The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 04, 1897, Image 3

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About Alaska Not Known bj
tjbodj, but Worth Knowing.
Ls Ttat Will Fi-ow Vmutml f
Ccsaa Ceatelatlas a Frew
ptilmg Trip Trah th Laael
I 014, Paaaw Oat After Carw
j futld at Haadreel Trmr
n Talea-Waat, Wkin, Wkca,
w aa Whaa. ta Da.
Vka la two and one-half times as
L u Texas.
Is eiiTnl lines as large as ail or
V England.
It as large as the South, excluding
It as large as all the States east
the Mississippi and north of the
L including Virginia and West Vlr-
pokes San Francisco east of our
It coast line Is 18,000 miles.
has the highest mountains in
lib America.
bas the only forest covered glacier
it world.
has the best yellow cedar In the
has the greatest seal fisheries,
has the greatest salmon fisheries,
has cod banks that beat New-
has the largest liver In the world,
nan standing on the bank of the
ton 150 miles from Its mouth cannot
:be other bank.
he Yukon is twenty miles wide 700
Is from its mouth.
flth Its tributaries It is navigable
lo miles.
Is larger than the Danube.
Is larger than La Plata.
I larger than the Orinoco,
discharges one-third more water
In the Mississippi.
fce water Is fresh fifteen miles from
Is color is beautifully blue to Its
klon with the White River. 1,100
ft above Its mouth.
iuka runs 1.600 miles west of Haw-
lie necessary eruptive force for the
cation of great fissure veins Is evl
t everywhere In Alaska.
Ilk should be worn next the body,
b woolen, then furs.
trie acid should be taken to pre-
k scurvy.
Lna beans are good portable food.
tow glasses should not be forgotten,
owhere are mosquitoes so numer-
ure are two kinds of poisonous
loose are plentiful. The flesh re-
Ibles horseflesh.
im are no snakes In Alaska.
central and nothern Alaska the
ind is frozen to a depth of 200 feet,
lowfall In the Interior Is very light
i Inches or so.
Be heaviest rain and snow are on
southeast coast.
to land contains finer spruce tlm-
lts low temperatures gold filling
fceth contracts and falls out. Use
a born In southern latitudes have
pme Insane In the long dark.
kke a chess board and men. They
ent dementia.
lie medicine chest should hold pills,
I, pills.
temperature of 75 degrees below
has been recorded.
hen it gets lower than 50 there Is
tent is as good as a house, and la
i per.
J shelter is needed except when the
i blows. At other times a sleep-
liag answers all purposes.
it below rapids Ice forms only nine
thick, and there fishing Is done. In
r places It will reach forty feet.
the durk season twilight lasts six
I. cariboo and grouse are common.
easily killed.
f frozen Angers use cold water.
p can bathe only the feet and face,
pn't eat snow or Ice. Melt them.
low temperatures the Inside of the
at sometimes freezes. That Is lo-
' called "frost burning."
'eat under blankets In summer, or
summer all land not mountain Is
"ierfoot Is Ice cake, overhead
"y-two hours' sun.
erybody gets vermin. Boll under.
fins. Freese sleeping-bags.
on the Ice pack Is heard a hair-
I'J' an expert placer miner can pan
Rl:an "dust" Is as big as wheat.
m Bold is fine enough to float.
pf Hk gloves, then fur.
Eskimo Is virtuous; the Chllkat
n Is not.
Indian rapacity will drive the
fr" into American territory.
Indian police are highly efficient
"ucn so to suit American ideas.
'"Jeer win be the locomotives for
Parts of Alaska for a long time.
lkan dogs are wonderfully lntelll-
Hbe result of selection and hered-
natives eat much decayed fish;
rr are all honest the natives, as
the tun.
Nsands of miners from other
f Wti will go to Alaska.
"w York company leada In Alas-
r crows as high as a man's head,
vegetables can be raised.
reams Shaw tm mM flaaurea.
r act ot Congress communities
y make their own laws.
Wi fairer trial anywhsrs,
aor any prompter execvtlosv
Make cache on platform alx feet
high. Wolves.
AH distances are gigantic It la t,Wt
mile from Sitka to Klondike.
I. A boat leariac Dawson Sept. M ta
i fhrfl r A tha niaitk K hali wraa
All wood la the Aleutian Island
trow on glaciers In Alaska.
Whole forests break Into the sea.
Some streams are bridged by gla
ciers. Some wood Is beautifully polished by
glacier action.
Avalanches In the Interior are un.
Owing to dryness there Is not much
suffering from the cold.
Take a 40-48 rifle with telescope
One small tribe makes 12.000 a year
fron silver fox skins. They are worth
$259 each.
Exposed portions of the body frees
In three minutes.
Enough library. One Bible, one
Snowshoes are not needed in the
mine country.
Buy mines from discouraged miners.
The Klondike river Is forty yards
wide at Its mouth. Water shallow and
The Klondike fever Is not dangerous
unless acgravated by Chllkoot chills.
Alaska was purchased In 1S67 from
Russia for $7,200,000; the purchase was
negotiated by William H. Seward.
Its area in square miles Is 531.409.
Population (census of 1830), 30,329, of
whom but 4,416 were whites, 8,400 Es
quimaux, and 13.735 Indians.
Estimated present population, 40,000.
Principal cities, Sitka (the capital),
Juneau, Wrangel. Circle City.
Principal mountains. Mount Lotmn,
altitude 19,500 feet; Mount St. Ellas.
18.100; Mount Wrangel, 17,500.
Governor of the territory, James D.
Brady; residence at Sitka.
Principal occupations of the people,
hunting and Ashing.
Estimated product of g-old to date,
Product of gold In 1896. $4,670,000.
Klondike In English Is Deer River.
The river Is so designated on the maps.
Travel to Dawston City by the St.
Michaels, Dyea or Bkaguay route Is
possible only In June, July and August.
Climate In winter severe In the ex
treme; winter beginning In September.
During June and July continuous
daylight; during December and Janu
ary continuous night
Oold was first discovered In Alaska
In 1879.
The Yukon River Is not open until
after the 10th day of June.
Do not let any, one convince you to
the contrary.
These are cold facts.
Wert tr Tanas? Woiaaa Drlrer Wlas
Race la Halae.
Here is a woman, young and pretty,
who can drive fast horses with all the
Iry abandon of Dudd Doble or any of his
compatriots. II er name is Miss Loot a
Elliott, and she lives in Dan forth. Me.
Who would ever suspect the stuid and
dlg-nlfied old Tine Tree state of pro-
duclng women drivers, and good ones,
too, in divided skirts?
In tha races at Pitta Acid, Me., a few
weeks ago there were four of them, but
-the better of all of them was Miss El-1
liott, 1
Sbe is only SI years old, and Is the
very antithesis of Lawgoo N. Fuller,
the old gentleman (J river of New York
city. Mr. Fuller leans forward and
seldom takes his yes from his team.
Miss Elliott leans back as easily as
though she were In a boudoir choir,
with each little foot poised on the bar
in front of the seat. She seems to know
by instinct just what the horse is doing,
and looks about her with the utmost
"I can feel what a trotter is doing
through the lines, just as a helmsman
can feel his craft hauling on the rud
der," says Miss Elliott.
The race won by the woman driver
was the first ever trotted on a circuit
track under national roles with women
as drivers. Miss Elliott won the race
ITer opponents were Mrs. Sarah Elise
Crosby, of West Rrewster, Mass., 30
years old; Mrs. Cattle E. Meader, of
Wlnalow, aged 90; Mrs. Mary Wood
cock, e. Ripley, 31 years.
In the Hawaiian islands there are
twice as many men as women.
In the Klondike region In midwinter
the sun rises from 9:30 to 10 a. m. and
sets from I to S p, m.
Braxll it now the principal coffee pro
ducing country of the world. la 180S
the crop was estimated at 7,000,000
: During IMS the United States export
ed to Mexico $17,000,000 worth oi roods,
and in tha suoceedlsf year $21100,000
worth. i
Vala af Threw Own at a faa
OH. CITY. Pa, Oct. tt. Three per
oaa were bnraed to death and aeves
atore severely Injured ta a fire that de
stroyed the Hotel Brooklyn at Kellot
rUle. U miles southeast of Oil City
yesterday morning. The building wai
a three story one, roughly built of dou
ble board, and burned like tinder.
Whea the firemen first discovered It
there were IT person asleep In the ho
tel. The Are. which had originated or
the second floor of the building, shut
off alt retreat from rooms on the floors
Six men on the second floor and flv
on the third saved themselves by jump
ing from the windows to the ground be
low, but not without severe burns oi
hurts. Those killed are:
Professor Tucker, aged about (5 years
who traveled about the country glvlni
stereopticon sketches, and la supposed
to have come from Sewlckley, neat
Andrew Salsglver of Tlonesta, a mal.
carrier, aged 21 years and partially
Miss Kate Miller of Kelletvllle, aged
19 years.
Miss Emma Kiser, a teacher In th
Kelletvllle schools, was so badly burn
ed about the fare and body and so se
verely Injured by jumping from the
second story of the hotel that she may
ill p.
What remained of the bodies ol
Tucker and Salsglver was gathered
together and was not enough to fill
nn ordinary cigar box. The Are Is sup
posed to have originated by Professw
Tucker knocking over a lamp In hit
bedroom, as he had the toothache and
used the lamp for making hot applica
GhonU Will nave a Hunt Time to Gel
at Pullman's CnfHn.
CHICAGO, Oct. 25. Ghouls will nol
steal the body of George M. Tullmnn
unless they blast through concrete and
asphalt ns hard as granite and burst
steel rails capable of holding up a mod
ern skyscraper.
The body of the magnate was placed
In a lead lined coflln covered with tat
paper and rested upon a bed of cemenl
H4 feet thick la a grave 8 feet deep, I
wide and 13 feet long.
An inch of asphaltum was plastered
under and around the coflln. Then tht
space at the head and sides were filled
with concrete, which quickly hardened
to stone.
Eight heavy steel "T" rails were laid
across the top of the box, the ends rest
ing on the concrete walls at either stdt
and their lower surfaces clearing the
aaphaltum covering by half an Inch, the
distance to which the side walls of con
crete had been built above the asphal
tum. The rails were fastened together with
two long Iron rods which run parallel
to the side of the lid of the coffin. More
tar paper was then used to prevent th
flow of concrete Into the space between
the rails and the asphaltum, and the
walling was carried to the top.
Mr. Pullman's will has been read ta
the family by Mr. Runnells. the solic
itor of the Pullman company and Mr.
Pullman's attorney.
Neither Mr. Runnells nor any mem
ber of the family will make the details
public. It Is said that Robert T. Lin
coln and Morgan B. Ream are the ex
ecutors. These gentlemen also refused
to speak of the details.
Cnbans of Mitro Impntlrnu
CITY OP MEXICO, Oct. 2B.-The res
ident Cubans express much Impatience
at the slowness with which the Vnlted
States acts In relntlon to affairs In Cu
ba. Recently arrived Cubans stnte that
the cruelties committed by Spanish
troops have not been exaggerated, and
at the present time thousands of pa
clflcos are literally starving. The Cu
bans complain that whenever they se
cure employment here the Spanish resi
dents exert an Influence to secure their
discharge, and they can only look to
the Americans and Mexicans for sym
pathy and aid In getting work.
World's Pacing Kaeord Bcnten.
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 25.-8earchllght,
the 3-year-old son of Dark Knight, has
beaten the world's pacing record of
2:094 for 3-year-olds, going the mile In
2:07 flat. The first quarter was In 0:34Vi,
the half being re-ached In l:02Vi. At
the three-quarters the watcn snowro
1:35K, and the mile waa reached in 2:07.
Sadie Steward
Cured of Spasms by Or. Miles' Nervine,
THE many cases of spasms, 8t, Vitus
dance and epilepsy that Vr. Mllea'
IteatoratWe Nervine bascured, would
alouo give this great remedy wide reputa
tion. Mrs. Walter A. Steward, 7T3 Broadway,
Kingston, N. Y says March 3, lm)6: "la 1K90,
nhlloooaislt to friends our little girl was
taken with spasmi. We hastened boms to
our family physician. He did all be could
but failed. We called
several physlclansbut
tbe spasms continued,
her tongue became
partially paralysed
and tbe doctors said
sbe would never talk
again. Night and day
we watched tbe poor
little sufferer and tried every remedy we
saw advertised for such cases but got no re
lief. We began giving Dr. Miles' Nervine,
and after taking four bottles sbe was run
ning about as well and happy as ever."
Dr. Miles' Bemedlea are sold by aU drag
glsts under a positive guarantee, first bottle
bsnente or money refunded. Book oa Heart
and Nerval seat free Wo all applicants.
DR. MILKS MEDICAL CO, Elkhart lad.
fajrtOrta, 3
Tha Distaste raajsaasaUosi Cast b
T. 4. Sleenm, the Great chemist sod Scientist,
W in send to Sufferers. Three Pree HoUka ot
Ills Newly Discovered KemrdlM lo Cure Ceu-
sumpUoo and aU Lung roubles.
Nothing could be fairer, more phUantropto or
carry morejoy to the aftltcted, than the gner
ous otter of the honored mitt distinguished (.Hern
ial, T. A. biurutn. Ja. .' ot New York Ulty.
He Has discover a reliable and absolute cure
(or consumption, sud iill Imwchliti, inroat. lung
aad client liw h, etarrliul afTeclioiia, seoeral
decline mI we kiies. Iom of ilmh alid all coo
anions of wanting awav, mi.l lo make Us grrat
uii-rlts known. m wmi uv i)Uimo( his
newly dlNcovt-rrd rvuiedtt-H iu nv artlk'ied read
ol the Host. .
Already Ills "uow x-i-iitlW svsi:n ot medl
Clin" una permanent l cur U luourunila ol ap
pHTMly liopotm ewe-..
The Da-tor cntisl.lrrx It not onlv bis proros
MoiKtl. hut hutnll:tnii!Ml'ity adulv wblcli he'
owiieatoHUtlerlovjIiuuisnlty dodouato his In
fallible cure.
Il lias provided I lie "dreaded consumption"
to lie acuruble dlsea e beyond a rtouhl.. Iu anv
climate, unit hsu on tilt- In his American and
Kuninean lutratuiin tlioiisimda ol "hear! fell
tettllinualnl of vniilMide" trom those bent-mtud
and cured, In all part of the world.
Catarrhal and pulmonary trnuhl.-s lend to con
sumption, and oouHiitnptluD, uulnierruptrd.
meaiiK speedy and cwilu death. Don't delay
until It la too lute. Hlmplv write T. A. Sloouui.
M. C . (IS I'lne turret. New York, giving express
nd pmlofnr iddrnsa, and the free uiixlli-lne
will he prompt lvMnt. Hu:ih tell ih iim-inr
I y ou saw hl.t offer I u the Piwr.
Alaska -Klondyke
Gold Mining Co.
Cupital Stuck, f()0,000 Share of
10.00 (lull, fully paid and iion-as-scssahle,
ol wliieli 2f0,000 Shares
art- now olleriil lor siiliMTiptiotis at
Tliere an-ninny iiermnm wln ilcaire to g" to
lli gold nVM of A luk tin; cm, I hi; m wuin,
who have nut imiimikIi ready inoni-y avuilnlile
to t'hnhle tlu-in to do o.
To all mull, we would ndvici-the desirability
of forming a local Hyndlentff or three or more
H-rmn, and jointly purvhiMv 5 W ulnirei of our
itock, and elret one of your niiiiilx-r to go mid
irot and mine for Joint lut-ontit
with parties forming nueh iiyudieale, this
Company will contract to wild nut one of their
iiiiiiilicrfnreaeti.VHiiliarefior atoclc purchaaeU
fomltnt ptr.aiid 1114111UI11 aiU'liltparty there
for one year from the date of arrrival at the
Kohl field, iiipplylni; him with food, tool, and
all thiiiKreiiiiniteto cnnhle hlmto proiiec
for aold, and with help to develop and work all
Koodctttinu located hy him the claims to he
looaieil I 1 the name of the nyndlcalo and the
Alavka-Klondyke (lohl MiniiiR Co., and to he
owned Jointly and equally, nhare and ihare
Write forCircular Full Particulars.
James Klee, late Secretary Mtate of Colorado ;
Wm. Hliaw. capitolisl, ChieaKo :
K. M. Tilcomb, . Vice President and (Icneral
Manaiter hjwtman Fruit Dispatch Co. ;
M. C. Fash, member Maritime Kichanjce, New
(ieo. W. Morguu, Circle City, Ahwka;
John K. Ixwllier,New York ;
(leorire T. Durfee, Fall Ulder, Mass.
advIhubv noAitn.
Hon. Im H. Wakefield, Ano-lnte Justice, First
District Court Houth FraminKhom, Muss. ;
Hon, l. (J. Itiehmond, late President Court of
Appeal, Denver, Col. :
H. (I. I'lKlcKrafT, late Treasurer l.ycominu Coun
ty, liliatusport, I'enn.
Hamuel M. Ilryan, President Chesopeako and
Potomac Telephone Co . WiiKhiiiKton, D. C ;
Dr. It. C. Fisher, 1,'Ul Miehliii Ave.. Chicago
111. ;
Col. P. A. Huffman. Detroit, Mich.;
M.U. It. Hwlft, Attorncy-itt-Uiw, Fall Kiver,
Mik-u. ,
Isuac W. Scott, Deiluly Collector, Cedar llapids,
Win. F. McKnit-ht, Aitorney iil l.iw, (ir:mi
llapids. Mich.
The himinrss of the Ahiska-Kloudyke (I..1.I
MlnliiK Cuiiany will he to run a lineof steam
ers 011 the Yukon ltlver, and hctneen Seattle
and the dllTerent parts of Alaska, oK'n supply
stnrcs at the difTerent camps, do a general
transportation, commercial and hanking hus
Iness, and, in addition, deal in Mining Claims,
and work the mines already owned and Hint
limy hereafter be acquired by the Coiiiuny.
Tlit' C'oiiiMinv controls the fiillnwinj;
Kight .iold Placer Cliiims Uggreg iting UO
Acres in Kiienl. located on Fort .Mile Creek
uiidt-r Culled States miniiiK laws. iK-velopniem
has proved the pay streak lo be live feet ihli k
and lias yielded placer dirt that pans from 10
to Sl.t to the lain. Five (iold Placer Claims, ag
gregating lilo Acres in extent, on Porcupine
ltlver. that pans from Si cents to llu to a pail.
Ten (fold Placer Clai ins, .iggreRailng wo acres
oiitlieTanna Itiver, iskiinuig from 5IU to i-'s) a
A line gold quart hnle iu Alaka. which as
says from 1S to l per ton. The lode show
an enormous outcrou of free millimr ore. vein
at surface lieing I.' feet thick : on tills properly
Ihave made 12 locutions of l vm feet, hy .HOi) feet,
eiiualing 1JO acres. We don't claim' thai it is
the mother lode, hut we do know It is without
an equal forproectlve values.
The estimates and statement above are of
necessity based upon Information obtained
from our Superintendent, and are believed and
accepted hy the company.
This company having acquired eitensive
holdings of rich placer and gold utiarti proticr
tleS, caiiatile of eurnlng large dividends on its
stock, otTers to investors advantages tliat in
sure large and prntitahle returns.
Mr. (ieorgP W. Morgnn, our Hiiperlntendeut,
lias lM-en 011 the Yukon lor tlie at ear work
ing in the interest of thisenmpany Therefore,
we are not asking any one to contribute to a
project unplanned, but to one thoroughly ma
lured. This company, with Its able aids, ex
tensive knowledge, and great resources, is cer
tain to become one of the richest companies op
erating in Alaska.
Our President takes pleasure In referring you
to the following list ot references :
James K. Dewey, Mills C Co., Hankers, Detroit,
I.otiisC. Tetard, CoitnnlPsiomr World's Fair
from SSeiico, "The Kookery," Chicago, III
Senator H. M. Teller, of Colorado ;
John Shafrulh, Itepreseiitatlve to Congress,
Colorado ;
J. M. Bell,Kewcentatlveto Congress, Colorado;
C. C. Clement, Washington Trust Co. lluilditig,
Washington, I. C. ;
Joseph C. Helm, ex-Chief Justice of Colorado;
Charles D. Hayt, Chief Justice Of' Colorado ;
C. 11. Maugham, Il Tlmea-Ilerald. Chicago, III.;
Maurice Joyce, Klectro Itcture, Star Building,
Washington, D. C. ;
Capt J. J. Lambert, Owner and Editor Chief
tain, Pueblo, Col. 1
8, L. llilleaman, Tax Agent M. P. K. R. Ht.,
LOuls, Uo. 1
R. K. Uowan, Drexel Co., Philadelphia.
The full-paid stock U now otfeml
at Tkn Douaiw per bJiaxe. Send
your orders to the
Alaska-Klonflfte Goli Hinios Co.,
No. W Broadway, New York.
TBieely Tela,
Great distress la feared ta Ireland be
cause of the crop failure.
A agio-Egyptian troops have started
to drive Ostnan Digit from tha Atbara
The reply of Spain to the note of tha
United States has not yet been received
bt Washington.
John Augustine, an American cltlsen.
was Imprisoned by President Zelaya of
Nicaragua without trial.
The I2S.000.000 estate ot Imblay Clarke
is claimed by the adopted daughter of
a San Francisco saloon keeper.
It was said In Washington that action
would be taken this winter on the
Alaska-Canada boundary question.
The bark Lydla, the first of the Alas,
ka whaling; fleet to reach San Fran.
Cisco, reports only three whales cap
tured. The Capps family of Springfield and
Rlverton, Ills., have fallen heirs to over
11,000.000 by the death of a brother In
Edward Jacques, convicted of the
murder of Walker B. Adams at Bedford
Station, N. Y., was sentenced to Sing
Slnic for life.
A Denver minister said that a leaf of
the ISTew Testament had been found
amontf the recently discovered "logla"
of Christ In Erypt.
Michael Kauffman of Sprlntrfleld, O..
bequeathed $50 to an Institution pro
vided prayers were said for him every
morning for a year.
The report that General Castillo, the
C'jlian Insurgent lender, had been killed
In an engagement with the Spanish Is
ronflrmed In Havana.
Monday, Oct. SB.
Luetpert, It Is said, will be put on
trial again this week.
Jchn CI. Lnrlmer. a noted Journallxt,
lied at Plymouth, Muss.
A woman has been acting irovernor Qf
Idaho the pant tan days.
A reception was given In New York
to the arctic explorer Nansen.
James Knox, the well known turfman,
committed suicide by shootlna himself.
A man In Lyons, France, had 300.000
francs stolen from a safe In his house.
Miss Cisnoros, the heroine of Havana,
was tendered a lilg reception In Wash
ington. The Investigation Into the Hammond
case at Fort Sheridan Is over, but no
Judgment given as yet.
A Norwood (Majts.) man namil Ber
nard Is held for murder because he
abetted his wife's suicide.
A man named McCormlck dropped
dead at the Iron Hill race track Just as
the horse h had backed won.
Bat a rd ay, Oct. S3.
The Abysslnlans are reported to be
devastating Somallland.
The striking engineers In England
?lalm their fight Is won.
Belle Clifton, a well known act roes,
went insane In New York.
A boiler exploded In Detroit, killing
ne man and Injuring ten others.
Leo D. Weil, the young photographic
; Xpert of Chicago, has gone Insane.
A Boston thief who resisted arrest
has been sentenced to K years' Im
prisonment. Queen Lllluokalant of Hawaii denies
reports that she has abdicated In favor
of her niece.
Nicholas Engel, a well known cafe
proprietor in New York, died suddenly
ot heart disease at his home.
Henry Ives Cobb of Chicago has been
t-hosen architect for the new Pennsyl
vania state capttol at Harrlstmrg.
Friday, OoU 29.
The Knapp roller boat was success
fully tried at Toronto.
General Weyler denies he has refused
to surrender his command.
A large plant for counterfeiting liquor
labels has been found In Chicago.
Thousands of lives are reported lost
In a cyclone on the Philippine Islands.
The anniversary of the launching of
'.he Constitution was celebrated at Bos
ton. A Saratoga man was tossed Into a
Iltch hy a cow and Injured so badly he
may die.
A mob at Manhattan. Kan., has
threatened to lynch Ike Warren, who
killed a sheriff.
David Tcnney of Newburyport, Mass.,
was shot by robbers und had to have
1 leg amputated.
Uudolph Lederer of Chicago Is suing
George Travis of New York for J25.00O
fr alienation of his wife's affections.
Thursday. Oct. tl.
Superintendent Kilburn's son was In
lured at Malone, N. Y., while trying a
flying machine.
A man In Syracuse, accused of theft,
was drowned trying to escape the po
lice. Secretary Alger will create a military
reservation of the country within 50
miles of St. Michaels, Alaska.
A man In New York thinks he Is a
werewolf and goes on all fours howling
like a wolf. He is now In a hospital.
Chicago labor organizations have pro
tested against the engagement of the
Marine band at the Chicago horse show.
Dynamite which a schoolboy at
Sprlngflejd, Mo., was carrying In his
pocket exploded and may cost him his
Mr. and Mrs. David McLane of West
:hester, Pa., aged 86 and 93 respective
ly, signed a mutual agreement of sep
aration. WsdDMday, Oct. SO.
A St. Paul man was nned $25 by a
ludge for stealing a kiss.
Fifteen British were killed in a fight
with the tribesmen in India.
Sioux City. Ia., has put forwaad a
Hheme to buy Its five street railways.
Fire In Wards Island Insane asylum
A'ew York, did 125,000 damage. No one
was hurt.
A detachment of Anglo-Egyptian cav
airy routed the Dervishes near Berber,
In Egypt.
Dr. W. H. Ford, president of the Phil
adelphia board of health, died In Bel
mar, N. J.
Maurice E. Moran of the Superior
(Wis.) football team was probably fa
tally Injured In a game.
One woman was killed and 12 persona
Injured by an explosion In the Coma
Fuse works, San Francisco.
William Millard, ex-collector of taxes
of Peoria. Ilia, was arrested, charged
lth the defalcation of $20,000.
A traveling salesman named Caml
nade fatally shot his wife In Philadel
phia. They had been separated some
to which the Expectant Mother is
exposed and the foreboding and
dread with which she looks for
ward to the hour of woman's
severest trial is appreciated by but
few. All effort should be made
to smooth these rugged places
in life's pathway for her, ere she
presses to her bosom her babe.
allays Nervousness, and so assists
Nature that the change goes for
ward in an easy manner, without
such violent protest in the way of
Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy
forebodings yield to cheerful and
hopeful anticipations she passes
through the ordeal quickly and
without pain is left strong and
vigorous and enabled to joyously
perform the high and holy duties
now devolved upon her. Safety
to life of both is assured by the
use of "Mother's Friend," and
the time of recovery shortened.
"I know one lady, tho mother of three
children, who suffered greatly in the
birth of each, who obtained a bottle of
'Mother's Friend' of me before her
fourth confinement, and was relieved
quickly and easily. All agree that their
labor was shorter and less painful."
Joan O. I'olhill, Macon, Oa.
1.00 PEB BOTTLS at all Drug Stores,
or sent by snail on receipt of price.
BOOKS fntlnlng Invaln.ililti Information nf
rnrp Interest to all women, will he, tent to
lite any address uxm applifttliou, by
Tni BPtaortCLD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta, bo.
In from 3 lo 5 iliitw time, hy thv nor
of l.o-.(.
One bottle iiariinteHil to cure liny
case of iilen, reunHe of how lotij;
Mantling, wli'il you Iiiivh tried, or
what your jiliyViciiiu limy clnim.
Money refunded if iernmiiMit enre U
not obtained j, the tnoht Hev-r'
In less tlmii 5 (lays' time. Aft.-r all
others fall jet Lo Mo hihI le cured.
I'rice T'm. ier bottle, sent 1 repaid
to any aililrens. on receipt of price.
Aildrec- Harry Lottie, 1011 W. Fourth
Ktreet, WilllHinnporf. Pa. II 2:My
W.Sold by all flrt clut-s dru'i htg
Ed urate Your Itoirel With CuM-areta.
f'nnly Tallinn t our ooimttpatlOM fnrnrer
10c, c. II C.C. C. ilruknirt u.:il monej.
$100 Reward $100.
The rmdani of lliti paper will lie pleased to
Irarn thai there U at leant one dreaded dlneoM
thai arianM hoe heen aide lo cur ft In nil Its
tases, and that in Catarrh. Hal 1 Catarrh Cure
l the only xnitie cum known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a conxMltilloniil din
ease, rrpulre a constitutional'
Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, nctinif direct
ly upon the hlood and mucous aurfaiee Of the
ylem, lllrrehy destroying the foundation of
the dim-ase, and Riving the patient trvtiRth by
building up the constitution and aoHinling na
ture In doing iti work. The proprietor hare
o much faith In itn curative powen, Hint they
offer One Hundred Dalian for any can" that if
fail to cure. Mend for liit of testimonial!!.
Aildrem, K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by HruggintK, TV.
Hull's Family Pills are the h'-t.
To Cars Constipation Foreve".
Take Caicareta Candy Cathartic, li)c or He
If C C. C fall to cure, Uruggisu refund mooey.
tnm Ul.
M a
Well Man
nth Day. nfMp
THE CHCAT 3th Iay.
!! l.i.v, ih iilntie rciiltn In 30 days. It . t i
.'.riusiv aid .I'll, -I,.-, in .m hen ail other" fill
' "irr- men ..ii regain their l.nt nianhooil.aml old
le.'.M.r tin ir youthful viuor bv uninii
.e V;). !t tm.-l.iy anl hiiit;l-rettor,'s NV rvou.
i . I..t Vitality. Itnpoiem-v. Nutlitly :tlllHlcm
' ' 'uer. r tiling M. uiory. Wanting lliseonts. and
-!l IT- i ts nf eirQi)iiHM oreiee.Mand iinlincrHion,
-utcl. uiitlth tih rir N-ii'ly. hiiitieH., or raarridKH. It
"" onlv ciir-n by starting nt tl: ol dlneamt. but
. iKeeat nere tonic au.l blood builder, brmg
i g Lai n lUw pink jtlnw to le rherltH and ro-t-i:ig
tli (Ire of youth. It wania oir FnMnitr
nd C' Inmsi on having It tit l t, nu
.Hher. It can be carried In yest twrk,.t Uv mil
; VI.OO pur package, or in tor 85.00, with a post
'tWs written cunrmiteo to rata or refund
.tut money. Circular free, addreu
lYAL BE2ICI5E CO.. 271 Waist! H8.. CHICAGO, ILL
' Kor sale at MIddlfburuU. by V. II. Sl'AMiLEK.
Don 'I Tobacco Spit aad Natuk Yuar l.lfk Assy.
To quit tobacco easily sod forever, be mag
netlc. full of life, nerve and vigor, lake Xo-To-Hac,
the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. Ail druggists, SUc or II. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Stalling Remedy Co. Chicago or Now York.
Virlabli Friction Feed 1
Ajax Center Crank Engine
Rapid, ccurt, it rung ami ilniplv. with mtx
cmL-iiy. ".infill' un
411ft or who'll., Hirm.i;
andnnr. Knrquhur
liallvr hat. ever rm
1 2 yludftj. A I no niHiiUm
f k Atfcit-'ulttinil Impli'iut'n!
1 sGsttll 1 suraily. Ha Pivm
-mN"! V lawtalty. Send, fa
mW cataiuutt and pritm l
A. B. FAXQOHAR CO., Ltd., York, Pa.
Enn axle
lUwaarlngqiiaUiiniara unsurpassed, actually
ootlaaiuic two boies of any other brand, Nol
AVcter l.y heat. trUKT TIU UBNVINB.
r l.
I VVASTI!', Tnlsl worlhv :tlld Active C'lltle-
men or ladles to travel fur responsible. e
tahllslied luiiist In snider Cuiintj. Monthly
f A.uO and expenses. l'"Hltlnii steady, liefer
eni'e. Kriolo.! self-addressed sianiied enve
lope. The Dominion Compativ, Dept. Y . CUIeii
fo. Illluols, -is-1 lit