The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 18, 1897, Image 3

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rialn Facta Regarding Humor
ed Peals For the Future.
Ringing Statomant From Senator
Durham, of Philadelphia.
(lomrrommnn 8tone, of AlloRiirny,
AIo ;lvet Out an Interview IIoHd
Ihk lIlartmltlOD Some IteitHona Why
Dr. Swallow Will Not He an Impor
tant Kuutor In the Rao Next Year.
Other Political News.
(Special Correspondence.)
Philadelphia, Nov. 1G. The political
atmosphere In the state of Pennsylva
nia Is beginning to clear up to a con
siderable degree, and out of the mixta
nnd rumors of the past ten days the
leaders of the various elements of the
Kcpulillcan party are beginning to see
better and are obtaining a more accu
rate knowledge of Just where they
The fact that Senator Quay met
David Martin and Chris Magee Jtmt
before election for the sole purpose of
unifying the organization In order to
et out aa large a party vote as pos
sible caused much comment, and was
approved by Borne and denounced by
others, but misconstrued by a very
large proportion of both the people
and the active workers. Now that 'mat
ters have calmed down nnmcwhat all
hands are beginning to look upon these
Incidents of political life In a more
reasonable and practical manner. Vuose
who have a knowledge of the inner
workings of the organization have
learned from sources that cannot be
doubted that there have been no deals,
slates or arrangements of any charac
ter In cither local or state politics.
The attitude of several of th most
conspicuous Quay men In both Phila
delphia and Pittsburg, aa well aa
throughout the state, proves the truth
of this assertion. For Instance, it was
vry generally reported In Philadel
phia, and believed by many well mean
ing persona, that Senator Quay had
made actual and tangible terms with
David Martin, and that State Sen
ator Durham, who has been on of his
most valuable friends and allies in the
Quaker City, had been deserted and left
out In the cold. As a proof of this It
was asserted that Senator Quay bad
concluded a political bargain with Mr.
Martin, by which William J. Roney,
who Is Martin's brother-in-law, was to
be unanimously renominated for the
position of receiver of taxes. There la
no truth whatever In this. Senator
Viuay has personally denied the story,
and Mr. Martin admits that there la
no Justification for the yarn. To make
proof more conclusive still, Senator
Durham cornea out with a public state
mtoi mat mere nas Deen no deal, and
that there will be no deal. More than
mis, he is now preparing to wage an
aggressive campaign against the nom
(nation of Mr. Roney. Senator Quay is
wen aware of this, and the fact that
he has not attempted to Interfere in
the slightest degree with Mr. Durham's
local plans would seem to make It cer
tain that there had been no Quay-Mar
tin compact in Philadelphia.
In this connection it is quite interest
ing to note the exact position of Mr.
Durham in this matter. He represents
the young element in the party who
are opposed to offensive bosslsm, and
who have used their best endeavors to
create a healthier tone In the local po-
mti .
... urgunizaiion. vvnen ne was
"Ked if there was a deal of any charac
ter he said that as far as he knew there
as nothing substantial in the ru
mor or deals that had been agitating
politicians or the Quaker City. He
uueu to this:
"Tou can say, however, that If such
a dual were made I would not be a
'"y to It. More than that, It is not
In the power of any person or persons,
Ush or low, to make any political bar-
wins ror me. I stand where I have
tood fur the last three years In favor
i cieaner polities and better city gov
ernment. I am for honesty and manll
"a in politics, and I do not believe
'he people of Philadelphia will ever get
either from the few men who have
wen and are now running the Republi
can city organization for their own
Krsiuml proiu and political advance
ment." How do vnu rpimrl fho muaMnn k
tin'" 8' l,lUor Quay ard David Mar-
wuiiy, and do not pretend to explain
"i actions. I Intend to stand by my
"lends who have so loyally Btood by
and I will do this regardless of
! others may do."
'You are credited with opposing the
"ae of the inu ,.i,-)ii
, H WI AO i
TilUt is true. T wna fiirnlnut It k..
'"'""ved It was a teal. I never
f "''ruled to have a monopoly of vlr-
,,. : 1 "Ul lnere Is a limit to the patience
1 'he people, and I think It Is going
kn. U preUy ,oon- lf thla thlr8
- p mere will be a lively time In
Z.n'1, " wlUlln tne Power f the
thin- . chan" the existing order of
r..T. """never they choose to do so.
"'acnerv. iVlni ...
wceiisfm for awhile, but they won1
ultcu limy ue
J. lorevAt. i - .
iiavo iiiauneu out my
that Li "lat po,,Jr 18 to BtBnl hV
"at e email -r, . ..
Phn , ... " lI1B epuiiicana or
l.i 1 1 1 it ... n n .... - i
HI favnr !. .
m-nn ,f,(l t .
Il ls ,Unt" thpy are victorious and
Uni , "0,,8lule for self respecting
fPle to go alimir mill, ...
fHzation." "c'luu"l:l"'
"hat i -... ....
,, - - ..UD 0l wr. Durnam ln the
late a Quay lealera throughout the
h.T. . manjr mlalnformed, Pr
naVS l0UdlV hMnl a I A 11... O..
"W On.. : "Miiuiieo inai i
' vv. i luicv iUUi DCIl'
aen.r .r, aa ,Iated Peter A. B.
en. of Philadelphia, ai the Ropub-
loan candidate for governor, and that
loch worthy men as Oeneral Frank
Rseder. Congressman Hicks. Charles
W. Stone. Congressman Connell and
William A. Stone were all to receive
orders to quit the field and give Mr.
W'ldener a clear track for the nomina
tion for the seat now occupied by Dan
lei II. Hastings. Congressman Stone
has been In Philadelphia during the
past few days and he haa had no hesi
tation In declaring hia belief that the
stories are without foundation. In do.
tng this he has given out a brief state.
ment which has the ring of manliness
and sincerity about It. Colonel Stone
"1 came here from Washington, where
I went to visit my family. I am well
satisfied with the present status of my
campaign for governor, and I believe
that will win. I am making my cam
paign solely on my own merits, without
any promise of support from any fac
tion ln the Republican party, but
hope that all Republicans will be for
"I am keeping strictly In the middle
of the road," continued Mr. Stone, "and
I am paying no attention to rumored
deals and slates, making my appeal
direct to the people of the state, well
knowing that the matter Is entirely In
their hands. I will be a candidate until
the votes are counted ln the convention
Under no circumstance will I withdraw
from the fight until It Is over,
Mr. Stone's friends assert that he
has developed no little strength In Al
legheny county. While Magee and
Fllnn have been enabled In the fac
nonai rights or the last two years to
control a majority of state delegates
from Allegheny, the Stone followers
say that their choice for governor will
undoubtedly turn the tables on Magee
and Fllnn. Many of Pittsburg's Mu
niclpal Leaguers are supporting Mr.
Stone a candidacy, and so are the busl
ness men.
It is pointed out by Mr. Stone's sup
porters that he has other sources of
strength. For years he has fought In
congress for restricted Immigration. In
the next congress he hopes to pass such
a bill that will meet with President
McKlnley's views. A bill restricting
Immigration, of which Mr. Stone was
the author, passed congress last year,
but It was vetoed by President Cleve
Mr. Stone's fight for restricted Im
migration has won for him in his
gubernatorial canvass, so It Is stated,
the support of the patriotic orders of
Pennsylvania. Then, too, the labor
organizations would like to aee him
without desiring to detract ln the
slightest degree from the laudable am
bition of any man to become an as
ptrant for the highest office In the gift
or the citizens of the commonwealth. It
must be said ln all candor and sin
rerlty that Mr. Wldener is the least de
alrable of any of the candidates that
have yet been mentioned for the gov
ernorship. He is a man of force and
ability, but he is Intensely unpopular
ln his own city, and thla la a weak
ness in a candidate for a high office
that cannot be wisely overlooked by
the delegates who will have the power
or naming the nominee of the nartv.
The Republican- candidate for the chief
magistracy of the Keystone state next
year will have to be a man who is
strong with the rank and file of the
people, and even the best friends of
Mr. Wldener will not claim this dls
Unction for their candidate. He Is best
known to the citizens of Philadelphia
as a Traction magnate and the head
and front of an offensive Btreet car
The Philadelphia Inquirer, which is
generally recognized as the leading Re
publican newspaper In Pennsylvania,
has said in the most positive terms
within the last five days that if Mr.
Wldener were nominated for the gov
ernorship he could not be elected. These
facts are known to the party leaders.
They speak volumes, and can be taken
as a most emphatic denial of the story
that Senator Quay had been foolish
enough to slate Mr. Wldener for the
There has been a good deal of un
necessary Jubilation over the size and
character of the Swallow vote In the
last election. Some of hia over zealous
friends have already nominated him
for governor, and the Harrisburg par
son has accepted the nomination with
alacrity. His warmest supporter ln
Philadelphia Is Danker Wharton Bar
ker, who Is now engaged In mapping
out the preliminary steps that are In
tended to pave the way for his nomi
nation as governor.
Mr. Barker Is an enthusiast In poli
tics, but his public career has not beet,
marked heretofore with any notubls
or brilliant successes. On the contrary.
his political pathway has been strewn
with failures and defeats. Mr.
Uarker .
i..-. .
Is and has been a zealous Bryan man,
and Is recognized as the foremost
champion of free silver in this part of
the United States. Another of Vr.
Swallow's supporters In Philadelphia
Is Wayne MacVeagh, who was the UiY
ted States minister to Italy under the
Cleveland administration. Mr. Mac
Veagh was formerly a Republican, but
left the party of his fathers because of
Its determined stand ln favor of a pro
tectlve tariff on American industries.
He deserted ln tho heat of a national
campaign and took the stump ln favor
of Cleveland and free trade.
It will be seen, therefore, that If Dr,
Swallow becomes a candidate for gov
eruor It will be upon the platform of
free silver and free trade, two Issues
that never have been and never can be
successful In Pennsylvania. It is no
Idle prediction to Hay that If ho is In
the Held next year he will not poll
one-half of tho vote bo received at the
late election. , T. M. A,
J I. Steele, Sr , to Marry.
J. Irviu StiK'lc, .Sr., ut the Ash
land Tchymin, it is iincloistootl, will
marry K.,U 11a Thomas of Mc
clmnic.sbui'o;. The prospective britle
iw the accomplished daughter of'Col.
Thoiiias of the I'eiiiisylvaniii State
rlit(irial Association, and recogniz
ed as one of the most estimable
young ladies of the Cumberland
IrilcU Mtnanptl fast
T. a. Slomim, the ln i a hemlxt and Nrlentlxt.
w ul senu to Sir.Irrv.-x. T1:r Kree bottles ol
III Nt-Mljr Dlwov.-nM Hermtlks u Cure Con
niiniMluuaii.ini: Lou '.luuiilra. .
.Willi, tfd.iil l be talwr, more phllittitropki or
rirrv iKHev tuthe intuitu, limn tint gener.
win c ftVr 01 1 he hmuire.1 mi l IHil'iirulxiiMlLlieia
to. T. A. ttiuciiiu. M. . .. ol Now Vork
He bus rtlNiiven-1 n MVill snd !iliiterm-e
lor ooiisnnipiltiii. mill t I I ronrlilul, tlimal. Iiinif
nnil chi-Ml iicx cntamiii! MT.i'I1iiun, Kenerul
(Itl'lillMULlI WKkllt-M,, llv-or H'-SIl ntlll Hll Cll.l-
!tliml.l W.O.UU): xn jv , l innke lis Brent
irn-rilii known. ill rl"l riipw ir iMiillaxot lit
i (fly ilisruver.'U rruerti-'t. lu any alilli-leti rvail
ot I he I'
Already his '-neit wlen'lllr svMini of ni"rtl
i'Iw" Ims rTfii nieiiil riir il I l:(uv1 of up-rm-eml.v
hiipei."M esse-.
The Dna-lnr iiinslilen It not unlr Mm nrofes.
moitiil, Imt hN M'lijioiw iiiiiy--u .liny ulilrli lie
owiim UioiilTerlii l.iin.rilti t. annate !il In
lulilli'ft cure.
II" hit provided llm "(ira.Mli-'l i-onMiitrpilun"
in lie k :iirntl' dl-wa e ivyimd it dniiiit.. In nnv
eliinnte. uixl tut on Mle Hi lili Ainerlivn .mil
i:umieflii luN.nilorli's Miu'HpihIh ol "heartfelt.
Ictlnioaluli o( ifmiliurle" Irmn thnne bcnclUtcU
mill cnrl, In all purl of the world.
uit-irrliiil nnil piiiiiioiiHrr irontilr lend tiem.
sumption, and coiitiuiitlitn. uninterrupted.
ineiiiiH speedy mid leiinlii rtnaili. Ivin't delay
mull It Is ton late simply write T. A. Sloeuin.
l I' Utf llni Mtrm.1 Kitui Vi.rl, ..lull... uv r.rlu.
ami ixwtofllee mliln-Mi. mid the free lue.llrliie,
will he iiriimpllv Ken'. P'eai
ten tho lKK-torl
iiu iinw his o.iiT in I lie Piwr.
Alaska -Klokdykr
Gold Mining Co.
( 'a pita
Stork, f00,0()0 Slum of
$10.00 Kidi, fully
1 i (
(minium iniu-.iM-
st siililc, ot winch '.0,(HH) Minri'Hi
' .11 (Will Sll.ll-I.U ,
lire now (.(Itwl for xiiliscrintiiins nti!lvlnK at n,"'t "w- charging them
1 with Immoral conduct.
There are many pemniiH wlin deiiirtt to go to
(he uohl flel'ln of Alnnka ton rominc,' seamin,
who have nut enough ready money availahle
to ennhlft them to do o.
To all ueli, wo would advice the ilrnimlillity
of foriiiliig s IimbI Dynillratc of three or more
rnnns. sikI Jointly piircliMe SlIO uliares of our
Mock, anrl nelei-t one of yonr nunilier to go nnd
proM-ct and niinn for Joint wcnnnl
With partiin ;forniing aueli pynilit-atr, this
(.'omtiariy will contrnrt to neml out one of their
number for em-h .Wnhsre of ntock purchaned
fom itat pir, ao I m;bint:kin mi'?h party there
for one year from the date of arrrlval at the
gold field, supplying him with food, tooU, and
nil th In gi riiiaite to enable him Ho proapeet
for Raid, and with help to develop and work all
gmid clni ma located by him the. claims to be
lot ated l-i the name of the syndicate and the
Aloaka-Klondrke Oohl Mining Co., and to ha
owned Jointly and equally, uliare and nhare
Write forCirculat Full Particulars.
Jamea Rice, late Hecretary Mlate of Colorado
Wm. Hliaw, capttaliat, Chicairo :
E. M. Tilconib, ..Vice I'reaident anil (leneral
Manager Kaatman Fruit DiapatehCo. ;
H. C. Fanh, member Maritime Kichangr, New
Oeo. W. Morgan, Circle City, Alaaka-,
John K. Ix.wther.INew York ;
Cleorge T. Dor fee, Fall Itlder, Masa. ;
aovIhort board.
Hon. I. II. Wakefield, Aaeoeiate Juatlce, Klnit
Platrlct Court Houtli Frnminghom, Mnnn.
Hon, O. Q. Rk-hmoml, late Prcaident Court of
Appeal, Denver, Col. ;
S. (), I'pdegrafT, late Treasurer Lycoming Coun
ty, Wtlliamapnrt, 1'enn.
Hmnuel M. Bryan, I'resiilent CliciMiimake nnil
I'otnmnc Telephone Co., Wonhiiigton, D. C;
Dr. It. (.'. Klnlier, .Mieliigan Ave., Chicniro
III. ;
Col. I'. A. Huffman, Detroit, Mich.;
M. (. H. Mwift, Alliirm y-ut Iiw, Full Itivor,
Mums. ,
liae W. Svott, Deiluty Collector, Cednr ItnpiilH,
Win. K. Mi Kuicht. Aiioruey ut I-iw. (.rilinl
liiipiiU, Midi.
The biiKlneM of the Alneka Klomlyke (Sold
Mining Compuny will he to runa liiie.of steam-
r on the Yukon Itircr, and between Seattle
ami the different parts of Alaska, open supply
torca ut tlie ditTercnt cunips, do a gunenil
trunsportution, commercial nnil bunking bus
iness, und, in aililition, dcul in Milling Claims,
anil work the mines ulreudy owned and Unit
may lierunftcr lie ucipiired by thu Company.
i'lic ( '(iniiany inntruls the followiiii;
Kit-lit .ii'ld I'lacer Cliiinm Dirureiriitinir liu
Acres In Kxiciil. located on Kort.v Mile Creek
under t'nlieil Slates mini iik laws. Hevelopmeiit
hits proved the pay slreuk lo be live feet thick
and bail yielded plni-er dirt that pans from $10
to tin to tne pan. 1'ivu Ctolil I'lacer Chums, ikg
grcKating 1ml Acres in extent, on I'orciipiuc
Klvur, thut puns from Si cents to U) to u iuii.
Ten tiold I'lncer CIuIiiih. acirri'iiuiinir L'tKl acres
oniiie laiiuu uiver, pauiiuiK Irom ill) to S-KI a
A fine gold iiuart lode in Alaska, which as
mys from Hi to f.'xl n-r ton. Tliu lodo show
an enormous outcrop of free milliiur ore. vein
ur've Immiik 12 feel thick ; on this property
t,,... .. ....... ,., i.. , , m mi . . .... ... .1
iimuu iwuuuimoi UTt uji .1UO ICCI.
e.iuiiling 111) acres. Wo don't claim Hint it is
the mother hale, but we do know it is without
uu equal for prospective values.
The eitiiimU-M anil tutcmciit nlajve are of
necessity based upon iiiformatiou obiaincil
from our Suiwriiitcndent, and aru believed anil
accepted by the iiiiniaiiy.
Tills company having ncipiircd extensive
lioldingsof rich placer and gold ijimrti proper
tics, capahlu of earning largo dividends on its
stock, oilers to investor advnnuws thut in
sure large anu pruillaoie returns.
Mr. (ioorgu W. Morgan, our Superintendent,
has been on the Yukon lor the not vei.r work
ing in the interest of thiscoinpuny. Tlicrufora,
wu are not asking any one to contribute to ti
project iinpluiincd, hut ti one thoroughly inu
liiriil. This comiuiiy, with Its able aids, ex
tensive knowledge, uiul great resources, is cer
tain lo become ouu of tliu ricliustcouiiuuica oe
c.ub.iig in iinKit.
Our I'rcslilcnt takes plcikiure in referring you
to the following lint of references :
Juliu s E. Dewey, Mills & Co., Ilankors, Detroit,
Midi. ;
l.ouia C. TcUird, Coiiiuii-siouvr World's Kalr
from .Mexico, "The Uookcry," Chicago, III
Senator H. M.-Teller, of Colorado ;
John Shafrotli, KcprcHcntutivc to Congress,
Colorado ;
J. M, Hull, KcprcscnuttlvctoCoiigrcM, Colorado;
V. C. Clement. Wunliinuton Tried Co. Hullillnir
Washington, 1). C. :
JonupliC. Holm, ex-Chief Justii-c of Colorado;
C'lmrloa D. Iloyt, Chief Justico of Colorado :
C. It. Muuuham, 21U Tliueo-Ilcrald. Chicniro. III..
Maurice Joyts), Klectru l'lcturc, .Stur Uuildlng,
Washington, D. C. :
Copt. J. J. Lambert, Owner anil Killtor Clilcf
tuiu, l'ucblo, Col.;
L. llillegmau, Tax Agent M. 1', It. It. 81.,
IXJuls, Mo. ;
It. K. Oowan. Drcxel Co.. Plilludclnhl.
The fiill-tiaitl sttH'k is now offered
at Ten Poi.lakh per sluu'e. Send
your orders to the
Alaska-KIondykB Goli miu Co.
No. W Uroadway, Now York.
, Tersely Told.
- The president appointed W. Godfrey
Hunter minister to Guatemala.
Three thousand lake trout have been
planted In Baratorra lake. New York.
The crew of thu Olive Pecker were
held for the federal grand Jury at Nor
folk. The steamer State of Ohio, which
was reported missing, has arrived in
The mayor of Denver approved the
ordinance requiring a fl.000 license to
sell cigarettes.
Application was renewed for an ear
tier trial of Sarah Ann Angel's suit
against Jay Gould's estate.
A bomb was found at the door of
Thomas II. Summers, Atlantic and
Fourth avenuc, Brooklyn.
A conference of cabinet officials at
the White House decided to send the
revenue cutter Hear to the relief of the
whalers Ice bound In Iter In g sea.
Itev. Dean Duffy has resigned the
rectorship of St. Paul's Kplscopal
I church
Kansas City, Kan., and is con-
slderlng calls
from New York and
The trial of the crew of the Com
petitor at Havana has been postponed.
The Spanish authorities have taken
measures to stop the meeting of the
MnndnT, Not. B.
Former Mayor William Chnmlwrlaln
of Rahway, N. J., is (lend.
T"1" nipn WPre blow n atoms by
in iniriiHiyt-riii rxiuiimtin at fine r orK,
A number of warrants are out for men
A porter at the f'rai.dall House, rtuf
falo, fatally wounded a guest In a dis
pute over a fee fur ohlnlng shoos.
Thomnn Nulty, a brother of the three
glrlH nnd one hoy murdered near Itaw.
don, Que., has confensed to the crlni.
Itloters burned the Unman Catholic
church at ChnnRte, in Hunan. China.
The Inmate of th church nil eacnped.
Tho one hundredth annlvernary of the
PFtaMlnhment of Catholicity In Now
Tork Btate has Just been celebrated In
It la thought thnt the body of tho un
known woman klHcd In the wreck at
OarrisonR In that of Miaa Jennie Kings
ton, formerly nf Mount Morris, N. Y
latterly of IlufTalo.
Hatnrdity, Nov. A,
A flehoolmadter at WhPHtland. Mo.,
wan beaten to death by Rome of hln pu
PllR. The frlarate Ijinenster has arrived
at Fortreas Monroe with the mutlnoua
crew of the Olive Pecker.
A veaoel calling for Antwerp from
New Tork was compelled to return to
port by fire starting In the hold.
The Illinois supreme court has decided
Miss Serena M. Martin entitled to the
money left her by her unole, Edward
Martin of Red Hook. N. Y.
A ship's steward named Hecker was
arreated ln Boston on a charge of at
tempting to murder Captain Colbeth ot
tne schooner Cameo at sea.
Mrs. Gammon, mother of the lad kill
d ln a football game at Atlanta, ha
written against the proponed bill In the
Georgia legislature to prohibit the spur
frtday. Not, A.
ProfeRBor Oeorge Frederick Holmes
of the University of Virginia Is dead
A young couple were married last
night In a lion's den at the n.iHton Zoo
Mrs. Cella Wallace of Chicago hits of
fered to adopt Miss Evangellna Coslo
M. w. Bremen, ten years ngu a mil
lionalre stiver miner, committed sulclil
ln New Mexico.
An operation for appendicitis was su
ceHHfuIly performed on H. O. Have
meyer, the sugar magnet.
Charles Broadway him declared
the Inability of Dr. Norman, the phy
slclan from India, to euro him.
Mr James Winter, who led the Op
poaitlonlats In Newfoundland, has
majority of ten In the aasernbly.
j.mepn a. lasigi, ex-TurniHli cnnHU
has been found guilty In KoHton of em
bezzllng J40.00U from French entitles.
Alice Brown, 3(1 years old, was foun in bed In Boston with diRcnlnrn
tlnns on her neck. The police hav
arrested three men nnd are investlgnt
Ing the case.
Thorwlny, Mot. 4.
The Alnnka salmon is said to be dl
The Duchi-ss of Teck was buried
London yestordny.
A benefit for KM Shnw was given
a theater In Camden. N. J.
I he PjmnlNh ministry is coimiilcring
measures against the CnrllstM.
Andrew E. Spangli-r, a. well ktuwn
Journalist, died In Phl'inlelphlu.
President SIcKlnlcy stopped In 11 its
burg on his return to Washington from
Creat Britnln will ask the opinion
the United States us to reciprocity with
the West Indies.
in a dlupute over an election bet of
Jl.'i') Peter Murhage, a printer, was
killed in Now York by a ciilimun mimed
W. H. Sage of Ithuca, son of the. lale
Henry W. Sage, was elected chairman
of the executive committee of the board
of trustees of Cornell university.
Wednesday, Nov. 3.
Fir- in Plnconnltig, a Michigan vil
luge, caused $00,000 loss.
secretary Alger will recommend to
congress the reorganization of the mil
Ituiy bands.
The Chickasaw legislature has rutilled
the Dawes treaty for land allotment
und dissolution ot tribal government.
The Illinois supremo court ruled that
experts testifying In court could not
claim mora than ordinary witness fees.
A potition was filed In Newport, 11. I
for the distribution of $1,000,000 of tho
contested estate of the late William H.
Tho Btate department has obtained
for a Russian Jew In California the
previously deuled privilege of visiting
General A. P. Martin, chairman of the
Metropolitan board of police of Boston,
haa resigned to accept the management
of a largo manufacturing concern.
The treasury departmant haa sustain
ed a ruling that Chinese may enter this
country at will on the aole condition
that thoy bear ccrtlfloatei passed, by the
United State diplomatic or consular
representative at the port whence they
departed. ,
Baby rJuineV
Every mother
feels an inde
scribable dread
of the pain and
danger attend
ant upon the
most critical pe
riod of her life.
Becoming a
mother should be
a source of joy
to all, but the
suffering ami
danger of the ordeal make
its anticipation one of misery.
is the remedy which relieves
women of the great pain and suf
fering incident to maternity; this
hour which is dreaded as woman's
severest trial is not only made
painless, but all the danger is re
moved by its use. Those who use
this remedy are no longer de
spondent or gloomy; nervousness
nausea and other distressing con
ditions arc avoided, the system is
made ready for the coming event,
and the serious accidents so com
mon to the critical hour arc
obviated by the use of Mother's
Friend. is a MwaW to woman.
- r
tl.00 PRU BOTTLE at all Draft Storea
or sent by mail on receipt of price.
BOOKS Con"",ing invalinilils inforniiition of
rSPE '"'erest to all women, will lm sent
f net to nny aiiilrcM, upon application, liy
The BBAOFIKI.D RKoTIATOlt CO., Atlanta, Gi.
I'll.KS PKItMANKXTI.V ( l l( I
In from .1
to .1 liiy' lime, hv
11m use
oi i.o-. n II.
One linftle iriiarnhteeil to riiro
case ul piles, ri''iinlleHS nf liow
it in
si hihIiiiu'. wliut you hnvo t ricil
' luif your jihynii-iiui imiv elaini
Money refiiniieil if peniuiin ut cure i
not olitiiineil in the inoHt were case
in lesH f hn ii 5 ilay-' time. Aftfr all
others fail t'et du Mii ami enred,
I'riiie ".lo. per liottle, miiI, prepniit
to any niliivM, on recelpf of price.
AililreHf Harry .ogtie, Kill V. Fourth
treet, WilliHlMHport. Ph. !) CIMy
t-rfSolil by nil II rut cIiikm tlriiirgistH
Riluentn Vonr Itownln Wil li (' Mem-eta.
Cnnily rittlMirtli-, pure e:vi.'' mill inn IV-i-er
IDe, c. If C C. C fall. ilrii :. i.i 11 r-nnl 11 mmy
$100 Reward $100.
Tlir. rewlora of tlila pier will lm pleosml to
learn tliat there Is at least one ilrenaleil iIIspomi
tliat silence has been able to cure In all It
staves, and thai is r'alarrli. llall'sCiitnrrli t urn
is the only positive i'ur known to tlie meilieal
fraternity. Catnrrh Iwliig a eonstitiitlonal ills
eve, repulres a eonstitiitlonal treatment. Hull's
Caturrh Cure in taken internally, iirtlnK ilireet
ly upon the IiIoimI uml niiii-niiH surfwes nf the
system, tllereliy destroying the foiinilatlon of
the disease, and iri Ilia the pntieut strength liV
huihliiikT up the eonstltiition ami usHiMtiiiK na
ture in iIoIiik its work. The proprietors have
so tniirh fnitli in its eurntlve powers, that they
olTer Hun lliiuilred llsllurs for any east. Unit il.
fails to cure. Send for liit of testiiiioniiiN.
Address, F. J. fllKNKV Co.. Tnleiln, o.
Sold hy I iriiKiristN, "".
Hull's I'uiiilly Tills iirethf l.i'it.
Wnttml f Oiietrisid A'.-eni. :ilnl nidy
one. In eerv Im-itlin, in
tnke iii'iIith Inr our rliiiiinliiK 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 a ' Monks;
Miiliiethlnir new. retslllni; ul (loin :,iii-. in 2.1.0
i. r rnpv. Ai;enls ure iiiuklni; Irom ( i.ihi lo f iii.iki
dully ; ili'tmiinl eiinrinoiis : lilt; riiiiiiuihsiu :
ereoti L'lven : fp'tirhtiiife puld ; oiittlls iree.
Dropiill tllisliunil sell k'nniln I llul. lu iiple U'lllil.
uml iinike t::it) per iiniiiiii iiIhsm, mr ihiiih
und leriltnrv. reoplr'N. lull tliirUef HI..
ln-21-lt. I,lillnili'liliin. In.
Liberal Adjustments
Only the Oldest, Stnmirest Cash Coinpanits,
Firi', Life, A trident and Tornado.
No Assessments
The Aetna
Founded A. 1).,
Homo u " " is."): a i),sr;5,iJs.5i
Anterican " " LS10 " lMO!!"iSl.5;5
The Standard Accident Iiburaiic. 0.
The New Vork Life Insurance Co.
The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your PatroL age Solicited.
Great Reduction Sale oi
For Ninety Days !
The Undersigned Offer
vve ure uot stdluiL' our, w uo this
VIllllH Vfiir. Wh L-ivell tew i,l' tlie lirii-nu
Soft Wood Clutiuber !uitH jl4.00
Hiirtl Wood Chamber Suits 10.00
Atitiqiio Otik Suits, 8 Tit'eee 11). 00
I'IuhIi I'ttrlor Suits 0.00
Wooduu Cbnirs pt-r net 2.00
In stock, evervtliini: in the furuiture
Dehkit, SitlebouidH,0ipbottrd8, Centre Tablet. Fnucy Rockern. Uaby CliHirti
Feather Pillows. I.ounces. Ccui;lies. DuuuhtriivH. SinkM Hull k,.,."i. n....
Seat Chairs flue, itit'diuiu aud cheap furuiture, to suit all cIuhm. '
l'rlces reduced all throuli. Come early ami see our stock before uivinr
your order, and thus save 15 to 20 vr ceut. ou every dollar.
Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Kuibalminc.
Jih.l,"tm,!,"ir". ,,y "h'1 " ".)
an. ti;.. four-lrarnl clo.rr t,uinm at-
net M no lurk In Wall Ml. -el tTir
No RiH-sswf.rk
It Is I lie nun , !,,
I-or it i- my lm.,,,. kn,. i,,,, to .urmj
I linvr inforionlion in s.l.,n a,
silruv vou iiiiellinrmiy ,) t .f.n,rniii
snlll Ipillnl lunvi-inriits.
Ali.l your rli imr. ..f iviiiiimh; nrr .-nhanerd
me il fl,t. Tin. I, mv I u:i,,-, and (
ea.i hi-li you. If w. o.-Blim- n, mivlhinaT la
your 111,,- yniroul.: Ii. l,. no- I... rv nisii knows
Ins,. mi, l,.i,,r- I,,.,.. nlll Oioroiiahly lit.
forniril mi reirnnls (In. nutrki-i.
I"!. ITecnl and lisiMrtle.
A oil arlm your own orokrr. I only wlvir.
$M W KKKI-V ? X-.Nrtll.V. IV II -V R,
or I niM'rvir unl tiHuutfo niinlo Inr prr
t'PMtBi;'of lht pr.ilitt. Vril CmUy nit't ImIcQ
iwlvrttiiHi- of tint ii k mfitriimiHiii.
Charles Hughes,
'i't W il l. M , Nn YiiBk.
r7 r& REST0R
Made a
Vell Man
of Me.
CetEiM" ,y.
-11I1 In :'.n ihiys. II a t i
i "' I l.lch M
v j.lri I11. -il- IokI 1,
r Pi. ir yimtlitiil
1: alt inii.r fat I
ami I ami ulit
ii.iir liv iiNinal
v mnl imii.'I. :
N- nmis-
1 v 1
ii'- NuMiv l:niiHsiins,
. Wa-iiiiir ami
' i xr,.-s iimi lllillt-rivtion,
I'liMiii i s or iiii-.iTinKi'. It
.1 .,
ii". 1 l-v 1.
I'lrliim nt Hn- i( iIis. sm. hut
11 in ru- loine uiul I1I001I linlliir, iin.iii
n. k tin. iil slow to 1111I0 rtx-i-ks kinl rs
J tin. lire of vonlli. It r,l .or l,,.,,,,i
II. Insikt on III k i i. r.,
''r I- ian l.n ,.-,,., 1 , v,., ,, ,,, n,. ,,
'.nil pi t imi liaiti.. .r m (or r..lill, u lih a poal
00 urliieii euiirnnien to ui or rrfunil
I'l'illH. Cireiilartn-e. Ailrtn
OVAL SCC1C18C C:i. i'7i WdHaJll Wt, CillCAlin. ILL
For sale ul Mliillel.iii ;l, .y W. II . M'. Mil.KU.
Ilnn't Tiiharni Spit anil Siimks Tour 1 IFr Awaj.
To igult toliiti-en einlly ami forever, he miiir
neile, (nil nf life, nrrre anil vinur, lalie No To
Hue. Hie wninlrr wnrlii r. I lml. iiiiiln s wi nlc men
sirnng. All ilriitiKists, ,'iHc or Kl. ture t-uaran-tenl.
HonUli't ii'nl suinple free. Aililress
St.erlliiK HenieiU- Co . Clili-unn or Xew Vork.
Variable Friction Feed
fljax Center Srseik L.
llaplfl, accurate, H'ronK s'lnf'1'' " '
apaiii v. I'.n
KlIlN U,: V. Il l'1
hihI nU. No ft ) ? .-
lltlrr lint rr
pllllffll. !a . I
aitrlculttiml ) ii. i"
tfeiifrnllv. IIhv I'h-hmh
a aH',iilty. -ri iir
C'ataloKiH ii tid prh'os to
L B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd., York, Pa.
Auditor's Notice
In Hie Kill nte nf ) In the orphnim' Cuurr. of
Diinlnl Zellier. d'ed. f Hnyder Cniiiily, I'n.
Nntlee Is heretiy given thr. the iincerHlirned
Auditor iipiMilntedliy suld court, on Nov. s. imiT,
In iiiiike illslrlliiiilnn ul the Imluiiee upM'iirlnu
niinn the first and It mil ucrniiiit . .f .Imvib mid
I.liieoln ellier, Kx'rs of t!ie liusl. will nnd lestn
luent nfsnld llanlel ellier. lute ol Mprlnif Twp.,
siixder t'oiinly. I'enn'ii.. dee d, in nnil iniiniik
lliiisi- eiitllled I hereto will sit (or Ihal purpone
ul Hie ofllre nf Juines ii. I'rouse. Kw., at Mid
illehiirifh. I'll., on l- rliliiy. Iiis-eindnr int. )S91, ut.
II ii'rli i k u. in. where all purtleN IniereMed ure
ri'iiii"-led lo present their rlulins duly iiuilien-tlruli-ii
and In roiiseminee with Hie rules nf
i HI It :i pplll-il lif therein or Nil 'l II lie forever ile
liiiiii ii Hum inrt ii-itn' intr in said piimI-
W. K. IUU Si:Vo(Tll.
Nnv. I 1MI7,
ItswenrinnimlitiesnreiinsurpnsRed. aettiAlly
out last iiil' two Ihixi'h i d nnv other lirand. Not
UlTeetiHl l.y lieut. I r"; KT Til K 4JKNI' INK.
Prompt Payments.
No Premium Notes.
1S1! Assets &11,)5.V13.NS
The Public Their
I A.
to inurfiine our sule n',,
uy pre.
.. 2.2'i
.. 1.7r.
.. t.2
.. .6')
. . a r.o
km I',.II,,u.m
Cotton Top Mutt ivm
Woven Wirt' .Mutt iv.-s
lU'd Sprincs
Drop TiiIiIwh, per ft
Tltitforiu KockciH
lins. illllllnlillLr Mirruru lt...,b r......
MI FFLIXB Dlitfll, P
' t