The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 14, 1897, Image 3

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When the Latter Is "Successful the
Former Sells High.
Jujor J. W. Wham Presents
j Some Yery Interest
'.' Ing Fignres.
While the argument has not been
strenuously Insisted upon by the Re
publican papers that the return of the
publican papers that the return of the
the sole cause of the rapid advance In
the price of wheat, there is one thing
certain, and that Is that high prices
(or cereals always occur when the Re
publican party is in control, and under
Ut fostering hand the mills are fired
and running. On this subject Major
J. W. Wham, of the United States
army, and an expert on the subject.
recently said in an Interview:
"In 1RS3, the year prlqr to Cleveland's
first election, tho average price of
wheat was 91 cents per bushel. In 1884,
the year after his election, the aver
se price was 64 cents per bushel, a drop
of 27 cents, from which price It only
rallied slightly during his entire admin
istration, selling the last year at an
iverage of 6S cents per bushel.
'Harrison was elected In 1SR8, mid
wheat immediately bounded back to a
point two cents higher than when
Cleveland was first elected, the average
price for 1SSS being 93 cents per bushel,
from which point it only slightly re
acted, the average price during the last
two years being Si cents per bushel.
"Cleveland was re-elected In 1S92, and
thore wus nn immediate drop of lit
cents per bushel, continuing on down
until Vi cents per bushel was reached.
the lowest during the century. Mil
lions of men were out of employment.
Consumption necessarily fell off. Keon-
omy. even In the use of bread and Its
kindred luxuries, was forced.
"Compare the per capita consump
tion In the Vnlted States during the
first three years of Harrison's adminis
tration, .when all the wheels of com
merce and enterprise were hot with ac
tion, and the first three years of Cleve
land's Inst administration, when the
conditions were absolutely reversed,
ind you have a falling oft of one and
one-quarter bushels per capita during
the Cleveland administration.
"Our population now amounts to rery
nearly 80,000,000, which would make a
difference In consumption of about 100,-
000,000 In favor of the Harrison admin
istration. "The per capita consumption of wheat
during the last year of Arthur's ad
ministration and The last year of Har
rison's administration, respectively.
was nearly six and one-half bushels-
call it six and one-quarter bushels;
multiplying our 80,000.000 of population
ty this we have 600,000,000 buBhels of
wheat necessary for our home con-
"Our annual average production of
wheat during the last ten years being
unut 470,00u,000, leaves' us short an
nually about 80,000,000 bushels. There
was jl tariff under the old McKlnley
law of 25 cents a bushel on wheat.
which, being re-enacted into the Ding
ley law, seems, independent of the for
eign shortage when taken In connec
tion with these facts, to give the Amer
ican farmer the 'cinch' on tin? world's
wheat market,"
It Appears That lr. Swallow Has Had
Ono For Soino Tlmo.
From the Cleariluld Huffman's Journal.
A leading member of the Methodist
ohuch of this place tells a story on
the Prohibition candidate for state
treasurer that Illustrates the method
that gentleman had of doing business
many yearn ago and likewise today.
Ue was peshllng elder in tho Al
toona, district und much opposed to tho
Juniata valley camp meeting, at thut
time very popular among tbe Method
ists of tills section. He was stopping
!th a Methodist family In Altoona who
were Meat friends of the well conduct
1 camp meeting, anl who constantly
upheld the same as against ho thrusts
of the presiding older. The dav be
fore the opening of the camp he wrote
'or the Altoona papers a scathing crlt
icuni or the camp meeting, and with
held his name. When the vaners cir
culated among the Methodists the
morning of the opening they were sur
prised to find this article. The ladv
took the paper to the break-fast table
here Dr. Swallow was seated and be
Rn commenting severely upon the un
called for attack, and Bhowed the same
io the preacher, remarking that there
as n.) grounds for nnvthlnir a.nbl
therein. The preacher expressed regret
mat me enmp meeting had thus been
Wsalkd, and remarked that whoever
written the article had drawn
argely upon his Imagination for thp
'vg complained of. Many years after-
"wis this good lady learned that the
man who "had drawn on his imagina
tion" was none nlher thnn tin ivhn l,n,l
fade the remark. In all of his irl-
ftntlc discoveries since that time, of
VU, and they have been many, ho has
vawn on his Imagination the same as
"OOn he Wrote tho r-l-lllrlam of Ihn Tn-
I "lata valley camp meeting.
CI I .. i..ii. n
rom the Mlllllntown Herald.
u four weeks remain from next
"iMday of the campaign, which has
n One Of thn nnlntsit nro o,,o.
I jnembtr In Pennsylvania politics. It
Ith 18 an 0fr year' ftnd
I 4t the POPOerntu BiinwoH nnilu
tffectually last fall by a majority
,.try c'osely rublilng 300,000, that there
a not m,.h I -1 . . .
I tho r mieieai lillllllieBieu. AS lor
ne Republican candidates. It Is simply
I . .v ver- " 18 true that' stimulated
l"y tho at, I., ..
1 " miuw ui jr. cwaiiow, me
th.r'lts have Placed a ticket again in
II, "-""rman, uarman, aeciares
" good chance of being elected, but
I - "durances are all talk, without
De to rest upon, the mongrel popo
uc party take no stock In them.
a Wetof aii . ..
1m n un.ur suggesis mat aner
lertr;'an may be right when he as
teiZ the Dr,ce of ver and wheat
IKim " Aiiese conamons are
W, Ke"lng closer; they will each
r b a dollar a btisheL
ami mwumm
The best thine tnai can happen to
American manufacturers is that they
shall hare a monopoly of the home
market first of all. The worst thing la
that foreigners shall occuoy this mar
ket so largely that the Americans, to
meet them, must cut prices below the
profit point and then almost give away
the surplus to Europeans. The notion
. that trade over seas Is a sign of pros-
perlty Is a British notion. It Is pro
' mulgated in this country by free trad
ers, who regard the British stamp upon
anything, from an economical Idea to
, a high hat, as an assurance of correct
ness. We do make some things which
. we can export at a profit, because we
beat the world in producing them, but
this la not true of the mass of our
manufacturers. Philadelphia (Fa.)
Textile Record.
The only hope the Democracy now
has Is in some unexpected disaster. It
wants a combination of strikes with the
weevil in the wheat, an early frost, a
coal famine, a European tariff war
against America to upset the stock
market, a pinching out of the gold
supply all these things coming to
gether would ralso Its drooping spirits.
But short of that there seems to be
no opening for another Democratic raid
on the ofllces and the national Indus
tries. Snn Francisco (Cal.) Chronicle.
' There Is no need to worry about the
Dlngley law. The men who drew that
measure knew what they were doing.
, They declared that it would raise reve
' nue enough to support the government,
and that will be tho result, after the
law has got to work fully. There will
be no bond Bales to provide money with
' which to run the government, nnr will
' the nation's credit be lmpared in any
J way. Cleveland (().) Leader.
The enactment uf the Wngley law
j was a wise net because tho government
' needed a sufficient revenue for Its sup
port, unci experience had taught the
! efl'ei llvenoss of a protective tariff In
building up the industries of the coun
try. UuiMness i: greatly Improved and
j prosperity is returning because of the
j necessity of such a law and the sense
l of security growing out of It. Wash
j Ingtun (1. C Star.
"iiccnuee It my deliberate Judg
j incut that tho prosperity of America
is mainly flue to its system of protec
tive laws. I urge that Germany hus
now reached the point where It is
necessary to Imitate the tariff system
uf the United States." Bismarck.
The free traders are not shouting
about that recent sale of American tin
In foreign markets.
AltgeW to McLean: "Why didn't you
take warning by my fate and keep
that gold bond out of night?"
"Sd From the Horrors of Nervous Pr
tr.tlon" by Dr. Mile' Nervine.
'Dl'UIl does nut always Indicate-
consumption. Mr. W. li. Palmer, of
V.'atcrloo, Iowa, writes: "I was taken
with a nervous stricture of tho bronchial
tubes, which developed Into nervous pros
tration, I was.r.0 weal; I could notsit up. I
got no sleep for days except when under tho
inlIuenccofoplut.cs. Fur four months I suf
fered agonies and nniyed that I might die
and be at rest. One
elvv ur. ''..rr:r;
& . 38 a couch that gave mo
i-ltrViliU -.'J no rest. Hut a good
RaetrtrAB 'M old physician whose
mcdli'ino had failed,
Ms.. Health vvS I .
mo to use Dr.
estoratl ve
Nervine and I thank God that it has bright
enod my days, lengthened my life and saved
mo from tho horrors ot nervous prostration."
Dr. Miles' Remedies tiro sold by all drug
gists under a positive Ru.iratitco, first liottie
, benefits or money refunded. Book on Heart
and Nerves sent free to all applicants.
Dlt. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind.
ir.tiy. vifi ' rvveii rian
mi )ib nbovn remit In ln'80 day. It t:
,.T..' rf!illy mi'l iuietly. L'ureH whon all otheni tail
onwrm,n will reyaui tlunr lunt mauliooil. and nlj
rji'ii will recover their yoiHtiful vnror ly iikiiir
ive.Vll. It ifiiirkly niul purely ruitoreH Nfrviius-
.!i !. i.Of i imiity, l.'npcn Hi-v. MtiliHy l imwiinrm,
l.'Mt I'uncr. I'nlltnit Mi niory, Wantlnir DlKciwB.aTjJ
.1 ell.'ctH of BtiH-olMiKo or exec and indtNrrtton,
'l:irh u.'iliu . na tor s'wijr. l ui iu(nr niarritto. It
not i.nlv t uivH liy Kiartinit lit tli teat Of (ilmaiie, but
u nun at mrvn tonlo anil hlooil liiilliler.'trlui:
i" kai'k tho pink cloir to imlii elieek mil ro
aortim tho llro of ynulli. It wsnla on" Inmnlty
tnri l'onnumi.tln. Ii:o.t on hivinit KKV1VO, no
othor. It can bo carrli il lu vst rorkdt. By null.
1.I10 per inrkaun. cr til lorfti.l.llO, with a pool
'.tve written gurnntco to ruio or refund
-he mnnpy. Circular frr?. Aitctreas
OYAL IWmi CO.. 271 Wtfl'Mtt, M1CAC0. ILL
ForBaleatMIddlchurgli, by W. 1I.SPANGLEK.
WANTKD Trustworthy and Active goutle
men or larlleH to travel for responslliin, es
tablished house In t-iivder County. Monthly
$ti.ii0 nnd expenses. Position steady, ltefcr-
IVmlnaa n,tl r.iiilillHMMfl Rtllllltlf fiiivn.
lope.' The Dominion Company, Ucpt. V, Chica
go, Illinois. U-ltf-Kit
Pon't Tobacco Spit ainl Smoke Tour lire imj.
To quit tobacco easily nnd forever, be mas
notlo. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Dae,
the wonilcr-worlior, tbst makes weak men
strong. All druggists, COc or II. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample' free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
v. r f
I. S I 'I
FidcntM the Ci
Stranger I should like to retain you
in an important case. It la alight over
a child.
Great Lawyer Between husband and
"No; she Is an orphan and has no
near relatives. Tbe contest is between
distant relatives on both side of tbe
"Ah, 1 see. now much is she helresa
to?" X. Y. Weekly.
. She Hail the Stamps.
"So he's to marry Miss Croesus?"
"She's not very beautiful. 1 wotxler
how he ever happened to look in ber di
rection." "Why. you sec, he's an enthusiast in
his line."
"And what's his line?"
"lie's a stamp collector." Chicago
Summer C'onrllntr.
Whene'er a pretty maiden would be won,
And there's an honest swain disposed to
quick they learn a hammock built
for one
Is Just about the proper size for two!
Town Topics.
Miss Ciwstie Don't you think mon
keys are cute?
liliiwihist Naw, they rcinh.d me too
ii;ttch of some ictiple.
Miss I'uwstic oh, you shouldn't be
so sensitive. Detroit l-'rec l'rcss.
Ilia Present Condition.
lie nte dried apples-- water, too
With quickness und proclaim,
lie now Is in the heavenly court.
The uppel-ate division.
-N. Y. Wvjrld.
A'ot ft Uooil Job,
"Yes," lie sa id, "I'm a self-mitcle. man."
"I tuke it for grunted," returned the
'smart young; man, looking the old fel
low over critically, Vlutt if you hod it
to do over nimbi voa'tl let tlieermtrm.t
I out."
The yocng man bad no expectations
in that quarter un ywny, so the remark
had no effect upon Us future. Chicago
Warrlna I'.aoHaaa,,
"I -didn't know iherc had becu any
death in 'is Vnyor's faiuily."
"There hasn't. She's wosring black
as an experiment.'"
"An experiment?"
"Yes, old Giltedge has proposed nnd
ehe want 8 to see how she would look
iu mourning." Chicago Jouruul.
"What did you think of the scene in
my play in which I Khow a modern, leg
islator haranguing his colleagues?"
asl;ed nu author.
"Most realistic tiling I ever lieheld,"
was tho reply. "Half the people iu the
plnce were asleep." Washington Btar.
Cliiilillillliial In TolMlenclcK.
"Who li tluit young fellow V"
"X'htit' Jim Don ling, bc.U-er I.novui iui
'Cannibta.' "
"Viliy cannibalV
"Jlis father is a retired missionary
and Jim lives cm him." Clevis: ml I'laiii
An AhHiird Ntipcralltlon.
Crs tie .'Smyth Those new tiootn of
youra s(Uink awfully. lVrhapH tbc-y
uin't paid Jur yet?
Johnnie J'cwscad.i Tlint's nil non
sense. If there is anything in that, why
don't my coat and my vest and my pants
and iny hat squeak, too? N. V. World.
Trill- to Ulnmelf.
Caraway The manner of C holly's
death was in perfect keeping v.ith his
life, v .isn't it?
llool.s JIow so? '
Caraway As lie waa dying be tried
to say Homethins and couldn't. Harlem
Osrntntory Demount ration.
Shu And you say that n smnrt thief
could steal something from right un
der my nose. I don't believe it.
lie Well, there.
And lie hud purloined a kiss. Detroit
Free Press.
lIoplnK for the licit.
Bhe You know, clear, wo won't get
any of father s money while he lives.
lie I know; but he's going to re
side wilh us, and you're going to dolhe
cooking. Let its hope for the best. Tit
I'.its. Rvldrm-e of r.-Il:ire.
John Doc Did lie tell you lie failed?
Richard Hoe No.
"Then why lire you bo certain about
"I heard him talking about luck."
Brooklyn Life.
, Hard I.ueU.
"Just my luck!" cried the drummer.
There wete 14 Boston (iirls in the car.
"Caught in a blizzard anin!" he con
tinued, donning- his ear tabs. Phila
delphia Press.
Had II I m There.
"I Relieve you women spend half your
lives before the glnss."
"And you men half of yours behind
it." Pick-ire-Up.
His Anxiety.
Distinguished Artist Be careful of
the picture; it's not dry.
Art Gallery Porter It's ill riffht, sir;
I've got my old coat on. Plck-Me-Up. j
Te . tT9mrm rMmptia be '
T. a. 81tcm, r(i rnvsi beinlst and Scientlat, .
w tu wad io saftem-s. Three Free Betuc of i
II ! IV lllM.-..i'rrt.l lt,.,MllVM I,. ......I
uiaHioo aua u Ltng .niiti.
Korhlnc coulj ho 1. 1, more di .ntmplc or
Curry ojore)oY to the ilt:eivl. inmi tin- pner
ou otter oi tli Ikju,y I unit llmpigiiNiiect .iicin
lal. T. A. Siueuua, M. C, Ot Sew Vol k City.
He h rtlscoverr" a reliable no.1 atHoliitvcuie
hir comtmiui Ion. Slid ull Iiiiim-IiImI, throat, Inii
anil cliwst i1Ii-imis, rutarrmil iitTei lKuig, ,-eiieiul
declln m.u weakupHs lossof tlsh nlul nil ion
dlltiH,o( w.isilu? nvvav , uu, to niiike Us
tut-nt known, Tll wud three tree tvtlMt lits
newly tiv iviied reiucitl'-s tu aw sttllcted reJ.
01 Hie 1'cST.
Already ul ''tie v scleatl.lo RVilom of medl
rlue" bus rx rinicm-iiilv (-ui'rnl lii luf.imN til up
pni nily tiobel'.-nsens'v
The Uoetiircsinsiiit-rs It not onlv bis profr.
sloiuil, hilt lil.i reluioii tint v H iluiv whuli ,e
ownestosmrerlUa'Uitn s ih J idetiaie his tu
lall'ti.t cin'.
llo bit pr.i'.l.liHl the ".Irr.nleil eonsiliiinllnh"
to t ncurnblHclta r h:v mil a it mill In nnv
cllniHli. mid biih on tt'.e In his Aineilcm niul
Klirers'On liili'TMti'ilc s iiuiii-ri.iis 1 1 ueuillelt
Icsilipoalnlsof priiltniile" iroin tlm e b 'netllteil
ami cured, In nil purlH ot i lie world.
Cutrrli:il ami piiiiimuurt irouiili s li'ud to c in
Rumpi'im. unit conktiiii) ilnii, u:;:nn'rruiit"d.
lneiiiitiee(ly una K-iinln ileni'i. lma't in,u
liutll H Ik tlm IiiIb Minnlv u iiie T. ,. Meo llii.
M. C ,9 I'lne titni'l. New Yol k, i.-tvnc express
snd titjootjlr Ritiire, ui'rt t J . - ir-v iiu-n l'ie
will he promptly sent. I' ense tell the Pn-Wi
you kv bin oiler iu the 1'mr.
Alaska -Klohdyie
Gold fcliuiNs Cs.
Ciilal Siiwk, .itioJ(iun Sharis id
10.00 fticli, In 1 1 v im t I niul iiiiit-as-sossjihlc,
of wliicli 'jriOHMl Slnns
are now olTcri'd for sith.-fri j i n al
There nre niaiiy i eriei h h.i ili'iiii' ?o t;i to
tlir Kultl Helils of AlliiUll ' tl.e e.'Hiili!, h. :i- ii,
who have lint riie'y nu.n y :i-;o To , ia
to t'lluble them tn do i-n.
Toall Hindi, we wuii!,l 1 1 - - il.-.ii:ii,ility
Uf foril'lll l,M 111 S ll'lil .'tl'- (if tllll'l- li) II. HI'''
pi l.i ll-, ami Juintl lill.- l.:i-,' I .!H:" - i.i' i.ur
sttirk, nnd selcel one nT vntir niunl i r t :ili'l
priispei't unit mine for 'iiut m eoniit
Villi putties fiirniini; mii-Ii , tins
('iiinimuy will cmiirnet t M iel ut one uf tlinr
llllllllA'r for e:e. b H'slml i" of --tin k piltrliil-i l
foin it nt piti', iiml ii'iiiiitiiin '..itih t in y Ihtie
fnrriii" year from tln iluir uf uvnivul ut the
Kl drills, supply il.y llilll wilh fund, liti'l-,. niul
:ilt tliiliKS reliiite 1i eiiii-Me him to primpi't't
fr Kohl, mill with help to'b-velnp und work all
Hood elllilns liK'Hteil by htm the eluitm to lie
loiiitod I 1 111 name nf thr syuilieule mid the
Aliisku-KJikiitlyke Oulil Mining ( 'o., iind to be
owned Jointly ned equally, sliaie mI sliure
Write for Circular Full Particulars
MKKI tolls.
James Kino, Into Seeri'tury SIM".M'idiinilo;
Wm. flicst, cnpltnllst, Chiengo :
K. M. Tltconib, . Viii' I'resiih-iit nnd lieuernl
Manager KnutMiin Fruit ksiuti li u. ; i
H. C, Knuli, meiiilwr .Mnritinie I ju.liuiiKe, Nea j
Yul ;
Oco. W. Moritnn, IMrele ity, Aluskit ;
Jubii 1L Lowtbcr.lNew York ;
Ueorint T- Uurler, I'nll ltiitti, Mm .
aovImiiiv fOAIIH.
Uoii V.. If, Wnkrtield. iiilo .lustlw. Kin
ItMrivt Court Hontti Krnmlr.zboin, Mim.
llnn.W. CJ. Uii'Vinond, li rrrslilrnt CuurtMif
ApiwhI, Dtttvi r. ul. ;
H. l.t(THprmf, iMte'l' iiiniiiiKCoisi-
ty, Wllliumtport, IVss.ii. -Suuiik'I
,M. Iir)nn, I'lrsKlent I 'kesnpi'itke nd
IVltmilllc Tleplnuir Co., Wtiili;;tHl, l7;
r. Jt. C. I-'IsIm. l.llil .Ma diipm Ave., I'liwiii,'"
III. ;
fbLT. A. llnlVimn, Ivtrnit, Mi-'i.:
.M.(l. It. Swift, Attuni- y ut, l ull Uvr.
Mum. ,
ls.uu' W. .xsu, lleiluty f.illii I.e. i ilur l.'iip.l-.
Win. K. MeKiiiiJii, A't nn': - t -l.iw, a m.i
ItupiiU. Mi. li.
The lillsinc r the .M'i-k-l lotidyke C ild'
Miuin t 'oitijuk ly will In li iiln. I iti: nl 14iiiii-
l-rsoil tl-e YllU.n: IliviT. llilll tMllri'II Si .l'lll'
nnd the ililTi'ret'.t I'.ots ,if Muiku, u i u Mip;ily
tori's at. Hie ''i Vinnt", ilu .i nej-.i!
tmiisp irt.'itiun. ' I'tntii'-iv unit I .'iiil'.iier I111
inuss, mid. in !ilinii, d'l il in 'i' niii;; rluiliK.
niul wirk tlm :n:iirs ulri v nv ii 'I run!
iim.r li irealtrr t iii'ijiiiii'i.' t-y tl" 'iniip.iiiy.
Tin? (
.on i
iviiiti'ols i Ik- loiinw in:;
Kigilt ..'-old Placer ( incus iilrcy ilini.' I'D
Acres in J. 1 1-it t . Im ut i i ! .Mil.niy .nlc c l,siV
under l',iili d Miiu-s miiii,.g luws. Tn vi'li inei I
litis proved the pti' si li ill; I.i be llvi- led Uitiw
mid bim yli lili il plM ci iliit iJiui pain hoi. i JIM
to SI-"' tu.thr van .rivc lli.til Plai.'.'i - 'IjiiMiH. n--gregiitiiig
lim Aeri-s in evtnt-t. on I'oi-cnpini-Kiver,
tl.iLt p.ois fi-iini J5 c. iiIm to sii t.i a pun.
Ten tiold riivcci c .1 linis, negrcgniii.:. 'JIHIim ti-n
nu the Tiuiuitiiir, paiiiiing Iroin : Ii- to -'ilu
A fine gold MOiirt lode in Ali-t-a. v, liich as
nuys frnlii l.'i l '-i.ll ivr t..n. 'liic l..; slmn-
tin enormiKiiH outcrop of fri-e n. tiling ur,.--t'i-lii
iu siirfiMie bi-ing l'l feet lloek : mj 1 1 1 ih uopi-rly
linve ltllldf I'J loe:itii.n-i ,.f l.'H II feci I,-. :itl feet,
ptitinling 1'JU lu-res. We don't cbuni that i, is
ttie lllotber, tilt wr J.i know il is without
mi ecpiul forpi'iiHifs'tive tallies.
Tiie estimates aivl slab-incut nltovc nn- nf
necufiHity buseil npim iiO'i.rnintii.ii nbtu-ni'd
from oiii-SiiM-riiiteiiilciit. unit are lvj..veJ ni
aert'titisl by the eoitijuiny.
Tbi coiiipimy having niviiired teiiivf
bobliiies of rich idiM-er mid iro il onart iimni-r-
tic-S, capalile nf e;o lilng liii:e diviiicnds on its
stock, niters In investors i.dv.'oitagcs tlutl fa
BUrulargtJ mid prolitnblcj returns.
Mr. (leorgP W. Morgan, onr Siiu-rinteiideiit.
Iiiis been mi tbe l iikon lor tne pnt .Vrni' wurK
ing in the interest nf Ihisc-niiipiiny. 'liiercfori-,
we are not asking liny one to eoiitrilmte to a
prnii-c-t iiupbiiineil, but to on.- thoroughly nut-
turcil. This imitipaiiy, Milh Its nblii aids, ex
teiiNivo knowledge, nnd girat resources, is cer
tain to boculiK- one of Ibe richest eiilniianics nn-
urating in Alask.i.
Our President takes pleasure In referring yen
to the following list of references :
Jumrs K. IH-wcy, .Mills K Co., ilanki-is, lictrnit,
Iiuis V. Tetiird, Com niisioucr World's I'air
from AIcnIio, "Tho Knokery," Cliiengo, III ;
Honutnr II. M. Teller, of O. lunula ;
John Shofroth, lieprescntalive to Congruis,
Colorado ;
.1. M, UulI,Hciiresentiiti' c to Cin.';ri m, Colorado;
C, C. t'leniuut, Washington Trust Co. lliiildlng,
Wiishiliuion, II. C. j
Juscpli C. llvliii, cx-Chief Justice of Colorado;
Charles D. Ilnyt, Chief Justice of Colorado ;
0. II, Jliiugliaili, Il'.iTlincs-Iler.iUl.Cliieiigo, 111.;
If iurico Joyce, Electro Picture, Ktar Iliiildlng,
WaBhington, I). ('. ;
Citpt. J, .T, I.:unbert, Owner and Kdlter Chief
tain, Pueblo, Col.;
!i. L. Ilillegmnn, Tax Agent M. V. It. It. St.,
Louis, Mo. ;
K. E. Oowan, Dn-xel Co., Philadelphia.
The full-paid stock is now ofloml
at Tex I)om,ai;s per shnru. Send
your orders to tho
AlasUoDdjke Gold Mining Co.
No. to t'tcaOwcy, New York .
:"r : . '' ., ''. . '
m. T 3 3 x vr ' x ttt ti
loo independents .Nominate W. Ki
Thompson For State Treasurer.
now SiMintor Quay's I.uto I.esNlntnrc
1.1'Kallzed the Toll Tax Kvll-Anot her
CeiiHiitlou 1'roinlf.eil tu oiuieet ton
With That Notorious ?v!,tMM In
deiuulty lloml.
(From Our Own Correspondent.)
Ilnrrlshurg, Sept. 2. There has been
no lull In the excltliiK train of political
events during the past week. Organ
Iced opposition to the machine Is
HprlngiiiK up nil over the mate, Its
Intent development beliiK In Pittsburg,
where former friends of Senator Quay
have within the past few days placed in
nomination Mr. William H. Thompson
as a candidate for state treasurer
apnlnst James S. Iteacom.
The remarkable thing in connection
wilh this movement Is tbe fact It
has been engineered, nnd Is being car
ried forward, by tbe men nnd organi
zations that formerly were the sole
source of Senator Quay's ttrcnglh In
Pittsburg. This independent move
ment has for Its support the Muni
cipal League of rittsluiig. niul all that
body of self ivipectlng Iiidi pen.i.'it s
who gave Si nntor Quay an nnnualitled
support IvciMi ie of his promise to in
troduce various reforms in state poll
ties. As n I' sult i f Quay's failure to
keep his word with these men tley are
now iiiiiiilieri'l among his bitterest po
litical eie'inies, ami thus another potent
power iigiiinsi luuislnni lias In eti in
voked. Ql'AY'S i'r:i' l'KSKKTINi;.
This defe, til. ii of the .Municipal
l.o:v.uo eni! ihe Independents of I'iit.i
lini c, fro::i l.'Sl.ij leaves lilm iibs-dtil- !
without a t" i i . 1 in I'll tsbii'v.'. wiiile a
for Allei h. mv i 'ity his huh! is c n
st.mtly rtd.-.Nlug over llieie. Tic
il I -i ti uoini'ia'' d by the n.lep, n' s.
.Mr. William I ;. Tllompsoii. is a . i !,.r:
banker i, f I 'in .-dm eg, nnd a man m' i i . ii
i foi co of i ll : 1 1 aclci'. This Is sleniii In
Ills h Iter of acceptance, one . f tbe
strongent of i t -t kind cv' r i i 1 1 - i . It
Is a bitter an ai;;nnienL of Qu.-ijinn, and
Is as follow s:
"After consultation with tlioiiv.hll'ul
and conservative men. Irri-spei i ive of
party airiliatii.ns, and In response to
letters li celved from distant parts of
the state, ns well as the personal solici
tations, of friends, 1 am led from n sense
of duty and Christian citizenship to ac
cept the nominal bin as u candidate for
the tillice of state treasurer, which the
citizens' meeting of Saturday evening,
Sept. 11, ho generously tendered to mo.
"It has been urged that business men,
liy their refusal to enter iilities. are
responsible to a large degree for the
-condition Into which government na-
tlonal and stale, state und loon! hits
"It Is no necrrt that the methods i-tn
ployed by political managers have pur
posely been of such u character as to
deter Ihe bent men In the community
from taking pjirt In public affairs.
"It 8n urged that even In the of
possible defeat It Is the duty of some
one o stand lis a candidate In order to
give the law abiding clement In the
stuli- nn npiMirtunlty of rebuking the
Teik'M'SH diHhonesty nnd sweeping de
Imticliery In the political affairs of
l'eiti vylvanlii' during recent years. II
is lU't neei-SKiry to enter Into pnrtlou
hirp fiiiiilllar Ii. every one. Thoughtful
and palriolii men contemplate the po
litical coiiilit I-ui of our great couinioii
wca.'lh wilh liuniiliat Ion and apprehen
sion They ;i'-k the iiiostions: W hat Is
to b- tin- cmr.' How long can the re
P'.ili::c o.i- t inula r such a .--train of
hi Miry
a va i ice nn. I cm i nption'.' Win n
is to
: il li
., v.
stat. Slip!'.
pal n
as l'l
t .-in of I lie past ? Who now
a. , s once dignilie.l by sm II
iiK'in, Morns. IP . .1. Whar-
'ml-.Vi' l.nlt r, 1 alias, Itoss
I I 1 s '.'
have L ine
tnaiislil-. sc.
w h. r
iiiacy a n. per:'on.-i I pi
I'timary gain
nn- ti
highest inaliers.
"We have e. me to
men, Ignorant of t,e
cases i.i make a living
by a vicious p'oecss
i-alb-d .-in election, un
that puss where
law. unable in
In any business,
f Selection, mis
I'ollt to the leg-
Islatiin-, not to I'.-pii-Mi-iit the stale, or
even mi., inter. -sin ot const it u.-nt s.
but to do Ihe bidding of the men to
v hoiii tin y owe their positions.
Tin-: T i ; !: a s i ' u y ii:it.n'iu:ii.
"We have sunk to that level when
Hbo public treasury Is regarded .'is a
jiolitlcal asset, to be used, not in pro
moting the educational, charitable or
business interests of the stale, but as
a private fund for tin- corruption and
FUbJllglltlntl of t 111- people.
"Jt-.dleetiag mi -aieli things, we nre
almost ready to say: 'Home, thou hast
lost the nol le bn eil of bloods,' for are
we not eonfi'iinlc I w ith the strange
spectacle of a free people held In bond
age, jiolitlcal and ciiiiimcnlal, by a
system that crushes liberty of speech
and freedom of action, and that, too,
in the U'lst year of our independence?
"l,ol us not deceive ourselves. We are
face to face with another r v. dtil ion, iu
which the principle ..f free sj oh, of
free press und free men arc to liu con
tested for anew.
"The tyranny i f King (leorgi- h d to
the establishment or the American re
public. The tyranny of the slave holder
led to the cm.-iiiclpat Ion of the colored
race, and tho tyranny of the political
boss, with Its degradation of the In
dividual and Its Insolent i flrontery In
attempting to compel the aid of the
national administration In mntters
purely local, must yet lead to a purer
nobler munagement of public nf-
if our republic: i.i to permanently
"We must call a halt on the appall
ing use of money In polities, utid as
your purpose in one of reform upon
high principles, it is apparent to all
that the use of money, so common to
such contests, Is tu have no place in
this canvass. .
"The state Is sound'at heart, nnd tho
Influence of tho church and fireside,
tho vote of the law abiding people, who
believe lhat man's chief end is not to
make meney nnd enjoy It forever, or
for the advancement of a party by dis
honesty and corruption, are the In
fluences which will determine, our na
tional, state' and local affairs.
"To such ends, and with the desire
of political preferment farthest frotft
my mind, promising. If elected, the
same fidelity to the mate that 1' would
give to any other trust. I am willing
to serve as your candidate, accepting
election or defeat as a privilege, If by
so doing the cause of good government
may be advanced In even the slightest
degree. I am very truly yours.
This independent movement against
the machine is a very formidable thlnn
when it is considered that next year It
will appear in the contest as a full
Hedged political, anti-maeliine power.
It will poll at least 2 per cent of the
Republican vote of the state, and this,
will give it full and legal standing us a
political power. Its projectors, wiio art
leading bosun ss men of i'ltlsluirg.
maintain that tiny are not in politics
for fun. und that they will be found
In tin- fight next ycur.
Dining the past work these Inde
pendents have been looking fm- a gmul
man to run In opposition to Major Levt
1. Mcc'auley as a can lidate for au
ditor general. They have appeah-d to
the Husiiiess Men's League. I lie YYunil
maker nun of Philadelphia, and tin
state, to assist them, but tic leagtn
is favorable to Major Mct'auloy. and
has declined to enter Into any scheme
to (nit Up n candidate aga'nsl him. Tin
Wanainakci- men, despite all of tin
falsehoods and misstatements of tin
machine lenders, do all their lighting
within the party I hi- s. i'bey do not ib-
as Quay and t ho maeliii
go outside to enlist llle ;
ciats to assist thepi io
They are llepublican-; I
through, ainl their sole d
the people, as was sh-c. t
made f..r tbe .. ,ol, '.i i ;
"SeVclit y-s;" in lb-- la'--
Tin: iM;:i'rN!'i:T
: .- .!,,n,-
"f Delllo-
li- Ib.bts
ou-.-'i an I
...ll Is t
lie tU-li'
s by the
;- bitllle.
The ,! .
llle In.le
HIS .f
..s-.!.t:i I'
show Hi. ir
ods as i
I i. I'
M- -o-
in bit
.-'tli- r
u 'I.
.h :,
. . . I
.1 the
t wit
-1 1 l .;
s 111 :
I l"l
-111 .1 -
r ha. I
I b.
. is
I. Me to '..
.-Vllipil t !li
acci pi. I lie.
-A 111
li hi
i- M.
.i. As
. in. bi,:
il.. ir ib i.
may at . v. i
llle sllil Se.-KI'.
i II,
i .1 in-
1 .1111.11-
.li their
III the
Held f.u
dale .
r au.liior geueinl.
to eclM
will in
sli'-jhtest if it t-i 1 1 -i t wilh their
to I'ecp M r. Tin nips, ti in 1 1c
slate t vcasui'i r.
It will be rein.-inbei-cil lh.,1 dining the
Inst lei.isititive s.-ssloti your correspon
dent freiiucntly showed up the hy
pocrisy of the machine loaders in the
mutter of reform legislation. Il wutr
shown then in detail how the Nissbk
were buncoing the people even in tin
legislation by which II was proponed
to reform certain evlln. S nalur Quay
Filceeeded not only in d.-c.-lvlng Un
people, but by that legislation he lion
legullzed Home of the worst practices!
known In state politics. A cn n of thlB
kind Is now In evidence In riiiladelphln.
where one of the worst political evils,
the polltax purchase Ih now oomluoted.
under cov.-r of litw.
Under the old system tin- cli unuiin oi
tho county commit t oulil buy poll
tax receipts Iu bulk, and then I'.ll 1 Ik-he
out for anybody to whom In- might
wish to give I hem. Tin y nlwas dhf
thin with fear nnd trembling. N-.w they
do It openly. At a meclin;-, ot the city
toininittee last week pii'iteil blanks
were presented giving i .- ei of at-
trlct leaders t i pur. ha p.
eclpts for thoMe w In.- . n.i o.
pigm-il to tin- pelitiot ' " ii
tv r'
.-.!.t he
I. 'I'-
!i"U is
v ill md
tax r .
Io Vole
nil. b r c
tliar the I...
. to II'
I.I I, e I
a no
. "1 VI ' II
t Ic
t !n
' ! the-
'. i. a n
i I . I . ' in
.1' tile !
...a- of 1
This lat'ai i"'i
11 1
II '
' I. UI,
: I im.
'or the
' is -lite
. :r ii..
l enieilt
ii c $jn,-
on a
nipt to
r usury
. Infor-
be s.-..
111 '
.11 I I I !
Of the
I. lie
W o I '
I I'.
pc. pi.- of a r
A s.n.-ati
blllg tlliS V.e
that the slcic
ei.o i in I, no, ity
by the Ibi-,:
chat-.-., of i nn
Ficllte liloltcy
under false ,
mail.n on li
cured, as Ih.-
k by Ib
rs of tin
bond ,r
- M- ii'
from Ih.
l-nse. N
is snl.J.
Ibisin. s.;
,-i a I.
I ii-
r. 1
re llsi
I t
talk ah.
r. It
n en the
i - lit of
can I..
that I.-:;
conlbh n!ly
il advice ha:
Tin-re is a
ing In II. nibbing n.,w
this new- and impending
Th" shameless j.-iil.. i
With the Pew eapitol
One llnil of ill. hii. . ts b
tcred suit again t Hi.
mission, and others ar--The
CitplPd will Hot In- b
volvlng the state n Kr, ,
cndlc'i-t litigation. And t 1
tor Quay's f-iembi a ( !,,., ,.
. fl'tllt.
. en
, com
i'. ught.
out m
and eftlll-
il:v:'s Th::
l lluc Hindi
liny case of I 'alar: !i Unit a
Hall's I 'at ll-rli ( 'u.e
I'. .1. I IIIM.V .-. ( il . Pi
Wf llle II IM I. -ie ,.
( 'licncy for tic I.i-t I.'. e.u
V. .1.
. Iiim
i lions
: bbaa-
..!.., (1.
IK-rfc. tly Iniiiiii'nblc in ail
ind lliiaucially :iblc I.. . hit y
tions made ly their linn.
Vlr,VI'lll l. Wl.i!.-:i!c 111
U'.M.IU i., Ktsv s A M uiviv
gisN. Tnled. i, III i.i.
Hall's ( 'atarrh C 'nr.- is ink
ing din ctly iiiou tie- blood
'lliabv, llet-
nt'iciiis Har
per tiolllt;.
face, of lln- systciu. Pru-c 7,'.e.
-! I by all UruggisK Ti-stiiiuuutils bo.-.
Hall's Tauiily Tills nr.-the I.i nl. out ."nv. I.
Kverybod.' Fajn fjo.
CaiMi-cts Candy Catharl ic, the most won
I Jt fill medical discovery nf tiie i;j:i picas
mt, niul refreshing to the tunic, m I gently
unl positively on kidneys, liver ntid bowels,
jletinsiiig tho entlro system, cllspcl colds,
cure headache, fever, habitual coimt.lpntion
and biliousness. I 'lease buy and rrv a box:
of U. C. C. to-diivj 10, W, f0 ccits. rioldand
gtmrnnte?. to cure by all drucViHts.