The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 11, 1897, Image 8

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W-e will make every effort to make This the Greatest Money Saving Sale ever known to Central Pennsyl
vania, and extend a cordial invitation to all to visit our store and become acquainted with our system of selling
Clothing. Each article is marked in plain figures that yon may feel sure when you arrive home you have not paid
nore, by two, three or four dollars than your neighbor.
Our store will be closed at 1 o'clock, on Thanksgiving.
Some Rambling Thoughts.
t'opyrlKhU'd by Dawe Tuber. J
To VoTKlts, II : I have no
jJouht that in a general way you
-agree with the statement that "the
jicujlc" ean 1m- trusted ; jierhaps le
.causc the phrase sounds familiar, as
nearly every one asserts it. Hut
Jikf our assent to a great many
scrap.- of iirovcrhial wisdom, we
loo often agree to statements with
out thinking of all that they imply.
1 'lease look with me a little deejer;
not that I would shake your Jitith
in the people, lull rather that you
may have your faith in them in-
. lTCil!cd.
' j lu A'Vl"''s a picture gain
largely' ik kind 'wkgroiind
hcv havt. National grcat-nicn
.' . . .1 ..,..1 r. .
tram ly a sinuiur
lliem ihe haek.'niu' "tl'" Without a u
. anla people ti voire, viftfi would
oiirgivnt men lc'.' The xtfie flf
i.thiw ordinary, hard-working one?,
vtno continue their duties steadily
.under thi. administration or under
that ; always findable ut the jsst of
Jiouest laUir. Jut these jieojde dif
.''J'er largely from the people of al
i ntoH any other nation, wince our
f political institutions are based uoii
t liieir .wills or whims. The neces
sity of their having right ideas is
.therefore jierinauent. The ueces
:&t? also ot showing them na
tional dangers is also extreme,
iduue by their voices and their votes,
tiny are the arbiters of our national
As we agreed so lar ?
Then ouee more ; who are "the
jjople?" You and I, and others
ike us ! ilut as I am writing to
W.j.j j. Ill
by this
great Sale,
you and you are reading ; for the
time lcing you alone, solitary,
particularized "are people." This
say, sacrificing even grammar, in
order ta have a close talk with you.
As "the people" can you Ik- trusted;
are your motives high; are your
jxtlitical actions pure'.' Come now,
it is no use assenting to a ircncral
idea unless voti are willing to make
genuine application of it.
thi: tkoi'i.k's sn:KM;Tii.
O. etui it lie tills lunlly fame,
Tliu Mc-red Kard of liulkiw d bnim
Wan unce but rougli uiievvn Htoiicx.
(uurrlvd by Coniinon buH (or irnin
Vet rinis and worthleu tlioiiKb each bv,
With them in ruied thin temple (air,
A fault, u weakneu anywhere
May mar the perfect aytmuetry.
O, ean it be, tltla niiKhty force.
That natiuui makes or rend apart,
Is not hi UK hut tlx people's heart
.Made up of units flue or coarse?
Yet, lowly as may be their slate,
This lesson doth the building teach
That no Hi i uk but true life from each
Can make a Iiuiion wholly great.
If you arc so wrajtjHxl up in
your own business, which you are
able to tjuietly pursue under the
iroUt'tioii ol a quiet government,
that you do not make even time to
register and to vote, you are not to
Ik- trusted, since you take all you
am of K:rsoiial gain from our na
tional conditions and do not rcjtay
anything. You are selfish, yet there
is one worse than you the differ
ence between negative selfishness
and jMwitive the one who holds of
fice and administers it selfishly. Of
him we will say something, because
he is made possible by lazy voters.
I f you delude yourself into the
belief that every man has an equal
voice in the destinies of tke country,
and then give actual denial to it by
surrendering your independence of
judgment to a boss who thinks, for
you, nominates for you because
OF . ' .
's Suit
Thursday, Nov.
1 1, to last just
3 weeks orun
til sold.
Tell You
Its Money In Your Pocket.
Men's $10. Suits $7.08 ; Men's $8. Suits G.3S ; Men's
6. Suits $4.78; Men's $3. Suits $3.97.
Hoys' $S. Suits 6.38; Boys' $6. Suits $4.78 ; Child's $5.
Suits 3.97; Child's 1.25 Suits only 80c.
We give with each purchase of $5.
a complete History of the Klon
dike for only 69c.
you will not attend mucuses and
primaries and votes for you, dicn
as a voter you are not to Ik- trusted.
You are the right, plastic material
out of which he shajn-s his selfish
ends. Assuming vou to le a good
man, he reckons n good man indo
lent, as of less weight than a fly on
a chariot wheel ; and so you a unit
in our national life ltceoinc a rrtere
cipher. I
The precious stafi of life to.iur
nation is that you and all like you
should have a choice of cundiihilcfi,
but only a loaf of husks is given
you when you are offered a choice
between candidate, after you have
by your absence from your primary
left others to think for yotl.
If you get the idea of jwrty so
firmly ground in your heart, jier
hajts U-eause you were lom a this
or a that that you will vote for a
bud man in your jmrty rather than
for a good man in another, than 'us a
voter you are not to be trusted. You
have not in any sense risen to a
comprehension of the fact that you
are first, last, and all the time, a
custodian of national rather titan
party health. In brief, the line of
voting cleavage is well, if it Ik; be
tween man and man ; and often li
able to be wrong, if it be between
juirty and juirty whose actual dif
ference jKirtisans would sometimes
find it hard to explain. I would
sooner trust an honest man who
differs from me, than the sly and
smug politician who agrees to any
thing to get office and then recks
not though the country "go hang."
As a mau you know tliat a build
ing covered with ornaments is not
rendered thereby one particle firmer
in its foundations you know tliat
the color of a sail in stormy weath-
We invite all to
Visit our Store.
Pen n 'a.
is of less iniortance than its qual
ities of strength. As a man there
fore 1 look to you to lclievc that
neither moncv nor miles are the
things to make us as a nation en
dure forever. If you are replying
on the mere outer circumstances of
national life as your pride and your
confidence, vou are a voter who
cannot le trusted, since your view
I is too narrow aud your reliance too
unreliable. The national cohesive
force is is the character of the in
dividual. In the place of ltoustings
of wealth, lean upon men, men of
morals aud men of mind, and Ik?
one of them yourself, on the prin
ciple that national charity begins at
Don't make loud declarations
and neglect deeds.
Don't boast of freedom and in
dendence unless you really jtossess
Don't divide on dead issues,
whose carcases ought long ago to
have been buried.
Don't forget to think ot your
cliiIiiren'H children, for whom by
your watchfulness, please God !
there shall still stand a government
worthy of pride.
Election is over and all seem to
be satisfied with the results. .. .At
torneys Ulrieh and Culberson were
seen on our streets one day last
week.... Our veterau teamster,
Andy has been making three trips,
with pro, to MeCIure, in one day
. . . .The wind-storm we had on last
Saturday played havoc with the
fences in West Heaver John I.
Erb has been confined to his bed
for the past week or two with
rheumatism. . . .Clias.Veiand spent
Sunday wijth his friend, Warrie Me
, Mrs. Camp (nee Shindcl) of Phil:
adelphia, w . visiting her father,
o - J ...nil tj
re-union J? rulay last .... The enter. . B.w. oorZ' sZZZT
taiumcnt in the Opera Ilccr:, given wt anaOt.n tiw.Jl.M'
bv the Misses D,iuLI. '.j 'vltSZIttl
town and Hort of 1'hila. in the in
tereshj of the Athletic AsoocintUi
of Susq.'- University, - on, Thursday
evening last was. well patronized,
the ladies doing credit to themselves
. . . .llcv. G. W. Fortuey and son,
of Turbotville, came to town on
their wheels on Friday last, to
Dr. Ziegler, who had been quite ill
but we arc glad to state at this writ
ing he is greatly improved . . . .John
Hostcrmnn, one of our oldest citi
icns Kissed away on Friday and was
buried on Sunday afternoon. He
was ngeu aiMtui jmj years Miss
Harriet lviehter went to Wilkes
Ilarre to visit friends V. F.
Shay, Ksq. and wife, of Watson
town, spent Sunday with Charles
I lower and wife. .. .There will lie
a series of five lectures on the "So
cial Problem" by llcv. Dr. J. W.
Stuckenlicrg, of Cambridge, Mass.
The lectures are gotten up by the
students of the University and will
lie held in the College Chapel, le-
ginning on Wednesday evening and
closing on Monday evening, the
loth. This is'a rare chance to hear
good lectures by an eminent gentle
man. Prices 2rcts. single lecture
or $1.00 for the course of five lec
tures. . . .The foot ball ham of the
University downed the Muncy Nor
mal Sclnxil team, on Saturday by a
score of 9 to 0. . . .Quite a num
ber of our Hople are going to
Chattanooga ou Thursday, 11th
Mrs. E. P. Kohl wick gave a
dinner on Saturday last to several
of her lady friends Mrs. Win.
Lntz has gone to MeCIure to sjk ikI
a lew days with her daughter, Mrs.
Rev. NV." 1L Hilbisl...... .Howard
(inss of Chicago University was in
town a few days this week. . . .Miss
Eva Schoch was at Williamsport at
tending the wedding of a friend
last week.
Chas. Ix;nig wa.s champion at the
shooting match several weeks ago
Henry Grover and family, of
ix'w ibur)', MMteU relumen in this
I . ci T i
locality over UIl(Iay Daniel
Snyder ami friend visitcnl friends at
Mahantougo Geo. Gordon, who
is working in Sliamokin was home
over Sunday .... A. C. Smith has
been confined to his bed with a se
vere attack of sickness hut is slow
ly convalescing. . . .Mrs. Jas. Itow,
of Selinsgrove, Mrs. Hart, of Phila.,
and Geo. Gembcrlini aud sister.
Annie, of Salvm, were the guests of
J. F. Walter's on Sunday Mrs.
Joel Itow visited her son, Frank, at
Selinsgrove over Sunday .... Miss
Izora Smith has returned home
from a visit to Selinsgrove. . . .Mrs,
Samuel Jiollinger, who has beeu
sik for some time is slowly recov
Look! Look!!
Look at yourself when you buy
clothing at my store. I keep con
stantly in stock the bent aud finest
line of Hats and Oenta1 (Jlothina.
Furnishing Goods, Underwear and
Oapg. Call tO See my StOok.
f . H. BOTERy BROTHF.RHnnn STflRrl.
SUNBUBT, - - - FemHa.
U Tl '
j Pujrlvwiu Day at , Ctictanuu
j November 15.
luducr, aizJl L L-'
l-A.t t ft V
. . v i. .
: . " .WHW71TIBU I
company III sell esrarslnn tlrkrt. iZ
polnta on IU Una la f ennsylvani at t J
Irrmelylowrmssofonecenta, iLlle
dinea, liekna 10 bm told KownibeH 1 . 3
nod to leave CtitL.nn.. 8 'l
Novainht lauT 1...1...1 (1l
Tk-keU ta rttisl.urt will bssold i... .
Ntnrnlnc rtaaama routs, or going 1 ,v '1
atl and Uilngton, rcltirnlnc rla Na.hl
AUdutely Pure GnijK? JuiWt
f peer's t'nferuientsd flrmum !..(. ...... ..
-----, .iKininl pnnripla h
. wnn m ana well corked
airaln Immediately and placed upside down
cool place, II will keep for months ; but
allowed to come In contaut with the air In
warm temperature It will absorb the ferin,,
In nrm Imiii II.a . . . .. .1 mi . .
but will ferment ami beconi.llK,tv alw,hol,.
" -" .nu will nni lp.1,
i-ur mii uy urutfS(S.
iiuer excursion 1 ickets on tliJ
Pennsylvania Hailroad.
On November 1 ilia lM.,n...i.
,,. . j.'-iiia itsiinisJ
uiiiii win piace on sale al its primli,
ticket onifies Saoiirttlnn il.,lr.. II . -
Winter resorts In New Jersey, Virginia, NonJ
. m ninnii...
anu nouin vamniia, (.teorirla. Florida kuJ
fulia. The tiukcU will ! .old ,t the u.uj
...n mill, wiiu ue usuni i moral return limit.
The inaKniHeenl faculties of the l',,,
Railroad, with Its many connection. mk
uis me larorite line ol Winter travel.
An Illustrated book, descriptive of Winter r
sorts, and giving routes of travel and nil,, ,
llnksta sill l I. ,...1.1.. .1 f.. .
ticket aifonts.
: oil lippiHUIIiin u
Divorce Notice.
Whereas, William A. Besom, yol hushsn,
of Snyder county, of May Terra, im, f
15, praying a divorce against you, now you si
hereby notified and required to appear In M
court on or before Monday, the laili dar
December, neil In answer tha eomplalnt of In
said William A. Hasom, and in default of sud
apfiearance you will be liable to have a divan
granted In yonr absence.
P H. KITrKK. Sheriff of Rnyile.fY
StlerlfTs Offloe, Middleburgh, l'a , Oct, nth, IN
TO 4'1'RR A'OI.DIJolfl'. Iitv
Take Lasatlva Oulnlne Tablets. All DrJ
gisU refund tha money if It (ails to cur. 2V. 1
Auditor's Notice
In ibe F.RUta of I Id the Orphans' court ot
Daniel Zolber. d'ed. f Bnyder County. Pa-
Notice Is hereby given that the tmr.prnUrnef
Auditor appointed b? said court of Nov. 9. iwl
mj masn aisinontinn ot tne nalsnre nppesrln
upon the drat and final account or Jacob (0
Lincolo Zulber. Ki'rs of the last will and tetu
nient of said Daniel ZelbKr. dnc'd, to and anion
thorn entitled thereto will alt for that puma
at the omre of James Q Crnuse. Rsq., at Mu
uico'iiKii. u., ou rriusy. ifeomnasr Ml, iHtj,
U o'clock . tn. where all names intereatui
requested lo present tbelr clalma duely sulheJ
court appurame rnereto ana nu til he forever
mwi nuu in vumjuuiix witn me rules
uarreu irou pariicipsnag in BftKl flinils
Nov. II, 18r.
W. K
Auditor's Notice
In Ra-etat of Lovl In the orphans' Court
e Homtg, Dec'd. of snjder County, r,
Tue undersigned, ho was appointed audM
at June term Cuit, to make distribution of tlJ
uaiunce appeariuif upou Uio llrst nml llnal
count ol A. A. Homtg, auinlnlxtrator of the
tat of said docodeiit, to and amonir those let;
y ouHiiinu iiunmvi, WU1 Rli IW VUfl pUrTJOSfl
dlsohnrirlng the duties of bin apiwliilment,
llie oni'ie of JsooD m bert. Ktn.. in Ihe bnrmA
mh day of Nov.':,atii o'clock a.m. of ssidiia
wl,en nl where all parties are required to on
lent their claims airulnstaaldeNtnte or be lm
ever debarred from comlnc in for a sliure of aa
imu- . . LiUAHLKti Auditor.
Xi te r or Administration nth
estate ol Benl. Kraamer lataol MidillecreckTn.
Snyder county, Pa., dec'd , baring been -reniei
to the underlined, all persons knowing tlniJ
selves Indebted to said estate are requested a
make Immediate payment, while thone liavlni
ciaimn win present tnem duly sutlienllesiea
ine uouorsigneu.
Oct. 5, 1SOT. Adm'rs.
Mlddleburtf Htrke
Corrected weekly by our inercbanti,
Tallow ,
Chickens per lb
Old Corn
Bran per 100 lbs..
Middlings "
Flour per bbl
Alaska! Wbjr b
get your skirt
the great fortuttf
to be realised from tbe wonderful dlaeui4
already made and to be made In this Nc KM
dlke-Alaska-Kldorawlor THE WASHIf"
PAN V under IU character Is authorised to P j
pect for and acquire Mining Claims and Fnl
erUesin the wonderful sold fields ol Kiotdlkl
and Alaska. Immense fortunes bave slrrs"
been realised aud lulUloni more will bt Ds4
there. Will roll allow this golden uupurUinUf
to pass you bt 1 few dollars In'entes H
In this uudertaklug may be tbe founustiaa 4
your fortune. Tba rush to tbe wonder ano n
easitates immedlata aolion. The Drw ' "1
field tbe Drat lu fortune. No Inch opportusill
hasevsrbesa Mfsanbsd to the neop "1
present generation aa la offered in the VDi
dike-Alaska Oold Plalda. ' All sluveaokwsi
vet their full nrnnortlnn of all nroflls. Hol'l
dends an made on stock remaining "H
Send our orders auolosing One lollsr 'ur JM
bare ol fully paid-up and bob esse"1'1' 1
desired lo the WA8UINUTON OOI.l
1 Da-ton.
Tbe following Tacooia tfoalars in uM'la
the Klondike and Alaska tra4e are Weekl
f''ilpd wminiorm
. lDsr ntiiamiii w a-sr uai nzaaswauB
Gllnn, Oroowle., A. F. Boefca. H"-
i omco.. pr, ooaMw
' 1