The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 19, 1897, Image 3

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I ME mi Oil
ArtVaIysaltes' a foet-Ofllea Safs
rises, im Cutedy.
m burglars who blew open the safe
. pbbed the poetofflce at Barnes-
Cambria county, early Thursday
Lame were captured at LewlBton
J by Railroad Detective Andy
iJof Tyrone. Detective Barr, who
ITbeon un the,r tra" " nlnt CP
JV ,nem on their arrival at Lewis-
rtA brought them to Tyrone. The
L refused to rive their names, but
(i 1)30 In money and a lot of stamps
ptitdered envelope addressed to
rtfjboro postofflce.
i following; Pennsylvania pensions
E been granted: Charles C. 81 mp
1 Horton; George Ort. Allegheny;
Zm Elliott. Pittsburg; William M.
iZr Allegheny; Sellec S. Scofleld.
KJn Valley; John MeCune.
JL wwn; Joseph McKnox. Pittsburg;
irt W. Stewart. Brownsdale; Hugh
fowl. Marlon Center: John 8. Col
li 1 Hillsdale; John Thompson, Young
t" Robert H. Miller. Turtle Creek;
V Haver. Little Cooley; Reuben Ed
t Hoovers Run; Daniel H. Barnett,
Lrfleld' Ambrose Ball. East Hebron;
MR. Fix. Mt. Alton: Schor Bennett.
Lrttt' Hlley Linn, Pureed; John J.
l Jones Mills; Jacob Klett. Phll
Unr Emanuel J. Seese. Felix; An
K Polster, Allegheny: Sarah Charl
l Nineveh: George W. Land, Oak
t 'peter Klper. Conemaugh; Frank
oinningham. New Castle; Robert J.
L, Avalon: John Reese, Johns
i Elijah W. Martin, Natrona; Jos.
fconroy, Frankstown: Henry Hol
VErte; Ell Schreckengoet, Saeger
LV Andrew J. Reese. Peney; John
ffchumaker, Custards; Henry 1.
Vth. Johnstown; Nathaniel K.
IKier, rioiorouKi jtn-uu j. x-ruiiuiK-kHomestead:
John W. EI wood, Coal
Itrr; Mary a. Boaa, neaver; jwm
!. Oil City; wiiuam n. huh, wii
i Jeremiah, McKees Rocks; Benja-
i F. Campbell, jaroo conraa, nr.,
tatrarg; Alfred wooa, i.yona: syi-
for A. Knglian, iienezene; jaooos
lllwn, Hiverview; samuei ir-
Ihiel, Poucner; james -ence, urauys
Johnson Clearwater, weaver;
aC. L. Browne. Allegheny City;
Uolph Hanes, Hollidaysburg; Shan-
JliFauuen, ftiunaen; eusan a.
l'imp, loryiana; tnaries wiemer,
Lr nation; Charles H. Hort, Pltts-
; Clark Randall, union City: vvti-
i J. Gil. Jackson Center; George
I.ber. I'hllllpsburg; Wallls Rogers.
sstown; Agnes Karns. jenners;
i of Robert McCartney, Ciarks
b; Mary Dougherty, Indiana; Lydla
I Benton, Hollidaysburg: Harrison
. Suitar Creek; Alexander ftl. uor-
, Butler; Jackson Noble, Tldloute;
t L. Woolsey, West Terry.
i interpretation of the new law
i limits the employment of con-
i in certain branches of Industry
been Riven by Deputy Attorney-
leral Elkln. The act provides that
5 per cent, of the number of prls-
i can be put to making sucn ar-
i as are manufactured elsewhere
Ihe Stats. The Deputy Attorney-
Irral holds that each institution
; be considered separately, and
rrentage mentioned means 6 per
(of the number of Inmates In each
ution. Some of the Institutions
the ground that they could em-
I in eac h one 5 per cent, of all the
atrs in the State.
kr tannery employees at Falls
Ik. two miles from Du Bois, have
fctly did from poisoning, and sev-
Kthers are In a serious condition.
Inily a large consignment of hides
received from China, and It has
discovered that the skins are in-
I with the anthrax germs, which
communicated to the men, caus
path in from five to eight days,
lo cases It affected the lungs In a
It resembling pneumonia, and In
lulhers the stomach. Both forms
fatal. Oliver Blalr was Infected
pen a small scratch on his arm.
s ra a critical condition. Eighteen
lot cattle have died from drlnk-
m a stream Into which liquor In
ine nines were tanned was
The State Board of Health
n notified and will make an ln-
i Allegheny county delegates to
Hnocratic State Convention met
ftek and adopted resolutions
Inning the late legislature for
fed steals; reaffirming the prin-
Im me .uuonal Democratic par
J the platform adopted at Chl-
anu agree to "stand liv the
Spartan leader. W. J. Hrvan."
llutlon was also passed denouno
I" government by injunction.
I' oie, a domestic, fell from the
r nury window of the Altamonte
at Altoona. the other dtiv. ratirl
Jilously escaped uninjured, after
It a complete somersault. She
"Weed In cleaning a window
r Dacuward. She caught a
f-wtric light wire and hung for
Mwonds before dropping thirty
fne landed on her feet and
Jo noj
iabl H
re tlx
, top1'!
ior '
l N'eff, a well-known rltWon nf
met a tracic ripnth whiio nt.
Hhe funeral of William Snenker
lanilrla recently. He was one of
snmpthat surrounded the open
After a vivid Hash of lbzhtnlnir
I up his hands and fell dead,
"'"lug Into the grave. The
Were horrnr etv1r.lUr.
IMcrcer Grand Armv .
po cantKms from the War De-
'. . y arp 32-pounders and
"a each cannon. They will
k l?romlnpnt Position at the
l handsome monument to be
i " memory of the old soldiers
T county.
I . Kanuss. Tina ChlnnnHnl.llalM
h,.'yutwo bulldogs belong
J"hn Whlteman. his left ear
I In tK . and hl8 eyeJ CUt
l. " "re eycoail.
IfldlRh, the sweethep u'hm
I--words wouniinrt nt ti ,.ii
pnd countv j
rn and promised to wed
Schooler waa drnu-rxul .t li
near TKatiAi. CJ..1
Tmr.of cornPuilons, all Iron
wim, and Schooler dived ln
imL He I cal'ed for help, but
ni th,nk'niT he was fool-
' laptared h'm' and h6
f Hltsheur A. .-.
k o? herself at Johns-
r then -rviT"r"t V"
I niiB ciori mai ne was
FPeauJ ?lan wno waa talking
"' n he Immedl-
. i0 commit suicide. She
M hi0J!27 J"8.0"- or
r u " tree in trj
, -r a tew days aa.
had been bad. "nd
"t Lh" PPOtlon that
ont by,, mob. No
Vint Car Lmi tf Amtnoaa Tla-PUt U U
thiffi to Isrepa.
The first tin plat manufactured In
America to be sent to Europe, was
started last week by the American tin
plate company, of Elwood. Ind., on lta
way to Italy. It was a carload, con
sisting of 500 boxes or the most expen
sive tin plate made here, and It Is said
this will be followed by other shipments
because of a growing demand abroad
for American tin plate. The company
will make a similar shipment to Eng
land this week.
Sold for 3J,000.
The Brilliant tube and Iron works
property at Steubenvllle, O., was sold
at receiver's sale last week for $35,000
to the Wheeling title and trust com
pany, as trustees for the first mortgage
bondholders. The property Includes the
rolling mill property and 460 acres of
valuable coal land. The people of Bril
liant are very much discouraged over
the prospects, as the mill, which Is the
only Industry the town boasts of, will
not be operated by the purchaser.
Ground was broken at East Liverpool
O.. for the new Sebrlng pottery, to bo
completed by December 1.
The Erie co-operatlvcs opened a shop
for the unemployed and began manu
facturing small articles for home con
sumption. The new Dubois. To,. Iron works will
employ from 250 to 300 men when In
full operation. A blacksmith shop and
foundry will be attached, and the
plant, when completed and fully equip
ped, will cost probably $:'50,000.
The wire drawers took their tools
from the nail mill In Salem. O., recent
ly. Efforts to reach a scale failed, so
the men decided to go out. Fifty-three
men were employed, the men asking
for a continuation of the scale which
lias been In effect for two years and
It was refused.
The Botherton mine, at Wakefield,
Mich., resumed operations a few dnys
ago, and will employ L'oo men. The
Sunday Lake mine, which, In conjunc
tion with the Brotherton, was Idle on
account of the water communicating
from one to the other, will probably re
sume In a few days, with about the
same force of men.
Miss Mary J. O'Dcilly of Philadelphia
has notified Chief Factory Inspector
Campbell that she will resign her po
sition on August 31. She will be suc
ceeded by Mrs. Martha D. Keller of
Bcllefonte, Pa., who is now receiving
Instructions under Miss O'Reilly. All
the deputy Inspectorships are now fill
ed, twenty In all.
A number of Pittsburg capitalists, ac
companied by Isaac Hill, visited New
Castle business men with reference to
the proposed enameling works. The
Pittsburgers want two acres for a site,
convenient to railroads. The plant Is to
cost $7").0(i0. and will give employment
to about 150 men, manufacturlng lmth
tubs and other enameled ware.
After a shutdown of six weeks the
Delaware Iron works nt New Castle re
sumed operations, giving employment
to between 400 and 500 persons, it la
said that the big wall paper factory at
Newark will soon begin operations and
there Is talk of starting a r.hoe factory.
The force of workmen has been in
creased at the Edgemior Iron Com
pany's mills near Wilmington.
Cortez obtained In Mexico five emer.
aids of wonderful size and beauty. Cine
was like a rose, another In the shape
of a horn, a third In that of a fish, with
diamond eyes a fourth like a bell, with
a pearl for a clapper; the fifth was a
cup, with a foot of gold, and with four
little chains, each ended with a large
pearl. He had also two emerald vases,
worth 300.000 crowns each.
Species of snakes that are enemies
of one another In captivity will coll up
Into their winter sleep In the same
drain. Flour and Feed.
WHEAT No. 1 red Tfi-g) 77
No ti red 76 77
COHN No. 3 yellow, ear 3a 34
No. a yellow, shelled 32 83
Mixed ear... 31 Si
OATS No. 1 white S!4 24
No. 2 white 'U 25
BYE So. 1 41 ii
i'LOUlt Winter patents 4 1-0 4 90
FanY straight winter 4 30 4 40
Bye .lour 2 75 i H5
HAY No. 1 timothy li 00 12 25
Miiod clover, No. 1 7 50 8 00
Hay, from wagons 1.1 00 14 00
FEED No. 1 White Md., ton.. 12 50 13 00
Drown middlings 1) 60 10 00
Bran, bulk 0 50 10 00
BTKAW Wheat 6 50 6 00
Oat 5 28 0 60
BEEDS Clover, W) It) 9 4 75 5 00
Timothy, primo 14.'" 1 t5
Blue Grass 1 75 2 00
Dairy Products.
BUTTER Elgin Cioamery.... 16 17
fancy creamery lti 17
Fancy country roll 8 9
CHEEHE Ohio, new 7 8
New York, new 8 9
Fruits and Vegetables.
BEANS Hand-picked, V trn. . 00 05
POTATOES 2 25 2 75
CABBAGE Home grown, bbl. 1 00 1 25
ONIONS per sack 1 25 1 0
Poultry, Eto.
CniCKENS. V pair f 45 CO
TUKKEY8. V 13" 14
KOUa-l'a, itud Ohio, fresh . . . . 10 11
FLOCK t 3 CO 3 85
WHEAT No. 2 red 75 7
BYE No. 2 41 42
CORN-Mixed 2 21)
OATH... :0 21
EOUB 7 8
BUTTER Ohio creamery 14 15
FLOUR 4 25 i 45
WHEAT No. 2red HO
CORN No. 2 mixed 81 82
OATS No. 2 white 23 24
BUTTER Creamery, extra 15
EQQH Pa firsts II
FLOUR Patents t 4 65 4 8)
WHEAT-No. Hred 8
CORN No. 2 83
OATH White Western 22
BUTTER Creamery 15
EQQH State of Peup. 18
Prime, L800 to 1,400 , 4 90 6 H
Good, 1,200 to 1.300 lbs 4 65 4 75
Tidy. 1,000 to 1,160 lta 4 60 4 60
Fair ligbt steers, 900 to 1000 tba 4 00 4 20
Common, 700 to (00 lbs 8 60 8 75
Medium 8 65 8 60
Heavy 8 60 8 70
Roughs and stagy 2 00 2 75
Prime, 95 to 105 lbs, wethers... 4 00 4 10
Good, 85 to DO tbi...... 8 75 8 90
Fair. 70 to 80 lbs 8 60 8 5
Common M 2 50 8 00
Cells 1 00 2 00
Choloa lambs. 4 to 4 85
Fair to good lambs 4 00 4 N
Ysslostaft 100 T
Song f Freedom-Bear the Burden With
FaUeaca-Taks No Thought for the
Morrow" Harmony Through lMscord
-Calm 8plrlU Work Mrt bod lenity.
Good-by to pain and care! I tako
Mine ease today:
riere where these sunny waters' break,
Aud ripples this keen breeze, I shake
All burdens from the heart, all weary
thought away.
I draw a freer breath I seem
Like all I see
Waves la the sun the whlto-wtnged
Of soft-birds In the slantlnir beam,
And far-off sails which lilt before the south
wind free.
Bear the Burden With Pallenco.
In a peeuliar maimer the Chrixtian may
be fortiUed for what he Is railed upon tu
endure. The eouseloiisneiu of reserve pow
er is in Itself a so 11 roe of eoulldeuce and
strength. Suilors do not fear the storm
very much so long as their vessel Is stanoh
and their am strong aueuors and reliable
cnblia ou board; so tho Cbristinn enters
upon the duties and reKpouHibilities of a
new day with eonddeiieo because he knows
where there are unlading resources upon
which he can draw. (ioJ's promise of iluilv
strength Is like n sure anchor, that holds
even in the most terrlllu tempests of life.
That anchor never fulls; that cable never
parts. The Christian must not expect ex
emption rrom tho cures, burdens and disap
pointments of UiU life. They will come,
and may come like an avalanche. ".Manv,"
says the l'sulinist, "urn the afllictlous "of
the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him
out of them all." And the way of deliver
ance is frequently through the acceptance
of the strength that He gives to meet the
daily need. In view of these things the
child of (rod should take courage, and beur
with patiencti whatsoever burden may be
pluced upon his shoulders, lleur the bur
den Just for today, and let the strength that
Clod imparts help yon to bear it Deliver
ance muy come tomorrow, lie patient and
bo hopePii. Christian Advocate.
"Take No TlinuKlit for the Morrow."
Eternal One, what aru Jays and years
but drops In the one river? They aro much
to lis, they are as nothing to thee. Thou
dwollest in eternity. From everlasting to
everlasting thou art (lod. Wn are troubled
by moment, we look forward to tomorrow
with distress and fear; wo look hack and
see nothing but a gaunt row of dead days
looking reproachfully at us. May we not
enter for 0110 moment the sanctuary of
eternity and bo with then whose years are
eternal, that from thy throne wo may look
down on all the restlessness and folly, all
the disappointment and tumult of what we
oall time Thy Hon, our Saviour, was al
wnys lifting our thoughts up to higher
things, lie would not luivn us distressed;
his word was: Kear not. little flock; take no
thought for tho morrow. Lord, increase
our faith. If thou wilt increase our faith
thou wilt Increase our strength, our Insight,
our patience. Thou wiit take away from
u.s the sting ami the weight of fear and fill
us with tho perfect ness of love. These are
great gifts we ask, but we ask. them of a
great Oiver. Amen.
Harmony Through IHarnrd.
Mrs. Satt.v, in her "Parables from Na
ture," gives a beautiful illustration of Hod's
use and our use of imperfect instruments (n
doing His work imperfect apostles, Imper
fect churches. Imperfect Christians, and yet
really good work is done. Hho relates the
story of a young minister, who Insisted that
everything must be squared according to
his Ideas of perfect right. On one occasion
hu undertook to tuuu the church organ In
mi emergency. He took the scale of notes
used, and tuned the organ perfectly accord
ing to it. Then he struck the notes of
Haydn's "Jlass'' In live lints, and was
astonished lit the terrible discords he made.
An organ tuner explained afterwards tn
him that his scale was right, his
system was right, but if you' stick
too close to It, It sets you wrong.
Most fifths must be left flat, some few mude
sharp, the octaves alone tuned in unison,
because the organ is an imperfect instru
ment. Dot by making proper allowance
for this imperfection, wonderful aud har
monious music may bo produced by it. Ho v.
F. N. l'uloubet.
Calm Spirits Work Methodically.
The people in all lines of duty who do tho
most work aru the calmest, most unhurried
I rtcntilt. ill tllll Allllim II II it V llllti.ta mmu.
wildly chose each oilier lu their lives. Une
task never crowds another out, nor over
compels hurried, and therefore Imp Tfeet,
doing. The calm spirit works methodically,
doing one thing at a time and doing it
well, and It therefore works swiftly, though
never appearing to be in haste. We need
the Deacu of Uod lu our heart just as really
for Die doing well of tho little things of our
secular life as for the doing of the greatest
duties of Christ's kingdom. Our face ought
to shine, and our spirit ought to be tran
quil, and our eye ought to he clear, and our
nerves ought to be steady, as we press
through the tasks of our commonest day.
Then we shall do them all well, slurring
nothing, marring nothing. We want heart
peace before we begin auy day's duties, and
we should wait at Christ's foul ero wu go
forth. J. U. Ullloc 1). 1).
Lord's I.lfu One nf Leisure.
Tho record of our Lord's life is full ot
strange, serene leisure. Ills Father's busi
ness was done for thirty tpiiet years nt
Naziwetli. Tho Hon of Uod served so long
an apprenticeship of patience before His
ministry began. Anil afterwards, when lie
became the vortex of eddying multitudes,
Ho never showed a traoe of hurry or excite
ment. Through all those crowded days of
healing and controversy lie never knew
what it was to be feverish or flurried or
distraught. llrltish Woukty.
Bo thy duty high as angel's flight,
FulllU It, aud a higher will arise
Even from Its ashes. Duty is iullulte,
ltucediug as the skies.
Were it not wisdom, then, to close our eyas
On duties erowdiug only to appall?
No; duty is our ladder to the skies;
And, climbing not, we fall.
Hubert Lelgbton.
Suffer, If you must; do not quarrel with
the dear Lord's appointments for you.
Only try, if you are to suffer, to do it splon
didlv. That's the only way to take up (
pleasure or a pain. Phillips Brooks.
The effective lite snd the receptive life
are one. No sweep ot arm that does soma
work tot God but harvests also some mor4
ot the truth ot God, and sweeps it Into the
treasury of life. Joanna lluillio.
There is bo greater gift or possession
than to believe God speaks to us. If we
believe that we are already blessed. Martia
Christian Life a Resting.
All growth In the spiritual life Is oonneot
ed wliu the clearer insight Into what Jesus
la to us. The more we realize that Christ
must be all to us and la us, the mora we
shall learn to live the real Ufa of faith
which, dying to self. Uvea wholly In Christ
The Christian lite la no longer the vain
struggle to liva right, but the resting In
Christ and finding strength In Him as our
Ills, to light the tight and gain the victory.
"Have Wa th Iplrit of Cbxbtr Xom. Tiil.
Aug. 16. Lovs of prayer. Matt xiv. 21-
Aug. 17. Courage. Matt sxvl. 47-G6.
Aug. 18. Humility. Phil. 11. 1-11.
Aug. 19. Earnestness. John viii. 21-30.
Aug. 20. Self-sacrifice. John xll. S7-33.
Aug. II. Fympathy. John vll. l-ll.
Aug. 21. Have we the spirit ot Christ?
Rom. vlll. 1-18.
Scripture Verses. John vl. 5. 57; xlv.
16-18; xv. 5; 2 Cor. xll. 9; Gal. II. 20; v.
24. 25; Eph. I. 17-20; II. 21.22; 111. 16-21;
Col. 1. 27-20.
There are two sets of principles war
ring together In your life; which Is
getting the victory? Do you Kratlfy
fleshly Indulgence; or la the love of
Christ so shed abroad In your heart
that the darkness of sinful Indulgence
In any form can cast no shadow there?
There must be either darkness or light;
which Is It In your own heart?
Ood has not left us without the means
of testing whether we have the spirit
of Christ. "The Spirit Itself beareth
witness with our spirit." It Is for us
to listen to the slightest whisper of
conscience, and to look diligently into
the mirror of the Word, where we may
see reflected our own faults side by
side with the image of Christ Into
which we may be transformed.
Make me, pure One, as thou nrt.
Pure in soul and mind and heart;
Never satisfied with less
Than thy perfect holiness.
Not reputation among men, but char
acter In God's sight. Is decisive. Out
ward show may mislead others Into
favorable Judgments of us; but he can
not thus be deceived. We may make
our lives look fair In our own sight;
that Is not enough; "the way of a fool
Is right In his own eyes." The ques
tion is how we are In the Lord's eyes.
The test Is not by what tho hands have
done, or the Hps have spoken, without
the heart; but by the heart as It Is In
God's sight, and as It has expressed
Its purpose In words that are true and
deeds that are genuine.
If there Is on creature more mis
erable than another. It Is the person
who is trying to keep pnrt right with
God and keep in with the world at the
same time. There !s no peace in it, no
happiness, no success; ami the result
is dead failure to the Individual and
detriment to the cause of Christ. Sen
to It that you have the Spirit of Christ,
and then keep your heart with all dili
gence. "Tour souls are picture-galleries."
says Canon Farrar. "Cover tho walls
of them with thlnsrs serene. noble.
beautiful; and the foul and fleshly will
teem revolting."
Cycling Kates.
It costs 9150 to pace an hour's rami tn
Several bold prospectors have alrendv
started for the Klondike gold Holds on their
In a new bicycle tire the Inner tube con
tains a soricB of elastic! bags. In case of
one puncture the tire is not materially
A water reservoir and flexible tube run
ning to the rider's mouth has been at
tached to wheels In recent long distance
races In Europe.
There Is a family ot twnntv-siz nersona
In Strasburg, Germany, every one of whom
rides a bicycle. The oldest Is sixty-two
years, tho youngest six months old.
In London more than 100 riders have
been arrested for fast riding in a single day.
A bicyclist named Georua Milburn met
with a peculiar accident while ridinir In
Morrlstown, N. Y. Homo of the spokes of
his wheel broke and rau Into one of his
feet severing an artery.
Women furnish ouly five per cent, of the
Italian bicycling population, but the num
ber is gradually increasing. The prejudice
against female athletics is vanishing, and
as It disappears the cycling population
In a new bicycle tire a combination of the
old cushion and pneumatic tire is used, the
cushion being molded Into the tread of the
tire and backed by the pneumatic pressure,
only the cushion coming in contact with
the road.
Annnrentlv the onlv war to brlnir about
the use ot brakes among the riders who
have the most need of them Is by ordin
ances making them compulsory, as will tin
done In the Dew I'aris cycling regulations.
Dry batteries are used In a new Idoyclo
lamp, two cells being set side by side In a
case having a small incandescent light lu
the front, surrounded by a oone-shaped re
flector, tne ilgtil peiug turned on and on
by a button.
Could Not riim-Flam Her.
She put her arms around his nck.
says the "Chleugo Post." and looked
up Into his eyes. "Yes," she said. "I
believe in love In a cottage. 1 know
that I could find happiness there with
you." "My dnrllng!" he excluimed
rapturously. "Hut." she persisted
rarnestly, "you must not get it Into
your head that I am nrt an expert on
cottages. You mustn't think that
you can palm off a cabin or a shanty
on me nnd moke me think it Is a cot
tage. Many a dream of bliss la wreck
sd through a nilMitulcrstundlng f the
meaning of the word 'cottage.' When
you have one that you would like to
show me I will ho glad to piuss upon It.
There must be room enough, you know,
ho that love won't be crowded on to the
back steps every time one of us wnms
to turn around." As he stalked nvxid
lly away In tho gloaming he realised
that he could not play the film-Ham
game of love upon her.
iiti. i t sj rjt-r a
Made a
Well Man
711 as.
13th Day. 0f Me.
llttiHEAT 30th 1HT.
produc..HthnlMv results lii nnilnys. It a ts
IHmi.riullr and iim(-kly. t un . w Urn all other, fail
Voiim m.-ii will r.'tmm their lent nnuliond.aiiit uld
ne'ii will recover their yonll.lul vicor by iihiiui
ItKVItO. It iiiilcklrand diiruly riMinmi Nnrronn
.newi. 1u.t Viiaiit)'. lmiKHuiicy. NiKhtly Eiuisiod.
lwt I'owrr. fmiluu M, mory. Wa-i i nu Dim-Men. and
Ml rlTiyui ot atlt.abtiMi or rxem-s and InillHcri'tion,
which mints one tor inly. Itindnc or marriage II
not only riinu by starting- at the Ural ot dun-ass but
ii aiin-at nerve Ionic and blood builder, lirldg
let ba. lc tha pink gliiw to pale elirckn and re
florin the lire of youth. It oil Insanity
and Ummimptlnn. Inalst on bantu HKV1VO, no
othrr. It ran be carried In vent ockrt. l)y mall,
1.00 per pack wn. or all lor a.O0, with
lira written ajuarnntea to -uie or refund
Lberuonxr. Circular true, addrcat
10YAL MEDOE CO.. S71 Wa&l 1; l., CHICAGO, ILL
For aala at Mlddleburgh, Fa, by
thing to PoMut f Protect your tdeaa : t hrv ma
bring rou wealth. Writ JOHN WKDDKle
BUttTi A 00., Haunt Attoroaya, Taaniugiua
li. a. for their lUBOi prise oiler.
All the
World Loves
a Winner"
Our 'Ninety Seven
Complete Line of
are the
1 y
I Experience I
W Retail 5al rooms: J
ufl 1st Dearborn St 87-.l1 Ashland Av.
The only scienti
fic cure tor the
Tobacco habit.
Has cured tlioiiKimls
where ether remedies
failed. (Write lor
Pocs not depend 011
tlie will power of tho
user. It is thr I lire.
YcKftnliie A harmless.
IHrectlnns lire eleur:
'm- ill I ill 7'ohficni ttnii
l'd 11 until llnnil lilii
llallllcs Jim to slop.
IsthefM-iifiiii) Wi ll
tin (iimrmitir licinedy
that refunds your mon
ey If it falls tu cure.
Investigate lliu-o-4'uro licfore t:ikliii nnv
remedy for the Tolm 1 llalut.
All drilL'L'IstiiHre authorized tu sell Iturn-l'iii-n
ultli our iron clad written muiraiitee.
line mix fi.wi; a imixci itfiuiriinti-ed cnrel If
yimr iiriiirvim iliM-ii Inn Ki-i II, we will nciiil it. Write
inr iree ihmikict ni
On! iirnofM
A RDkPI il I TV I'rlinarr Maa.
. . " " ,,,,rpanie3cuiiraiia
1 Implea, ( oiiiicr Coluro.l .,... i-i i
any part of tho body, llulror Kyehrowa fiiiiin.
oot, it la this HeoiiiUrlLooi rois V5
guarantee to cure. WeVhoUho m.t ohkfi.
taffl.4tKr.kiil or The 1Z?XX J"? '!?
loiml anaraiuy. Attaoluto iirwife ncnt e . e
llipllcM.m. Addrens 'lft IjkmV'iIv m A0
v.i:i Guaranteed
Quality u,0 B5t.
Ladies', Gentlemen's & Tandem.
TI10 I.lnlitest ltunnlug Whorls on ICartli.
We always Made Good Sowing Machines I
Why Shouldn't wo Mako Good Wheels!
National Sewing Machine Co.,
330 Rrnadway, I'adory:
New York. lielvldere, Ills.
Stove :: Naphtha
The Cheapest and Best Fuel on the Market.
With it you can run a vapor stove for one
half cent per hour. Civo us a call and be
Middleburgli. Pa.
arc intended for children, ladies and all
who prefer a medicine disguised ns con
fectionery. They may now he had (put
up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box),
- price, twenty-live cents or live boxes tor
one dollar. Any drucreist will et them m
if you insist, and they may always be
obtained. by remitting the price to
The Ripans Chemical