The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 14, 1897, Image 5

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Absolutely Pur
torn, mum mm eo., new von.
New York Fashions.
I'mler this total come all tlx
tats that can Ik.' worn in 11
yciitluT as well as on pleasant days.
Ostrich feathers, of course, cannot
be used as trimming on these hats,
Dr (tm any kind of material Ik; us
filin their construction that will lie
injured ly e.xjiosiire t the eleinents.
Kelt is not, in reality, inneh more
Jural ill' than velvet, unless it is oi
tlic lest iiality ; hut it is greatly
uiil, and the Alpine shape so pop
ular fitr golf, luit dillerently trimiu
nl, is vory smart. The lriin is
traifilitcr than last season, with
jnvly any curve, although some
rtvles turn no at one side. A rn-
km kind around the crown, the
brim hound with rihlion, and at tlx
ltd side a bird with long tai
feathers is the favorite trimming,
Gray hats in this shape are consid
ered newer than the Mack or hrown
ones, and the binding ami hand can
cither Itc gray or black, as desired.
A smart turban shape in black -fell
islwnnd with velvet, has a band of
velvet around the crown and still
wings at the left side. An owl's
Ircatl with two wide stiff wing
feathers lchind It is often used in
stead of the black wings. This
using ot bird's heads is one oi the
jcastin's lads, and the poor owl litis
been chasen as the victim of this
winter's cruelty. Pigeons and doves
are also grcatlv admired for hat
trimmings, but fortunately in their
w the supply is equal to the de
mand, and there need not In the
.same wholesale slaughter as with
the owls. (.'onil;ii:iiig an owl's heat
with pheasants' tail feathers is an-
hIiut new style not a pretty one.
On the turban, toque, and a sort o
i i .i . .
siwr .-mine these trimmings are
pwitly used ; and the pheasnnts'
breads, with their sott and beauti
ful ttiloring, show to gresit advaut
ago mi a dark hrown felL
A tiMpie of brained felt trimmed
itli velvet is one of the smartest
"iong the new styles. It Is larger
than the toques worn during tlu.
'Winner, and should be placed fur-
Uiit forward on the head. It is
"IiaHJ that !oines in brown, blue and
Wink ; the smartest though, is the
Maek. Kotli soft and stiff feltw are
,L1. The soft are, us a rule, made
bmid, and resemble wonderfully
w straw. One old but smart hat
"f hrown felt, is trimmed with
I'rown velvet and pheasant's wings,
""I at the Imck the brim is turne
"l al shows a rosette of apple -
pwn velvet. Jftirjxr'n Bazar.
Aunt ItiulKifl Ilorchoundnnd Ele-
"impane lir Singers.
'ere fira tlii,iiA,fi r nn -Anj.v.i
iiemont BiilTuriiia from comminution
been completely cured by tlio una of
MKiuu i t Itorohound Herb, Klocompnuo
nd Sneer1.
illinu t1Hy to U-Blify to' tlio miraculous
" wrought for tlicm by this ph-iwant nnd
""'eHeitivo remedy, Pud by public speak
FfMlobydruitKlt. SPlfJAI weakneaa easily cured by
Mlai Dr. Miles' Nerve Plasters.
Robert L. Shearrer,
Vn besi ot reference. Country jobs pro-
5iIonroe St- Huntingdon, Pa.
1 ln2"hBjEP- TSlUsOood.
Big Water Pipe Bursts In the
Heart of the City.
The Loaa Will Wlthoat Doubt Total Far
Vp la the Thousand, as Every
Building la Maay Mocks
Suffered Bltenslvely.
NEW YORK. Oct. 11. A mammoth
Croton watermaln burst yesterday at
: the corner of Madison avenue and For
, ty-eighth street, this city, the heart of
; the fashionable district, and wrought
sucn navoc witn property, both near
and remote, that not even a partial cat
culatlon can be made of the financial
damage at present. For blocks around
scarcely a dwelling or public building
could be found whtch did not Buffer In a
greater or less degree by reason of ths
volumes of water that poured Into the
streets, cellars and basements. The loss
will reach far Into the thousands.
The damage by the water extends as
far west as Sixth avenue and as far
east aa First avenue.
The sewers were choked by the groat
rush of water, and then the flood rosr
In the streets.
The big watermaln was probably
cracked by a blast which was fired In
a sewer excavation late Saturday utter
noon. Then In the night time, when in
strain on the pipe was greatest, it gave
way. and the Hood followed. The break
Ing of the four foot water pipe was an
nounced by a rumbling noise which
awakened the people in the Itnmcdiat
vicinity. Looking out of their windows.
they saw a great geyser In the mlddl.
of the avenue shooting a vast volume o
vater eight feet Into the air, a column
so high that It almost reached to the
top of the electric light pole on tlx
"orner. Those who hail no view of iln
fountain heard n miirhty rush of wa
For live hours this column of water
"lift into the nlr In-fore it was shot
ofT nt Its source, and In that time 10.
Oi'O.OCO gallons of water hail run down
the avenue ami si'.e streets on ol!h
rso sewer or system or sewers was
capable: of carrying off the Hood as fast
as It accumulated, and a ennvass of the
houses on the avenue and streets show
ed that hardly a building escaped be
tween Forty-ninth and Forty-fourth
In the majority of Instances the do
structlon which followed the outbreak
was due to the overcharging of thp
sewers. All the streets east of Madison
avenue slope gradually, and down them
the water surged In a torrent, making
deep lakes In a Jiffy and flooding direct
ly the cellars and basements.
The most serious damage was done to
the railroad branch of the T. M. C. A,
building, corner of Forty-fifth street,
and to the Knickerbocker Athletic club.
house, comer of Forty-fourth street. In
the basement of the latter place were
iocated the dynamos, machinery, howl
ing alleys, bathrooms and big swim
mlng tank.
These have probably been ruined by
the flood. The club officials place the
loss at $15,000. The clubhouse will be
closed until the damage has been re
It was Impossible to locate exactly
the main which had broken until t,here.
was a snutaown at the Central park
reservoir. In this way much tlrru? was
lost, while the deluge continued.
. Almost without exception the houses
In the vicinity of the break were so
flooded that they have been damaged
from $500 to $2,000. The residences of J.
Hooker Ilamersley, William Eustace
and J. Talbot and fhe clubhouse of the
Delta Phi fraternity were among thos
most damaged.
The tracks in the mnln yard a: the
(rand Central depot were submerged,
but not seriously damaged.
The mnln which broke was laid In
1ST-1. It has a capacity of S.onn.wn gal
lons an hour, with a prvsrure of H7
pounds to the soeare Inch.
The Tiilili- S'ci-in Turned.
ORANOE, X. J., Oct. ll.-Cliandler
W. Hiker, counsel for Street Commis
sioner John I Dexhelmcr, a Republi
can, who is being tried by a special
committee of the Democratic common
council on charges of neglect of duty,
declares that Instead of Dcxheiniei- h
Ing guilty of the charges preferred
against him. the common council and
street committee are Indictable for hav
ing ordered work to be done In the city
. treets after the appropriation for that
purpose had Ix-en expended.
la Memory nt Parncll.
Dt'RLlN. Oct. 11. Yesterday wan the
!xth anniversary of the death of
Charles Stewart Parnell. Five thou-
sand Nationalists paraded the strectx
to the bleak Glasuevln cemetery, where
they heaped high with 'lowers brought
from all the counties of Ireland the
grave of their famous and lamented
flnrlntller nt Work.
WHEELING, Oct. 11. Swindlers are
victimizing people in the coal lands
of McDowell county, In West Virginia,
by recording fraudulent deeds nt trans.
fers nnd then selling the land, which Is
not even owned by them In the1 first
I'aillunrnu Arretted.
HAVRE. Oct. 11. Henry rallltisseau
V.'us arrested on the arrival of the
teamer La Champagne from New
York, charged with complicity In the
theft of the Jewelry of Miss Susan Day,
f tolen from her steam yacht Scythian.
Too Slurb Stepmother.
NEW YORK, Oct. 11. Rexamse her
stepmother reprimanded her for stay
ing out late at night with her sweet
heart, Mary Miller, 17 years of age.
committed suicide by drinking- carbolic
acid at, her homo In this city.
Murdered Ilia Wife.
CINCINNATI, Oct. 11. Frank Farley,
colored, shot and killed his wife, from
whom he had been separated six years,
then shot and mortally wounded his
mistress, Nannie Frey. He then gave
himself up to the police. .
Strikers to Oo to Work.
HAZELTON, Pa., Oct. 11. The Le
high and Wllkesbarre breaker hands
will return to work tomorrow. They
were promised an advance in wages,
and with this assurance have agreed to
to back.
AngioMo's Last Word Forma
Magazine's Title.
Qeaeral Blanco Give Exprvtaloa to the
Manner la Which Ha Intend ta
Carry on tbo Campalca
Agalntt the Cuban.
LONDON, Oct. 12. The Spanish refu
gees In this city, Announce the immedi
ate publication here, for circulation in
Spain, of a periodical entitled Germinal.
In circularizing for funds they say:
"Hall to the social revolution!
"A group of liberty loving Spaniards
are about to answer AngiolUlo's cry ot
"Germinal. A valiant watchword from
the scaffold. The cowardly. Inquisito
rial government of Spain and the use
less, cowardly and Inqulsitoral capital
ist class of Spain have thrown down the
gauntlet. We shall take It up as th
best means of demonstrating that the
ideal never dies. Holding our dignity
in greater estimation than life, we are
disposed to defend by all means our
right to think, feel and act according
to our consciences."
When Anglolillo, the anarchist who
shot and killed Senor Canovas del Cas
tillo, the premier of Spain, on Aug. 20.
he firmly ascended the steps of tho
scaffold and donned the black gown and
cape, placing the cross of the latter at
the back of his head. Then, calmly re
garding the spectators, Anglolillo asked
to be allowed to speak, and when the
necessary permission was given to him
he uttered clearly the word "ilermlnul."
Germinal was the term given to tho
seventh month of the French repub
lican calendar. 1 792-1 W. which began
March 21 and ended April 10. Arter ut
terlns this word the assassin sat on the
bench of the gnrrote an-1 the execution.
er adjusted the iron collar around hi:
neck. As the executioner was about to
cover the prisoner's face Angiolllli
asked him tu leave It uncovered. Tlx
executioner (lid So. the screw of tlx
gairote was tte-ned and Anglolillo wu
put to death, ills corpse was expos d
until 6 o'clock in the evening, when It
was buried.
All the spectators Were greatly struck
by the anarchist's attitude, and then.'
was much speculation ns to the meaning
of his dying word, "germinal," it beins
generally believed to have been n signal
exchanged between the condemned man
and some friend whom he expected tn
be about the scaffold.
How lllrtliro Will Art.
MADHII), Oct. 12. General Ramon
Blanco, the new captain general of Cu
ba, says that he will act with great
energy against the insurgents and will
cknt-hat. m.. von.
employ all polilicul mcumi t restore
equality of treatment in the various
sections i.r the community.
The capt.i:i gem ral adds th it ho has
the greatest !. Ivc in end th.j horrors
of war and to establish pear by the
system which he adopted in 1,S7!.
A dispatch received here from la
vana says that General Weyler. the re
tiring captnln gi'"'nl, his hsucd an
amnesty decree which Includes nearly
all the deported Cubans, who will thus
be uble to return in their homes.
A Olsputch from Havana previously
announced that General Veyler had K
Biied a decree allowing the return to Cu
ba of Dr. F.mlllimo Nunez, u wetlknown
lawyer: Alfredo rayas. Adolf,. Diaz,
Ignaclii l.ani.-is, .Manuel Castro Palo
mino, Juan Kuseiii't, Adolfo de la Cue
va, Miguel Ferrer, Jose More, Jose Cay,
Antonio Daumy, Antonio Hello. 'Victor
Miranda, Julian Carbo, Miguel Flotuey
and 122 others who had been extiatrl-'
Fourth Claim Pout iiimstem.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 12.-The follow
ing fourth class postmasters have been
appointed: Connecticut Potiuonock,
Lemuel n. Iird: Merrow, Charles F.
Lincoln. New Jersey Falrvlew, John
H. Cowan. New York Pavilion. Orvllle
B. Shumway. Pennsylvania Marshal
ton, Fred L. McFarland: Mill City, D.
C. Vosburg; Millport, K. S. Hunker;
Morton. Emmor Knehu, Jr.; Rathbun,
John H. Hares; Roulette, Lyman Fes
senden. Clinrgeil With Anion.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 12. The secre.
tary of state has Issued his warrant for
the surrender to the ftrltlsh authorities
of Karl A. Karlsen, who was commit
ted for extradition In Pensacola. Karl-
Ben wns a sailor on the Hrltish shlpt
Fuvonlus and Is churned with not 1 1 net!
fire to the ship and destroying her In
order to avoid returning on her to Eu
rope. Senteirced I'or l.e.e Msjesty.
HAMBURG, Oct. 12. The editor In
chief of the Hamburg Echo, Ilerr
Uhelnhold Stemtel, charged 1th leze
majesty against Leopold, king of the
Belgians, was tried here, convicted and
sentenced to eight months' Imprison
ment. The proceedings were taken at
the request of Baron Greindl, Belgian
minister at Berlin. , '
A Profennor Dead.
DENVER, Oct. 12. Rev. Dr. Newell
Dalbrlght, professor of biblical and his
torical theology In the Illff School of
Theology, died after a brief Illness. He
was a graduate of Ohio Wealeyan uni
versity, Drew Theological seminary and
university tw nine, in uermany.
He tu 49 year of age.' -. v
Many Miners Return on the
Steamer City of Seattle.
Alarm Is ExprMivU Leat tho Thorp
Kxpcdltlou That I Now Trying
to Get Into lawna City
PvrUh on tho Trail.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Oct. 12. Th.
ttcanifhlp City of Seattle has arrived
here, bringing about fifty disgusted
miners who tried to go over Skagguay.
together with half a dozen miners direct
from Dawson City. All the Dawson
men hud gold. They left Dawson be
cause of the scan-Sty of food.
The last to leave were Charles Clark
and James Urown, who left on Sept. 6.
They port that the ofllce of the gold
commissioner had been entered by bur
glars a few days before and about $t.0'Ji)
taken. Mounted police had been trying
to run down the thieves, but had been
Clark and Urown say that the resi
dents of Dawson were much excited
over the failure of a steamboat to ar
rive from St. Michaels with f.u.d. Tlie
Hamilton was looked for dally. They
did not know that the Hamilton hud
been caught on a sundhnr and would
not be able to reach them until spring.
Clark says Uu;: he met hundreds of
persons going to Dawson while be was
coming out. He begged them to return,
telling thim that they Would have to
surrender their ford, and starvation
would lie about tile best they would
They nuked him If there ivrs gold at
He said. "Yes. and plenty of It."
"That's all we want." they s;..l. an-1
continued their Joiuicy. Clerk and
Hrown are of the opinion that tin-Thorp
party, which i'i tryir.L' t get hit Daw
son with several hundred head -r cattle
lirnl In 'I :--c.'.. w'll meet il. ;'.t!i o:i I he Pal
ton trail. They p.i.-v-d tlx- p.-.ity sev
eral hundred i::ll. s up tlx- livil. It hud
no food for the anii.ials. an-1 many of
them bad already die 1 and otlx is were
succumbing every (lay. The I tip i one
of the moul d.uwrous at this time of
the year in all Ahis!::i. Tlicip. the
lender of the party of til teen, dm s not
Seem to know the trail. I In several oc
casions all were loi't. nnd it was with
dilliculty that the trail was recovered.
Clark and Hrown say that millions of
dollars In gold will be taken out of tlx
American side this sprinr. They have
several claims worth fortunes. New
discoveries are being made all the time,
but the scarcity of food has brought
about a crisis.
Many were trying to get out of the
country when these men left Dawson.
The North American company's store
was closed, but the Alnska Commercial
company had a few sacks of Hour,
which Were being dealt out to those
who were already In need of food.
Senator Money Appoint oil.
JACKSON. Miss., Oct. 12 Governor
McLauren announces from his home in
Hrandon that he has appointed Senator
Elect Hernando de Soto Money as
United States senator to fill the vacan
cy caused by the death of the late Sen
aUir J. Z. George, whose term expires
In 1K98. Senator George before his
death had declined to again become I
candidate, and an election for the regu
lar term was necessary, and the lust
legislature, after a long deadlock, elect
cd Mr. Money for the regular term, be
ginning In KW.
Kay Hilled by a Trolley Or.
NKW VOllK, Oct. 12.-Jo!m ltulke
the 10-year-old son of u policeman
while curryJng a large bundle of soil
ctoiticB to a laundry, mod to cross
Third avenue at One Hundred ntx
Sixty-first street, this city, in front of
a West Farms trolley car. lie mis
Judged the dirtaxec, and, al'poueli tlx
motormnn uppll-d th" hni':o arid shut
off the current, the little follow was
crushed to d-'alll by the car wheels.
Did Net Ilenert lti-ilminiil.
DITHM.V. Oct. 12,-Thc in ce.Miie.M of
the ron vent Ion were Mulched last even
Ing, and predictions made of a revolt
against the leadership of Mr. John td
mond proved entirely unfounded. The
delegates cheered him enthusiastically
and on the adjournment they warmly
praised his speech, pronoimi Ing it to In
R moot able outline of the policy of tj-.c
Irish Independent league.
No On Wan llnrl.
NEW YOllK, Oct. 12 A reur end col-
llslon occurred on the New Yorlt ('en
trnl and Hudson Ttiver railway at One
Hundred and Flfly-eighlh street and
the North river at ! o'clock last even
Ing between two south bound freight
trains. The icn boose of the train ran
Into was smastfed and was set on fire.
The fire wns extinguished by the train
hands. No one was hurl
Galveiiton Una Yellow l-Vvi-r.
GALVESTON, Oct. 12. Dr. Gulterns
reported that there are five cases of yel
low fever here and three Unit have re
covered from the disease. A great he
glra followed from this city, as many
as could do so leaving It. Things are
quieter now, however. The situation In
New Orleans In no better, and that city
How has a total of 276 enses undertreat
mtnt. May Knee at Chiiiicd.
CANNES, Oct. 12. It Is uniiuunred
ncro that the president of the Defender
.11....... 1 .1,1 1 .1 1.. 1. v.. .1. .
syndicate has notified the French Yachl
i-lub that the American yacht Defender
which defeated Lord Dunraven's Val
kyrie III., in the lust series of races fui
the America's cup, will take part in the
next Cannes regattn, that of the early
part of 1808.
' To Remodel the City Hull.
NEW YORK, Oct. 12. Bids for the
workof remodeling the city hall were
opened In the mayor's ofllce yesterday.
John T. Rrady was the lowest bidder,
with an offer of $181,500. Ho guaran
tees to work day and night and to have
the Job completed within tho time al
Died on a Train.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 12.-Dr. Luk
Robinson, one of the most prominent
physicians In California, la dead. H
Southern Paciflo train In the San Joa.
quia valley.
af Crawl Treatment at aa Oraaaa
POrOHKEEPSlE. N. Y.. Oct. 11.
There Is much excitement In the village
of Madaltn, In Dutchess county, be
cause of cruelties alleged to have lieen
practiced upon Inmates of De Peyster
Home for orphan girls In that -village.
This hnnw? was founded by General J.
Watts De Teyster. who bought the com
modious building and faun upon which
It is situated three years ago nnd pre
sented It to the Woman's Home MIs
rlonary society of the Methodist Epis
copal church with the undeistulidilK
that they should maintain It as a home
for orphan girls. There are now 47
children In the home. P.. F. George is
the superintendent hlid his wife Is the
In May of last year May Conklin. 10
years old. committed suicide by eating
p.-.rln green. It wns said that the child
took her life because the matron cut oft
her hair, but Mrs. George says that the
girl was a victim of suicidal mania.
Since that occurrence many rumors
have been rife concerning 111 treatment
of the Inmates.
The latest charge made by the vil
lagers and Indorsed ty the vi'luge
newspaper Is that three girls were con
lined In a pigpen for -IS hours nnd fed
on bread and water. Superintendent
George said yesterday that the girls
were kept in the pen only elgnt hours;
that no swine had been in it for a long
time, and that there was nothing de
grading about the punishment.
Mr. George says that he is being per
secuted by the villagers h.-oause he In
stituted certain reforms In the way of
alif-llshing the unlicensed sale of liiiior
nnd games of chain e at horse races at
The committee if New York women
which has i-haii:e of the home will meet
In this city on Thuisday. arid Kev. A.
M. Grlllir. of th-- De Peyster M. !:.
church of M-xlalin. who knows a i:r"al
deal about the home, will be present oil
invitation. It Is s.iid the manage
ment w ill be it-.vo'ltl,:,-teil.
Secretary 1.0111- A!, Tor Nearly I'-.'I'J,-OOO.OliO
Fur I ieusi-H.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 11. In the opin
ion of Secretary l.oin.-, almost Jii-'.i" ".hi"
will In- necessary to defray the 1 xponses
of the navy and marine corps during
the liscal year ending June 311. lsn'.l.
Having employed the pruning knife
at all points where It was possible to
do so. the secretary drafted a letter to
the secretary of the treasury, forward
ing the estimates of appropriations re
quired by the two services. The exact
total of the estimates Is J::i,!iil,727.r-ri.
This sum Is thus divided: Pay of the
navy, $s.44!i.nitn; miscellaneous. $"no,ono;
contingent navy, f7.H)0; liurenu of navi
gation, $2"N,fir.0: bureau of ordnance, n.
17U.rr,l ; bureau of equipment. $1.M4,
178.40; bureau of yards and docks, JIIW,
425.44; yards and docks, $l.Wll.SS7; Na
val observatory. $:I4.2H0; bureau of med
icine and surgery, HDl.fiOO; bureau of
supplies and accounts, $1,525.4.13.03; bu
reau of construction and repair, $3,157,
007; bureau of steam engineering. $1.
167,000; Naval academy, $2:14,578.45; ma
rine corps. $1,123,574.23; Increase of the
navy, $8,505,273.
Detent Ire Moore Dotrgeil With Murder.
NEW YORK. Oct. 11. Central ofllce
detective William Moore of this city,
who hns been arrested on suspicion of
having stubbed his wife to death last
Wednesday, was committed to tin
Tombs prison by Coroner Fllzpatrlek.
Tile most damaging against
the detective was given by Mrs. Morri
son, who said she heard Moore In the
house on the afternoon of the tragedy.
Two boys named Frederick Hull nixl
Frederick Dodge also say that lielvvon
1 nnd 2 o'clock 11 Wednesday M'ton n
tin y saw tile detective leaving III.'- llolllo. denl.-s thai he killed his wife an-1
says that he was In the Wall stive! ,ij.
trie! all day We-lix-silay until :: o'clock,
when lx- -..t u ol d fr, mi polio, head
((iiarlers that then' was sornothini:
wroii;; at his hmne, and I lien ho wont
up town and found Ills wife dead. Tlx
effort to .suppress the fad that his wife
had died from a stab wound or the ab
domen and the burning of the Miinl-ivl
woman's cloihiio: at the time of ii,.r
death all tend against .Moore.
I-mm ( lllllleil Siilinnii, Not I'ever.
MONTGOMERY. Ala.. Oct. II. "on
slilei able alarm was caused here by th,
report that a mail carrier ii.mod ptteb.
blns bad died of yellow fever. A specla'
meeting of the board of heallh was
le-ld, nnd after a mb-roseopu-al exitmi-n.-itlon
a statement was issued l.y tip
board announcing that Sleldiins' death
was due to ptomaine poisoning f'-.m:
eating canned snliiioti. lie bad not In i:,
exposed to infection from fe.r, ate",
there Is no reason to siipp,iso that th-n
is: any yellow fever in town.
ilihlellnipe'x lleiid In tin, Ori-nii?
NKW YORK. Oct. II.-It .s reporl
that In tin nfessloti that Martin
Thorn made to Fiank Clark, his cli
111. Uo, and repealed by Clark to I'is
trlct Attorney oli-ott, Thorn said that
u fil. ml hud taken Gulilensnppe's boa i
and thrown it In ll; plaster of purls 1 a i
Into the ocean from the fishing bo-ii J
I!. Schuyler. The Identity of this friend
of Thorn's Is said to be known.
ItiqiHriil Inn by Mum,
n in 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1. . , in t. 11. 1 lesldes a.i-
notinclng a determination to extm :
-'ret to. the I'nlted Stales for th
i-urrence, the Siamese government I111
lepriinanded and degraded th" soldi, r
Who were concerned In tlx- assault ni-n:
Vice Consul E. V. Kellctt, station. -d a
Tn the Smith Pole.
LONDON, Oct. 11. A dtspalch to Tin
Dally Chronicle fiom Cliristiania nia-
hat the commercial and scientific e-p.--ditxm
to be undci taki n for south polar
xploiatlon under the conduct of
Horchgrevlnck, the Antarctic exploit r,
will start from England next July.
Oinirrtdeil Over Crop.
Todd, youngest son of Frank Todd
a wealthy farmer, stabbed Dan Little
a farmer living on his father's pliie--.
Indicting wounds that will probably
prove fatal. The men 'had had trouh!?
over a division of crops.
Tlnri I.-urtoii Arrive.
NEW YORK, Oct. 11. Miss Cla.a
Barton, the head of the Red Crown so
clety, arrived here yesterday on thi.
French line steamship La Bretngnj
from Havre.
Kotablo KaU of tbo Work Briefly ai
Trravly Told.
Paltlmore has won the Temple cub
rles from lioston.
The great drought throughout iMat
west has been broken.
New Kngland cotton mills are exper-1-nieniing
In iik manufacture.
The steamship Heserld- Is ashco
tff Cape Hat terns and will be a totitl
An Irish convention at Dublin if
nounced the English Uberal.-i for iUjjlji
doiiing home rule.
It Is reirted that Miss Cisneros. :.
escaped from jail In Cuba, has
In New York In disguise.
The first case of t phus fever recur u
ed on the Paeilic coast bus been fouui.
In a San Francisco hospital.
All Ferouck Hey has been appoint u
Turkihh minister to the fnlt d Stat'-
to succeed Mustapha Hey.
All property in Duluth en which :u
sessnients are unpaid Is to be seized 1
the city and rented, leased or sulci.
Morales, leader of the Guitemal.:r
Insurgents, rallied to a friend In Su?--Francisco
that Hip rein is w ere s
The Methodist conferences have vutn.'
down the propositions for cuial i.iy rvx
reseiitath n nnd the admlr.doii of
men to the conferences.
Members or the English Federal-''
Trades are to lie called out Friday .7
i-ympatliy with the strike of the r.ti-
;;iix-i rs. mal-.iiif.
a total , f iiiM ini.i m-.-
cut of work.
Mittoluv, Oct
Turks mid Ginks are
x 1. 1 mi: at W -
The 1 1 ilM ' ii e:i at .latum. i.
I o. u X d host illt it-S.
I-I - ni'i i-s' ; en 'apt im
hile died -it Fort Wayix-.
lii-i-oi is are i in rent t hat
lin 1 1 I. f'M ' '
l.-Si 1
- dl-
i ! a i
it 1.
1 'ity.
I. ill n
I It-
Px-llv I'..
1 llloti
ia V. .1
M-at III
st is hi il
11 in
tn i
' -!l
tv '
; real 1
.-tit. -t.
i-sioid.-iy at
is. I'rai
hulls lulled
max. oil
l.l-le. 'X
! hull III
., fr,-
I I ir.n
was h
k-'ukniii 1 ! In t
Kloixiil.o coo-illy. shoe!- d out sji.'
of l;oi dust 111 II! hours
A New York widow l; goim; to raV
a party of women to tlx- Klnn lik
Tin y will wear bloomers.
Stilmihiv, Oct. II.
The strike at lla.leton is on agnni.
An earthquake was felt at New Mao
rid, Mo.
President McKinley will go hoiile f
Canton to vote.
El Consolhelni. leader of the religion
fanatics In ihazil. is dead.
There have been 9,300 deaths frotf
dysentery In Jap-in this summer.
Harry Munliall, reputed son of :
Pittsburg millionaire, went lns:tn- it j
President McKinley unpointed Georf.
H. Ilrldgman .f New Jersey nilnlstir
to Poll via.
Three deaths from yellow fever ir--reported
on Hie steamer Honlton, whfclf i
has urrived at Vineyard Haven.
Friday, Oct. H.
The king of Korea Is reported to hav
proclaimed himself emperor of Kmeiu
The secretary of state for India, r
London said that the famine is nearl"
over mid Hu t il had cost s'Mi.uiiii.n.lii.
Ten or
I-'il i s arc
'- I"'
11 f.
.plo are thought t-i iiav-.
nst tires in Manitoba
Hiring ill Mi- h'gai'
Eleven 11x11
New poll, Ky .
of ly in hlng I'm
all ai 1. sted.
The national
has adopted a
pllli-iia-'e of th
as-aulted :
last i,
Ill followed.
. woman f.
and thi-a:
V we'-
llllcil of S".
ill il:.--e
of tlx
tie, I.'
coiii-t 1 y.
in 1 i-;. l.
S-inl II. I lull. 111 i-:
Mail. I- I iieved '.. 1... .
ill tlx- ir. lin wreck n-ar N
In., on S. In.
Italian who was;
a- a
' Y
a stmi
w till near Mount V.-; n-ci
was - hot ami killed by a
mistook his head ami cup
for a w i Inn k.
'I lnir lay, Oct, 1
Henry Grower, a nccr-' .
at Heiiiaixio, Mil-.
All In. lin: :.o:i..'ii l..-li.
been 1 .'in ycati- aid died a 1
tie vol
-I to haw
S:i 11 I liego
A Grand Army post cotni
(lil.dvely of Roman Catholic p
been 01 giini;'..-d at Notre Dam
Hlx gil Is w ore bill lleii P, do. 1
. Inc.
Ii at ifi
girls' cottage of thn Htate
! school at I'laidUiii.iti, s. 1 1.
J Major- Mes.-s P. Handy hit- seciirec
' 1 :. ..ot i.l.ln (.. . ...
1 -" ' ""'ii lor Allien
can exhibits at th Paris expoaltion.
Itrillsh fortlen ,, io.iis i . . r-i-rr. -
ed Colonel Hay that England positive
ly declined to participate In a sec' t-f
conference with Japan and Pii -sia
Three iirniy i-tlie.-rs liuvlnr: ,ioi, Imcr.
iippolntmi-nt to the Nicaragua can,--,
commissi,,!!, the n-cretary of win- wif;
probably oidit- some otlii or to ,-,
the pbice.
Wi-diu ntbiy, Oct. (I.
The schooner Triumph reports sear-
plentiful In Hering sea, but restless.
The foi tune left by the late lSar-m y
Ibirnuto Is now reckoned at h'ss the"
f ",.(1(111.1X01.
Edw.u-d Mei:!i,y of Toronto shot li.
win- anil luniseit m Kansas City,
both may die.
Hundred of acres have been I. urn - '
over by the forest and prairie fires
Indiana ami Illinois.
The Canadian customs official nt Ta
gl.-:h Lake reports having collected iV) -000
duties from Klondike.
Six more of the crew of the Alas!. .
Fteum whnler Nevnrch have been pick
ed up, but 22 are still missing.
A Republican enndidato was ki'.'.ttii
and a Democrat mortally wounded In :;.
political fight at Knuckle, Kun.
The president appointed La writs S..
Swenson minister to Denmark, nnd Dr..
J-dward Iledloe consul at Cantou.-.
The court of appeals has denied th;
appeal of Charles Rurgoss, sentence:! :t
death for the murder of H. V. WhlUocJtf.
In 1835 at Auburn, N. Y.
A man claiming to bo ono f t5s-
three who murdered Librarian WUxmu
In Philadelphia has surrendered to itaar
pollcs of that city,