The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 30, 1897, Image 4

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    Published every Thursday.
Geo- W. Vrajenssller,
Editor and Proprietor.
Subscription $1.50 per year. must lx p.ilil In advance wneo sent out
side the county.)
All transient (lviTt!in.vit not otherwise
contra) it'tl tor will rm chan,i-d at the rule ot It
cent T ltro(nenirM iwas'ir for first In'er
Uon an I Hi rents per line lor every subsequent
Itmih mntlrn yuMUKti frft : obituary jmmy
tnb-Uri tf rttpret, fc., Oim oenU m lin.
Republican Standing Committee.
Adanr Thlix Mitchell. Troxclvlllc. W. II. Her
man, Troxelville.
Beaver chas. F.ttvtit. lleavertown, Jnni M.
Kline, lleavertown.
Beaver W.-ueo. J. 8neece. McClure. T. A. t asr-
ner. Mecliirw. .
Centre-KliiierSliiimhaeh. Middleburgh. I F.
Hlngntnnn. Penns Creek.
Chapman W. II. KerHteitcr, MoKccs Unit Falls,
KdKiir Relsli. lloffer.
Franklin W. n. out, paxtonvllle. 1. W. I'lson-
lioiir. Mlildleliiirgh.
JackwinI. s. Yearlck, Krnt.ervllle, Isaac 1111-
lit. New llerlln.
Mlddlehurgh Ueo. W. Wmfenseller. Middle-
liuriih. N. A. nmven. MliMlotiurtrh.
Mlddlivni-k-P. I.. Ituw, KreiiimT, K. U. Hum
mel, Kreniri"r.
Monn--;in. II. UMllor. Sliamokln Dam, J. II.
Pcnn 1. K. Wagner. S.ilrm, Daniel Knoiifo, Se
llnvnive. Perry .1. N. Ilrixlii. Alt. Pleasant, Mills. H. F.
ArlHij"Lr, Mt. I'leasmt Mills.
PerrvW.-ll K. N ni','le, lllchlicld. Dm. Mull-
' eial. !il.'1ite,
nellnsi.-uve N. s. Fisher, Nellnijfrove, F. II.
Slllll !t, Si'llriS'.Tmi',
Sprln.r-lr. A. V. smith, n-iver Sprliiir-". 1". V.
Heliri'l. Hi' aver S.irliers.
t'nlon -Hen. I. Flanders, 'or' Tr-verton, (). ti.
Hlee. Port Tri'ViTinn.
Wa.sli!ii.'inri .lrrv Charles, FreelMirg. W. II.
tirimui, Kreelmr.
For Mnlltnr lienernl
I.KYI li. Mif.UI.KV,
id riiesti r.
Fur State Treasurer,
- .I.WIKS S. I;K'M.
(if West hiurelniMl,
AnKiriiil-i .tx'c, A f Mini .it'll.
J'rtilhimottirij, If. Jf. Shiuthl.
Ileihter 0 lieconler, .. 7 A. Willis.
District Attorney, J. JI. linker.
Jura (''iiniii., Jon. Jl. Hendricks.
Thursday, Sept. 30, 1897.
Some Rambling Thoughts.
Copyrighted by Duwe li Taber."
We cannot know what this gawky
bird, with its hati-hazard feature,
actually lias in its iniiul unless we
Ik? ostriches ourselves; hut we may
attempt to think its thoughts by
reason of watching its actions, anil
jjfetHiiyjiak ,,.JWulvsUlu
which is desperately truo uf fher
two-legged creatures besides stridi
es. Now according to the accounts
of travelers, tliis bird when alarmed
has a way of hiding its head; the
idea seeming to be that if it cannot
see the pursuer, the pursuer can
not see it.
If cloMiig the eves reallvstojiped
pursuit, what a pleasantly easy time
tliis sull'erer from woman's whims
would have. The troubles do not
vanish llius easily, and we laugh at
the poor dunce of a bird, u ho dreams
that he has blotted out the world
and its niiseriejust by 'refusing to
see them ; yet there are ot tier dunce:
with the same number of feet, am
thev do not all wear feathers.
Ouee iiiiiih
a- tin
tales express it,
t riches put tlieir
thev would better
ome hunted os
leads together
have been scurrv-
ing over the sands and when they
were bundled like Imivs in a liiot
hall scrimmage, one of them sudden
ly exclaimed "I cannot see any hunt
er; there is none," and so said they
all; but they lost their feathers just
the same.
On another occasion an ostrich
thrust his head into a narrow hole.
He had a moment before been in
the full glare of the sun, but in the
darkness he saw nothing, so hecoin
niuneil with himself, "I sit- no sun,
I see nothing; therefore, there is no
sun, no nothing. Hp to this time I
have been dreaming." Hut the
herbage kept on growing, and the
ardent sun looked after the neglect
ed Cirirs and ravc the final Wiiriuinir
influence to hatch out another gener
ation of dunces.
There are people in the world
who profess to be good, they bend
the km-e in the sanctuary, they give
freely of their money, they shout
loud ''Aniens"; until some fateful
day they come tumbling down in lo
cal esteem; for this S. S. superin
tendent or that deacon has rohltcd a
iMink or wronged a woman or any
one of a long list of things that ruin
life and bring disgrace on fair ca
reers. Then is the liivorablo time
for the human ostrich to come along
in the form of a young man, full of
ipiestioiiings in his mind, and full
of deceit wlici his mint!, on little
evidence or much, is once made up.
He argues thus to himself: "What
thl So and So profess? Christliness.
hat did he do? Stole even a jnior
widow's mite. The Bible. Who is
supposed to give authority to the
Bible? God. Therefore, I will
not believe m l tot I or the bible nor
I am not intending to argue here
what things are true ami what are
untrue, but I want you to sec the
cliarinmjr uimccrv ot vour lofric.
lift me show vou vour own ostrich
wav, as m a mirror. .n me an
. ... .1
eients were nrenared to swear that
the earth was flat and the sun its
attendant (satellite. They were even
prepared to kill those who would
tossi fy differently. Hut while they
were professing to run the universe
to suit tlieir narrow
minds, wnat
was the truth? The earth was
globular, and its orbit around the
sun had licen practically unchanged
or aires. .nw it is evident tnai an
these millions, ignorant of the truth,
K'heved in untruth, and vet all
their miriads minds did neither af
fect nor hinder the planets in their
ippointed journeys.
-g;iin, suppose we all with one
leeord should deny the existence of
the sun, we should merely proclaim
our own liliiKlncss and tne sun
would not lie affected a particle. It
would be still there, hanging hotly
iInivc us, our denials of its
nee would be illdeseribablt
Now supposing (Jod to exist; the
Sat Tetl Hook of any number of dif
ferent religions with any number of
litl'erent inaccuracies lived forth by
inv iiiiiiiImt of frightful frauds
fakirs of Hindustan or evil men and
thieves in Christian churches do
not afl'eet His existence or put Him
isnlc. If be exist, a million denials
if His existence, amount to nothing
more than did ages ot ignorance in
relation to the power that kept our
globe circling.
If a basic fiict of the universe lie
true, it has 1h!cii true always and al
ways will Ik1 true, even if never dis-
covered. iiiinii or. tne modern
chaining of electricity and you will
see what I mean. The wondrous
power we now control to 'pull our
trains, light our rooms, cxk our
meals, has been here as long as the
world has existed. It is a truth of
thotigh we never had wrenched its
secret forward into light.
F.ver the sun nliines. Though the night
Ilrlngs dnrknPHK, yet, net vnnixhad quite,
Our faith Is llelK'd hy mirrors dim
The utility stars, the moon's cold rim,
Or, when thd cloudy veil hangs low.
Sonic shrcdlng flcceow lth gold will glow,
And hid us hope. K en the sad soul
Who dwells where mouths of darkness roll
May tlml his iiilldclitr
Relinked hysoiue pale star's (Inn eye.
And mI i II, though iiiiestiouinKsiind douhts
Ami ridicule nnd mocking shouts,
Though nil men say no sun exists
And i-ai-li one argil es as he list-.,
Ami. though the planets all culnliiue
To hide hi face, still doth he shine :
Some day nocloiiil shall t-lonk the hill,
.No mist the gloomy valley till ;
Itut every hatl:w lice away
out driven hy the perfect day.
.My brother ostrich, let us
further one step of the one
failures have made yon hide your
head. I reckon you would regard
him as inexpressibly stupid who
tried to picture to himself the Grant
or Washington monument, with
nothing before him but a sharp edg
ed chip. Its rough appearance, its
dangerous points, its unfinished and
uniioli.shed sides are not the rioht
made vol i hiiU
limit's bv which to estimate the
original 'f which it is a memento.
.... ,. .i
1 II I II lv IIOVI ll Hill linu."v: in iim.-i-i li , (in, .i ,,i . , ,
1 i rice ft. 00 per bottle, cent prepaid
wretched lailurcs among men ami to any uddreeK, on reeeipt of pricH.
women of good profession, nndleariijAl,lreip Hrry Lyue, 1011 V. Fourth
i . t ii (treet, WilliiiniMiort., Pti. 0 2iJ-ly
what I would argue concerning t .'
them. Mere fragments are they,
and liear no resemblance to the
grand block of which they were
once a part. They have caused you
heretofore to bury your head from
the sunlight ot day. Upen your
eves now and a wholesome world
growing more and more full of
great things, learned to be true, is
yours to look upon and disport
yourself in for vour little day.
The Lutheran and Kelornied Sun
day schools at Artlev's church held
its harvest home last Saturday. The
exercises were held in the church
which was tastefully decorated.
Exercises : Music hy the Center
ville Comet Hand : fjord's Prayer ;
Singing bv the school, J. U. Maurer,
director, Miss llegina Snyder, or-
mist; Addresses, Prof, u in. Mov
er, J. Yoder, Co. Supt., Howcrsox,
Revs. Suable and Kohlcr. Refresh
ments served in the adjoining grove.
The Supts. are G. F. Dunkclbergcr
and Amnion Maurer.
IHwda Catered tor Kccrd.
Z. S. Keelcy and wife to Lizzie
A. Hailey, house and lot on Isle . of
Que, Selinsgrm-e, fiirf725.
A. A. llomig, adm'r of Le-i J.
Homig, to James II. Peter, 2 tract)
in W. IJeaver Twp., for $401.
Edward Freed and J. A. Freed,
ex'rs ot Nathan Freed, house and
lot in Heavertown, for 10o0.
Same to Nathan and W. II.
Freed, tract of land in Heaver Twj.
containing 10 acres and 104 perches,
for $m
Win. Lepley, et. nl, trustees of
M. E. church. Adainsburg, Pa., to
Wallace P. Trinbuth, for jart of a
lot in Adainsburg, containing 15,-
075 sq. ft., forlo0.
Calvin Stetler and wife to Curtiu
IJowersox. tract ot land in Franklin
Two., containing (U , acres for
$:((j5.G2. ;
Same to same, 10 acres in Frank
lin Twp., for $170.4 1, and another
tract containing 2 acres,! for $0.15.
Franklin Howcrsox iind Curtin
IJowersox, ex'rs of Samuel IJower
sox, to A. II. (Jill, for 21, neres ami
105 perches in Franklin Twp., for
1VMW Prolmleil.
The last will and testament ot
Catherine Hurns, late of Sclifosgrove,
was probated at the court hvWse by
Register Shiudel last Tllursday.
Ketora ami Elsworth Hurns Varo the
executors and her children are the
heirs. '
The last will and testament of
Napoleon Urosius, late of Fremont,)
was probated on Saturday. Oeo.1
I. Urosius is the executor and the!
lineal descendents are the heirs.
Mitrrlnsrv MrriKte.
8I0NS." The following marriftBe li-j
censflu have been granted since oun
last publication
f (i. II. Herman, Sliamokin TamJ
Jiizzie J. Hummel, ' "
f Fred. Glaw, Middlecreek Twp
Ellen J. Musser, "
f J. A. Wagner, Heaver SpringSj
Gertrude F. Dreesc, " "
jo. W. Keichley, Centerville
Susan C. Napp, "
f Ira A. Kline. Troxelvilli.
(Irene IScnfcr, Beaver Spnn
Labor for Postal Savings Banks(
The State Federation of Labor in
session at Hlooinington has added its
indorsement to the agitation for the
establishment of jMistal savings
banks. Jjocnl unions in large nuni
liers have indorsed the movement.
Other state and national conventions
as they meet should also take action
along the same line. Especially
should the American Federation of
Ealior, which meets in IVcciiiIkt,
take a strong position in favor of
postal savings banks. The demand
fbr their establishment .should l)ere
itcrated so persistently that congress
cannot longer ignore the subject.
The vote upon the adoption of the
postal savings bank resolutions at
Hlooinington was unanimous, which
indicates the general sentiment of
workingmeu on the subject. Chi
t'titi) Hct'ortl.
III fro!ii it to ft lit.rn' time, by the ue
of I.O-HO.
One bottle nuaraiiteecl to cure any
ciiHe ot piles, regardless of how loutf
Btniuliujf, wlmt you lmve tried, or
what your nhvHician umv claim.
Money refunded if permanent cure is
not obtained in the most severe cases
Jin less than 5 liiiys' time After all
lotlieis full iret Lo-Jlo and be cured.
Kiluccto Voiic itiuvi'U Willi Ciiscnrets.
Ci'ely ("iithnri ii cure constipation forever,
10c, Sic. if C. C. C. fail, (Iruguimsi retund money.
SlUhnp MeCntie. of w York,
on Or ilames' Headache. Powders.
"With regard to Dr. Jnuien' Head
ache Powders, I have uo hesitation
in commending theiu to sufferers
from headache. They relieve the
pain speedily, and I have- never
known anyouo to bo harmed by their
use. I have hcou a treat sufferer
from headache in my life, but have
almost gotten rid of it by the con
stant use of hot water and fruit and
br doing without coffee. The .Dr
James Headache Powders have,
however, greatly relieved me ab times
and I never allow myself to be with
out them, and have recommended
to others freely. C. C. McCabh."
For sale by V. H. Spangler, Drug
gist Middlebnrgh, Pa. . 617-9m
Sept, 15, in Swineford, by Rev.
J. II. Hertz, Harry A. Howell and
Miss Hettie M. Attig, Jwth of Pax-tonville.
Oiy o
when you can get it right
home ? Your grocer sells it.
Chicago. BLLouU. New
25 SO
KRUIU. hniplf and booklet fnt. Ad. NTKKLINU
i t&hldt now anrl lhn wtlt tirint rllnprhn-a
.Future Oomiort for present Ki cining Efononiy, butliTJY
the Sewing Machine with an established reputation
that guarantees vou long and satisfactory service :
f: i:0$ x 1 l)c Wl)il:e.
' "'' . : v f.Vr-;ts beaulilul ligured wood-
.-, .,v: ,'-?.v - - s-TfiWQ&ft! wiirh, dumble coDstruc
':;Hys fyiPjH tion, line
HSond for our beautiful half-tone
-j-F.ire, Lie
Insurance Agency,
Elmor 7V. snyclor, Agent,
Successor to the late William H. Snyder.
T'no rur-Exceller ce of Reliable Insurance is represented in the follow
ing list of Standard Companies, from which to make a selection. None
Bettjrthn World over. ((;ATloNi ASSETm.
FIRE Hoval, I iverpool, Eng. (including foreign assetb) 43,000,000.00
Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,(145, 7:15.02
l'htcnix. Hurt ford, Conn. r,fiK8lu'i8.l)7
Coutiueiitid, New York, (!,754 SI08.72
(lerniftii American, New York, . 0, 240,0118.8.$
LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, !204,G38,983.gO
ACCIDENT EuiploverH Liability AsKiirance Corporation, .
Accident lm. Co. Subscribed Capital of 3,750,000.00
Fire Life and Accident rinktt accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus
tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All jiiBt chums promptly and
satisfactorily adjusted. Information i in jelal lion i to i nil i rlasses of Insur
ance promptly furnished . ELMr.U M . SN Y DL1J, Agt
4 Office on Market Street. Sehusgrove. Pa
Great Hvisic Offsr.
Send us the names and addresses
of three or more performers on the
piano or organ together with ten
cents in silver or postage and we
will mail you ten pieces full sheet
music, consisting of jMipulur songs
waltzes, marches, etc., arranged for
the piano and organ. Address:
l'orri.Att Mirsic I'm. Co.,
Indiana polisb Ind.
Sept. 20,' MnMhtm l.rnsius, of
Fremont, aged 7" years. Interniciit
at Mt. Pleasant Mills, Sept. 23d.
HwrifTs Sales.
The John ZeiU-r roK'rty was
sold to Frank Dreese for $1800. .
David Mover's tract was sold to
Lea Mover for ?'2.HM!.
New License Ruling.
Judge Stividge on Saturday
amended the rules of court in regard
to transfers ofTuiuor license. Here
after no licenses will be transferred.
unless it is shown that the licensee
has died.
Bert Cough Bjrup. 'I'aatM UonO.
in time, smn bt arnreimn.
ilsi PaSs! r bJ
liter 1
to AlasEta
York. Barton.
rif.,.nuirv n II iitnntfp iiinl.ilntH eniuin(rm nnttirnl .
KKMKD V'co.,ClilrKO. Mnii t'.il. Can., or Npw York. 870
cal adjustment,
coupled with the Finest Set of Steel
Attachment.', makes it the
Most D( sirens Machine in liic Market.
ar)d Aidepb-j-
An Important lncNlioii.
If your Irlcnda or neighbors utn Huai-rlnit from
roiiiflis coIiIh. Horo tliroiit, or any tliroitt or luiiu
(llsfiiwdncliulliie conHiiiiipf Icm). nk tln'in Ii
liicy lmve rvor usvil otto's Cure. Tills fuiuoiis
Ocrmnn roiiii'ily In liavln? n larco Mile lino ii ml
Is pi-rfiirmliiif some wonderful riiros of tlimut
mid lung iUmwwh. W. l. spauitler, MUldlt'liurir;
M. Hntliiock, ,M . 1) Ml. I'lcii'uiit Mills, will elve
yon a sample liotllo free. No matter what oilier
niPillclnes have fulled to go, try Olto'a Cure.
Lume sle a and toots.
Court Fraclamatinn.
WHERKAS the Hon. Hnmlil M. McClure
' ' l'rciildunt J mine ot the Judielal District,
composed of the count lea ol Snyilor, and
Union and Jeremiah t'rniiKe and Z. T. Oem
berlinir, KiH., Associate .liiilicoa In ami furSny
dor county. liuveUuod their piecept. boiirlnii
date the Till day ot Jiinu A. Il 11)7, to me
illrucieii ir tne noniinK oian urpnana' i;ourt, a
court ol ('iimiiiiin Pleim, court ol Oyer and Ter
minor mi'l Ounoml Court ot o.iiurtnr Senlou ol
iheHoace. at Mldillehuricli. lor tbe county ot
Snyder, nn the Mt Monday, (helnK tbe 71 h
day ol (let. imii), anil in cnniiniio one weoK.
Nollcolii themlore herehy lvon to the ('oron.
or. J iiHlic-ea ol the Pence and Uonxtiililcn In nud
lor the county ol Snyder, to nppourln their
timper person wlih tlieir rolU, reeunl, IuiiiIhI-lion.-,
examination and nthor reiiieinbranrei
to do llinn thing which of their ottlcoa and In
their kehnir partaln to he done anil trltnuwea
ami peraous priiaacuiiiiK in uenaii in the l oin
uioniTcalth avalnatanv perwnor pcrauna are re
nulred U te then and there aiteudlii and do
partlmi without leave at their iierli. Justlcea
are requenteil to he punctual In their attendance
at the appointed time agreeably to notice
lllvoii umlnr my hand ami aeal at the Sherllf'i
on lea in nllilillolurKh, the 1st day ol Sent,
A. I) thousand eiirht liundreil and ninety
seven. ' r. b. mi t iu, cnerin.
riDOWS' AI'1'RAISEMENTS.-Nollce Is here-
" ny Kfivon that tun followlnir Wldnws'Ap
priilsomeiitMiindirlliof.liitiliiw, lmve lieon nied
Willi the Clerk of the Or inns' Court of Snyder
eiiuniv nir t.imiiruiuiiou on juomiuy, tllu 4tli
day of Oct., HH7.
1. Appralaemenr. of Oarnllnn Selinee, widow
of William siilinue, Into of l'erry Twp., Suyder
Co., I'ii., under the MiK) exemption luw.
t. Apjiralsonmnt of Barbara Arboimat, widow
of John It Arliovnat. lulo of l'erry Twp., Sny-
neri o., i-u ueoeusiu, uuuur 1110 HO J exemp
tion law,
Auif. 6. 187. J. C. 80IIOCII, Clerk of O. C,
Thrt fnllowlniv Amvninfn h.vahonn eiiut vnm
Ined and pnssod in the Prof honotary's ofllno, and
will be prvaenlnd to the next court of Common
Pleas for continuation. All persons Interested
Will IjllfA fWltlPA '
First nnd flnnl account of M. Z. Erdley, ccni'
mlltee of J. K. Thomas, anhal'ltiml drunkard.
Aug. e, 1807. J. C. 8CHOCH, VMhy.
THEMeNdoUs clearing J
..j o,:U lmijjt n
rednt.e I and shelves cleared at 0J
iu uiaivL' room lor
'"coming fa
you.will have an opiortuiiity t0 1,
af. tipinjia ii.,..m l.i.1.... rt . l
j,. ..., .,i,u wioie oueretl intl
Kt'tiou of the country.
In addition tn
prices always lower than elsewl J
rewive a Special 1),
of Dry Gkm1s, Notions, Oxford Ti,,
( M,.t !,;. :.. e....L .... 11,1
n --- - mi cver
t' Vl'l'lif inir frtuKifiiui ll,... . '
u,""m,,s liu-i on evervtlii
I t5 .vvn.o nun volt
llllV d
xN. li. We llttVft llo SJt.l
vim usugiun lav, On
Uurgains arc EvrVv.i,,
K1 tie highest Market IViee ,,,
... .
KAwt i rooticc.
Cab paid for nno,
i. j, -
Butler a'pcl EV-
noui enow closing out ull our Serii,.
Summer goods ftt, C0K, (,,d;beow i0 tmv,i t
lor the Full goods. Will name you a few m
low prices, lower than you can buy
V'f aUll frit a-utti Dial u
.w. bum m 1,110 rctison vn P'ln .i
cuvnptT iimn tuner dealers.
Dress Goods.
Fancy White Dress Goods sold at f now 5 ci ;
"o 10 : .
Oo li
do 85
All Wool Sliullya y ls
d9 1 in
Percales, 3 Inches wide, sold at 13 now u Wi
o in (
do 7 4
All Best LlKht Calicoes, h0 , w ,
" " Dark .. 3 ,.
" " Bluo ' .. 5 ..
Apion Ginghams, 5 ,.
All ciarks Spool Cotton, t ..
Ladies' Shirt Wais!
Sold for 50c. now 3Cc.
Sold for 1.20c. now 78e.
Sold for 1.50c. now 1.15c
Men's Fancy Shirt
Sold for 50c. now 32c.
Sold for (,0c. now ;)7e.
Sold for 75c. now -1 Si-
IJoys', Sold for 5()c. now :'.()e.
" Sold fur 2,1c. n, ih- 171..
Bargains in Lli
Here we arc, good Men's Suits,
ly . $2.50
llovs' Kxtra Good only fe. 81.
and 1.50.
Hovs' Knet! Pants oulv 10c. 1
and !
Only 60 cts.
Iteiinn. T.lmn Hn nn. th o tha for V..
iieaua. ac. mr in., u ins. rnra.n'. m riiiw. e
11,1. w.l, lb. ... O.,.. ..... II, IH, i
Syrup, He. per qt Sue. por gal., Pure S.uup
per qt 18e. per gil.
iwm j, uv. in;i iiu, ovn:. r"Ti uin 1 "" i
Call and see these Great Jianpl
iu Shoes before you buy. I am
we can please you and wive
4 lbs. Lion coffee for -hie. vt
per lb.
Arbuckles41bs. for 4fie. r Vl
Mv own brand 3 lbs. fur -I1'1'
14c. a lb.
Java and Uio loose roamed
for 4 Sc. or 15c. a lb.
Chocolate 12c,
12 lbs. light Brown COc.
10 lbs. soft White 50.
10 lbs. fine irranulated 50c.
a b
Itokimr Soda 4c. a lb.. Corn Stt
5c. or li lbs. for 13e.
Call to See Our Carpets,
Butter, 15c. . Kjrg
Potatoes. 40c. iM
Onions. 40e. Hn,H
Young Chicken'', 7c,
All Drwul Illittj.r Wnntnd.