The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 11, 1897, Image 1
Cf). W. WAOBN8ELLSB, i HIDDLEBUBOH W8TJ8 A FMfflESSWEMEOTWI i&iigressman Mahon rides a chain sbievcle. ' ' ' "'" The old year in racing through on ( last quarter. MifIni Bickhart is' visiting .lives at Frcemont. mt Voder of Globe Mills rode Wen on his wheel Sunday. - - The rich man becomes insolvent U the poor man goes broke. F. Womer of Mt. Pleasant Ills paid us a visit Saturday. Blank receipts put up 25 and 50 LjlxKtk for sale at this office, tf A general scarcity of all kinds of Iturol nuts prevails in this section. Miles Totter and family attended L opening of the Seliutgrove Opera wise. . Attorney H. H. Grimm and wife Vit Sunday in Freeburg, visiting W1VC8. u i I Visa Fannie BtfcrersoX of Sun W was a visitor Middleburgh, ft week. Minxes Jennie and Julia Bibi Jaus of Mifflinburg drove to town It Friday. I On Sunday Winey E. Custer and life gave a turkey dinner to a num Vof their young friends. I Isaac Smith and his gentleman hod of Shamokin Dam were cal- f! at this office Saturday. JL Milliner, a successful, nier tat of Kantz, and family spent Juxlay at the Central Hotel. " I Get your stationery printed at ie Post Drintinir-office. Litho- fipliy successfully imitated. D. 0. Long and wife of Kantz m the hospitality of John Ar- Jpist and family over Sunday. Janus Beaver and family of Mif- aburg were the guests of Gabriel aver and family over Sunday. An Irish iiaper tells of a man who P sentenced to Ik; hanged, but who red his life by dying in prison. Emanuel Crouse and wife of i . ... . . pn county were visiting relatives lout the county seat over Sunday. Miss Gertrude Dunkleberger has k visiting relatives and friends Selinsgrove during the past week. Dr. Siie and family, of Erie, on pW moved into the house re ply vacated by the editor of this Mrs. William Crouse and son, fry, and Mrs. Robt. Shambach pA H. J. Heiser's at Shadel on Way. jMn-E. A. Tennis and Mrs. Pel Tennis of Thompsontown vis- fHostmaster Hassinger and fam- last Friday. P- G. Moyer will sell personal , lrty four miles West of Mid H'h on Tuesday, Nov. 16th. 't forget the date. r- G. W. . Wagenseller joined mor in Philadelphia on Satur- wiu they will spend a week ' in of Brotherly Love. ,(hn Smith and familv of near r Berlin moved into the 8ouse ply vacated by Thou. Hubley yrana street in Swineford. Columbia" implies the perfec- bicycles and now that W. er, Selinsirrove. Pa., is rk the Columbia Chainless, it pthe is the most popular J roan in this : part of the 1. 3?. Bilger, editor of the New Berlin Xact -iiaid us a visit on Tuesday.. .... , . - ,. Johii Kunklc, and daughter, of Lewisburg, visited friends and rela tives lit, this place over Sunday. Everybody should take advantage of the Great Sacrifice Sale of Cloth ing at Brosious Bros., Suhbury, Pa, Mrs. John Renninger and Mrs, James, Enterline of Swineford were the guests of Wm. Ware and fam ily in( Union county on Sunday The"MuldIcburg Social Club had autiforiiuil dance on Tuesday night The Middlcburgh orchestra furnish ed excellent, music for the occassion If you want the best and latest style Ranges in the market, you can get just what you waut by calling on W. E. Stahlnecker, oposite the jail, at Middlebargli. tf. Henry Gas'ne of Mifllinburg's most resjratwFrKizens, died at his home in that'plaot on Monday last, Nov. 1st. His aire was 91 years, 1 month and 19 days. It is evident that W. D. Baker, the Columbia bicyeleTeprescntajive, Klondike- in Columbia Chainless now shown at his store, Selinsgrove, Pa, Thos. Specht and family, of Bea- vertown, moved in one part of B. II. Custer's house in Swineford and I'ostcr Ricgel . and wife into the house vacated by II, 11. Kiegel. One important fact to rctnemlier about the Columbia Chainless Bi cycle now on exhibition at W. D. Bilker's, is that the lievcl gears will outlast any other important part of the machine. William E. Stahlnecker is prepar ed to keep you from freezing this winter. He has on hand a full sup ply of the latest style of Heaters, Call and see his stock opposite the iail. tf. A cynic, a married man by the way, says : "What's the use making so much fuss over Cleveland's boy baby? It is no letter than any body else's, and will howl just as much if it is given a chance." Chainless bicycles have come at last and naturally the Columbia Chainless is first to appear. The Poje Mfg. Co. have always been the most progressive and their progressive representative, W. I). Baker, Selinsgrove, Pa., is exhibiting the new wheel to crowds of delighted cyclers. On and after Oct. 21st, E. B. Weidman will be ready for all her many customers, with a full and well selected stock of "Winter Millinery Goods. Also the lcst line ot La dies' and Children's Jackets and Caps that you will find anywhere all come and see. No trouble to show goals whether you buy or not. 10-21-4t. Beaver Springs, Pa. Constables should heed the fact that a law passed by the last legis lature imposes a duty upon conr stables which they do not apjxjar to be performing. By this act they are commanded to extinguish at once all forest fires that may originate in their territory, summoning to their help such persons as may be neces sary, who are compelled under a penalty to respoud. The constable shall be allowed a certain fee for this work and those who assist him will receive so much per hour. Prof. F. C. Bowersox will make an address at the MifHin County In stitute on Monday evening, Nov. 22nd, ou the subject, "Opportuni ties for Liiprovemcnts." Bricks foii Sale. I have on liand 200,000 bricks. Any person in need of bricks can get them at any time. F. F. Hauk, tf. Middlcburgh, Pa. Iitidics'. Misses' and Children's Capes and Coats for sale at lmr gains at M. Milliter's, ' Knntz, Pit Here is -nice assortment. Come one, come all andljrV the- Iwrguins and take mh-'anUigo'of tlieVn. tf. A smooth, easy shave, genteel liair cut, or other tonsorial work, is al ways obtained at Soles' Barber Shop, in Witteninyer's building, opposite Post office. (Jo to Soles and you will make no mistake, shaving soap, face cream, hair oil and egg-shampoo for sale. A. E. Soi.ks. The Woman's Missionary So ciety, of Paxtonville, will hold a Chicken and Waflle Supper in the old store room at that place, next Saturday evening, Nov. 13th. Ufyy kindly invite all to attend. All persons desiring to take supjier there can get it any time alter 5:150 I. M. for the small sum of 15 cents. "That the richest and largest de posits of gold that the earth has ev er produced up to the present time have been found in the Alaska Klondyke country is now an es tablished fact. 'We call yoiir at tention to the advertisement of the Alaska Klondyke Gold Mining Co. in another column." 10-7-om. n cxcrici)ccd man who is just returning from Alaska tells the Far go Argus how to cure the Klondike fever. "Pick out a morning next winter," he says, "when the mer cury is below zero, shoulder a pick and go into the woods U'f'orc break fast; dig a hole sixteen feet deep; come back to the house nt night and eat a small piece of stewed buffalo role and sleep in the wmk1 slut Itc'iM'at the dose as often as neces sary, MIDDLEBUBGH, SNYDER CO.. PATHUltSDAY, NOV. 1 1, 1897. VOL34. NO. 44. C W LATEST HEWS FROM WE COUNTY, STATi E AMD HATIOBI. i r 1 : : : ' 1 . i : rfi :T Philadelphia Letter. At Private Hmle. The farm of the lute Dr. T. B. Bibighuiis, dee'd, situate East of Middlcburgh about one mile is of fered at private sale. For further artieulars inquire of . Mrs. Emma Bibighuiis, Executrix, MifHinburg, Peiin'a. 8-2t5-tf. New Store I . New Goods 1 1 I have bought the hardware store ot Mr. Minium at Mt. Pleas ant Mills and have renovated it and am placing new goods upon the shelves and putting everything in shape to suit my customers. My Goods are right and my prices are low. J. L. Vaiinkk, Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pa. Oolumbias Lead Forever The Columbia Chainless standard of the world, is here Yes, here at our store, waiting for you to look at it the wheel of 1898. Columbias always lead and the Columbia Chainless a practically perfect bi cycle is here at last. It has taken time to perfect this wonderful ma chine, but it is all for the benefit of the rider. Anyone can examine it our stow, 234 W. Pine St,' Se linsgrove, Ba. We will keep open until 10 o'clock that all may be ac commodated. W. D. Bakes. Bablinu Thoughts Coi.m-xtkd A 3D liKOORDKD 1IY TIIK KlHTOll i.n .Tii r City ok Bkothkiu.y LVK. Ktlltoi mi CorrraKiiiciire. 'Philadelphia, Nov. 8th, 1SU7. A few rambling observations trooi the City of Brotherly Love iimyr interest the rcadcis of the Pos Philadelphia is pretty well knoVp) by the jieople of Snyder eouiiv and to gleam nnything new is noj an easy task, but where in terests are so varied and character so different there is ample opjor- tunity for' seeing something that will at least interest some of our readers. This city has its itcculiar- ities. It is a Republican city, but that does not free it from the snares of .corruption and extrav agence' with public fluids.. Political jobs and public plunder are a men ace to universal good. A man who votes for the ruling faction of the dominant' party need not fear of k ing punislied for any violation of the law less than murder. This of eonrse is a deplorable state of af fairs and reform is certainly needed. Having come to this place for sjK-eial treatment for my right eye whoso vision last August was al most totally obstructed. The treat ment is iider the direction of Dr. Ia Webster Fox, a representative of Medico Chirurgical College, the Alma Mater of Dr. Herman of our town. Dr. Fox was a country Uy having sjient his youth about the hills of Hummclstown, Dauphin county and later was a student at Mil'lersville Normal School witl our legal and cultured friend At torney Weiser of Middlcburgh. It . i i i . uikcs country oovs to Him-cU in this world. Dr. Fox now stands at the head of his profession in the treatment ot the eye. I went v to thirty jKitieuts call at his office every day for advice and treatment for their eyes. The Doctor is not a politician, but he is an influential character among them and he has lecii invited to accompany United States Senators Quay and Penrose to Florda on their hunting trip. Another evidence of his political tact is the $120,000 appropriation to Medico Chirurgical College and hospital during the last session of the legislature when a great de mand was made for funds. The institution, however, showed by au thentic records that they cured lor thousands of charity patients and proved conclusively that they made the proper use of the funds given to them. In the treatment of the eye of the writer the services of Dr. G. G. Faught of North Broad street are also required for the pur post! of applying electricity to that memlier. He is a lnichelor and has a lucrative practice. I was agreeably surprised the other morning while eating my breakfast at the hotel to be intro duced to Colonel Charles Klcckner, formerly of New Berlin. He is a brother to the managers of the Kleckner House at New Berlin and is familiar with many people in Snyder county. Since the war J Col. Kleckner has resided in Phila delphia and is now running a livery stable. There are quite a number of Snyder cotiutians in thi city. Among them are D. Edward K rea mer, a clerk m the Custom House, who is niarriad to Kate Stetler ot Middlcburgh ; Boyd Blin ker, a Se linsgrove boy who is a druggist here resides at 2110 North M st; Mrs. J. Ward Diehl (nee Sadie Or wig of Middlcburgh) resides at :W27 Orkney street. Her husband is foreman of a Catholic printing house ; Mr. E. (J. Murray, former ly druggist nt Middlcburgh, resides at 2801! Stella Ave. He is running a drug store near his home; Win. Mark and Charles 1 Iaflley, former ly of Selinsgrove, are located here ; A. A. Voder of Globe Mills is a student at Medico Chi College ; Harry A. Bibighuiis, the genial salesman, resides tin Montgomery Ave. He is married to Miss Sallio Bibighuiis, formerly of Middle burg; Beni. Shields and wife for merly of Selinsgrove are residents here. Sunday we had the pleasure of visiting the Episeopalean hospital on Lehigh Ave. and Front Sts. Miss Clara Neotling of Mifllinburir is one of the Nurses at this institu tion. She received us kindly and escorted us through the entire hos pital. With these few rambling thoughts I must close. (. w. w. Don't Want It to Happen Again. An exchange tells the following A lady died and while the pall 1 (carers were covering her to her last resting place, by some mishap they stumbled and dropped the corpse. The txnicussinu brought the deceased back to life, and she lived six or seven years and died ' il . . i Hgaiu. un me way to the grave they Hissed over the same ground, and when the pallbearers reached the identical sjnit where the stumble had been made nt the previous sad service, the grict stricken husband stopped in front of his lamented wife and said : "Steady Istys, steadv." Must Eat all You Shoot. Hunters will do well to liear in mind that they art! not "jMt hunt ers," and that they cannot disjiosc of any surplus that they have. Therefore when you shoot all your family can consume ipiit. The game season oftcned, as heretofore stated, for all game except rabbits, elk and deer. As many persons Inltor under the mistaken impres sion that they in sell game to the consumers, it will Ik; well to dis abuse them of that notion. No game can be sold within the state and no game taken out ot the state under any pretext whatever. Bullets for a Preacher. When Rev. Gilliam, of the Chris tian Church, preached a sermon at Mintoiivillc, in which he affirmed there is no devil, the congregation took offense. When the preacher attempted to speak again he was ejected from the church, and about twenty pistol shots were fired after him. This proves the fact that the preacher was wrong for there were deviU in the crowd to fire the shots. i Excitement at Adamsburg- WhiloW. I. Keller, Clan nee Kline(M'ter and Harry Dnrse were out hunting rabbits hist Friday evening, their dogs were chasing something back of town which did not seem to be a rabbit, the hunters followed the dogs to the woods where the dogs had traced the an imal. As si Nin as the hunters came to the place where the dogs were liarking up the tree the hunters soon saw a large animal on a trtr and while the hunters were greatly excited and shaking the tree the an imal came down and the dogs jump ed on the animal and killed it, when Ix-hold they said it's a wild cat, and Mr. Klinepcter patted his dog on the head and said, "who says that Jack don't chase wild eats." The hunters felt gonl ou their vic tory and Klinepcter tookv the wild cat by the tail and the three started for Adamsburg, where they exhibit ed the animal in all the public places of town and while showing it in Klose Brothers' store and telline the big time they had in killing it, someone said, "I don't believe it is a wild cat, it looks like one of our town cats," nud others said, "it is Win. Klose's cat." "Oh mo, it is a wild cat," was the answer of tht hunters. At this moment Mertie Klone, daughter of Win. Klose, came in the store and looked at the animal and at once said, "v. hv this is our cat," and Mr. Klose said, " Vaw es is my olter kautei." The cat weighed over 10 pounds and measured ,'i feet from tip to tip and was valued at 10.00. Vou never saw such a set of disappointed huut ters. They had already figured on each man's share of the scalp premium. - - -- What They Will Do. The Ladies' Mite .Society of the Lutheran church of Middlcburgh do hereby respectfully inform the public that they have organize! themselves into a sewing circle, with Mrs. C. Stetler as siicrin tendent of that department. Any one desiring plain sewing done, will notify the superintendent, giving date, and members (no less than six or eight) of the society will come and sew from one to four P. M. for the small sum of one dollar. ()l eonrse it will lie of great advantage to the one engaging to have every thing ready, as much more can be accomplished. Notices for engage ments must be sent to Mrs. Stetler at least one day before, so that all may lie notified. We are now ready for dates. What mother will lc first to grasp the opportunity to get the sewing for the little ones done at so small a cost and trouble? Public Auction. G. T. Kepner will offer at Public Auction at the Eagle Hotel in Mid- dleburgh, on Saturday, Novemlier 13th, at 1 o'clock P. M., two car loads of fine cattle, consisting of 3.r fine Steers, from 700 lbs. to 10(H) lbs. each, just the kind that will suit any one wanting fattening cattle. Twenty-five fine Heifers, some are with calf, a few fat, balance feeders. The greatest care has been taken in the selection of this stock. Terms: A liberal credit will be given by the purchasers giving their notes with approved security. Dis count for cash.