The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 07, 1897, Image 1

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A. i . t
X , -
tor ana mpniwra
VOL. 34. N0.3i).
i to Pilcly Please
V AV' o Wddlea-eek Valley,
JZoifHienw q yottr rrieiut,
Ihtir Vuritor and a Ilun-
dred other thing you
Would Like
to Know,
, Geo. Smith is on the sick
Milton Fair is in progress
G. Bashoar spent several days
Idleburgh was well represent-
the Lewisburg Fair last week.
ward 1 lodgers last week mov
m Belleville to Frankliu Twp.
lm Clara Spitler and Dora
ikt, spent Sunday at New Ber
0. Mover, of Selinsgrove, waB
Vmty seat visitor one day last
m Xaomi Suhoen has been the
Vv reeipient of a beautiful
B. Spitler, wife and sou, Ray-
arc spending a week at Sha-
I'.E. llousewcrth, Esq., of Se-
pve, was a ealler at this office
W Stetler returned home from
pry, whore he hud been work-
in a store,
Mciscr will le pleased to
corn meal to nil 'families de-
K the sune. 2t.
.8. Smith, of Mt. Pleasant
wasa ealler at this office
k of lust week.
'ttunicv (irimiu wishes us to
tliat the squirrels shot last
witc red squirrels.
i Ella Meiser of Meiscnille
'fW days in town the guest
Flo Spoeht this week.
& Editor Snyder and children,
past week at Lewisburg
ws-ts of her sister Mrs. Hubley.
w Rcrtlm Yeager, of Yeager-
step sister of Dr. C. H.
"Ms a guest of the Doctor
e-t!)tli Itt-gt. P. V. re-union
held at Port Hoyal, Juniata
? Thursday and Friday, Oct.
J 15th, 1897.
wSue KeLser and Louisa
r of Mifflinburg came over
'.v to visit Miss Bertha Yeager,
ufDr. Brisbin.
m. Gemberlinir and wite.
p"grove, are Bpending a few
""i their daughter, Mrs. N.
N on tlw French Flats.
N generally been understood
?lton county has no railroad.
Broad Top (narrow gague)
4tMloe of more than- one 'rod.
Thomas and Ada Hosternian of
Woodward, Centre county, visited
their manv friends in town over
The faithful old horse owned and
driven by David Ocker for so many
years has been shot on account i f
brain fever.
Daniel Hunt of Centerville came
in to see us Inst week and placed
his name on our list by juiying a
year in advance.
II. II. Faust, proprietor ot the
Central Hotel at Beavertown, was a
guest at the Washington House
Friday evening of lust week.
Win. W. Brunner, Miss Helen
Davis, Mrs. J. C. Packer, Mrs. A.
It. Trexler and Miss Bucher rode to
Middleburgh on their wheels Mon
day. I. F. Bilger, Editor of the New
Berlin Neva was in town on Mon
day evening and employed Geo. F.
Grimm as a compositor for his print
ing office.
For Sale. The old, established
Merchants' House, 150 rooms, do
ing nice business. Furnished etc.,
$2500. Address,
Merchants' House,
Phila., Pa.
. Bird Adams and Charles Walker
of New Berlin were released from
jail on Tuesday, the grand Jury hav
ing ignored the bill of indictment
against them. '
The State Department of Agri
culture has named Bcavcrtown, Jan
14th and 15th and Frcoburg, Jan.
17th and 18th us places and dates
for holding Farmers' Institute.
If you want the lost and latest
style Ranges in the market, you can
get just what you want by calling
on W. E. Stahlncoker, opposite the
jail ut Middleburgh. tf.
The lxMk accounts and claims of
the S. 1 1. Yixlcr Estate are in niv
hands and the same must lx paid
After this date all purchases must
In; paid for in cash.
(Jet. 5-4t.
B. W. YoilKK.
No apMintmcnt lifts ltecii made
as pastor of the U. U. church at
this place. Rev. Buddingor goes
to Pine Grove. Rev. (). G. Romig
and Rev. Win. Iamcy retain their
The divorce suit of S. S. Schoch
terminated very seedily on Tues-
dav evening, ins wiie uiu not ai-
pear against him and the divorce
was speedily granted. Evidently a
settlement preceded the trial.
A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair
cut, or other tonsorial work, is al
ways obtained at Soles' Barler Shop,
in Wittcnmyer's building, opposite
Post office. Go to Soles and you
will make no mistake, shaving soap,
face cream, hair oil and egg-sham
poo for sale. A. E. Soles.
The November Magazine Num
ber of The Outlook will oontain an
article by Mr. Hamilton W. Mabie,
founded on the authorized biography
of Lord Tennyson by his son, which
lias just appeared. A notably fine
reproduction of, Watts's famous
painting of Tennyson, and other, il
lustrations, will accompany the ar
ticle. ($3 a year, v The Outlook
Company, 13 Astor 'Place, New
H. P. Beaver, wife and daughter,
Bertha, returned from CanimnI,
where they spent the summer. The
former will return again and the
family will remain all winter.
William E. Stahlncoker is pictur
ed to keep you from freezing this
winter. He has on hand a full sup
ply of the latest style of Heaters.
Cull and see his stork opposite the
jail. tf.
At the Sheriffs sale on Saturday
Matilda Roigle bought the limestone
lot of John Zieber for $10. D. A.
Kern Ixtught Tracts No. 1 and 2 of
Isaac Wagner for $1400. The Jesse
Hackenburg tract was Ixtught by
Geo. I. Kline for $355.
On Wednesday morning Attorney
Grimm received a notice from the
Shamokin Gun Club with the notice
alxtut Mr. Grimm shooting eight
squirrels, clipped from last week's
Pokt. These were ml squirrels,
gentlemen. Attorney Grimm is not
a violator ot the law.
We want to inform the public
that our stock of winter wnqts will
be ready for . inspection this week.
We will have a full line of the best
and cheapest wraps to be had Also
a new line of Chinaware. Please
give us a call. ..
Ulrich & Ohm as,
Selinsgrove, Pa.
G. C. Dreisbach, who has been
spending most of his time for the.
pust 18 mouths in and around Mid
dleburgh, on Monday starts for
Georgia and Alalmma by vehicle.
He left Mt. Pleasant Mills on Mon
day morning and is traveling in the
interest of the United States View
At the S. II. Ycxler estate sale
on Saturday at Glolx; Mills, Sheriff
Goo. K. Fagley and Grunt Yxler
Ixtught the mill for $10,000. Banks
Yxler purchased the store projx'rty
and farm for $3350. Mrs. Anna
Hottenstein bought tract No. 3 for
$250. The warehouse was not sold.
Tract No. 5 containing 2 acres Mas
bought by Dora Yoder for $115.
Tract No. 0 was Ixtught by Sheriff
Fegley and Grant Yoder for $55.
Emanuel Zcchman Ixtught the iron
ore tract for $110.
Frank Magoe and wife of Mazop
jta are the guests of Dr. Orwig this
week. Mr. Magee has served as
County Commissioner of Union
county and was the Democratic
chairman over there during the feast
of distributing democratic jtap and!
he hclMl himself to the position of
StorekoojR'r and Guager at Reish's
Distillery which position he held
until the plant was destroyed by
fire. He has the reputation of lx-
ing the best Storckeccr and G linger
in his district.
Our account of Constable Ixtss'
adventure with Jno. Swartz, the
boar (!) hunter, published in Inst
week's Telegraphy apjtcars in last
Sunday's Philn. lrem without cred
it to this paper, but as a special dis
patch to the Pre. This is en
couraging, and proves conslusively
that the Pre has an energetic con
tributor at Selinsgrove, one who can
tell good, interesting, truthful news
when he sees it so reliable and
catchy that he- cannot resist . the
temptation 'to .steal it entire. Mif-
flinburg- Tetegrefph, '
fZrjKrlrttce of a Man Who Threat
ened to .Shoot the Almighty.
A few weeks ago a story was pult-
iisneu in a monitor ot newsjiaHTs
concerning u man residing near I it
stantor, this State, who, it was said,
had uttered a threat that he would
shoot tin' Almighty. The story was
that the man had raised his gun and
pointed fa towurd the heavens, and
that as he did so he was turned into
stone and was unable to move. The
story was generally discredit!, but
according to the Keystone (iozcttc,
of Bollefonte, there is some truth in
it. The thtzette of Friday contains
the following in reference to the
"Last week we published a state
ment about the Stone Man who de-
hed the Deity Itv threatening to
shoot his God. The story has Iteon
generally discredited but Dr. Mc
Entire, of Howard, in order to find
out wliat there really was in the
story, wrote to the postmaster at
Instanter, Pa., and in reply receiv
ed two letters which we nriut lx
, Instanter, Pa., Sept. 21, 1SU7.
G. WMcEutire, M. D., Howard,
,JDenr Sir Your letter of the 18th
inst. inquiring as to the truth of the
several different rojxirts running
through the ncwstHxrs of our sec
tion of the State concerning u farm
er lx'ing turned to stone, I will say
in reply that a man by the name of
Decker, living near hero, is roKirtcd
to have had un cxtcricurc of that
kind, but was in town yesterday
looking very pale and scarcely able
to walk. He denies the allegation
but there are different jx-ople here
who jtositivoly claim to have seen
him, when ho was in the hi.-itioii as
rcitortcd bv the itaiM-rs. These licit-
pic say that on account of some
mysterious influence, they were un
able to get close' enough to make
identification complete but they
are jxtsitive ho was the man. On
the contrary, Decker is very quiet
on the stiltjcct, and nlisoliitely re
fuse's to discuss it. One thing is
very apparent, that Itcforo this was
supM!scd to have hapM'iicd, ho was
a very profane man, but now ho is
altogether changed, so much sit, that
any one having known him before,
would not now recognize him at all.
Trusting this explanation will
gratify your curiosity, I remain,
Very Rcstcctfully,
A. C. lrn;LKY,
Assistant P. M.
Inwtanter, Pa., Sept. 22, '07.
G. W. MeEntiro, M. D., Howard,
Dear Doctor As you have rc
oeivMl my answer to your letter of
the 18th inst., I have since learned
more concerning the mutter you
wrote alxtut. Decker has finally ad
mitted that part of the mutter said
of him is true ; in res)oot to making
the threat and getting his gun and
going into the orchard and jxtinting
to the heavens. He says, when he
had his gun in position a feeling
came over him that would be im
possible to describe. The muscles
of his body seemed to be paralyzed.
He could not chancre his nosition.
I He tried to fall for someone to help
him, but could make mt sound.
There was but one person at the
house, that Uing a small Uy, and
noticing his jxtsition, went toward
him, but could not got within at
least 100 t!rt of him. In regard
to anyone trying tit build a shed
over him, ho says that no attempt
was made. Ho was in the jxtsition
two nights and one day. Ho savs
that as long as he lives ho will
never utter another oath, but will
try and serve his Maker to the liost
of his ability, from this time on.
He says it was a direct warning
from the other world.
You im give this publicly in
your paper, Din-tor, as it w ill lie an
aiiDinmitilatioii to us, our mail is
literally ovorun with inquiries.
Very trulv vonrs,
A. C. (Jnm.EY,
Ass't P. M.
Edward Miller Dead.
One of the prominent citizens of
Middloereek township, viz: Edward
Miller, died last Thursday at 1:30
o'clock. Mr. Miller was Ixtrn in
Penn township Snyder (then Union)
county, March 22, 182!) und is a
son of John Miller.
Edward Miller lived for a while
in Washington township and the
llan! of his life was siK'iit iu Mid
dloereek township.. Georjps...Millor
of r nvburg, Daniel and Frederick
of Kantz and Iiewis Miller of Globe
Mills are brothers and Angoline,
Mrs. A. D. KroamorofSmitli (J rove
is an only sister. For the last three
years he has Ixi-n troubled with
oanirr from the effects of which ho
died at the age of (IS years, 0 nius
and S days. He was buried on Sun
day. Rev. Sclumhlc of Salem officiated.
ItrnU Dntrreil tor Krrrl.
.Jacob Ray and wife to William
I'roiise, 2 acres and 10 M-rchos iu
Penn Tw p., for $25.
Win. Itrousc and wife to II. P,
App, same as alxtve, for $25.
Alex I Sertoli and wife to Gusta-
vus I Sertoli, for lot No. 10, situati
iu Frcoburg, for $500.
Susanna lloiitz to Mary lloutz,
for 2l ft. by 105 ft. iu eastern part
of lot No. 5, Mover's addition, in
Fnnbiirg, for $100.
David F. ISotdorf and wife to G.
A. ISotdorf, release deed of 100
acres in Washington Twp., for
Mary M. Wilt to (J. A. Botdorf,
100 acres in Washington township,
fl.r $(;)().
arrlaff l.lrrnN.
"Hearts Fluttkrino with Delu
sions. rue ioiiowing marriage u
cen8es have been granted since our
lust publication :
flicvi Hoffman, Perry lwp.,
Cora Seaman, Juniata Co.
f J. F. Zcchman, Franklin'Twp.,
Surah Reichc, Washington "
D. 11. Gemlx'rling, Dauphin Co.,
Amelia T. Fisher, " "
Jno. A. Roush, Nanticoke,
Nettie Paige, "
Bean Soup.
The memltors of Capt. ('. S. Davis
Post, No. 14S, (i. A. R., will hold
a Bean Soup and Camp Fire on the
Base Ball Ground, Solinsgmvc, Oct.
7th, day and evening. Speeches will
lx! made by a nuinlx-r ot Comrades.
A hospital Fly has Imtii secured
trom the state for the occasion. No
pins will be spared to make this an
enjoyable time. Evcrvltodv will lo
welcome. Conic and mjn'IhI the day
with us. A sjiccial invitation is ex
tondiil to all the Grand Army Posts,
Union Veteran Legions, Sons of
Veterans, and every old soldier iu
this or adjoining county. Come
with your family and sxnd the day
with the old Veterans. A plate ot
soup, tin of coffin and crackers, 10c.
The Wintersteen Cass-
An order of court has boon made
by Judge Ikcler, of Columbia coun
ty, for a sxjcial mission of 2 weeks,
Ix'ginning Tuesday, Octolx-r 2ii, for
which 4S traverse jurors have Ikh'ii
summoned. The Wuller-Wintcr-steeu-Knorr
dynamite usc will then
lx' re-triiil by Judge Ennontrout,
of Reading, who has written Judge
Ikeler that he would come.
At lrlTle Nlo.
The farm of the late Dr. T. B.
Bibighaus, dee'd, situate East of
Middleburgh about one mile is of
fered at private sale. For further
particulars inquire ot Mrs. Emma
Bibighaus, Executrix, MifHinburg,
Penn'a. 8-20-tf.
Judge Jeremiah O. Lyons of Mi f
flintown presided ut our court Wed
nesday while Judge Crouse's ens
was on trial."
The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Re
formed church will hold an Echo
Meeting on Saturday evening. The
other six 'ieties of the town will at
tend. A phone has Ixrn placed in the
Post printing office and those de
siring work at short notice can place
orders by wire. Any news ixvur
ring Tuesday night may Ik- phoiieil
to us early Wednesday morning.
"That the richest and largest do
posits of gold that the earth has ev
er prixluccd up to the present time
have Imtii found in the Alaskti
Klondyko country is now an es
tablished fact. Wo call your at
tention to the advertisement of tin
Alaska Klondyko Gold Mining Co.
iu another column." 10-7-tiin.
The American Protective Tariff
Ijoague has just issued another and
very complete edition of our Tariff
laws. The volume of 1 I 1 page,
gives the official text of tin- Dingley
Tariff'; complete comparison of the
Dingley and Wilson law ; and, in
dex to all articles covered by the
now Tariff. The hook will lx- of
groat value for reference and for
answering all questions regarding
the Tariff" question. It will Ix'soni
to any address for twenty-five ivnts.
Ask for document Xo. 27, and ad
dress The American Tariff Iii-.igue,
135 West 23rd Street, Now York.
During the past week there was
entered upon the marriage license
dix-kct the name of a man 22 years
of ago to lx! married to a little girl
only 14 years of age. The girl has
the consent of her parents. The
man makes an "x" instead of sign
ing his name. Would this not
seem to indicate that we need u law
preventing children from getting
married? A man so totally iguor--ant
that he cannot write his name
married to a little girl not yet out
of short dresses ! The clerk of the
Orplians' court had no authority to
refuse a license.