The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 30, 1897, Image 8

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    t ...
Ati Es Fireman. Join Cawle, Se
riously lajwei-
By the 1-jrpbmon of Tluir Ewjint
Jtt loir Ueoiydoirn fitrly Monday
MornhiyXone of the Pamn
tjiTH Injuria".
Kiuriiuvr KlUlia Iioimrtt Mitch
ell, known ly all railncul iiu-n as
"lWnnv" Mitclall. was killoil ulMiiit
two awl oiif-iuill' miles east of
tlonriretown a few minutes ltefure 1
o'clock Moialav morning and his fire
man, John Cawley, was seriously
Aukkil. With engine 210i they
wiwiHillinsr train No. '., lue hen
&t li2 1 a. m., an.l were ninnin;
a! tout fiutv-five miles ier hour as
.... .1
they roniuled the eurve along ine
liill ami mviveil the signal from
wiiti'liinaii ('. X. Ormlorf to conn
aliwul. Almost simiiltaneoiis with
the. answer to the signal eaine ail ex
plosion wliieh completely striel
t!in N.iler IVoin its trimmings, tore
t!ii! Ixiik r from its trueks and turn
ing it eoniiletely aroiiiul end for
end droM-l it over the river hank
thirty feet from its trucks. The
engineer and fireman wev Mown
a.-ide while a pii'iv of something
struck the watchman on the left
leg, knocking him over the Iwnk
and crippling him. The entire train
with the exception ofthe hind truck
of the rear car was derailed hut none
f the jtassciigers were injured.
The crew ami passengers immed
iately hcgaii searching for the engi
neer and fireman. The former was
(blind in a tree alniut fitly feet up
the hill from the railroad and the
latter lx twee'ii the railroad and the
river. .Mitchell was dead and Caw
ley frightfully scahh-d. As soon as
a train could lie sent down from
lure the dead engineer and the two
injured men were brought to town.
Mitchell's IhkIv was taken to lloli
erts' undertaking rooms and Cawley
and Orendorf to the Mary M. I'uck
cr hospital. After having his knee
dressed the latter went home on
Seashore express. Cawley, who is
a son-in-law of Mr. mid Mrs. Sol.
Urick, of this place, is resting as
comfortably as could lie expected.
Betiuy Mitchell was promoted to
oiiirinecr in 18(57 and was the third
widest engineer in the employ of the
'!oninanv. lie lived at llar'risburjr
where he has two daughters. Jl Soq'
was killed tin the Philadelphia di
vision u year or two ago . and his
wife, died shortly afterward. He
was a menilMT of the Brotherhood
of Ijocomotive Kngineers and ofthe
lielief. His ImhIv was taken to
Ilarrisburg on Day express. Sun
tmrij Item.
Woman and Retorms.
Tiie National American Woniun
Sniffrage Association present this
fall the third year in the Course of
Study in Political Scieuce. In their
announcement the Committee say :
"Tho third year's work in Political
Science contests of a study and dis
cussion of Social Problems. The
first year was devoted to tho study
and analysis of tho Mechanism of the
Govern meut. The second yeur's
work was a study of Political Econ
omy and an analysis of those great
principles which underlie commerce,
trado and property ; and an oppor
tunity was given the student to be
come familiar with the claims, pro
and eon, of tho much vexed tariff
and money questions. The third
year is devoted to Sociology and en
ters the realm of philanthrophy aud
So long an humanity exists, the
Law ol Progress, which has devel
oped our modern civilization from
dLe barbarisms of the past, will not
fail to operate; and unquestionably
sockity will continue iu its erolution
until it reaches a degree of idealism
.beyoud the comprehension of our
goiM.'ration. Social Progress is not
Knotty ao unconscious and mechani
cal obedience, to material force, but
is flb well the natural response of the
human mind to the appeals of lead
ers of thought, who have possessed
the intelligence to conceive, and the
uoral courage to espouse a new
truth. The reformer who perceived
-,hat better conditions were possible
and clearly foresaw the medium
ibroogh which to accomplish the
change has at all times been a power
soeiety could not withstand. It has
ostracised and persecuted, scoffed
and jeered to no purpose; sooner or
later the intelligence and justice of
the people have compelled them to
acf ept his cause. He may have died
corned and hated, but a few rears,
feneration, a century, has seen
the truth he advocated triumphant
Soeh have been the wonderful forces
of evolution.
What then, will the future bring
forth t We discover grave faults in
modern industrial, social and politi
cal institutions ; not faults pointed
out by the individual critic, but those
which are universally conceuea.
What changes will the future compel ;
..... a :
to eradicate tnese naws ana oring;
society nearer an ideal T Thousands j
of thoughtful men and women,
quick to feel the sense of duty of our
(feneration to prosterity and luture
civilization, have sought to answer
this question and, in consequence,
almost countless movements have
been inaugurated which their found
ers believe will one day produce a
better and hieher order of things.
The agitation, in its appeal to brain i
and conscience, constitutes the law
of progress of our generation. The
mau and woman well grounded in
the knowledge that there will come a
time of better conditions and who
feels a conscientious duty toward
the future, will be slow to cast slurs
upou any now idea which claims to
offer a remedy for the preseut evil.
Instead, he will give it cureful ex
amination, and onlv after it has fail
ed to pass the test of reason will he
condemn it. It is in this spirit that
a stud v of all Social Problems aud
their proposed remedies should be
appreciated. It should never be for
gotten that tho aeitatiou of each
and every one must, of necessary,
he bnuehaal since the evils to be
corrected are rarely imatiiuarv. aud
public attention is at least called to
their existence. Whether the par
ticular remedy proposed is wise of
foolish, the result of its discussion
cannot fail to arouse the public con
science to a more active seuse of its
duty, uud it is therefore entitled to
respect. It must be remembered
that the Association is itself non
partisan reform body representing
only one proposed change. In no
sense does it espouse any of the so
lutions proposed for the Social Prob
lems to which it invites attention.
The announcement giving the list of
books required, twenty topics for
discussion, with references, and a
list of subjects for Dublio meeting.
oan be had free by applying to Mrs.
Carrie cuapmau iatt, wi world
Duildiug, New York City.
Fres Fairy Tales.
Send your name and address to
the X. K. Fairbunk Company, Chi
cago, St. Louis, New York, Jioston
Philadelphia or Pittsburg, and you
will receive, by return mail, free of
charge, a beautiful booklet, entitled
'Fairy Tale,' handsomely illustrat
ed" in color." Mention the Post.
C. 11. Spangler moved his saw
mill and fixtures to Franklin coun
ty where he and his partnei pur
chased a large tract of timberlam!.
Mr Spangler is a sterling citizen
and un aggressive business nan and
we are sorry to loose him as a
citizen of this brough.
Last Sunday morning tlw house
of Uriah Howell narrowly escajed
Ining burned to the ground, having
kindled n fire in a stove that had
not Urn used during the summer.
Some cloth hanging on or near the
piM caught fire, but unextinguish
ed before tloiiig much damage.
Paxtoiirille vwrcHjmudeiit to Free
binj Courier.
The Telephone will Ik; ready for
operation by Oct. 1st. The Selins
grove exchange was completed last
week and will Ik; ojierated by An
nie Kantner. The Middleburg ex
change was completed Wednesday
and will lie attended by Margaret
Ilolciidcr. The Sunbury connections
were made Tuesday and Wedncs-'
The Republican Standing Com
mittee met on Saturday and decided
to run a eaniKiigu 011 a quiet hunt
for votes. The enudidatos were as
sessed to jKiy the expenses of the
campaign, ueo. Y . agenseller,
T. A. Wagner and 13. F. Arlxnmst
were appointed a committee to draft
rub's for the government of the
Standing Committee and the reirula-
tion of primary elections. Commit
tee adjourned to meet Oct. 19th.
Mr. Carbon Seebold, the well
known proprietor ofthe Washing
ton House, Middleburgh, was in
towu on business last Monday. Mr.
Seebold has now one of the finest
hotels iu Central Pennsylvania.
Tho house is fitted up with the most
modern improvements and the lat
est conveniences. The tables are
provided with the best viands of
the season, and the rooms equipped
with the most comfortable beds and
with elegant designs, of furniture
aud decoration. .Those persons at
tending court, or visiting Middle
burg uHn any other occasion should
stop at the Washington House for
first class accommodation at very
reasoable rates. JearW. ;
Among those whom we . have
learned attended the Kratzerville
picnic from here are : George Has
singer and Misj Maine Stetler,
Dr. A. J. Herman and Miss Lillian
Stetler, Jacob Stahlneekcr and Miss
Naomi Schoeh, M. K.; Hassinger
and wife, Harry Gutelius, Lawreuoe
Stetler, Jolui Stahlneeker," Misses
Wittenmver and Martha Goldy,
Sheriff P. S. Uitter. Miss Dollie
Hottenstein and the Misses Bolc.i-
1876 Climax Brandy.
From grape wine, ban, by It extreme age and
constant care while In unlfoira temperature and
pure, sweet atmosphere ot storage bouses for
lourteen years, become a rival of Ota Hennessy
and other brands 01 Cognac Brandy, and much
lower In price and preferred by ibe physicians tt
Fhlla.. New York and other cities. Buy It of
Tli IrrHltHl Conranipllea C'n b
T. sineuin. the Krenl. i'hnmlat and Scientist.
wii wnd 10 SunVrein. Three Free Bottle of
II 1h Newly Discovered Keniediea to cure lon-
Bumpllou ami ui: Lung 1 roubles.
Nothing could be fairer, more phllantrople or
carry more )y to the alHlcled. than the gener
ous otTer or the honored and dlHilngiihjhedibem
Ixt. T. A. Slocum, M. C, of New York )lly.
He has dlneoverei' a reliable and anwilutecure
for couHunipilon. and all bronchial, throat, lung
and cheat (llxenses. catarrhal affections, general
decline ai.d weakness, loan of Head and all con
ditions of wanting away, and to make its great
merits known, will send three tree bottles of bis
newly discovered remedies to any afflicted read
of the 1'ost.
Already bis "new scientific system of medi
cine" has permanent Iv cur- d thousunds of ap-pa-ently
hopeless cssei.
The Doctor considers It. not onlv bis profes
sional, but his religions duty a duty wblch he
ownes to suffering humanity do donate bis In
fallible cure.
lie has provided the "dreaded consumption"
to be a curable dltea e beyond a doubt.. In any
climate, and has on Die In his American und
Kurouesn lalxiralortes thousands of ' heartrelt
testimonials or gratitude" from those beuedtusl
and cured, In all parts of the world.
Caun lml and pulmonary troubles lead to eon
sumpUou, and consumption, uninterrupted,
means speedy and certain death. Don't delay
until It Is too late, simply write T. A. Slooimi.
M. C , W line street, New York, giving express
and pustofllce address, and the free medicine
will be promptly sent. Please tell the Doctor
you saw his offer In tbe post. :
Oot ainrsai -
Congresaman (at home, among bit
constituents) Gentlemen and fellow
citizens! I want you to' tell tarn what
In your opinion this country moat
needs I 1
The Crowd (with astonishing unanim
ity) Shorter sessions of congressl
N. Y. Weekly
Aa Bur PiwaalM.
"Didn't 1 aeo you pftehJnjr pennies
with that little SproakU boy?" '
"Well, don't you do It again. Do ion
hear me?" ' ' J
"Yea'm. I won't do It no mora.; H
hain't got a cent left." Northweat Mag
azine. . .' j
Emmliy DlsTr4. Y'A
"How could tbe judg tell whlVh
woman that diamond ring belonged
to?" ' . !
"He r.sked each separately to show
Mm the ring, and then be gave it to tbe
one who raid: 'It need cleaning aw
fully.' "Chicago Beoord.
Uod BnnsatlB.
There's never a day that's ao aorgllfwot
That Mary won't spatter through It .
She's Just had a gift of a new "umbreU"
With a Dresden handle to It. 1
-Chicago Journal
: km JLtmwmf aaiwfr. -Tliera,"
said Mr. 44ekton"s wife.
Ta gathered ever ao mauy luiwh
"Have you?" responded her bua
V 'Yea. Hera the are in this basket.
What In this world are we going to
do with tbemT"
-Henrietta.' was the solemn reply,
"if we eat some of these there will be
no possibility of our doing anything in
ibis world with tbe rest." Washington
Slur. -
' Bst Uwt Ber.
"You see. It was like this," b said
In explaining bis courtship. "1 didn't
let ber think for a minute that 1 wanted
to get her."
"Oh, dear, no; that wouldn't do at all."
"Then what did you do?"
"Why, 1 succeeded In making her
think that there was a very large chance
that she couldn't get me. and then, of
course, no one else would suit her."
"Ab! You hnd bad experience with
women before." Chicago 1'oat.
Young Husband Been shopping.
Young Wife Yen.
Young Husband JJeea economical?
Young Wife So much so that I felt
positively ashamed of myself.
Young Husband Well, how mucn
money have you left?
Young Wife Oh. I buven't any
money left, but you ought to see what
bargains 1 got? N. Y. Truth.
Nothing to Steal.
New Fatlier-ln-lnw Well, sir, tbe
cerenionv is over, and now that .vouare
the husbuj.U of my dimghter I want to
give you a little advice. What would
you do if you huoiiIiI wake up some
night and find burglars in tbe house'.'
(jroom 1 should tell 1 hem thut my
father-in-law forgot to give my wife
u wedding dowry, and they'd go away.
N. Y. Weekly.
The Reason Why.
Ilusbnnd (ancrllvl There are not
man wives who would co off every
nlirht and leave their husbands alone
with nobody but the servant in the
Wife) feomnlaoentlvl I know that.
but you seo 1 have every confidence in
you, and am not a bit Jealous. N. X.
,GTTi::3 Gtt
" Erery expectant mother hat
trying ordeal to faoa. If aba does not
C lady s What's dat cage on yerface
Aru nnh Cn ge ? Why ter keep out de
fowls, see? Chicago Inter Ocean.
A Faraffost.
Hall to the graduating girl;
She's sweeter, far, than some;
For while ahe speaks ahe talks no slang
And chews no cbewlng gum.
Washington Star.
"Jones nnd Grymes are threatening
to kill Ukerdck, and then murder each
other." "
"What ia the trouble about?"
"Ukerdek met Urymes and called him
Jones." Philadelphia Press.
The Real Trouble. ,
"They say he is short in bis accounts,
don't they?'V
"That is what they say. but the fact
is, he is short in his cosh." Pittsburgh
After Lostfj Waltlas;.
"But didn't yon take me for better or
for worse?"
"Yes; but things have coma to a
point where I'm going to Insist on soma
of the better." Chicago Journal.
Onght to Kbow.
Teacher Whnt makes you Insist.
Willie, that 14 ounces make a pound?
Willie I've helped pap 'tend grocery
for two years, an I guess I orter know.
Detroit Free Press.
Beth Eatresses.
"Orace belongs to the school of ex
treme colorista." ' ( , (
"How no?"
"6hr wears a red hat and yellow
hoes." Cleveland ' Plain Dtatetv
'Ssvsd From the Horrors of Nervous Pros
tratlen" by Or. Miles' Nervine.
a COUGH does not always Indicate
consumption. Mr. W. II. Palmer, of
'Waterloo, Iowa, writes: "I was taken
with a nervous stricture ot the bronchial
tubes, which developed Into nervous pros
tration, I was 30 weak I could not sit up. I
got no sleep for days except when nnder the
Influence of opiates. For four months I suf
fered sgonlea and prayed that I might die
and be st rest. One
physician said I had
Msnrw j
consumption, for I bad
a cough that gave me
no rest. But a good
old physician whose
medicine had failed,
advised me to use Dr.
Miles' Restorative
Nervine and I thank God that it has bright
ened my days, lengthened my life and saved
me from the horrors of nervous prostration."
Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money refunded. Boole on Heart
and Nerves sent free to all applicants.
DB. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
The underslirned having been restored to
health bv slmnle means, after suffering for sev
eral years Willi a severe lung affection, and t hat
dread disease t'onnnmption. Is anxious to
make known to his fellow sufferers the means
of cure. To tho who desire It, he will cheerful-
I) sand (free of charge) a copy or the prescript ion
used, which they will find a sure cure for Con
sumption, Alhin, Catarrh, llronchllla.
and all throat slid lung Maladlrs. lie hopes all
sufferers will try this remedy, as It Is Invaluable.
Those desiring the prescription, which will cost
them nothing, sua may prove a messing, win
please address
tMO-lyr Brooklyn, New York
get ready for it,
there ia no' telling
what may happen.
Child-birth la full
of uncertain tiee if
Nature i not gives proper assistance.
Mother's Friend
la tbe best help you can use at this time.
It is a liniment, and when regularly ap
plied several months before babv cornea,
it makes the advent easy and nearly pain
less. It relieves ana prevents morning
sickness." relaxes the overstrained mus
cles, relieves the distended feeling, short
ens labor, makes recovery rapid ana cer
tain without any dangerous after-effects.
Mother's Friend is good for only one
purpose, viz.: to relieve motherhood of
danger and pain.
ft dollar per bottle at sll drug stores, or sent
by mail on receipt of price. ,
Yi i 1. .nnt,inl.a VKln.hl. Infnpm..
C KM inJWBB,l.wiiw,,,i'". . "
tlnn fnr women, will be sent to any addrsai
upon appjicbiuu mi
Atlanta, Oa.
mm T t4 nA m AGENTS Active Men to
Wf UnieU ? sell our lire and tmrglnr-
nroof safes on Commission. A good
chance for men who thoroughly canvass their
territory, and are Belling or nave soia agricul
tural Implements, lightning rods, musical in
struments and fruit trees- Exclusive territory
given. Address, Tbe Barnes Safe & Lock '.
nitsDurg, ra. v-is-in.
Mlddleburff Unrket
Corrected weekly by our merchants.
Batter 'A
Eees 16
Onions 25
Lard 8
Tallow 4
Chickens per lb 6
Turkevs 8
Biae 1
Shoulder 7
Bam 10
Wheat 85
Bye 88
Potatoes 40
Old Corn..... 80
Oats 81
Bran per 100 lba 00
Middlings " t 70
Cboo " ' 85
Flour per bbl.. 4.75
Its wearing qaalttlsasrs unsurpassed, aetaslrf
oatlaatlag two boxes of any other brand. Not
affretsd by heat. tfOITTHI OINUTNB
.Jury List.
TJat ist fhnJ IntnM ,t.
andOourt osaarrer mksmoTC!
Snyder coout lie as Oc. Te.!-,!
Name. UeoapHoc.
Boweraos. flenrv hmur
Blngainan. C K.. fariuer,
Cbarlea, H. i.. laborer, '
Cbarlea, Jamea, tlnswlth, '
Doet.ler, D. H, UOurer,
Dlehl, P. a laborer.
rry.Lnanea, arnier,
Uooa, John D. faruvr.
Umbhu Aiuniiin. ttrmnr
Ulll. j. H, farmer.
anepp, p. 11., gentlemao.
koth. Jamr. tmrit.
Klosa, A. U., fanaer.
noils, s. s , laoorer,
Khamsune, W. A., laborer.
HhymesUae, J. W., painter.
ovw., r. u., larmer,
oeeooid. Jacob, farmer,
Snook. Charles, laborer,
Hnyder, W. v.. painter,
fnvnen J. O.. gantleinan,
Wagner, B. F., sawyer,
Wluner.D. U., farmer,
Aursnd. II: 9., farmer,
A pp. Ueorge N.. fanner,
Aurand, James, undertuker,
A pp. Solomon, farmer,
Arbogsst, TboDua. farmer.
ouseiess, j. j rsrmr,
Hrunner. Kllaa. farmer.
Baker. Knoch. furinor.
Bachmsn. Prank
Oronse, Win, K Inlmrer,'
Oetx. Ueorga M., painter.
tiei-sara. w. n., boatman.
Hllblh, r. K,, farmer
Uummel. Theo., farmer,
Uaupt, Harvey, laborer,
Harner, I). K.. laborer.
Kllngler. l'eier. farmer,
K reamer. PuHier, Shueinnker,
Knepn, Joseph, lumberman,
Klliik-ler. Kims. Isr.ner,
K reamer, Jacob, farmer.
Ludwlg. Jacob, clgarmaker.
Miller, M. A., laborer,
M lichen. J. J coauhinaker,
Mcmli, ( M., geutleman, .
Miller. Calvin, carpenirr.
Minium, K. v., genileman.
Martin Wlllimn. curpernvr,
Housh J, M., fanner.
K lunula, D. T., gentleman,
HUelley. W. 1., farmer,
8nook, E. a., larmer,
Seliroyer. it. 8 merchant,
Hhamluinli lhiinu r,M.u.
Shirk. Samuel A., laborer, '
uii, 11. a., merciiaut,
Troxel. Jonas, lariner.
Tjoup, Samuel, laborer,
lrlrlch, Levi, farmer,
Walter, 8 S.. farmer,
Weaver. Geo. W Inkeepor,
Willis, James, farmer.
wugner, ueo. laborer.
M. L. MILLER, - - Prop'r
I keep constantly on hand and man
ufacture to order all kinds of
Marble and Granite
Moists And Headstones !
Old Stones Cleaned and Bapalred.
I have one of the best Marble Cut
ters in the State and oousequeutly
turn pat good work.
Hytjouie and see my work & prices.
Thankful for past favors I most re
spectfully ask eontinuanee of same,
WANTKD Trustworthy and Active gentle
men or ladlea to travel for responsible, es
tablished house In bnvder County. Monthly
M.uO and expenses. Position steady. Kefer
enoe. Knclose self-addressed stumped enve
lope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chica
go, Illinois, - (Ms-let
' To Care Constipation Soreve .
Take Cascareta Candv Cathartic. lOenrKe.
If C C. C. fall to cure, drutrgiata refund money
Evervbody Says Bo.
Cascarets Candv Catluu-tic, tlio most won
dsi'f ul medical discovery of tlio age, pleas.
ant and roli-eslung to tho losie, ui t gcniiy
ami nositivel v on kiiluevs. liver and bowels.
cleansing tlio entire system, dispel colds,
euro hcuduolio, lover, naiutuiii rnnstipation
and biliousness. Pleaso buy and try a box
Of C. C. C. to-dny; 10, , Ml rents, bold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
A Nbort 4'at to Health.
Ta trv tn cure eiinntlnntlnn hv tiiklnir nllls Is
like going round In a circle. You will never reach
the point sought, hut only get hark to tbe start
ing point, a purreci natural laxative is nacons
Celery King, the celebrated remedy for all nerve,
blood, stomache, liver and kidney disease. It
iwirnlHtea tne Ixiwelx. W. 11. SDaiiffler. Middle
burgh ; M. Kolhrock. M. D., Ml. l'leasant Mills,
win give you a sample package ti'ee. Large size
ia ana wicib.
Can be Handled with Eld tiloTea.
No Grease. Ho Danger. Non-Explosive.
If your dealer cannot supply yon, write te
Sn and 313 North Third street, PkiUssiphla, Fs.
r.AlfTIflN! DosekSMhbnelsklsfssT
vAU 1 1 VI! I sthK, sa the "NEVER0UT" la ihi
ealy lama Ihal Is (tiiranlesd Is ittJvtly May W
(sr swaet rsfundsd) that Is free ma (rsese, ysl
Nraa ksrsssassd that Is ssssMsly aesistoslvs
Svleiidkl oupoitenlty for yeong sasa. Bttsstlosj
paying Rood salary Kurad, Addrasa
Woodllng, Jacob, shoemaksr.
Vimnir W u ...
Zlmmermau,"lsaac, fa'rmer,
. Prti
Jfest Hr,,
1 01
. H'
We,t Beai
Weni Be,
West Bi-a,
West Pn
West Hm
We Pei
J KOISTKR'8 NOTICE8.-Notlce Is nereov J
nin.HU'.at.tJ,e.,ol,owl,"f persons hi
filed thplr Arlrnln Imtraui ii.. ..-.,(... ,u,.uf
............... u w. .j , iiiuiuiuu mm
connrmat lon and allowance at the Court Uml
- WWHVUWiH, MUIIU, w,i, ,( 13117,
First and final account of HyivesKir Klnndel
oi Union Twp., deceased. ' 1
First and final account of Alfred 8uechL ( I
Snyder Co , Fa.. Iu the estate 01 Georire PrJ
late of Washington Twp.. deceased,
First and nnal account of Jacob and LmJ
Zelber. executors of tbe ealate of Daniel ZeiM
First and llnal account of Thomas A w.l
ulmlnUHi.. A . i . - ........ ... .. "If
... .7 ' wiwimj ui Amena u. Wa
late of Monn Two., deceased.
First and final account of Oeorge Beif
umui uunumu aim iruHt il
certain real fund In the estate ot ou. LiinJ
uuc ui npnug i wp decease i. i
First and final aoconnt of aeorga BeaHl
.t.,ov uw. v, .no vquil IH ousau A. bill Ui
31 West Beaver Two., deceasad. ' 1
First and final account of John 0. Ooss, tl
omom ui nuiiam oioeiy, uei
RnHhffTvn riuu..ul I
Vni 30 days to sell Diglow'a Hoiucli
Speeialties. We auarantsa frnra 2 in a H.,1
a day. None bu( those who mean buainoa J
wiy. nenu a conn ana receive cireiiltn I
samples auarcsa 1. v. uilXiKK, Oen. Mn.,
lierli, Fa. ;
ci , a f i . . .
oasDury s. ijewieiowii uivisioq
In effect Nor 15, 189i.
wasrwaao dis, statios. mht
4 111
3 4tt
8 14
8 10
2 61
11 12
) io.
j 10.17
1 10.05
A. 1,
Lswlttown J.
Main Street
Hauli's Mlilt
Ssllnsgror J.
;.4.i i
7 M
Traius leave Lew into wn Juuctioul
4 58 a w, 10 13 a m. 12.17 p m,5 27 n m,7 07 11 'I
Altoona, Pittsburg and the Want. I
For HalUiuure and Warhlnaton v3Sn
1 83. 4 . 1 m p m For I'hlladvlplila "JJ
iornss3 as a m, tin i ss 4 43 aim invy
Harrltburg 32 a m and 8 89 p m
Philadelphia & Erie R R Divisioi
Trains leave Sunburv dallv axoent SaoiU 1
1 8.1 a in lor Willlamaport and Janan.lai(iu
o l a in lor neueiontu ens anu ;i
0 4.1 a m lur Lock Hsven. Tyrone uu I Uk l
I in n tn for HfflUrnnta Knn.i CalhttdaUUl I
a p m lor itenovo and tiuiirs
BUlun Inp IAlr ItuVAn
Sundaf 8 18am lor trie and Uannnd..lrl
v 4t a in lor imck Haven an l a v m I
IU, m in.eil.alu. un1 11 a 7 Al t M H
Htftam. U n nil nAXIllllIlir w
TlOam. 10 ioam.aun pm, B4JpuilirSJ
am ami nouni varmoi
Sunday IU 00 a in lur Wllke4birro
Trains leave Sellnngrove Juii'-tm J
10 00 am, weekdays arriving ut 'lui 'l
awwuu. .'U- 1 UI . . mo u m.
Washington 4 10 p in
All n . H.llu,. h I i I Hi Llfl.l
1 lliinMiiV.,lilll.lll UaI'IJI I"
Siflnm WMk ilava M.prlviiiS' atTtlll!'
4 80a m New York T 88 a m
rr. - I UH. sa .anhiirtf!
ra. ua aw ! . a.
1 60fttn dftlly mvin t PhiUleMb''
Bultiinora flail) a ia WtwhlDKtun T4o
mr .. KM a . an Mil III I"
x ora vim a m w eeKntyi, iu "; .
4 88 am dally arrlvliu at Piilladnliib
NewYoraiUpm Baltlinore8Ms .
tea 1018 a m ,y,
1 SA t in waafe arrlvlna St r&'-K'
I 3 p m. New York 9 8J p in. BtWaof
Washington T 18 pm
TralntalaoleavaTSanbary at
and 8 80 p m, lor Harrlsburg. Phlla""1!"!
oaiumore .
I. B. HUTCHlNiON, la'l M MM"
without fSi I anowledge of the dr&W?
completely stop the desire for XSiui
can secretly administer Stop-DR",
cures. Its merits have bees fr0j
sands of cases. Mailed in a pi" Jf)
asisaigsi askiSTMtat s waav -
No-ToBm for fifty Cts
...a .-t Mi
Bta strong, jlood purs. 0o,. A""