.ifejl. sBestLElTR 1 can wrtw to m a rvUUvt la afi SL00K AT THE LABEL ' TU dato, prtnud affw your nainr, on m label ot . ' , thin papr.uowiillie time to which your subscrip tion bus beeu paid . M-Prk-e per Yar. f I.M. am (II Item you .'oottOlBk of. andtt Ecotflsonlyabout Emu" " vour P- Jtmdsuuunery. 10. W. WAOKN8ELLEH, MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER C0.7 PA., THURSDAY, SEP.T. 23, 1897. VOL3Lmdf. post. i LJKSSK :K3T ' : SO. Hn V- J IK.UV 1 l --f V'l .- J. rVr' M . '3. -11-- I ' L- y A 1 J KLA I" . 1 f II II "jAW I I D CTX - IMUa uuuuuuuu uvtu u uuuibuuvraa w u inji& in&iyru OTP TOO U Lie rSLMw c. U p - n SS Pir T O a1 jMSof LOOAL INTEREST I " kOTildiWrn It favor If those having vta would notify us by poatat or by ji notice at ttls offl-o. fft lrrua Mage rode to Middle- i U Sunday. Heis' store at Selin strove will losed Monday, Sept. 27tb. ism Musser, of Contreville, was (iJJleburKh visitor Friday. nKliue, of Troxelville, came in ius on buuiness, Thursday. mucl Wittenmyer, Jr., has gone Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Luel Wittenmyer, Sr., and wife h visiting at Sehnsgrove on Mon l.bnF. Stetler and wife spent Ijiy with Mrs. Stetler's relatives Itwisburg. ' pi. Meiser is still buying calves lihiptneut. Highest cash prices Iftid for them. . tf. IF Uplinger, of Mt. Pleasant li, was at the county seat on play of last week. nomas Paige and Jackson Biok were callers at this of- I Friday of last week lOppenheimer's store at 8elinB n will be closed Monday, Sept Ming a Hebrew holiday, (t.E. P. Leonard of Lincolu. been staying at Dr. J. W. mb during the past week. jast received the latest Fal of Hats. Trimines. Tarn O' iters, Etc. Mrs. E. C. Acrand itoio will be closed Monday, 27th and Oct. 6th. being He- Holidays. M. MlLLNEB, It. Kantz, Pa L 0. Barber, wife and chil- o( Danville spent a few davs pleasantly among relatives at lace. eauor oi me 1'ost was in iJelpbia labt Thursday taking ent for hm right eye aud buy ime new type. eisofSelinserove started fnr lpuia and New York Satur wire for the nurnose of buv line of Fall Goods. Kreocer and UTihs T.iVilno Ifberuer took a bicycle triD to ur(r and belinRsrrove returniner J oi ureamer Sunday. uesi uepubhean camnaiirn etits tbia year are the daily ;of increaBioe businnHn unA pcrai revivul of prosperity. u want the best and latest MDges in the market, vou can i nat you want by calling on Stahlneckflr. I I vWDIVO lUO Middleburgh. tf F'D. A good reantwrAhla t,W peral house work in a very f uy. Uood wages for a good t'm girl. Annlv or writn tn Mary E. Musser. Sunbury, Pa. peori?A fi t i I u,u uewisDurg, r wuaiey, of Philadel- P'Te heen I0' aastinpfl fla - wwmuoio WA fjjoard of Health " buuuiu ue rU Wltb more ardnr than in 1 sterile years nt 1. Cuhe.!:ewft8 no Prosperity r-iiianies of gratitude. ner vou l9 . ayejr a 0 tine ' ; thirty days before l"uu aemrA fr. i I, w 'UW, UUU PJitin person or give ""u oraer to pay P E-Stahlnecker is prepar- I irewing HUB a hasonhandafuU sup Jtyle of HeaterV ws stock opposite the tf Daniel K. Rhodes of V ' "Pending the week ;"kner and wife. Com. j XWnburv TtUjraph, Snow fell at Tamaqua, Pa. on Monday afternoon. D. A. Eern is building a residence on his property near the bakery. G. C. Benfer of New Berlin, was a Middleburgh visitor Tuesday morn. ing. Attorney Potter bought the Bil ger home he now occupies for $1600. J. J. Steely aud W. Y. McGluugh lio, of West Beaver, were callers at this office, Tuesday. T. B. Mc Williams came from Mc Yeytown to Middloburg awheel on Sunday to visit his family. Carbon Seebold and wife aud W. E. Stahlnecker and wife are attend ing the AUentown fair this week, Charles Boyer, of Paxtonville, bought the llaBttinger farm on Sat urduyfor $7050. The other farm was not sold. Another report cornea from New Berlin stating that ' a farmer near New Berlin saw Charley Adams one day last week. Mrs. Esther HassenDlug of Sun bury, who had spent two weeks as the guest of D. A Eern and wife, returned home on Monday. Miss Dilla Stetler is visiting Her sister, Mrs. Bums, at Pittsburg. She was accompanied by her ueph ew, Stetler Burns, who spent several months here. The Eratzerville uicnic will be held on Saturday. This is one of theimpoitant events of that section and is well attended. The Northum berland band will furnish the mu sic. Any person desiring to rent a de sirable hotel and buy the furniture at a bargain can get ont ouly four Buuaresfroin Market street, Phils. Inquire at this office for further in formation. A noted woman reformer is out with arguments that no candidate who is unmarried should be elocted to office. ItegardloBH of wheat prices thif would be gieut for hus bandry. bpecial days for new 5 and 10c. goods, on Friday and Saturday of this week. Don't fail to call aud see our goods. Ulrich & Osuiun. next door to Wagenseller's drug store, Se liusgrove, Pa. Li. O. Seebold und son. Harrv. of Sunbury were Middleburg visitors Monday. Mr. Soebold. bv close at teution to business, has built up an extensive business in pianos, organs and sewing machines. Notice. All persons are cautioned not to tresoabs on mv croiimla fnr the purpose of huntine or for anv other purpose, or they will be dealt with according to law. D. F. UpLisoEB,Mt.PleasantMills,Pa. Miss 'Laura Runkle and Naomi Schoch visited at Center Hall and took in the picnic last week. There was quite a storm in camp. Miss Schoch fainted during the storm. Considerable damage was done to property. A smooth, easy shave, eenteel hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is always obtained at Soles' Barber Shov. in Wittenmyer's Building, op posite Post office. Go to Soles and you will make no mistake. Khavin? soap, face cream, hair oil and egg- shampoo for sale. A E. Soles. The 13th of October will be Penn sylvania Day at the Nashville Expo sition. There was some talk of the Governor and party postponing in definitely then? trip to the exposi tion, on account of yellow fever, but the arrangements are going forward and the original plans will probably be carried out. C. C. Seebold wishes to announce to the nublio that he will exhibit At the Lewisburg Fair the finest line of pianos, organs and sewing machines. Persons intending to buy anvthina v m . in this line can do so by calling on John W. Gaunt of Middleburg and Frank S. Beisle. Middlebursh. Pa.. Agents, or C. C. Seebold, Sunbury, Pa,, warerooms, ,618-620 Market St mm it F. V. Specht and J. J. Shelley vis ited the New Berliu Neu office on Sunday. Ephriam Gravbill and wife are spending a month iu Pittsburg. Mr. Gray bill desires to reut a hotel in Pittsburg, but we have not yet learned that he has suited himself. Win. Houtz of Swiueford on Mon day purchased from Cras. A. Ruth- fou the vacant house and lot in Swineford, formerly occupied by George E. Specht. Consideration. $700. liegister aud Recorder G. M. Shiudel aud Sheriff P. S. Ritter are down at Sbamokin Dam on a fishing expedition. The fish stories will ap pear later as the gentlemen have not yet returned. Don't forget the sale of the Yoder Roller Mills at Meiser Statiou on Saturday, Oct. 2. The mill is one of the most desirable iu this section. Several tracts of real estate will be sold too. It is said that little is etolen iu the Elondyke, and this triumph of principle has been extensively laud ed. As the few who do steal, bow ever, are hanged for it, possibly principle is receiving too much cred it. San Francisco Call. The weich scales of the Pennsvl vania railroad at Hollidaysburg were destroyed by fire caused by a spark from a passing locomotive. Loss about $500, covered by insurance, a i . au me company books, covering many years' business, were destror- el. For several days last week our jail was crowded to its utmost capacity, or rather much beyond it, baviug twenty occupants caused by the commitment of so many tramps caught trespassing on railroad trains. The court relieved the pres sure somewhat, and a number of tramps will be turned out this week, when life in Castle Culhoun will sim- uier down into old lines. Mimin town Herald. llio murder of Amos Ritter. of neur Wataontown, has created no end of excitement in the vicinity of tnat place and many are the surmis es as to the guilty parties. Two women who reside near where the murder occurred are being watched and are strongly suspected of know ing considerable about the tragody As soon as enough ovideuco is gath ered the women will be arrested. Z,emsbur,g New.i. A lunatic, who escaped some time ago from tue Dunville asylum, is staying iu the woods in Point township. The authorities have been looking for him but they have been unable to locate him, although he has been seen several times lv school children and farmers. A few days ago he came to Walter's furui with his pants rolled un and his legs covered with black berrv stains and said that was the way the hor nets, ybllow jackets and bumble bees had treated him. Northum. berland Press. A feature of great interest at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania state aabbath School Association at Harrisburg. October 12-14. will tin daily Bible readings conducted by the Rev. J. Wilbur Chanman. n n of Philadelphia, whose large experi ence in evangelistic work will be brought to bear unon the spiritual interest of those attending the Con vention. Send to the Rev. C. J. Kephart, D. D Secretary, Annville, Pa., for full information concerning the Convention. L. N. Myers, of Akron, O., spent a few days very pleasantly with friends. Mr. Myers formerly re sided at Middleburgh. George Witmer of Salem reports over the new telephone the new church at Salem is nearly completed. The plasterers are putting ou the laat coat of pluhterimr now. Tim structure is beautifully desit?iiil and will bo a credit to the architects aud to the people of that vicinity. The teachers of West Beavtr township are: McClure Grammar. R. S. Stimelyj Primary, Sarnu Bubb; Fuirview. T. A. Waenor : Bannerville, J. J. Steely j Ridge, J. F. Snook : Dish's. T,. C UWnnr . Kalpetzer's, Lizzio Millor ; Midles- wartu, lvuepp. Quite a number of West Beaver citizens came to Middleburgh Tiies day morning to attend an audit in whioh Jas. Crouse was interested. It happened, however, that. Mr Crouse accidentally fell down stairs tne uignt proceeding and was com pelled to go to bed. We trust, that the Attorney will soon bo able to be about again. A 1 As..... - a rewaru oi iw on Momlav wna oflered by the Northumberland county commissioners for informa tion that will lead to the arrest of the murderer of Amos Ritter. Ritter was a prorperous farmer near Wat- & i i suuiown anu two weeks ago was found dead in his field. He was shot through the heart and received several blows from an axe on his head. McClure's Magazine for October will oontain a description of what must be one of the most curious and thrilling spectacles in all the world an elephant round-up in Siam. The paper will be illustrated from series of photogruphs showing the various steps in the dangerous nro. tfeeding of driving 200 wild elephants into a coral and choosiiitr out nucti as are desired for the royal elephant stablos nnd bringing them into sub jection. St. John's Sunday school picnic in V est Beaver, hold last Saturday. was largely attended. E. O. Snook and Einmett F. Gosh, superintend ents. Exercises, music by Adojns burg C. band : prayer. Rev. Win. M. Landis ; singing by the school, Liz zie Miller and Annie Wieder, organ ists ; Addresses. Revs. Landis, J. Lawvor ; Zueier. nnd Win. Heeter and Prof. Win. Mover : Benediction. Rev. Landis. Tho dinner hour was also au enjoyable part of the day's program. Juebandgava an inter esting program of music. The Sun. day school work in tho west end is certainly not decliniug. Pres. Moy er hopeH to see the Sunday school enrollment uear 10,000 iu the county next year. . Foot Ball. The Pennsylvania State Millers' association in Philadelphia on Wed nesday elected1 these officers Vma . Asher Miner, Wilkesbarre ; first vice president, Jacob V. Edge, Downing town i second vice nresident. F. A. Faight Roaring Spring ; treasurer, lx ijevau, Lancaster seoretary, W. H. Richardson. Philadelnhia ; board of directors, Cyrus Hoffa, Lewis- Durgj u. f. Isenberg, Huntingdon i W. 3. Yager. Lewiatown i Tinlimnr Small, York, tod E. K. Freed, North waies. The University of Pennsylvania foot bull team will nlav on Bucknell campus with the Bucknell team on Wednesday afternoon, September 22. This is tho first year the U. P. team has ever played off its own grounds, and is a rare chanco to witness some fine playing. Buck nell s schedule so far as known for this season is as follows : Sept. 22, at Lewisburg. Oot. 2. TJ. P., at Philadelphia. Oct, 9. Open. Oct. 23, Lehigh University. Oct. 30, F. & M., at Lewisburg. Nov. 13, State College. Nov. 20, Gettysburg. Nov. 23, Open. , Ten Dollars a Week for Eight. THE NEW TELEPHONE. The Penn Telephone Company have placed nearly all the phones that had beeu ordored by subscrib ers. A lot of new subscribers are not yet supplied. The subscribers in Middleburgh are W. B. Wiuey, Eagle Hotel, Franklin Roller Mills, Central Ho tel, Middleburgh Post, Arbogast & Fisher, First National Bank, W. W. Wittenmyer, Washington House, G. M. Shindel, Register nnd Record er, J. u bohoch. Prothonotarv. ami .. . r. o. Kilter, Sheriff. At Gh.be Mills aro two phones, ono at ioder s Mill and the other at Lliich s store. At Kreamor, J. E. Magee, A. C. Smith and F. W. Thomas are sub scribeis. Witmer's storo is tho only couuec lion at Salem. W. H. Grimm bottliug works, Dr. D. G. Smith, Jerry Charles, Houtz's Cigar luctorv. Courier, nii.l t h F.m pire House have phones at Freeburg, and M. Milliner at Eautz. At Sehnsgrove, Dra. B. F. and F, J. Uagenseller and P. A. Boyer, At lorneys A. W. Potter and Chas. 1 Ulrich. Eevstone IIntl Natinnu Hotel, G. R. Hendricks. ThcwnHon k Fisher, Susquehanna Universiy, wnitnior s Bottling Works, Bate man s cigar box factory, S. Weis, aud Hon. Ed. M. Hummel aro sub scribers. P. M. Teats at Hummel's Wharf, E. Auraud and Upper Ferry notei at Sbamokin Dam. ninn lions will probably reach Sunbury tuis weeic yet. This telephone already haa nnf. un in spoaking distance to about half of the county and soon will rnanh nonr. ly all points in Union and Northum berland couuties. The switch bourd has not been put in yet and so there m mi uppuriunny lor every oue along tbo line to hear what every one says. 1 his sometimes is amus ing, and frequently disuiiNlnii Some one remarked, who woul want to read tho Post if it contain ed till the gossip that lmkd nvur ! wile Well, tbat IH t I'll P. All t lut gossip of the county could be heard However, when the switch Imur.l iu up that kind of fuu will bo stopped lhis new enterprise (ills lelt want and the gentlemen at the head of the concern should receive every encouragement in the enter prise. 1 he hue will be extended to Centerville and to the West finl nf the couuty, also to Lewistown if the proper encouragement is given by the citizens of tho places interested COURT HOUSE CHIPS. The Home Paper. It does not seem possible that the table for eight people can be pro vided for ten dollars a week. But Mrs. Borer, the most famous cook in America, says it can be done. She has tried it knows. She nrovea her case in The Ladies' Home Jour nal for October. She gives twenty- one menus covering a week's meals. and gives full, practical directions by which any woman can make as attractive meals as Mrs. Borer ex plains, for this fmall sum of ten dollars. A. 1.. il .. . wniy inose who have livoil in a sinull town can realize tho power and fascination of the homo paper it occupies a place that tin ntJir.r publication can fill. The home newspaper comes first, alwavn l' erybody looks through everv nnl umn to see if his or her "name is in the paper." Euch bit of local gossip is read and discussed. Sometimes it is a birth, sometimes a death sometimes a marriage No matter what it is. every name montionpil i familiar to all, aud for this one rna son alone the home paper is prized aoove and beyond anything the "lit erary fellowB" iu the cities can pro duce. It doesn't take a very great while to read the news in the home pa pers i there's time to read the ad vertisements, and the advertise ments are read just the same as is in tue news, .every business man every town where a naner ia nrinto.i should b represented in that paper. If he is not it is he, and not the publisher of the Daner. who i loser. Meeting or the County oimliter. The Republican Standing Commit tee of Snyder County will meet in the court house at Middleburgh, Pa., on Saturday, September 25, at one o'clock P.M. Important buainB will be transacted and a full attA - HMWVUU ance is desired. Da. A. M. Smith. C.hni J. H. Rhoacs, Secretary. Ban Kutrrrd lor Krrortl. Mrs. Auna B. Bilger to M. I. Pot ter, lot No. 47 iu Middleb $1000. Goorge Shotzberger to (Calvin Shotzberger, lot No. 50 iu Freeburg for $C00. George Shotzberger to f!linrl Shotzberger, four tracts in Wash ington Twp., for $3700. Daniel Hummers heirs to Charl Fry, M acres in Jackson Two., for $5.")il. I.rlll'r Oranlail. Letters of administration in the estuto of Benjamin Ereamer, l ite of Middlecrcek Twp., were grauted to A. D. and G. B. Kreamer. MHrriiKp l.lcpiiNr. "Heakts Fluttkuino witu Delu sions." The following marriage li ceusss have been granted siuce our last publication : 1 11. A. Howell, Paxtonville, I Miss 11. M. At tig, A- Kliugler, Washington Twp., I hatie Hehu, Monroe Twd. Samuel A. App, Solinsgrove, Hutie Walter, Kreamer. t'oinmliMlonrra' OIBre. The assessors are at work making the tri euniul assessment and will make their return Oct. 2nd. The equity suit against the en dorsers of W. G. Smith, late tax collector of West Beaver Twp., has been decided in favor of Snyder county. It involves taxes to the amount of $400 aud all the costs. A Neglected Scratch. A man was at his work ono frosty morning, aud happened to get a slight scratch ou tho buck of his hand. A siugle minute's attention to it would have caused it to heal in a day or two. It was neglected. A slight' mllammatio 1 nnnnur'tiil which a single poultice would have reduced. Tho whole hand became inflamed, aud should have had tho best liiodicul attention, but it was neglected. Tho arm and shoulder and buck were seized with pais, nnd now nil was alarm nnd confusion. Twelve physicians were soon in at tendance to consult the case. The question was whether tho cnitint- off the limb would suvo the mini u life, and it was too Into. The lis- eiiBe had gained a mortal hold, ai d no human skill could arrest it. A vicious habit, an indulged little sin, a neglected duty, how easily they are taken care of. if we aro 'n season with them, but how stub born and ruinous they becomn they aro let iilono ! if At I'rlvutr Hnlv. Tho Farm of the luto Dr. T H Bihighaus, doe'd, situate East of Middleburgh about oue mile is of fered at private sale. For further particulars inquire of .Mrs. Emma Bihighaus, Executrix, Millliul.urg, Pa. u.ii; if . Another One on I nlmi ni.nl;, On most of the telephone nolea tin. tweeu here and Globe Mills urn now. eda small placard advertising , Middleburgh Post. Theao 2 words are in largo letters. A fellow from Union county came aloug the other day and soeing the placards said : 1 11 be d-d if Middleburgh don't. own nearly all these posts." App-Walter Nuptials. Last Thursday at 10 o'clock Mr Samuel A. App, of Sehnsgrove. wan married to Miss Flutie Walter, the youngebt daughter of Mr. an rl Afro Jacob Walter, at the home of the bride at Ereamer, Pa. Rey. H. G. Schnable performed the ceremnnv Mr. Harry P. Millor of Mount Airy Theological Seminary was best man and Miss Maud Bussom of Wil. liamsport was bridesmaid. The affair was a very pleasant. on and the best spirits nrevailml v extend our heartiest congratulations to the bride and groom. The wed ding itinerary included a trip to Ni agara Falls and other places in New lork. . r v, t J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers