J SIBfi MINERS SHOT 10 DE1TH. TWENTY-ONE KILLED. Deputiee Ordered to lir Upon Ban! of Biotiag Miner. A riot in which half a hundred strik ing miners were shot down marks the end of the two months of peace which has thus far characterised the great strike. Considering that a convention was in progress at Columbus, O., for the speedy settlement of the strike, the killing of at least fifteen men is most deplorable. The strike situation reached a terri ble crisis on the outskirts of Lattimer, Carbon county, -Pa.. Friday afternoon, when a band of deputy sheriffs fired Into an infuriated mob of miners. Reports run from lifteen to twenty odd killed, nnd forty or more woundt-d. Many of these will die. Four otlior dead lie In the mountains between Lat timer and Harlclgh. Those who were not Injured carried their dead and wounded friends Into the woods mi! estimate is buttled. Troops were called for and arrived on the scene Saturday. The list of killed as revised and Iden tified follows: Michael Cheslok, of Har wood; Frank Cheka, of Harwood, John Staniskn. of Crystal Ridge; lieorge Ku lick, of Harwood: Stephen Horlick, of Harwood: Jacob Kulscot, of Harwood; John Sli Vntikk, of Harwood, leaves a wife nnd four children; John Harska, leaves a wife and two children; An drew NWhkosliki; Andrew Slovonski; John Sciijt. leaves a wife and two chil dren: Je ri.'e Oasnbush. tn Friday afternoon about 200 strik ing miners left Hazelton, l'a., with the intention of going to the Lattimer mines. on hearing this the sheriff Immedi ately loaded a band of deputies on a trolley car and dispatched them to the Lattimer mines, where they arrived In udvanee of the approaching strikers. Shi riff Martin was In entire command nnd stood in the front of the line until the strikers approached. They were seen coming across the ridge, und Mar tin went out to meet them. The men drew up sullnly and listen ed in silence until he had once more lead the riot act. This finished, a low muttering arose among the foreigners and there was a slight movement for ward. Perceiving this the sheriff step ped toward them and, In a determined tone, fnrhudu the advance. Some one struck the sheriff and the next moment there was a command to the deputies to lire. The guns of the deputies instantly belched forth a terrible volley. The re port seemed to sliuke the very moun tains nnd a roar of dismay went up from the people. The strikers were taken entirely by surprise, and as Hit men toppled and fell over each other, those who remained unhurt stampeded. Thp men went down before the storm of bullets like tenpins, nnd the groans of the dying and of the wounded tilled the ar. The excitement that followed was simply Indescribable. The deputb'S seemed to be terror-stricken at th'.1 deadly execution of their guns nnd see ing the living strikers fleeing like wild men and the others dropping to the earth, they went to the aid of the un fortunates whom they had brought down. Sheriff Martin was at first reluctant to sny whether he had given the com mand to fire, but afterwards admitted that he rind. Twenty-three of the men shot nt Latimer were reported dead, Monday, six more dying nnd nearly forty In the hospital. THE STRIKE ENDED. As a Remit of a Conference the Minera will Resume Work on a 65-Cent Bam. The great miners' strike, which was declared on July 4, was brought to an end Saturday evening, so far, at letst, as Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indi ana and West Virginia are concerned, by the action of the Inter-State con vention of miners, which has been in session nt Columbus since Wednesday. It depends upon the operators wheth er or not the mines resume work with in the next 10 days. If a majority of firms affected by the suspension an nounce their willingness to pay the fi" cent rate, or an equivalent, the miners can go to work immediately. Other wise the strike will be continual 10 days longer, when, regardless of local conditions, the great conflict will be declared off. The 10-days limit Is Inserted to give all the miners In the districts like Il linois and West Virginia, where the 65-cent rate has opposition, a reasona ble time to force the acceptance of the price. If nt the end of 10 days no ad justment has been reached in such dis tricts, the men in other fields will not be withheld from their work longer, but will be permitted to go into the pits. If, on the other hand, the operators who desire peace nre able to have the rate Indorsed by u majority of their number In the live States before the 10-dny limit expires. Just so soon will the strike be ollicially declared off. AFFAIRS IN CUBA. Contnl General Lee Talki Concerning the Condition of the Island. Consul-General Fitzhugh Lee, Jr., ar rived from Havana on board the Sv guranca at New York last Wednesday. When asked ns to whether he would return to Cuba or not, the general shook his head nnd said: "I cannot answer that, and I would rather not talk on Cuban affairs until I make my report in Washington." "There Is a good deal of suffering In Cuba," said the General, "but the Americans, numbering about 1.400, are being mrcd for from the fund of $50, 000 which was appropriated for that purpose. They receive relief dally, and up to the present time about 15,000 has been expended." "Is there any sign of business Im proving or a change for the better In Cuba?" "No; I am sorry to say that there Is not," replied the General. "And there will not be any Improvement until the war Is ended." When will that be, General?" To this question Gen. Lee replied In Spanish, a free translation of which Is, "That is too much for me, I cannot say." CRAZE CONTINUES. Expedition Being Fitted Ont to Proceed to the Klondike Gold Mine. The Klondiite rage survives In Lon don despite the discouraging reports. The steamship compnnles say that In quiries still are active for spring de partures, one vessel being commission ed to take a party by wny of Cape Horn, reaching the Klondike by way of St. Michaels early In June. The fare for the double Journey Is JS'0, including a $2,500 life policy. The Idea Is to keep the steamer in the Yukon district as a floating hotel to avoid camping out, TZUX TZUOSin. A most serious accident has occurred at the Champion Kerfs mine at Mad ras. Forty persona are known to have been killed. Fire, caused by an explosion, did $50,000 damage to the Ice manufactur ing plant of H- Hermane at Sons at St Louts the otner day. James Stevenson, a sawmill employe at Murphysboro, III., fell upon a cir cular saw a few days ago, and hla bead waa severed from hla body. Miss Martha Clyburn has sued In Chicago for a share of the S1.000.0M estate of Allen Gregory, founder of the t-tock yards. She alleges that she was married to him in 1S95. George Bogart, alias George Myers, the absconding city clerk of Uvanston, III., is in jail st Cape May Point, X. J., charged with having stolen 19,000 of the city's funds. Iowa, Sac and Fox Indians are hold ing a dance and dog feast on the Chief Abraham Lincoln allotment, at Okla homa. Over 200 dogs were roasted and eaten In the feast a few days ago. The average dally shipment of money from Kansas City banks last week to farmers throughout Missouri Kansas, Colorado, and most of which has been used in moving grain, was $745,000. Theodore C. Coleman, a stairbullder, living at Allegheny, Pa., died Saturday night from worry over the fact that a levy hod been made on his furniture for rent. He was a widower, aged 64 years. x The New York and Urnoklyn public schools opened Monday. In New York L'25,000 pupils answered roll call and In Hrooklyn 125,000. All the schools are crowded and several thousand children had to be turned away. The trouble over land titles In Juneau has at last been settled by a decision of Judge Lelaney of the United States court at Juneau. The possessory rights who have Improved their holdings are held to be good against Invasion. F.xcltement pervails In Logansport. Ind., over the capture of a carrier pig eon with a message signed "Andree." The writing is In English, but It Is thought that the explorer sent out the messages In all languages. The Japanses government has given an order to Thompson & Co., the fa mous Clyde shipbuilders, for another first-class battleship of 17,000 tons, a sister ship to the Skikoshlma. It also contemplates building a first-class cruiser of 9,000 tons at Yokosuka. Three masked bandits stood ten Omaha citizens up In line at an early hour Monday and relieved them of cash aggregating $100. The victims were members of a social party who had taken possession of a Hoclal beer gulden in the heart of the city for a little entertainment. Two maiden sisters, Miss Harriet C. Sheldon, S2 years of age, and Miss Matil da Sheldon, R6, were fatally burned at their home In Lynn, Mass., Sunday. The old tallies, who lived In a house by themselves, were cooking with a kero sene stove, when the latter tipped over and the oil ran out and ignited. Six young men were drowned In a yacht near Windmill Point In Lake St. Clair a few days ago. The dead are Thomas Fritz. H. Gertels, Grant Mur ray, Thomas Newsome, Charles Rice nnd Jay Tnnsey. They had hired a yacht, which was capsized by two of the boys rocking the boat. John Miller, living In Hampshire county, W. Va., the other day sold his apple crop to a purchaser from Balti more for between $20,000 und $21,000. Wil liam Miller, his father, also sold his apple crop for about $10,000 at the same time. These are two of the largest fruit deals ever made in this section. Thayer Thomas, the 5-year-old son of Ml Thnnmo'nf Anilorann Init un or. Vested the other day for holding up Herbert Clevenger, a newsboy and re lieving him of his money, with a pistol, In genuine dime-novel style. Young Thomns was one of the principals In a wholesale mail robbery from the An derson nostofllee u month ago. Dr. J E. Roberts, lor 10 years pastor of All Souls Unitarian church at Kan sas City, preached his first sermon to the new Creedless church In the Coates opera house Sunday. The house was ', crowded. Or. Roberts withdrew from the I'nltnrliiu church last spring be cause It wns not liberal enough. He at tacked the God of Revelation ns un rc asonable. A project is under way which con templates the amalgamation of three great railroad systems the Rig Four, the Baltimore and Ohio and the Haiti more and Ohio Southwestern. The mile age of such n consolidated system would be nearly fi.OOO, and It would be the most extensive railroad property In the Kast, extending from St. Louis and Chicago to New York. Mgr. P. P. Toner, Missionary apos tolic and honorary chaplain to His Holiness Pope Leo XIII., and chaplain general to the American bishops, was stricken by the heat In his room In a hotel nt Philadelphia Saturday. He died shortly afterward. Mgr. Toner was 65 years of age. He had resided about two years at the hotel where he was stricken. 'According to a dispatch from Mos cow Lieut. -Gen. Ruron von Schak has committed suicide by shooting himself with a revolver at Odessa In a fit of re pentance. He was a member of tho German Lutheran body. His religious connections excited tho suspicions of his superiors and they ordered him to resign or to Join the Russian orthodox church. He chose the latter course and then killed himself In remorse. The property and plants of the Edi son Illuminating Company of St. Louis were disposed of last Saturday for 51H4.0OO at a foreclosure sale. Tho property wns bought by A. D. Rrown, a representative of the stock and bond holders' organization committee. The defunct company defaulted on Its bonded debt to the Knickerbocker Trust Company of New York last Feb ruary. It has carried a capitalization of $4,000,000 and a bonded debt of $4, 000,000. Hawaiian advices contain the reply of Minister Cooper to the arbitration proposition as submitted by Japan, Mr. Cooper says that Japan, having re fused to submit to arbitration the ques tions whether the Japanese Immigrants refused entrance into Hawaii were pos sessed of $50 each, and as to whether the treaty of 1871 Is . applicable, tho Hawaiian government cannot definitely accept arbitration until it knows just what points Japan Is willing to arbi trate upon; nor can It accept the King of the Belgians as arbitrator until this Is made known. Twenty-four persons, mainly spec tators of the great blast at Panuelas quarry, on the Vera Crus railway, were instantly killed Sunday. The blast went off and the people rushed forward to see the effects, when gases in the air Ignited, causing an explosion, with ter rible results. Two cavalrymen were on guard and we.re killed, with their hor ses. Many people were wounded. . The quarry supplies rock for Vera Cms har bor Improvements. Stole the Mag io Stone The Blarney stone has been stolen and the Irish people at Atlantic City, N. J., arc up In arms. More than that, vandals have desecrated and attempted to burn up Blarney castle. " : " - DESMIO BI LID CITE. TOWNS WIPED OUT. fifty Lit Report Loet ia a Hernial Wait Rained Onlf VUUf New Sabine pass. Old Sabine pass. Port Arthur and Wlnnlte-. Tex are In ruins. How many Uvea are lost It la Impossible to tell, but BO Is a safe esti mate. A hurricane struck thee towns Tuesday evening, carrying death and destruction In its wake. Sabine Pass waa complete?? wiped off the map. The new hotel and a number of dwellings were demol ished. Ten boarding cr construction cars were blow n over and a large num ber of the employees killed and In jured. , The hurricane waa accompanied by a tidal wave and the town of Sabine Pass waa covered with water to a depth of three to five feet The ship ping suffered severely, a Norwegian bark sinking at her moorings. There are only two houses left standing In the little town of Wlnnlte. A tornado, terrible in Its velocity, struck Port Arthur the same evening. Six people are known to have been in jured. Buildings were blown down and great damage was wrought by the cyclone. The dead are: Frank Al bright, Kansas City, George Martin, bricklayer, unknown man, aged 38; May Ainsworth, 13 years old, daughter of William Ainsworth; Infant son of W. H. Johnson, blown from its moth er's arms and drowned. Advices from Winnie, Tex., say that marly all the houses there have been blown down and torn away. At Webb all of the barns and one house were demolished and scattered over the country. At Sabine Pass the loss Is one schooner, four tugs, many buildings, ten or more people drowned. Including Moore and Bettls, contractors, and there Is six feet of water In Sabine City. THE MERCHANT MARINE. Interesting figures Regarding th Increase and Decrease of Tonnage. The documented merchant marine of the United States on June 30 last num bered 22,633 vessels of 4.769,020 gross tons, an increase of 65,400 tons over June 30, 1896, and a decrease of 275 vessels. The tonnage of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts Is 2.647,796, a decrease of 20,000 tons. The tonnage of the great lakes Is 1.410.103 tons, an Increase of 86.000 tons. Pacific coast tonnage was virtually Stationary. American sailing tonnage has exceeded steam tonnage for the last time In our history, the steam tonnage on June 30 amounting to 6,599 vessels of 2,358,558 gross tons, an Increase of 61,000 tons over the previous year. Nearly all of this increase is on the great lakes, where steam vessls number 1,776, of 977,235 tons. . t New York state has the largest mer chant marine, 4,857 vessels of 1,331,743 gross tons, an Increase of 27,000 tons. The state exempts from taxation its tonnnge In foreign trade. Michigan ranks second with 1,132 vessels of 477, C02 tons. Ohio's vessels are the largest and most modern, 658 of 390,052 tons. Maine's fleet numbers 1,871 vessels of 299.592 tons. Steel and Iron vessel number 1,023, of 1,207,222 tons, an increase of 117, 000 tons. During the year 68 Iron or steel vessels of 124.395 tons were built and documented. Vessels registered for foreign trade number 1,230 of 805,684 tons. Of ,72,000 shipments of seamen on American merchant vessels before Unit ed States shipping commissioners for the last fiscal year, 22,500 were.of Amer icans, 18,000 Scandinavians, 13,000 Brit ish, 8,000 Germans, and the balance of other nationalities. Shipments at New York numbered 23,000, San Francisco, 12.500, Boston, 7,700; Philadelphia, 7,000, and New Orleans, 4,700. YELLOW FEVER. Thousands of Dollars Expended to Suppress the Dreaded Disease. The announcement of the ninth case of yellow fever In New Orleans was officially made by the board of health late Tuesday afternoon. The yelow fever has invaded Mobile and has suddenly been declared epi demic in Barkley, Miss. Atlanta promises to be the refuge of all people living in New Orleans and along the coast who desire to get away. Of the cities of the south In danger of infection, Atlanta Is the on ly one that has refused to quarantine, and that has Invited all refugees with in her gates. Yellow fever has appeared at Leon, In Western Nicaragua. Several natives have died of the disease recently and 11 is spreading. The board of health at New Orleans Sunday declared six of the suspicious cases to be yellow fever, and announced another pronounced case at Mlro and Esplanade streets, also In the lower part of the city. The authorities do not believe that the situation Is materially worse than It was four or five days ago, aj.d they nre z'M confident of their ability, with modern sanitary applian ces, successfully to quarantine the In fected districts. Yellow Fever existing, New Orleans Is to be treated to the most thorough cleaning she has had in many moons. Mayor Flower and President Olllphant imt the heads of the various depart ments of the city, and the conference resulted In the Instir.t appropriation of $11. W0 with which to Leuln the work, with the undcnUaudlng that any por tion of $50,000 necessary to conclude It would be forthcoming when required. Th Board of Health reiterated that there had thus far been but one case of yellow fever In New Orleans this summer. Nothing has been reported of an alarming character from the coast. A few new cases of fever have been dis covered, but the scourge is not spread ing with the rapidity usual In yellow fever epidemics. There are 38 people sick In Ocean Sprtngs at present and 400 who have not had the fever. Ocean Springs Is still appealing for help and especially for trained nurses. Vlcksburg Is quarantined against New Orleans and every point at all doubtful, and Is cleaning up as fast as possible. Steamboats are not permitted to land at Natches or Vidalia, the former place having the local militia on guard. A dispatch from Blloxl says two new cases have developed, fl'here have been no deaths. All parties are doing well. WEYLER INNOCENT. Bat He Declares that the Cnbans re Respon sible for Their Misery. Gen. Weyler, on his return to Ha vana the other day, talked freely to a number of leading Spaniards of his policy, the first time he has done this since he came to Cuba. "What means all the outcry against my decree ordering the concentration of paclflcos? Only that it was a mil itary measure, favorable to Spain; It Is not my fault If hundreds of thou sands of people' have to die from ef fects of it. I did not provoke the war, AWFUL DISASTER. Ton-ty Uvea Lett la a Bail? Vreek at Newcastle, Cal . A terrible wreck was caused by st bead-end collision between a Denver ft Rio Grande passenger train at New Castle. Cel., Friday morning, sunning at the rate of forty miles an hour, and a special Colorado. Midland stock train, runntnc at a spee of probaMy thirty miles. So terrible waa the concussion that betb engines, baggage and express cafs, smoker and day coaches and two stock cars were totally demolished and the track torn up for rods ia both di rections. To add to the horror of the scene, the wreck caught fire from an explosion of a Pintsch gas tank on the passeuger train and burned so rapidly that many passengers, pinned beneath the debris, were burned to death before help could reach them. The generally accepted theory as to the cause of the wreck seen to be that Conductor Bur bank of the Midland spe cial, anticipating the time of the pas senger, undertook to "steal a station," and beat the passenger Into New Cas tle. Burbank escaped uninjured, and. upon orders from Coroner Clark, has been placed under arrest by the sheriff. Many of the unfortunates will never be known and It is possible that the num ber killed will always be in doubt. From the best Information- obtained now, fully thirty persons are believed to have periBhed, while 1S5 were taken out of the wreck suffering from serious injuries. The dead, as recognlxed, are: F. Kee nan. mall agent, of Denver; Robert 8. Holland, fireman. Denver Rio Grande railway, Sallda: Mrs. Alexander Hart man and two sons of hers, of Herscher, III.; James Errlck, of Chicago; William Hlnes, fireman: William Gordon, en gineer passenger train; Charles Leeper, of Clarion, Pa. R. W. Shot, of Leeper, Pa., Is reported among the Injured. The body of Robert Ostrander, engi neer of the Colorado Midland stock train, waa found later In the debris of the wreck. The head and arm were burned off. Rev. Alex. Hartman. of Hersher, III., whose wife and two child ren were killed In the accident, died In the hospital at Sallda Saturday morn ing. TRAINS COLLIDE. Three Locomotive Boilers Explode and Many re Dead and Injured. One of the worst wrecks In the his tory of the Santa Fe occurred three miles east of Emporia, Kan., last Wed nesday night. Twelve or fifteen per sons were killed and as many more were badly wounded. The known dead are: Jim Brennan, engineer, Topeka; Nate Holllster, fireman, Topeka: J. F. Sours, Kansas City, express messen ger, body almost consumed by fire; William Frlsbey, engineer; R. A. Do ran, Emporia, postal clerk; Gon zales, fireman westbound train; Brag man, first name unknown, Topeka; Ben Water, St. Joseph, Mo., a fireman on the westbound train, is missing; unknown man, tramp. A fast mall train going east and the Mexico and California express collided head on. The Mexico and California express was pulled by two locomotives, and when struck by the engine draw ing the fast moil the boilers of all three engines exploded and tore a hole In the ground so deep that the smoking cars of the west-bound train wont in on top of the three engines and two mall cars and balanced there, without turning over. The ' passengers In the smoking-car esqaped through the win dows. The front end of this car was enveloped in a volume of stilling snioke and steam, belching up from the wreck below, and the rear door was Jammed tight in the wreck of the car behind. The wreck caught fire from the en gines. The cars In the hole burned to ashes In no time. Climbing out of the smoking-car several men fell through the rl(tu below, and It is impossible to tell whether' they escaped or were burned to death. The westbound train carried seven or eight coaches, and Its pasengers in cluded many excursionists, who hnd been to hear Hon. W. J. Bryan speak at the county fair at Burllngame. Mr. Bryan himself was on the train, but was riding In the rear Pullman, some 400 feet from the cars which wrecked. He states that nothing but a heavy Jolt was experienced by the passengers in his coaeh, Mr. Bryan was one of the noblest men In the crowd of rescuers. He help ed to carry out the dead and wounded and gave the greatest attention to their care. One poor fellow who was badly maimed, called to Mr. Bryan and said: "I went to hear you to-day; I am now dying and want to shake your hand and say God bless you. If you possibly can, Mr. Bryan, get me a drink of water." Mr. Bryan went Into the fast mall car, one end of which was burning, and came out with the drink of water, which he gave to the suffering passen ger. He brought out cushions for others of the Injured and was every where present to minister to the wants of the Buffering. It is stated that the wreck was caused by a miscarriage of orders from the train-master. At Emporia the eastbound fast mall train received or ders to paas the California express at Lang, seven miles east. Another order was sent to Lang for the California ex press to take the siding there. The order was not delivered and the west bound train passed on, the trainmen expecting to pass the fast mall at Em poria, Disastrous Wreck. A disastrous freight wreck occurred on the Iron Mountain road at Hanson, I. T., a Btnall station west of Vanpu ren, Ark., Sunday, resulting In the death of seven men and the serious In jury of six others, two of whom will die. The dead are: William Fame, Charles Fame, Douglass Anderson, John Johnson, Bore Henderson, Frank Hamilton, H. A. Walton. KEPT HIS OATH. Having Promised to find a Morderer-A Jury man Olves Himself Up. Edgar Stripling, a well known young man of Columbus. Ga., has surrendered to Sheriff Cowles, confessing that he was wanted for the murder of W. S. Cornell. He was on the coroner's Jury which Investigated the assassination of Cornell, who was shot from ambush. Stripling says that Cornell had insulted his married sister, Mrs. Howell Dur ham, and that the killing was done to avenge her honor. It Is believed that Howell Durham, the husband, was the other assassin, but Stripling denies this. It is said he can make the story of the lnsuit to his Bister good. If this Is the case, there is little danger that he will be convicted for transgressing the unwritten law. Stripling confessed because he happened to be called to the coroner's Jury on . the case, and took an oath to do his duty. This was to find the murderer, and nothing was left for him but to give himself up. . Railroad to the Oold Fields. ' Articles of Incorporation were filed with the Secretary of State of New Jersey the other day for the Yukon Railroad Company, " ' " CM DDBfQ SIM) SALISBURY YIELDS. International Coastitmtsssi lis Fewer t Contra! is Tinas f Oreec. ' The Marjis of Salisbury's prop al for the constitution of an International commission, representing the six pow ers, to assume control of the revenues with which Greece wtn guarantee pay ment of interest for the holders of old bonds as well as oavment of the In demnity loan, this step to be followed by the prompt eva.rua.tion of Thessaly by the Turkish tiooDS. has been ac cepted by the powets. The only remaining' question- Is the dotes for the payment of the indemni ty. The powers desire to Insert these dates In the treaty of peace, hut the JCTiusn amoassador. Sir Phil to. Currte. suggests that they leave th dates to be determined upon by the Internation al commission. The ambassadors ex pect all the details of the treaty of peace will be settled on Thursday next. The London "Times" correspondent at Constantinople has telegraphed his paper mat it was owing to a note from Count Muravteff. the Russian minister for foreign affairs, intimating that Great Britain was responsible for the "Incalculable evils from which Greece and Turkey are suffering through the delay In the conclusion of peace be tween tho two countries." that the Marquis of Salisbury submitted fresh proposals for the settlement of the per manent peace between Turkey and Greece. The Marquis of Salisbury's latent proposal for the settlement of the terms of peace between Turkey and Greece Is generally regarded In Lon don as a victory for German diplom acy, and much bitter feeling Is dis played In England over the British premier's backdown. A fresh proposal was what Germany has been holding out for. namely, the control of the Greek revenue In the Interest of all the creditors of Greece, as well as for the Becurlty of the loan to Greece for the purpose of paying her indemnity to Turkey. I0ND01TS STRIKE. Workmen Say that Poles, Huns and Other Foreigners Destroyed Unionism in America. The engineers on strike at London have won the cordial support of the trades union congress, now meeting at Birmingham, and the struggle will continue exceptionally stubborn and hard fought. The supposed labor situ ation In America Is being cited as an example or a warning, according to the point of view. English manufacturers claim that In Pittsburg and other American cen ters of Industry "the thraldom of unionism" has been shaken off; that the employers are entirely Independ ent of the workers and are better off In consequence. In England the so-called "solidarity of labor" and right to organize has been generally admitted, and the urg ing of "American methods" has acted on the unions like a red rag on a bull. They reply that where unionism has been beaten In America It has been done by the employment of Poles, Huns and other foreigners, and that the scheme will never work In Eng land. The ninth week of the engineers' struggle In London leaves 22,000 en gineers, 12,000 trades unionist:!, 2,000 non-unionists and 5,000 laborers out of work, with strike pay amounting to 1165,000 per week. New firms depend ent on engineering are stopping work laily and some of the locomotive man ufacturers have posted notices as fol lows: "Eight hours a day, with the present rate of wages, would be disastrous to tho locomotive trade of England, In the face of American and Continental competition. We therefore feel It our duty to counsel tho men to refrain from any encouragement or support of the elsht-hour movement." V 1 Famine in Ireland. The "Daily Nation" after getting a letter from every pastor of a parish in rural Ireland, says: "Since black '47, the Irish laborer has never faced a winter more full of privation." The harvest Is as bad as can be In the west of Ireland, and It Is pretty sure there will be not only a food but a fuel famine. Not only arc the potatoes rotting in the ground, with the grain crops beaten down by rain and not worth reaping; but the turf cut will not dry. Cnless there Is exceptional weather within the next few days a famine Is a certainty. FROM ACROSS THE SEA. A concession to complete the Panama canal has been given to England. A brother of President Barrios of Guatemala and the wife of Senor Jefe de Tolltlco were killed the other day. By the explosion of a boiler at a brew ery at Hoenstaedt, near Olmutz, Aus tria, eleven persons were killed and many were injured. The British steamer Polyphemus, from Yokohama to London, has been damaged in a collision near Jebel-Tar, an Island of the Red sea. Twenty seven of her crew were drowned. Missionaries returning from China say that the government has entirely ceased Its hostility to their work, and frequently consults them regarding methods of advancing Chinese interests. The fishing fleet returned to Dunkirk recently from Iceland and reported that out of ninety-eight boats, six foundered during the season, resulting in the drowning of thirty men and boys. France has been appealed to by the Pope to oppose the Zionist movement to re-establish the Jews In Palestine. Dr. Grunhua, master of the German school at Jerusalem, asserts that out of 30,000 Hebrews in that city, 28,000 live The Chinese Government Is negotiat ing with a foreign syndicate for a loan of 100,000.000 taels for the purpose of paying off the romalnder of the indem nity to Japan, and it is believed that the matter will soon be brought to a suc cessful Issue. The Norwegian bark Alette, Capt. Lorentzen, from Vancouver, via Port Angeles, fell a victim to the fury of a gale, at Yokohoma, last week, and was wrecked off Nlchiski. Ten of her crew were drowned and the six survivors were seriously Injured. There Is a pos sibility of recovering a portion of her cargo. The Alette was a double-decker and hailed from Drammen, Norway. She had a tonnage of 1,306 and was the property of J. Gulllchsen. The President of the Senate at Lima, Peru, has asked for the appointment of a commission to report immediately upon the proposal to legalize the mnr rlage of non-Catholics, adding that the non-existence of a law leaves hundreds of children of foreigners deprived of the protection of a law which ought to exist In every civilized country. The sultan has ordered a commis sion, composed of two Mussulmans, three Armenians nnd one Greek to visit the Armenian villages which have been the chief sufferers from the mas sacres and raise funds to rebuild the Armenian schools, churches and mon asteries and build orphanages.' STILL ADVANCING. Kntevafiaf Raserta Usorts Frsi all iw. I Cy weA review J cmatry Basw J R. a. Ehia trade i urtw mm follnmra There W ji halting in tw. ... Business mm hotter - '"M ... . ways I while Its speculative end breaks Teoa'l i'"1""11 r a decline, steadv lm?riA.Mk In nmAb.,iu . ..,.UW) m . fnsr fore and In th iw - . "l me tyy, I pie to purchase is the feature m J overshadows all others. Reno, h. Vaur Twtr MJ. ..-I ""-ports ofl ---- uuiuub snow an i cfease since one year am ,V ",- cent. In the number of men .. I.'l and a similar Increase among men M like iwttion throughout ,he 2 would exceed 840.00a. whit- ;l-"fntryl adds many establishments to the 1 A gate ef 12 per cent. In one moh I knowledge that half a don n otw,!'.'.,ll nniM niwnarin rt - . u r" . - w i ... " regime, aim thni unsold stocks have been, reduced u if. tons weekly In August. indir.tiJ,w consumption of about 1.000 tons nior! ui'ianiie SO Vane li bnt 6 per cent, since the low.. ...... August 12. - point. Pig to a shade stronger at ChlcJ bat the Droof that th artv.- . ' A thy is found in the growine- ,i. "!r of consumers, especially for bars hJ Chicago, for structural work. Including 12.000 tons for Santa Fe bridge. .fw.fi ..... !, inciuuing tony axles and for plates, especially for m VMWla nn Oi. Inlpa. . l . . . . I' shept And mprphant nlnM , . w u a -ui'i-r is vinauy and lead duetlon of coke has reached la ooo ton. with 12.717 ovens in operation ' Wheat has risen 5c the nasi not in a flurry, but in answer to th dally Increasing forel i?n . TI.. ..I. . -""unci iiiuufwi iT-purie ui ine crop, now almos niii-uy uui oi danger, indicate a never surpassed but once, forel vuuuin sun Birt-iiKinen 1110 Delit'f tha uic urui-ieui-jr HUIOUII will be ahnu vv,vw,v.nr uuaucis mure man usnn Bn meanwhile reports indicate that ' corn than was expected will be avalla ble for export. Its price has risen aboui M C" . Since the small corner In August eot ton has relapsed to 7'c, no rumors ? reeling prices much. Northern miv are consuming very largely, with a eon' miuuuB uemana ior goous, which hai uuvunceu ine prices or many. Wit enormous speculative sales of unn which appear to constitute most of th mantei ai uosion, mere iK ia mn, buying there and elsewhu.. y th women mins, wmcn are enjuvi.K exn oruinary uemanci ror odds it averaging not 10 per cent. hii; r th.i was paia earty in tne year, age advance for the week It- e avcrl has been $1 12 per share ' .r ' lilriia.!! I 'pen !ll and 79 cents for trusts. ? Failures for the week h In the ITnlted States, ague, 313 hi year, and 3a In Canada, aiaii ilti year. TONS OF POSTALS. Four Hundred Freight Cars Neceiiary iransporune tarns to wasmngtos. From present Indications a West Virf glnla paper company will manufartM all the postal cards used in this coun try during the next four years, anl the timber reserve or Northern Wei Virginia and Southwestern Pennsyl vanla will be drawn upon fer the ma terlal to be used in the pulp fri which the cards will be manufacture! When the' bids were opened for thl contract it was found that a forms contractor, ex-State Senator Pass of New York, was the lowest bidder ti about $25,000 per annum. As he did nJ own a paper mill, the third asslsta. postmaster general, Mr. Merrltt, calls UDon him to designate tne mill ttis would manufacture the cards. Thl was necessary, as the freight to be pal on the cords would count In auardia the contract. Mr. Daggett named the west i glnla Paper Company, whose prlnclil mill was at Piedmont, vvnn anoiniri Davis. If all Is found to be satlsfai tory the contract will be awarded Mr. Daggett, and it will commence December 1 next and last lor i" years. - . .. . . . . . j Few neonle realize tne size or ia contract. It Is estimated that duns the four vears the government will i quire 2.500,000.000 postal-cards. Thil cards will weigh about 70,000 tons, al nearly 400 railroad rreignt cars win i roniilrori tn t-n.nnnrt them from Pie moht to the government supply depol The government will Bend five meni VJedmont to look after Its Interest!! tne contract, ine vuiuk m "" tract Is In the ne ghborhood of lit Of this amount nearly all will go I Piedmont, as Mr. Daggett, tne oi trotnr will ho QuduHerl with S Hi profit for his enterprise anil pturkl making tne Dia. r or me comm"!. ij tal cards his bid was less thun "A eel per thousand. NOT WANTED HERE. European Anarchists Will Not Find Bij of Kefnge in America. Mlrhel tho notorious FW nnnrchlnt. la irninir to the I'ml States In October. She will be ace panied by prominent KnKllh chlsts. and they will undertaki sDeechmaklnc tour In America, for nornoHR of advancing the anarrl propaganda. Mile. Michel believes that the valline labor troubles make the nut llnis nilvnntflirenus for spn anarchist doctrines. In the meanfij a fortnl"'.f's similar campaign m glum vvT I bo closely watched W t7 ..nU TK,. ilato dunnrtment at "" i,, inatrni-ioH nil the mini-'! 1 K ITnllell State OIIU kvimuw , " 1 .... . .. .... kn hnm (,overni- of the departure of narehiHti'l United States. It Is unuer,torJ the authorities at Washington, .- their representatives abroau. communication with the EuroP'M j n.0,lnfr Wlt lice, anu i c uu-uf1 , rnrnnun nntl-anarchist moi"" which was Inspired by the msot tlon of the premier or pp ;.. Canovaa del Castillo, by AngloW T ... 1 1 .. Ult - t,i...i ctoa novenwi therefore, will be notified of iJ pariure oi irfjuiso jn - - M are expressed here as to neu will be allowed to land. CUBAN VICT0BT. - : Insurgents Captnr a Town anl " s,, , Hospital. 1 rr Reports of the capture ofl' "Jft torla de las Tunas, province ,f ago de Cuba, say that tne . after capturing the town, the--Tept,e 40 guerrilla 'ur . t mo-- -)tsj resisiam". nt-T'' 'SeJcid vices f ont If liiLurs"1" orcce duVln 1 the in. v nocl I One Klet HTM )nWPH ".. v.: '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers