The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 16, 1897, Image 1
m 1 pj r kff, WAGEH8SLLER. itor.Dd Proprietor, MIDDLEBUEGH, SNYDER CO., PA., THURSDAY, SEPT. 16, 1897. VOL. 34. NO. 36. iioiiMn ro T IIP TOE PEOP L WT WE SLAVE IF CORRUPT P0L1TDC JjSof LOCAL INTEREST -.iddrftn Ita faror It those bavins vt- would notify us by pottal or by LgoUce at ttls offleu. log 0. Lenig of hreamer was at this office on Monday. Editor of the Post and wife 1v were the guests of bis at SlinBgrove. Jleiser is still buying calves ipmeot. Highest cash prices J for them, ti. Katie KiiDg oi naiitax is Viug the week at the Editor's od the French Flats. store will be closed Monday, rth and Oct. 6th, being He- Holidays. M. MlLLSER, U Kantz, ra. V't (orget the bargains in shoes IJIaurer's Cash Store, New Ladies' fine dress shoes on I Usurer. New iferun lias a idvertisement in this issue, it He gives a special discount lliys. U walk and festival will be iimile westnof old Zion's church Juk Ritt'J field on Saturday W September 18th. i wm E. Specht, Misses Floa A. it, Hattie Specht and Sarah i mited friends and relatives mrtown on Sunday. iBerthaZongand gentleman , of Milton, spent a few hours iieford, Sunday the guests 1 Smith and family. ile L Marks, who had gone V Athens. 0., to attend Col- k returned, dissatisfied with px. tie will attend some m- toa in Penna., probably Dick- College, Carlisle, Pa. lor Joseph Q Lesher of the ove Times was one of the 'residents of the Prohibition Won held here on Saturday, jud that three fourths of the Yd! of the county are mourning W of a customer. isiooth, easy shave, genteel pt,or other tons.orial work, is obtained at Soles' Barber ra Wittenmyer's Building, op- Post office. Goto Soles and make no "mistake, Shaving cream, hair oil andegg- forsale. A. E. Soles. George Parsons, D, D., died me in Suubury on Wednes- fcrnoon of heart failure, aged K 5 months and 38 days. He lorty years a minister of the synod of the Lutheran ndbad served in charges PJ, Milton, Williainsport. pndSunbury. ke in error last week in 41 P. W. Thomas swore trrant for the arrest of ttd Walker, also in stating D. Kreampr RArvnil t)m urnr. ' said that W. A Keeler the warrant and Charles ""edit. We are told bow 't there seems to be a gener al! of all connections with int. B. Sunday school of this 1 Sunday, elected the fol Eerg for the ensuing year : L Shannon ; Assistant, H. ''Sec., Chas. E. Specht; H.S. Mertz; Treas., H. Organist, Miss Sarah P. tant, Miss S. Laura ";8upt.of Infant Dept., LG Snyder. Jone unmarried lady in I She wears short Bkirts, f nmbrella and wants to "had offers of mar J nearly every man in have been backed F of huge sums in vir ghe shakes her head, rjkd more than anything lust now is a Bride y pay "mm U)f r,- .v.Tiv- Born to Edwin Charles and wife the first born daughter. Chas. P. Ulrich, Esq.. of Selins grove has declined the democratic nomination for District Attorney. J. A. Gayton of Lewistown, mail agent on the Sunbury & Lewistown division, made a pleasant call at this office on Saturday. Wm. H. Smith has removed the board fence alone Sugar street and put up a wire fence and is laying tiling in front of the hotel. Louis Garrett, C. F. Miller, Misses Hattie Briner and Gertrude Souers, of Lewistown, were the guests of Heny Bickbart and family the past few days. Persons in this town and vicinity can greatly assist the Editor by sending us notices of their visitors and other occurences that may hap pen under their observations. The following are the teachers in West Perry township : Cross Roads, H. S. Hornberger j Heister Valley, S. H. Graybill ; Stall's. Art. Shaaf fer; Gordon's, Stephen Mitterling. The Centre Hall Reporter says : A Rebersburg young lady, who is soon to be married, had her foitune told recently, and said to her friends that she wouldn't tell what the fu ture had in store for her for ten hundred thousand million dollars, but a day or two later she let the cat out the bag by blushingly ask ing a girl chum "Do you think twins are nice T" No illustrated article in the Sep tember Magazine Number of The Outlook will attract more general attention than that on "Modern Rome" by Professor Rodolfo Lan ciani, who is the greatest living au thority on this particular subject, and has the highest possible rank as an archaeologist and art critic. The illustrations are furnished by Profes sor Lanciani, and include some beautiful and typical Roman scenes. $3 a year. The Outlook Company, 13 Astor Piace, New York. James Kesslor, of below Shatnokin Dam, spent last Saturday afternoon and night with his sons, Thos. M. and George, proprietors of the Kes sler House and Palmer Houso. The father of these up-to-date hotel boys is as young as they are when it comeb to a day's fishing or hunting, lie ulso knows a thing or two about the hotel business, as he clerked in the James K. Dayis Hotel at Selins grove over forty five years ago long before the above hotel caterers were born when A. E. Kapp, now deceased, operated the stage route between Northumberland and the Junctiou on the Juniata. Mr. Kes slor, although almost seventy years of age, would reudily puss for a man not over fifty. Northumberland Press. Col. George E. Waring, Jr.. con tributes to McUlure's Magazine for September an article on "The Clean ing of a Great City" that to readers who have not carefully considered the subject will be simply a revela tion. Reciting the story of his own experience as Commissioner of Street-Cleaning in New York City during the last two years and a half, Col. Waring demonstrates that it is quite possible, at comparatively small cost, to keep the streets of a great city as clean and wholesome us a well- kept house. And so far-reaching its physical and moral effects does he show the publio cleanliness of a city to be, that it should seem that the most immediate means of mak ing a signal reduction of misery and crime in any city is a general im provement in its street-claning. The article is illustrated with special drawings showing the different op erations in improved street cleaning. 1.L IV say out :tfconsor ilereaa- , . -. , lllO'Mi For Singer; an Effective (Jure Jor Cold. Old Aunt Kachael. the well known nurse ot Holland descent, baa gotten up for tome Mew York physicians, according to their prescribed formula. a oomblnaUon ot Horehound, Elecam- ,o, Orape Juice ana Rock Candy, that is ao- ng wonders In the cure of cough, colds and ion roat, It Is put up in M and 78 oent sixes, rub- fpeakara should wrry a bottle In tbelr pocket by druggists. , read it. I he New York School Election. In the state of New York, the school trustees, in the cities and many large towns, are appointed not elected. In the smaller towns and villages, where they are elected, men and women can vote on the same terms, that in, either must have the care of children utteudiug school, or pay school tuxes ou real estate or on personal property valued at $50.00. Thus only a small por tion of the meu of the state have the right of school suffrage. The election takes place ia a town meeting and not by the Australian ballot, aud the publicity has doubtless kept some women who are eligible from exercising the privilege. The township system as opposed to the district system has lately been recommended by Mr. Charles R. Skinner, State Superintendent of Publio Instruction. He will intro duce a bill in the next legislature providing for such a system. As the bill was originally prepared, it was so framed that women would be deprived of the right to vote for school trustees. Wherever this provision of the the proposed change ia the law be came known, much interest was shown by the women in the election on August 8rd. No official returns are made of this election, but news paper, reports and private letters indicate that a much larger vote was polled by women than ever be fore, and in many places it was fully as large as that polled by the men. In others more women than men voted, as at Warsaw where 79 women and 27 men voted and Lily Dale where there were 45 women and 22 men. In some places where women had never attended the school meeting, they appeared in good proportion, aud often elected a woman trustee. Ia Baldwin there was only one woman present and she nominated a woman for trustee. The sentiment of the place is ho strongly conservative that a number of women who wish ed to attend the meeting were pre vented from doing so by their hus bands' objections. Nevertheless the arguments presented with this noin ination appealed so favorably to the men present that the candidate was unanimously elected. The interest shown by the woman brought out a larger number of meu than usual in several places. Last year 10 votes were cast at the school election ia Randolph ; in the same district this year, tnere wore CI, or which 20 were cast by women. In Jamestown about 900 women voted out of a to tal of less than 2000. In Jericho Port Washington, South Stockton and Bnlleview an equal number of men and women voted. About half the vote were cast by women in East Lansing, Westbury, Medina, Sheerman, EUicott, Hamlet, Thorn ton and many other places. The Bchool election in New York this year has educated many women to see that it is both possible and desirable that they should take au active interest in school manage ment. It has increased the interest. It has also demonstrated that a large per cent of the women who are eligable wish to retain school suffrage. Won't Tobarre Spit sad Smoke Tour Mr Away. To quit tobacco easily und forever, be mag netle. full of lire, nerve and rigor, take No-To-Ilao, the wnndor-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggist, SOo or II, Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address 6 tailing Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York. KREAMEK. J. E. Magee drove to Middleburg last Friday .... Wm. Roush of Selins- J grove was in town between trains last Th u rtday .... Jerome Walter, who left this place eight years ago and has been located in Idaho, is home visiting his parenss and many friends.... Mrs. Wm. Wolf of Selins grovevas visiting in town on Thurs day. .T.The Bale of, Henry Wetzel's property took place last Thursday. Isaao Sauer bought the home for $825; Samuel Herman, the tract located below the town for $100; Laphenus Walter, third tract for $25. , . NEWSPAPER CLIPPERS. Sentenced to the Northumberland County Jail. J. B. Spangler and P. E. Hacken burg, of Adamsburg, Snyder coun ty, were senteuced by the United States district court at Williams port Thursday to thirty days in the Northumberland couuty jail for con spiring to defraud and using the mails to further the scheme. The defendants inserted advertisement in newspapers culling for people to collect newspaper clippings at $o per 100. The applicants for position were to send 10 cents for blanks aud later were called upon for a second 10 cents, for which practically no re turn was giyen. The amount of money involved wasBinall but the principle was the same as in a class of cases the government was very desirous of breakiug up. Spongier was placed on trial and admitted having done whatVas charged, but contended that he had no inteution committing a wrong. Witnesses testified to his reputation in the community in which he lives. The jury brought in a verdict of guilty in manner and form as indicated. In the case of Hackenburg u plea of guilty was entered by S. B. Boyer, of this place, in behalf of his client. Sunbury Item. Died Suddenly. Hen.y J. App, who resided in this county until within the past ten years, and who while here was one of the best known young men in this end of the county, died suddenly at his brother's home near Berrys burg, in Dauphin county, last Thursday morning. He retired the night before, ap parently enjoying good health ; in the morning he was found dead near his bed where he evidently expired while in the act of making his toilet. It is evident that he becamo se riously ill early in Ihe morning and attempted to dress when ho was stiicktn with paralysis, death re sulting instantly. Harry was the youngest of four In others, who were all born and luised in Monroe township, near this place. The brothers who sur vive him are Francis, with whom the deceased made his home at the time cf his death ; J. G., of Lewis burg, and D. Norman, who resides at the old homestead in Monroe township. The remains wore brought to tho home of the latter from whore the funeiul took pluce on Sunday after noon. Nearly an hundred convey ances followed tho remaius to the Lutheran cemetery, whero thoy were interred by tho Bide of his de parted father aud mother. Rev. Barb officiated. The Masonic Order, of which the departed was a mem ber, attended iu a body and per formed their burial service. His age was 4'1 years, 1 month and 17 davs. Selinmrove Time. Another Fire at McClure. Tho firm of Yearick & Decker, dealers in general merchandise, at McClure, were burned out for the second time on last Thursday night. The fire of iucendiary origin, was first discovered about 11:30 o'clock and had gained such headway that it was impossible to save any goods. Harry Wagner, who owned the building, had $400 known insurance on the same. Have not learned the amount of insurance on the stock. It looks very much as if McClure had one or more "fire bugs." This firm was burned out while in the Howell building, a few months ago. Adamsburg Herald. The Grand Army, which reached highwater mark in 1893 with a total of 403,024 members, has now de creased to 819,450. It is still a great, but vanishing ho6t. The Misses Wittenmyer gave a corn Boup party for their guest, uisB uoiay or, uamaeo, . o., near the dam. A number of friends were invited j and ' a pleasant time was pent, Tuesday afternoon) Trial List, October Court. Mollie Troup, et. aL vs. Dav. Hoover. Catherine Troup vs. H. G. Horn berger, et. al. Catherine Troup vs. David Hoover. A. W. Potter vs. Malinda Roruig. C. P. TJlrich vs. Malinda Romig. J. G. Lesher vs. B. F. Crouse. Jere Crouso vs. S. & L. Railroad Co. Mary Gortner vs. S. & L. Railroad Co, George A. Stetler vs. D. Bolender. S. S. Schoch vs. Maud V. Schoch. Bicycle Does Him Up. While George L. Russell was com ing down Market street Friday af ternoon on his wheel it slipped on the freshly sprinkled grouud and throwing Mr. Russell off, tho secoud finger on his right hand was broken, the third finger sprained, his right leg was bruised and the skin injured from his hip to the knee aud the hip on the same side was also sprained. George was hurt. Lew istovm Gazette. Description of Adawa. It is still believed that Charlie Adams is in this neighborhood and hence we publish a description of him. He has a scar on the comer of his left eye and one on his chin, has light hair, hazel eyes, weighs about 164 lbs., height 5 feet, or 9 inches. A reward of $200 is offered for his apprehension. M refills; or the tuaaly tvuiiulltee. Tho Republican Standing Commit tee of Snyder County will meet in the court house at Middleburgh, Pa., on Saturday, September 25y at one o'clock P. M. Important business will be transacted and a full attend ance is desired. Dk. A. M. Smith, Chairman. J. II. R110AK4. Secretary. 2t. COURT HOUSE CHIPS. lpoU Entered lor llreortl. Geo. W. Smith aud wife to Annie E. Kautuor, lot iu Suliusgrove, for &oo. Harrlnice l.lreuMPN. "Heakts Fluttkkinu with Delu sions." The following marriuge li censes have been granted since our last publication : T. H. Brubaker, Union Twp., ) Clara l'ortzliue, Chupiuan Twp. )IraC Swartz, Kantz, Lizzie J. Bordner, Verdilla. The County Fair at Brook Park Lewis burg, Pa. The forty-fourth annual fair of Union County Agricultural Society will be held at Brook Park, Lowii burg, on Sept. 28 29-ao and Oct. 1. It is one of the oldest organizations in the county, aud has stood the tent of time for nearly half a cen tury. This year we have new offi cers, new track and large purses, the committee have formulated a list of premiums that will prove very attractive to owners of fast horses, live stock raisers, farmers, farmers' organizations, manufactur ers and others, distinctively agri cultural in every feature, competi tion unrestricted, turf attractions more ample than ever before, sever al races each day, running races Thursday und Friday. There will be a mammoth crowd, don't miss mingling with them. Full particu lars on Pamphlets issued by the so ciety which can be had on applica tion, or by addressing C. Dale Wolfe, Secretary, Lewisburg, Pa. The publio is assured that this exhibition will prove pre-eminently attractive. C. Dale Wolfe, Sec. RESOURCES OF A BRIGHT EDITOR Don't forget our auction starting Saturday evening, Sept. 11, and will continue until all are sold. Great bargains can be made in Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, etc. Don't miss it. F. H. Maurer, New Berlin. On Thursday, Sept. 16, the Sheriff will sell 65 full suits of clothing au i all the Clothing, Overcoats, Macin toshes and all the other goods iu G. C. Gutelius's Btore. The 'Sheriff wants it to be known that these goods will be sold in suits and small lots so that everybody will have a chance to buy. 2t, The the Unconquerable Spirit of J ret Junes Superior to Every Obstacle. "We are thory to thay," explained the editor of the Shedunk Weekly Ativ, in a double-leaded article at tho head of the first column of his editoriul page, says the Chicago lie cord, "that our compothing room wath entered lath night by thome llicouudrt'l who thole every 'eth' in the ethrtblithmeut and thucceedod iu making bith ethenpo undetected. Ithuth beenimpoththible.of courtho to procuro a now thupply of tluth in time for thith iththue, aud we are thuth compelled to go to prcth in a thituation motht euiburrathing aud dithtrethiug ; but we can thoe no other courthe to purthue than to make the betht t lit agger we can to get along without the mittbing let ter, and we therefore priut the Newthon time rogurdleth of the lothth we have tliuthtaitied. The motive of the luithoreant doubt lethth wath revenge for thoiuo thup pothod inthult. It thliall never be thaid that the petty thpifce of any thmall-thouled villain hathdithabled the Newth, nud if thith nieetth the eye of the detethtablu rathcal we beg to aththurehim that he under ethtimateth the rethourceth of a firth-clathth newthpaper when he thinkth he can cripple it hopelethth ly by breaking into itth alphabet. We take occuthion to thay to him, furthermore, that before next Thurthduy wo- thhall have three limeth nth many etheth ath 1m thole. We have reathon to tbuthpset that we know the cowardly thkuak who committed thith net of vanialithm, aud if he ith ever thoen ptowling about our ethUblithhmenfa again, by day or night, nothing will, give uth ore thatithfaation than to. thhoot hith hido full of lioleth." Dr. b'wallow at Middleburgh. As had beeu advertised,. Dr. S. C Swallow ciiina to Middleburgh ou Saturday. It. had . beou. supposed thut the Doctor, us a great reformer, would uttract an immense crowd. Of course liit aomiiig wus interpreted to be iu the interest of. hiti own can didacy for Slate Treasurer. If the Doctor hud given the poople iu ad vance an idea that ho was going to give them eoiue seusittijnal discovery about tho State Robbery buildings at Hurrisburg,, a largo crowd would have nBHembled. However Doctor Swallow drew u larger ciuwd than any other prohibitionist could in so small a county where somo thirty licensed houses do u business iu liquor. Dr. Swallow rehearsed his libel suit und tho causes thut led up to it. This the Doctor might have omitted, as his audience wus fully aware of every phase of it. His al lusions to other figures aud thefts iu state politics aud in official life was a welcome trend in his speech. Hon. Cushing of Maine ulso spoke on questions pertinent to the success and vitality ot their warty interests. AFTER ANOTHER TERM. Congressman Mahon is Also Will ing to be a Gubernatorial Candidate. r'rcmi Monday Tress. Chambersburg, Sept. 12. A "Press" correspondent to-day was informed by Congressman Mahon that he would be a candidate fer re nomination and already had a ma jority of the counties in the district pledged to him. He says that he is not distinctive ly a candidate for Governor, but as his name has been mentioned in connection with Gubernatorial hon ors, and had received many promis es of support from various parts of the State, he would permit the mat ter to take its own course. At rrlvuta Hale. ' The Farm of the late Dr. T. B. Bibighaus, dee'd, situate East of Middleburgh about one mile is of fered at private sale. For further , particulars inquire of Mrs. Emma Bibighaus, Executrix, Mifflinburg, Pa, 8-20tf. r