The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 21, 1897, Image 1

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VOL. 34. NO. 41.
jtitor ua rropneior.
Local News.
Lbor Day comes on Friday of
Lrge variety of druggets at
li Selinsgrove.
for a nice line of cloakings, go
I'ois, Selinsgrove.
hn'K arc three eases of Diph-
Vi reported from Sunbury.
ihn Ellenberger, of Harrisburg,
I visitor at Alex. Bowersox's.
'or a full line of ladies' coats
capes go to Weis, Selinsgrove.
Jlr. 15. F. Wagenseller was a
jjkhtirgh visitor, Friday of last
Full line of ladies', children and
Vj underwear at Weis', Selins-
Stitzer, of WilliainsjK)rt,
entertained by Miss Ella Stetler,
ilson Weller and wife, of Swcn-
visited friends in this locality
n't miss the great bargains of
Lius Bros., the big clothing deal-
wx members of the Lutheran
U will celebrate the Lord's
W, Oct. 31st,
H. Rhoads and wife, of Sha-
tio Dam, were guests at D. T.
W on Sunday;
JI.T. Khoads attended the Re
in of the 49th Regiment at
Royal last week,
Furnfnll line of oil ninth mi to
fe, Selinsgrove. Prices are now
Vrtliau ever before.
Vr. Agnes Sholly of Selinsgrove
failed to town on professional
vm last Thursday
His Lillian Stetler last Wednes-
evwiing gave a card party to a
m uf her friends.
pinery Opening, Oct. 27, 28
29. Do not miss it.
wcknell will play a game of
all against Lehigh University
f illiiimsport on Saturday, Oct,
v , . . . ...
) I fa. a. Plinth and wite and J as.
Me ami wife attended the Sol
f Re-union at Mifllintown last
la with college-bred heads and
fall feet will never be able to
f both, ends meet. Storms and
I now musical composition is
f'The Mutton Tallow March,"
p it doesn't take long to
"ffl Ayres and wife on Satur
Mit to Williumsport to spend
'"ays with their daughter,
frank Fecse of Mifflinburg
1 number of friends came to
pnrgh hist Wednesday to ad.
h Ms business.
ht was a case of diphtheria at
Dam. At least it was
H diphtheria, but the
is denied.
eek Harrv Bowersox kill
klk snake G feet and 5 inch-
0 1 X Our readers and exchanges
uoi lake this lor a take
)P snake story. Those who
f Bowersox know that he
f " misrepreseut facts. The
N a whopper.
For a full line of blankets go to J
Weis, Selinsgrove,
For a full line of latest novelties
iu dress goods go to Weis, Selins
John Stout and wife, of Mazcppa,
spent Saturday night in town. Mrs.
Stout will spend a month or two
at Andrew Schainlmch's west of
"At last my ambition is alxiut to
be realized," exclaimed the flying
vegetable. "I may 1m; a cablwgc
hend, but here's where I go upon
the stage."
The Susquehanna Reserves of
Selinsgrove on Saturday were de
feated 20 to 0 in a game against
Sunbury Foot Ball Team on the
hitter's grounds.
If you want the best and latest
style Ranges in the market, you can
get just what you want by calling
on W. E. Stahlnecker, opiwsite the
jail at Middleburgh. tf.
Elmer Zechman lost his watch on
Saturday evening between Wittcn-
myer's store and his home. The
finder will confer a favor upon the
owner by returning the same.
Wednesday and Thursday of my
Opening days, I will have almost
my entire line of notions reduced, to
astonishingly low prices. Especially
silks and ribbons.
'' L. Dimkleberger.
William E. Stahlnecker is prepar
ed to keep you from freezing this
winter. He has on hand a full sup
ply of the latest style of Heaters.
Call and see his stock opposite the
jail. tf.
All sizes and kinds of Macin
toshes can be had at most reason
able prices at II. Oppcnheimer's,
tlinsgrove. Call at the store and
see how generously you will be
treated. 10-14-Ct.
Abraham Weiser of Los Angeles,
Cal., came all the way to Pciin'a.
for a wife. As instance, Sept. 28,
1897, he was united in marriage to
Miss Minnie Morrison, of Johns
town, this State, and departed for
their far oil home Tuesday.
The new officers of the Y. 1'. S.
C. E. of the Lutheran church are :
President, A. S. Beaver; Vice Pres
ident, J. W. Swartz ; Recording
Secretary, Miss Iiottie Crouse; Cor
responding Secretary, Mrs. A. S.
Beaver ; Treasurer, Miss Maine
A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair
cut, or other tonsorial work, is til
ways obtained at Soles' Barber Shop,
in Wittenmyer's building, opposite
Post office. Go to Soles and you
will make no mistake, shaving soap,
face cream, hair oil and egg-sham
poo for sale. A. E. Soles.
Lap Robes, Horse Blankets, and
Stable Horse Blankets in an abund
ant variety at II. Oppcnheimer's,
Selinsgrove. This is a mast excell
ent variety and a choice selection of
Robes and Blankets. Solly will
treat you right
"That the richest and largest de
posits of gold that the earth has ev
er produced up to the present time
have been found in the Alaska
Klondyke country is now an es
tablished fact. We call your at
tention to the advertisement of the
Alaska Klondyke Gold Mining Co.
in another column." " 10-7-6m.
Dr. A. C. Spanglei and wife of
Selinsgrove on Sunday rode their
bicycles to this place and spent the
day very pleasantly with the Doc
tor's mother.
John L. Bowersox was in town
Monday. He is now the traveling
salesman for O. F. St raver, Whole
sale Hardware dealer of Harris
burg and is making a success of his
line of business.
The book accounts and claims of
the S. II. Yoder Estate are in mv
hands and the same must lie paid.
After this date all purchases must
1m! jmid for in cash.
Oct. 5-4 1. B. W. Yopku.
mi - .1 ... , rt-r.ii.
i ne nristian itconic ot Aliudlc-
burgh are preparing to give a roy
al welcome to the delegates to the
Christian Endeavor Convention
which will begin on Thursday even
ing of next week.
Some Boston women have organ
ized an anti-kissing crusade. That's
right. The spectacle of a couple of
women kissing each other when
there is plenty of 1 letter material in
sight makes the average man very
, Dr. J. C. Amig and wife, of Lew-
istown, spent Sunday in Swineford,
the guests of Joseph L. Marks aud
wife.. The Doctor had a brand new
dog out in the woods Saturday night
and lost bun, but fortunately found
the highly-prized animal again.
Isaac Walter aud wife, of Mazcppa,
former residents of Snyder county,
were in town Saturday evening.
They sjntnt Sunday at Fremont
They are readers of the Post and
are always glad to get the news
from Snyder county.
Last Thursday the commissioners
had a letting for the election ballots.
The bids were: J. G. Leshcr, $48 ;
Geo. W. Wagcnseller, 39 ; J. A.
Snyder, $34.92 ; J. A. Lombard,
$18.94. Mr. Luinbard was award
ed the contract. Lombard's bid
was on poor quality paper.
Brosius Bros., of Sunbury have a
large advertisement notice on last
page. They are reliable clothing
dealers and are offering such re
markable bargains that you can not
allord to miss them. They will pay
your fare to Sunbury and return if
you purchase goods to the amount
of Ten Dollars.
Rev. Dr. I. P. Nell', of Milroy,
has moved his household goods to
the home of his daughter, Mrs. A.
S. Beaver of this place. He has not
been in good health and will prob
ably not In; able to preach much
this winter. At Milrov some burg
lars broke open the car containing
his goods. They ransacked the
drawers of his desk and carried the
trunk down the track. The Rail
road Company will rc-imbursc the
During the past week there has
Imhjii on exhibition in the Postoffice
window a crayon portrait of Gabriel
Beaver of Middlebnrg and Simon
Beaver of Williamsport. They re
semble each other as closely as two
peas and their best friends find it a
difficult matter to distinguish the
one from the other. . These two
brothers resemble each other in re
ality as much as their portraits
make them appear and they have
many times jokingly deceived a
great many people of their real
identity. " " . ' " .
L G. Sciler, of Selinsgrove, was
out hunting turkeys Monday with
a party of friends. One of the
friends shot a turkey fitting on some
underbrush. Some shot entered
Mr. Setter's Ixxly. He is not se
riously hurt.
A drunken diameter one day last
week smashed a window pane and
iu doing so, cut an ugly gash in his
arm. A great deal of blood was
spilt on the side walk. The sheriff
deserves the thanks of the com
munity in sending him home.
On and after Oct. 21st, E. B.
Weidman will be ready for all her
many customers, with a full and well
selected stock of Winter Millinery
Goods. Also the best line ot La
dies' and Children's Jackets and
Caps that you will find anywhere all
come and see. No trouble to show
goods whetlwr you buy or not.
10-21-4t. Bea ver Springs, Pa.
The hunting season opened up in
full last Friday and nearly every
one who had a gun was in the
woods. Quite a great many squir
rels were shot by Middleburgh
marksmen, but game was a great
deal more plentiful about Selins
grove. It is reported that nliout
150 to 200 squirrels were shot on
Friday alone by Selinsgrove hunters.
In many-cases one hunter having
shot as high asl 2 and '" 1 5 ' gray
Now Selinsgrove is going to have
a shoe factory. That is right. (Jet
sonic industries in Snyder county
We need factories. We need works
to employ idle men and give them
money to spend to awaken the peo
ple of the neighborhood. Signs of
business revival are apparent every
where there are factories and the
sooner we get some industries the
sooner we will enjoy the tide of re
turning prosperity. Now citizens
of Middleburgh, what do you say?
I have a full line of Ladies',
Misses and Children's vests and
union suits, cotton and woolen
hosiery, kid gloves, neckties, feather
boas, girls' and boys' cloth and
leather Tain O'Sliantcrs, caps, veil
ings, stamped goods, embroidering,
silks, silkalines, deniuni, curtains,
curtain goods, embroideries, hand
kerchiefs, stationeries, soutache
braids, and many other goods too
numerous to mention. All these
goods will be reduced on opening
days. L. Dl'NKKMlKKUKIt.
Attorney F. E. Bower last week
won an imjHirtnnt suit against the
Penna. R. 11. Co. in the Snyder
County Court. Suit was brought
by Hon. Jere Crouse, of Middle-
burg, for damages for injuries sus
tained in crossing the company's
tracks at Walnut St., Selinsgrove,
in 1891. The claim was that the
company was liable on account of
negligence in not having a suitabl
crossing. The jury gave a verdict
for $4,050. Attorney A. A. Ijciscr
asssistcd Mr. Bower. Another suit
of a similar character is pending.
Ijewithnrg Journal.
At Prlr( Hle. (
The farm of the late Pr. T. B.
Bibighaus, dee'd, situate,' East of
Middleburgh about one mile is of
fered at private sale. For further
particulars inquire of Mrs. Emma
Bibighaus, Executrix, Mifflinburg,
lrl F.ntrrvd tor Itcrortl.
Christian Binganian and Solum
Bingainan, executors of Enoch Bing
anian, to Samuel Binganian, 70 acres
for $1100.
Assignment ot Deed of J. R.
Vanborn to Elsie K. S Illegal, 4('mO
feet in Union Twp., for $1 100.
John llartman and wife to Pal
mer Beachel, 7( acres in Franklin
Twp., for $7"0.
J. M. Roush and wife to Win.
Bergey, 12l perches in W. Perry
Twp., for $10.
J. (J. llornberger, assignee of
Christian Lawver, to Win. Bergey,
." acres in W. Perry Twp., (saw
mill) for $.)Ci0.
Horace V. Krumbine to Hiram
Stahl, frame dwelling house and
hit on Back St., at Shamokin Dam,
for $li7o.
Geo. E. K lister, guardian, to W.
II. Wagner, lot in Penn Twp., for
B. F. Tanner and wife to James
Charles, house and lot in Selinsgrove,
for $1305.00.
Jacob Shelly and wife to Win.
Bressler, six acres and 159 perches
in W. Perry Twp., for $104.25.
Will Probated.
The last will and testament ot
Henry Ott, late of Selinsgrove, was
probated on Saturday. The Wagner
farm ot 95 acres in Penn Twp. goes
to Henry A. Ott who must pay the
willow $('() a year and another dow
er. Eight acres near the Red bridge
goes to IKirvey Good whieh in
volves a dower of $25 a war.
House and lot on High St. and all
the personal property to the widow.
The widow took out letters testa
ment, eta.
The will of Sarah Stuck, late of
Perry Twp., was probated on Mon
day. The children and grand chil
dren are the heirs. J. (J. Ilorn
licrgcr is the executor.
Mnrrinirn l.lcriiNiHt.
"IIkahts Fluttkkino with Delu
sions." The following marriage li
censes have been granted since our
last publication :
f Reuben A. Aumiller, Sdinsgrove,
Irene I lane, Monroe Twp.
( J. E. Stahlnecker, Middleburgh,
Naomi E. S hoeh, " "
f Win. J. Hafllev, IVavcrtown,
Minnie E. Snyder, "
Stahlnecker Schoch
On Sunday evening Jacob E.
Stahlnecker, was married to Naomi,
youngest daughter of Prothonotary
Sehoih, at the residence of the
bride's parents in this place. Rev.
McLain performed the ceremony.
Both of these young people are well
known iu social aud religious cir
cles and are highly esteemed by their
associates. The Post extends con
gratulations. The calithumpiuiis
serenaded them on Monday even
ing. A Prevaricator at Work.
Sonic newspaper men are terrible
liars. In writing of a cyclone out
west one of them said that it turned
a well wrong endup, a cellar upside
down, moved township lines, blew
all of the stoves out of a whiskey
barrel and left nothing but a bung
hole, changed the day of the. week,
blew the hair off of the head of a
bald-headed man, blew mortgages
oft farms, blew all the cracks out of
the fences and took all the wind out
of a politician.
Miss Katie Stahlinvkcr, daughter
of Henry and Klizalicth Stahlnecker,
was Ixirn in Centre township, Sny
der county, Pa., on the 25th day of
Septeinlicr, A. I)., 1S7S, and died
on the 13th dav of October. A. I)..
1S!7, aged 19 years and IS days,
and with a full assurance of her ac
ceptance with God, she died happy
in the Lird. Peace to her allies
(H it sistei:.
Pour slNlor, now 'Uh well with tliw,
As thou art now from HUtTprlng frn.
And khIIhti'iI In rlirlHt s eliuri'lt on IiIkIi
No more to weep, no mora to dlo.
Tliy surrurliig body now In well.
Tho' In tlio lombltloiiK nuiy Cwoll ;
Jesus will WHtoh thy slumtierliig cl:iy ;
Uulse It to llfo on lue liinl day.
TIh well with theo', our sister ileiir.
Far bettor than it could bo here.
TliroiiKh persecution thou hust none,
To dwell In thy eternal uoiriP.
Tli well with thee, thy until above,
Haste In th sunshine of Uod's love.
There, fiec from all effects ol sir,
It drinks Immortal pleasure In.
Adieu I dear sister, now 'tis well,
With all the heavenly host to dwell ;
We hope at last with thee to meet,
And sit and sing at Jesus' feet.
Penns Creek, l'a.. Oct. is, K7. K. J. llartman.
A New Telephone-
A new telephone is on exhibition
in a New York oflicc whieh, its in
ventors say, will lie a decided im
provement on the present system
and will not only dispense with the
services of the operators at the ex
change, but will materially lessen
the cost of maintenance of the sys-.
tein by requiring fewer wires. By
the new scheme a person wishing
to use the telephone makes his own
connection. A switch with II 11 v or
more number is used, and to call a
subscriber it is neeessarv onlv to
put a plug in the hole 'correspond
ing to the subscriber's number and
turn the switch, when he is called
up instantly without, disturbing the
other subscribers.
The First Thanksgiving Linnor
The first Thanksgiving dinner
was celebrated in this country two
hundred ami seventy-six years ago,
at Plymouth, Massachusetts. The
whole American army was present
it niiiulKTed twenty men. Mile.--Standish,
the backward lover of
Priseilla, sat at the least, while
Priseilla scrvd at the tables. The
story will appear in the Xovcnilxr
issue of 7 if! iffffW Home Journal.
Here Indians and whites sat down
together by the tables set in the
woods, and enjoyed the roast turkey,
Ixvchnuts, clam chowder, fish, salad,
cakes, fruit ami other delicacies pro
vided. It was nt this historic dinner
that the first oysters were served.
The illustrations of the article show
portraits of the Pilgrim fathers.
Wanted One About Fifty-
"Yes," said the old man, address
ing his young visitor, "I am proud
of my girls, and would like to see
them comfortably married, aud as 1
have made a little money, they will
not go to their husbands penniless,
there's Mary, twenty-five years old,
and a real good girl. I shall give
her $5,000 when she marries. Theu
comes lk-t, who won't see thirty-five
again, audi shall give her $10,000,
and the man who takes Eliza, who
is 'forty, will have $15,000 with
The young man reflected a mo
ment or so, and theu inquired :
"You haven't one about fifty liave