The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 19, 1897, Image 8

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    Opposition to Him Is Springing Up
Over the Entire State.
Hi Sudors Major McCaulcy. bnt Ie
miIIiwh to liut-k l'p lleitconi Senator
Julian Say llraconi Will lie Fouirhl
tin tlio Mnto Convent lou A New
Uandldato Probable.
Mr'rom Our OWn Correspondent)
"Harrlsburg Aug. IT. The center of
(political interest In the state during
the past week has been located In
ITiIladtlphlu. The sensation of the
rjreek was the declaration of the Busl
ine na Men's League In favor of Major
ievl U. McCaulcy for auditor general
ADd their fullure to endorse James S.
lUeactwi, of Westmoreland, for state
t treasurer. Mr. licucom's nume was not
mentioned in the resolutions. At
'.lie same time the league warned the
rttacty bosses of the necessity of put
ting up a utrong man for the position
if xlate treasurer.
"This uctlon of the leacue is In full
ncnord with the expectation of their
-lends throughout the state. The
Attempt was niude subsequently, by
.the hostile newspapers of Philadelphia
and the slat", to muke it apear that
Uie mectitiK of the executive commlt
itte of the league at the Philadelphia
leadiiuurtiTs on Thursday last was
-imposed of but two or three men, and
''.hut their action counted for abso
lutely nothing.
tjimy OrirmiH Frlirh toned.
"J'hnt this was alisolutely false was
rihown a duy or so after by the fright
ened declaration of several of these
samf newspapers that there was ne
cessity for the "combiners" and "antl--'oinbltiers"
of Philadelphia to get to
gether, inaeinuch as the activity of the
Business Men's league might prove
ulajnufc'InK luter on.
The meeting of the executive com
..nlttee was uttendefl by every member
;f the committee, members coming
tfrom all parts of the state. The action
taken represented the consensus of
iptnion of the league. The call of the
.-frightened Quay organs for all wings
i! the party to get together was owing
to the well known fact that a clear
.-ount of the noses In the state shows
rvhat Mr. Peaoom has not got enough
delegates to assure hlm the nomlna
ition. Another reason Is that there Is
.n ugly flpht on In Philadelphia
Against the Quay slated candidate for
:rty treasurer. J. Hampton Moore, the
.iwesent chief clerk In the office of the
-city treasurer, Is a candidate against
Cuionel Clayton McMlchael, and while
I'.t ls not likely that he will win, he Is
.11 a position to give the other candi
dates a great deal of trouble.
Fitch t Wlthlu the Party.
At the leugue meeting on Thursday
:.a declaration was made which Is of In
Berest to every Republican in the stat;
t Pennsylvania. It is that every bat
1 in which the league engages will
Sue fought within the party. It 'Is n.
mroposed to go outside 'aria enlist the
eid xf the common enemy, the Demo
ratlc-Popullst party, as Senator Quay
lid during the late legislature when he
Stall 11k? Democratic state chairman
.John M. (larman, openly lobbying
.arming the Democrats for the notor
ious "ripper" bills. The fact that the
light .Hainst boss domination is to l
irnadt rtrictly within the party lines Is
worrying the machine men, because
t'.bev have no handle by which they can
'"Jiolii up to scorn the business men's
movement In favor of decent politics
smi u chance for every man. The reso
rptions adopted by the league are as
"iWhercns, we, the Ruslness Men's
Ttrpubllron tongue of the state of
jIpnnHylvHnin. In our battle to protect
rJ. people's interests from unjust and
rslclous legislation, and against the
miicinatiims of seltlsh and Insolent
i dictatorship, are pledged strictly wlth
t.E iarty lines to supiort candidate
tt ability and fitness regardless of fac
tions or their ntllllations, believing that
the? ssentlul step toward Improved po
litirji methods Is the election of better
.mm to olllce.
"WhereaH, It was thought that the
rtKiHsngc of the bill requiring Interest on
-stale .deposits would deprive the stats
trenxurcrship contest of any vital Is
sue, hut the shameless and persistent
-H-saaults upon the state treasury by the
"mileage grubbers' and 'treasury loot
orV during the last session of the leg
islature bus demonstrated that the con
durt of the olHce of state treasurer Is
:fCJU .of vital Importance to every tax
payer, und makes It necessary to elect
candidate format treasurer, although
without mentioning his nam. Mid Uft
declarations of Senators Mage and
Fltnn that tht Pittsburg delegation
would have soma other candidate for
that office. Indicated that part of the
Quay slate at the coming state con
vention will encounter more or less
cerioua opposition."
rilnn to Fight Boacom.
Senator Fllnn. of Allegheny, openly
declared his hostility to Mr. Beacom
In a published Interview, saying:
"Under no circumstances will Beacom
get the votes of the Allegheny county
delegation In the state convention, and
this In Itself shows conclusively that be
will be opposed. The sentiment of our
people Is strongly against Beacom. and
we do not propose to sit In the con
vention and waste our votes. We will
have a candidate to vote for In ample
time, and feel that we will get plenty
of supporters."
"Who will your friends support?"
Senator Fllnn was asked.
"l'p until the present time," he re
plied, "we have not decided upon any
one. The Municipal League of Pitts
burg is actively pushing W. R. Thomp
son, a prominent banker, and It Is Just
possible that we may also turn in and
support him In the convention. This,
at least, Is the wav our friends feel
about the matter Just now."
"Will the delegates elected by the
Business Men's League be found vot
ing with your friends In the conven
"It Is more than probable that they
will, although we have not received any
definite information to make us think
so. I think, however, that they would
Join hands with us in order to at least
Increase their standing In the conven
tlon. To my mind there Is not the least
doubt but that the refusal of the busl
ness men to indorse Beacom win have
a serious effect on his election, if nomi
Itenconi lu ( rent Dimitcr.
While the nomination of Jatnes . S.
Beacom Is possible, it Is by no means
an assured fact. The bosses, from
Senator Quay down, are greatly wor
rled over the situation. The state con
vention, which will meet on the 26th,
may be the scene of some lively dem
onstrations. Mr. Beacom stands con
fessedly the representative of boss
domination in Republican politics, as
the personal candidate of Senator
Quay. This fact alone will cause his
defeat In the convention, If he is de
feated. His ownership by Senator
Quay will be his downfall.
as Us guardian a man whose vault keyii for wllch he ,,,,, many thanks. M
uhnll not be merely the 'will of a P0-lclllH,rKer uu approeiutea tlio bold a
liticul boss.' and ; work Ilcr goo,i frcnl did In saving he
JMscuutout In tln Jttink
"Whereas, The widespread dtacon-fte-rii
and disgust pervading In the rank
sarulh'lle of the Republican party In
.Pennsylvania, because of long contin
ued 'one j nan domniutlon,' should be
juer .by the -selection of men as candl-
Jutes .for auditor general and state
treasurer of unimpeachable character
.und marked Independence, free from
ithose inlluences that longer render poa
Hlble or encourage 'treasury raids;'
ftivrefore, be It
"Resolved, That we heartily Indorse
Vhf tcandldncy of Major Levi O. Mc
Tituley, of Chester county, for auditor
xcneral, and pledge him the active and
earnest support of this organization,
Ibellevlng his sterling Republicanism,
;snli mJid (luulincatlonsandjndependence
to especially fit him for that office; and
Re It further
"Resolved. That we earnestly admon
ish the party managers. If they have
oneBt regard for Republican welfare,
to take heed of the threatening storm
of righteuB disapproval by nominating
'far state treasurer a man who posses
rb the confidence of the party, and
hose best boast Is not that 'he Is the
xiwtun of a boss.' "
The gravity of the situation with ref
erence to the state treasuryshlp and the
xmssibllity of forcing the bosses to
withdraw Mr. Beacom was generally
smcoxnlzed In the Philadelphia news-
oapers of Saturday. In a column ar
tide on the subject the Philadelphia
Praia said:
-The action of the executive com
of thejlepubllcan Bute Xieague'erfc
. men in' practically aeciar
! James 8. Beacom. the Qua
Bishop Mrt'abe, of Xew York,
on i)r James' Headache Powders.
"With regard to Dr. James' Head
ache Powders I have no hesitation
in commending them to Biiflerers
from headache. They relieve the
pain speedily, and I have never
known anyone to be harmed by their
use. I have been a great sufferer
from headache in my life, but have
almost gotten rid of it by the con
stant use of hot water and fruit and
br doing without coffee. The Dr
James Headache Powders have,
however, greatly relieved me at times
and I never allow myself to be with
out tbeni, and have recommended
to others freely. J. (J. JUcIabe.
For sale by W. H. Spangler, Drug.
eist Middleburch. Pa. 6 17-9m
Mrs. George Thnmnn of tan-iatown in visiting
friend and relatives nt thin place.
Mr. Haylor nntl wife seiit Humly at Wagner,
man Kmnia Hwartx of Troxelville apcut a few
daya with Dr. K. M- Miller.
J. K. MtroliCclter is attending t' H. Court at
diaries Drerao wan joined in the bonds of
holy wedlock to Mix Verilio Freed on Saturday
evening, both of tliia place. We wild tlieiu a
happy anil pronperoua future.
A Union ltcnlc will lie held is Mr. Grona'
wooda on Hatunlny next.
The picnic liolil at MeClure on Saturday wa
a aucceaa in every way, alao the featlval at the
Hall on the aanie day waa well attended.
T. K. Swinvforii aold Ida cider preaa to a party
from Northumberland county lust week.
II. Homer ia seen on our street almost daily
delivering gooda and gathering up produce.
II. ltauuigardner threshed 43 bushels of wheat
from two acres.
Hhullonuernrr'a atore at llunnervllle waa tle-
troyed by fire on last Friday. Nearly all his
dry gooda waa saved. He claims if ha get the
full amount of the insurance and all the gooda
saved as a present lie will bo out (1000. The
force of men that was present did noble work
ra. Hhel
nd hard
work Her goon menus tuu in Having ner uweu
Ing house.
The old soldiers and others are working al
noatdaily fixing up the grounds for the en
campment as they want it in a good ordei aa
hard work will make it.
Home of our farmers claim they will not get
potatoes enoUKh for their own uae this full.
Mrs. Jacob Krb la improving slowly from her
late sick apell.
Home of our farmers are expecting a larger
yield of corn this fail than they had liwt fall.
About half of the fall plowing has been done.
Baer Bros, will begin shipping peaches this
Win. Bllger bos bis new bouse under roof
Chos. Gear hart and wife on their wedding
irlp, gave Chas. Maurer'aacau.
Last week one of David Oosa' horses stepped
on the end ol a short pointed board, causing
the other eud to enter the abdomen disem
boweling the animal. He had to be killed.
Hiss Lizzie MUler, wbo was attending Normal
School at Mlddleburgn for the past tour weeks
returned home last Thursday.
Ezra Stelnlnger Is coming back tram Lewis
town this week to try his band once mora at
The Mlddlecreek picnic on Saturday promises
to be altogether a departure of the old style ol
Henry Manrer, who is going with J. U. Dreese
threshing, was at home over Sunday.
Sirs. Ellen McDonald and children of Reeds
vllle, are iLltlng blend 1c this vicinity.
Mrs. Yocura and children of Lewistown are
vtoiUng with her father, wm. Better, and oth-
Jerry Charles baa re too red his ware house to
another location, and baa oommenoad the ereo
tlon of a new ator bona an the same lot od
which hli dwelling house is erected.
Mr. Klnstler a Senior Theological student of
ML Airy Lutberaa Seminary, Pulla.. viaitej
his friends, Rev. O. D. Druckenmiller. On
Sunday be accompanied him to Orub'a and
Hchnae'i churches and preached at the latter
place In the afternoon. He let i Monday morn
ing well pleased with hi rislt.
The Dill family la spending part of the week
with friends at telinsgrore. They will return
to Freeburg in time to attend Uia Choir Con
vention next Hattirday.
Mrs. Anna II. Pbllllpa of Mechanlcsburg ia
the guest of bar aunt Mrs. D. S. Bojrer.
Those who attended the Lemon's grove plenlfl
from Freeburg report that II wai a grand aue
ceaa. Numerically, financially, in sociability
and appro prialeneee of Ilia addressee. All train
stopped at the grove.. Tkeae annual gatherings
at this popular place are held by the Vera Crux
Lutheran Sunday School. This association has
leased the ground for a term of years, and they
have realised a considerable fund for their
treasury. They pay their speakers who come
from other place.
Rev J. It. Barb, Her. Dr. Ochaenford, Rev
Haas and other mlniater will be in attendance
at the Choir Convention.
Wm. O. Mover, aonof Prof. Wm. Jloyer, ar
rived her from Phil, for a two week' vaca
tion. An absence of two year ha made a
change in hi appearance. He 'ia engaged In
an office in the Drexel Building.
J. A. Glass, our genial barber has placed a
fan in his barker shop. We can now have a
shave under the soothing influence of cooling
Hcv. Druckenmlller will have no service at
Freeburg next Hunday. lie will be at Uangor,
Lehigh county, to assist at the installation of
the minister at tlmt place
On the information of Benjamin Koibcr we
add that many Important bualneaa place are
located in close proximity. Telephone 10x
change. Post OInce, Hotel, Milliner Hhop, I'liy
aiciau, Undertaker, Barber, Hoft Drink Katab-
liahmcnt, lawyer Office, More, Coaclimaker,
Feed Store, Stage Proprietor, Artesian Well
The Telephone purty have put on the cross
ties on the posts, and we will soon be ready to
send "hello" nieaaages.
t'er Mingers and Pnblle Hpeakera.
I'se Aunt Ilachtel'j Elecampane and Hon
hound. It Is known that clear white rock
cundytsthe most healing of all substances,
and noreliound and elecampane the vary best
throat remedies; combined we have Horehound,
Elecampane. Ornpe Juice and Rock Candy, one
ot the best pulmonary remedies known. Sing
er an public speakers should carry a bottle In
their pocit. Forsa.e by druggists. Price (i
nd 7 cents.
Ml Me !
The use of the surgeon's knife ia becoming-
so general, resulting fatally
in such a, iarge number of cases, aa to
occasion general alarm.
Mr. William Walpole, of Walahtown,
8onth Dakota, writes; "Abont
three years ago, there came under
my left eye a little blotch about the
size ol a email pea.
It grew rapidly , and
shooting pains ran
in every direction.
I became alarmed
Ss.cer, and said that it
V must be cut out.
wj M
irtr5 I - SI This I would not
"U-W ?IP.' consent to, having
llttt. faith in th
indiscriminate use of the knife. Read
ing of the many cures made by S. S.
8., I determined to give that medicine
a trial, and after I had taken it a few
days, the cancer became irritated and
began to discharge. This after awhile
ceased, leaving a small scab, which
finally dropped off, and only a healthy
little scar remained to mark the place
where the destroyer had held full sway .
A Real Blood Remedy.
Cancer is in the blood and It is folly
toexpect an operation tocure it. S.S.S.
(guarantied purely vegetable) is a real
remedy lor every
disease of the blood.
Books mailed free :
' address Swift Spe-
cjhc Co., Atlanta,
His Mary Warton of Sunbury spent Thurs
day with MiaaKra K. Henoch. '
Mia Lixxl Livingston who baa been an Invalid
for the past 3 year died Saturday evening. She
was buried on Tuesday afternoon.
F. K. Woodley of Hugheevillecame to town
on Sunday on hi wheel.
Mia Carrie Smith of Sunbury and Mia Mary
Derr of Lewlauurg wa entertained by friend
on Friday. I .
Ml Brown of Phils. I the guest of Ml Min
nie Schoch.
The Misses Mellch of Hliamokiii are the guest
or their aunt, Mrs. Wallace.
Mr. Hike . Hehooli and wife of Middleuurg
were entertained on Saturday by L. K. Pawling.
Mr. Milton Brant and family of Milleratown
ar visiting Mr. B'a parents, Z. S. Kelley'r
J. Schoch of Phila. wa In town on Saturday
between train.
Mrs. Iwis Amlg is entertaining her niece
from Mhumokin.
The Sunday School of the 1st Lutheran church
held their Annual picnic at Salem to day.
Jerry ('rouse and wife have returned from a
trip to Atlantic City.
The SoltnsKrove Base Ball club played two
game on Huturday with Milton Y. M. C. A.
winning them both, the first by the score of 9-2,
th second 311.
The reason editors of a country
newspapers seldom fail, fioanriully,
is because they do uot Lave money
enough for that.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany bus art auged for a tpeciul ex
cursion to fjcean Urove (Asbury
Park) Weduesday, August 25th, dur
ing tbe Cuuip Meeting. Tbe (rip
will uo doubt be au eujoable one.
I keep constantly on hodani uian
afnoture to order all kinds of
Marble and Granite
Hoaoturjcts AM Hones!
Old Stone; Cleaned and Repaired.
1 have one of tlie best Marble Cut
ters iu th" Statrt aud eoiisequetitly
tttru out xoyil work.
eWCoine Hid see my workitrlces.
Thnukful fcr. Hft favors I most re
riifctfullv link n ootitiniiHtice of "suuie,
Every expectant mother hat
trying ordeal to face. If she does not
Official GuidtD of the
Klondyke Country
And the Gold Fields of Alaska
Bttall Price, Sl.00.
I Intenaoly Inlereatlnl and strictly authontic.
lue actual experiencua ol miners anil their
marvelous discoveries of (told. Tiie informa
tion contained in this book ha been carefully
prciiared from the most reliable souroos, nnd
will be the means of lending thousands of for
tune in the
The book contains ftno paxes and Is illustrat
ed with full aire pitotoirrapha, taken eapoc
iully tor tliia work, aud also 8 paices of ollkiul
W are the sole publishcre of "The Oftlnial
(tilde of the Klondyke County;" any other
publications purport! iik to be it are imitation.
Our usual liberal eommiasinna.
Send SO eenta at once for complete h'wlc, to
iretlier with agcuta' outllt.
W. li. Conkcy Company,
8-13-tt. 3tl-:ni Dearborn Struct, CHICAdO.
Social ftedaced Rata Eieun.tnn Ia
tb Ooeaa Grove Camp Metting via
a-ennsyiTania railroad.
Portb benefit oft boa dealrina; to viatt Ocaaa
Orore (Aabury Park) during th gnat eamp
meeting, the Pennsylvania Bail road Company
will, on August 25, soli excursion ticket to that
point from stations named below at th vary
low rata quoted.
These ticket will be good for passage to Phil
adelphla on train named below, thence oa reg
ular train leaving Broad Street Station at S.30
and 4.0S p. m. that day to Ocean Orore (Asbury
?k): .
Leave. Rate.
Leave s.P) A. H. f5 00
s.' " S 00
8 0 ' 75
00 " 00
Arrive 8.00 P. M.
Ticket will be good for return
regular tralu until September J, Inclusive, and
will permit ot top-ofC at Philadelphia within
get ready for it,
tliere ia no telling
what may happen.
Child-birth is full
of uncertainties if
Nature is not given proper assistance.
Mother's Friend
is the beet help you can use at this time.
It is a liniment, and when regularly ap
plied several months before baby cornea,
it makes the advent easy and nearly pain
less. It relieves and prevents " morning
sickness," relaxes the overstrained mm
clee, relieves the distended feeling, short
ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer
tain without any dangerous after-effects.
Mother's Friend is good for only one
purpose, vis.: to relieve motherhood of
danger and pain.
- 1 doUar per bottle at Udrn stores, orient
by mail on receipt of price. . ....
This Books, containing valuable Informa
tion for women, will be sent to any addreal
njpoa application to
Can be Handled with Kid Mores.
5o Grease. Ho Danger. Non-Explosive.
If your dealer cannot supply you, write to
tl an SIS Nwtl Third 8trrt, Phkaddphuu Ps.
r.AIITIflNI sol bdcld Into taking tin
VAU I lUH I ether, th "NEVER0UT" Is the
all Itais that It auarant to Itinth t W
(r ateney rhis4a) that Is frte treat area, yet
kra kertM,ad tfcatlakotiitry ea-eiplara
Doat Tokaece Spit aai gsiek Tosr Ut Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To
Bm, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
atronf. All drugglat,iOoorll. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
T Chare Oaejatlpatloa Vereves
TakjaOMoueto Caasy Cetbartla. tOsorta.
U a 0. ft fall to eare, drutote reread foon.
Lew Rate Exearaioaa Tin Peaylv.
The Pennsylvania Hsllroad Company will run
a series of ten day excursions to Nlsvara Falls,
leaving Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washing
ton on July . Auirust a and 19. and September
t and in. An experienced tourist agent and
chaperon accompany and excursion.
Excursion tickets, (rood for return passag on
any regular tralu, exluslve of llmtud express
trains, within ten davs, will be sold at $10 from
Philadelphia Usltlmois, Wsshlnvton. and all
Klnts on the Delaware Division ; f.I from
incasier; ts.sorrom Altoona and HarrlshiirH';
iS.Ho from Viillcesbarre; f.S0 Irom Wlllliims
port.snd at. propotitotiHtA rales from oilier
points. A stop-over will Iih Allowed st lluirulo,
Kuchesler, anil Waiklim reiumlnx.
A mvc liil trill n or I'ulli'iiin onrlor cars and duv
coaclies will be run with each excurslou.
for furl her Information nniily n nearest tick
et a ifent. or address Ueo. , Ibivd. Asststiuit
Henepil Pmsenifcr A iron I, Urodd Strepl. St'ttlon,
rniiiiiieipuia. out Aug. ism.
Tbe nndenlgned EsecntoM
and teaeai' af J? tEL", ka
Two. Slnvdar IV. V. Uts J",
Ui7iio no a
tAAvi nui- A 1 1 Mat crt-j l
roent and tract of land .i..T'. ""usj
Snyder Co.. Pa., bounded onul 1
of W illiam Y.... ,on,llNniik.l
Schnee'a heir, and oa the Wt h."
Jacob Arbogaet and ,K." b i
Aervn, more or Iwa, with th. . u""l
nearly all of whlcnte clear and iIT'S
of cultivation and on which LT.'0 r5
evutlUI, OleaTKei And mill sr. "I
principally linnetone toll "' ThM
1 KACT Ntt t-Being a tract of u ,
well Hsilnnd -III. ..I " Hood
aforesaid, bounded North by "Z'.1''
hjut by land of Jontl,.n f, :.,u,,, Hw,
containing 4. A",nori or""
aiipurteoanoFB '
Hale to commence at 10 o'rlnrk i
AW l..n .1... ... , " " A
day when due attendance will iw, i.M'
of aale made known by "
term ,
S. K H,nn A,,..
Jacob Uilbert, Attorney
tiKollOK IHtKKsp
Riilticeil Kutes to Gingers' Picnic
at Williams' Grove via Pennsylva
nia Railroad.
For the accommodation of persona dosiring
to attend this interoating picnic and exhibition
the Pennsylvania Rail road Company will sell
excursion tickets on August 21, 21,21, 33, 20 and
27, good to return until August 'M, inclusive, at
rate of one fare fur the round trip, from princi
pal station betweeu East Liberty and Bryn
Mawr, on the Northern Central Railway north
of and Including I.uthervllle, and on the Phila
delphia and Erie Railroad Division.
For information In regard to train service and
specific rate application should be made to
ticket agent.
A Nhort Vai to Health.
To try tocureconstlDatlon bv talcln? nllla la
like going round In a circle. You will never reach
I he point sought, but only get. back to tbe aton
ing DOlnt. A Derfect natural laxative Is Racnna'
Celery King, the celebrated remedy for all nerve.
ohwo, siumacne, liver ana Kianey aiseases. It
regulutes the bowels. W. II. spangler, Middle
burgh ; M. Kothrock, M. D. Mt. Pleasant Mills,
will give you a sample DACkage free. Lartre aim
ii and Diets,
Teachers' Examinations.
Applicants for a teaehet'a certificate will be
examined in the several d 1st riots of Snyder
county an piace ana on aale Herein named, vts
Aug. 19, Mlddlecreek Twps K reamer
Au,;. 30, Washington Twp., Freeburg
Aug. 2D, Beaver Twp., Beavertown
Aug. 29, Spring Twp., Adamaburg
Aug. 27, Beaver West Twp, MeClure
Aug. S9, Adams Twp., Troxelville
Aug. SI, Centre Twp., Penns Creek
Sept. 1, Perry Twp Heiater Valley
Sept. 2, Perry W. A Evan. Cross Koads
Sept. 3, Chapman Tsrp,, Rohrer's H. II.
Sept. S, Union Twp., Port Treverton
Sept. 13, General Special, Middieburgh.
Kxamlnotlons will beirln nromntlv at 8sn
o'clock a. m.
All persons must be examined In the district
in which they expect to teach, unlea a majori
ty of the directors of the district In which ap
plicant ho applied, approve of said examina
tion being taken elsewhere. When persons
fail in obtaining a school in the district in
which tliey oriKinally anulied and aeek emolov-
inent in another district, if holders of leiral cer
tificate issued during the current year, a re
examination will not be necessary, -a certill
cate when issued being valid for the entire
Persons less than seventeen years of age need
not apply for a certificate as none will be is
sued to any who oome beneath the aforesaid
An urgent reipieat Is extended to the direc
ttira of the several districts of the county to be
in attendance at tbe examination of their re
spective districts. In truth, this Is a duty that
ought to receive aa much attention and if any
thing more titan any other business relative to
the office.
A hearty and most cordial Invitation is ex
tended to all lovers of our public schools and to
the general public to attend these examinations
and view the work being done by those wbo
expect to Come into your hearts and home a
teacher. itcspect fully.
Middlchiirg, Pa., July 19, ISV7.
Sheriff's Sule of
By virtue of a writ of PI. v , i,v, , ,
Court oi Common Pss ot sn',i , . 0 "1"
to m- ill reeled I will .' ' ' II
the Court House. In Mitiiii,.i,r1.,'.'.'.."lc -
Saturday, August in isn?
,., 1 . m.I n .. .1... .... 1 't
v p. uj. toe ioiiuw 1,1. ut-M'rll. I
TRACT NO. t All that Curialu trad ,
situate In Franklin Two. .. .'.rdl .
1 mile West of Mlddlnbur.-. iK.ttii.'Ji '
N-rt" b.V p Ik road l.-udli Uu ?
to HeaVHrtjiwn. Rur h ... . 1 " '
and Charles Snyder. N,m "l, , X,
snvberand West, hv i,.rt. ... ', """
containing i Acn inre or u- ti .'
nnrlAnnn..a ul w,"l
B- ... ... -m irui, mt- ert'i'iMi . a
welling House slid Lsrgo Hunk li .r , J
OUlhullillnm. Tl.o i.i i" ,.,,r 1 ""i
cultivation and Is planted : wiih ,.i, S?..wj
TKACr NO. Jl All that certah, tricl ,3
RtfllufA In sTfut.lrlln 1' ... . l,JLt U
hn.Tm.eA Vnth- 7 '..' ,'?"""' ., H
and t'haa. Snyder, Kastind s.,uu b J
Curtln HowersjiT ,.rl ,1... .. . ."'
Rern heir. . Mn.i. Z,.r. " " unl "f id
""vr v Airv.ui tin hi HI in rw i
the nrooerty of Oeo. s. Hh..i """
Sh.HfT.. na,- " 1 ' Klt. SliWfI
"" "ouicuurKii, i-a.,aiif. J,
Executor's Sale of Valuable!
Th. Hm)m.ImI v.u. J ... I
Jacob Hchnee, late of West Perry I,, 3
on the premise at Fremont, on 1
Saturday, August 28, 1897,1
-' - saajcriuari Firm allkaa1
I'erry Twp., Bnyir Co., PM coauiSJ
a-jiHSirjucrCUr, 0OII1H (Hi 00 Ihf
hv lavnrl nf thm h.l l t. u i . .
Jnltn Khv4Kft ' K U- i i .7
ftnd John MinM Bm.ik l. i...j
i li l . Z ""' mcten or Mil. I
lnahlffh'itet of cultivation wuh J
bulluinm, conaiaklnff of a Frame M
Houne, tem bank barn and minorouttMtj
sat hB hnnsa nnJ
ww w..w aew waj asitiu Uavru,
Trct No. -BHck House, litu.twl I.
or Market and Stecona Htrwt in tlic J
Tnusi Vn M.Vmsh. 1...IH it
on Market Bint and went of Trt v. J
Tract No. 4 Frame Dwelliiifr Hoiueool
v anu TTBinui nircew, rrecsd
traot'Mn ft at 1M...I I i n 1
- .,w, w u aiiiii'ci taiitt in rciTTB
uu wmvrvw, ranacfiveiv. boundrd Vsl
... UI.L a Tn ar . . 1
aaitu vi nitliMI W. TTOmor, JJIHIIyiUd
N Atrial Mniifch lm Un.l ,.f W.....I u ,
Joint Fields, Went by land of I red. XkA
BuoTfl iraciitre well timlwrvd.
Tract No. T Tiniberland eituatd h
OrpImiiH9 Court Sale of
Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court
of Snyder t.'ounty the undersigned Administra
tion of II. O. Scchrlst, late of union Township,
Snyder county. Pa, deceased, will at public
aale on the premises on
Thursday, September 23rd, 181)7,-
At one o'clock, P. St..
the following described personal property to
wit All thut certain tract of land sliuale In
Union township. Snyder coun'y. Pa., bounded
on the North by land of J, I). Kel(le, on the
Bast by land of Jacob Stauffer und Ueorire
Ki-erly, on the South by land of J. D. Kelirle and
on the West by lands of .1. D. Itelgle uud Kuiun
url Hordnur, conlalnlnK ti acre, mors or less,
whereon are erected a irame Dwelling limine,
Bunk Burn, Wagon Shea and minor ouioulld
Inirs. The conditions of the sale will be made known
on duy otssle.
A. 8. SKCHRIST. Administrator.
I. W. Lon-acr, t'lms.P. Uirlch, Ksq.,
Aucllonoor. Attorney.
Correoted weekly by our merchants.
Butter 12
Ekks 11
Onions 25
Lard :.M 6
Tallow...... 4
Chlokensper lb 6
Turkeys 8
Shoulder 7
Ham 10
Old Wheat 80 to 85
Potatoes AO
Old Corn , 28
Oats 81
Bran per 100 lbs 00
Middlings " .70
Chop " 85
Flour per bbL. 4.75
Sulaudtd oppoffvuBlty ear fejaiig aaaa.
naytna' ood salary asonnsa. AanVaM
Twp., V. miles N. K. of 00 I J
lead! iik from Kreeuiont to .MuMltlwiiJ
. ;rv. auu i.h iiercnes, mora
u,nn,ll b... 1 L'li- b:n-
....1.11. ... , u....... 1 , .. L.'
and Jacob Verger, West by lumlof II. f&
sale to commence at 10 a. ni. when let
oe uiaue Known by
V. K. MI'I'lJt
I. W. Lonuacre. Auc Run
Auditor's Notice
1 lu theorita'
i if SuvderCou!
In Ite-etate of Levi
J. Kotnlg, Uec'd.
Tbe undendtrned. who was arivilnlsl
at June term lust, to make dlnritiuil
balance appeurlug UHin lliu lir-t and 11
count ol A. A. l.'oinli,', a.1111 in 1-irnCor I
tJilc of said decedent., to uwl aiirmifM
ly entitled thereto, will Ml mr Uip y1
uiscnnrgiug 1 lie duties of lilt hmv
tliconiceor JiicolXJIIbert. K i. lull"
of Middieburgh, Snyder i'.. I' 1.. n Sf
80th dy of Aiuust. A. I). isu;.v wi
of 11 o'clock A. M. and 4c)VK k I' M
when and where all unrik's urn ivim
tent I heir claims uintlnst wilil fsi.tie v
ever debarred froincoininL In 101 "'i
fund. VllAKLaS ilUVK, 14
Oriilmiis' Court Silf
Estate of Henry Woodruff. Inteof t
ahln NnvSHP eimnf.v Pm ili-n ll.
Ily virtue of the order to sell die wlf
said aecasea, to us uireetcu " ;
Court of Snyder county, we will w J
saie, ai me uomesrcua isruiui
Wuodrurf, deceased, situate la 1'!U "
Snyder county. Pa., on i
Saturday, Septemlier 1 1th. 11
at 1 o'clock. P. M ot said day. the l
scribed real estate :
n I, . tm ,tvu i.i,.,. 111 li
perches of land situate In IVuii tv
eer county, Pa., whereon are ".
essary outbuildings, ail lu K"i "jl
.11 ui uw. IO UIVUl IIU (,, h ". O - II
tlon, except about acres of wojuiisj
minu tmntf tlmlier Tliere IK ! "1
on this farm. This tract of lit"1 B '9
the North by land of Unti l J
Samuel Kow and public mad iw-i
oak school house 10 Knliej 's fM V
lauds of Maria Kow, Samuel W"ri
Kow, South Dy land of Kots-rt 3d I
uel Sampsel and West by public "l
tract, altuata In Penn towllsiiP-
state aforesaid, contululng abeW M
18 perches, whereon are erwiw -i
rrame Uwelllng Houte, large I"'
necessary outbuildings, ail o' to" "?
and In good cultlvalloa, except ",
ol woodland, oonialolng some F" ;
good orcnard, ana goou ruuuuw -farm.
Said farm Is uouuded on v
land of John Fetter aud Ju"?
lands ot James Bearer, Hf"'
Wagner. South by lands oi n---
U..v. I alwlanuln.rar a Till Vl P
Henry Laudenslager, and
Uudenalager, John Kow and m
creek township, Suyder couuw .f '
Umber, bounded Kast uy l.ud,il
I.Mr Nnrth hv l.nd Of T
South and West by land of Uf i J
shin, oountr and stats arorery
hnnt SLf aema nf wnodiand, tv7
lAd of Howard Row, Kat.W S.
Mover, South by public P3J,
to Middieburgh, and Weal V )
Minor- . . A.
Terms oi sale win oe man. - ,
aale by toe undesigned.
a A.i-.ltputi.nW
I , -t AUIUW IB- -
lDtet7&.MIUtf,AU7- .