The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 30, 1897, Image 5

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Absolutely Pur
kovai imut mmi eo., nn vouk.
was seen on oar streets last week.
Scott is a good fellow and is always
welcome Part of the delegatiou
from West Beaver in . visiting the
county seat last week took dinner
at the Eugle 1 lotel, opposite 1 It..
II. depot, and found landlord Ar
lopa.t very obliging and liis tahk
well furnished with good and sub
stantial grub and deserts too num
erous to mention.
Pennsylvania Deitsch. '
IjIkykr Kernel H.vkpki:.
Per onner dawg is dor Mike Hetz
el in de "blowder shtoop" mimu ons
Hullerhifka un we are sich onna
g'huekwl hut hut are em Hilly lix-
ler nil's gnee g shlogii un hut g sawd :
"1'illy, Ieh bin now wi-.Klcr uH'inina
fees. Ieh hob ush my lednhte load
wtetza on de meel g'fora on linf-un-niiH'tieh
eent de bushel, hob der
ledsht dawler shoolila lift' iniuera
Iniweri batnwleil un hob ganuuk
voxel ivverieh far der i'raw en neie
drixs kaw fa. Ks wore mere n far-
lade em ledshta hpote-yore noaeh
der leekshoii we der Bryan defeat
won? os ieh ea noshen g'hot hob far
mieh henka, un ieh tin now ous os
ieh en IxxmuTawlielicr mistake
g'maiyht hi t won leh's gado het."
"Farwn so?" hut der Billy
"Wei!, !u wal-lit ieh wore en
demngrowd, vm hoi) deinagrawdishe
tzciliiiig;i galasa, im de hen mieh,
holes der shiiuter, i;'lawva maueha
dos silver uu w:et.a dai!a ulf em
sama slitengel woxa un daida olsfart
. i i i i
nut nnoimer uraveia in unee ios
der defeat fun frei silver (laid l.iv
eent groomlieera, lbofi:e eent welsh-
Uarn uu ureisieli eent wa-tza nia-na,
un wile ieh mieh shier sex hoonert
dawler shoolda hob :'lnit hov i
ir'maiied em MeKinlev si election
daid mieh shwampa un soil is fiir
wass os ieh mieh henka hob wella.
"Well," hut der liilly g'saw.l,
"fiir-wass husht net ? More hetta
dieh net ga-inissinl. Du worsht any
how olsfart tsu geitzieh tars uu
setza fiir de lmova ous der sell warla
budille. So nion we du kenta mere
goot oony do."
"Ferleieht kent ere, Billv," hut
der Alike g'sawd, "un ferleieht aw
net. AVon's net ware far leit we
ieh woo shoffa un safa, ware date de
toxa batzawla. Dere karl woo doh
dawg lar dawg um Uer. pier, room
hueka we niieka uff niadota iwel nn
shelta ivver de tzeida kenna net ex
nocta feel iinbroofinont sjina in era
unshtanda, no mauehts nix ous ware
Bresident is. Won dere en dawler
fardeened don .sin dere net tsu-fritta
bis es oil iiirsuflu is. Dere shieked
eir kinner in de shool wim oMmt
soonsht ulf holt, gait on de 'leekshon
un farkawl't eir vote wu eieh nix
ga-kusht hut iiir badeena, un won
dero amohl so oldt sint os dere eieh
nimmy solver hellii kent don fbra se
eieh ivver en publie wake os ei-h si
heva nix gakusht hut nuch maorma
house woo so geitziehe leit we ieh
ull'hohla inissa far so chaps wedo."
"Sell eoomcd tzimlieh naixt
hame," hut der Billy g'sawd. "Luss
uns der subject changa. Du sawg
sht du worsht en Deniadrawd.
Bisht du henncr niieV"
"Xet won ieh my farshtond holt.
Ieh bin long ganuuk um der
shtoomba room g'feered worra. Mer
hen olsfart gfMnle tzeida g'hot won
de liepublieans iiu jiower wora un
es g(H)ked mer now os won se wiI
der oin eoonia warn. In fact der
bower os ollaweil glawkcd wtega le
da hardta tzeida is ordlich feel fun-
era sow wile are net wase won are
ganuuk hut.
"O," hut der Jiillv .g'sawd, "de
bowera sin nuch net oil goot ob."
"Yaw, un se warra aw si heva
i I ,,. .... iiei. j'ui iii-vinicy laroi uooi ien
"K'll I Kiss. One of their rarlv i i,.,. ,
r., 1 1 , ,. , , i juiH'ii ivver en iiiiuir seii-onunu os
- a..,, uiu argue he river was im ft.jj H,ltu ,st wu,,,t far far.
W,,,, 1 roam. That was the s ,,. hXt ken Un f
" 7 " " " - ""'
Mi.-w Kdna Smith of Selinsgroxo
L$ visiting relatives in this place
ie later part of last week X
p. Ilunnnel and Union Kramer rode
l)Stdinsrc)ve tt Sunday on their
Utvls Several of our citizens
Wmled the Kratzcrville pienie on
tjtunlay The xtsoim1 property
lithe kite John lhckel, deceased,
,is sold at publie sale on Saturday
lisher Walter and brother,
Jeroino, was in MiiMlelmrgh Satur
jjv (J rover Fox, who is going
(,c('li(Mil at Selinsgrove, was home
,,vfr Sunday laines Bow, wi'e
aililaiighter of Selinsgrovc were
HtingMrs. Bow's parents Sunday
, ..The Ixivs and girls said the
ileplioiie worked splendid last week
a town oeronie inter, who
Indhccii visiting his parents and
jrii'iuls around here, has returned to
i Anthony. Idaho, his present
june The scuiirrtls are not free
.. . i
iintil next niontli ami never tree on
Sunduv. . . . . Profs, (ieo. and Foster
Fi-licr were calling in this vicinity
Sandav evening F. Seaman's
cow got a dose of Paris green week
before last but the cow recovered.
Horebound unci Elecampane Cordial
Ucb ot the component parts ot Aunt Haclia
ii cordial, viz: Ilorehoubd and Elecampane
Hounds peer's Grupe Julccls a cure (or pul-
unry complaints. The Orape Julco ana llor-
IwkI are comblnod with Elecampane Id the
inportions recommended by the best physicians
throat and luiig diseases public speakers and
upre. For sale ty druggists, or aunt nucha,
th home, Passaic N. J.
The bladder was created for one
purpose, namely, a receptacle for the
vine, nou as sucu it is not liable to
my form of disease except by one of
two ways. Hie first way U from
imperfect action of the kidneys. The
iKond way is from ' cureless local
treatment of other diseases.
IIIl'.P t'Al'NE.
I'hlienMhv urine from unhealthv
kidney b is tin' chief cause of bladder
troubles. So the womb, like the
bladder, wnscreiiti'd for one purposes,
tod if not doctored ton miicli in not
iiable to weakness or disease, except
icmre cases. It is situated back of
uu very close to the bladder, there
lure any pain, disease or iuconveni
'Dcem.uiife.sted iu the kidneys, back,
bladder or urinary pashae is often, by
nistake, attributed to female weak
ms or womb trouble of some sort.
Tbe error is easily miide and may be
w easily avoided. To find out cor
rectly, set your urine asiiia for twenty
our hours, a sediment or settling
indicates kidney or bladder trouble.
The mild and the extraodinary effect
of Dr Ivihuer'r Swanip-ltoot, the
Peat kidney, and bladder remedy is
won realized. If you need a medicine
foil should have the best. At drinr-
fisti fifty cents and one dollar You
nay uitve a sample bottle and pam
phlet, both sent free by mail. Maii
"ion the Middleburu'h, Post and send
jour address to Dr. Kilmer A; Co..
Mianiton, N. Y. The prpn,'tor of
Ms paper guarantee the genuineness
tins offer
Our schools will open on Mon
k next. The teachers all seem to
will pleased to have their wages
ftised three dollars per month......
fte fishing party that had been at
aminiry returned with a nice lot of
u.' ol not catching any large ones
Some of the 49th hoys expect
pui'iui their reunion at 1'ort JJoy
; The Ilerhstcr hovs are doing
?(,' husincss with their new thresh-
'"Kmachim. Tlu.ip w,i-l.- !c
W to all P. W. Treaster
m with his two sons to thu Pa
urtiaee, lluntinn-don eountv. hist
lurJay to work on IT. Kneim'n
rfve,l'ill Fred Gundrum em-
l""? Ulintlu.r I fr rr l.ol.v I
I., r " rrj ia linn itll
'Is waeli orchard and also to assist
p!n general fanrt work C.
P'Uh l,a( been agisting W. II.
(Hp, !ie Crossgrove blacksmith,
plus work last week Pota-
rs are reported to bo rottening and
rj'Ul won't be as large as cx
Cwl J- J. Steely, and wife
r"iOunday With some of their
r" friends Sheriff Hitter
wara" un era shtricha fnrlecra wu
usht holver g'niulka wieerdt ; are
holdt es fee net ous em welshkarn
feldt won der bower de fensa tzoin
ma solla hut lussa ; arc doot de fen
du note net oh Ixitxawla won cm geld
ga-used is wai'e far nuch Atlantic
City g'iu ; are doot ken grefla ina
lolxl won der bower se shtrow far
kawfed un inaucht ken misht, un es
schlimsht fun oil, der ilclviuley
tariff bringt keiu mon en oneryfraw
won are aney hut os tswiea mold so
feel in der si-kivveJ slunisiHl os de
fiinulia est. Xie, ieh hob es ledsht
niohl g'vote far en deningrawdisher
Uresideiit. Olsfardt sin so om far-
shpreeha un gevva ihich nix.' Se
g'inawiia mieh on selle yhtory in der
Shrift woo der divel g'sawd hut :
"Gib nil" di gnec fiir mere un ieh
geb dere oil cs loud os du stena
consht fun dara Tne,' un dueJi hut 1
der oldt nhcllem keu oeker ga-gen-eil."
"Eshoa iluch aUuit 0,500,000
voters in em IJrjTin ti farschpreclia
ga-,l.'.wlx! on der leilshta 'lection,"
hut der liilly g siwd.
Yaw," hut der Mike g'sawd,
"un won are elect ware warra hetta
mer nuch widder far fier yohr IX-m-agradislie
ellcidritcha forga kennn."
(Ms waller,
A. II. llowcrsox, wife ami daugh
ter returned hist week from a two
weeks' journey to Michigan and
Ohio Our public schools opened
on Monday for a six months' term
W. X. lleimlcich and wife are
attending the I.cwisburg fair this
wci'k .... Win. Speeht put a glass
front in his furniture shop hist
Allerrher.? F.ivsr Navigation.
11. liuriis Smith of Xcw Kens
ington, Pa., sends us a copy of the
Sunday Pitts!:t'g .'".'; in which
we iiud a full a"cou:i: of the pro
gress made toward securing Naviga
tion in the Alh gh '!iv Kivcr from
Pittslmrg to Oil City. This seems
now an assured fiii'l :.nd when com
pleted will lc a grt-a-. convenience
to the tMaiM'l.'ti'tuiviN ct' ihat rciiion.
One-third of all the children
die before they are five years
o'd Most of them die of some'
wasting disease. They vtovr
very slowly; keep thin in flesh;
are fretful; food does not do
them much good. You can't
say they have any disease yet
they never prosper. A slight
colo, or some stomach and
bowel trouble takes them away
scorrs emulsion of
Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos
phites is just the remedy for
growing; children. It makes
hard flesh; sound flesh; not
soft, flabby fat. It makes
strong- bones, healthy nerves.
It changes poor children to
children rich in prosperity.
Book about it fret for trie asking.
tNo substitute for Scott' Emul
sion will do for the children what we
know Scott's Emulsion will do. Get
the genuine.
For s&le by all druggists ,it 50c. and
SCOTT & BOWNK. New York.
Ih the Pain!
Tbe aches and pains of Rheumatism
become a constant companion to all who
arc victims erf this disabling disease.
Much suffering could be avonted if the
first warning pains of Rheumatism were
heeded and the proper treatment at once
taken. But the people generally are
not acquainted with tbe cause of the
disease, though thousands know its tor
tures. Those who use liniments and
ointments cannot understand why they
grow worse each winter, and find them
selves gradually becoming unable to get
arouna as they once could; yet they
know that their trouble came on at first
as little aches and pains, which hardly
attracted their attention.!
Everybody should know more about
rheumatism; they should know that it
is a peculiar condition of the blood upon
which all the liniments in the world
in ladies' shoes is a pdcaxiuit
voyage afoot. For the pleas
ure it gives, there's no sail
like our sale. Crowds arc
enjoying it, and securing the
prettiest, coolest and best fit
ting Summer shoes now man
ufactured, at prices which
buyeis find it a pleasure to
pay. For house or street
wear, pleasure or evcry-day
practical purposes, walking,
riding, or driving, wo supply
snt& demanded by
liiHuiuii iinu uiu uivuaifs ui
individual taste. Ladies,
whoever claims your hands,
by all means surrender your
is able to go to the very seat of the
disease, and force it out. Swift's Specific
(S.S.S.) is the right remedy for Rheu
matism, because it la the otyy blood
remedy free from mercury, potash and
other minerals which intensify the dis
ease, causing stillness of the joints and
celling of tbe bones.
Swift's Specific being a real blood rem
edy never fails to cure Rheumatism. It
reaches even the worst cases where the
doctors have made cripples with their
prescriptions of potash and mercury.
Mr. D. R. Johnson, an extensive lum
ber dealer of Blackshear, Ga., writes:
My wife was for years a suff-rer from
Rheumatism, and was treated .oustant
ly, but could obtain no relief The pain
was first felt in her left shoulder, aud
extended in all directions, increasing
in severity. The doctors said the dis
ease was liable to strike tlje heart at any
time, in wuicn event ueatu would be
"Every kind of treatment rccommend-
ea tor Kiieuniatisui was given her,
including many blood remedies, but
none did her any good. She was grow.-
mg worse all tue while, and was reduced
to a mere shadow of her foimer self.
"It was at this critical period that
bwilt's b pec i lie was given her; the med
icine seemed to reach the disease
promptly, and she at once began to im
prove, une aozen bottles effected a
complete cure, and she has had no touch
of the disease since."
Every one afflicted with Rheumatism
should take a remedy which can reach
their trouble. S.S.S. will cure the most
aggravated case of Rheumatism, Catarrh,
Cancer, Contagious Blood Poison, Scrof
ula, Eczema, or any other blood disease.
It is guaranteed
Purely Vegetable
Books mailed free to any address by
the Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga
feet to these shoes.
6. H.
eJusiiceof the Peace
M. Z. siblMiftGLK.
Middlchiirgh, Pa
V. V..
:. i.. pavi.i.v;
Offlces In Hunk llillMlnir. Ml(l(llClillTffll P2.
Collections, Loans
. and Investments.
IIoul F.stxlo hihI I'ri tii) Ilncilicr,
WilliiuiiBpoit, Lypomiiiu Co., l'n
Deposits nnci'H(l, sulircl lodrafls or checks,
rom uny p:irt o! Uiu tvorM.
R. Tv PotticgGi,
Veterinary sUrceoN.
All professional bflslness entrusted to my cure
will receive prompt, and careful attention.
Ripana Tabules.
RIpaDS Taouies euro nausea.
Ripans Tabules: at druggists.
Don't Tobiees Spit tad Smoke Toir Life Amu;,
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic full of lifo, nerve and vigor, take No To
Boo, the wonder worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, Wo or II. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Itemed; Co.. Chicago or New York.
All Uii.xiuu.H8 entrusted to his ttare
will receive prompt attention.
--Newly EHtabliHheil.
Our-fourth mllo lOiml ol ltii-hlii.1,1.
Teams free for travelinK men to ilrivo
to town, ufioro or niter ineui.
IlnteB 75 coutH per Duy.
Consult or cominunlculu with tlio Kdllor
of this paper, who will glvo all needed lnlor-matlon.
-Merchants7 House,--
Third Nlrcet Above 'nlloNliill.
Under New Management
Kates $1.50 a day,
, $5.00 per Week.
Win. F. Miller, Prop'r.
It'sjiveH all iiiiiuutiiiit news ol" the Nation.
It gives all important news of tin World.
It gives entertainment to younir ami M
It gives brilliant ami instructive Editorials.
Price, Ss.soaYcar.
Advertising rates on applion cion.
Sample copy tree to advertisers;.
Hi iijlit i:-w tl-iti l.i.-l. l i t .-.iiu
cvtryiiiM.K iiml cut mi' if ui' Stort
Sim 'tIhI Styli's in vt.i.-'i r.t (.icf
ynii m i i r iili. il
Couches cuuss.
'AIMM-.TS, ia t;. Al:V-; . S nn.
I'M "IT U Kn ii t j rin'.. mi i nv i l,ii t iitii-
.1 el' I ti.Tc ! ia n t c.iii i. ui t- t t -.
Vi. i!r- ::i i.i.M-tfi.!i.
. H. FELIX, Lovi?iWi
Liberal Adjustments
Prompt Payments.
R E M E M BEr" ' """ ' "BilMMr
Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado.
No Assessments No Premium Notes.
m M MMaHBHHM - I llfc ml i i mH irill fin I
The Aetna bounded A. P., 1810 Assets $11,055,513.83
" Homo 44 " 1853 " i),853,(J2S.51
" American " 41 41 1810 " 2,400,584.53
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The. New York Life Insurance Co. .
The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronage SMieited.
! tSj
AT -
Cli h M Mm,
sow is the time to ma!; ' Uargains
I in
! W
... t
in hoys , Y.Mitli.s' a:;:l ."Men's
Shoes As we houht our
slock liel'oiv liie late advance
ve can nive our !:( omers
f 5 the benefit id" same.
For Youths, Hoys' nnd iIen reeiMved daily. Hemem
her we are llead-ijuarters Cor (ienls" Furiiishiu (ioods,
1 1 at s, Trunks, Satchels, Umbrellas, Kte. Vou will save
money by buying of
' , i- r.
HI I line llorxr lllimki'ln
Lap Hobes
n t
Market St.,
jSeii Hsu l-ove, pa-
Great Reduction Sale ot
For Ni "cty Days !
The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN
We aro not fiillin( out, but we do tliis to increiiMe our auli-n iibove nny pro
vIouh year. We jriv a few of the prices ns follown :
Soft Wood Cliftii.bcr builH 14.00 Cotton Top Miittic." 2.25
Hard Wood Chamber Suits 111.00 Woven Wire Mutt rex 1.75
Antique Oak Wuits, 8 Plecep 111.00 Med Springs 1.25
Plush Parlor Suits MOO DropTablen, per ft t0
Wooden Chairs per set 2.50 Platform Hocker 2 50
In stock, everything in the furniture line, inchiilirit,' Mirrors, Hunk Caseo,
Desks, Bideboardn, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Fancy Rockers. Baby Chairs,
Feather Pillows, Lounges, Couches, Dotihtrays, (Sinks, Hall Racks, Can.
Seat Chairs fine, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes.
Prices reduced all through. Come early and see our stock beforej giving
your order, and thus Save 15 to 20 per cent, on every dollar.
Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Embalming.