The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 09, 1897, Image 3

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0Gt ur "r".'nnMt
f a Mn Wh Waa Glvca lr to
- - Uk. 1 1
WJ rwwm m jwbiwbi nm rot
i tha Advtea of
aad la K a Well Maa
A Woacterfal Story.
fiom ft Uvitr, MorritviUe, X. T.
loJ to a man," Mid the farmer to a
UrW, woo mo 01 wis comma-
fie it Mr. William Woodman, of South
Luton, Madison Co., N. X" a well-to-Cjoer,
who la well known and stands
tfl or honesty and thrift In this neigh
th following day the newspaper man
mIoD mr. huwiium m uia vuiuiurvauiu,
bioned (arm house.
l'b.T had serious thought of writing
,ount lo' -he newspapers myself,"
, r. Woodman, "but as I am not an.
Jonifd to sueh work, I hare never at
.ntdit. Hit down audi will tell you
Aim fifty-nine years old. I contracted
Lurtism when only fourteen years of
-Vlaeo severe cold from OTer exertion
ilrom becoming over heated. My father
Z, termer and Insisted that the onlv wa v
L,fie me strong was to do plenty of hard
L, When, howeTer, he saw me helpless
It-Jforeli long months without being
Lto move except with help, he changed
Eslnd, and forever arter believed that
uinn should not be made to do mitt's
Jrt Mv growth was stopped by suffor
L ud 1'do not think I am an Inch taller
fithst day, forty-flve years ago. Dur
ihe forty years ensuing after my mis
Mae, I was attended by seven doctors.
Ld temporary relief at times, from
L forms of treatment, but alwavs re
Ud into a worse and more aggravated
ilition. The conclusion ot all these
stlMnen was that I was incurable, and
illey could do was to ease my condition.
)t I grew to manhood I married and
pbern blessed with a family. My dear
duishadoll the drudgery of nursing
Uniting upon mo, and the burden has
n Meed burd to bear.
Kitbout hope from physicians I began
tike Dr. Willlums' I'ink Pills, which was
Ujr recommended by my friends. I took
,i ud within one week began to feel
iter than I bad since I was llrst afflicted,
rot these pills according to directions,
.then the box was nearly gone I went
a to Brookfleld to an old friend who
In the drug business, named Dr. Auro
ritoh, who likewlsn was a great suffer
Imn rheumatism. The doctor and I or
rd screriil boxes of Pink Pills In part
isMp, he from that timo keeping thorn
die. Well, I continued to take them
rvfdingto directions for the next three
mud steadily improved, gaining Uosh
4 strength, until two years ago I was
If to discontinue them, and now am as
It bodied a man of my years as you will
J. I ought to tell you that after I or
rtd the llrst box of pills tho pliysiciun
ws then attending mo came in and I
d him what I was doing. He said I was
rtlooli.'h, that they would surely injure
ind It was his duty to tell me so. I
tithe doetor that I might as well die as
Jrurout a misornblo existence, and so,
iittustanding his warnings, continued
ukf the pills. Thank God the doctor
eiot ahleto dissuade mo, for to them I
murine all the comfort uud happiness
mt In thl world. I hnvo recommended
a to hundreds of people sinco I was
red, and in every caso they have boon
fftirs, not only In rheumatism but In
iifrous other disorders, especially lm
rrrtebment of tho blood, heart trouble
i kidney disease.
leertlfy tho above statement to be true,
d if necessary will sweur to tho samo bo
il Notary Public."
Fl.'n Mr. Woodman had signed and do-
rred the above paper to the reporter, he
: "1! I were you I would go and call on
Amos Januays, at Columbus Centre, to
Ion I recommended Dr. Williams' Pink
If lor aggravated kidney disease. He is
m perfect health. I have no doubt he
1 be glad to testify to the efficacy of tho
pdy that cured him."
Ir. Williams' Pink Pills contain all the
tents necessary to glvo new life and
lets to the blood and restore shattered
rw. They are for sale by all druggists,
nay be had bvmall from Dr. Williams'
flietne Company, Schenectady, N. X., for
per box, or six boxes lor tu.&o.
K . K. Brown Homlntted for Btate Treasure,
and C B. KcConkey for Aiditor General
Fait Freight Bunt.
'w B. and O. S. W. has been mak-
records on nulck despatch frelirht
kin the past week or two. Two
In, one welching 732 and the oth-
uons, ran from Cincinnati to Par-
D-rg, !00 miles in 8 hours and 3
Jtes and 8 hours and 4 minutes re-
tlvely. The run from St. LouIh to
Innatl 340 miles, was made In 16
in Considering that some of the
'let exceeded one per cent., the ner-
pnce ranks with the best on rec
ant! demonstrates that the track
motive power of the B. and t). S.
must be in good condition.
How'i Tills?
'"fferOne Hundred Doll in Reward fur
'a of Catarrh that cannot bj cured by
I Catarrh Cure
y J. I'll y v r v X- Cr, ri An. T . .1 .,.1 rk
'"'''''dentlnned, h'avii kmVwn V. J. Clio-
".":' i years, and tiutleve bun noi
fnonornl e in all luiuim.. ,,.,.,,.,
lnJlcL"T, B,,le to carry ou- "y obiign.
n dfbv tin. r em "
l' THi'Ax,Whulcsale Druggisls, Toledo,
.1BT'. Vholewle
F-tUrrh due istaken Internally. act.
JW upon the IiIikxI and mucous sur-ID,toml.l,BW
U ilmully Pills are the host.
Tour grocer to-dnv In h nut vrui a nnrV.
'Oraln.0. Hi ni-W ttwA ltV that t-n1rnai
t of coffee. Tho children moy drink
J'1; ?.r J-v. blt It is mado from
t S Ci7i V. mostdellrate stomach re.
"fpuSlT if Une-quarter the
h tuVrMers. PCr ,IR'ka''0-
At the Democratic state convention
held at Reading last Tuesday, consid
erable disturbance marked the proceed
A speech favoring Harrity as Na
tional Committeeman waa answered
by Mr. McQuiston, of Hutler, who de
manded a true and tried Democrat for
the position -of National committee
man, one who would stand for the. plat
form and In whom the party had con
fidence. Harrity had been none of
these. He had been .unfaithful. He
said that Harrity's removal was per
fectly legal in accordance with the very
rules of the party which he himself
had dictated, and demanded his dis
missal and recommended James M.
Uuftey, of Pittsburg. The convention
then Indorsed the deposition of William
F. Harrity as a member of the Na
tional committee by a vote of 290 to
134, and Col. J. M. Ouffey was recom
meded In his stead. The convention
nominated Michael K. Hrown, of
lllairsville, for State Treasurer, and
Walter K. Hitter, of Lycoming county,
for Auditor Oeneral.
Charles H. McConkey, of Harrlsburg,
named William K. Vcrbeke, of Dauph
in county, for Auditor Oeneral. W. H.
Holloway, of Willlumsport. named ex
Assemblyman Walter K. Hitter, of Ly-cr-mjng.
The vote resulted: Hitter, 284;
Verbeke, 43, and tho former was de
clared the nominee.
For the office of State Treasurer.
James P. Light, of Lebanon, named
Muyor Jacob Wcldel, of Heading, and
C. F. Murray, of Indiana, named M. E.
Hrown, of lllalrsvllle, Indiana county.
Mr. Hrown was the fortunate candi
date by a vote of 2:'8 to 127.
The following Is the text of the plat
form adopted by the Democratic con
vention: "We, the Democracy of Pennsyl
vania, In convention assembled, heart
ily reaffirm and reiterate the principles
of the Democratic party as expressed
In the ;latorm ad'iptod oy tli Na
tional Convention at Chicago in 1S'J6,
and approved by 6..ri00,000 free and In
dependent voters. We are Irrmly and
unalterably opposed to the single gold
standard, which has lieen the direct
cause of the financial distress that has
followed upon our people since Its
adoption, and we are In favor of a
complete and Immediate return to our
original specie basis, as It exlsteil prior
to the demonetization net of 1S73.
"We congratulate William J. Hryan,
the glorious champion of a righteous
cause, for his masterly leadership In
support of these principles.
"We denounce the Dlngley tariff law
as a measure designed and passed in
answer to the demands of trusts anil
monopolies, every Important feature of
Which Is a refuge for the protection of
some trust or combination existing in
opposition to the public good und in
violation of the common law.
"We ask- tho honest people of this
Commonwealth to examine the h'Kis
latlve and other records of Republican
action in Pennsylvania since the as
sumption of unlimited power conferred
at the last election, the gross extra
vagance, the llagrant corruption, the
total neglect of every public Interest,
the abject servility to monopolies und
every form and species of Jobbery, the
utter disregard of constitutional man
dates, the reckless tampering with
finance and taxation, the exhaustion
of the Treasury by profligate expendi
tures, the consequent suffering of
public schools, charities and other sub
jects of wise public care, together with
the scandalous fury of the factions en
raged over the spoils of the prostrate
Commonwealth and of Its several rinp
ruled cities.
"The late shameless exposure of the
unlawful practice of the State Treas
urer of paying put the funds of the
people to State ornoers and private in
dividuals without warrunt, for the sole
purpose of favorlnff political friends,
discloses one of the many infamous
schemes of the dominant power ami
has our severest condemnation.
"We sympathize with the miners of
the Commonwealth in their unequal
struggle to obtain a fair compensation
of their dally toll, and declare that tho
ancient and Anglo-Saxon rlpht of trlul
by jury ought to be preserved; and we
deplore the tendency of certain Federal
and Stat courts to detract from this
right by an unwarranted extension
and abuse of the remedy of Injunction
In differences between capital and
"We hereby ratify the selection by
the Democratic State Central Commit
tee of James M. Ouffey, of Pittsburg,
who so loyally supported the Hon.
William J. Bryan for the Presldc"nry,
to fill the position of National Com-
mltteman from Pennsylvania on the
National Democratic Committee.
"We desire to record our apprecia
tion of the efficient performance of his
duties by anr State Chairman, John M.
Garman. His fidelity to his party and
Its principles, his frequent forceful and
fearless expressions on the platform of
his political views, have Infused the
party with new vigor and warmed It to
higher resolves.
A writer In a leading magazine has
made the prophecy that in 300 years
from now the world will know only
three languages English, Russian and
Chinese. The English language will be
spoken all over North and South Amer
ica, in Australia, India, Africa, New
Zealand and the Islands of Australia
and the Pacific. The Russian tongue
will have conquered all Europe except
Oreat Britain, and all Asia except In
dia, Chinese will hold sway over the
rea. or xne worm.
The Blue and the Gray.
Both men and women are apt to feel a little
blue, when the gray hairs begin to Bhow. It's
a very natural feeling. In the normal condition
of things gray hairs belong to advanced age.
They have no business whitening the head of
man or woman, who has not begun to go
down the slope of life. As a matter of fact,
the hair turns gray regardless of age, or of
-ite's seasons ; sometimes it is whitened by
ickness, but more often from lack of care,
when the hair fades or turns gray there's no
need to resort to hair dyes. The normal color
of the hair is restored and retainod by the use of
;; Ayer!s Hair Vigor.
Cm ook, "a story of cures told by tha cured."
, t .a, free, J. C Ayer Co., Lowell, Mau.
rai siiiE mi nra
Corroding If otal Cause tho Death of a Cyc
ling Folicamaa.
Policeman Jones McLaughlin was
killed by a collar button.' His illness,
which' was of two weeks' duration,
was primarily caused by riding a bi
cycle. He wore a corroded metal col
lar button, the base of which rubbed
against the bark of his neck when he
rode his wheel because of the vlbra
tng hla blood and ultimately caused his
The following Pennsylvania pensions
have KVn granted: William J. Kelgh
ley, Erie: Charles A. Pettlbone, Miles
rove; Conrad Vehrlng, Allegheny;
Nathan J. Cooper, Sugar Grove; Pat
rick J. Sullivan, Morrlsdale Mines;
John Aerney, Pittsburg; Algernon
Dunning, Russell; Edward D. Stork,
Johnstown; William O. L. Black, Du
Kols; Levi W. Johnson, New Castle;
I.uclen Pitkin, Bradford; Henry A.
Frost. North East; Katharine J. Fer
guson, Pittsburg; Anna Varner, St.
Marys; Mary M. Dean, Edinboro; Me
llnda Crider, Hurgettstown; Charles
L. Jeffords, Barnes; Dennis Murphy,
Conemaugh: Nelson McCortntck, New
Perry; William A. lllmmelwrlght,
Blulrsvllle; John A. Corlnger, Erie;
Mary J. Hefrlght, Huntingdon; Surah
M. Green, Shlpenport; Jane McCor
mlck. New Derry; Mary J. Jackson,
Apollo; Julia Jennas, Franklin Cor
ners; Sarah Murphy, Pittsburg; J. W.
Evans, Klttannlng; Benjamin Shatter,
Harmervllle; George W. Iveaher,
Fallen Timber; Geo. Kutthall (dead).
Braddock: Michael Kelly, Soldiers and
Sailors" Home; G. W. Wolf, Dullois:
Reuben Kurtz. Greenville; Catharine
Kutchall, Johnstown; Murgaret Green,
Meadvllle: Frederiku lleber, Erie;
William Husking, Pittsburg; Charles
Krusbe, Bennett; Curie W. Flower,
Sprlngboro; Henry Brant. Buffulu
Mills; Isaac Overdorff, Brush Valley;
James 11. Gordon. Kile; David Wei
don. Mill Village; John Brennan, Erie;
John W. (Topeland, West Hridgewater;
John E. Terry. Curry; Noah Cohn,
Jenners; Francis M. Sail, Tyrone;
minor child of William I.otzlnger,
Adanisbtirg; Mary Boyd, Mill Village;
Sarah Evans, New Cuslle; MellBsa
Uigler, Clearfield.
While ex-Supervisor McGulre's two
children, aged 5 and 6 years, were play
ing In the back yard of the family resi
dence nt Shenandoah the other even
ing, there was n sudden caving in of
the surfnee, and both little ones had a
iuiitiiW escape from being swallowed
up In the mines. The surface sunk gra
dually and large fissures uppeared. The
children. In their hurry to escape,
stumbled and fell Into one of the holes,
two feet wide and live feet deep.
They were being slowly covered with
enrlh when their cries attracted the at
tention of a neighbor. With some dif
ficulty he extrlcuted both children and
made good his own escape. Just as the
surface gave a lurch and the fissure
lie stood In closed. The surface suit!;
nearly eight feet.
Judge K. N. Wlllard. of Scranton, bai
resigned from the superior court. Judgi
AVlllard is himself the llnal authority
that his resignation has been sent ti
HatTlsburg, something that has been
reported from time to time for over a
year. To his friends he says he retires
from the bench because his judiciul du
ties took him too far from home and
Interfered with his business interests.
Ills successor will, according to law,
be appointed by the governor to serve
until January 1, IS'J'J.
The large sawmill at Marsh Creek, .
on the Pine Creek railway, owned by
K. MatHon & Son, was burned a few
days ago, with all the lumber In the
yards, ioss, JJO.OOO; Insurance, $:i,000. i
Brookvllle capitalists who have lands
In this vicinity under lente are elated
over a good gas well which has been
drilled on the Hutchinson estate, east
of tow n. A number of test wells which
had been given up will now bo drilled
The large barn of A. C. Borland, one
mile from Mt. Vernon, was destroyed
by fire recently, with nine head of
horses and his entire harvest of hay,
wheat and oats. He was threshing ami
the lire Is supposed to have started by
a spark from the engine. Several of
the. threshers who were In the mow
narrowly escaped with their lives.
The Weavers and Wcbers of Allen
town are trying to secure a suppoe-sd
vast fortune in Holland. An old Ger
man. Bible, In, whjcji the family rec
ord ' was "kept, nas reen secured, tun
an examination showed that the part
most wanted had been torn out, so
other means will be resorted to to
establish their claim. , ,
William Raney, ag'ed IS years, was
arrested by Postofllce Inspector Ow-
Ings, of Pittsburg, and taken before
United States Commissioner Parmelee.
charged with robbing the postofllce at
Petroleum Center on August 21. The
amount stolen, $22, was refunded. The
ycuth acknowledged his guilt.
Samuel Wood Bryant, who holds the
appointment at Annapolis as naval ca
dot from the Twenty-fourjh district. Is
visiting his friends at Venetla. He has
Just returned from a cruise of two
tnontliB and has made the proud rec
ord of standing second in a class of
1)6 members.
Wylle Austin, employed In the pick
ling department of the tin plute mill
at Washington, while pouring vitriol
from one vessel to another, splashed It
on his neck and breast. Inflicting ter
rible burns. He will recover, but will
bear the scars all his life.
A 3-year- old son of Emanuel Dale,
of Allegheny township, fell Into a tub
of boiling water and was scalded to
death. An older sister who witnessed
the accident went Into spasms and Is
not expected to live.
The Allentown Hardware Works
failed lost week on an execution In
favor of the Lehigh Valley Trust and
Safe Deposit Comuanv for ami
K. II. Henlger. trustee, for $13,000.
James Bert, 7 years old, was held up
at New Brighton the other day while
on his way to the bank, and robbed of
$5 by Jesse Barr and Frank Thomp
son, 13-year-old boys.
The next State convention of photo
graphers will probably be held at
Johnstown, tho location committee
Having visited tnat place and been fa
vorably Impressed,
Leaaoa Teat: "Christian Living," Roman!
ail.. -! Goldan Teat: "Ba Nut Orris
coma of Evil, Bat Otvfoama Kvll With
Good," Komana all., tl Commentary,
9. "Let love be without dissimulation.
Abhor that which Is evil. Cleave to that
which Is good." TheB. V. snvs. "Let love
be without hypocrisy." The Holy Spirit
through John says, "Let us not love In
word, neither In tongue, but Id deed and in
trutfi" (I John III., 18). ThoHltla of our
lesson Is "Christian Living," which is else,
where dedned as "the life of Jesus made
manifest la our mortal flesh." The thir
teenth chapter of I Corinthians deerlbes
the lore that was manifest In Christ as
never in any other, and He will manifest
that love and that Kfo In us in proportion
as we present to Him our bodies a living
sacrifice (verse 1).
10. "Be kindly affoettoned one to another
with brotherly love, in honor preferring
one another." This Is the love that seeketh
not her own; not our own prollt, but the
profit of many, that they mny bo saved (I
Cor. x., S.I; xill., 8). Tho "therefore" of
verse 1 of our lesson chapter takes us bnelc
to the "jubtllled freely," "justified bv
faith," "uo condemnation," "freely with
Him all things," etc., of Rom. III., 24; v., 1;
vlll., 1, 32, and becnuso of all this It Is
surely a reasonable thing that we shoUd
let Him linveoiir whole being, that Ho may
by renewing our minds transform us luto
Ills own image (lto.ti. vlll., 2')).
11. "Not slothful In business, fervent In
spirit, serving tho Lord." The It. V. snvs
"la diligence, not slothful," and In tho
margin says that some manuscripts give,
"serving the opportunity." The latter
would suggest tho simplicity of I Sam. x..
7, "Do as occasion servo thee, for Hod is
with thee," and tlio former would be la
the lino of Col. HI., 23, "Whatsoever vo do,
do It heartily, as to the Lord, and uo't uuto
12. "Rejoicing In hope, patient InUribii
latlon, continuing lustnnt In prayer. I
think we are safe In saving that the hope
In tho New Testan-.etit generally, If not al
ways, refers to the Bccoml coming of Christ
and the events therewith associated. See
Horn, v., 2; vll., 24. 25; Titus 11., 1.1; I John
ill., 3. The tribulation that worketli pa
tience. Is our privilege all along tho Journey
(Itom. v., 3; John xvl., 83; llev. I., tl; lleb.
X., 30. 37). and tho attitude of Increasing
prayer Is our great privilege as well as
necessity (I Thess. v., 17; lleb. (v., US).
13. ."Distributing to the necessity of
ialttts, given to hospitality." If one should
be asked why he worked so hard early and
Into at his daily toll, and should reply,
"That I may havo to give to him that
needeth," he might seem to be a little un
balanced in his mind, but he would be talk
ing, as well as living, according to scrip
tures ( Kpli. iv., 2S).
14. "Mess them which persecutu you;
bless ami eiirsn not." Now this Is easy
I iiuiiiiiK, inn iiih practice oi it is not so popli
ns n.1 iu n.ivii as yei neeoinn tin) mslilon. It
Is, however, the plain teaching of our Lord
l.uiiui. v., hi, ami no always practiced I
wnat lie preaeuetl. If His life is to be mado
manifest In us, this phase of it is surely In
cluded. It was beautifully manifest In
Stephen when he in the midst of their pcr
eeution looked like an angel and acted
like the Lord Himself (Acts vl., IS; vil., fiOi.
1". "ltejoleowith thorn that do reio.j",
ami weep with them that weep." The unity
of the body of Christ Is such that whuu the
members are abiding In Him If ouo member
ulTers all suffer with that one, and If one
member ho honored all the members rejoice
With It (I Cor. Xll.. 2li). This la n. It ill, ..,,1.1
be, but where Is it seen? What, then, ails
the body? Is it as in rhll. II., 21. "All seek
their own, not tint things which aro Jesus
Christ's?" If so, how can the body expect
the blessing of the Head? Let eueh ask
himself, Am I a healthy member of His
body or a grief to Him?
10. "lie of the same mind otto toward an
other. Mind not high things, but comic
oeud to men of low estate. Ho not wise in
your own conceits.." On tho second eluiiso
the margin says, "Do contented with mean
things." Tho margin of the It. V. snvs, ' Ho
carried away with them tliut aro lowly." If
we will allow ourselves to bo curried away
with Hint who Is meek ami lowly, who innibi
Himself of no reputation and humbled Him.
telf unto death for us. He will surely take
possession of us and manifest His life' In lis.
17. "Ueeompenso to no man evil for evil.
Provide things honest in tho sight of all
men." Not rendering evil for evil, but,
Sontrarlwlse, blessing, knowing that yearn
thereunto called that ye should Inherit a
blessing (I 1'et. Hi.. 9). I'rovhHng for
honest things, not only in the sight of the
Lord, but nlso In the siKht of iiieu (II Cor.
rill.. 21 ). Whatsoever thiugs are true, hon
est, just, lovely, wo aro to think on these
things (l'hll. iv., 8).
1H. "If it be possible, as much as llcth In
you, live peaceably with nil men." This
seems very carefully worded. There am
those who know nothing of pence, they
teem born for war, nnd yet somehow they
get united to or mixed up with tliosi) who
aro for pence, and the peaceful party seems
to bo iu a good school for tile, cultivation
ot patleneo. Well, wo must "let the tienco
of (lod rule In our hearts" and be thunk
ful that Ho is able to subline, for He Is the
Prince of Peace (Col. 111., IS; l'hll. ii., 21).
10. "Dearly beloved, uvengo not your
selves, but rather give plaeo unto wrath,
for It is written, Vengeance is mine; I will
repay, snlth tho Lord." This certainly can
not mean that wo aro to bo satlslled with
getting angry, but without taking venge
ance. Itather, as In tho It. V. margiu, glvo
place to the wrath of Hod. Let Him take
cluirgo ot all tho wrath and vengeance
20. "Therefore. If thine, enomv hunger,
feed him; if he thirst, glvehlm drink, for In
so doing thou shnlt heap enuls of lire on
Ills Head." This Is a quotation from I'roy.
xxv., 21, 22, but the lust clause of Mint pas
sage is omitted, "The Lord shall reward
21. "Ho not overcome of evil, but over
come evil with good." The ornament of a
meek and quiet spirit Is Iu tho sight of Hod
of great price (I pet. III., 4 and tho meek
and lowly ono who when He was riviled,
reviled not Hguln; when Ho suffered, He
threatened not, will work in us this spirit
and live in us this life whenever wu are I
willing that He should. The word "trans. I
formed" in verso 2 of this chapter Is tho
sume word that Is translated "transllg.
urod" in Math, xvll., 2; Mark ix., 2, und
"aro changed" in II Cor. Hi., 18, and used
only iu these four places. Tho lust passage
seems to me to show the only way to be
thus transfigured; therefore let us go ou
"benolding Him" until wo see Him face to
faco, and then wo shall be like llhn (1
John 111., 2). Lenson Helper.
A mechanical device recently pat
ented pastes paper labels on loo.coo
tins in 10 hours.
. Orain, Flour and Feed
WHEAT No. 1 red a 919 W
No J red 89 90
COKN No. S yellow, ear 87 83
No. 2 yellow, ihelled 87 38
Mixed ear 83 34
OATS No. 1 white... 25 20
No. S white 24 26
RYK-Ko. 1 f,7 as
i'LOL'R Winter patents 6 40 5 60
Fancy straight winter 6 10 6 2.!
Rye flour 3 40 8 60
HAY No. 1 timothy 10 00 10 25
Mixed clover, No. 1 7 50 8 00
Hay, from wagons 10 00 11 00
FKED No. 1 White Md., ton.. 15 60 16 00
Brown middlings 11 00 12 00
Uran, bulk ji no n ho
STRAW-Wheat 4 75 6 00
0f i 75 6 00
BKhDS Clover, 60 lbs 4 75 5 00
Timothy, prime 1 4 j 1 5
Blue Grass 1 75 2 00
Dairy Products.
UL ritU--Egln Creamery....
Ohio creamery
Fancy country roll
CHEESE-Ohlo, new
New York, new
From Misa Sachnor. of Columbuft,
to Ailing Women.
Prulta and Veiretabla
BEANS Haud-plcked, V bu. . 4 1 25
CAIIHAUE- Homegrown, bbl. 1 00'J - per UU 75
Poultry, Eta
CHICKENS, V pair t .I0
TL It KEYS, V lb 13"
EHUS-l'a.anil Ohio, fresh i.j
WHEAT No. 2 red no
RYE No. 2
HITTER - Ohio creamery
WHEAT No. 2 red
CORN-Xo. 2 mixed
OATS-No. 2 white
BUTTER Creamery, extra....
EtiOS-l'H. tlrsts
1 30
2 60
1 10
vv. J
WHEAT No. 2 red
! CORN- No. 2
OATS White Western....
I BUTTER Creamery ..' .
I EliUS -Statu of l'eiin
1 00
Prime, 1.3(H) to 1,400 lbs
Hood, 1,'JOII to 1.3110 Ilis
Tidy, 1,1)00 to 1.1JU II, s
Fair Hunt steers, 1(00 to 100U II m.
Common, TOO to IWU lbs
S 4 POra'i
4 7.'.
4 60
4 (Ml
3 M
Medium a :i.'i
Heavy 4 ,)-,
Houghs and slug 3 j,o
Prime, 95 to 105 Mis, wethers.. .4 4 00(6
Hood, HO to 'JO lbs y 75
Fair. 70 to 80 lbs 40
Common 2 61)
'u"n 1 00
Spring lumb 3 ;,o
Fulr to good lambs 4 no
Veal calves 5 un
6 00
4 Si)
4 CI)
4 60
3 yj
4 40
4 65
4 00
4 10
3 0
3 (15
3 2.1
I 60
4 25
4 3D
0 75
To all women w ho are ill: It af
fords nietrrcat pleasure to tell you of
the benefit I have derived from tak
ing Lydia K. I'ink ham's Vegetable
Cotnpouud. I can liunlly find words to
express my pratitudo for the boon
given to suffering women in that ex
cellent remedy, llcfure taking the
I was thin,
sallow, nud
nervous. I
was trou
bled with
my men
strual pe
riods were
very irreg
ular. I
tried three phy-
Kiciuns n ml pradually grew worse.
About a ycarngol was advised by a
friend to try Mrs. rinkhaur.s Sanative
Wash und Vegetable Compound, which
I did. After us'uitf three bottles of
the Vegetable Compound ami one pack
age of Sanative Wash, I urn now enjoy
ing better health than 1 ever did. utid
attribute the same to your wonderful
remedies. 1 enntmt find words to ex
press what u Hodscnd they have been
to inc.
Whenever 1 begin to fcclnervniisnm)
ill, 1 know I have a never-failing phy
sician at hand. It would all'ord me
pleasure to Know that my words had
directed sonic suffering sister to health
ami .strength through those most ex
cellent remedies. Miss M av Si At II nh
ris'; I!. IMch St., Columbus, O.
AltD nit h htI Willi,
cut knuwlmlg b?
Anti-Jap tb uiarviijoita
mir fur ih rtruik lnutt.
rli Rrnnvft C'liiuu-Al
('.. 4 1... ... A .( u
fall Information 1U1 jilnln w'rnpp.r, u,iJ fria.'
New crop: price, f! ' per luiillcl. Siie;,-, f. ,, ,
Tree. ilmiti mill iinc I atnloaiit. FREE
BROWN SEED CO. .Wyoming, Del'
I'rH-inn ' No i.:iti'ie in, j ;,v.'-
I'rl, mciliiU
lri' nchi-, nt,'. t,. . 1. . u riyiiliir uliiit 1ii-iii!
. N'im. AiUli'f tree, Hc.'ln.ii ri'fi'riMi-
Vrii u. ATMIV :. OIIltV,i.
turn ol ultrlllH, IH'J fr'. Mri'Ui, Na.iliiht.'U, li.
KiU pi-rm.ineiitlv enreil.
ifter tint ilnv iin- of I Ir.
No fll or ncrvoTn-
iii's-. after tint diiv's un- of llr. KIIhi-'h (Irpnt
Nerve Restorer, f.) trial bottle ami trentine free
Oa. It. II. Ki.isn. I.ul.. till Arch St.,i'lilla.,l'u.
1 believe PimV Cure fiir('nr;suniptlon ave
my boy's life last simmer. M r. Al.l.lE Llouo
LASS, Lc Hoy, .Mich., Oct. 3), 1HM.
I i
CURED AT HOME ; nt Ptatnp for
Dr. J. B. HARRIS Am.
I'lkti BuiUituK. ttm.uii.4t., Uttlu,
Lftte Principal ian.lbr 0. B. Pen turn 8ura.
3 if. la lut war, ljuUjuan.tiii4 yi"n u'.L. tinti
ir.eii wAiitc-.l l.. e.ii..i.l. h
agrai it to vll Kiurante-it Lulitrai In 1,1.1 M.iw
Mt-k. 1p ' ommiiM. in l-or inloraiA
tlon, I'Mipk, BEN A. BLOCK. lVmlt
Culota,lo Mlniiic Sir. k l-i. Innas. JU6-77
Svnv-s tl'iiMinff . Ilrnvrr, Col. in. I. .
Agents everywhere to punli tmiMrhoM iie-,,i-Hlly;
wll lit Hipllt; Hi'liil illmi. for n UU pi. .111.1
Uvtiills. Kriiler t o., -' I-.HI N. t iuIIkId .. l'Uiln.
1' N U 3 '57.
neat ( ouuh t-yrup. Tnie l..l. Csc I
in lime, pom hT , ri!ii--i!.
are all as near perfect ion in
adjustment and finish when they leave
the Columbia works as human ingenuity
can make them, and are ready to be rid
den on the longest journey or put to the
severest test.
1897 Columbia Bicycles
1897 Hartfords, .
Hartfords, Pattern 2.
Hartfords, Pattern I,
POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn.
If Culunibuis arc riot prujierly represented in ynur vicinity, let us know.
By the fall of a Rmokentaok at Pun
bar Furnace Works, FergUHon, AVm.
Iiowry and John Lang were badly In
jured. The treasurer of a Salvation army
festival at Heaver Falls Is alleged to
have skipped with the proceeds, JJJ.
Veterans of the Sixth Pennsylvania
heavy artillery will hold a reunion at
Butler September 23.
Daniel R. Rows, aired 87. dleil nt
Orangevllle. He leaves & wife and
three children.
Wool Is now 25 cento In Washlrrton
county, the highest figure since 12.
Clinton Flsk of Manor tnwrahln.
Berks county, waa killed by a bull. ,
Curtis Barker, near Sharon, caitur.
d a frog that had six legs. j
The vineyards of Italy cover rtarly
Tha Yellowstone Hard.
The Yellowstone park buffaloes nre
the only remnnnt of the many herd
that ence roamed thousands strong all
over the Went. It Is hlplily desirable
that these should be preserved and tho
species saved from utter extermina
tion. Hunters without conscience and
with little serise, for tho mere plory of
killing a buffalo, keep shooting away
at these Yellowstone park buffaloes
whenever they can evade the park
guards, until the herd, which a few
years ago numbered 250, Is now re
duced to less than fifty. These hunters
deserve to be shot themselves. There
Is a penalty of fine and imprisonment
for the crime they are guilty of, but
iiy Bwra inus iar able to escape ar
rest, and the American buffalo promls
s very soon to be an extinct npecles.
Delcgautt to Wear Illooinors.
Lady Haberton wilt preside at the Con
gress ot Women in Bohnlf ot Batlonal
Dress, at Oxford, Englaud. All the dele-
J! J J. Hamilton Ayers, A. M., U. 0.
This iss most Vuliublo book
th Household, teiii'hinir us it iKixt
the easily-di.'stiiisuinhe.l Symptonis
cf iliiren-nt Dixfiises. the l'u
ami MraiiHof I'reveiitinj kui'Ii Iliit
eusw, anil the Simplest Ueme.lim
wluih will allnviate or cure.
598 PACES.
The Book i w rittmi m pluiii every
day Kiiglish, ami in tree from the
teclmii al tiTins winch ri'iuitr uiwt
line tor Uoolw so valUHless to tha
generality of readers. This Book w
iuteii.lixl to be of Service in the
Family, an 1 U so worded ax to be
readily understood by all. Onlv
"Dtton aul Afler Taking." ,Tbe low price only lwiiitf made
ponilile by the immeuse e litioii printed!. Not ouly does tins Book contain so
much Information Relative to Diseaxttt, but very properly give a Complete
Annlvswof everytliiui; pertaiuin; to C'ourUhip, Marriage and the Production
and KearluK of Healthy Familita; together with Valuable Km'iimi ail I Fr-M-riptiona,
Explanatious of Botanical Practice, Correct ue of Ordinary Herbs.
New liditiou. Revised and Ktilarged with Complete Index. With this Book in
the house there is no excuse for not koowing wbst to do iu an oiuorun?y. Don't
wait until you hnre illneee in vour family belnre vou nrdr. hut sen 1 at once
for this valuable volume. ONLY 00 CKNTM lOS T-I'AIO. bend paital
notes or postage stumps of any denomination uut larger tlmu 5 cents.
BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE 134 Leonard Street, N. Y. City.
When Hamlet Exclaimed i " Aye, There's the Rub I "
Could He Have Referred to
2 f WW r.
(rim ara to wear pioomers,