THE LAND OF NOCX uddle your head on my shoulder. dear. . If our head Ilk the galden rod ,Cmi ve will co sailing away from here r.T liu beautiful lad of Nod. t ' v Waster from life's hurry and flurry and tworry, Away from earth's shadows and gloom, T7o.m world of fair weather we'll Coat off together. TThere rosea are aim aye In bloom, Jmat shut up your cyea and fold your .hands, 'Tour hands Ilka tha leaves of a rose .UUsd we will io sailing to those fair lands That never an atlas shows. Oa-Jhe north and the west they are bounded iy rest, 'On the south and tha east by dreams, Tlr the country Ideal where nothing la real, Cut everything only teems. lZa drop down tha curtains of your dear . eyes. 'Those ayes like bright, bluebell. JAnA we will sail out under starlit skies. To the land where fairies dwelL Tirwn the river of sleep our barque shall sweep, T1U It reaches the mystic Isle "Which no man hath seen, but where all have been, A-nil there we will pause awhile. S -will croon you a song as we float along To that shore that Is blessed of Ool, "Thin lio! for that land, we're off for that rare land, Tliat beautiful land of Nod. tKlla Wheeler YVIlcoi, In Atlanta Constitution. A RENTED SUMMER COW. V w v) .2 A CITY MAN'S EXPERIMENT WITH AN AGRICULTURAL CONDITION. . ' XC:C-tCeCC;:CCCeCCCCCf WK CAME to tbe country, as usual, the 1st of June." aaid tiie iuhu who hired the cow. "The buy irad gotten through his examinations s-Jth honor he tukea after me in his .fvmdnesR for books and it began to Snt warm in the city, bo we started, as rtsuai. nnd landed, as usual, lu the dear M place. 'Jonathan,' said my wife to me at :ithe tea table that night, 'we must have i.0.W.' -"'Yea,' I groaned, 'and 1 hnle the thcr of getting her. That isn't the meanest part of It, either. ThecowtBiir &r.l is ulways bulled when 1 want to buy ..In .the spring, and beared when 1 want to sull U the fall.' "'Yea,' said my wife, thoughtfully, -.H-.doesn't seem as though a cow could ieteriorate so much in four months.' "'It's the company she keeps,' 1 un Mwered. 'Our hired men would le .tnaralize Satan.' ' 'How much did you pay for that JJIolstein last year?' "Sixty' dollara,-and I was mighty ."g-lad to get ten for her in September.' . - 'Father,' said John, 'wbydontydl rent u cow?' 44 'llright boy,' aaid I. 'I will,' and I 4id. "I interviewed Farmer Ilnskloe on the Mjbjcct first. 'Well,' said he, 'I never did rent out a cow, and I don't know na I ever heard of such a thing, but, seeing It's you ' " 'No, you don't,' said I. 'I'm not go finglolinve any of that nonsense. You just fnrjj-ct it's mo and make believe it's your son Henry.' "I'kIuiw,' said the old man, '1 -wouldn't rent, him the north side of a barn tn store apples on, or he'd skin my yo tec th for me. If you're going lo be ::iim. it's no use talking to you.' and he i went off. ' ell, J looked high and Icnv, and at 'i.iei I found a cow and rented her. A .. ivect tliii:gihe was, Jersey, pretty as a Yitr'.tiro, ii:id, ye turtles of Amsterdam! i'.wv pin" could go! I've seen her feedr i -oj; ipiietly in the pasture at 20 minutes :a nine, nnd looking as innocent as n u) 1 f , arid at 25 minutes of ten she was rwn 'r.ilcs away in John Slocuin's corn. '.The first thing nfter breakfast I would ' sjlI up the coachman. " 'Lloyd, is Ihe cow all right?' I would v''.."'Ycs, sir,' he would reply. 'o'ccp yonr eye on her, Lloyd. I tfon't'Wk ,nt nnJ' complaints to-day.' 'All iu"'lt' K'r ' s'r-' '"Half on1 our aIlur a larmer wouiu -irroTii.up to th 'ront Ka,e nrivi"g cow 'wrore him. lfA.' huIt nn(1 look UP ot a:e with n little ttvfi. klc in hisfJ'e- n tht. . .Mr. doiics.' '",,'0.'iS li!eher'' W'"a3i' the'nM- ;jjr. ilJ. fjink outs if, 1. P' rmr -'Well, I wisi nO'd find -Mltt it 3iin't yours I've got t0'o to Jim Hrtt'Va vith her.' I 'I would call up Lbyd ask' 'Is; fiie cow in the pasture, tAofdT ' ""Well, sir, she was till ten nfrnutes 1 rr-rjo. when I took my eye off ber, tVnd v.ct to washing the carriage with ft.- "'See if slie's there jiow.' uwya would grin. ' "That she ain't, sir. That's her bf) post there.' 'How do you know that's our cowr M know her, sir. That's her sure. n3e little devil.' ; "Then I'd pay damages and we'd put uwouw. abq me same scene would te. enacted with a different farmer the xt day. "The corn that cow ate, the meadows wJhe 'trampled down, the gardens she browsed over, and the miles she walked "w, and ore still, a source of Inex haustible wonder to me. She climbed fho hills into Nod, she roamed down CSiicken street, she waded into the res earvolr, she mounted Olmstead hill, Wbcre, with a glass, we descried her out lined against tbe sky and sent Lloyd to sseseae her. Whether it was that her prfdo revolted at being rented, not pnrned, or whether she took' a mis tfaklevooft delight In tormenting us be 1 mut vrt hailed from tha city I do not know, Certala It waa that no f.- could restrain ber. do rye be wau-bfu enough to bold brr in cbevk. "Now we live IVi unles from the sin tlon. I come from the city every du.i with pleasure, but after bard . work there all day does anyone tbiuk I warn to walk ibat perpendicular 1 milr for it'e up hlU all the way for m health? Bui thai' what 1 bad to d time, after time when Lloyd turned bit back on the cow and the raraooeed tht ranch. Then Lloyd went off to look (or ber, and I, as the country folks say. 'hoofed it bum,' "The end came at lust. One day the covr bad disappeared as usual, and Lloyd In consequence of my repeated commands, expressed with more fervor than devoutnesa, bad driven down to the station and then started off on hi daily bunt. It wit successful, in fact so successful that he appeared driving tbe cow just as I got off the train. "'Hello. Lloyd.' I cried, tlot Ibe cow?" ' 'Yea, sir.' "See here. It will tnke you hnlf an hour to drive her bonie. Fasten ber to the back of the wngon and jump in. "Lloyd looked doubtful. "lo yon think she'll go that way. sir?" "Go? Of course she'll go. I'd lilie to see her help herself if ishe'a tied to the back nxle of thia wagon, with Ihe horse trotting in from. Net u rope from Ihe postmaster and coine on." "Lloyd got a rope und fastened it around the cow's horns. Then he looked up at me. "Don't you think, sir, it would bi brtter if you held the end of the rope'.' Then if she didn't like It and acted UTiil you could Id go. Cows are very un certain nniinals, sir, and they're took queer .sometimes, which I've seen my self, sir.' "Hold the rope? Not a bit of It. t'l... I I. MA t? ..... lnaf from spite, and if 1 let go of the rope we'd have to chase her oil night over I lie inountuin yonder. Tie her to tbe a!i and get in.' "So Lloyd made her fast to the back axle and got in a:id we started. The next moment there was a bellow of fright nnd Indignation, an infuriated cow climbing into tbe back end of the wagon, and I found myself over in the meadow beside the road without know ing how 1 got there. Then the cow stood on her bind legs. Then she stood on ber fore legs. Then she braced herself, all four feet wide apart, and lugged at 'tha rope with might and main. Then she tried to toss the wagon and gave it a fine tip, sending- Liod half way over on the horse' back. CLIMBING INTO THE DACK END OP THE WAGON. Then she tried to run around bud catch the horse, who was backing nnd plung ing in fear. Then she climbed into the wagon ngnin. Then she did everything she hodi done before all at once. "I cannot give the details of what followed. I only know thnt I had a floetillO- Vision of fl Ferris wheel. Small. but very active, a conglomerate of horse ! and cow nnd wngon, whose spokes flew j around with inconceivable rapidity ! and ear-splitting crackings till sud I denly there eame a burst of fragments, J nnd then an imnieasurenble silence, ! and 1 lay back on the grass in a dead j faint. , " 'Sakes alive, Mr. Jenes,' the local j butcher was saying when 1 came to. I ' wouldn't give you two shillings for I thnt there cow. No, sir, I'd lose money ! on her if I did. Why, she's nothing but I mincemeat, that cow ain't, nothing but I mincemeat. And she's so mised up i with wagon spokes that I'll have to put : her five times through the grinder or I pcople'll think I've taken to giving tootbPil:kalonffw'tli their bologna i " 'You're welcome to the cow.' sail id I. feebly, ns I climbed Into a kindly neigh bor's wagon, 'but don't you bring me any of your bologna.' " N. V. Sun. Great Speed. in n. npo-fiiTpnpp rnu. nnrl n 1 imcr.,( r'snu,,,n wns 0 witness, ood-h! iaWers nnd everybody else f he jiadgt.- ',h'lp bkSt to extract from ere tr iug -' . , the speed of a him somcthlnb . . asked the iudire. I " t Twe 'an. 1 tlJe wit- -How fasti t v . .: "Ob, nurty h ,8t 'cr hoDOr' "Wen, Jiow fa 9,?,',' ': "Aw. pirrty fas Q "Was fl as fast 1 " ? "f" c' Ld "Aw yf" eniI hman, glad that the'bVfor .Z plied; "as fast as tw, " niln kin run. -Buffalo Expreesv to ln. n a favorite Iron as a Utt. Iron has for ages bO. medicine. Nearly 100' dlt aratlons of Iron are tib tbe medleal demists. "erent prep- known to 1 , ehool, Wales Oalldlasj a nidia'af s : . The princa of Wales Is Wl SZl large ridiirg school at Band.lngt. ' , u t around Its extreme drcuGSkrefts, " cyeliar .traek. ' , Persistent Co 2ES A cough wfiid: sctau to fcan?. on in spite of all tha rer.iciics whir! you have applied certainly 'om energetic and scribble tre.itiV.eiir. For twenty-five years that stand ard preparation of coc-Uver oil, . :SG'otrfs. has proved its effectiveness in cur ing the trying affections of the throat and lungs, and this is the reason whvt the cod-liver triL par- tially digested, strengthens and vitalizes the wnoie sys tem the hypophosphit:s act as a tonic to the mind and nerves, and lbs glycerins soothes and heals the irritation. Can you think of any combi nation so effective as this? Be ure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. S tht ths nan and fish are on the wrapper. joc. and $1.00, all druggiat. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. New Yor' Special Sale FINE FURS. Seal Jackets, Persian Jackets, Cents' Overcoats, from $179 9 " ,100 ip 60p CENTLEMEN'S f II R CAPS, DRIVING CLOVES, ROBES, ETC Wllfri, ' - v'arflrcar' 42 p A. JAECKEL, Fine Furs, 11 East 19th St. NEW YORK CITY. TJEOISTEK'8 NOT1CKS. Notice Is haruov triv- 'en llmt the folluwinir named persons uav fllod their AdiulnlhiniUiiH', Uuitrdimi, und Kx eoutors' accoiinis In t he UeviHUir'a oitlce 01 Hny der County, ami the sainu will le presvnted fur contlrmutloii uud ullowuuue al the Ciiun lluuy InMlddluburKU, Moiiiliiy, IK'c. 13. 1HUT. First and final account of W. M. Buyer, Exec utor of Ike extute o( Jacob Uliolly, late of Union Townahip, ili'C il. Firataml tliinl account of Charles Stauffcr, Ex ecutor of the estate of umuel HtoulTcr, lute of Bt'llniKrovr, I'n., dee'd. Firm nnd linn I accnutitof Henry S.Hclince, Ad mluiatrntor of the eatule of Alexander Uoush, lute of tVaahiiiKton Townahip. dee'd. Fir.tnud llnal account of 1. K lloilat, Admin Utrntor of the estate of Francis M. Fertig, late of Mourtte Townahip, dee'd. Firat nnd final account of Jeaae Oorncllua. Ex- ' eciilnr of the eatate of Eliuihctli CVrnolius, lute ' of Jnckann Townahip, dee'd. I Account of Daniel llcavcr, Qunri Ian of Einer- 1 Ilmntiinl ml, inr pin 111 nf Ijmilnl lliimmel. deceaacil. Kind and flnnl account of John P. Leitiel, Ad niinintrutoriif ."v'iu I.eil.i'l, who wan guardian ofSnllieA. Ilnulnc;er, a inlnor child of David HasahiKcr, lute of MiddlecreekTwp , dee'd. riecond mid final account of Franklin and Cur tin llowi'Miix. Kxeciitori of theestateaf Haniuel liowersox, Inte of Franklin Twp., dee'd. Flrat and Dual account of A. 8. Kurtz, Admin lutnitor ('. T. A. of the eatnte of John Kurt, late of West Perry Township, doccawd. Accoiiuta of OenrKe Shotabcriter, Quardian of F.lmci U. and Daniel W. Ilvliitzelman, minor children of Daniel It. Ileintzclmnn, dee'd. O. M. HIIINDKL. Nov. 13, '07 lletrlator 4 Hecordcr. Court Praclamatinn,. 7HKHKAS the Hon. Hnrold M. MetHure ' Prualdeiit JiiiIk 0' the Judicial District, composed of the counties ol nnyiter, anil (inlun mid Jcroiiilnh t'rouite and Z. T. (icin btTllnif, 1CiS AMiKilute Ju.luoi In and TorSny dor county, have taauod their niecept. bearing dnto the 4lh day 01 Out. A. D., 17, to ia directed Kir the liolilinu; ofsn Orphans' Court, s court ot tiommon Plens, court ol (Jyer snd Tor. miner and Uancnil Uourt ol QunUor Seaaioni ol Ihol'oaco, St MiddlnhurKli, lor tha county ol Snyder, on the 2nd Moniliy, (belnir tbt l.'lth dxy ol Dee. IHV7). and to continue one week. Notice it therelore hereby Riven to the Coms er, .limtli'o ol the Pence and (JonstiiUlM lu and lor the county ol Snyder, to appear In their proper mrnon wlih thulr roil", record, Inquisi tion., examination, and nther remembrances toduUiosethli); which of tnolr oflloe and in their behalf psrtuln to be done and wltnesaea and poriuina proaecutlng lo bohalf vf the Coin inonwcnlth airnlnat any perron or pcisina are ro quired to be then nnd there attend In; and de partlnir without leave at their peril. Juatlaea are rcqnarted to be puoelual tu tbelr attendance si theniipolnted time sifreonbly to notice. Olven under my hanii " .-"'al the SherlfTa Ofllos In Mlddlel urirh, the lt day uf Nov. A..D one thouasnd elulit hundred and ninety gcven. V- K1TTEK, SherlB. WIDOW APPRA1SKMKNT8. Notice Is bere hv irlveii that tUe followlnu Widows' Ap nralspincuts undr the 3no law. have been nied with the Clerk of the orians' Court of Snyder countv for Confirmation on Monday, the 18th day of Dec., ism. . ... A pprniaement of Lucetta Sears, widow of Win, B. bears, late of Solinairrove. Hnyder Co., Pa., dee'd, elected to be token under the SJOO exemp- "Appraisement of Ellxabeth Htetler. widow of Noah Htetler. late of Monroe Twp., Snyder Co.. Pa., dee'd. elected V be xaaen unaw exemption law. Appraisement of t'arrla- uroatous, widow 01 NaiSKeon Broaioue. late of Parry Twp.. Snyder Oo.VP , dee'd, elected to be taken under the $300 exemption law. - ' XEARN. L .a,,M'.( i.rva ml" fHr vonnit BMib Citoa'.looi uauuoa, reman - . MstMD , r Saw TarlL. on Jr James' Ileadacbe Powders, "With regard to Dr. JauitV Head acb Powder. I hi no Le&iUtiou in cQiunieudiLir them, to Huflerern from headache. They relieve tbe paiu epetdily, and I Lave never known anyone to be banned by tbeir use, 1 have been a great eufierer from headache in my life, but have almost gotten rid of it by the con stant uee of hot water and fruit and bx doinir without coffee. JXho Dr JameH Headache Powdera have, however, greatly relieved rue at tttuea aud I never allow myself to Lm With out them, and have recommended to others freely.' C. C. McCabk." For utile by V. H. Spungler, Urusr Biat Middle burgh. Pa. ! 6 17-9m ONE OP TWO WAYS. The bladder whs created for one purpose, lintiiely, a receptiiisle fur the urine, and hh Htioli It U not linlile to nuy form of lii-e use exo pt by one f two win. The Brut wuy I from iiuperfeet Motion of the kidneyx. The aeuond way is front cm relets ioual treiitiueut of other disuses. riin:F 'Ai Jr:. Unhealthy tiriue from unlteulthy klduetH ii the chief cuie of lil.ithli-r trotlltleH. So the womb, like the bladder, waecrented formie purposes, nnd if not doctored too iiiurh in not liable to weuklieuM or diseie. exoept ill rare cases. It Im situated buck of and very close to tbe bladder, there fore any puin, disease ir ini-onveni-enoe iii.ii'i''"'i'.l ii I lie kidneys, back, bladder or unitary passage i often, by iniVtake, attributed to female weak ness or womb trouble of some sort. The error iseaHily made aud may be as easily avoided. To find out eor rectly, set your iirineasidii for twenty four hours, a sediment r settling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and the extruodinary effect of Dr Klbuer'r Swaiup-Koot, tin great kidney, und bladder remedy is soon realized. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At drug' gists fifty cents aud one dollar' You may have a sutupli bottle and pam phlet, both sent free by mall. Men tion the Mlddleburifh, Post and send your address to Dr. Kiliuer & Co.. Binghaiutoi), N. Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantee the genuineness this offer nTiooD poison I I lilsrr BLUOD fUlSON tMnnsoentlf I I lrw,Jn,o'0rs. Von oaot treated ai ty. If roaprafertooomehtrsnwiiliinn. tract 10 DST nllroadfaiaandhnulhUU .A lehsm.if wsfall toenrs. 1 ( rou har t&kan mp. nrj. Iodide potash, and still bar schss sod Pitns, Mneoasrsitcbea In montb. Sore Throat. lanplM, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on soy part of thVdy,HlrorKvebrows falllnr at, It Is tkls Seeoodsry BLOOU POISoA raarmBtestocur. We solicit tee mol obsti nate case and chaUens; the world for m eweeMsiotenr. This dlaesM has si wars baaed the skill of the most eminent Physi cians. SS 00,000 oanatal bahlnd our utioondk (tonal laaraDtv. Abeolateproorant aoelad 00 Divorce Notice. SADIE BAKOK UkTI Or MT. FLKASART MILM, 811 V" DKB COISTV, rs.lS'A. . Whereas, William A. Bnaom, your liunlmnd hua filed a lihel In the Court of C'omiiinn Plcaa of Hnyder county, Pa , of May Term, IH'.tt, No. 1.1, praylnn; a divorce nainnl you, now you are hereby notified and required to appear in aaid court on or before Monday, this lUth day of lleciMnber, next to annwer tho cnmpliiint of tne mid Wllliain A. II.110111, nnd in default of audi appearance you will be liulileto have a divorce granted III your nlnc. P 8. UITPKU. Hhrrlff of Snviler Co. Sllerifl's Ofllco, MiddlcburKh, Pa , Oct. Mill, IHW Don't Toliatro Spit and Kmuke Tour Mf Ana), To quit tobacco cuslly and forever, be maff actio, full of llfo, ncrvo und vigor, tnke Ko-To-I3uc, the wonder-worker, thnt makes weak men strong. All druggists, (Ac or II. Cure guaran teed. Booklet snd sample free. Address Steillnf Kemedr Co.. Cbicauo or New York. Klondike Ahiska! Why not get your share of the ureut fortuuea to be realliei from the wondcrlul discoveries already made and to l c nmde In this Now Klon-dlke-Aloako-Kldorudo? THK WA8IIINU TON OLD FIELDS EXPLORATION COM PANY under Iti cllaraoti'r In authortxed to prOe pnet for and Hcqiiire Mlninif Claims and Prop iTileain the wonderful gold fields of Klondike and Alaska. Iinmoiic fortunes buve Hlrt'ody been reollxed and millions more "ill le made there. Will you allow tills goldon Opportunity to asa you by? A fuw dollars Invested In in this uudertaklug- may be the foundation to your fortune. Tbe ruu to the Wonderland Jiec- cssltntes iuunediuto action. Tho flrat In tbe field tbe flrdt In fortune. No Sticli opportunity has ever keen piPaonli-d to the peop o of the present generation a Is offi'rcd in tho Klon dike Alaska Gold Kiclls. All sliareholdees gat their full proportion of all profit. No divi dends are made on stock remaining unsold. Send your ordera enclosing One Dollar for each share of fully paid-up and non-aaacsaable stock desired to the WASHINGTON HOLD FIELDS EXPLORATION COMPANY, Taconia, Wash ington. Tbe following Tacoma dealers in supplies for the Klondike and Alaska trade are Stockhold ers tn the Company end will inform you regard ing the reliability of Its officers: Monty A Ounn, Groceries; A. P. Itoska, Harness Co.; Morris Gross Co , Dry Goods and Clothing ; W. a. Rowland. Outfitter; Hugo Fvlltx, Tents; Tacoma Hardware Co. 10--lyr. Slicrill's Sule ot REAL ESTATE! Hv virtue nfaeertnln writ of Klera Facias is sued out of the Court of Common Plena sf Hny der county. Pa., and to me directed I will ex pose to public sale at tin tuurt House in mm dleburnh, Pa., on Saturday, Dec. 4, ltHJ at one o'clock p. in., the following described real state to wit: All that certain tract of land situate In Washington townahip, Hnyder coun ty. Pa , bounded on the North by land of Abra- ham uwer, Mai Dy una oi joiiii uwnr, on the South by land of Peter Kratzer and West hv land nf Howard Jones eolitalnum BS acres more or less, w hereon are erected a dwelling houae, bank barn and other outbuilding. Seised, taken into execution and to be sold as the property ol Josian uenner. P S. HITTER, Sheriff, Sheriffs office, Mlddleburgh, Pa., Nov 8, 1HV7 To Cure C Forevev Take uasca rets Cmmy cu in rtlc. loe or no. If C O. C. fall to cure, druvuiNis r fund money - TO rVBG A COLD IN Oil I! BAY Take Laxative Quinine Tablets. All Drug gists refund the money if It falls to cur. 23a . 10-14.7m. Mo-To-Hae for Fifty Cents. Ouaranteed tobacco habit enre, makes weak nea strong, Mooa pure, duo, sl au druggtsta. 4 tyQuatymgotiA... v ' It Is wortb jour while tn to give stteotion to soma reasous wbj you should be a reader ofTns Pbiladklpitia .-PktKM ' . -. - '.; : ,. -' ; ; v' -C. ' ' Tub Press is tbe greatest bonis newspaper of tbs ' t United States Its record of each dsy's events, tn all parts of the world, ts more complete taan that of any other paper. It has no space for sensationalism or any thing teuding to lower or moral tone. . No other Philadelphia paper bat equal facilities tor obtsining prompt and accurate reports ot newt events hcrever they may occur. Beporters tor Ths I'SBss are in every amion ot Phila delphia every day ; special correspondence lo Th Paasa are sta tioned at every county seat and important town in Pennsylvania, New Jersey. Delaware and iiarvlaud, tnd at every news oeotre lu the United States and the old world. , . No other Philadelphia paper equals Tug Press tn Its special departments the woman's patte; tbe literary pnire; tbe market page; the pages devoted to church news, school new, society news, G. A. R. news, sporting news, etc. The Pkess is an advance of the principles of the Re. publican patty, liut it prints the news of all political events more fully than any other paper; hence The Pkes should be your paper, no mattor what your political opin ions are, iTyou wish to be well iuformed. The Phila delphia Pues prints all the news all the time. Send iii your addrea. Sampie copy of Tub Pre will le mailed free. If you are lair minded ou will read it regularly. TllK DAILY I'KKss is mailed lo subscribers for $0.00 a year (.VJ cis. n i nil) pH.vnlile in Hilvnuue; Til B Sunday Pbkhs, $2 5(1 u yeur; 'I'hr Daily and Sunday Pkekh, 8.tKJ a year (75cts. a month); Tub Werkly Vhkss, M 00 a year. A liberal commis sion is allowed to persons who solicit subscriptions or le persons U bo Will pllice I UK I'KKSN Oil no nKciita Address " THE 1'JitSS," I'liilsdelphm. Pa. L. a 3- h O fl'j 3 ZZ r a 3- - O 3" a 1 a r- U 73 O 3 e n GO H as S) 3 a a 3" 2 09 2S? ' 5 CO - o 0 f B O 3" S 9 S 2 "i "0 A SUMMER SAIL in ladies' shoes is a pleasant voyage afoot, For tbe pleas ure it gives, there's no sail like our sale. Crowds are enjoying it, and securing the prettiest, coolest and best fit ting Summer shoes now man ufactured, at prices which buyeis find it a pleasure to pay. lor house or street wear, pleasure or every-day Dractical narnoscs, walking, riding, or driving, we supply the ideal shoes demanded by fashion and the dictates ot individual taste. Ladies, whoever claims yoar hands, by all means surrender your feet to these shoes. G.H. An Important Question. tr vnur irtnnds or nelcbbors ere HUfferlnir from coughs, colds, sore tbrout, or any throat or lunij dlwase (locludliifr coiiKiiinptlon), ask thi'in It mey nnve ever usea ui. s turn, imi iwnuun Oermsn remedy Is having a lorire bale here and Is performing some wonderful eures of throat a i.ii innir iiiiwaivii. w. ll. Hnaniler. Mlddlebunr : M. Hotbrock. M . I)., Ml. Pleasant Mills. wIllBlve you a snniple bottle free. No matter what ol ner meoieines luuru w uu, vry vtwo w.w. Large size 45 ana wets. Xverrbod Bays So. rAarairla Pni1if Cathartic the most won derful medical discovery of tlio aire, pleas ant and refreslnnir to tne taste, act penny and positively on kidneys, liver anu ootveis, rlontialnir tha antine avstem. dispel colds, euro headache, fever, bahitunl ronstlpation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of ll. C. C. to-dar: 10. 25. M) rent. Bold and giiarant"- to cure by ull drui'irinta. FtlflZEfl ERHSE " best in van WOKtO. J ltawasAyqualiUssaieaasutTaaMd, aetnalrr eutlasUn two bom of any other brand. Mos aaVotodbybMt WOIITHS GBNDIMaW ' j F0 ALB BY DXALESS OpUUULI. fHll III Im-nlilip. wherA .ru Tic Dead BIS r SELINSGltO IMflnBLE-YAnDl M. L. MILLER, - - Prop'r I keep cotiHtatitly on hand and uian afucture to order all kinds Of Marble and Granite MoikIs iii iaistoms! Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired. LOW PRICES I , ; LOW PRICES I have on f tha hr. Mnrhla Pi t. ier iu the State and consequently iuru ui r"Hi worn. IkSTtJcMiic nod see uiy work it prices. Tlmnkfu! for Dast favors I most r- ("I'fctfnlly ek a continuance of same, - M. L. MILLER PENNSYLVANIA KAILR0AD. Snnborj & LewiBtown Division. In eflfeot Nov 28, 1897. WalTWABO I OtS. I STATIOS. SiBTOSD I pm pat AT hi i V i pa 4-3 Lawlitown J. f.i f.os 11.08 Mala Strsst 7.:3 4.18 iimh) Lswistowa I ss i.m 449 IU1 tfaltland 7.4:1 ll 4.04 ll.4t . Painter 7.4i t.v, 398 ll.4(i 11 Shlndls 761 IM 8.56 II Wsgnar 7.5s IX 3 46 M IT HoUlure (.8 U 8,18 11.19 10 Ksub'lMllll 8.13 8.M 8.:lu ll in it Adamaburg S.lll sm 3.24 11.00 u Baavsrtowa .M .1.13 19 Kenter 8.H4 .1 3 07 '.0.6U 18 MlddlebUilb H.40 4.' 3 00 10.4.1: 88 Melaer 8 4 I.!' 2..V1 iO:i) 87 Krsamcr S4 4. 2.32 16.8.V 89 Pswlliiu 8 51 4.1 l.m 1C.-S 43 dsUnaxrovs vim a I3T IU.1J' 46 ISsIlniKrovs J. l 411 2 2.1 ilu.usi fl I duuburv 1 "l Train leaves Sunbury C 25 p in, ui J rives at oelmsgrove 5 40 p m TraloH leuve Lewlritowo Junction : 4 58 a m. 10 IS a m.1237 p m,5 27 p m,T 07 11 !' : AKtuinn. Pittsburg and the Went. Kur ilaliimoresDil WhpIiIiihIoii 9 3.iain ICS 1 HB 4 1R. 1 oin in For rhilmluinliin N'f York 833 9 83a m. 1 02 1 83 4 43 sud 11 16 pm 14 Miiriisuurii 7 00 ii lu and 8 28 p ui Philadelphia & Erie R P. Division. AND NOUTUEKN OENTUAL UA.1LW.U Iralna leave Sunbury daily excopt bitnil iy : . 24 a lu lor Krle and CKnandiilirua 3 1:1 a ui for liellolontit Krla anil Ciiniinihilnwi 9 13 a in lor Iook Haven, Tyrone mi l the 1 10 ii ui tor lli-lli-louts Kane uau.ii.ii.iU" 5 31 p ui lor Konovo and tliuira 9 2J p in lor Ixck Havsn, II ,0 n tn 1,'rlj. anil PlLlllllkllll llf lt.1 9 43am for Look Hiivan aud 9iin I'" vl linuieport ROln tn ftrOntfiaiid.:, i,n.t 1tilftllllll 6 2S a IS. 65 ll ui 2 00 and 5 4 J p in lor v "'4 h,rPM attrl ITA,,l(ntt I 7 W) s m, 10 :0 a iu, l 3 p ia, 5 V V ' " sul '1 siimn i .Mount ouruioi Sunday 9 63 a ui lur Wllkiubar.-o tr...l.. l..A.. U..H.... itu TiinrllilQ in in , iti !, ilqir, iirrivin lit I'llll I'l'l1' Siwpm Now York 3 33 p in Biium.r ii wamiiuKion 4 in pm 6HI ii in daily arrl. lnii at l'lindolihl in.i,umNuv,,.bllu,iii lUlilmom v9! 4l u ni. weuk days arrlvinK at I'tailavUelfl 4 8Ua iu New York 7 81 a in im ll,inl,ni, n rf- .,,J 1 50 ain daily arrlvlntr at lMii.alel.lhiJ Haiti more 0 a a to whuiiidkiuu i"-- VT...L, UOIa UiaaUii.vs 111 I-.U IL 111 till' IV 13 pui.weck days arrlvlnir aiPhlUIJIl 8 23pui. New York 9 80 p ui. Haltiiuor'l w""u1?"L"P'2..k.... ... .m..sH i in ilia ibu iciavc ouuwui j - , , ... and 8 80 pin, lor Hamaburg. Hhllsdell'"' Haltiuiore i u i5ii'l ' " A1 J. B. IIUTCUINSON.tJs i i Mna a mum I'm i Ilenltli- Tn tn Inniini pnnwI.liiAl Ion bV taklWT P' line ifoms rouna in a ciruie. ",v , " 4 ine point boukiii, ouiouiy kv "v--,, lti pol nt. A perfect nut und laxiil yvwrj umif. ramroia!" Oiuoa, siomaune, liver aim " , , yn v..niu ur ll analller, a ourirh i M. Rothrock, M. P.. Mi. "7 will irive you a sample package iiw. ii and soots. Sherifl's Sale of REAL ESTAT 1.-lrt.ln-rlt Of All Fi,1 . . . ivmnion r'T laaueo oui oi ine voura oi ,Lu4 I Snyder county. Pa , and to 2jioJ expose to puuuo saie tn ,)e),4, ll MldUioourgn, ra on rwiii"" .M!it1 lo'olook p. m-, the followins Jt, estate to wit : All that eenani 0, s ot eround situate in ine " - ji e burgh, Snyder county, "M ' norm dt wwibi hiw,, -- . u-.rf ot nmn. South b v an alley and J. W. Hwarts, containing- H ': 'Piw being lot No. 19 In uo"" hVhaKI Borough of Middleburgh. on wW a Iwo-itor house, stable and otw 1 lnR..A ..u- ia...ullon d " 1 1 ffmssui tea s vis iuw I as the property of Q. O. Sbrf f.n. ''-f,, at..ifr. ns,. sltiUlahunr. r I TIlOHn n-nn.l Win ,... lh ,v " new and ' '' lr, (lic a,rlinntl. Jl;t.-vCTybe JJ , ''"iienv .crf....t y.ev,rl,: ywiiatllOK DU.,1.. ' . V" 'SVPi ,',"'Pr A GOOD ft' r.T...Pl'nr'unl Villai n.' mHn . - .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers