The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 26, 1897, Image 5

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Absolutely Pur
ictu imuno rawotii CO., m vom.
p, Swineford and Howard Pe
i. ..,., -;.- u vr..
berlnnu county lust week. . . . J.
ukiiis look 11 trip to Miflliu
iast week for tue purpose of
Lgatttave mill Fred. Gun
siiKl urn nntiro pencil crop to
f, How ell for 50c. per crate. ... .
Georco sold oue of his
Jed horses last week to Amnion
Lk for in Alaska money . . .
Decker of McClure is making
biff improvements on Lis farm
uakius c'"'n cr;L'k tbroui;li Lis
.,). John huyilor is acting ns
Xi). 2 over the job....llio ro-
Utliiit there will bo a few good
s to rent in Went Beaver in the
J. J. Steely received word
Hea-.lquurters iu Chicago, not
touLis trip to Alanka until
i t r i it i a
,cr oruers. uo uuouivi uiso uy
enlist a few good men to t;o
i uo ciauks that ever intended
mittinc suicide need apply....
picnic held at StoiuiuRor's grove
Lt Saturday was well attended.
one that is to be bold at Law-
son ueit Saturday is expected
graud affair The G. A. It.
have the encampment grounds
ut completed with the exception
Cutting up the tents, but as soon
bey arrive they will be arranged
putut) in old army style
lies have been offered at 40c.
crate at this end.
Be Not Deceived
eiperlfnce of the (peer N. J. Wine Co.
continuous career ot more then forty
la Grape culture aid Wlno making has
,ied id tUe production of Orape Brandy that
HeDMSsy and MaiDoll ot Coimac A fine,
tt li year old Grape Brandy Is rare ; tUelr
iTlougoof 1807 1 becoming oflobrated
i; Europeans who appreciate a pure article.
M. Curpcatcr met with quite a
us accident Saturday morning,
e takiu sr a load of emnt v barrels
town tii his place. Oue of the
Is rolled from the wagon
nst the team which became ex
pand unmanageable and in niiik-
lue turn to cross the bridge in
outu-eanttrn part of town Mr.
eutor wuh hurled from the wag-
to tho utony creek bod suatuiii-
largo Dumber of bruises and
about the brad aud body aud a
lire of ouo leg about tbo uuklc
doing an well as can be expect
rauhou Fees is lying very ill
s hardly expected to recover as
wdl up m the aighties Sub-
fur the Post. It is the lead-
ppor of the county. The editor
ft afraid to tell tho truth about
ppt public officials.
L. Cooper and wife are at
hmere ciminmnntinfr TIav J
f cLt and sou of Lafayette Hill,
winery county, are guests of
f.s father-in-law, Dr. Born.
rode their bin veins tVrin tlmi-o
f'm Clara Noe'tling of Phiia.,
nor brother are visiting at
Win. Noetlinc,a....TliA nhnir
pntiou WAS Willi fit AllrU.l
Jay, thore being about one
pa people present, three of
1'ioirs were f horo on,l ..t
- - wuu tWft .JUL I
R audrm v;l-. T.i:
. "law VI 1UU1UUH,
fy of this place, was entcr-Fj'J-
B. F. Kantz and wife.
"item the daughter of Geo.
muo ol Ueavertown n
and family of Sunbury
Muuay wita Mrs. Margaret
P; mother of Mrs. G....Dr.
'sn und wife of Driftwood
worm days with Druggist
nev. J. lf Oiisb rt TW..
fe welcome guests at the home
a trin to AMnr.; r:i u.. .
Miller returned home from
"WihUa.... Merchant Meek
' accompanied by B. O.Kes-
JU Wlfn nni.i.1 Q....
t - ouuuay ac piew
"' .. Mrs. Spanglerof Mid-
I n lng entertained by
P Vr-Spongier.... Mka Rao;a
bowBoutof town for a
llflO 1
-"uiurneu to her home. I
he reports hiring a good time. . . .
UisBea Lydii Fisher and Minnie
Oortuer left Monday morning on
their wheels for Juuhtta county. . . .
Miss Margaret Haag of Milton is vis
iting friends iu town.... Mrs. Mary
Miller of Williamsport is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Gortuer....Our base
ball club expeot9 to play the Eagles
mere club at that place ou Wednes
day of this ock....Qdite a number
of residents of town aud county
went to the Grangers' Picnic at Wil
liam Grove.... A number of G. A.
1L men from Lewistowu aud Adams
burg passed through here ou Mon
day ou their way to the National
Eucampmeut Chas. Wetzel of
Steeltou is circulating among friends
in town.... Profs. Geo. E. and F. C.
Fisher and B. M. Wageuseller re
turned from their trip thro' Mary
laud and Virginia. TLey were as far
south as Richmond aud report
having had a pleasant trip Misses
Heiluiau aud Ward of Lebation are
guests at the residence P. K.
lllNhop Mrt'nbr. at w York,
iin i)r .lamps' llcadaolie Powders.
"With regard to Dr. Jumes' Head
ache Powders, I have no besitatiou
in commending thciu to Huflorors
from headache. They relievo tbo
pain speedily, aud I have never
known anyono to be harmed by their
use. I h.ivo been a great sufferer
from headache in my life, but have
almost gotteu rid of it by the con
stant use of hot water and fruit and
br doing without coffee. Tho Dr
James lleadaeho Powders have,
however, greatly ielieved me at times
and I never allow myself to bo with
out them, und have recommended
to ol hers freely. C. C. McCabe."
For sale by W. II. Spnngler, Drug
gist Middleburgh, Pa. C, 17-!im
Miss Mazie Bickel of Paxinoa
mingled with friends iu this place
over Sunday.,, .Miss Itora Smith
aud son returned home from a visit
to Solinsgrove A good many of
our people attended choir conven
tion at Freeburg last Saturday....
George Stuck and A. D. Kreauier
spent a day at Mt. Gretna taking in
the sights of the picnic. . . .Benjamin
Kramer an old and highly respected
citizen of this place died last Satur
day morning. He was buried at
Salem on Tuesday, aged 87 years.
We extend our heartfelt sympathy
to the bereaved friends.... A good
many of our citizens are attending
picnieat Williams Grove Smith
Biehl of Lewisbure is visiting rela
tive8inthi? place.., -The Kreanier
and Globe Mills Sunday schools are
having a union picnic ou Sept. 4th,
near Kreamor .... Mrs. J acksou Mil
ler of Paxinos formerly Miss Alice
Row and child of this place wore
visiting relatives at this place last
week J. F. Walter and wife wore
the guests of Win. (iomborling at
Salem ou Sunday Jacob Row,
John Field: and Samuel Bollinger
spent n day lust week ut tho river
fishing, aud succeeded in catching
somo bass and eels A. C. Smith
took a trip to Wilkesbarre and
Sorantou John Bickel another of
our highly respected citii:eas passed
away Monday ut 10 o'clock. He will
be buried at Salem ou Thursday
Our citizeus have lost faith in Rep
reseutative Herman. They are dis
appointed in his calibre. The fact
that ho has not answered decently
the questions and charges of the
Editor of tho Post is good evideuco
thut he cannot do it satisfactorily.
Aug. 1H, near Riohtield, Mrs. Cath
nt-ivwi r.niwliu nmtil H'A vniira nnil Oi
iluira Ttit-at-monf. nf. IFmlilTnlil l?nr
H.'H. Spahu officiated, assisted by
. m. fi . I Ml
lvev. xuoiuas uraj uui.
If the predictions of Director
Preston of the United State Mint
about the increase in gold produc
tion prove true, the silver causo will
have difficulty iu getting recognition
by tho great political powers in 1900.
It ia now in order for tho calamity
howlers and fraud criers to charge
that the farmer is now receiving the
reward fqr his troachery in voting
for McKinleyand refusing to sup
port Bryan, tho farrnors's friends, in
that the trusts and plutocrats have
raised the prices of wheat and other
farm products in ordor to pay him
for his vote.
Tho farmers of the country have
been tho first to feel the improved
conditions of business. Tho pro
ducts which they have had for sale
have steadily risen in value all along
the line, and the increased volume
of money has come directly into
their pockets. "Bradstreot'e," in
speaking of the present condition of
the American farmer, says : "The
American agriculturist has had no
such opportunity to reap so large a
share of tho rewards of labor for
years as is now promised him."
The daily parallel ould be drawn
with good efi'uct on some of the free
tulver papers which were asseverat
ing last year that the ouly hope of
prosperity lay in the opening of the
mints to the free and unlimited coin
age of silver, but which are now
forced to publish columns of matter
fhowiug highly satisfactory and im
proving busiuess conditions aud ar
riving prosperity.
The growth of protect ion seuti
uieut has been evidenced in many
ways during tlin past special sessr u
vf Congress iu the discussion of the
tariff bill, but uo more clearly than
in the reception accorded to Senator
McEnery upon his a i vivid iu New
Orleans after a long tight ou tariff
principles, iu which he btood tthould
er to nhouldor with the great pro
tection leaders of tho country.
The July earnings of the railroads
of the country show a marked im
provement over July of last year or
of the year preceding. This will be
encouraging to the thousands of
railroad men through the country
whose attitude iu favor of sound
money last fall was an extremely im
portant issue of the campaign, and
whose vole.4 did tiiiiuli t'i turn the
lido of battle in favor of McKinley
and sound currency.
The quai tih- inteting of the
Juniata Valley Editorial Association
will bi held iu Poll Royal ou Friday.
Auguxt 27r.h., Tlic i ditovial frater-
Ilitj'V. ill iiidii!,;i' i'i mi eXeill sioii ' to
Blair's Mills iinvogh the com lfsv of
Col. T. S. I.-., lo ad, president of
the Tux- w Y:.l!ey II R. The
speeii.l liiiiii i!i puit Royal at
ll) I'cloi l; a. i.i. i r i n nii i ill of sea
shore express on the P. It. R., arriv
ing at Blair's Mills in time for an
early dinner ut Hotel Blair, wheie
the inetub'Ts of the Association nro
assured of securing an elegant io
past. Tho special will return to
Port Royal in time to make coui.or
tion with the evening trains east
aud west on tho P. R. 11.
Elder Wm. Tennison
Telle of the Qreat Benefit Derived Front
Or. Mile Heart Cure.
FA PT TlI-;Pp ,.f ttiiiiillncV.
H not easily cnrcl, hut it is (TiiAiii.r.
l.iuu. ii j-L nil I'.uii tiiii:. i niiii
&""ctO( for tiilrty-fivr- yearn with lieartdlH
ttise, in fact, truuMol with It nearly all my
v.r. r'irl tary as my fiitlier was
aniicted Willi it. 1 liuv.!
suffered distress,
iriy heart palpitated m
.u:) a u e.itent us to
KliaUu niy whole body.
Sodihtrusslux w:is It I
could only with Kreut-
esldllllculty cncipnse myself tobleep. About
two years ago I bepnn tiiklns Ir. Miles'
Heart Curo, The first hi it lie riivo me uo
perceptible bem'lit, but. after laklnt; tho
third I besan to feel mucii relief mid I con
tinued for Rome mouths. I huve i;ood rea
son to believe tte cure U permanent.
Dr. Miles' Ueuiedies are Hold by alldruR
glsls under a posilive Ruur.'iutee, first liottle
beneliu or money ri'fuuiled. lioo.; on Iieurt
ami nerves si 'lit true to all applicants.
Mt. MILES MEDICAL CO.. F.lkliort, Ind.
'D.'. iii'
(S "Milan.' 4
;tj . -
S 'o i it
EvcrrliotFy 5uj So.
CasnnretB .'aiuly Catltartie, the most won
derful medical discovery of tho Hire, plena
ant iimi l efri'.slniii- to tho taste, net. gently
and positively on kiducys. liver nnd bowels,
chnusiiiir the cntiro system, dispel eoiils,
cuiw hemhieliP, fever, linhilual emmtlpalinn
und hilioiiHiies. l'lensn liny ami trvu box
oft). C C. to-duy; U, y.".M)iTiits. (Sold und
giiunintOL'd to euro by nil druj-ulsts.
The underHlirncd liavlinr lH"en resiorc-d to
lieiilili by simple menus, uiler siilTerliii; mr sev
eral years Willi a sevre lunif aHectloii, mid that
dread disease Vonsiiitipilmi. Is anxious to
inuke known to his fellow sutlen'rs the menus
of cure. To thine who desire II, lie will cheerful
l send (fre ot I'Dnrve) a copy ot t he prescript Inn
used, whkli tlie.v n 111 Und a sure cure for ( ou-
i...tlf I,.... Autll.HM f-...n....l. Il....l.l.l,
anil all throat Mill lun Itlnliiillm. He hnpesali
snrferern will try this remedy, as II Is Invaluable.
Those desiring Hip prescript Ion. which will eost
iimn noiiiiiiK. nun may prove a tiiesstni;, '.Mil
please udilress
-io-lyr llruuklyn, Kew Vul
An Important (('"'Mion.
If your Irlends or neltrlibors are surferhiL' from
coughs, colds, sore throat, or any throat, or luuK
illsi'iiso tlni luillii'-r consumption), ask (hem II
they have ever used otto's Cure. This famous
(lerman remedy Is liavlmr a larne mile hern aud
Is pei formlnir some wonderful cures nf throat
and lunir diseases, W. 11. spanirlcr, Mlddlehuriri
M. Hollirock. M. I).. Ml. I'lPaiaiit Mills, will irive
you a sample bottle free. No matter what oilier
meuieines nave riinen iu oo, try ottos Cure.
uiriru size anu oueifl.
Ripans Tubules,
nipana TaDuies cum natitiea.
Ripans Tabules: at druggists.
Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic.
Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver.
No-To-llao for Fifty Cent.
men stroug, blood pure. 60c, II. All dru(iuj,
of Spirits
so common In summer-time,
accompanied by loss of energy,
lack of thought-power, means
a deficient "supply of nourish
ment The vital force is lost
It Isn't a question of muscle and
sinew, but of resistance and
endurance. At any age, but
especially in youth, it involves
the risk of lung disease. Loss
of flesh and a cough are threat
ening signs.
of Cod-liver Oil. with the nvno-
phosphites, meets these cases
pertectly. It tones up, fattens
and strengthens.
In Scott's Emulsion the taste
of the oil is fully disguised,
making it almost as palatable
as milk.
For hh1 at w. an l $!., hv all drueirir
Scon Uow.nk, MtR. Chemima, Nu York
iu ladies' shoes is a pleasant
voyage afoot, For the pleas
ure it gives, there s no sail
like our sale. Crowds are
enjoying it, and securing the
prettiest, coolest and best lif
ting Summer shoes now iiian
ufacturcd, at prices which
buyeis iind it a pleasure to
pay. For house or street
wear, pleasure or every-day
practicsil purposes, walking,
riding, or driving, we supply
the ideal shoes demanded bv
fashion and the dictates of
individual taste. Ladies,
whoever claims your hands,
by all means surrender your
toet to these shoes.
elusticeof the Peace
M. Z. STEINiMGtl-t.
Middlchiirch. I'a
I'. K. ItOWI It. I'., i:. IM1VI.1MI
onices In lUnk IliilMlinr. llliuulClilll'gtl P8.
Collections, Loans
and Investments
Iteiil I'.Htatr iiimI I'rii iilo llnnlinr
Williuinspoit, Lvcoinino; ("o., la
neposltsaeeepied.siihjeet to drafts or checks,
rum any part of lliu A'orld.
R. 1 PottiGgei',
All pMfesslonat business cut rusted to niy euro
will receive prompt and cari'fi.l attention.
All business entrusted to his cure
will receive prompt attention.
Newly Enttiblinueil.
Oiir-lonrth mile Knsi r Itleliflolil.
Tenins freo for traveling men to drive
to town, before or lifter nieiiis.
llstes 75 eenta per Day.
J. 33. Zrlooes. r"xo.
Consult or communicate with tho Editor
of this paper, who will (flvo nil needed Infor
--Merchants' House,--
Third Mreet A ! 'iillwhill.
Under New Management
Kates $1.50 a day,
$5.00 per Week.
Wm. F. Miller, Prop'r.
world, somo oxcol
sy- ono concern
ffjm P ftjM makos tho bost
Ml Ifil I 5ifc. 1 Blcyclos In tho
In ono particular,
others In anothor.
Thoro aro many
grados, and grado
Is not to bo
dotormlnod by
Sent CO. D.with privilege of ex; m r.w ipt
of S5.00. Money returned less expr, v,.t;v if p...t iUVeptJ.
t;mmm Couches ci
l-'ritflu new ,v-i-i our iVou.
evi ry nnuk niii eniiii r nf one Slure
lliij es mill Style- in which nl niwc
yon see your idea I
t'A KI'KTS, l!l (iS. A 1ST StifAKS nnd
l'ICTl'ISF.S nt price!, ci low llial oili
er llli'l'clmlit-e.ill Lot eenipfle.
Yours lfesieetfnllv.
W. H. FELIX, Levi;?iW9
Liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments.
a "'" FIEMEtVlBER '
Ouly tlio Oldest, !?troiijesi Cash Conipiinies,
Fiiv, Lil'e, Accidont ami Tornatlo.
No Assessments No Premium Notes.
Tlio Aclna Fouik1c1 A. !., 1S1!) Assetsll,0r).V)l:5.SS
" Home u " IS."): " ' i),S."i:?,;2S.51
" Aiiterieiui " " " 1S10 " l'.10!).r)Sl.5:i
The Standard Accident lnsiiraiic 1
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The Fidelihj Mutual Lii'c Association,
Your Patronage Slicitecl.
new clothing
Kverytliint? in the clotliiny lino I n v).
I Guarantee Good Goofls and Low Prices .
V Special reiliictions aro now lj&t.q
Ikmhjj o1.'oit1. Oenls' lur- T
nishiiii Ooo(ls,clla(s, Caps, '1'.
Coxae m aaa Leax'u ooj; P;
v J.
G.C.GUTELIUS, Middieburg
Pi SI.
Tl MIILlffil
It gives all important news of the Nation.
It gives all important news of the "World.
It gives entertainment to young and old
It gives brilliant and instructive Editorials,
Price, $1.50 a Year.