. A. 213. not to excuse him
from the effects of his negligence.
An nRsi'RBment on a burial ground
for water pipes la a street in front of It
is held In Philadelphia vs. Union Iln ri
al Ground (Pa.), 3(1 I.. R. A. 203. not to
be a tax within the exemptions of such
ground from taxation.
A public square in a town or village
treated aa such for more than 80 years
Is held, In Stunner vs. county court (V.
Va.). 30 L. R. A. 300, to be irrevocably
dedicated for public use and the county
court Is denied the power to sell such
square to private persona for the erec
tion ot private buildings thereon.
A Hen for a street assessment Is held
In Dretman vs. Farmers and T. na
tional bank (Ky.), 30 L. It. A. 121, to be
the necessary Implication prior in rank
to an aatecedent mortgage, whore the
city charter authorizes such . assess
ments with a lien therefor without ex
pressly declaring their right.
An agreement between Bevcral per
sons to subscribe for stock for the pur
pose of establishing a cooperative
store under the control of three persons
as directors with a division of the
profits In proportion to the a mount con
tributed is held in Carter, 1). & Co., vs.
McClure, L. it Co. (Tenn.), 30 L. R. A.
282. to constitute a partnership, and
where the sharesare miuletransfcrrable
a sale of some of them docs not dissolve
the partnership. Chicago Xews,
Oood pnsturape should not prevent
pood fecdinp; nt the bnrn. There ignt
times too much dependence on the pas
ture supply, but when an nnlinnl is it
producer, like the cow, pr-niii is nlso im
portant. Dry food will be relished nt nil
ccasons, is vnriety is essential for di
gestion nnd health.
To have choice pansics next year
plant the need now, in n cold frame, mid
ns soon os they lire huge pixmirh thin
them out or transplant them, plneinjr
the plants six inches apart. Protect
during the winter witli covcrim; or
mulch, keeping tlictn in n frame, ami
j set them out in the open air in the
It is not safe to prow a crop in the
peach orchard, but growers have found
that when phosphateB and potash are
applied to the hind a crop of crimson
clover, seed down this month and
plowed under in the spring, will be nn
tidvnntnpe. The clover covers the
pround durinp the winter and provides
nitrogen In the spring when turned
Warm, wet weather is favorable to
blight or rot, mid every effort should
be made to destroy it or prevent its
rprcatl. This is the season of tho year
when the ground may contain spores of
fungus diseases for next year's propa
gation, nnd the fruit grower can do
more effectual work now than he can at
any other time. Kvery limb, twig, ap
ple, poar or grape that is n fleeted
thould be consigned to the (lames.
Ilold the arms behind the back.
Roll the shoultlers backward uud
tlownword. v
Try to. look nt the top of your high
cot veat or necktie.
I'ut the hands on tho hips, with el
bows back and finders forward.
Try to squeeze the shoulder blades
together many times a day.
Walk or stand with hands clasped be
hind the head, elbows out.
Walk or even run upstairs with from
ten to forty pounds on tho head.
Carry a cane or umbrella behind the
small of the back or behind tho neck. .
Tractlce the arm movements of
brenst stroke swimming while stand
ing or walking.
Stand erect at short intervals during
the day with head up, chin In, chest out,
shoulders back.
Stand now and then during the- day
against a wall, with your heels, shoul
ders and head touching It. .
when the Creator said to woman,
"In sorrow shalt thou bring forth
children," that a curse was pro
nounced against the human race,
but the joy felt by every Mother
when she first presses to her heart
her babe, proves the contrary.
Danger and suffering lurk in
the pathway of the Expectant
Mother, and should bo avoided,
that she may reach the hour when
the hope of her heart is to be real
ized, in full vigor and strength.
so relaxes the
system and as
sists Nature,
that the nec
essary change
takes place
without Nau
sea, Headache,
Nervous or
Gloomy fore
boding of dan-
tr c r, a n d t h c
trying hour is robbed of its pain
and suffering, as so many happy
mothers have experienced.
Nothing but "Mother's Friend" does
this. Don't be deceived or
persuaded to use anything else.
"Mothor'i Frleml" Is tho groatr-st roinoilvovor
Cut on the market, anil all our customers praise It
igUly."-W. H. Kixa A Co., Whitowrlglit, Tox.
Of ilniCKlstat$,orseiurivtii:ill on r.wvlrit
of prion Write for hook containing valua
ble Informatiim f,ir all Mothers, lu.ulml free.
The Cridlleld Ih'guUlnr Co., Atltnti, Gi.
Pii.Ks i'i;i'.mam;nti.v mmi
In from It to .liiyx' time. ! tlio use
til' !.!- Mo.
Out' bottl.' tfii.tniiilei'd t, em-,. ,U1V
ctiSH nl lilen, rt'gnrdli'Hs of b,w long
ritiuiiliiig. what ym liiive tii,.,i, ,,7
v.liut your jiliVKieiiiii mm clitini.
Motley refunded if piTiiiitn. nt cure is
not oMiiined in the must severe cuscs
in less timu 5 dnV liine. After nil
others fail get I,o -Mo and !'e ctireil.
Price Trie, per liottle, t-enr reiniil
to liny address, on receipt of price
Addi-en- Hurry I.ngue, Kill V. Fourth
Htrfet. WilliHinsport, l'a. UiJMy
W.Soltl by all first class ilrtiu's.'blH
Edorate Your llotreu ".Villi CitM-iirotH.
Camly Cathartic, cure conailpntUm for
10c, 55o. If C. C. C. fail, ilriitfi'ists r. f ue.l money.
KAY 1 1 A 1 It restorer, recipe, Mump mid 10c
iiifi j. a. ifmriTii, .nacotno, ill. h
WANTFlt-AirriilHloivll washing mueliinra
Jone. 1,. Knoll, 1U7 8. t St., Lchonon, l'a. ly 1 X.
prff mrnnutTinu iiii.i.:ii.u
Addrt T1UOA UOoa AND NUVKl.Tr to., boa 1IM, H.iMly, N. t.
w- srsiTtTs a nsil, llll m'm t.,.
IT'S NACUHTV hut it's lik e, acini hy Until for
only I0o, Kail llcmk Co.. I'ul in y Kails, Vt. II
El'OXOMICAI. WASIIINti I'l.l'l I) Mives soup
nnd hilinr. Kecipu Ilk'. N. .1. HiiiiiiIMiI,
llitrtlshell, la. i
Al'TOMATIC I'KN, "llest thim; l.appeiieil"
Be. ! AI KCu 11.11, I lieUeit, Mass. '.I
.yi'.I.I.OW .IKSSAMIXKS. sliollt- rools for
pliiutiutf, loe. Mrs. N. .1. Ih uiiiili l.l, ilanl
shell, I. ll. .j
rjm-ATKsT NOVKI.TV nl'T, Vit. K iiph lit
V iiiK pd'tur.'S move as if alive, lo. K A.
YarriiiKton, Sayvillc, I,. I. i
Pll.llSOI'lt IIOMK TI.KaTMIAT n ut on
receipt ol li e silver. I.. TK.WIS. M. !.,
1 Iloekefeller, 111.
SKNIl fiO cents stamps, lor postage, ete., ami
I will send ul nnccii tine prest ni ivottli live
dollars. I iiu-uti Ijiisa.ess.
Klniile A. Hsli wlir, l.i.e. 111. s
Liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments.
Jnss-. lllBll1ai(1,jMI ,sr... CT-wsM-r-,mMllj.
Only tlio Oldest, Ftronuest Cash Ctnupiiuies,
Five, Life, .Accident and Toniado.
No Assessments No Premium Notes;
Tho Aotna
" Jfomo
Founded A. 1).,
Amcriciui " " 1810 " 2,-IOi,rS4.5? .
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The Fidelitu Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronage Solicited.
Great Reduction Sale of
For Ni ety Bays !
The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN
SYLVANIA. Wo are not f-clliir out, bt.t wo do this to increiiso our sulctwilioveanypre
vIouh year. Wt uiv- a lew of the prices n. follows :
Soft Wood Chamber Suits 14.00 Cotton Tod Mattress ?.2Ti
Hard Wood Chamber Suits Ui.dO:
Antique Onk iSuits, 8 Piece? l'.t.OO
Pluhli Purlor Suits 0.00
Woodeu Chairs per fcrt....u 2.00
In stock, everything in t lie furniture line, including Mirror?, Hook Cases
DpHks, Sidc-sboardc, Cupboards, Centre Table. Fancy Rockern, Haby Chairpj.
Feather Pillows, Lounges, Coucbew, Douglitraye, Sinks, Hall Racksi, Can.
Beat Chairs fine, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all ttlawes.
Prices reduced nil through. Coiuo early and see our stock before? giving-,
your order, and thus save 15 to 20 per cent, on every dollar.
Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Embalm inc
lloittinirliltJ,. ,y wh,.n ir i,,,,,.,.
, "' ''iiir tl,,Vl.r ,,ir.,i hu-tn,, mt.
r-nr 1 hrrr w.,, SriH., d,urK.
AKttm.w.rk. ll ,.!.. in,,,, ., ki,...,.fciu:i
l or it is r.,y l.iiv.i.. j,,,,,, , , t. ,,,, .
" o 1.1 litre
.'Ivi.e y ,,,., a. i.lij ,j f
I'tlt j)..!!..,! In, (
f v: st V .V,-, r, - f;
All.l . VMM.- m.r, , f :,,,. ,l,cr,f
iiii...!,..! f,.,i ti.,. ; ..., ua
'" '"-'l' "' If I '- .:.-it't.. ; i vthinir rt
...iir I..,.- -..., ..,,!., .,.,, ,,. i,., lniuin,lliwi.
l.'ini'. n n'K.'.r.!. I'.. f.w!l..-i.
. t" .i:in, i, I' -elito.
"" m-:,.. t iinr i n u !.!.,!,, r ! ,inlv advice.-
'I" V. M l, t , i. tH'Mlil.v, I-. i:,v, k.
r I -op.-ivs,. ,i,;,. , ,., , j,,,. .r.
icolHKi'' f I If- t.rn'lt-. Vol.- t,tuv at tukt
.ili.inlii;,- ,,f i!,. , , 1. , j , ; , 1 1' 1 1 1
Charles Elirfirhes,
'': W.tlt. S, . M: Vi'llh,
Auditor's Notico
'' 1 ' liHe "i lilt Ih pli.inV I ill
"' " 1 " 1 'I '"''.l Ml re il It, I'll. i-i !,, vi ., i M i ii:,. nii'.i'rMiv'tMsn
Miillior avpo'i " - .0 -i hi, :n,h s i.;.
ln:ik'M!Nli ll.ii;i .,, , n,,. , .;,,,.,. ,ippnlriHr
lll'ot. III.' Iir-! I' I ,., .j.,,,, , ,llut'i'i'lll "Iher. i:'is ,i '. .,. ,,, , ,,.U(.
nii'i'l nl ,.:!, iai.t,. , isptin T
ei.i rcoiii.t, l-.n.i-a. .I...-M ... .ii..r,.m..nif
Illes.. ,. , . ill, n. ,,!,, , k, ( ,,. Hl ,nl,w
;! ." "' l',:'" -' ' ""'
''''""Th I'.' IT!'! i.. II ., -,i...r :!.-,. tslT.t
II o, lue a. in. win i.'i.l! patu. t i.-ieMeil r
'"'I I ivc.'it It. en I'l.ilnis .inly ii'ithvit-
"'l1' ' I" " I. v l.ill Uth 'I.,.' hi,..s nt
"int implieai l.'th, i.'i.i ,r mi ill ii. Im.i.m r (m
'"I ll' 111 p.TT.. l.,iMl..: pi ..n il i.
w. k. iii)Im;mi"i ii.
N'.. II Is'.'T.
Vf Inmilfon. it:iii--i-Mi-: ..f inautitt.
lOi'Hilver f..r a nl;.'. Kl,,ii.lil,i- Manl
i ., I!ij'. I'laoklin Av., M. L.t'ii.. si.,, t.
A nVrBTRrDs :n " ss, H. IHnel.
I' II V "ill I 111 J III), $'.int,. u-,,t.
ins . or . . ha ii'i' i'ii-.-iiliiis mail.'.l, ;.ui prt
' l.'.iis-inil. lii-iini; st ,r i , i v,llr, His. -
JJCST IKH. Kill! pint p.i . Isa-.., .IIIV !S1,,
-S'llt p.'s!,ai, f,.r r lis yl Ills iMinti' 1 c t""S
tvliere. l ir. iilars fuss A.l.h.s,
'"' S p. S. aw.-ll. li.-ii- tliis. N.
Dl'W 111' Kdl'll A" '-vriusliin: p rfiiinr
t' III l.lll 11 Ait.nls wanti l frst
li'e f. ir saiiipl.. niul p ir!i.-iilars. I'ln i. l',,s,' , r
I'Ti'iller St., Jer.'V t'lty. N. .1
Kvcrlasliiig Posts, I'nsts last n!nn,rt' a U(.
time. Is Kim. I for all kinds i.f tinilii'r. Il- ,i.t
for iniikini.' thiH painl. '.no ':iic tnlay. "!
ilres, ll. (i lliuk, Kri'iinn r, l'a. :Vtl
ATi'ii-h palil for Ih.' eeniesl replt in this nA'
OU eti'l 1 .''. nil r.'plv for hi ; pn pa-l:sc
lim.'Sl pcrlilllli'M, illnliiotitls, li.iol. .vie iri'.ii
cuii'loiriie for stamp. Trv us.
.1. niirWlI.lJt.vcn., North Wales, Pu. f.
t.l.ASM I'FAS.
rite as sm,,otli as a irol.l pen. The pen tnr
nervous i. ...c. Will not hlot r"l
or iiirroile. A . in i..ity. A iloli;ht to all letttn
writers, clerks an. I l.. nk k.'.'pers. I'listpahl Ph
il for iHe. silver. C I. i'ark.T, Kalnnont, Mo. K
' A fiFNTS
I V . ,
J M Pit li i uir Irm
VS :i) rvervtt'lierw r
s, ll .,...n,.ti
Polisliinir Ir.uth T'l.i. n...l u.,.r..l
ilern hoiisrliol.l hivcntion, ami it i;tr.T
for aifrnts nt Mk protlts Workers inn nv.Ua
mnku tn toflO ilaily. Write fur partii nhirM.
tt. Johnston .u. o.,ii.iimy, iil
Rubber Hands Stamps,, A.I.I aiifl H. IMnkira FltaV.
Mile I'eutH, or HiTMiikini; Stamp-any v.'i.r.iiM,
Ink, ete , rimly for u-e W'r., TV, f ! i"1 ""tl
81 JS. Fifty cent font of Type, II Alpltw
li.'ts, Ink, I'a.l mill, for'-.V , or the tfTsc
kl'.l forl-V-. Steneils, stm-l stamps, Srnls, luh.
l'a. Is, I'te., at e.pially loiv All wurJb
( uarimtt.'e.l. Cull en ornihliv
It. (dioittilC 11. I, ICW IS.
.1111 A .115 North St., Harrishuri;, l'a.
Makes SlwO Per lacath
A finJTC 1,1,1 ,JI'''.V iniilt"
Ijitct linprovrcl I.ililuiii).; I'in' K
ji-ily miikn ".0t te.
Mini; ttvv
tnint-vifl I .lent in hi I I m KnitlIfT
w hi till sliii t-4 lirr Mil he nit liitMiMi- nf ot her Ktiirf-
liiifx. I.iMtn for yt'itm ami i lls Tor it Ntnall rriw
.J. I-., iirri'ti, I ifuyt ttc. Iti'l. writ' m thai h
liillih I 'I in nun ;liiy selling tlii'in ,1 1 HL
Ni ctintil, YiiH-hui't, .Minn, In- mifl
ut tht' nitf of in) per Injur. J. it- llmlfum.
I irksoii, Ti'iui. wi itc- tlm1 In m iimkiitv: St.'
per month, IiIi'm nr Ri'iitlcitKMi citln-r v,w
hcII thi'in. (htr I uuriit wantrtl in pvtt
town. Write to-ihiy for piirtk'iilarH. Samphr h
muil 1' fi'iit .
:tfx . K. WAI.LACi:. Smithvill.-. TiM.r ..
181!), Assots.j?ll,053,rl;i.8S
JSoIl " ),S.")3,(;2S.54
Woven Wire Matties-
Me;l Sprlnps
Drop Tul.le.s, per ft
Platform Koukorn
2 5C
; j i