m mum mi Published every Thursday. Geo- W. Wagenssller, Editor and Proprietor. 'Subscription 1.50 per year. bleb nuut be paid In advance when Bent out side tho county.) RATES OF ADVERTISING. All transient adveriinvnts not otherwlne contracted for will lie ehnrcm! at the rale of 15 oenla per line (nonp&rlel uu'ittmrv) lor first Inser tion ami lu cents per Hue lor every subsequent low-moil. trunitts vf nvjwcf, tftf., thru tents a finA. III!' UIIL1CA X TICKET. AsMwinti Jmlyt, U. C. Sumpxell. J'rothonntaru, G. Jlf. Wtindel. Jlcjlhtfir fc Recorder, J. 11. Willis. District Attorney, J. JV. Baker. Jury t'tnuin., Jon. 11. llemlrick. Thursday, Aug. 12, 1897. Tho 2r- C33k Funeral Bill. Kcr'sont;itive Herman last week said In- did nut know what the items ill the Ciink Itinera! hill consisted of to make the total of ill .NO. eall the attention of our readers to the ilicii.-ioii o( tin" bill given he- low. We wish to state that. Repre sentative inilli ol JVuiortl said if tliere anvtliiii" in the hill ol (J71.S0 lor him, it ,'lioiihlhe striek en out. Iid Representative Her man s:iv so ".' No sir, lie did not Representative Stcrr ol Philadel phia indirectly charged the commit tee with charging mileage lor two members ol uie comimucc wiio could not attend and stranire as it niav seem, wc can not find the re cord ol any one denying the charge. Our readers will ohscrve that in the discussion of the hill in the house not one ol the defenders ol the hill . claimed that they had paid for j collin and (lowers yet Rcprcsenta live Herman last week said they had. Representative Spitz a mem lx:r of the funeral committee said "Ye iliu actually have carriage hire-" What does this mean ? It would seem from this as though the only actual expense the committuc had was carriage lure trom Mercers hurg to Fulton county and yet their hill was (i7l.S0. ,No wonder Rep resentative Herman can not render an itemized statement ' tS Wo reprint below an extract of the House proceedings ill the Plnla. l'ress ol .June 2!t!i. From this it appears that only live nieniliers at tended the funeral making tin aver- ago cost of if 120 a piece. "When the item in the general ap propriation hill ol $C71 drawn in iu vor ol Kepresentative Long, chair man of the committee nn the part of the House to represent the House at the funeral of the 1'. McCaulcy Cook, of Fulton county, was repre sented. Representative Fly called upon Chairman Iiing,ol'the commit tee, lor a statement as to how so much money could he expended in a trip to Fulton county. Representa tive Long tried to explain, hy say ing that the funeral expenses had Im'cii paid hy the committee, hut finally wound up hy saying: "I don't care what you do with this hill. I left it to theScrgcaiit-at-Anus to prepare a hill that he thought was right. All I want is to seethe legitimate and just expenses paid." This tacit declaration that there wore some items that were legiti mate just raised a general laugh throughout the J louse. t'OST or A i rXKKAl, TRIP. Reprcspntativo Spatz followed in a speech that still further convulsed the members, half of whom were in the aisles, Mr. Spatz said that the hill had heen made up hv the Scr- geant-at-Arms. Alter the funeral the committee met in the corner ol a gallery ol (I race Church, and the question was "How much will we charge for the funeral'."' Mr. Spatz said that he had loaned the S'.Tge-ant-at-Aniis ten dollars, hut that had heen paid hack to him and he was satisfied. "We had a ride of twenty miles in a driving snowstorm," said Mr. Spatz. "And, gentlemen, we did actually have carriage hire. Wc had no telegrams or telephone mes sages to pay for, I want to say that I do not want any mileage. I want nothing, and if anything is charged to hie m that hill I want it wiped out. I got my ton dollars back from the Scrgeant-at-Arms and I am satisfied." "I want to know," asked Repre sentative Storr, of Philadelphia, who was in a very indignant frame of mind, "it the gentleman, Mr. Sjwtz, did not projiosc to the Ser-geant-at-Arnis to charge up mileage for two niemU-rs of the committee who could not attend the funeral and then divide the cum with the SergeanUat-Arms ?" Mr. Spatz replied by saying that when he had come to the Ijcgisla ture he was very green. He was told that it was customary to charge mileage and all sorts of expenses hen the matter ot mileage was proposed under the circumstances lie told the Scrgeant-at-Arms to go ahead it it was all right. .Now, that he had scon the evil of his ways, lie wanted nothing that was not right and proper. Full discussion on the bill reveal ed the fact that the exjienses tor the live members of the committee on the trip down in Fulton County, a listanee of SO miles, or more, hail been about 1-0 apiece. Keprcscn tative .Lytic, in ah attack upon the hill found fault with the charge that had l)ctn made. He said that about the only person who did not charge lor his expenses in attending th funeral was the man that had been buried. 1 1 he could earn money at that rate, as the committee had done. ic would Ik- willing to lay aside his toga id go into the busi- i fess ol job." ittending funerals as a steady A Lad Leawlaturo. The developments arising from the wreckage ol bad legislation and uncalled for appropriations is le- coiniug more and more apparent. Too many of them went there for "self" forgetting that they were sent there by good, honest, hardworking people to whom a Hollar moans a great deal. The 1'ost is the only . i .i.i paper in onyiior county that has dared to expose the wrong-doers in the legislature. It has dared to cxpouse the cause of the taxpayorsof Snyder county and the suite ol Pennsylvania. When a man takes money illegally or votes for it to be taken illegally from the coffers of the state, he is reaching into the pockets of every man in the entire commonwealth.' The Governor vetoed 350,000 in appropriations and he should have vetoed fully as much more making about 700,000 voted out that should have Imjcm killed in the enbryo. An attempt to justify such grabs by saying that it was done le- foro is about as logical as to say that because (luteau shot Garfield, some farmer in Center township has i right to kill his neighbor in Adams. It is about time for the people of Pennsylvania to cry "halt" and the people ol Snvdor county owe it to themselves to guard against the im- NMtioii of those in power. J Jut there comes a voice lrom every part (the county, "What canweuo'.' "Who can wc trust?" The proh- cm does seem perplexing. The power lies Willi the people it they but assert it. If the people de mand a more careful expenditure of public funds and exact a pledge with a bull-dog oath before nomina tion and election, they will at least lessen the reckless extravagance with public funds. Why not exact of every candidate for representative and every candidate for Senator to obligate himself to the people that he will not accept any pay for mile age or salary or anything else ex cept that expressly stated in the Constitution and further that ho will not vote for any bill for like items for another or for others ? Of course when these officers elect are sworn in they swear to support the Constitution of Pciin'a, but they do not seem to hoed the mandates of the constitution or their obligation to support it, but if the people rise up and make this de mand, it is at least more likely that an officer, if he has any self respect at all, will hoed such a demand. The Post has done its duty to ward the people of Snyder county. It has stood between those nieinliors of the legislature who were willing that the people should sutler and to allow the charities of the state to lie out short on the one side ami the honest toilers and taxpayers on the other. Every dollar of a steal that is voted out ot the State Treasury is a dollar out of the pockets of the taxpayers. And any ellort to be little the merits of a newspaper in cxjwsing such wrongs is au indica tion that such exposures are a source of much annoyance. The Post has done its duty and we leave the matter to Uie good judgment of the people to determine for them selves the best plans for the future. KKEAMEtt. A good many of our citizens at tended camp meeting on Sunday. . . Irvin Walter and bride visited the former's parents at this place a few days last week. We all wish them success and happiness.... Last Sun day Mrs. II. A. Walter presented ber husband with a bouncing baby boy . . . . Win. Bickel of Paxinos visited friends in this place over Sunday ... .Mrs. J. J. Mitchell has been ou the sick list. ...Miss Flutie Walter was visiting frieuds in Middleburgh the fore part of the week. .. .Harry bickel and friend of Paxinos were in town on Tuesday.... Mrs. William Gordon and children were visiting ber sister at Lewisburg several davs lust week.... A. O. mith shipped a, car load of onions, poacher and I pears to the coal regions. : FKEEBL RO. John Kreeger nnd Claud Smith of Middleburgh came to Free burg on their wheels to seo Miss Dill and other Freeburg friends A large party of young people of Selinsgrove visited our town last Wednesday evening, lliey camo witti a tour horse tenia attached to a large lad dered farm wagon tilled with straw. They were a jovial and well behaved party. .. .1'rof. Walborn, J. W. Haas and thoir wives attended a picnic at Knousetown. Juniata county Satur day. . . J. A. Hilbish of Northumber land visited I'roi'buig friends and relatives Saturday and Sunday.... liev. DruckenuiiJler, 1'rols. ilover and Iioyer, Win. Brown, John Hep- nor, ,l. ft. Hendricks, tlioir wives, I. II. Mover and grandson. Minion Long. Mrs. Bogcnricf. B. P. Arnold aud wifo, accompanied by Airs. M. (J. Dill and Mrs. W. L. Dill and little laughter. Margaret, of Paterscn. N. J., also attended the Grubb's church picnic last Saturday. Ihey all en joyed the exercises nnd the social spirit that was manifested by those in attendance.... l'rof. Mover con ducted a singing exercises at the Grubbs church picnic, usincr the book that has been selected for the choir convention on the 21th mat. Win. Brown presided at the organ . . Jir. Miner oi sminserove was a class mute of Rev. Druckenmiller at Mt. Airy Lutheran Seminary and preacued an interesting sermon in our church Sunday evening.... A number of our people attended the lteforined re-union at f ark Island . . . . We have an industrious Normal class at work in our Academy. . ..Mr, Watkinsand Mr. Gosb of Mt. Car mel were visitors at the Musical Col lege Saturday and Sunday. . . .Misses Shipman and Walker came to our place lust Sunday and participated in our nunuuy scuooi exercises. . . . Myron Moyer who spent four weeks with his sister Mrs. Pawling at est Milton returned home. Hopeful. "I hear that you are a widow." said Hie one who had beam abroad. "Yes, just at present," said the on in black. Indiiutn polls Journal. Fiction Para and Simple. "What I TolJ My Wife' is the title of new book. It is almost nmllcss to say that it ia fiction. Tit-ISita. Iloyond Question. Tho broudest assertions are often mode by the narrowest men. Chicago Journal. Hrr Flrt Tlionulit. Hmhnm The wolf is ot the door. jV.ms. Iieiiffisun Tell him to win hia ft-N. Y. Truth. ONE OF TWO WAYS. The bladder was emited for one purpouc, uniiifly, a receptacle fur the urine, aud as such it is not liable to any form of disease except by one of two ways. The first way is from Imperfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from cureless local treatment of other diseases. 4 II IKK Al .SK. Unhealthy urine from unlieultliv kidiievs Ih tlio chief cause of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the bladder, was created for one purposes. and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or diiseiiHe, except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very closo to the bladder, there fore any pain, disease or inconveni ence manifested in the kidiievs, back, bladder or urinary passage is often, bv mistake, attributed to female weak ness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided. To And out cor rectly, set your urineasida for twenty four hours, u sediment or settling Indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and the extraodinnry effect of r Kilmer'r Swamp-Hoot, the great kidney, and bladder remedy is soon realized. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At drug gists fifty cents aud one dollar You may have a sample bottle and pam phlet, both sent free by mail. Men tion tho Middleburgh, Post and send yonr address to I)r, Kilmer & Co., llinghainton, N. Y. Tho proprietor of this paper guarantee the genuineness this offer. STOP-DRINKS a cure for drunkenneu which can be trtven with or without the know ledfte of the drinker and will completely mop the desire for liquor. Women can Hccretly ncimlnister Stof-Dkink and effect cures. Its merits have been proven in thou tunds of cases. Mailed in a plain sealed wrap per, with directions, on receipt of ONB DOLLAR. Particulars and testimonials free. KKAKLliS CO., 34 l'ark l'lace, New Vorla, IUKIS WHtKE All EUti (AILS. Bost Cough Sirup. TuM Clood. Vm in iime. roia ny arum-ints. 3 iBlfilli THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, St. Louis, l"ew York, Boston, Philadelphia. CtklCftfO, KEEPYOUR BOWELS )ANDY 10 25 so: . nn7 nn tnm will prvrrnt dlirrhir. drw NSCURE CONSTIPATION DONT SACRIFICE . . . Future Comfort for present V . m m- m ... the Sewinu that guarantees von long -4'.B-Sr lrSond for our beautiful half-tone Iijsurapce. Snyder's old, and reliable Gen'i Insurance Agency, SEUNSGROVE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA- DEtlzxxor W. Snydor, Agent, Successor to the late William II. Snyder. The Tar-Excellence of Reliable IuHurance ia represented in the follow ins list of Stiindanl Companies, from which to niako a seloction. lsTone NAM K, LtM'ATIO FIltL Itoyal, Liverpool, Enpr. (including foroiffn assets) $4!I,0(M),(M)0.00 Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,015,7:15 f,2 Tha-'iiix, Hartford, Coun. 5,58,058!()7 Continental, New York, 0,754,908.72 (Herman American, New York, fl,2-loju!l8 S3 LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, 204,638,98:16 ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation," Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of 3,750,000.00 Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at tho lowost possible rato, jus tilled by a strict regard to mutual safoty. All just claims promptly and satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes ol Insur ance promptly furnished. ELMER W. SNYDEK, Agt., Oflice on Market Street, Selinsgrove, Pa Great Reduction Sale of -mm For Ninety Days ! The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN TIRE STOCK OP FURNITURE AT TIIE GREATEST SACRIFICE EvER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENN SYLVANIA. We are not celling out, but we do this to Increase our sales above anvnre. vlous year. We give a few of the prices as follows : Soft Wood Chamber Suits $14.00'Cotton Top Mattress 2 23 Hard Wood Chamber Suito 16.00iWoven Wire Mattress .... 75 Antique Oak Suits, 8 Pieces l'.I.OO Hed Springs i'q Plush Parlor Suits 80.00 Drop Tables, per ft o Wooden Chairs per set 2.00. Platform Rockers .'.'! 250 In stock, everything in the furniture line, including Mirrors, Hook Canes Desks, Side-boards, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Fancy Rockers. Baby Chair' Feather Pillows, Lounges, Couches, Doughtrays, Hinks, Hall Rucks. Cart? Seat Chairs One, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes Prices reduced all through. Come early aud see our stock before irivlne your order, and thus save 15 to 20 per cent, on every dollar. ' Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Embalming. KATHERMAN & HARTNAN, Limited, MIFFLINBTJROIl, P REAL ESTATE At Fublio Sale in Partition. By vlrluoofnn orrtor IhhihmI out of tho Or plmns' court or Snyrivr bounty, Pn nnd lo me (llrwtert 1 will exM)se herelnuriurduserlbt'd ml cxtuta ot Solomon I.0I1K, lute of Beavvr TownBlili). sulci county, dcuso(l to public mtlo nt tho Court lluuuo lu tbo llorougb of Allddle burtfli, on Saturday, August 7th, 1897, nt one o'clock p. m. to wit : All that certain tnu'tot Innd situate Id Denver townnlilp, Snyder county, P Iraunded as follows, on Uie North by lands of Jacob Kramer, Kant by lands ol Henry Shaffer, south and West by public road, oonUhilng t acres more or loss, with the ap- Surtonnnces. Terms will be made known on ay of Hale. P. H. IUTTER, Bhorlff. MlddlcUurKh, July u, lbW. Insist on the Genuine The best Washing Powder made. Best for all clean . ing, does the work quickly, cheaply and thoroughly. Largest package greatest economy. STRONG ALL SUMMER I CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS - nivry, ll summer cnmnUlntn.Faualn my n.iltiml seeming Economy, but BUY Iiiclnno with an established vpiunt.i f inn and satisfactory service : Tl;e l)ite. J t beautiful fiimi-ed wood work, durable construc tion, fine mechani cal adjustment, coutik'd with the Fiiust Sot ofSteol Attaciiini'iitF, makes it tiie Most Desirable Machine ia the Market. FRANK S. RIEGLE, Middleburgh, Pa. catalogue. ASSKTS. DIC Public Sale of Valuable REAL ESTATE ! Iiyvlrincof letters of attorney from tho heirs riudlfftil reprewnlatlves of Kllzitlx-tli lllekol lute ot Chnnmun Twp., snydor ;o.. Pa,, dee'd i the undumlgued, on the promises, will, on Wednesday, August 25, 1897 expose to public snle the followlnp: described ronl ehtate to wit : All that certain W'Se T nnd tmct of land, situate in township, couutv allrt slate aforemild, bounded on the North bv la d of Aaron Moyer, Kant and South hy the Ponnsvi. vanla Cinal and West by Susquehanna ver contain inir FOUR ACKI&, 130 perches, mow 7m loss with the aDpurtenauccs, wheroon are eiwt ed two pwelllnif Houses, necnutouuuu eo. Sale tocommenoe at 1 o'clock p m. wiiS tormB will be made known by p wl"!,1 W.J. BICKEL, Attorncy-ln fact tor the heirs ot said decedent. "YOU REMEMBER WHAT I TOLD YOU- I When you buy Groeeri,., n. I vnK..s, .M.uoiis, or wlmt not ,:l 1 . A' . 1 J-T sirdiyni 10 r. ji. Al-mrer', 11:1 -X Z 1j 1 '! L' z 1 i . II ,u,'UflUi 1 Oil Cot t u u-i.-l ui yuur money every time. lit tlo elnlU is as well treated .., ! ... buy just as good ami as many pj, s ins uiuiiier. J V uur renutation is imp f,.,.i. trade. We must maintain it anil keep it at its k-.st. When y ,yJ ireMi groceries, stylisli drv rA minima nt nnv i. n.. I i , . .iiiii.. ui. .ii 1,. ... . ami see us. j;0 sure to mv ,, . oeiore i.iiyiug elsewhere. (,,. as you pass by and buy. tfREAT closing out BARGAINS- Hummer (foods at cost, and helow to mker.' lor the Full miri. win .L u tiiu iiuw ClUHIIItr CIIII. Ill fitir c-i. " """ J lew ui on lowprlees, lower limn jnu cun buy . l.-nv,,, sen iw eiisn, iitai ig i lie rcHtum n cheaper Hum ulhcr dealers. Dress Goods. Kimev Whltp liriica ninrtu ut ' UUiiio ouiu ut iiuw c.ijtl no in - HO 15 v l0 !-, k' All Wool Shnlljn a-, . lo 1 111 PprPlllAU Oil llinlmo ....1.1 ... ao do 10 II 4 AU Best Lltclit Calicoes, now j cc a i Oork Blue " J " ! " 5 " 4 Apion Gingham?, All darks spool Cotton, Ladies' Shirt Wai bold for 50c. now Slit;. Sold for 1.20c. now TSc. Soli! for 1.50o. now l.l.V Men's Fancy Shirts bold for 50c. now olv. Sold for GOc. now .')7 Si tltl for 75c. now -1 s.-. Hoys', Sold for 5()c. now :!0i " Sold lor 25c. now 17.', Here we are, good Glen's Suits, mi-1 Iy 2.50 Hoys' Extra Hood only '.inc. $1.2,1 and 1.50. Hoys' Knee Pants only 1V. k and 25c. MEN'S EXTRA GOOD PANTS Only 60 cts. IllBtt Deans. Limn. Sc. ner lh.. a lhi. fnr iV.. Ma? Henna, 80. por lb lbs, for 25c, Sj rupi, W I Honey, He. por qt,, ,K)c. er ual., I'un- Mif! yrup, c. pur qt., aoc. per gal., Pure sjrup, pur (U, I80. per tfil. Call and see these Great JIargaitt-l in Slioes In-fore you buy. I am snrtj we can dicmsc von 11 in s:ivi hui 1 " ' money. COFFEE. 4 lbs. Lion coHec for 4bV. ur li er lb. Arbucklcs4Ibs. for 4 (ic. or 12 al My own brand 3 lbs. for l- tr 14c. 11 lb. Java and Rio loose roasted 4 i'K for 4 Sc. or 15c. a lb. Chocolate 12c. SUGARS. 12 lbs. light Krown 50c 10 lbs. soft White 50. 10 lbs. fine frrnnulnhHl 50c Raking Soda 4c. a lb., Corn Startil oe. or 3 lbs. for 13c. Call to See Our Carpets. MARKET PRICES' Butter. 13c. ' 1-V(. li ' . .eo , Side Meat, Co. Lanl, Chickens, 8e. J Hum,!- Young Cliickcns, i'c. UA11 Good Butler Vlj.il. P. H. MAUREB1 Bargains 111 in AlsoaillioffiDtfk NEW BERLIN. PA.