The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 11, 1897, Image 4

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    .'t J ll Till '. aw
The Middleburgh Post.
Published every Thursday.
Geo. W. Wagenscllcr, "
Editor and Proprietor.
Subscription 1.50 per year.
which must M' puMIn alv:inre when sent out-
Mttc lllfOOUIltV.)
Ail ir.m-ovnt Hc1vcri!riri.MitH not otherwlw
OOnlroriiMl inr will Ik- clmwrt Ht Hip mu f H
ctinU it Mm- (iiiinparli-l tni'nsnri'1 for llrst Inwr
Uuu itml WivntHiHTlini'tor very mitweijueut
tfprnlh nntirtt published trre ; Miliary fus-ny,
trtixttri of r'up'tt, ilc. thrrecml a liiw.
Republican Standing Committee.
Aditm T..hl:is MIKMiell, Tnixi'lvllle, W. II. Hit
limn, TriiYHv11l.
Bcawr-clins. K. snwlit, llcuviTtown, James M.
hum-, iiiMivprinwn.
Heaver W.- ;i-o. .1. SMroe. Mi'Clure. T. A. Wa;-
hit Mi'I'Iiip.'
Ccntrc-Klmi'rMminlmcli. MliMlebiirKli. I V.
Mr. IK I. Kliouds ot AlidUio
burg pid a visit to 1 llartman's
family several days last wink....
Miss Laura Hertz mingled among
CcntorvillofVii'iiils ovit Sunday. . ,
Mrs. Jxilir, son ami daughter of
Slifjitoii nrt' visiting with hor daugh
ter, Mrs. (it-orgo Hartnian
Theodore I.injraiiKin and lloyt Wal
ter left for near Danville where
they are working at -arK'iiti'riiig
. . . .T. I'. Mohn and family of
Minify moved into lVrcival llart
man's house. . . .The teachers and
directors of Centre district held
their first regular institute in the
(irammar school room last Fridav
To-day (Monday) the funera' of
Mrs. Daniel Mover, of Mifllinbirg,
was held. . . .J. A. Laub lias $om
to Ilcrwick to send some time ....
Miss Ilattie Mover, of Sunlurv,
was the guest of her sister, Mr.-. 1.
K. Hackeiiburg, last week. . . . Irs.
Claude Klose visited friends in Se
linsgrove for some time. . . .There
are two rases of scarlet-fever in
town at present. .. .Aaron Ifelf
rieh has come home from Ixwis
town to spend the winter. . . .Luth
er Day will be observed in .the
Lutheran church, on Sunday even
ing, Nov. 21.... Miss FloR'iicc
Keiupfei, who has liecn staying at
York, has returned home. . . VA-
An avalanche of New Goods
F. H. Eflaurer's
The subjects of IVnnarv
and S-hool (iovcrnnicnt
Thursday, Nov. 11, 1897.
institute will lsi held at I hirtman'?
school house, Nov. 2. Come one
and all and help to make the insti
tute a success. . . .Miss Ada I'iek
line home to shmi1 the winter with
her parents. . . .The following is
the report of the Centrevillc Pri
mary school for the month of Octo
I X 1 I t II
Henrv Georoe's California Life. ,M'r: scn.uars enni.ui
!.!. 4 . .... .... 1 " . Il..
Thai l,,,r. html and hitter strni- VMi average auentiance, .... ; .v,
r"' n I a t . . 1 fi riii t 1
de in Califbrnia. often l.uniiliathu:. nm- "l uneiiimniv, ine .....
n i- I Inuinir u-in lmsi'iit i'Vitv ilav ilnr-
oiien iscouraL'inir. bin never i r . .
i i.i 1 1 I imr flu. in. mill- Mtilwl Itoliir W.i-iili
erus imir ir tiisi.tinormi'-. was Jienrvi n
(ieoi-c's u.iivcrsitv. It developed S,i,u' Mazi' S,i,l,, Ksk'lla Ha'""''-V
and knitted his character, trained ri,me I,am 'im 1Alv"
his moral muscle ami made hi,,, Hartnian, Blanche .Mine, Mamu
I If Li II' t 1.M I
suflicict unto himself. For his '' "!
miml the exin rience had an exceii- ,na" J-n Fessler, Marshall
tional advanUiire. whi.-h he ae-M'sier, r.rncst Kline, nenry Mine,
knowledges in his first U.k. Un- C,,arKs Iilk'r' C'l,arU's H",
like other stu.lents of social causes (JeorKe 'l'l 1'P
ami eflccts, he was not required t M,,s'r' Wam'n Wnlu'r (Jrunt
ask his imagination to present him ,,T J,,,m Molm' CloJ',,e
with primitive conditions and to 1' rank Kohland, Marshall Ilartman,
1 I T It i 4 i: i .... 11.
nilot him throiiLdi the num of ,ru,.gu.n i.aruey,
hiKh,T devclopnwnt. , In California C,.v,, U"'' JlWH 1V"Wma" Khwr
Jacob Greenhoe's house. . . .Mr . F.
W. Drecse has gone to MeClure,
where she exjH'cts to remain onie
time with her mother.
oiiupin.ui-w. ii. K.TK'it. r, Mi Kim'8 iiait Fulls, evening. .Ml the teachers were
Kdifiir wish, iioitit. i , .
Franiiiiii u'. i). nut, I'uxiiinviiii', J. w. Kiwn- present ami took active part except ward Manheck's have niovetl into
hour. .MliMlclairi;li .... .. "...
Jcksi)iii. s. Ynirlck. Kral.iTvllli', Isimc 1111
LrT. W KiTllll.
Mldill.'linrirli -(ii'O. W. Wnei-nwlliT. Middle I ll.i;
lilirL-h. N. A. Itiiwi4. Mlil.llchliru'll. m .Him
MI'l',m'K.Mi,"0WK'''''n,'r "(-re fully discus.sil. A
'---"''-n '"" f recitations and dialogues was ar-
rpmi-c. K. Wiiirnir, Sulein, Daniel Mimiso. so-1 . . . . .
iinLTiivi'. ranire;! Itv the scIkmiIs. Hie next
Perry -.1. N. Ilroilnn. VI. I'liMiKiiiil, M1IK II. K
AriMiuiiNi, it,. Mllln fliiin.
Pcrrv W.-lt. K. SiniKlf. lilclilicld. Dun. Man
cmiI. Uli hlli'ld
BPlinsirrnvi' N. S. Fisher, Sellnsurove, F. II
Slllll ll. Sellnstrrrive.
Sptliiff-lir. A. M.sinlih. lleuver Sprlnirs, I. F.
KeliTel, Meiiver Slirltlirs.
Union (ie.i. 1. KI:iiMli-rs. Curt, Treverton, O. !
Idee. Port Treverion.
Washinuioti .lerrv Cliurles. Freeburp. W. II,
Oritnin, l-reelmric.
No Use for Crapes.
It ha Ihcii llcivprd that irmpcii ol with
KliH'nmpnne Hoot and the Herb llorehuund in
proper proporti n msdr Into a rordinl is per
forming Wonderful cunni in stnldiorn cases, of
CoMh, noro thront mid lionrxenesn.
I'nhlle Mker clitliu it far superior lor the
thront to any confection. It In coming In gvn.
ernl uc nmntiK the ph.VKiciaiiH.. Ask for Aunt
Itiiehnel'a Ilorehound Cordicl. For sule hy
Our counters aud shelves are now
loaded with a iniignitioent line of
rich rind elocmit Dichh ytufl's, Chev
iots. Covert Cloths, Hennett'is iu all
the beautiful fall Bbitdes. Hoeierr,
Glove, Triuiinicga. &c. 4tc. just re
ceived from New York aud Phila
All (test l-nuni'tor Apron Clinghain, ft cents
" ' lllue Cnlieo, 5 '
" I.iKht fallen, S "
" " lted Oil Calico, to. '
" ' Imi k Cnlicon, 3, 4. Sift "
Fancy Novelty Dress Cloodv, only 8 '
This in the greatest bargain we
ever had. .hvorybody ought to nee
the bargams we have in dress goods,
styles and prices.
Tho Intent nillcs. :n inches wide, only 3 cts.
Kxtra line novelty drem Koods, 73 "
Also a full line of the latest trimm
ings, braids, Hilks and ribbons. Call
and see our low prices aud styles on
tlirsc goods ; we know we can please
you. in our
Goes much farther than a false statement. It has al
ways been onr aim to follow an honest business policy
When you read a statement made by us in thi A
any other paper, you can depend upon it being thj
4. A Ulll(
If you think that 24 years of experience with good
mm sen on uiuir liicrus count lor anything then
will be money in your pockets to sco our 'K?"n, '.v Kerr, Nelson
eIe.,1,,,tsintfl,pli.,islKl comJcY- "'r?'"'i", "rry, and
itv of ,.l,.r,. ,.ivii;,Mtin. Tl,oo-h GcWK Kkl-klllT.
. I 1 1 1
an acior m the tiraina lie was also a Will Convene at Milton
spectator. He lived in alnlioratory
as well as in the library. Hence The Northuinberland-.S n v d e r
his firm grasp on the fundamental Union district Young Peoples' S-
things which so olU'ii elude able cieties of Christian Endeavor will
minds that have not seen them with hold their annual convention at
the actual eye, but must search for Milton, Novemlier 17-1S. Thi:
them under confusing layers of in- sessions will Ik- held in Christ In
stitution siipcriinpositioii. Also his tlieran church. This convention
California schooling gave him that .net here five years ago, the session
I j . 1 1 .ill ill .i i .
comprciicnMou in ine iniiiii, me U'liig iiciti ... tt.e l
needs, the passions, . the possi- church.
bilitic.-. the inner soul of the com
v.. .1 i Tha Editor Defined
iiioii iiiiii. kii in1." ii i in n iii)ii v
'"."'" "' Antslitor's definition of the wtd-d
. t... i i . i I i . ... t. . i
.in .ii un-imm- ii no- mini iuic. editor: ".u editor is a man who
(icorgc was out of work with the carries a pair of scissors in his vest
work less, hun-rrv with the liiinirrv p'ket, a lead pencil in his vest
ami all the .a.vs that pres upon lMM'k, t il ""'"nui.lui.i in his
, ii-ii "oat lKicket and his wealth in some-
till I l il 111 I 1 1 .11 lll.ltl lllll.O .I'llll' ,.lil 1
I IhmIv else s iNK'ket
hill is silllstclicewercdeorge SOWI1
dailv car,s fbr vcars. The man of 1IUMMKL8 WHAHF.
his political economy, therefore, is
not that niacliiiic-iiiaili' monster cre-
(i ncilvi' mill n iiisiimi vi.m
J was one ot the quietest ever held at
Wini y I?ros. shipped several car
loads of ties last week IV 'J
Ilerbster is again able to be out af
ter recovering from Typhoid fever
Thomas Spccht moved to Mid-
dleburgh Tuesday Thus. Kohl-
er, who has Imi-ii in the inercantih'
busines at this pla:i' for several
years, intends to move to lJanncr
ville to carry on business there. . . .
A. W. Kngle lost oiii! of hia best
horses from some form of jwiralysis.
ami coiimiiiii
ami opcraied onlv bv (lie iron law
of wages the economic man but
the human man, who loves and
hates and has children, ami is con
scious of ambitions as he works.
From "1 Icnry (icorgc: A Char
acter Sketch," by Arthur McKwcn,
in Ainirii-iin Monthly Ucrtrw nf
Unifirx ir November.
It is reported that the election
held on the '2nd at Shan.okin Dam
The protracted inci ting at Cracc
church i- in pro;rrr
one week
The public silc of T. K. Ilorn
licrgcr on Friday was well attended
and tiling- brought fair prices. . . .
C-orn hulking is about over in this
vicinity and the croji has been lct
( than anticipated . . . .The teach
ers' infinite of 1'erry township met
at Morning C!ory school house on
Thur-day evening, and all that
were present realizi-d that the teach
ers i' the niK'essity of tiiifherM'
meetings in order that they may
exchange ideas and thus keep ace
with the times.
that place. No electioneering was
done Daisy Fulkroad, who has
been spending a feu mouths near
Milton, has come to spend the win
ter with her sister, Mrs. 1 4. Dressier
. . . .Samuel u lie is on the sick list
. . . .Misses Carrie and May S-Ikk-I.
made a trip to Millcrstown last week
. . . .(ialcti Holtshoe and wile of
Shauiokin spent a few days with 1.
M. Teats and family. . . .Mrs. Jacob
S'hoch of Minn, is Scnding sonic
time with her fiither-iii-law, (Icorgc
S-hoch and family. . . . Kob. Fees of
Shauiokin Dam was severely hurt
on election day while unloading
timber. .. .Miss Minnie Trutt en
tertained her friend, Miss Sadie
I le ifh ley, a few days last week. . . .
John Hart man and wife, who were
sM'.iding several years in the west,
are staying at Doric JIuiiiiuel's at
present. . . .On Sunday evening a
number of our young folks attend
ed Luther's Day at Shauiokin Dam,
and rejHH't that the exercises render
ed by the little folks were excellent.
Capital Stock, - $1,000,000,
Kqunl to H.T12 Cnnndlan mining claim, enrh
of which nmv l u rich that mill fur
$i.(X(.(MH), anil offeri a purtlun of in traury
moek to the public AT I'All. 8UIUECT TO
raise money for the ilevlopnivnt of Ita present
nruperty anil for trailing and oroepecting
throughout the
Stork may be pnld fur In Installmtnu.
I'realilent, CIIKSTUK H. HOAO.
Bee. & Tn-aa. Whitehead tk lloag Co.,
Newark. N. J.
Vlrt-I'reildent, 'niKOIMIHE O. l'Al.MElt,
Treaa. 1'almer, Smllh A Co.,
Newark. N. J.
Secretary & Treniiurer, JOHN' It. WKKKS,
Attorney, 44 Hni-iilway. N. y. city.
Alaaka Manager, LOUIS C. KHKT.
Now on the Conner lllver
I'rea. Inventora' Aid A Development Co.
J. A. McDl.'KKIK,
t.cni. r.anti-rn Agt. Oeorgla A Alabama R'y.
Mr. Frey writes that accurdlna- to the out-
Inok In Alaska this company will tinibalilv
n-iirta that this company la the first In the
noli! and should distance all competitor In
mining, trading and transportation.
Lull or write for pruapeclua and shares.
Make all check and drafts payable to
New York & Alaska Gold
Exploration & Trading Co.
44 & 40 Itroadway, New York City.
Must be a man of responsibility.
Sheriir Side of
liv virtue of certain writ of All Fierit Kncios
isnucil out of tho t'uurt of Common I'lca of
Snyik r l ouiily, I'll , unci to mi- diroc-ti'il I will
-Ki-to iiiiblic miIii lit the Cuttrt Hoiimi in
MidilloliurRli, I'll., on Sntiinliiy, ila, 4, Iwi7, hi
1 o'clock i. in., tin- followin'if (JchitiIm'.I real
estate to wit : Al. tlmt ct-rtiiin mcsaiinlic or lot
ofKroiinil siluiili- in the llorouuli of Micldlo
burgh, Huyilur couiily, l'n., Iioiinileil on tho
North iy Market slrwt. Kant liv lot of Irwin
Oiirmaii, Siutii by an alli-y anil West by lot of
.1. W. Hwnrtr., coiitainiuK 'i cro, more or lc.
being lot No. Hi in tin- (,i ni nil 1 Ian of the
Korougli of MlililloliurKli, on w lilcli arc crvcU-il
it two-story lioilw, stublu and other oiilbuilil
ink's. Nuixnl, tnken Into execution and to bo sola
ns the property of (I. I ', (iim-hun.
I'. S. KI'.TICn, Slicrllt.
Sln-rilT's Olllie, Miilillfliurtc, I'n , Nov. x, Iw7.
Shcrill's Sale of
lly virtue of a certain writ of Kiern Faciu ls-
ucil out of tliu t.'iiiirt of Common I'leiis sf Nny.
ilcr couiily, l'a anil 4o mo illn-itiil I Willi.,,
pose to piiblle kiiIh m thH Court Houm- In M,.
Ilvburllli, I'u., on Snlunlay, m. 4, lii'.i. at on
o'clock p. in., the following described rcn
entntc to wit : All Hint eoruiin tract of land
situatu in WasliiiiKlun towmiliip, Hnvdcr coun
ty, fii , ununited on tho North liv land of Abra
ham Ijiwer. 1-juit by hind of Jolm ljiwi.r
tlm South by laud of I cter and Wont
by land of Howard .lone containing .'i.'S ni-roa
inoro or less, wlicreoti am crectuil a dwelling
lloiiso, bunk t arn and other outliiiildiiigs.
fM-iicil, taken Into i-xecutioti and to bo sold iu
the property of Joxinli llonner.
, , ' M. ItlTTKK.SIu rln'
HiierilTs olllce, MiddlebiirKli, I'a.. Nov H, lw.17
Ulpans Tabulea,
Hluans Taouiea cure uatuiea.
Klpans Tabulca: at druggista.
Itlpans Tabulefi cure headache.
HinariH Tabules cure dyspeDslA.
Klpans Tabules assist digestion.
Blpana Tabules: gentle cathartK
Rlpans Tabules cure torpid liver.
will be found elegant Rtylish suits.
Henvy and light weight Overcoats,
Storm-coiitB and Every day suits at
prices to astound you.
Men' Heavy llenvcr Itlaek Overcoats H.0C
Wtorni " lltofi!
Hoys' " ' " fto.!
Men's suits, size m to tJ, upward from tl.M
lioys' suits. 14 to I'J year, for fl no
Vmitlis' " for only 1 bushel of wheat, 11.00
Men' heavy extra pnnts, only line.
.Men' over-shirts, only
Men's nnderwiirc, per suit, only Mik.'
Voutlis' " " " " I V. to SV-
Meii.s hats and cans can't he beat
in prices, und wear for 150c. Latest
rityles und lowest prices. Cull and
see our hats. Our Ladies'
WAP Depanment
is now complete. Here is a bewild
ering array of CharminR Wsaps, rich
and strikingly handsome Coats and
Capos a dozen or more styles to se
lect from. The Children's Coats are
perfect beauties. We had these
made expressly for comfort and
ease. t or elegance and style of gar
ments our Ladies Wrap Depart
ment is not surnassed anvwnere:
and what is io your, advantage, we
are able to sell at Manufacturer's
prices. ;r
Iillea' fine coat, from 12.00 up
ladles' fine culies. from 11. fo on
Missva' coat, 4 to 14, only tl.50
Don't miss the coats now, you can
have vour choice;
A Marvelous otorm of
Boots & Shoes
reached our store vesterdav. Ev-
ersthing for footwear frcm the finest
J rencu kid to the ordinary dollar
shoe. Greoter assortment the ever.
Here is a whole counter full of shoes
for the Little people, for fat babies
too, sizes from 1 to 5 and 0 to 12.
we have added to our usual heavy
stock in this line a tull assortment
of very choice Fine Groceries, such
as prime Old Govrrnnient Java and
Mocha Coffees, Spiced Cherries and
The Winner ColVce, i:?e., 'J lhs.'J.u:.
Arliiickles' " ll'c., 4
Mon 4
Sujrar, Ih'own,
" Iiirht JJrown,
" Silt A., It) lbs.,
" (Iraiuilatcil, , lls.,
Soii heuns, lie., 51 1
Unking wsla, jcr ll.,
2 100 matches,
Corn starch, "., '.)
IJest I'liikers' ('h(K'olate,
Carpets, Rugs
and Oilcloths
we have all the newest patterns and
choice coloriugH. The latest de
signs are beautiful and at a quarter
off from former prices.
Tho best Ingrain Carpet I ever saw
for only 25c. per yard.
Next bolter, 2Hc.
Next better, iJilo.
JJrussels, Only -llic.
Home made carpets, 25c. to COo.
Floor oilcloth 6-4, only 50c. per yard.
Tnblo oilcloth 5 4 " Ho. " "
S-4 " lilc. " "
I3od blankets for only COcls. per pair.
No. 1 Iluttur, 17 1'otntOes, (10
No. 2 llultcr, 10 New 4jird, 7
Kresh Kkks, Old Ijird, 8
Onliins, no YoIIiik Chicken 7
All Good Butter Wanted.
X. J. Wo liavo no Special
Hargain Day, Our Bargains
are Every Day,
New Berlin, Pa.
N, W. Comer, Front and Union Sts
mefs & mm mdWercoats
Our Prices are within peach of everybody.
Af.i.-.V. 1it..V. 11 1 cs.-i
iin-iiB jiiit;it vi ii rM i'u emirs at
Mcu'a Fancy Cassinu-ro all wool suits at $5!
Men's Klack or Blue Overcoats at g XJJ
Men's Heavy Overcoats at fcqnnr
Boys' Suits, a-e 4 to 15, at QrU
Men's 3 wool Pants, all size at 61 fSjl
Consider yourself Free to go in and out of our store just
to look our goods over and over; we take no grip o
your pocket-book just because you step over onr
TI10 only 1.110 price clothiers, ' Sl)tiry Pfl,
" 4(i'.
" 4 tic.
lis., 'J.'ic.
hs. 1 ac.
I 1 M
J ; i I
L 1
II ilJlstlH.sIs:l II
Now is the time to make Bargains
in Boys', Youths' and Men's
Shoes. As we -bought our
stock before the late advance
we can give our customers
the benefit of same.
.For Youths, Boys' and Men received daily. Keniem
ber we are Head-quarters for Gents' Furnishing Goods.
Hat, Trunks, Satchels, Umbrellas, Etc. You will save
money by buying of
-Lap Kobe's- Hi 0pP6nll6iin6rS eg roVe a.
i Shirts,
Collars ,
S m Bows,
Robert L. Shearrer,
PltACriOAL 1I1UCK MA K tit,
I'on (rive best ol reference. Country Jobs pre
ferred, 1028 Moflvoe St., IIutjtinKdon, To.
Ladies' Jackets, Cape3 from S52.00 up, $10.00, &c, Cbildron's Coat?,
VriipporP. fllacintoBlieH. Evorythinff in the Millinery line I kwp. K
dies unil Cliiltlron's Hata nnd Ttun O' Shanters, Notions, Lailieit' "l
Gnnt'H liij Gloves, CorsBtB, IloHiery, Ladies' Neckwear, Xmas Noveltif
UiubrelliiH. &c. Gents' Furnishing Goods in the latest, stylos. l','llier
Miiris, sonars, uuiih, Ties, und Uows. at the Fancy Store of
Mr?. E. C. AuraijJ, - - - tiddlCLur6l;, Pa
Bright new designs look nut from
every nook and corner of onr nton
Shapes and Styles a which oe
you see your Ideal.
PICTURES at prices so low that otn-
er merchants can not compete
Yours Respectfully,
Vr '' 'v' vl
iM :;-v!ti.-.-.
, V i s
vta -i 1 ;
vi if?
J '
i . : - ,, j . itu
. H. FELIX, Lewi5bov9