The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 25, 1897, Image 1
. ' - -. - . A ,. nl ci-i ast icnt eie-l Mull t ieturl 1 11 UtllSl ..It ilt Bilvl .1 1 OEO. W. WAQKN8XLLSB, ...... . xauior ana proprietor. mmscl MIDDLEBUltGH, SNYDER CO., PA.. THUiiSDAY, NOV. 26. 1897. VOL 34. NO. 46. THE MIDDLEBUGM M8T IS k PROGRESSIVE NEW8PAKI CffiRC -WE LATEST NEWS FROM Y, STATE AND W ( bowel I In I nfantuin I ! Itmndy nl when I not pure kill the Med from ure, lit ip aUmu- t o your I a a bottle 1 1 i ill plea III! Sllllllll Iter till' can sut ii pay Ik.'- iritet ierulmnt. at Wcis,' ii 1 Look I f when 'u" ne. I kP M llfht tiH'1 ' Unil'i"l',ir UIJ' BtOC. RHCO! l'ESN'A. ,N WANTtD. . .i... rieW ed) to e,.on,?!3 Apply. w'll,uTuS4 I St., iNow rorthy'All'aSl jnyiler Coiinij- - ion r Full line of Blankets Selinsgrove. Pretty lint? of all Wool Druggets it Wcis,' Selinsgrovc. Tlie Sclinsgrove depot has se- lired telephone connections. The eourt advertising will lie llound on the inside page. We trust our readers will all cn- Ijoy tlieir Thanksgiving turkey. Mrs. Abel Wiuey of licavertown Iras a Middleburg visitor last week. Blank receipts put up 25 ami 50 I'm I book for sale at this ollice. tf. Fine assortment of Dress Goods bottom prices at Weis,' Selins- irove. Samuel Bollinger of Kreamer liras a Middleburgh visitor on bust fteiluesday. Complete line of Underwear in ppnts, Ladies and Misses at Wcis,' jhngrove. Frank Gaugler and wife of Se- rrove were visitors at Aaron Igor's recently. 1. . Miller lost a horse lust k by death resulting from the k of another horse. The Kreamer Union S. 8. will d a Christmas entertainment on nay evening, uecemoer Z4in. , The teachers of Penn township a meeting at Hill End school wise last Friday evening. Dr. Sehnable and Mis3 Florence ' of Freeburg were visitors at imitl llolen TTSunday ." ' Miis Gertrude Dunkleburger has n Winner D. S. Shollv's at Se- grtivc during the past week. w in id in the prices ' of Liou Arluckle's coifee, lie. or 4 lbs. 40c, at Maurer's, New Berlin. ij ni. Moatz and wife of Akrou, V rnviitlv visited friends and tiws at the county seat of Sny Wis Fannie Bowersox of Sun F wis a Middleburgh visitor last at the residence of Anion Mur. i prison Moyer of this place pays pugliest cash prices for calves Ihides. Call on or nddrpss as pays to drive to New Berlin to Usurer's big Barirains. Men Wt advertise don't have bar Cheapest line of Fluor Oil Cloth at.Weis,' Sclinsgrove. I Oft LLS. ine. Horsed a Bftid. cast it' irou, nds, kets, be convin sal , v' William Smith of Millniont laghtcr, Anna, were in Mid ft Oil a slintmimr eYiwHlition -tr 1- i irsuav Soli's, tonsorial artist spent T ttt Lewistiiwn i.-ist. wrlf ii. m fryof Mifflinbum had I his Aim. ender is tlie guest B'nu daughter, Mrs. Wm V'e Uirrie Bachman.) at P011Slrg. ' fPVs3c, or 10 lbs. for 25c. "teductions in price at Vhm Berlin. See his ad. poIiimn. Pisher of Seliusgrove has F1111 ail oriirinnl minainii . . ryu.Htahl ofPortTrever P jranted an increase. pm Alfred Sht and V town siient Sunday rn Hiomas and wite. ere S P-Iiul hi - n- Kuhitiu ta Mtcu Staktw have leen placed from here to MeClure to indicate the lo cntion of the telephone poles. Tlie line will be put up at once. Miss Lillie Dunkleburger, who had been staying with her sister at Pino Grove, has returned to her parents' home in Swineford. Supt. F. C. Bowersox is one of the instructors of the Perry County Teachers' Institute which convenes in New Blooinlield next week. Bimcks roll Sale. I have on hand 200,000 bricks. Any person in need of bricks can get them at any time. F. F. II auk, tf. Middleburgh, Pa. Hon. II. M. MeClure presided at the session ot Cuml)erland county court for Judge Biddle last week and lectured at the law school on Wetlncaday night. Agents Wanted. To those that are willing to work I can give steady employment. The work is light and easy Write me for terms. i C. Ii, Yates, urseryman, ll-18-3t. . ltochester, N. Y. llev. A.'E.' Gobble of New Berlin, president of Central Penua. College, preached at Stony Point, I'leasant Valley and Elliotsburg, Perry coun ty, oil Sunday last. Df. A. C. Spungler, J. Howard Ubih and A. I). Carey, .three of Se linsgrovVs'1 representative business bicycles bunday.v . .. - . Wc have in stock a beautiful line of Ladies' Coats and Capes at prices that defy competition. . Plush Capes at $5.00 and upwards. Cloth Capes equally as cheap. . .. S. Weis, Seliusgrove. Mrs. Catherine Ilothrock of Me Clure, wilow of Dr. Uoswell Iloth rock, has received a widow's pension and also accrued pension through T. A. Wagner of MeClure. William E.Stnhlnecker is prepar ed to keep you from freezing this winter. He has on hand a full sii plyofthe latest style of Heaters. Call and see his stuck opposite the iail. tf. Editor Edwin S. Willis of Free burg was in town on Saturday and as usual made a fraternal call at our office. Editor Willis is a practical printer and knows how to put out a neat newspaper. If you want the best and latest style Ranges in the market, you can get just what you want by calling on W. E. Stahlneckcr, opposite the jail at Middleburgh. tf. The Post will be sent toany new subscriber from now until January 1, 1899, for the regular subscription price of one year. From now to July 1, '98, for 75 cents. Send in your orders. A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair Cut, or other tonsorial work, is al ways obtained at Soles' Barlier Shop, in Wittenmyer's building, opposite Post oifice. Go to Soles and you will make no mistake, shaving soap, face cream, hair oil and egg-shampoo for sale. A. E. Soles. Merril, the 13 year old son of Jacob Herman, who resides on the Hummel farm near Shamokin Dam, Henry It. Bickhart has been ill, for the past week. Now is the time to advertise your special holiday Itargains. The best fed turkeys in the lirn yard are wearing that worried look. Some of our farmers arc very much back with their corn husk ing. New Goods, Latest Styles of Winter Millinery. L. Diinkel Ixrgcr. Ladies' Kid (J loves with double towed stitchings in all the latest colors at L. Dunkcllicrger's. B. F. Arbogast, one ot Perry county's ardent Republicans, was a Middleburgh visitor on Monday. The Best Thing to do. Wait and see my line of Winter Hats before buying elsewhere, you will not re gret it. L. Dunkellierger. If the wife could only cook us well as her husl mud's mother, and the husband could buy the wHe as fine frocks as her father did, matri mony would be a howling success. We would appreciate an early re port of all weddings, deaths, births and other items of interest that oc cur in the different townships. Make it your business to help make the Post a live local paper. ,We learn that W. A. Arbogast will occupy Marburger's corner in tho spring with his store. Mr. Mar burger will remove the small build ing now used by E. Taylor as I a Assessors' Fay 'The following amounts were paid to the assessors of the various dis tricts of Snyder county for making thb tri-ennial assessment of the toanty: Dt.trMr. Adums, Betrvcr, Hcu'ver, W., C'i'ritre, Chapman, Fnuiklin, Jackson, Middleburgh, Middleercek, Monroe, Penn,? Pcrryy 1WW., St Improve, Sltring,. Uaioa: ' Washington, Total,' $473.50 Amount. I? 18.50 21.50 28.50 28.50 34.50 28.50 24.50 10.50 22.50 34.50 20.50 32.50 1 9.50 34.50 28.50 34.50 30.50 Why. Can't the Middleburgh "Post" Publish Such a Notice? see the was very badly kicked by a horse rnday. Ihe boy was pretty ly hurt in tho eye and face, but reports by telephone say he is ing along nicely. That the richest and largest de- its of gold that the earth has ev- our paris LE-lirodiieed up to the present time Twofam'(iuaitlorsw serial RtoricB to the I first deals Willi Scot, scenes, the second is . girl, versatile, and ty Mary E. Wllklns Octave Thanet H. P. 8pofford M. S. Briscoe DEPARTMEN CLUB WOMEN iJ tlAKKAKliT II. II There will be l i Voice. Art. the Flay, Gardening, llausekeJ e been found in the Alaska ndyke country is now an es- ished tact. We call your at ioc. n co.y (senifon to the advertisement of the M'j'" 'faka Klootlyke Gold Minine Co. UUrc6 lintiri.i nrwr n ff t A gncfttTttocti.e.vJl -o reel- dence on that portion of his lot. Tnbnne. What kind of a man do the icople of Snyder county want in the next legislature? Formulate your ideas into a platform and conicte for the Post's prizes for a Reform plat form. The Ix-st one wc will adopt and see how many candidates are willing to obligate themselves for genuine reform. We have just learned here that while gunning for rabbits hist week, near Port Treverton, Calvin Arnold and son Edwin shot each other. Edwin came oil with very little harm, but in the case ot the father blood poisoning had set in and may develop into something serious. Courier. While a freight train was passing the tower a mile below Mapleton on Monday morning of last week the fireman threw a piece of slate oil the engine. It struck A. Marti. i Fisher on the left temple and fractured his skull. Mr. Fisher, who is a track hand, had lieen on duty at the tower watching lor danger from a land slide in wet weather. He was taken to his home in Mapleton uncon scious, and died on Wednesday even ing, following at 9 o'clock. He was 40 years old and had a wife and three children. W. I). McDougall of Harrisburg is the name of the P. R. R. fireman who threw off the piece of slate from his engine that killed Mr. Fisher of Mapleton. He feels very sorry for his act. Mr. Geo. T. Kepner's Snyder county cattle sale came off on sched ule time, on Saturday last at Mid dleburg. Prices were fair j $4.25 per hundred jvouuds was the highest at which figure 27 fine steers were struck off to Mr. Gurman of Rich field, this county. The bulunce were sold at prices ranging from $4.20 down to $3.85 per hundred. The sale was held at tlie Eagle Ho tel at the railroad station, W. 8. Arbogast, formerly ot the Jacobs House, MifHintown. He proved fully able to accommodate the large crowd in attendance. Mr. Kepner expects to continue on in tho line of cattle sales, and will in the near fu ture have another, ot which due no tice will be given. Dr. R. R. Cro zier is his efficient assistant and. ac quitted himself at Middleburgh like a major general.- Port Jtoyaf Ttmu. Tho oirp factory, so recently lo cated in our town, is not able to fill orders -promptly with tlie pres ent hdjvrtThe firm was obliged to canoel some orders. They now em ploy oVvr. oiie hundred jveople, the force otj workmen will lie increased to 150 (of- 200. They are taking new giflijtlcarn the Immtiesn'- Jv ery.wert For thc good of the fin-' tory ana 't3e town,' persoi ftcrn.nig employment wi I! lie obliged to move to town. In the spring a number of families will move here with a view of getting work in this new industry. Comjtctcnt girls can find work and time as cap makers. Sotfand Liutersteiu are now hav ing the sjiecificatioiis made to raise the lower part of the factory as high the new part. They are young, energetic business men and thor oughly understand the cap business. Before long they will have one of the largest and most prosjMToiis in dustries in this part ofthe country. Girls who apply themselves earn over $1.00 per day as cap makers. Such wages should lie an incentive to young girls to eagerly seek em ployment in this factory, which is eqiiipjicd with the latest m.iehinery and modern improvements. .W thumbrrhtnd J'irs.i. Long Distance Telephone The Central Pennsylvania Tele phone it Supply Co. propose to commence in a day or two the erec tion of a metallic circuit line from Petersburg to Greenwood Furnace, Pa., via Porter's Mills, Cottage, NetTs Mills, Mooresvillc, Manor Hill, Saulsburg, Ennisvilleand Me Alevy's Fort. The principal mer chants in all of the aliove towns have made contracts for long dis tance telephones. When the line is completed, on or about Decern U-r 1st, the Huntingdon telephone sub scruVrs can lie placed in instant communication with any jniint in the Shaver's Creek valley. llnntlmj don Xewtt. The Long Distance Telephone Line will be built through Snyder county early next Spring. This Company needs more wires for bus iness requirements and instead ot running other wires by way of Har risburg, they will run them through Snyder county. The revenue from Snyder county business seems to lie a secondary consideration, though pny stations will lie established and business men will have the oppor tunity of securing phones for long distaice business. The boy who can trade jack knives and Btill remain free from sin is not a youth calculated to make a successful promoter of giant ewerpruwi wnen ne becomes a man. Don't forget to give thanks. S. (J. Mover moved into his new and handsome residence on West Market Street Tuesday. Why is it that in eating oysters you always get a piece of shelf with the last bite or an over ripe one? Robert Kcarick's house I miles West of town was consumed bv fire on Monday morning about 9 o'clock. W. A. Swart, who had lieen working at Bellcvue Ohio, for the past six months, returned home on Tuesday. Wheat made a great advance on Tuesday at the Franklin Roller Mills. Papa Bashoar says his first Ixirn will Ik' a miller. The Forty-fifth Annual Teach ers' Institute lor Northiiiiilierland county will be held at Sunbiiry, DivcihIkt 20 to 21, inclusive. Frank Mcnsch and wife, of Cow an, and Daniel Stall I and family, of Mazcppa, arc visiting Dr. Orwig's and the Editor and wife. The first snow of the season fell Monday night mid Tuesday. It is a remarkable fact tint for four suc cessive Mondays it rained and the fifth Monday it snowed. II . E. Walter wishes to inform the public that he can supply any and all kinds of furniture." Cull and see his stock and learn his prices In'fore purchasing . JhrjJ'h."," Friends of "The Post", Roll of llottdit. Thrt following persons Lave paid their subscription to the Post to tho dates opposite their names. Should any mistakes occur iu these credits or on your pa per please notify us : W F Kauflnian, Peter Shacfhr, Henry N Walter, Morris Krdley, David Wetzc'i, Thomas Adams, George M Noll, Isaiah Walter, .1 (i llerrold, John W Aigler, Caroline Miller, Frank Bowersox, John A Baruer, II M MeClure, Dr A C Spangler, J J Mitchell, Rev Shamhacl), C A Fessler, W T Dietrich, J L Bingaman, Rev Rearick, Roliert Walter, Dr A M Smith, S Delilah Troxcl, J W James ( 'o., W S Arlmgast, S M Kauri man, J II Ulsh, R A Hassinger, Win Moyer, J D Arbogast, july 15 '!I7 jiuie 1 '1)7 fel. 1 ".17 march 1 'its jan 1 'US iiov 1 '90 julv 1 '97 fel) 1 ".17 july 15 ".'7 inarch 1 '94 july 15 ".17 jan 1 '97 jan 1 '9N march 1 '97 feb 1 '97 july 1 '91 inarch 1 ".IS jinic IS '97 june 18 '97 may 1 !97 june 1 '98 inarch 1 '90 april 1 '97 june 27 '98 march 17 '98 july 1 '97 aug 1 '97 sept 1 '97 april 1 '90 july 15 '97 july &'9S. iii tivr liWuig J. E. Bihighuus-iti UitttiiWi. and Harry J farter, of Hartleton, were in town Tiiesdav night. Wed nesday they visited Beavcrtown, Ad- Hinsburg, Iroxelvillc and other places to arrange to hold auctions. Sonic persons are already specu lating on the result of the' Judicial contest 3 years hence. Snvdcr county is thoroughly satisfied with Judge MeClure, but owing to the injuries sustained by Attorncv A. W. Totter, it is prolmblc that Sny der county will endorse Mr. Potter, if he desires the position when the time comes. During the past few weeks we have rcceivei I unite a number of complaints that subscribers did not receive their pacrs. We can not account for this. We mail all pa mts regularly ami if they are not delivered the fault must lc with some one in the postal service. If those who miss papers will notify us, we will try to supply missing numbers. A new game law has just Ikcii published by the Columbia Iiule rcndent, to wit : Hook agents may lie killed from Oct. 1 to S pt. f; Spring jMM'ts from March 1 to June 1 ; scandal mongers, April 1 to Dee. 1 ; umtnvffo borrowers, Aug. 1 to Nov. 1, anil from Nov. 1 to Aug. 1, while every man who takes a pa per several years, but when bill is presented says nothing or pays noth ing, may be killed on sight without reserve or relief from valuation or appraisement laws, ami Ik- buried face downward without benefit of clergy. . .. Prizss for Reform Platform. The Post will give 3 prizes for the U-st three reform platforms that ought to lie adopted by all candi dates for the legislature from Sny der county in the next campaign. Platforms for compctiou must lie short, clear and to the point ami aliove all must lie a "Rkfokmek." Competition open to all. Contest closes January 1, 1898. Christmas Presents. I desire to announce to the pub lic that those who wisU to buy Pi anos, Organs or Sewing Machines for Christmas and New Year pres ents can buy cheaper of me now than ever. Full line of samples on hand. F. S. Reigle, tf. Middleburgh, Pa. J .J Steiuinger, . june CaStral Hotel,- ' I. ; -- UXWU1 1A .m:-:.; ' 'J'U dec I fui . I tviimkrdfti'W Vai, f, 1 ., )ry Carbon Secbold, Kleckncr House, M t Potter, II A Bibighaus, L E Paw ling, Charles Ienig, Silomoii App, A K in Kichnian, Hciij Haclimau, Daniel Millhoiise, Alfred Chubb, Sarah M Wray, Albert Schiur, A M Houtz, Dr Rothrock, Levi It Treastcr, Jacob Bollinger, Adam Showers, P S Ritter, Cyrus Biwersox, Adam Walter, Charles Camp, J () Smith, John Walter, J II Martin, Charles Fry, Wm Mover, 1 (iraybi'll, 1 E Kremer, Henry Swarm, I E Roust, E F Snyder, Claude Smith, Sylvester IJowen, W S Smith, Allen S Sechrist, T A Leplcv, I) V, Buck,' Moss Ai Co., W F Sanders, S C Kessler, Wilson Strou p, National Hotel, Wm Naugle, Benj S-esholtz, G C Beufcr, John D Bogar, Harry Bower, Abel Winev, J II App, James Deimer, I L Herman, Mrs Henry Kustcr, H D Kustcr, Amos Bowersox, John P Fisher, B F Herman, Frank E Herman, J S Rhamstine, Harry Hummel, Charles L Marks, J E Thomas, W F Feese, ,s deer '97 april 1 '97 sept 1 '97 may 1 '90 june 1 '98 oct 1 '97 nov 1 '97 may 1 '98 april' 15 '98 oct 1 '97 may 1 "97 oct 14 '97 july 2u '98 april 2 '98 june 15 '97 feb 2(1 '98 nov 1 '90 tel. 15 '98 aug 1 '97 may I '97 sept" 15 '97 sept 1 '97 aug 1 '97 june 15 '95 jan I '98 sept 1 '97 april 1 '98 mav 1 '98 dec 1 '87 nov 1 '97 aug 3 '97 nov 1 '97 sept 1 '97 feb I '98 aug 1 '97 feb 1 '95 july I "97 sept 1 '97 sept 15 97 nov 12 '97 dir 10 '97 oct 1 '97 march 1 '98 july 1 '97 nov 1 94 aug 21 '97 aug 15 '97 april 1 '97 aug 20 '97 may 1 '98 march 4 '98 sept 1 '97 sept 1 '97 oct 1 '97 nov 1 '98 oct 1 '97 sept 1 '97 sept 1 '97 july 1 '97 inarch 1 '97 june 1 '98 july 1 '98 may 1 '97 sept 1 '98 TO BE COSTING ED NEXT WEEK. .1 : r: At" f ''' 1 1 J