The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 02, 1897, Image 1
'0. 3B0. W. WAGEN SELLEB, xaitor ana proprietor. LI iURGH Don't forget to examine the new Sine table. Full line of Blanket at Weis,' ilinsgrove. . . Pretty lino of all Wool Druggets 1 Weis,' Sclinsgrove. Miss Mazie Reiver spent several iys in Sunbury last week. Teachers' Institute will Ihj held Middleburgh next week. Lank Hare last Friday shot a i . . . ... . ibit and two flying squirrel!'. Dr. A. J. Herman spent several vs in Philadelphia last week. Blank receipts put up 25 and 50 a book for sale at this office, tf . piss Annie Hassinger is residing lh F. V. Miller, near Vicksburg. Rev. Fred. Aurand and wife are iting Mrs. E. C. Aurand this k. 'hie assortment of Dress Goods xittom prices at Weis Sclins ve. Mrs. Susan', Webster, of Liver- rl o 1a 1 i, in visiting ueorge opecni anu lew Goods, Latest Styles of Iter Millinery. L. Dunkel- er. nplete line of Underwear in Ladies and Misses at Weis,' igrove. w . . he hunting party returned from hountains back, of Milroy ,iprt i deer. -,-..! L-Gm Stelnfcarer and " ISLo In Stetler shopped in Sunbury iaturday.V v,:.:' ,' "'.- Carrie Mensch of Mifflin- ipent Beveral days with Mrs. Pawling. R. Bickhart wishes to public- Ink Sheriti Ritter and wife for of venison. L John Hassinger of this place ing her son, Herman, and lit Sunbury. itlian Bickhart and wife of tnk visited George Bickhart lily on Sunday. report that Win. Rudy of burg had committed suicide k is reported false. Katie Holsapple of Red isited H. R. Bickhart and B few days last week. Gilbert, a senior of Frank- Marshall College, Lancaster, mg a few days at home. Thompson spent several lXew York at the horse bought a fancy trotter. fop in the prices of Lion tuckle's coffee, lie. or 4 lbs. at Maurer's, New Berlin. Jon Moyer of this place pays ptcash prices for calves Call on or. address as tf. J. A. Lumbard, wife and With, feasted at Attor Potter's on Thanksgiving ohler preached a very iu- anksgiving sermon last morning in the Reformed heads on Monday was arrisburg by a telegram the illness of Mother lioe Haines, of Beaver- several days in Swine- e residence of , C. H. W 3a, or 10 lbs. for 25c. reductions in price at few Berlin. See his ad. polumn. Erdlev. who has been Abaolom Snyder, will rather Moms Erdley &nd Amon Bowersox Mr. Snyder. MIDDLEBUR6H, SNYDER CO., T 18 h PBOCOKSSWE Cheapest line of Floor Oil Cloth I at Weis,' Sclinsgrove. J Rain fell for four successive Mon-j days and the 5th and 6th Mondays it snowed. j Supt. F. C. Bowersox was one of me instructors at me .uinmi county Institute last week. Ladies' Kid Gloves with double towed stitehings in all the latest colors at L. Dunkelljcrgcr's. George Livingston on Tuesday evening received the contract for erecting the Sclinsgrove Shoe Fae tory for $2090. A full line of tinware can he found at SchiH'h and Stah blocker's stand. All kinds of rcpairinj promptly attended to. tf. Charles Marks, a student of Dick inson College, Carlisle, spent his Thanksgiving vacation with his parent in Swineford. J. R. Krecgcr and II. B. Smith drove to Sunbury Thanksgiving Day to sec the State-Col legc-Dick-inson foot-ball game. Very interesting Thanksgiving services were held in the Lutheran church by the children. Every thing passed off very nicely. Reuben Mitterling of Mifflintown, formerly of Freeburg, visited friends at Sclinsgrove, Freeburg and at this place during the past week. J. -7! .A new and larger furnace', has beca placed in the bank bnildine as the other one ' a not large I - The Best Thing to do. Wait and see my line -of Winter Hats before buying elsewhere, you will not re gret it. L. Dunkelberger. Schoch and Stolilnecker will give you bargains in Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, or Roofing. Call and see the bargains opposite the jail. tt. M, Millner, of Kantz, is in Phil adelphia and New York this week buying a new and complete line of Holiday and Winter Goods. Cull to see them. Miss Bertha Wittcnmyer went to Philadelphia to see the Pcnsy Ivan ia Comell football game and to see her brother, Samuel, who is a Cor nell student. J. C. Schoch and his son-in-law, Jacob Stahluecker, have bought the tin shop and stove business from W. E. Stahlneoker. We visli the new firm abundant success. Bricks von Sale. I have on lmnd 200,000 bricks. Any person in need of bricks can get them at any time. F. F. Hark, tf. Middleburgh, Pa. J. N. Thompson, J. R. "Kreeger and Miss Bertha Wittcnmyer at tended the annual assembly of the Aniericus Club at Sunbury Wed nesday evening of last week. We have in stock a beautiful line of Ladies' Coats and Capes at prices that, defy competition, Plush Cupcs at $5.00 ami upwards. Cloth Capes equally as cheap. S. Weis, Sclinsgrove. The Post will lie sent toany new subscriber from now until January 1, 1 899, for the regular subscription price of one year. From now to July 1, '98, for 75 cents. Send in your orders. - Agents Wanted. To those that are willing to work I can give steady employment. The work is light and easy. Write me for terms. C. L. Yates, Nurseryman, 11-18-St. Rochester, N. Y. "That the richest and largest de posits of gold that the earth has ev er produced up to the present time have been found in the Alaska Klondyke country is now an es tablished fact. We call your at tention to the advertisement of the Alaska Klondyke Gold Mining Co. in another column." ' 10-7-6m. HEW8PAPER BWIHO Peter Herman, of Penns Creek, was a Wednesday morning caller. The pension board met on Wed nesday morning. Drs. Smith, Tool and Herman were all present. Mcrril Herman was buried in the cemetery here Tuesday. Kohlcr preached the sermon. . (II . Itev.ri I H. II. Grimm put n lot of Rock liass in Penns Creek furnished by U. S. Fish Commissioners. T. F. Swineford, of Lowell, fell from his buggy Tuesday evening, st this place and crushed his cheek bone pretty badly. G. C. Gutelius, Agent, will have public auction, in Mrs. A. B. Spccht's store room at Beuvertown on Friday evening, Dec. 3rd. Clothier Gunzburger of this place is the happiest man in two counties and well he muy lie for on Sunday his wife presented him with a pan of twin boys. 11. E. Walter wishes to inform the public that he cau supply any and all kinds of furniture. Call and see his stock and learn his prices before purchasing elsewhere. tf.: I Mrs. Edwin N. Kline of Carlisle is visiting her parents. C. D. Griss- inger and wife of Selinsgrove. Mr. Kline is a student at Dickinson College and is studying for the min istry.. ; : ' -; A chace of time table went into L . . w - Hieti on--Monday. The monlWg trains run on the same schedule. In the afternoon mail West arrives at 3:07 instead of 3:23. Train East arrives 4:20 instead of 4:30. Henry Hackenburg, an aged and respected citizen of Franklin Twp., West of Middleburir. died last Thursday and was buried on Sun day at Lunva church. Deceased was aged 75 or 80 years. Rev. Bonghter preached the sermon. Elias Rearick of Winnemac, Alaska county, Ind., has been Scnd ing the last nine weeks in Snyder county. Mr. Rearick 39 years ago left Snyder county anil has lx-en greatly enjoying his visit here. H. B. Smith, who has a lucra tive position in the bank at New Kensington, came home to sjend his Thanksgiving vacation and to assist Assistant Cashier Kreeger iu the bank here during the Cashier's absence. The public schools were closed Thursday and Friday of last week as a Thanksgiving vacation. Prof. JiKlwin Charles and wife spent the vacation at Port Treverton with his parents and Prof. Seeley visited his home at Beech Haven. When we say we want a reform .Joii . i i. t,r VUiU importance wmcn are ccrtan platform wemean what we say. MeL tl(J lortht.olllI r WUUt tile Ixist oliittnrni u-o nii rM . . . wuut the best platform we can get and the liest way to get candidates not only to run on tliem, but to fulfill the requirements of them. Compe tition closes Jan. 1st. Prothonotary J. C. Schoch snont a night recently at the hotel at Montandon. During the night some one very unceremoniously re moved four overcoats and umonrr the lot was a brand new $1S over coat belonging to the Prothonotary. A smooth, easy shave. mntv.l Ivor . ' o cut, or other tonsorial work, is al ways obtained ut Soles' Barler Shop, in Wittenmyer's building, opiosite Post office. Go to Soles and VOII will make no mistake, shaving soap, uunuream, nairou ana egg-shampoo for sale. A. E. Soles. Wm. K. Miller of Sul cm. tins county, was a Middleburgh visitor on Monday. Mr. Miller during the last campaign was engaged at re publican hehdouarters in Philadel nhia and 1. BKUVlllUIt.l tn ... Hptuuiwuou committee oi in inn4 i 1 ' i PATHUllSDAY, JOlATESt HEWS ; OOtfRT HOUSE CHIPS. - TOAda Katerrd lor Record. W&JJ.'Wildt to Henry Bick hart, 2 acres in Chapmau Twp., for$&ft.U : GtCrrfe Fisher and vifi t Murv rp - ' - Herman, 2 im ami 33 porches Art' rtl 4 lujuonroe. iwp., lor ?1.00. Jacql) SSierer and wife to Jacob M. Sier,.2 acres nnd tl jHTclies in WestPA-ry Twp., for 15.00. ' - Lrttem Urnnlrd. ' Itters of administration in the estate 'bf Nathan ArUtgast were granted to George A. Bover. The last will and testament of John HpMermnn was probated on Mondavir Letters C. T. A. were granted.-to Imv'i Ulrich. His daughter, Kate, is the sole heir. , i . Marring Llreanm. "Hibts Fluttkrino with Dixn Bi05a"The following murriaee li eeusetiiave beon craoted eiuce our last publication : f Ilarvejr Gelnet, Mciserville, IiebeQca Holibaugh, Oriental. S. J.. Gemberling, Sclinsgrove, Maggie Suffel, Chapman. f C..'Bilgcr, a-ntre Twp, Matge Oearhart, Washington T. ( Monroe Nace,' Washington Twp., Marj'Bryer, " Simon Sipe, Adams Twp., Busan,Musser, V . Ceutre Twp. the AinVoailony.airi knized'fff 1r-ililhi. h- Mm 1 C. Schoch, lastxhursilay evening." Mrs. Schoch was appointed Regent for Snyder county, by the Nctional Order at Washington, hist June. She has succeeded in organizing a chapter sooner than exocted. This will lie known us the Conrad Weis er Chapter, six, or one-half the charter members being direct de scendants of Conrad Weiser, the Interpreter, and his erandson. Cant. Conrad Weiser, one of the founders of our town. This Chapter has the very unusual distinction of having enrolled upon the list of its charter members, the actual daughter of a Revolutionary soldier, in the per son of Mrs. B. F. Gregory, who is the daughter of Richard Knight, drummer in Capt. John Beatty's Company, 5th Pa. Battalion, under Cant. Robert Masson. The officers of the Conrad Weiser Chapter are : Regent, ilrs. Ira C. Schoch ; Secre tary, Miss Eva K. Schoch: Heiris- ter, Mrs. C. B. North ; Treasurer, Mrs. B. K Greuorv. Stllnxm-aee. Tunes. CONGRESS NEXT WEEK One of the Mont Important .SlWww in the Ifintory ofUie Country. In view of the many questions of vital importance which are certain sions of Congress, those who desire to be well informed concerning na tional affairs will be interested in the news that "The Philadelphia Press" has made arrangements to publish more complete reports from Washington than have ever Ix'cn furnished by any daily paper here tofore. "The Press" maintains regularly at Washington a special bureau in charge of one of the lest known writers on national affairs. The working force of this bureau has leen increased so as to leave no doubt of ite ability to adequately and promptly report every itenu of Wasliincton news. As Comrress will meet next week it will lie well to betrin readiner "The Press" Washington reports at once. . Turnpike Vacated. The viewers appointed to nass on the petition to vacate the turnpike between Milllinburg and Hartleton, reported in favor of vacating that nart of the road. And award the 1 1 - turnpike company $250 damages. DEC. 2, 1897. FTOMTtWlTTOtOTl Friends of "The Post". Roll or Hoxon. Thn following persons havo paid their subscription to the Post to the datoa opposite their names. Should any mistaken occur in these credits or on vour na- por ploaso notify us : H A Kliugler, Roliert Haekenlmrir aug 1 '1)S oct 1 march 1 ",7 nov 1 UM jan 1 '9S niareli 15 "J. nov 1 'Jlo jan 1 '9S nov 1 '97 dec 1 '97 aug 1 '97 may 1 '9.S fell 1 '98 june 15 '95 april 1 '98 oct 1 '98 jan 22 '08 ' oct 1 '97 july 1 '98 nprif 15 '98 nov 1 '97 nov 1 '98 nov 1 '97 nov 1 '97 nov 1 '91 M J Courtney, John Slmnihach, Ira Kline, Amos Musser, Ah E Walter, SS Seller, Enoch Baker, Mrs. Sallie Younjr, R F Scchler, Noah Broiise, Daniel Rover, Jacob O Smith, P F Jarrett, Daniel Hunt, Elmer Walter, Isaiah Bowersox, Charles L Marks W S Smith, J DHare, A 1) Kreanicr, Win Wetzel, W B Hummel, G J Roush, Jobe Hart mail, Andrew Wieder, Abner Aigler, D F Unlinircr. april 1 '97 oet 1 '97 june 1 '98 april 9 '98 Jolih A Bover. : dec 1 '97 HKv'Jacoli.YiUtJsy - . ' jan 1 '98 'nj1dlnVlttitnyeiv 'ljwne O '98 FraiHc 'llflftnfaoch, -T-decl-'97 L H Heimboch, A Reningcr, Henry Grubb, . april 1 '93 jan 1 '98 oet 1 '97 sept 1 '98 july 1 '98 july 1 '98 ' Mt 1 '97 dec 1 '97 feh 1 '9fi j 1 1 1 v 21 '98 fe'b 15 'I8 feh 15 '97 sept 15 '!)7 march 1 '.(' july 1 ".If! july' 15 '9IS march 10 '97 april 25 ".IK sept 15 '97 dec 1 ".17 nug 1 '98 march 1 '98 feb 18 ".IK oct 1 '97 Isaac Smith, , B F Row, F II ShacfTer. Jonathan Steffen, M M Gemberling, Airs II it Romig, Kate Arnold, M S Brubaker, J L Weiser, Isaac Walter, John Francis, James EutciTmc, F I) Reigle, J E Mohn, R G Dunn Al- Co., S J Brouse, S P Wolvcrton, II () Rodgers, Jos Sworm, A Moesehliu. Reed Jones, Mrs J C Specht, july 1 '98 '98 D A Kern, Dr Herman, Ida Beaver, J W Di eese, W A Arliogast, C M Bruliaker, Alfred Dobson, Arthur Fisher, E C Musselinan, S G Moyer, Ida Billman, Dr P W Houscr, Francis Gemberling jan 1." nov 1 '97 dee 1 march 1 nov 15 '97 '98 '97 feb 15 '98 nov 1 '97 aug 30 '98 oet 10 '98 aug 1 '97 may 10 '98 april 1 '98 nov 1 '97 feb 15 '98 d.K- 1 '97 dec 1 '97 nov 1 '97 nov 1 '97 feb 1 '98 d! 1 '97 may 1 '97 nov 1 '98 jan 1 '98 sept 1 '97 nov 2 '97 april 1 '98 aug 1 '97 july 1 '98 nov 1 '98 jan 1 '98 april 1 '98 B J Maurer, Charles Ix;nig, David Heintzelnian, I E Boust, W D Carman C F Blouch, J F Selmee, J B Shcllenberger, J L Vamer, R W Stout, Theodore Row, Joseph R Stauff'cr, P Laker, Allen Foreman, Willet Arbogast, W C Ililbish, Daniel Beaver, R S Heintzelnian.' We arc in receipt of a box of as sorted pens from the Esterbrook Steel Pen Company, of Camden, N. J. The Company, is made up of reliable gentlemen. . Their pens are among the best i(not the best. For the post three years we have used no other pens but the Esterbrook. VOL. 34. NO. 47. Snyder County Historical Society. A meeting will be held in the Lodge Room, Middleburgh Bank Building, Saturday, Deoemlier 18th next, for the purMtse of formulat ing plans to organize An Historical Society iu Snyder County. It is to In; hoped that there will' Ik- a full turnout of nil citizens generally who are interested iu the preserva tion of the early history of this sec tion of Pennsylvania. 'Efforts will be made to have representatives from every township in the county present to participate in the pre liminary steps of the organization. Application will be made to Courts of the county for a Charter at the first regular term succeeding the lawful notice for same. In making this announcement it is proper to say that Snyder county is rich in historical associations and that steps should be taken to rescue from im pending oblivion facts now rapidly passing out of the minds of nidi. Committee. Ancthtr Shot Accidsntly. While out huntinir last Thursday. Sylvester Boweii, proprietor of the Summit House, accideutly shot Amon Glace, while under the im pression tliat he was shooting at a rabbit. jGIaoe and Bowon' were out .. hunting together 'and each ' moved around fa opposite diftctjons. -Jo 4ot,n '. ftrabbit',:' Gmce,!weht,among fcuhes" in the opposite direction from that ' airreed upon. The movement in the bushes invited the charge. G lace was hit with 27 shot, number 5. Glace is very sick and the result of his case is still uncertain. Teachers' Institute. The program for Teachers' Insti tute came too late to publish iu this issue. The lecturers are all able speakers. Judge Ellison needs no recommendation having won his reputation last year. lion. Henry lloiick also is well known here. Howard Saxbv comes so well recom mended that all can rest assured that nothing has been spared to make the Institute a grand success. - - Watch Repairing I. Bernstein, of New York, a thoroughly perfect old county Watchmaker, will remain here a few weeks at the Washington House to repair Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, IMc. All work warranted first-class. All kinds of Watches and Jewelry sold at the Lowest Prices. tf. 1. Bkunstkin. Christmas Presents. I desire to announce to the pub lic that those who wish to buy Pi anos, Organs or Sewing Machines for Christmas and New Year pres ents can buy cheaper of me now than ever. Full line of samples on hand. F. S. RKKii.K, tf. Middleburgh, Pa. Judge Alfred Ellison, of Ander son, Ind., is a very entertaining taker. His address was marked by frequent and hearty applause. He mingles in a very happv way, logic, wit and pathos, and he kept his hearers last night vibrating 1k- twecn a laugh and a tear. He was at times quite eloquent, at others humorous, and then tender and pathetic. iAxlnyton (Ky.) Daily Prcw, The teachers nt the county Insti tute had another interesting day yesterday, which ended by a splen did lecture bv Judge Alfred Elli son, thq Indiana jKiet-junst, who spoke from the theme, "Does the World Move?" The lecture was the best of the course and drew a very large audience which heard with deep interest the strong and entertaining lecture. Harneburg