The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 23, 1897, Image 5
FOffiZ Absolutely Pure ftOVAL IMUNQ MWOf CO., NtW VOM. RILL SOUND THE KEYNOTE Tho Ground d'ained In 1S96 to Be Held. PENNSYLVANIA RE?UB- , LIOANS ABE AWAKE. L JOT A CLOUD ON THE HORIZON TO MENACE BUSINESS. .That a Well Known Economist Declares the Republican Party Has Done. Ihwdore Justice, the well known ftnsylvunla economist, writes as fol- L-15 in a recent issue of the l'hlluik-1 til Bulletin: Jlwc is no need any .longer to wait (tf prosperity; it is here now, and Ulnss are going right. The day for ca many nmvunff is over, and we nave a kir and well balanced tariff law which promises to be reasonably permanent, Hinuiacturers ana merchants can now Btduct their business with relief from t!dt cruKhinff anxiety that accom lulled the Wilson tariff act. The wool schedule of the new tariff, hhlch is practically the re-enactment k the McKinlcy rates with no changes, littpt such as were improvements, is rnerally regarded with satisfaction by tow in business, and the wool grow n of the United States are delighted iH the result. Many of them never kpected to again see adequate pro- kctlon to their Industry. The Wilson act caused prices to fall li the foreign level, and also caused the timing of one-half of the American bills, thus narrowing the market for Lnerican wool one-half, as well as tuiing a shrinkage of one-half In the lue, but under the prospect of the Mtoratlon of the McKlnley rates on hoi, under the name of the Dlngley E, mills began to start up and the lumption of wool Is now almost It to normal conditions. It Is believed lit (or the coming year the consump ka of wool by domestic manufacturers rill exceed that of any previous year, t only making a market for wool, but Mug employment to labor, furnishing I with ability to purchase much need I household supplies, which spreads ney In every direction, thus Increas I the general prosperity. For the first time In four years there not a cloud on the horizon to menace hilness prosperity. Those who are an- ipatlng p.n Immediate boom, however. prbe disappointed. The Improvement, be tostlnp, must be gradual. The "wNry of prices will be upward. The Irwt of higher cost for material p as a spur upon the demand. Since Wilson law was contemplated tho Kiwy of prices for merchandise has kn downward, acting as a chock to Wnejs expansion, for merchants then pklng their shelves were confronted ft the prospect of havlncr merehan- pe shrink In value before it could be pored of. Shrinking prices has been f rule, so that loss fell upon tho man- ftfturer, and upon tho merchant; and ping encouraging accompanied the Muot of business until good times' fre brought In slht by the election of ( pacnt MiKlnley, who, although de- FW termed "the advance acent of pperlty," has proven that many a f word Is spoken in Jest. "The ad- n aK("m of prosperity" Is followed the successful realization of more r1 promised, and both emnlovor fl employe ran now confidently look wd to a return of the time when rioa Is again to be the most pros it nation. CNE OP TWO WAYS. IHie blmbbi ....... - t "T who ui rinru lur cine w, namely, a receptacle for the r- .""u iisnucn it is not liable to F'oriii of .lihease except by one of r-"j- i lie nrst way is from tfiml ... ....... . c I"" y is rroui cureless '""lit of other diseases. MIIKF 4'.t'M n miv i ... r-'iro. n tlm 1. . i. . , -llJI, IIRf I lie Pin r?fiCreHted one purpose. lu tturea 100 imien w hot P'MO totiikiiuuu .11 - - fc.. --...vcovi nigrum', e.i3rni r ciose to the bladder, there in,, urease or Ineonveni P uanifeHted in t he kidneys, back, attributed to female weak. err'ub !roiW of oine sort. .,enUy made ami may be J '7 avoided. To find out cor Met you r urine aslda for twenty Nlil i .i ' "i"ier iroume. Kn !le ,'xtrao,"i,y ect kti,i ' ' "wniup-uoot, the i -"Miifv. nnrt i.i.i.i i Pfcall. ! i. 11 U " r re eo ,H IZ?(I. Jf VOI1 llBOfl u innrli, M have the best. At drnK. P. both bottta and pi rC,,,i.nnlfpee byuinll. Moil KtUdrIdllle.burKh P8T and send t Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Soil N' T Tbft Proprietor of off., guarantee the genuineness local There Are No "Off Years" For the Party of Progress, Protec tion and Prosperity, Tha sweeping swell of last year's great Republican victory In Pennsyl vania will repeat itself this fall In a majority as large or greater than that polled for JIcKinley and Hobart. The Republican standard bearers. James S. Beacom and Major Levi O. McCauley. candidates for state treasurer and au ditor general, respectively, inspire con fidence among all classes throughout the commonwealth. Both are gentlemen of the highest character, and were placed at the head of the ticket because of their honor. Integrity and eminent fitness for tho positions to which they aspire. Pennsylvania will sound the keynote for the whole Union, retaining every inch of ground won In lsuti. Side Issues, that have their origin in a search for scandal, will receive little consideration In this year of prosperity, w hen business men ami worklngmen of every party are congratulating them selves on their escape from liryanism, Coxeylsm and Altgeldlsm. There are no perfect men on earth, and there never will be a perfect legislature, but the lie publican party having furnished the state t'ie best government It lias ever had, has a riht to claim the r-ntilldenee of tho people and ask for an old time majority for her candidates. Prohibition as a political isnue In Pennsylvania breathed its last when the late Hon. Charles S. Wolfe, with all his earnestness and courage and great ability, could not convince the people that the lamentable failure of Prohi bition In the western and New Eng land states would not be repeated In Pennsylvania. It gave its last gasp as a political Issue and died. It Is a moral question and belongs in the pulpit, and must be settled by the common sense of tne masses themselves. For 5,000 years this question has been discussed, and It Is altogether Improbable that a so lution will be Immediately found, es pecially as the result of scandal search ing. One thing Is certain, and that is that few voters will be enticed Into the camp of the political Trohlbltlonlst on the thin subterfuge of aiding the cause of temperance through the office of state treasurer! It does not take very profound intellect to comprehend the fact that the office of state treasurer Is executive and not legis lative, and that the latter branch of the state government Is the proper and only branch that can deal with the suppression or regulation or the liquor traffic. And while prohibition In Pennsyl vania Is dead as a political Issue, De mocracy shows the same state of coma. The Reading convention, with delegates thrown out of the windows, pushed off the platform and knocked down, was disgraced quite sutllclent for a large per centage of Pennsylvania Demo crat!, but the free silver platform and endorsement of Rryanlsm so far spoiled the stew that thousands will either vote the Republican ticket or remain away from the polls. After three years of panic and ruin and desolation, scores of thousnnds of Democrats voted for McKlnley nnd Ho bart. and do not wish to be called Dem ocrats nsaln. nnd this fall these same voters will cast their ballots for liea com nnd McCauley, because they are anxious to endorso and commend the party that led them from the night of despair to the full noon of prosperity and happiness. Independent of natlonnl issues the Republican party of Pennsylvania de serves the support of her voters. I'nder tho domination of this great party, wisely led forward with progres sive strides, ever following the con structive policy, which is the policy of advancement and enlightenment, wo have seen the burden of state taxation pass from the shoulders of the indi vidual to the corporations; we have seen tho great public school system ex panded and nourished by the stnte un til the princely sum of $11,000,000 is now appropriated by every legislature for their maintenance; we have seen the poor man relieved of the burden of buying school books for his children, which has made It possible for all, rich and poor alike, to have an equal chance of acquiring an education. The Re publican party did these great things, which ore a few among the countless acts of beneficence and lofty achieve ments, without regard to tariff or the war or the money question. And all these years of Increasing taxation for tho corporations, and relief for the masses, with millions upon mil lions to be handled and accounted for by our state officers, tho commonwealth has never lost one cent! Such a great party and such economical and careful housekeeping may well challengo the mnmonweaitb. The Republican paror needs the votes of all her old suppoit srs and will welcome the votes of Dem ocrat and others, and on tht other hand, the farmer, the mechanic, the business man and the working man need the Republican party to give them good government and prosperity. In the light of recent events the path Of duty for every voter la made plain. IT WAS "KEQULAE." - A Viewed by an Editor In Far OtT KaoHOH. Prom the Topeka I Kan.) Capital. The late Democratlcstate conven tion of Pennsylvania, dominated by the Bllvercrats, is described by leading pa ters of that state, Including Buch old time Democratic organs as the Phila delphia Record and Times, as the worst exhibition of political ruffianism ever Witnessed In Pennsylvania. Duly ac credited delegates were thrown out bodily without ceremony or Investiga tion, In order to secure a sufficient ma jority to remove Harrlty, ex-chalrman of the national Democratic committee. Chairman Garman and other sllvercrat leaders are sharply attacked for their violent and lawless methods of secur ing the needed majority. These gentle men, however, have the highest au thority for their" proceedings. Mr. Bryan himself was admitted to the conven tion that nominated him for president over the regular delegation from Ne braska, which was not allowed seats In the hall. The regular accredited delega tion from Michigan was turned out bodily and a delegation admitted that had never been voted on, much less ac tually elected to the convention In that state. This and other outrages were perpetrated for the purpose, of securing the necessary two-thirds majority to adopt a platform and nominate candi dates. It would be difficult to Imagine anything more "regular," therefore, than the proceedings of the Pennsyl vania Democratic convention which ousted Hastily. Your . t Cough, like a dog's bark, is a sign that there is something foreign around which shouldn't be there- You can quiet the noise, but the danger may be there just the same. SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil is not a cough specific) it does not merelv allav the svmDtorns but it does give such strength r to the body that it is able to throw off the disease. You know the old proverb of "the ounce of prevention?" Don't neglect your cough. A book which will tell you more on the subject sent free on re quest. Your drufgUt kp' Emul lion of Cod liver Oil. Put up In 50 cts. and $1.00 sijes. ,' 'J SCOTT & BOWNE, New York. A Modern Lazarus. Inherited blood diseases are much more difficult to cure than those which are acquired liered the obstinate and deepseated, and their ef. forts to cure it meet with little ,io. A child afflicted with Scrofula is alwayi puny and sickly, and can tfever grow into healthy manhood until the disease is eliminated. Scrofula leads into con sumption nine times ont of ten, so that ii is important lor this reason that i mediate attention be given to all chil dren who inherit the sliehtest taint. Mrs. S. S. Mabry, 360 Elm St., Macon, us., wrues: "My boy, Charlie, inherited a scrofn. Ions blood taint, and from infancy was covered with terrible sores, his sufferings being such that it was impossible to uixss mm ior inree years, Sr..- KxC A SUMMER SAIL acquired. One of the most common I ju !es' sl,(Hu 5, ., nlp.1c.111f iditary disease is Scrofula, which, 1,lul bI,OLS IS l pit.lS.UH medical profession admit is most VOjagO afoot, For the pleilS- CHARLIE MABRY head and body admiration nnd confidence of all fair. minded citizens. Bo that when you cast your vote for the whole Republican ticket you Justly give your support to the party of prog, ress, the party that stands nearest the people and that hns approached nearer to perfection In the wise nnd safe dl roctlon of public affairs than any other. No Republican should bo misled by the cry of alleged reformers that this is an "off year" and thnt there Is no danger to their party If they Just thli once compliment an outsider. The He publican party needs you as much this year as any other. If reforms are need ed In tho Republican party It will b found, as In tho past, to be great enough and good enough to accomplish them without any help from the out side. And Democrats who do not ap prove of the Reading platform should not hesitate to come out clear and straight in advocacy and support oi Republican principles. It Is the only -w! 11:3 neau and body were a mass ol sores, and his nose was swollen to several times its natural size; to add to his misery he had catarrh, which made him almost deaf, and his eyesight also uccuu'.c auecieu. jno treatment was spared that we thought would relieve mm, um ue grew worse until his condi tion was indeed pitiable. A dozen blood remedies were Riven him by the whole pale, but they did not the slightest good. I had almost despaired of his ever being cured, when by the advice of a friend we gave him S.S.S. (Swift's Specific), and at first the inflammation seemed to in crease, but as this is the way the remedy gets rid of the poison, by forcing it out of the system, we were encouraged and continued the medicine. A decided im provement was the result, and after he had taken a dozcu bottles, no one who knew of his former dreadful condition would have recognized him. All the sorej on his body Lave healed, his skin is perfectly clear and smooth, and he has been restored to perfect health." Mr. A. T. Morizan. one of the nromi- nent druggists of Macon, and a member of the board of aldermen of that city, says: "I am familiar with the terrible condition of little Charlie Mabry, and the cure which S.S.S. effected in his case was remarkable, and proves it to be a wonderful blood remedy." S.S.S. is the onlv cure for deensented I.. j j. . . uioua uiseases, guru as scrofula, Rheu matism, Cancer, Eczema, Catarrh, etc. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable and contains no potash, no mercury or other mineral, which means so much to all who know the disastrous effects of these drugs. Valuable books mailed free to any ad dress by the Swift Specific Company. Atlanta, Ga. nro it gives, there's no sail like our sale. Crowds are enjoying it, ami securing the prettiest, coolest and best fit ting Summer shoes now man ufactured, at prices which buyeis find it a pleasure to pay. For house or street wear, pleasure or every-day practical purposes, walking, riding, or driving, we supply the ideal shoes demanded by fashion and the dictates of individual taste. Ladies, whoever claims yoar hands, by all means surrender your feet to these shoes. G.H. olustice of tho P cacv AND CON VPJYANOEJR M. Z. S1EIKIIUGER. Widdlcburgh, Pa I'. K. HOW I It. i:. i:. I' VI.I .i BOWER & PAWLING, Attorney w-:tt-1 jinv, Uti Pa orili-rs In ll:uil, IIUIMIlii: CHAS. NASI! i'UltVIS. Collections, Loans and Investments. Iteiil I'.Htate iml TrltiKo llmilter. V lllmnispnrt, Lvooiniiif,' Co., I'u Deposits accepted, subject to drafts or clicr!;s rout utiy part of tho ivorPl. K. Fv PotticgGi', Veterinary sUrceoN. SELINSCROVE, PA. All professional business entrusted to my rare will receive prompt nnd careful attention. J S. O. CKOUSE, ATTOItJfKY AT LAW, Mll)lLKU(Jlt(i, PA. All iioxh entrusted to liis euro will reoeive prompt attptition. -Newly EstabliHheil. WEST PERRY HOTEL, Oiicfonrlli mile Kiisl of Itlclilicld. TtmniR free foi travelinsr men to drive to town, before or after meiiis. Kates 75 cents per Day. T 33. Ross, Pro. Uipaiis Tabules. Rlpans TaDUieB cure nausea. Rlpans Tabules: at druggists. Ooa't Tobicc Spit lid Smoke loir Lift Amy. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, norve and vigor, take No-To-Boo, the wnndor-workcr, that makes weak men treng. All druggistettOeorll. Curogunran- Place mcy may go wltn earety to theli I tef.d, Booklet and sample free. Address Interests and for tho welfare of the Sterling Kemody Ca. Chicago or New York. PATENTS OBTAINED. TEEMS EASY. Consult or communicate with tho Kdltor of tills paper, who will give all needed Infor mal Ion. I" THE OLD ESTABUSHKD --Merchants' House, TIi I Ml Nlreet Above fnllowhlll, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Under New Management. Kates $ 1.50 a day, $5.00 per Week. Wm. F. Miller, Prop'r. SUBSCRIBE FOR TIE MIDDLBBURGH POST. It fiivt s nil hnpm taut news of tlio Nation. It ijvt'8 all important news of the World. It fjives entertainment to youm: am' 1 i It jiives lirilliant and instructive Kt!itriak Price, Ss.goaYcar. Advertising rates on appiktiri.;. Sample copy tree to adverts i : MIDDLEBTJRGH. A. FURNITURE, CARPETS AND CHINA. I V -TTf; :(): ii ijlit i ew !im i i.i fm-ii e t I imi'iU mi r. n r i ; in ' Slmi i' ,!..( "iyle. iii w'.i.-li mi ii 'ill .- e ntn- jtli'iil Couches (mis. tWHI'KTS, IMilS. A li V S( V A IS .ui.l f ''Tlil'Vi. PUTl'I.KS at piin v s , I, .v .I,.-., l!i- ' er iihTc,imii 'MM i. Hi e nil. i t,.. :: YulH K'M tfllllv. V. II. FELIX, LewiWi). Liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments. REMENIBEFJ H. HRRVEYSCHDCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, Only tlio Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Tire, Life, Aeeident and Tornado. No Assessments No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A. P., 181!) Assets. ftl 1,055,5.88 u Homo ' ' 1853 " 0,S53,(28.54 " American " " " 1810 " 2,40!,5S1,5: The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. Your Patronage S ilicited. SPACE RESERVED BY 0PM 111 Selinssrove, Pa. iV- V r:i.::r . Great Reduction Sale oi For Ninety Days ! The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN TIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT THE UKEATEST SACRIFICK EvEll KNOWN IN I'P.NTitAli 1 ENN- fVLVANIA. We are uot Milliii); out, but we do this to Incrense our mli'h nliow any pro vlous year. rIvh ii few oftliH pricrs ns follows : Soft Wood Chamber Suite $14.00 Cotton Top Jtnttress 2.29 Hard Wood Chamber Suits 10.00 Woven Wire Alftttrens 1.75 Antique Oak Suits, 8 Piecee 1D.00 Bed Spriii;n 1.25 Plunh Parlor Suits 30.00 'Drop Tables, per ft 0 Wooden Chairs per set 2.50. Platform Rockers 2 50 In stock, everything in the furniture line, iiieliidiiib' Mirrors, Hook Cases, Desks, Bldeboard.i, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Fancy Rockers. Huhy Chairs; Feather Pillows, Lounges, Couches, Douhtrays, Sinks, Hnll Hacks, Can. Seat Chairs fine, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes. Prices reduced all through. Come early and see our stock beforej git'lng your order, and thus save 15 to 20 per cent, on every dollar. Special Attention Given to Undertaking fc Embalming. KATHERMAN & HARTtfAN, Limited, MIFFL1NBURGH, P