The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 19, 1897, Image 4
Published every Thursday. A NSW TEIUMPH. Th Dreade Can. t 'M b Ceo. VV. Wajenseller, Editor and Proprietor. nWription $1.50 per year. bU'li inuHl be paid In advance when sent out Klilv tin-county.) RATES OF ADVERTISING. All trnsi-iit ailverttrnvnts not otherwlw ctniru( icI Mr ill U" vliitrip-d at t lie rule of 15 Cents p'r lliif (iinnnirli-l ini'asiirel for flrnt Inwr 'Ion hikI 10 cents per Hue for every subsequent iMcrllou. tT Pnth nnfVfM publinhrd frrt i MUiary poertj, tributes of rftrpfct. fc, three cents a litis. Republican Standing Committee. AdiiniH-Tolilns Mitchell, Troxclvllle. W. II. Her man, Troxclvllle. Beaver 4 'Ihlh. K.Mncclit, lk-nvertown, James M. Kline, Iteiiveruiwn. Beaver W. ieo. J, Hpwoe. MeCluro. T. A. Wasr- tier. MeCluro. Centre Klincrshamhach. viddleburgh. I) F. lilim'iimiin, I'enns creek. Chapman W. II. Kcrstetter, McKeeslIolf Falls. Kiltfur UcIhIi. Holler. Franklin-W. I). lilft, l'axtonvllle, J. W. EIsen- hoiir. MldillelmrKh. Jackson .f. s. Yearlck. KraUervllle, Isaac 1111- u'er. New llerlln. .Mlddleiiuridi (eo. W. Wuirenseller, Mlddlu- htnvli. N. A. Howes. Mliblleburifli. Vlddlecrcek-I'. I,. Kow, Kreamur. K. B. Hum mel. Kreutii'T. Monroe Ueo. H. ij-nier, Hlinmokln Dam, J. H. H mails. I'enn :. K. Wagner, Salem, Daniel Knouse, 8o llnijrrove. l'erry I. N. Ilroslm. Ml. riensiint Mills, B. F., Mt.. I'leasnnt Mills. Perry W.- II K. Na'itfl , lllchtiold, Dan. Man- eval. Hli-lillelil. Selliis.'Nu-i.-V s. fisher. Sellusjrrove, F. II. Slllill,S"llliMifrive. Sf.rln-.' Dr. A. M. smith. Il"ver Springs, P. F. U 'U'el, Heuver Surlligs. I'nlon 'inn. I. Fl ainlers, Purl Treverton, O. 1, Kir-. I'urt Treverliin. Washington Jcrrv Charles, Freelmrj", W. II. uniiiin. rreeiiursf. T. A. Sloctitn. the Grrat Dtiemlsc and Scientist. ill send to Sufferers. Three Free Bottle ol Ills Newly Discovered Kemedlea U Cure Con sumption knd ai: Lung i rouuiea. Nothing could be fairer, more phllantmple or Parry umrfjoy to the anuctea, man me gener ous oner or the honored una flisunif uisnea cHen 1st, T. A. blocum. M. C, of New York City. lie has discovered a reliable and absolute cure for consumption, and all bronchial, throat, lunir and chest diseases, catarrhal affections, frenerul decline ai d weakness, loss of flesh slid all con dltlons of wanting away, and to make Its great inerlt known, will send three free bottles of bis newly discovered remedies to any unilcled read' of the 1'iwt. Already his "new scientific svstem of medl cine" has permanently curwl thousands of ap- pa-entiv hopeless cases. The Doctor considers It not onlv his profes sional, but his religious duty a duty which he ownestosunerliiif huinaiilty do donate his lu- laii.tiie cure. He has provided the "dresded consumption' to lie a curable disease beyond a doubt. In any climate, and has on tile In his American and European laboratories thousands of heartfelt i testimonials or gratitude" from those Deuemtca anil eiireii, in nil pan oi i lie worm. CuUn lial and pulmonary troubles lead to eon suinptloii, mill consumption, uninterrupted, mentis speedy and certain death. Don't delay until It Is too late, simply write T. A. Mocuin, M. C , 9S l'lne Street, New York, giving express and postonieo address, and tho free medicine will be promptly sent. I'lease tell the Doctor you saw his offer In tbe Post. i:i:irnuc.x ticket. AuMt'inU Juthjn, If. C. Sumjmell. J'l'otioiiotfiri, (7. Jf. Sh'uulcl. Reuixtr.r fc llworrfer, J. Jf. Willi. Jfix'rict J Horn f i, J. M. linker. Juri Comm., Jos Jl. IeinlricAs. Thursday, Au. 1!), 1897. A Eusines "No," said the hardware the tanner aire of nail Kan Talks to a Farmer. man to as he tied sip the pack- s in tut' paper, "as vou say, people talk about the low price of what they sell, and don't say a word about the low price of what thoy laiy. Take those nails, now. What ilo yon suppose those nails would eost you ten years ago? Just about six cents a pound, and now you eau take this lot of better goods at 3 cents and the extra wrapper thrown in. That's not much, you say. Not so much on a little lot of nails, perhaps, but 10 cents isn't much on the bushel of potatoes you brought in just now,.4.haf.x,all the difference in price irom ten years ago, and yet you grumble atthc low price. It's not the pound of nails that hurts you. Everything in my store has gone down the same way. i our wheat and hav and chickens and butter and eggs bring you sub stantially the same prices they did ten years ago. You fanners forget that ymi have things to buy as well as things to sell. Want to buy a plow this year '.' There's a dandy for!? 12. Ten years ago I'd have asked !?lli for it. There's 1 saved to ymi at one clip. There's a better planter than the one I sold you ten years ago for StiH a whole lot lietUr. Take it along tor. ?!. Ke iiiciulier that Kinder von boii"it of me teli years ago for 1 Si . Must lie worn out, eh ? I'll sell you a ."iO per cent, better one to-day and throw oil the S'.(. You farmers don't know when vou are well oil. Coray Says Rail is Padded - Representative Corny of Luzerne, tho lighting leader of tho "Seventy Six." has issued a curd nbout tho pay of legislative supernumeraries, to which the governor ami State Treas urer Haywood are invitod to reply. Sir. Corny says : "la regard to tho items for salaries cf tho otlicers aud employes of tho senate and house, I believe that tho governor says that ho has been fur nished by tho state treasurer with a detailed statement of the officers and employes and their compensa tion authorized by law, amounting to glWi.Mfi, which amount tho gov ernor approves. "If the mate treasuicr has sub mitted such a statement, I assert and am ready to provo whenever and whereever called upon to do so that that official has padded his state ment to tho extent of over 10,000. I suspect that is about tho amount he has unlawfully advanced to super numeraries and is hedging to pro tect himself from loss. I stand by tho figures I submitted on the Soor of the house." Coray is tho man who opeuly charged on the floor of the house the last night of the session that the expense list of the bouse and senate was padded. As a result of Lis speech and newspaper investigation and agitation the governor vetoed about $25,000. Brief Fum Hawsa Barrick From Bellefonte Uaz-tlte. Likkh Keunel Hardek. Es is mere usht der onner dawg eicooma Icli set dero auiohl widder en brief shreiva. Ich hob dere lum my g'shrivva bidder em McKiuley sinera 'noggeration. Es wore gawiss nix nias oin Barrick except a pnwr bubliu, uu em Sam Sceshuls si oldt er Huimmel woo on der kullick fer rccked is. Es wore aw net feel tsu sawga wiega bolidix. Do demiigrawda sin shier oil tzurick e')t,'ii uff der oldt Grover, un won mer ebbes tsu ena sawgt, wa'ga em Cleveland don sin so in der sanm fix os dor boo woo g' slacked is worm far es lino dooch in fiimo ageua led tsu exiimna se hen nix tsu sawga. Du wiesht der Hawsa Barrick is headquarters far hawsa fonga, un du waisht, denk ich aw, os der Bryan en hawsa foos on sinera watcba ket room gadrawga hut dorrich de gons campaign for glick. Her heu now en trust g'fonued oin Barrick for hawsa fonga far do Bryan party sup plia nut lees. Der mike llotzoi is bresidenl un der Billy Bixler is sec retary un treasurer. Se wella as hawsa foos hovva far oiler mon os far frei silver shtirntned in niuetzie hoonert, un se mieena se kenta's do won de wietza awholt nuff g:o un silver awholt runner cooma, wile's poot wennich fun ena mie hut in ma yohr fuun now. Der qnner dawg is der Sam Kiss inger ons Hullerhecka cooma un hut si schuoop dooch ivver si awk g'hova. Es hut ene ebber g'frogt was lets is un are hut g'sawd es ware erne en foonga fun em McKiuley sinera en gine fun prosperity ins awk g'floga. Der Sam is en hardter deuiagrawd uu are huts gauoo far do republicans tsu p'shimpa. Es hut miuh far tzarndt uu ich hob g'sawd : "Yaw, Sam, dero demagrawda hot in eirem lieva nix gadoo os foonga g'funga. Dero wirrdt si lieva net weit gauuuk forna draw far aniek ebbes soonsht fonga os we foonga. Der arsht foonga os eich ius awg g'lloga is woro en booudlo ketta os der Abo Lincaln lose gamaucht hut fun tier milluno mcger woo dero ols g'sawd bet warn nix os fee, hetta ken sale uu sctta bahonded si we hooud. Der nuixt foonga woro en booudlo 'skin-plasters' woo dorg g'sawd bet wara nix wierd wilo so nix os bob boer worn, un in 18S'J we der John Sherman specie payment resumed hut is en booudlo silver eich ius awg g'lloga. Demo bet dere g'sawd des silver waro tsu u hendich, der wet liovor es bobboer hovva. Der naixt foonga woro en gnuddle guld tswie hoonert uu sechtich milluue dawler os der Cleveland fun Eagloud ga henenod but far der demagrawda era mortgage ob batzawla, un der ledsht foonga woro cu boodle sols ous em Bryan siuie llaish sh.enner. So foonga wara gauunk eu menacb os sicna kcut blind niaucka, awer es is hardt ma mon si awga fardarva os blind gabora is." "O," hut der Sam g'sawd, "du broucht net donka os du my iniud wexla konslit mitdimeshtumbeera." "Nic," hov ich g'sawd. "Jlohl furs arsht, ich bob net gawist os du en meind husht, un tzu'm tswetta, Ich hob shunt long ous g'fuuna os far ken uso is si tzeit tsu Rbpeuda on material wo du. Eu monos netselver besa con un mus oil si ideas greega fun onery dare but eu burglar-proof kup, un won du ebbes iun ousa ni gref ea wid don inuskt arsht en Iuch ni drilla uns derno ni bloosa mit ma feddor-kindlo." By dor tzeit os lob fardicb wore hut der Sm widder goot s. .na ken no, un Ich hob Bidder nix mm g'bicrd fun da foonga ous em Mc Kinly sinera "Engine fun Prosperi ty." Ols widder, Gottlieb Boonstiel. Educate Tour Bowels With Cascareta. - Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. lOo, 25c. If C. 0. 0. fall, druggist refund money. THE ENGLISH JUBILEE. Mary Hillard Lolnea, Brooklyn. N. T. Any American who visits England this year will be struck by the signs on every hand of the glorification of a woman's reign. On June 22, will be completed the longest reign of any sovereign io Christendom. Peo ple from every quarter of the globe are coming to do honor to a woman. The shop windows for months past have been full of medals, coins and souvenirs of every description to commemorate the Queen's "Dia mond" Jubilee, as it is universally, if unreasonably, called. Streets on the route of the great procession are full of advertisements of seats to let on the eventful day at fabulous prices. One enterprising speculator has even bought and torn down a building, all but tbe ground floor, in order to erect in its place an amphitheatre of seats to look upon tbe notable and noble gathering to assemble in front of the venerable St. Pauls. And so it seems a fitting time when all are praising the peace, properity and progress of England under the sixty years of Victoria's reign, to bring before the House of Commons on the following day, for the third reading, the bill providing for tho Pniliamontary Franchise of Women. Littlo by little, the women of Eng land have gained some of their po litical rights and now are seeking for tho full suffrage accorded only in the colonies of New Zealand aud South Australia and in tho Isle of Man. . As wo look for our past history in the records of tho English race, so do we look to tho present develop inputs in political progress in Eng land, to show us what the future has in store for tho women citizens of this country. While an English woman is the honored sovereign of a great coun try, shall her Amorican sister, tbe sovereign of her home, than whom no woman in any land is more re spected, bo deprived of her full citi zenship? Shall wo not strive to make theory and practico agree and exemplify the true democratic principles that "tax ation without representation is ty ranny" and that women are tbe po litical equals of men. v Therefore, watch for the proceed' ings in me House oi uommons on June 23rd, and if the Englishmen honor their sisters by voting them full suffrage, we can ask it more con fidontly of our brothers'. Will It Keep r In reply to a correspondent asking Mr. Speer about bis Oporto Orape J uleo, lie says he will warrant It to keep any lengtli of tlmj In bottloa If tlioy are kept full and well corked, The Juice Is not likely to keep Iun? alter allowed to come in contact wltli atmosphere over 4fl decrees temperature. It Is "xcollcnt for Invalids. Don't Go to Alaska FOR All Grocers Sell It. Cleans Everything. MADE ONLY BY THE N.K. FAIR BANK COMPANY, Chicago. BL Louis. New York. Boston, rblladelpbii .!- ' MARHIKD. Aug. II. Chailes A. Gearhait of Freeburg, Pa., to Martha J. Minium of Fremont. Aug. 10, at tho pastor's home, Fre mont, by Kev. II. II. Spahn, Albert Basom of Itichlield aud Miss Clara Bealo of Orieural. ONE OF TWO WAYS. Tlio bludtlor was created for one purpose, tinnifly, a receptacle for the urine, and as mic.Ii it is not liable to any form of disease except by oiib of two ways. Tlio first way is from Imperfect action of the kidneys. The second wuy is from cureless local treutiueiit of other diseases. IIIKK 4'AI NK. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidtievs is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So tho womb, like the bladder, was created for one purposes. and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, there fore any pain, disease or inconveni ence m.uiifcsted in the kidneys, back, bladder or urinary passage is often, by mistake, attributed to female weak ness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily untile and may be as easily avoided. To tlnd out cor rectly, set your uritieasida for twenty four hours, a sediment or settling indicates Kidney or madder trouble. The mild and the extraodimiry effect of J)r Kilmer r Swainp-ltoot, the great kidney, and bladder remedy is soon realized. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At drug gists fifty cents and one dollar' You may have a sample bottle and patii uhlet. both sent free bv mnll Men tion the Middleburgh, Tost and send yonr address to Dr. Kilmer & Co Hinghamton, N. Y. The proprietor of tins paper guarantee the genuineness tms oner. STOP-DRINK wmc cure for drunkenneaa which can be eiven with or wunoui me anuwieuKe oi me urinaer ana win completely stop the desire tor liquor. Women can secretly administerSioe-UHlNK and effect cures. Its merits have been proven in thou sands of cases. Mailed in a plain sealed wrap per, with directions, on receipt of ONB DOLLAR. Particulars and testimonials free, 8EAIIL13 ii CO.. 3 l'ai k 1'lttce, Ke w Vorls, In time. Pom by dranlMii. KEEPYOUR BOWELS STRONG ALL SUMMER I )ANDY CATHARTIC CURE CONST! PATSC:: 10' 25 50 ? II ALL DRUGGISTS II A tautfl now And tiipn will nrvnt 1 In n-... hv. .m t.. , . DON'T SACRIFICE . Huturo Uoimort lor present Booming Economy, bnt BUY tlio Ntnvinjr lacluno with uu CKtahlisIiod reputation mat guarantees vou long and satisiacturv service : Tl;e l;ite. Its beautiful ligurecl wootl- Avork, durable construc tion, fine mechani cal adjustment, council with the Finest Set of Steel .Attachments, makes it tiie Most Desirable Machine in the Market. FBANK S. BIEGIE, MlDDLEBUEGH, Pa. ISend for our beautiful half-tone catalogue. -j-Fire, Lije ar)d Aidijb-Ii)surar)ce. Snyder's old, and reliable Gen'i Insurance Agency, SELINSGKOVE, SNYDES COUNTY, PA- I31mor fcV. Mnydor, Agent, Successor to the late William II. Snyder. The I'ar-Excellenee of Reliable Immrance is represented in the foil injj list of Standard CompaiiicH. from which to make a selection. Ni lieiicr iuq ona over. ''''. i.ix;atio, aokiktm s iivjii ivoyai, follow- one Liverpool, iMiu. uneiuiiing foreign assets) sili.OOO.OOO.OO Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8, 645, THE G2 l'hienix, liar! ford, Conn. 5rH8,OM.'o7 Continental, Now York, fi,754.908.72 German American. Xew York. n wn ni -i rutual Life Inn. Co. Now York. fion.i'n'iv'oafi'.n LIFE-5 ACCIDENT hmployers' Liability Assurance Cornoration. Accident Ius. Co. Subscribed Capital of $3,750,000.00 Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Insur ance promptly furnished ELMEK W. SNYDElt, Agt., Ollice on Market Street, Selinsgrove. Pa Great Reduction Sale of For Ninety Days ! The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN TIRE STOCK' OF FURNITURE AT TIIE GREATEST 8ACIUFICR EvER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENN SYLVANIA. We are not f.ellin out, but we do this to increase our sales above anvDre. vlc-iis year. We iclve a few of the prices us follows : Soft W ood Chamber Suits 14.00 Cotton Top Mattress 2 25 Hard Wood Chamber Suits 18.00;Woven Wire Mattress . 17 Antique Oak Suits, 8 riecei 19.00 Bed Springs " ton Plush Parlor Suits Rn.nn'l) Wooden Chairs per set 2.50;Platform Rockers 2 50 Kook Cases, Baby -Chttir Seat Chairs line, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes. ' Prices reduced all through,. Come early and see our stock before' L'ivlnir your order, and thus save 15 to 20 per cent, on every dollar. Spocial Attention Given to Undertaking & Embalming. KATHERMAN & HARTNAN, Limited, MIFFLINBUKGIl. P In stock, everything in the furniture line, including Mirrors, Ko Desks, Side-boards, Cupboards, Centre Tablns, Fancy Rockers Bat Feather PiJlows, Lounges, Couches, Doughtrays, Sinks, Hall Rac Miss Susan E. Blow, whose recont article in The Outlook on the Kin dergarten in the United States has attracted very wide attention, con tributes to the Educational Num ber of The Outlook (August) a paper on The Kindergarten Ideal, which cannot fail to interest all educators, s it touches many points of great importance in child education. $3 a year. The Outlook Company, 13 Astor Place, New York. . Public Sale of Valuable REAL ESTATE ! lute of chapman Twp., Snyder Co.. 1-a" doo'd i tue underaltjued, on the premises, wiui'on ' Wednesday, August 25, 1897 LffW.tfIolio:ln,ii,f8,,rw'i enuiie to wn : All that carta n meiwiiAirn unit tract ofland situate in township. d state aforPHuld, bounded on the Worth by land of Aaron Mpyer, Kmt andSoutH by the Pent "vl vanla Canal and West by Susquehanna H Jer ContulnlnB KOUlt ACRKS. m the mori " w ed two nwelllng Houses, necessarj- outbuUdlnm Ac. SaletooommenQeat loctoclcD m. , Whui terms wiu bo made tfnown by p ' WUen W.J.BICKKL. Attomey-ln fact lor the heirs of said decedent. YOUREMEMBE WHAT 1 TOLD You- When vou buy Groceries, GikhIs, Notions, or what n.,t I straight to F. II. Mauler's. ' prices are rijrlit, iiuality pl measures full. You get tlie J 01 jour money every time. tie dniii is as well treated and uuy just as good and us many m as his mother. Lai Our reputation is our trade. We must mniiitain it j keep it at its Kst. Wlien v0ti fresh groceries, stylish ,lly notions of anv kind, ln'suivtim,, anil see 11s. lie sure tn I, wforc buying elsewhere. as you pass bv juid buv. OI1V ( Coiiie w. . m-. -M 1 a. ii ii' ilREAT CLOSING OUT BAKGAIN3 Weaienowcloslnc out, nil our M,r Mi. .". ' K'" in uomi nnu upinw to make r ui mo run (fiHKi.s. will liamcyuu a few 01 iuw pnres, lowrr timn you can l.uv ncu ivii i-uMi, uiai ih me ri'jisnn w o I ..... 1 cupnptr until otiior dealers. Dress Goods Vurtn.. tl'1.1... T .-, . . . . I ..11. j nunc mvaa uooos sold ul S nuw 5 o, J 00 10 All wool Sllallys ir u Percales, 38 Inches wide, sold at 13 uow cJ do do All Best Ucht Calicoes, Dark Blue Apt on Ginghams All Clarks Spool Cotton, xwwmrwtm: 10 I 4 " J " ! " I ' " 1 ' Ladies' Shirt WaK Sold for 50c. now olic. Sold for 1.20c. now 7Sc. Sold for l.oOc. now 1.1 Men's Fancy Shirli Sold for 50c, Sold for (,0c, Sold for 7"i', Joys', Sold for 50o " Sold for '2m now 171 now olf. now "7'. lllHV 11'. now :iV. Barga 'I . All .1 I Siil-, lere we are, good lien's ly Joys' Extra Good onlv !nv. Jl.. and 1.50. s' Knee Pauls and 2 on iv io,-. 1 oc. MEN'S EXTli.V rnnn qawts 1 1 V v. Unly oo cts. I Means, Limn, 8e. per lb., 9 lbs. for $ Means, sc. pi-r iu lbs. for a.ic. S mix, Honey, He. per ot.. sue. wer iral.. l ure Syrup, to. per qt., 80c. per gal., l'ure tsm iur iUi iou. per gu. Call and sec these (J rent liar? in Shoes lefore you buy. I a we can please von ami sive money. COFFEE. lbs. liion coltee for J Or. or icr lb. Arbuckles 4 lbs. for !'. er 1- Mv own brand i lbs. for 14c. alb. Java and Itio loose roa- tI 4 for 4 Sc. or 15c. a lb. Chocolate 12c. SUGARS. 2 lbs. light IJrown 50c. 0 lbs. soft White 50. 10 lbs. fine granulated ii(V. Jaking Sinla 4c. a II)., loriM 5c. or 3 lbs. for 13c. Call to See Our Carped -MARKET PBIW Butter, 13c. I Side Meat. Cc. M Oiickens. 8c. Ham,1! Young Chickens ifc A All 1 1 T1..H - -mtr j 1 F. H. MAUB1, NEW BERLIN, PJ-1