The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 04, 1897, Image 8

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    9 Hundred
Hunk of a nice ALL WOOL Man's Suit of
) tiiflcmit patturns to select from at
ONLY $4.98.
Wo invite vou all to visit Our Store anil see the Boys' we are selling at
ONLY 98 Cents.
These are only a few of the many bargains to be
found here. Next week we will tell you all about
our OviprnnatR. Wa havfi nilfia and rrilfts whinh
must be sold if prices can do it.
Write for Samples.
Proceedings of County C. E
from the November SEARCH LlQIIT.
lue second annual convention
of the Snyder County Christian
JLndeavor Union, convened in the
Lutheran church, Middleburtf, on
Thursday evening, Oct. 28. 1807,
itev. J. H. Isatb, President ol th
County Union, presided and made
some opening remarks pertinent to
Che success of the convention. Then
followed a praise service conducted
by A. L. Cooper of Selinsgrove.
Claiming the promise of the Master
in "Hear us, O Savior," adding
gladness to the hearts in singing
"Sunshine in thesoul," the band
of Endeavors cheered, blessed and
ungnieneu an present in rrearnfy
singing "Scatter Snnshine '. In
prayer Kev. McLain tetlingly litte
up iiis voice for the divine blessing
iatore for true workers for the
Master, when in song came the
-'Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
Xhe one hundredth Psalm was then
wead by the leader, as follows :
Make a joyful noise unto the
Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord
with gladness. Come before his
presence with singing. Know ye
mat the LorJ he is Uod; it is he
Ahat hath made us, and not we
ourselves; we are his people, and
1... ..I , f 1. . r-.
a.ieep 01 ins pasture, linter
into gates with thanksgiving
-and into his courts with praise; be
tthankful unto him, add bless his
ame. For the Lord is good; his
nercy is everlasting; and his truth
jndureth to all generations."
'Traise Him! Praise Him!" and
."peed Away' fittingly closed the
praise service. The Lutheran choir
uen rendered, in an excellent, and
impressive manner, the Anthems
.'otiiled, Praise to God and Lord.
Thy Glory fills the Heavens.
The address of welcome was
dtihs'jred by Kev. . II. Hertz, who
tn a fuw well chosen words extended
a&uarty welcome to ail delegates
Irlu tnflc'iwrwnrti-rc in ititnfiinM
.Mjss. Rose Gortner of Selinsgrove,
.icajjuuui-u in a pieasing way in
.oelialt of visiting delegates. Her
response was listened to with rapt
juieuuon and was characteristic of
iruvv&r'iHliax endeavor spirit. The
young :ia4y-. address instilled new
,ze! .andearnestness
Thevonvention thensang.I need
.'tluj'v very hour, after which Prof.
j, W. VYalborn, of Freeburg.spoke
on Heroes and heroines, or the men
runJ women we want. He handled
is subject admirably, pointing out
in vivid descriptions the heroes
and. heroines we want, as well as
-sounding the keynote of danger in
a nation's people who do not line
up to moral code. His address was
A.fine one and added new lustre
to this already popular orator and
The announcements were then
made by the President, aler which
Ahe . convention closed with sing
ling and the mizpeh benediction.
J he first session was truly a feast
tfor the soul, and the large audience
in Attendance attest the truth of
wthe assertion.
Opened with a praise service led
by Miss Ella V. Stetler. Send the
Light; Onward, Christian Soldiers,
and Scatter Sunshine were rendered
in song, after which the leader read
the 34th Psalm. Rev. Kohler
followed in prayer pleading for the
infusion of the Holy Spirit. "Dies
sed Assurance" closed the praise
The various societies represented
reported through their delegates,
nearly every society in the county
responding. From the reports we
glean that there were 568 active
members reported 194 associate and
the amount money collected during
the year $390.85.
C. 13. llarman then made some
practical remarks from facts glean
ed xfrom the reports. The assert
ion that we should let the lower
lights shine, was timely and well
The president then appointed a
nominating committee.a committee
on resolutions and a temperance
R. G. Bowersox of Paxtonville,
then read an excellent paper on
committee work which we publish
in the November number ol the
Alter singing rami is the V ict
ory, a general discussion on com
mittee work followed. Kev. L). E.
McLain said, "The committees are
the society at work. W. L. Bass-
ler, suggested that an old member
should be placed on each commit
tee, in order that a new committee
could do effective work at n nr-t-
It was suggested that each society
have a real live, wot king Temper
ance committee. "Our hope" was
the theme of C. li. Harman, who
spoKe earnestly and was of the
opinion that everybody should be
on a committee, and the regular
committee do the work left undone
by the committee of a whole. Cy
ril Haas suggested a Co. Lookout
Com, but as the next subject wason
that work it was left to V. L. Bas
sler. Kev. Kohler recommended a
good citizenship committee and a
Sabbath committee. His address
was filled with excellent suggest
Lookout Committee of County
Union was then presented by W.
L. Bassler, who is state District
President. The object, he stated
was for this committee to organize
new societies and look after those
who have been organized. By
motion it was decided that a com
mittee of five be appointed by the
I. II. Wagner of Se'lmsgrove,
then opened the subject, How can
we most successfully reach our
young men. He ably and earnestly
pointed out various ways by which
young men could be reached, the
best being through young people's
societies, saying "It is for you and
me to inprsss the name of Christ,
For us as christians to live the lives
ol christians." Paying a beautiful
tribute to Our Pledge, and. loyalty
to it. Cyril Haas followed in a
soul stirring talk and asked wheth
er in our daily walks we ever whis
pered a prayer. It was said by Rev.
Kohler that there are 935,000 young
men in Pennsylvania and only 40,-
the lateststyle.
We Lave
000 in the church work.
Our Pledge was the subject next
under discussion and was opened
by Rev. D. E. McLain. Pointing
to the pledge he said, "That pledge
exalts Jesus Christ." The standard
by which we are to live. The dis
cussion was continued by Messrs
Botsford, Tomlinson, VV. L. Bas
sler and Revs. Hertz and Kohler.
Convention adjourned to 1.30 p
The afternoon session was open
ed with a Praise Service conducted
by J. A. Snyder. Tne 8th chapter
of Romans was read as a scripture
lesson. The service was closeif'by
the rendition of an excellent duet
by Misses Brown and Mcer of
Kev, D. E. McLain then read
the constitution drawn up by the
committee on constitution appoint
ed it last year's convention. The
same, ty motion, was adopted as
The result of the nominating
committee was then announced and
was as lollows: Rev. D. E. McLain
President; . A. Snyder, Secretary;
Cyril II. Haas, Treasurer.
ti-a a.:ii.. - 1
i n ivjiiiiuiiicc uii gciicidi 1 ebu
llitions then reportedthe following:
Whereas, in the Providence of
God, the several Christian Endea
vor societies of Snyder county,
have been permitted as delegates
to assemble at Middleburgh in the
second annual convention of the C.
E. County Union, and whereas,
owing to the careful and complete
arrangements for holding the con
vention and the entertainment af
forded we are better enabled to
enjoy more fully the intended bles
sings; therefore be it resolved,
First, That the thanks of this
convention are due and hereby ten.
dered Rev. D. E. McLain for over
seeing and carrying to successful
completion the arrangements of
the convention.
Second, That the visiting dele
gates express their gratitude for
the kind reception and sincere ho3
pitahty of the people of Middle
burgh, and also, for the interesting
and carefully prepared discourses
of all speakers and other perform
ed, and further for the music fur
nished by the choir.
Third, That these resolutions be
published with the proceedings of
the convention.
1 G. W. Wagenseller,
Comm. 1 Florence Moyer,
I C. B. Harman.
t- 1. rr ...
1 lie lemperance committee re
ported the following:
Whereas, we, Christian Endea
vorers of Snyder county, in con
vention assembled this 29th day of
October, 1897, believe that the
curse of strong drink may be seen
throughout our nation, state and
county, in corrupt officials, blasted
homes and ruined lives. Therefore
be it,
Resolved, That we as individual
societies and a county organization
use every opportunity to inculcate
the principle of total abstinence
from strong drink.
Resolved, That we recognize
and give our hearty co operation to
every legitimate movement that has
for its object che curtailment and
abolishment of the liquor traffic.
Kr solved, That the President of
the county be directed to appoint a
jTemperance committee of five to
agitate the matter oi temperance in
our county
; Resolved, Tint the several pa-
'pcrs in the
count, be and are
to putiliFh these
! resolutions.
C R BoTsKOku,
Mrs. D. G. Smith,
j Comm. C. Sue Beaver,
A. E. Cooper,
Mrs. A. M. Smith.
! The following is report nunber3:
i Resolved, That we in convention
(assembled as the Snyder County
Union of the Y. P. S. C. E.. htiebv
extend to the County Union of
Northumberland county our heart
telt thanks and appreciation for
their cordial welcome shown us as
members of said Northumberland
county Union.
Resolved, That we, the Snyder
County Union, separate ourselves
from the Northumberland County
Resolved, That the President of
this Union appoint a delegate tra
ternally to Northumberland county
Union which convenes durinu No
vember and that he shall take with
him our greetings and a copy of
these resolutions. U . L. Basslek
The president appointed W. L
Bassler, A. E. Cooper, Rev. j. 11
Hertz, 1. H. Wagner and Cyril II
Haas as a county Lookout Com
mittee. The convention unanimously se
lected Freeburg as the place to hold
the next convention.
Rev. O. G. Romig, of Fremont,
then presented the subject of fern
perance. His address contained
so much of the proper spirit on the
temperance question that we pub
Iish it 111 full in this issue of the
Search Light. Revs. McLain and
Hertz presented some forceful ar-
gumsnts pertinent to the question
and urged that christians should
vote as they pray.
vt. uirnm ot Sehnsgrove, was
introduced and made an earnest
address on Denominational Loyalty
He referred to the Pledge for his
text and reminded all that it should
be their chief aim to "Act and live
the Gospel of the Lord Jesus
Convention adjourned to 7:30.
Opened by a praise service con
ducted by Miss E. Jennie Walter
ol Penns Creek. Sweet Peace, the
Gift of God's Love and Faith is the
Victory in song added spirit to the
service. The 96th' Psalm was used
as a scripture lesson. For Christ
and the church was followed by
prayer by Rev. Kohler. Singing
the Banner of the Cross closed the
praise service.
The choir then devoted fifteen
minutes in singing an anthem entitl
ed, "Arise.for Thy Light is Come,'
and a Duet by Misses Mame Stet-
I 1 m I 1
ler ana maoei urimm. I his was
rendered well and effectually and
favorably impressed the audience.
Cyril Haas was called upon who
being tilled with the spirit, nobly
and zealously appealed to the en
deavorers and all present that the
hrst half hour of each morning be
devoted to God, before the din and
bustle of the world has claimed the
attention of the mind. What an
earnest, sincere and noble plea from
model christian young man.
Would to God that every one pres
ent and everyone who may read
this report will follow his noble
plea. "We can, if we will," is the
Christian Endeavor motto for the
next year, let us apply it to the
first half hour in the morning, and
tell of the good results at next years
Dr. Dimm, of Susquehanna Uni
versity, addressed the audience on
Knowledge the substance of faith,
the promoter of spirituality. The
subject was handled in a deep, soul
stirring way, and fitted the hearts'.
ot the endeavorers for the final con
secration service.
Rev. Barb occupied a few mo
ments in expressing his thanks and
gratitude to those who so kindly
co-operated with him in making the
deliberations of the convention
so successful and promised the
same earnest.cordial support to the
new president, Rev. McLain.aswas
accorded him during his term by
The closing service of the even
ing was the consecration service,
conducted. by Cyril Haas. Nearer
my God to Thee was used as the
beginning of this soul stirring ser
vice. Each society then responded
by delegations, and in song, prayer
and Scripture passages the spirit of
Christ was instilled into the hearts
of the endeavorers rising andformmg
a circle which extended around the
auditorium and the Sunday school
room of the church. Joining hands,
and with throbbing hearts they
lifted up their voices in singing that
grand old hymn, "Blest be the tie
that Binds."
Collars, j-'-ffirto,
ctaf Sag
33 Lg8!& '
Ladies' Jackets, Capes from l$2.00 up. $10.00, &c. Children's Coats
VV 1 nop. rs. Macintoshes. Everything in the Millinery line I kn r .
and Children's Hats and Tam
G...t'B Kid Gloves, Cprmta. Hosiery, Ladies Neckwear. XmasNovltie
U.billB. Ate Gents- Furnishing Goods in the lates', styles. Fancv
.jim ii-, wiiuiB, uuus, iion, oiiu ouwg, at ine f ancy store of
Mr?. E. C. Aurapd, - - - Middleburl;, Pa.
Thus closed a convention which
in its marked success has put in
spiration into the delegates present
that it will kindle a flame of endea
vor spirit that will permeate all
parts ot the county, a spirit that
will add new members and new
societies to this noble organization
whose work tells so noblv "For
Christ-aud the church." "We can
if WE WILL."
Mlddleburith Lutheran. (1 W Wssenaeller. J A
Snyder, Mamie btetler, t!ue Ilrnver, Kev D E
McLa In
Mlddleburith Reformed Bertie Erdley, Mabel
Dacnman, noine ouienuer.
Middleburgh United Evangellcal-Itev J
Uerti, Mine Laura llert.
ftliddleburtfb. I'nited Brethren H 8 Morti,
Flora HDecbt.
rlellnagrovelLutheran, Dr J K Dimm, Charlotte
Kiatner, u s rockier, Minnie A Uortner, w B
Tomlineon, Kev John II Harb, Hone M Uortner,
Chauncey K Botsford, C B Harman, 1 11 Wagner,
A K Cooper, Cliarlea Korgy.
Helinwrove Reformed Jennie M Long, Rev
n a uaan, same a ueinnerunir, i yrii li una,
victoria Ueobler, Ida M nageiuieller, fiva Uenv
Hliainokln Dam Lutheran Jeenle Slear.
New Berlin Reformed Kev Sydney Kohler
and wife. . ,
t'entrevllle Lutheran Emetine Nevlck, Elva
Mailman, naie nenrauer, lora Mine.
Centrevllle Reformed-W F fandert, A C Bow-
Centrevllle United Evan Rev A D (Iratnley.
Freeburv Union Mrs V B Hod. Mn John
Glami, M re A 11 Hendricks, Anna L Koiuli, Mra
D U Smith. W I, ltamler.
Freeburg Kefoimed-Wllllam W HouU. J W
IIaM,era Brown, Mary Illlbiih, M Florence
Freeburg U B-O W Wallmrn.
McKeea Lutheran Minnie Hall, Catharine
Welaer, Marcla App. Sule M Hi lie
Hunimol f Wharf
I Ml
Informed Brian Teats.
AdnmBburg Lutheran
Smith. Isaac Felker, Mn A 51
Kreamer United Evan Lanhenua Walter and
wife, Jennie Bollinger, Mamie H How.
McC liire Lutherau-ltev and Mn W II Hilbiih
anil Mrrtle Ureeae.
I'axtonville United Evan Anna Sweenule,
Troxelvilln Lutheran Herbert Movar. lWanin
C Moyer, Mary Moyer, Mury Swartx, Ella
Fremont Kev and Mra O O Romig.
Iluaaiiiger'ft M K llaiwlliger, Jennie Oldt.
Additions to reiitm property
would never lie lusteiied with nn.Ia,
but with kotows, says a St. Lotii
lawyer, (when made by the tenant.)
The reason for this lies in the fact
that should lie wish to move awnv
and take with him the boards
other lumber composing the
i in-
provriueiits Jio lias Mafic. He
simply draw out the screws
take the planks. If he fastens tliein
.. 'il. Ti l
wan nans, nowevcr, He can remove
nothing, and the improvements le-
come the landlord's proiierty. The
fact results from a leijal mubble,
insisting that articles fastened with
screws are for temporary use, and if
put in place by the tenant are his
own property.
Look! Look!!
Look at yourself when you bur
clothing at my store. I keep eon
stantly in stock the best and finest
line of Hats and Gents' Clothing.
Furnishing Goods, Underwear and
Gaps. Call to see my stock.
UltBDSY, JrKfflA.
0' Shaners. Notions. T.Hi: "1
Everybody Says
That the Wlnea and Brandy of the Kpeor N.
J. Wine Co., Paaaale, N. J., are leading all 0tli.
erg in public favor. Their Hrandiee are uex.
celled for delicacy of flavor, and are pronounc
ed by the moat eatable judgca to be the very
bent in the market, while their fine Old l'0rt
and Unformented Grape Juice are superior to all
Otheis for the sick room and Communion Table.
For pure grape Brandy their Old Cllmas, vln'
tags 1H76, Is admitted the beat to be had. Vine
yard and cellars at Passaic, N. J.
Divorce Notice.
ami Bason i,at or mt. plkasamt nn.ui, y
Whereas, William A. Basom, your huabsnd
has filed a libel in the Court of Common I'lmi
ot Snyder county. Pa., of May Term. 1HM No
IS, praying a divorce against you, now you srii
hereby notified and required to appear in uM
court on or before Monday the Ulli day of
December, next to answer the complaint ol toe
said William A. Basom, and in default of such
appearance you will be liable to have a divorce
granted In your absence.
. ,m P- 8- HITTER, Sheriff of Snyder Co
SHerlff's Office, Middleburgh, Pa , Oct. Itth, lwff
Take Laxative Quinine Tablets. All Drui
gists refund the money if it fails to cur. 2V
Wnnfrrf t One good Agent, nd only
.V "ta one, lu every locality, to
tuke orders for our charming Holiday Hooks
Something new, retailing at from ooc. to w
pi-r copy. Ageala are making from to f io.j
dully ; demand enormous : big commiMon
credit given s freightage paid ; Outllts fres.
Drop all trash and sell goods that people warn
and make IKOO per monin. Address, ror outnt
and UHTllory. People's, 341 Market Ht.,
10-xS-lU Philadelphia, Pa.
Jtlil(llebiit l irket
Corrected weekly by OUC merohuutu.
Butter )
Ef?K8 Jo
Onions 4.5
Lard " g
Tallow 4
Chickens per 1 1 c
Turkeys g
Side 7
Shoulder q
HftUl jo
Wheat iK)
Bye ,i i,,,,,; ,., 40
Potntoes 50
Old Corn 30
Oats 20
Bran per 100 lbs .... .GO
Middlings " 70
Chop " m
Flour per bbl IX
Auditor's Notice
In Ke-etfltK Of Levi I
J. Komlg, Dec'd. I
In the orphans' Court
The underslrned. who was nnnnlnteil nmlltir
at June term last, to make distribution of ilia
balance apnearlnir unon tiio first, find flmil re
count ol A. A. llomltf, administrator of the es
tate of said decedent, to and among those leial-
ly entitled thereto, win sit for the purpose ot
discharging the duties of his opnolnlment, at
the ofll'-e of Jacob Gilbert. Kso... In the bnrntiirti
of Mlddleliurgh, Snyder :o.. I'a.. on Motiduv.tlie
inm uay 01 Mnvw.ut 11 oclock A. M. of siiiiiuay
when and where all nartles are reuolrcd to Die-
ent their claims against said estate or he for
ever debarred from coming lu for a share of said
fund. CUAKLBS 110 WKK. Auditor.
te r a of Administration i 11 1 h e
estate ol Ben). Kreamer late of Middlecreek Tp-.
Snyder eouuty. Pa., deo'd, kavlng been granted
to tne undersigned, all ixraona know dic tliam-
elves Indebted to aaid estate are requested to
make immediate navuient. while thoao lmvlns
olulon will present them duly suthoutlentcJ to
me uaueraignea.
Oct.8,lSW. . Adin'rs.
Alaska! Wbynot
get your share ol
tlie great fortunes
to be realised from tbe wonderful dlscovsrie
already made and to be mode In this New Klon
dike-Alaska Eldorado? THE WASHING
PANY under Its character Is autuor'sifl to FrM'
pect for and acquire Mining Claims and J'rop
ertles In tbe wonderful gold fields of Klondlk
and Alaska. Immense fortunes have already
been realised and millions more will t niad
there. Will you allow this golden opportunity
to pass you by? A few dollars Invested U
in this undertaking' may be tUe foundation lo
your fortune. Tbe rush to tbe wonder'aod tte-
essltates Immediate action. Tbe first In the
field tbe first in fortune. No sicb opportunity
bas ever been pi eaented to the peop'e of tie
present generation as is offered in the Kloa-
dike Alaska Gold Fields. All shareboldM
get their toll proportion of all profits. No divi
dends are made on stock remaining unsold.
Send your orders enclosing One Dollar for each
share of fully paid-up and non-assessable stock
desired to the WASHINGTON GOLD FIKI.t
Tba following Tacema dealers In supplies lor
tbe Klondike and Alaska trade are Stockhold
ers in tbe Company and will Inform yoa regsre'
ng tbe reliability of its officers: Monty
Ounn, Groceries; A. F. Hoska, Harness Co..
Morris Gross Co., Dry Goods and Clothing ;
G. Rowland. OsAflMari Hugo Fall. TJi
Tacoma Hardware Co. 10-lr-