. ; - ; . ... . L?uin ag LO0KAT7BELAESL The data. BrtntMt nr v. mi VI. DB Win HI D y 4 fag oil' I" Tour nana, on lb laM or I hia p per. (mow t he lime to whk'li your subacrtp Uoa but bwn pold. Price per Year, V. WAOKlfSELLEB, itortna rropnator. MIDDLEBTJEQH, SNYDER CO., PA.. THUKSDAYJ5EPT. 971891 are now in tbe prisoners jiiL . icy friend will do you -more than a wise enemy. chultz of Danaville, N. Y.. is KtRer. McLaiu'a." inell University ia preparing (Mirgest class it ever has bad. i tte exnecta to enroll about tBliulcnta, to open Sept. lfith. i lieiser is still buying calves ipment. Highest cash prices id for them. tf. i Bessie Mechtly of Adams ru tbe guest of her friends in luring the last week. E 0. Schnable and Mrs. Qeo. Vt of Salem were visitors at Vmty seat on Saturday. John Moyer and daughter, lut week visited William (imilr near Mifflinburg. If Bowes of Shamokin Dam on visited his brother. Newt, father, J. H. Bowes, at this 'I forget the bargains in shoes F Mnurer'a Oaah Store. Now I Ladies' fine dress shoes on iKratzervQle Milling Co. has led partnership and is now by Dr. Herman and Mr. L T Maurer, JNew jjerun has a Ivertisement in .this issne. He gives a special discount 1 1 -r, .. lis ana uosweil Utfbert on r returned to Lancaster to their studies at F. and M Lillian Stetler and Libbie verger roue to dreamer on eels Sunday and called up Eraa llagee. sburg State Normal School pn Aueust 31, after consider ations. D J. P. Welsh in M work there. ... pbeebold and wife and M. Sneer and wif a f nnlr in ti I ' -'-- wwa . U WUO ball at Millersburg Saturday iraea nome Sunday. Schuyler, of the last eradu ft in Lafayette College is to oi Mathematics in Central pa College, at New Berlin, P. Swallow, the gentleman toe state officials at Har lawn i m uupieasani leelings, is f to speak at this place Sat- Sipe of Erie WAR in tnwn fc'ght years ago he dna icineat Kreamer and he lttng of locating at Mid fday when we called at the In J. E. Thomas busy Ns and cleaning cloth- sort of a kins amonc v... w 'arks, son of our nnnnlar . - r ord, Jos. L. Marks, -"eaior New Athn. h he will attend college rch People of Bedford "spy" to see after J wcient town who c" observe the "blue 1 ""lately been set in jWoh, son 0f Henry Mr Wt Tears has Fnd, arrived on Fri- Kfl n ys with rela- 12 looks a. though f irrsed with him. l judges ofithi f? ?Wta of nsyl. 5aS??UfU- .Thii . ,7 to i ""ffUUtu John Dietrich of Pittsburg was in town over Sunday. tr-r -m s ..iinr wno is is . neipful is te3Sam brother who is not. The Middleburgh publio schools will open next Monday morning, Allen Spitler, of New Berlin, visit 4-fata brother and farailv in Swine- ford, Sunday. ' E. C. Hertzell and Walter Mertz. barbers of Sunbury. were the cuests of A. E. Solos on Sunduy, William Shindel and Bruce Crouse have resumed their studies at Sus quehanna University, Selinsgrove George Laub, wife and child, and Miss Annie Beaver, who stayed at Caramal. during the summer, re turned home last week. The Lutheran and Reformed Sunday schools of Eratzerville wil bold their picnic. Sept 25. in the church park. Isaac C. Haokenburcr h.mcrht. tha Oust Swartz farm at Troxelville for $1500 and Geo. M. Getz bought the timber land for $61. My store will be oloaed Mondar. Sept. 27th and Oct. Gtb, being He brew Holidays. M. Miiaskr, 9-9-3t. Kantz, Pa. J. J. Steininirer of Hartleton stopped in to see us Mondar morn ing. He was on his way to McClure where he is camping this week It ia a matter worthy of note that Middleburg is sending more of her sons and daughters away to school than at any time in her history, Samuel Wittenmver. Jr.. and sia ters Carrie and Bertha and Martha Goldy dr6ve to Lykeas Friday of last week and returned on Saturday. VV. JJ. Winey reoeived two car loads of phosphate this week, and is prepared to sell it at low prices Farmers who are in need of fertiliz ere should give him a call. A festival will be held at Henry Herman's saw mill, 1 miles from Middleburgh on the New Berlin road on Saturday, Sept. 11th. be ginning at 2 o clock p. m. All are invited. Don't forget our auction starting Saturday evening, Sept. U, and will continue until all are sold. Great bargains can be made in Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, etc. Don t miss it F. H. Mauber, New Berlin. Mrs. Frank Bousum of Pftflflrsnn Miss Ethel Lumbard of Selinsgrove Misses M. Helen Bentz and Lillian M. Berham of Philadelphia on Fri day were tbe guests of Rev. Mc Lain's and M. I. Potter's. The Jackson twp., school directors have selected the following teach era: Hazlett's. Siua Renninrar Snyder's, Reno Snyder: Ulrica's Ralph Wetzel: Brouse's. Harvev Beayer ; Krazerville, Gertie Good. Term opens Oct. 4 ; salary $22.50. The St. Paul's (Erdley's) Sunday school of Middlecreek township, will hold their annual nicnio in the beautiful erove adioininsr the church on Saturday, September 25. ' Good speakers and a band have been en gaged. Everybody cordially invited. Prof. C. H. Albert, of the Normal School Faculty, went to Mercer, Mercer Countv. Pa., aa one of the instructors at the County Institute. The Prof, is considered one of the best Institute instructors in the 8tit.Jiloomsbarg Daily. Philadelohia detectives think that Charlie Adams, formerly of New Berlin, who murdored hia aunt Mrs. Rogers, in Phila., ia at Cape May. There are at least 60 people who claim they saw Adams last week. Last Thursday Dr. J. W. Orwig and J. M. Steininger went to Sha mokin Dam and there were met bv T. fl. Harter editor of the Belle- fonte Oaaette and Fred. Kurtz edi tor of the Centre Hall Reporter. They went there to fiab and caught ao i mi t a ii o onus. . j.uey are ioua ia meir praises of tha many kindnesses and courtesies received from Thomas Hetriok and bis amiable wife. I CCS . rv. at ti. fr Love doesn't begin in friendship ao often as friendahin hptrina in love. une ox tne Hew York fresh air children in Snvder countv. recentlr. almost knocked a farmer oft his feet with a surprising Question: "Sav. Mr., isn't it expensive to buy chew ing gum for tbo cows !" She was looking at the cows chowiug their cud. ' Fifteen dollars a day for a day's work in the lvlondvke old field amidst suow aud ice is good wages, but when it costs fourteen dollars aud mty cents witkout luxuries to live, it isn't near as good a job as one can get at home The Union countv papers are try ing hard to make it appear that their a is the only couutv in this sec tion that paid a dollar for wheat We demre to remind them that Snv der oounty has several firms that paid $1.00 for wheat, A great number of people seem to nave tbe impression that the snuir rel season will come in on September 1st, but they are laboring undor false view. Tha season runs from October 15th to December 15th. Hunters will therefore govern them selves accordingly. H. Burns Smith, who has ben at New Kensington, Penn'a., for two months, on Sunday visited his moth' er and sister at this place. Burns ha secured a position in a bank and the only one at that place. Ha la forging his way to tha front and nobly deserves the success he has met. On Thursday. SodL 16. the Shnriff Will sell 65 full suits Of clothina an all the Clothing, Overcoats, Macin- toshes and all the other goods in G. C. Guteliua'a store. The Shnriflr wants it to be known that these goods will be sold in suits and amall lots so that everybody will have a chance to buy. 2t. A smooth, easy shave. centAnl hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is always obtained at Soles' Rarhar Shoy, in Wittenmyer'a Building, op posite Post office. Go to Solea and you will make no mistake. Shaving soap, face cream, hair oil and ew. shampoo for sale. A. E. Soles. Sheriffs bale was held here on Aug. 28th. The property of Geo. S Snyder was Bold to C. H. Steininger for $3,325 ; the timber land of Geo. S. Snyder to A. H. TJlsh for $27 ; the farm of N. H. Moyer, of Chapman Twp., to R. S. Meisor for $11,00 ; a house and lot of Marv Snrhriaf Adamaburg, Carolina Dreese for $205 Among the candidafcs snoken nf for Associate Judge at next Spring's primary are Hon. Jore Crouse, Ner. M. Middleawarth of Troxelvill. Eliaa Rohback of Selinscrove. W.H. Loleman of Beavertown, Hon. Z. T. Gemberlingof Selinsgrove, 'Squire Wm. tL lloweil of McClure. Hon Henry Brown of Freeburg and reter Keigle of Adamsburg. The Focht bill is a law. The Gov. ernor signed the bill and the work of removing 20,000 aliens from the pub lio institutions of Pennsylvania will begin at once. This will save the State $1,500,000 a year. A law and Representative Focht deserves the credit of every patriotic citizen of the Commonwealth. The Broad Street Conservatory nf Music, located at 1331 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, has attained a position pre-eminently in advance of tne Musical Colleges of America. Its handsomely illustrated catalogue for the season just opening ia a beauti- mi specimen of typographic art, and is embellished with manv attract; v illustrations. In one of our sister villatrea rivmnL ly. says an exohanee. the untnrnnt. ing ladies of a prominent church ad vertised to give an ioe cream festival and that all the lad wear bloomers. Tha whole town turned out, including tha youug and old men and bachelors who had not been in church since the wheeled in baby cabs. Tha UAU. kept their word, but tha -bloomers-were large red roses pinnad at their oeits. , . . tj. TWO IBPORTflBT ARRESTS Tvo New Berlin Boys Are Thought to Have Carried Food to Murderer Adams Bird Adams, Brother of the Alleged Murderer of his Aunt, Mrs. Rodgers, and Gharles Walker Brought to Jail on a Charge ol r- i i- . .... -3 raise rretense, Aiding a Fugitive From dustice, and Obstructing tbe Execution oi Legal rrocess. Un luesdav raorninflr at fl nVll- A D. Kreamer. the ilnn of Uiddleoreek townshio. brought to toe county jail at this plaoe two prisoners. They ar Rir.l A, New Berlin, a brother of Charlea Aaama, who is wanted in Philri phia for the murderof hia mint at. -.., .i,n ttOcigers,in Philidelphia, and the otner Is Chaa. Walker of New Berliu. TBR CRARnva On Ausust 4th. Uird Adams and Charles Walker oaoia to the hotel at Kreamar .n repraaanted themselves as detectives in searcn of Charlie Adams, tha itive, who is wanted for murder. F, w. l nomas, the proprietor of the hotel, was not at homo Knf would-be detectives were tak an Aira or. vvnen tbe proprietor came home. no oHuuKij suspected tuat all was not right. They secured aoveral meals, however, and tonk 1 il n Miami away from the hotel, aa tha U and others think, for the purposo of leeaing a fugitive. The landlord re fused to give them any more food and demanded pay for what he had given them. The would-be detec tives said they were naid bv tha l and had to go to Middleburgh to get meir money. Adama says he left his watch as part pay and left the hotel. On Monday of this week Landlord F. W. Thomas, swore nut a warrant before N. C. Gutnlhia .r P., at Kreamer, for their arrest ou three charges. (1.) False (2.) Aiding a Fugitive from (3.) Obstructing the Execution of Legal Process. The warrant was placed with Wm. Gilbert, the stable of Middlecreek township, wno, on account of sickness, depu tized Allen Kreamer to act iu hia place. The constable found youug Adams over near Winfield hauling props for Mr. Darlington, the Read ing ticket ageut at Le wishing Walker was found at New Berlin. They were both brought befnra 'Squire Gutelius at one o'olock ou Tuesday morning, were given a hear ing nd in default of $1000 bail each were oommitted to jail to await trial at October court. TBI PRISONERS. A Post reDorter called at tha i Ail on Tuesday morning and interview ed the prisoners. Adama wnra a large woodmen's hat, and was oth erwise dressed like a backwoods niau. He has a pair of large eves that ha rolls back and forth in hia head with a vim that indicates a character anx. oeptible of eviL He will be 21 vara of age next Sunday. He denies that ha represented himself aa a detec tive, yet ha admits that he aalra.1 Landlord Thomas whether he saw Charlie Adams around there lately. He admits that they took lunch away, but claims they ate it them solves. Ha is unoonoerned about hit incarceration. Younir Walker ia quite the opposite. Ha is worried and cried nearly all tha time ha wa questioned by tha reporter. He laid, ha waa 30 years of age, but did noknow when his birthday comes. Hewore a woolen cap and clothing aueh aa a workman usually wears. wale on his upper lio waa a tin UMttsaa. - Ha aaid hia f athai waa dejdtad hia, mother was married to i.;rr ttouan, a onhxma4"un. who made wash machined whenever he could get a job. He has 3 or 4 smaller brothora that must be look eu after and Charles through his teara sobbed and sighed for their welfare. If only he was out again to earn money to pay the rent and live over winter. He had been ped dling water melons and threshing to earn money. Walker does not seem to be a bad character and evidently his greatest crime is traveling in bad company and acting under bad advice. THEIR RELATION TO THE MURDERER'S MOVEMENTS. This arrest is looked upon as an important one and mar fi crura an a clue in locating Charlie Adar lia. tha gay bird who is charged with the murder of his aunt. The murderer is believed to be staving on tha Kaar Berlin mountain and switching over to Kreamer occasionally. It 14 thought that the murderer was in the vicinity of Kreamer the day that .Uim Adams, (nicknamed Doc) aud Charlie Walker were there. Tt U said that at that day three men were seen along the woods betweeu John Bickel's and Kreamer. One of tham had a satoheL This so aroused some of the citizens that a number of them armed themselves and scouted through the wood armed with ritltM and revolvers for a whole day, but found nothing. This is a niece of detective work that would probably not be sanctioned by the Regulars. Just what can be fouud out from these about the location of Charlie Adams is not yet known, but if Walker saw Adams at all ou that trip to Kreamer or at any other timt. it is believed ho will confess. As to iret- tiug any information from Bird Adams concerning the whereabouts of his brother, there is as littl hope as getting rain ou the desert of Sahara. RUMORS GALOKE. All kinds of rumors are alloat con cerning the movements of the alleged murderer Adams. Lust week, it is said, he waa seeu by at least 50 peo ple near Cape May. He ia said also to have bee a setn at New Berlin within the last week. The story runs that Adama coinea home at niirht every week or ao and that his moth er prepares a special meal for him and he again escapes to the moun tain. If these stories are true, either the detectives on the case are no good or Charlie Alias Frank Adama ia too foxy for the detectives. But wherever Adama is, we believe that if Walker knows anything about the habits and dans of the fugitive mur. derer, he will confess and give at least a clue to tracing him up. As to the two prisoner in jail, even if they actually carried food to the fu gitive, we do no. believe they will be found Kuiltv of anvthini? but tha first charge unless Landlord Thomas has evidence he has not yet disclosed. "Prince" Smith made a flying trip to West Miltou on hia wheel Monday Geo. B. M. Arnold, ticket agent and operator at Adamsburg, waa a Middleburgh visitor Sunday. Peter Rhoad and wife of Harris burg are making a brief viait to hia brother, IX T. Rhoada and wife. THE SOLDIERS' ENCAMPMENT. Hn admit of Vi-leri.ni, are 4 ampin at On Monday morning began the J. V. V. Association Encampment at McClure. About four hundred sol diers came in on Monday and camp ed upon the field. Lnre numbers poured into thncimp on T.i.dm. A camp fire and a sham battle were the features of the day Tu-nday. Large crowds visited theenmp Tues day. Wednesday morning a Ktill greater crowd, from nil narts of th I county assembled there and us go to press the camn is tlirnuged with interested spectators. Truvrlr'lle IMrnlr. The Uniou picnic at Troxdvillw v. as hild last Saturday iu J. G. Mot er's woods, by St. James' Lutheran Sunday School, J. J. Schrudor, Geo. Ewig, SuDt's ; Reformed, Jere Bow eraox, J. Sipe, Supt's ; St. Luke's Lutheran, Jas. Bonfw, Supt ; Evan gt-lical, Ira Kline, Supt ; Director of Program, C. W. Smith. Exercises Music by Troxelville Cornet B ind ; Prayer, Rev. L. Dico; Singing by h large choir composed of the adult membership of the school led by J E. Fetterolf. Miss Afi rmiaF.it torn f organist ; Addresses, Prof. William Moyer, Revs. Landia ami n., ediction, Rev. Laudis. .Ample nro- vision had been made by the kind mothers for the dinnpr ti, afternoon was spent pleasantly in conversation. Members of inanv families who have gone out from the parental roof to battfe life's journey met here in social re-union. X i m Church Dedication;" LastSundoy mornintr th'Hum. mel's Memorial U. B. church was dedicated. The exercises were in charge of Rev. O. G. Romig, of Fre- mont ; Rev. Lamey, of Port Trever ton and Rev. D. D. Buddinsier. Das- tor of the U. B. chuich at this nlace. The music was furnished ly tho U. B. church choir of this place. Fol lowing was the prosram : Anthni. choir; Scripture lesson. Rev. Lamey: music : prayer, Rev. Romig ; music ; preaching in the German language. Rev. Lamey; music; preaching in the English laneuajre. Rev. Romiir: : remarks, Rev, Lamey; collection; prayer, Rev. BudJinger; music: benediction. The amount to be raised was be tween and M0 and it took but a very t.hort time to raise it, which proves that everybody in that vicin ity is interested iu the work. Miiton's Inter-County Fai-. The inter-countv fair at Milton. the largest aud best of the CVutral Pennsylvania fairs, will he hold Oc tober 5th, tith. 7th and ith. Iu ad dition to the usual liberal premiums iu all departments, there v.- ill be three special attractions. Exhi bition of fancy sliootiuir. Bulloou asceusious and parachute desoeuts daily, and exhibition by a wonder ful Japanese. Races every Jay. Bicycld races, etc. Exeursious ou railroads aud specially low rates. II Prl.al. MaJ. The Farm of the late Dr. T. B. Bibighaus, deed, situate East of Middleburgh about one mile is of fered at private sale. For further particulars inquire of Mrs. Emma Bibighaus, Executrix. Miffliuburg, t'a. S-itStf. COURT HOUSE CHIPS. EH-4 Catvrva twr Rnl. John W. Peter and wife to H H. Herbster, seven acres in West Bea ver Twp., for lt. Jaoob B. Reiml to Paul Ettinirer. & acres and perches in Adams Twp., for $530. Harrl( Uw urn. "Hearts IYetteiush with Dtr rt. woss." Tha following lanriage li censed have been rranteJ aiiusi nnr last publication : UohaD. Row, Union Co.;1 ' (Jennie M. letter, Jackson Twp. - Barber A. E. Solea mad a flying trip to Sunbury Fridajr morning. .V A.' I I f i , , V 1 . ' . .. . . I . .