t ... 40. W. WAOXN8XLLSB, jSdiror ana rropnetor. MIDDLEBUBGH, SNYDER CO., Aw THURSDAY, OCT. 14. 1891 VOL. 34. NO. 40. gEMlPPLEBiroimraST 18 A HEME MEWSWIK H1W TME PATENT MEWS FROM TOE BWMTOTItE"fiiiifl. Local News. For a full line of blankets go to '(is, Minsgrove, K. C. Walter built a brick walk font of his home. for a nice line of cloaking, go fleis, Selinsgrove. .Mrs. Harry E. Spccht very se- dr sprained her spinal eoluinn. For a full line of ladies' eonts lat)es go to Weis, Selinsgrove. Fred, liiithion and Allen Moyer iial Freeburg one day last week. 'or a full ine of latest novelties kiss goods go to Weis, 8elins- IA. Haines, Beavertown's foun- , did business in town last 'till line of ladies', children and underwear at Weis', Selins- F. Herman and wifeofKratz- ille, visited J. F. Stetler's last Jcre Crouse, of Selinsgrove Attorney Crouse and family i i Philip Spaid spent two weeks ling friends at Beavertown and iburg. mel G. Moyer has had a well Ion his lot at the west end of street. . .. , Mciser will be pleased to ra meal to all families clo the same. 2t. Libhie Dunkleberger was York and Phi la. last week new Goods. f.Paul Billhardt was called liasgrove last Friday on prc- business. members of the Reformed celebrated the Lord's Supper iy morning. Benfer ot New Mexico, 'If from Paxtonville, recently friends in town. full line of oil cloth go to llinsirrove. Priiws nre now 'tan ever before. J-1. Stonecypher and wife ''don were among the Mid A visitors last week. Francis, of Mt. Carmel, )' of this place, is assisting wn. in burnintr a lame P'rick. Vts, J. F. Stetler, W. S. Stand 1.. V.V.i..- m i i me xAutui uueiiueu J I Kk meeting at Selinsgrove w II n!l,..l l.v i.i , i -wu r,vangeiieai cliurcli a new plank walk 'W lot on which their nib eboM ullif rnimt ,N ail illU t' react surt- tacons nerv m. II ge slit IPS raSt J r ,WfW I CO m Ml!. Brothers have placed a Ule"' warehouse and or- given by phone and "'ve pi ompt attention. wtthe best and latest p in the market, you can p" .vou want by calling Fltburgh. . tf. p richest and largest de- fa that the earth has ev- puptothe present time 'und in the Alaska itry U 'now an es- Wecall your at ilumn." advertisement of the lne uold Mining Co. :10-7-6in. Largc variety of druggets at Weis', Selinsgrove. Miss L. Dunkelberger's Millinery Opening will take place Oct. 27, 28 and 29. E. Jennie Walter of Penns Creek was a .visitor at A. S. Shamltach's last Saturday. Mrs. H. J. Heisur and son, Ar thur, of Shadol, visited at Roltort Shamltach's on Sunday. J. F. Stetler returned home last week, having completed the school building at Milroy. Prof. F. C. Bowersox and Amos Bowersox and families attended the Milton Fair last week. The Election proclamation and a fac simile of the ballot will lie found on the inside pages. George and Earl Rhoads, of Sliamokin Dam, arc visiting at the residence of D. T. Rhoods, Mrs. J. C. Frain of Millersburg is spending the week with P. Bill hardt's and J. M. VanZandt's. Mrs. J. G. Snyder, of Beaver' town, and daughter, Annie, were in Middleburgh Tuesday afternoon. E. C. Graybill purchased from L. M. Moatz, the frame dwelling house and lot in the French Flats for $1600. S. M. Kauffman, the genial pro prietor of tha Keystone Hotel, Se linsgrove, was a Middleburgh vis- itor Tuesday. Wm. Snyder, ex-assistant post master, has gone to Miflliuhurg to clerk in Foster's store. Mr. Sny der is an obliging gentleman and will make an efficient clerk. William E.Stnhlnecker is pre tar ed to keep you from freezing this winter. He has on hand a full suit- ply of the latest style of Heaters. Call and see his stock opposite the jail. tf. Mrs. E. C. Aurand, accompanied by her son, Arthur, have gone to Phila. to purchase a nice lino of goods, all the latest. All are invit ed to conic, see and buy at a liar-gain. All sizes and kinds of Macin toshes can be had at most reason able prices at H. Oppenheimer's, Selinsgrove. Call at the store and see how generously you will le treated. 10-14-3t. The lxtok accounts and claims of the S. 1 1. Yoder Estate are in my hands and the same must lie paid. After this date all purchases must be paid for in cash. Oct. 5-4t. B. W. Yodeu. We now have on hand our Win tor Wraps. They are cheap and of the latest style. Also a fine as sortment of Chinaware Jardinicrs, &c. Misses. Ulrich & Osmax, Selinsgrove, Pa. Lap Robes, Horse Blankets, and Stable Horse Blankets in an abund ant variety at H. Oppenheimer's, Selinsgrove. This is a most excell ent variety and a choice selection of Robes and Blankets. Solly will treat you right A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is al ways obtained at Soles' Barlter Shop, in Wittcnmyer's building, opposite Post office. Go to Soles and you will make no mistake, shaving soap, face cream, hair oil and egg-shampoo for. sale. , .. A. E. Sous. Every once in a while a girl says in the presence of the young man that all the desirable young men are already married. The young man don't say much, but he suddenly re calls that all the Ix-st cooks in the world are also married. Do you want a new hat for the convention nt Middleburgh? That is what I hear the ladies say. Well Miss Lihhic Punkolltcrger has just returned from New York with a handsome line of goods and she can surely please you. Among the changes of the agents along the line of Suiibury it Lewis town Railroad, we notice the follow ing: II. II. Imu), to Iiewistown ; (1. B. M. Arnold, of Adamsburg to Reedsville ; Sherman P. Warner, Selinsgrove, takes Arnold's place ; L. E. Wetzel night operator in Warner's place. I wish to inform the lMtl!e that I will lie at Faust's Hotel, Beaver town, Oct. 21 and 22 with a full line of Indies', Misses' and Chil dren's trimmed hats, Boys' and Girls' Tain O'Shantcrs in doth and leather. Also baby caps. Kindly remember the date and do not fail to call. MlHS L. DUNKELBEROEII. Prothonotary Schoch has had the papers belonging to the office, from the organisation of the county, all collected together and properly in dexed, and docketed, so that he or his assistant in a few seconds can get any paper in the oftice. Mr. Schoch certainly deserves credit for the very creditable manner in which the work has been performed. Hon. Jcre Crouse last week re ceived a verdict of $-U)."0 damages against the Pennsylvania Railroad company for injuries received at Selinsgrove on Octoltcr 2Sth, 1891. Judge Crouse was represented by F. E. Bower of this place, A. A. Ieiscr of Jx'wisbtirg and A. W. Potter of Selinsgrove. Hon. J. C. Bucher of Lowisburg and H. H. Grimm represented the Railroad Company. A motion was made for a new trial. Ijjist Friday was Mrs. Jas. P. Smith's fiftieth birthday, and it was made the occasion .of a very pleas ant surprise party by her friends, in the evening. The party appeared at her home ut about 7:30 o'clock, and after the customary natal day greetings and a brief season of so cial intercourse the P. (). S. of A. band arrived and discoursed some of their excellent music. A sumptu ous repast provided by the visitors was an important part of the pro gram. Mrs. Smith greatly appreci ates the kindness of her friends and neighbors. Elizabeth ville iicto. The following we copy from the Newjxjrt Ledger which gives an ac count nf the proceedings of the meet ing of the Central Pennsylvania Synod of Ev. Lutheran church, which met at that place last week. "The President of Synod is Rev. Prof. J. R. Dimm, D. D., Presi dent of Susquehanna University, lo cated at Selinsgrove, Pa. Dr. Dimm is a graduate of the college at Get tysburg, class of '57. He has for many years been engaged in special educational work, and as the head of Susquehanna University has brought it to the front as an educa tional factor of the church." , IU1 9 1 OO&T HOUSE CHIPS. Eaterwil lor Record. Job $ Smith and witc to Jacob Middles? arth, 141 acres and fifty perches foodland in Beaver Twp., C. Curns, Mary E. Pvsart and A. l Dysart to Elizalteth Van Buskirk, house ami lot on Isle of Que, Selinsgrove, for $125. Valentine Varncs tit Elizalteth C. Van Buskirk, lot Xo. 44 on Isle of Que, Scliiwgrove, for $400. S. A. Wetzel and wife to John P. Wetzel, for . interest in 420 acres unseated laud for $ 150. Surah Jane Reichcnbach and her husband imd Mary P. Reichcnbach and her nusltund to Wm. II. Shelly, 4 acres in Chapman Twp., for $100. I. F. Laudenslager, attorney for the heirs of Andrew Iinudcnslagcr, deceased, to C. P. Lnudcnslagcr, 75 acres in Penn Twp., for $:0O, and dower of $803.33. Adam Walter to Enoch Binga man, for 11 acres in Centre Twp., for $650. Christian Bingaman and Salma Bingaman, executors of Enoch Bing aman to Samuel Bingaman, 70 acres in Center Twp., for $1120. P. S.' Ritter, sheriff, to J. R. Van Horn, deed poll for tract of land in Union Twp.. sold as tlio property of John SchiiY!, containing 120 acres Joseph Middles warth, attitrncy-iu-faet for the heirs of A. J. Mid- dleswurth to Alfred Spccht, for lot 2o. 52 in Beavertown, for $1500. Illera of Admlalatrittlaa. letters of administration in the estate of Win. B. Scrs to Lucctta and Win. 1 1. Seers. Letters of administration in the estate ot Priscilla Hornlierger to A. G. Hornltergcr. In the estate of Noah Stetler, de ceased, to Elizalteth Stetler. In the estate of Henry J. App, to J. (J. App and A. W. Potter. Mrrlne I.lrcnn. "Hearts Fluttibino with Delu sions. "The following marriage li censes have been granted since our last publication : (Stephen S. Neitz, Port Trcvcrton, Sarah W. Aurand, Dundore. f G. M. Houscr, Port Trcvcrton, Emma J. ShoIIy, I lerndon, f E. S. Manlnrk, Beaver Springs, Uarrie fc. Keitz, " " C. O. Rcnuingcr, Fn-eburg, Delilah Hostennan, Kantz. f Frederick Hup), Juniata Co. Eve Stroup, " " Andrew J. Dressier, Juniata Co., Minnie Kerstctter, " " Lost His Teeth. V While standing on the dam fish ing a few days ago J. M. Wendt, of Sliamokin Dam, sneezed. His false teeth flew out and into the water. He thinks they will Itc picked up by a Imiss and will jtay a suitable reward for their return. Fishermen should carefully examine their catches. At PrlTBto Hal. The farm of the late Dr. T. B. Bibighaus, deo'd, situate East of Middleburgh about one mile is of fered at private sale. For further particulars inquire of Mrs. Emma Bibighaus, Executrix, MifHinburg, Penn'a. 8-26-tf. There are 4556 names on the yoterVlist for Nov.' election, a small increase over the last election. Court Proceedings. Court convened, Monday, Oct. 4, A; I). 1S97, at 11 o'clock A. M. Present, Hons. II. M. McClure, Jeremiah Crouse and Z. T.Gcmlter ling. Hon. Jeremiah Lyons presided as President Judge, during the trial of Hon. Jeremiah Crouse against the Pcnna. Railroad Co. Geo. E. Spccht, Henry Gembcr ling, P. J. llcrbster and I. F. Charles were npjtointod tipstaves. IJIWHTKU sessions. In the case of the Commonwealth vs. Nick. Walter, the defendant was discharged from prison. Same vs. Samuel Snyder, John and Sherman Ettingcr nolle prose piis were entered. The Grand Jury on passing on the report of viewers in relation to bridge in Perry township, rejtorted against it. In the case of the Commonwealth vs. Percivul Iitzel, the defendant was acquitted of the charge of as sault and battery and the atsts were divided Itetweeu him and Oscar Walter, the prosecutor. In the case of the Commonwealth v. Harrison Breininger the defend ant was found guilty of assault and battery. In case of wrote: ' Vs. John W. of fornication and bastardy. Same vs. Birt Adams and Charles Walker, bill ignored. In the case of the Commonwealth of Penna. vs. Hannah Long, Carrie Cailtcr and Catherine Hilc, the de fendants plead guilty to the charge of fornication and bastardy, and were sentenced, each tu pay a fine of $5.00 ami costs of prosecution. In same vs. William Ycarger the defendant was acquitted on the ground of insanity. In same vs. Wilson Breininger, the defendant was acquitted of the charge of false pretence and W. II. Weaver, the prosecutor, ordered to pay the costs. G. A. Botdorf, Wm. E. Krdlcv, Perry L. Bow wen- appointed to view bridge site in West Beaver township. E. I). II. Walter, W. Martin ami Jacob Row were aptointcd to view public road in Penn township. COl'lIT OK MI.MMON I'l.KAS. Ill case of Mol lie Troup vs. H. G. Hornltergcr et. al., a new trial was granted, conditionally. In case of Arthur I). C. Shcary vs. Martha Jane Shcary, a subjxtona in divorce was awarded. In ease of Sadie Brown vs. Frank Brown a divorce was granted. In case of Sarah J. Bower, a sult pocna in divorce was awarded. In the divorce case of S. S. Schoch vs. Maude V. Schoch, the verdict was in favor of the plaintiff. In the case of Jeremiah Crouse vs. the Penna. R. R. Co. ami the Suiibury and Iiewistown R. R. Co., the verdict was for the plaintiff in the sum of $4050.00. Exceptions were filed to the ac count ot M. E. Erdley, committee of John E. Thomas, an habitual drunkard. P. S. Ritter, Sheriff, acknowledg ed deed polls to Matilda Riglc, Frank V . Dreese, 1 rank Pearson, Minnie M. Hall, D. A. Kern, B. F. Kantz, Charles Steiuingcr, R. S. I A! . i.i . .. . iteiHT, iwecuior, larolmc 1'reese, Leah Mover and A. H. Ulsh. orphans' murr. Orders of sale were granted in estates of John U. Arltogast, dee'd and Ehstcr 1 Iare, dee'd. Returns to orders of sale were confirmed in estates of .John S. llassingcr, deceased, Harriet Neitz, dee'd, James Brubakcr, dee'd., 11. (!. Svhrist, dee'd, Sdoinon Ling, dee'd., Henry Wetzel, dee'd, An drew Bowersox, dee'd, Alex. Roush. dee'd, ' lVnj. DunlvellM-rger, de-M, Hciirv OIK Iruli; dee'd, I) anicl Mittcrling, dee'd. Auditors' Reports Mere confirm ed estates of Henry M. Rearich, and W. B. Musser, dee'd. A writ of partition was awarded in estate of Z. P. Gross, dee'd. Return to writ of partition was confirmed in estate of Josiah Kline, dir'd. The widows' appraisements and the accounts of executors, adminis trators and guardians were all con firmed as advertised. Exceptions were filed to the ac count of Geo. Benfer, administrator of the estate of Susan A. Smith, dee'd. Oct. .S, '07 eoutt adjourned to Nov. 4, '97 and Nov. 8, '97. Look Out for him. A slick swindler has Ixvn doing some of the farmers in some sec tions of the State. He rails at the farmer's house and salutes the lady in al tout this way: 'Good morn ing, madam. 1 have just met your husband and purchased a calf from him. He could not change this $20 bill and told ftic to call at the house and get $15 change." The good woman siipjtosing it to lie all right gives him the requisite change, ami he dejiarts, saying la; will call for the calf in a day or two. When the husband comes in and is told of the transaction, he concludes there is some mistake; but as he has the $20 bill he concludes be is not out much. But when he umlcrtukcs to kiss the bill he discovers it to lie counterfeit and then knows that it is not rijrlit. SKXLNSUROVK. Alliort Luphcr and wife of Steel ton are the guests of W. O. Holmes Mm. Littie Benson who has I teen out of town for the last three months has returned hnmcacconiia uied by her cousin, Miss Maude Reynolds of Baltimore. . . .Wo had two sudden deaths in town. G. Boyer, a former bartender at J. 15. Fm-kler's, died on Friday night and on Sunday morning Henry Ott expired very suddenly. . . .Mrs. F. J. Schoch and Ira C. Schoch are attending the State S. S. Convention in session at Harrisburg. . . .Mr. Fulmer and wife, of Conn., are lc ing entertained by P. S. Alltert's . . . .Mrs. Willier who spent the last four mouths in Va., has return ed home... . Rev. Moses Grossman. of Ijunoaster was in town over Sun day Mrs. Anna Kistner, Mrs. J. L. Coojkt and Miss Eyer are at tending the SUite W. C. T. U. Convention at Williamsport The fcxtt Ixdl team of the Universi ty went to Gettysburg and beat the Pennn. College team 4 to 0. 1,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers