The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 05, 1897, Image 5

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1011 A
1 1 !''l''
.M Ot
Absolutely Pure.
Oelrtrnte1 lor great leavening tren?tU
Dd be.Uili(ulou. AwurM Hie food air.ili.Ht al
um mid all forum of adulteration common to ne
cheap brnn'ts. ItOYAL HAKINU HOWUEKCO.,
Deed Entwrl lar Krrrl.
John S. Horumel and Ada bis wife,
to C. W. Decker, F. P. Decker,
James II usher, J. J. Mat tern, II. A.
Ulsb, Benjamin Hoffman, and Isrel
Young, Lota No. 6 and 7 in the town
of Banuerville for $800.
S. L. Garinger Administrator of
W. W. Jarrett late of Sunbury, tc
Tbomas J. Hetnck, 47 acres (2 tracts)
for $700.
Murrinice I.lcruwea.
"Hearts Flutteuixq with Delu
sions. " The following marriage li
censes have been granted since our
last publication :
J Wm. C. Carwell, Evendalo.
Lizzie S. iSwartz, Juuiata Co.
Mlsn Hann'x Dorrof Stmbury was the guest of
tor friend. Miss hthel Henoch.
Hev. i. M. ZelKl'T of Louisville, Ky.. tHHpeniU
luir a fe weeks with Uls titilier, Dr. II. ZoikUt,
Tlis Snyder County Medical Association held
tbulr htmiIou on Tuesday at the Keyslonu.
Mlsa Klthllne, who has spent the last month
In town '"K b Miss Ella Keswler, returned to her
home in Helleionte on Monday.
Prof. Nbctllnff and wife ore enjoying a trip to
Juniata county on their wheels.
Misses frochts of Pblla. are being entertained
by their grund-Iutlier, Dr. Bom.
VMte a number of our town people took la tbe
show at ttifiiLiury on Monday.
W e are if lad to seo that the S. and L. Railroad
( 'on) puny Hiaw fit to put on shifter being
to their InlA-rest.
MlsBDerrlof Fnlla. Is enjoying tbe hospitality
of cashier Worth and wife.
Miss Iren, Meek of Northumberland and Miss
Heck ol LanV'8ter are visiting lrlends In town.
A great mltny Masons took la the picnic at
Island farlc Ito-day.
i'rof. J. L woodruff and family, who spent
part of his valcaliou at Erie, returned home.
Fed ScbraiVer took a spin to Adamsburg over
The Sellnsgitore Base Ball Club added another
inory 10 ineil' aireaay long nut oy aeieaiing
Milton Y. M. it. A.vj a score 14 to.
Mr. Jlelbnr anp wife of Centre County are tbe
-nests of Mr l P. Mertz.
Kdward HIlbMn, son of Bev. II. Hllblsh of
UMdlh( is the gvieHt 01 r K. lillblau ana other
relatives In Kreelmrg.
Charles U. Moyv-r of Hprlngflnld, ills., Is at the
liarouutl lionnotl P. B. Moyer where Mrs. Mover
aid children liavfe been staying several mouths.
He intends to renlaln one week.
Miss Anna T''M(lver. teacher of music In Al"
letdown fen alt tilinluury, arrived here several
ti.v sajro. Sou Mini been to boston, N. Y. and
1 Mi r eastern Cltleli.
Mrs. Wolls and tVvo sonsof Tefflln. O., after
simllng several w l eks at. the Musical College,
n 1 limed homo lusil Monday.
i; v.o. 1). Druokrlnmlller and Prof. Hoyerlinve
lie u i.ivlted to spe tk at the lemons Grove Plc
til. 1 11 the 14 Inst. .111 trains oil N. C. K. It.
ito'.ii the grove oil that day.
LMis. s. J. miliish. Airs. John Brown. V. C. Hil
ilsli and J. c. W. llnlslerure viHltlnir relatives
il .Millteim, Aaruiisilirg and Brush Valley.
Itediiroil Until to I lie Noanhore.
So other coast em compare with that of
Boutin i n New Jersey II 11 Siimmor resorts. At
lantic! ity is tho most lpopular seaside resort In
Ann 1. 1, and Capo Ma'V, Sea Isle City, ocean
City. Dillon, Anglcsval Wlldwood, and Holly
Bca. i, do tot fall far slliort of Atlantic City's
mg: -tu ilurd.
Tli.. i-. i.nsjivr.nla Halllroad Company has nr
Mi,.- . excursions tolthe seashore from Krlo,
!!-' ;.iefont, Sheiilundoah, Dauphin, and
hit"-! 11 .iivite stations flncluilfng stations 011
It 1 .. .is), on August! 5 and 19.
Kv. 1 11.11 tickets, good! for 10 days, will be
80 '1 1 ( -vt mutely low raws.
1 ' .; ,i istnay. If thoylsodoslre, go to Allan-,
. ,.:y via tue new Delaware Bridge liotite.
Hie .dl mil line from points In Pennsylvania
"A . city.
Fo m aiiutlim In reganl to rates, time of
train , .. clns. small bills or apply to near
st tli 1 iii,i!ht. V 7-3t,
Eilm ,ne Your Uowelt tVlth Cascarets.
Cnmii ivohii.tlrv niirn cnmnrlnatlnn fnrnvnr.
I 'fc.Sc 11 c. 6. C. fall, druggists refund money.
the Itrendrttl Conminikitlon Can be
. Slocmn. thle Oreat Chemist and Scientist.
'til send ui SiLlTerers, Three Free Bottles of
us M'wiy niMiovered itemeoies to cure con
umptlon and uli: Lung Troubles.
Nothing could lie fairer, more phllantroplc or
irrj' more Joy toihe aflllcttrd, than the gener
is oiler of the holiorcdand distinguished uhcui
.T. A. Slocmn, 11. C, of New York Olty.
Hp hna rtl(uinvnf.r1 a rellnhlA and AhsnliitApiirA
orcousumptlon, ilnd all bronchial, throat, lung
"u cuesi uiseawesl cniarrnui aneciions, general
Inline nr.rl wi.nlrnftmi. IfiHfl nf llaflli Ahd nil mil.
Ptlons of wasting way, and to make Its great
I"nu Known, wiiiisenu iiiree rreti nouiesoi nis
iy niscovercu nnuedles to any anilcted read.
Alreadv his "newlsclentlllo svBtm of meill-
nn" has permanently cured thouiaads of ap-
V -v Hope'eaH riiw?a.
The Doctor mnsliUTS It not onlv his nrnfes.
I'Diil, but his nnigiikus duty a duty which he
'DW tn8HIT,rlnfr hihinanllv (Wl flointM lilu In-
lUlllbleciire. I
I lie has provided tllo "dreaded ccnsumptlon"
fJiieacuraiiledlMea-V' beyond a doubt. In any
,:""aw, ana has on rue in nis American and
turopeun lahoratorlcr) thousands 01 heartfelt
'Uiiioalals ot (fratltilde" trom those bouetllted
W cured, In all part4 of the world. ,
t'AUrrhal anil niiltntinarT troubles Unit ti win.
Option, and coin-Vimptlon, uninterrupted.
speedy and certain deutn. Dtu't delay
It is too late. HltJiply write T. A Slooum,
VC.W Pine Ht.met. ?iew York, irlvliir hiim
5?J Postofllcs address, land the free medicine
oe promptly Bent. I Please tell the Doctor
aw bis offer in tho Post. . 1
Hart Qg Zzpenaa SBs'
Not in many yeari have the ieo-
ple of Snyder county beerr given
such a genuine surprise and disap-
jKiintnieut as tliey had last week
when the Post .published a portion
of Kcpresentative Herman's rmin.1
in the recent Legislature. It was a
surprise to know that one hereto
fore held in high esteem should
transgress and nuke sucli a bol.l at
tempt to take money illegally from
the State Treasury.
Thanks to (Jovernir Hastings
who vetocvl those nuro.isoiiable and
illegal bills.
The constitution ot Pennsylvania
allows a representative 8I0UO Hil
ary amj 20 cents u mile tor one trip
from their home to llarrisburg and
return and it speciiioally states that
lie is not entitled to any more wheth
er serving 011 committw or not.
These seven trijis to l'iiiladelhiii
and return at 'JO cents a milc(J94)
was charged not lo cover actual
exjieiise, but to give extra compen
sation that the constitution exprcsly
l'orbiils. One bill like this amounts
to very little in itself, but when a
representative has a bill of this kind
he is very careful to vote for every
other fellow 's bill in order that no
other fellow will he induced to vote
against his bill. It is a case of
"you tickle me under the chin and
I will tickle you." We do not know
die exact amount that Representa
tive Herman vetoed by tlie Gover
nor, but it will reach at least $200,-
000. Ol this amount the doveriior
is withholding $U,",000 from the
Normal schools, but the most of the
balance of the vetoes represent 111011
i v that should not have been voted
out. Such as $01,10 for illegal
pay for Senate employees and $14,
f:H for padding the pay roll to the
House, $o000 for New York and
Philadelphia Junkets, $2l")0 to II.
1. Goodman, $1050 for keeping
bath room in order ($5 a day) and
so on. A complete list will bo made
in order to determine the exact num
ber of thousands of dollars Herman
voted for to get his bill of $304 np
proved by the house.
In addition to this Mr. Herman
voted for $500 to Mr. Roberts and
$500 to Mr. Saunders for their at
torney fees. He also voted for
Mr. Sluilcrs counsel fee and a like
amount to Mr. IjcIi for counsel fee,
The Elections' committee was the
court ot inquiry sitting in judgment
111 the contest between Saunders and
Roberts just the same as two per
sons coming into our courts to settle
anv ditlerences between them.
Would a man, having a suit in our
court expect the court to pay his at
torney? This case is exactly sim-
1 lar yet Mr. I lermaii voted for
$1000 attorney ices 111 the Saunders
Roberts east, and $500 in the Shif-
fer-Loh contest. In the first place
the state should not pay such a bill
and in the second it is exces
The complete file of tbe Lcgisla
tive Record has not yet reached thi;
ollice, and so v can not vet lenrn
whether Mr. Herman voted for the
$5000 to pay the expenses of the
legislature to go to New York and
Philadelphia. The (iovernor vetoed
it. This shall have our attention
Will IHnelmnre Aliens
While contractors at Pittsburg are
worrying over the extra book-keep.
inK that the new law taxing alien la
borers three cents a day will entail
on them, the railroads will act in a
drastie way. It 1ms boon decided
that, rather than bother with the
work of keeping track of the tax on
the unnaturalized foreigners, the
railroads will discharge them and
employ citizens in their place.
The Ncalp Dill.
The Governor has signed the bill
placing a premium of $2 on wild cats,
$1 on red or grey foxes and 50 cents
on minks. In order to secure this
premium the animal itself or its en
tire pelt from tip to nose must be
presented to a justice or alderman
and make affidavit where and by
whom the animal was killed. The
officer will then out off the ears and
burn them, giving the porson a cer
tifio of the amount due him, who
upon presentation of the same to the
county commissioners will receive
an order for the amount upon the
county treasury. The officer who
gives the certificate is to receive 25
cents for his services out of the
county treasury. Any person who
shall willfully and fraudently collect
any premiums shall upon oonviction
thereof pay a fine not exceeding $500
or undergo an imprisonment in the
county jail not exceeding one year
or both. This law is now in effect.
New Principal For Bucknetl Institute.
Miss Evelina Stanton will taka
charge of the Bucknell Ladies' Insti
tute at Principal and of the College
Women as Dean, at the opening of
the school year, September 16.
lliaa Stanton graduated , from
Bucknell Goliejjd with the class of
1890, takiug hi;U r.tuk in her class,
1 A I. 1.. . I. '
nuu receiviuK utt prize 111 iuniu
tnatics. She then bocatue Lady
Principal of Ktybtou Academy,
achiering Ki'e it success as a teacher
and as an executive.
After three years of service she re
signed to pursue k'l-itdutile work iu
the University of Chicago. (Icr
specialty in English and Phi
losophy aud her standing was the
highest possible. It may be added
that while iu the Uuivoisity, she
was collaborator in preparing a ci it
ical edition of Browniug fur publi
cation. In 18J5 Miss Siuiitou bectme Pre
eptress of the N n t h western State
Normal, which position lm laid
wheu elected of Bucknell
Itistif titf.
ur.i,ni::i rn i, v.vcatsox thip.
Tour lulhd .litli I'ciiiivylTAnia
1? illro'v!.
vislilas Watfelni ii! 1. N: 1 -i-i r iin. Thotu-
and IhlnniR ijiehv, Mouir.ul, Sablo
Chasm, Iike Cumniilnlii a id l.tke 1; orii, S ir -
toira, and the Ills'lil in l or the L.'jve
Philadelphia by swela. train August K. The
tour will bi 111 char,"! ot on j of tibt compinv's
tourist agent.. An experienced chiperoti will
also uccj'.n'.'.my I 'm p irty, having enr!al chargo
of uuescorte.1 la llei. !' r.i! j of 105 frjin New
York, Ilro-ikllu. Trenton, Philadelphia,
HarrlslMirg. li iltliiioic, 111 1 W.ishinytoa covurn
railway and fan t ir t:i - eu'lio rauud trip,
parlor-car seals, meals y r eile. leuel entertain
ment, transfer cliar,'i', c.irrlairo hire In fact,
every Iteiuot neccjj.iry cxpensj.
For detailed itlnuuary' tickets, or any ii'Mltlon-
al Informiitlon, a Idres'Tjurlst Agent. Pennsyl
vania Kaliroad Company, llmi llro.idway. New
York jS60 Kulton Street, Itro jklln ; or Oco. W.
Boyd Asslstaut Ueneral Passenger Aguut Broad
Street Station, PhlUdelplila. 8-5-St.
It lollop Me4'nbo. of Vw York,
on .lr Jiiines' Hcuduche Powders.
"With regard to Dr. James' Head
ache Powders, I have no hesitation
in commending them to sufferers
from headache. They relieve the
pain speidily, and I have never
known anyone to be harmed by their
use. 1 have been a great sufferer
from headache in my life, but have
almost gotten rid of it by the con
stant use of hot water and fruit and
br doing without coffee. The Dr
James Headache Powders have,
however, greatly relieved me at timos
and I never allow myself to be with
out them, and have recommended
to others freely. C. C. McCabh."
For stile by W. II. Spangler, Drug
gist Middleburgn, Pa. ( 17-9m
Everybody Says So.
Cnsenrets Canity Catlmrtio, the most won
rljiful mciliiail discovery of tliu age, plcus
nut and refreshing to tho tnst, uet gently
unci positively on kidneys, liver and liowols,
c -uising tho eiitiro system, dispel colds,
euro licuilaclie, lever, habitual constipation
niul biliousness, l'lcaso buy and try 11 box
of (J. C. C. to-day; III, '.'.-, fill cents. Kold aud
guurautceii to cure by nil druggists.
"Saved From the Horrora of Nervous Pros
tration" by Dr. Miles' Nervine.
aCOUUU does not ulways Itidlcato
consumption. Mr. W. II. Palmer, of
Waterloo, Iowa, writes: "I was taken
with a nervous stricture of tho bronchial
tubes, which dovclopcd Into nervous pros
tration, I was so weak I could not sit up. I
got do sleep for days except when under tho
influence of opiates. For four months I suf
fered a conies and prayed that I might die
and be at rest. One
physician said I had
consumption, for I bad
a cough that gave me
no rest. But a good
old physician whose
mcdlctuo bad failed,
advised mo to use Dr,
Miles' Restorative
Nervine 3
Nervine and I thank God that It has bright
ened my days, lengthened my llfo and saved
me from the horrors of nervous prostration."
Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money ref undod. Book on Heart
and Nerves sent f rea to all applicants.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
An Important (Input ion.
If your friends or neighbors are mirroring from
coughs, colds, son) throat, or any throat or lung
dlscnso (Including consumption), nsk them ir
they have ever used otto's cure. This famous
Oerman rc.ierty t having a large sale here and
Is performing somo wonderful cures of throat
and lung dlsesses. W. II Spangler, Mlddleburg;
M. Kothrock. M . I)., Ml. Plranniit Mills, will give
you a sample bot tle free. No mni wr what other
medicines have failed to uo, try Otto's Cure.
Large size its and BOcts.
Rlpans Tabules cure torpid liver.
Rlpans Tabules cure bad breath.
For more than twenty years
we hare been telling- how
Scott's Emulsion overcome the
excessive waste of the system,
puts on flesh, nourishes uii
builds up the body, making it
the remedy for all wasting di
seases of adults and children,
but it Isn't possible for us to
tell the story in a mere stick
ful of newspaper type.
We have had prepared for
us by a physician a little book,
telling in easy words how and
why Scott's Emulsion benefits,
and a postal card request will
be enough to have it sent to
you free. To-day would be a
good time to send for it.
in ladies' shoes is a pleasant
voyage afoot, For the pleas
ure it gives, there's no sail
like our sale. Crowds are
enjoying it, and securing the
prettiest, coolest and best fit
ting Summer shoes now man
ufactured, at prices which
buycis find it a pleasure to
pay. For house or street
wear, pleasure or every-day
practical purposes, walking,
riding, or driving, we supply
the ideal shoes demanded In
fashion and the dictates of
individual taste. Ladies,
whoever claims your hands,
by all means surrender your
feet to these shoes.
Kvit'iilors' Suit' of Vnliinlili-
Ttio uiulrrNi;tiiMl lxoi'iiturM, of tin lit-t will
untl tcHtamt'iit if .IjiiuU Itri'fMf, aiv of Perry
Twp., Stiytlt-r I 'o , Pa. .U'l'i'iisril, innler ami liy
virt ui of the pnuer niul ituthority contaiiii'd in
till' MHil Will Ull'l ltilllHalll, Will io.Hf to f Hill-
lit' wtle 011 the prrnilKi'M ut tint villitt; of -intuit,
in Mjiid iniinty, on
Thut8ilay, AitRiist 1 S:7.
tlx fnllnwiiij; l("4' real ( tutr tt wit :
THAI T M. I - All Unit K-itiiin iniKHiiiiKcti n.
iMtii-nt unl trui't of Imnl Nitmitr in IVrry Twp.,
SnydiT t'u., I'h., ImiiiihIi'iI on tilt Nurtli by IiiihIn
tif illiimi YrriT mni ,hn-oli Vi-ryrr, i-t. al,.
I jiHt liv uiliii. i .mil Ii mliiii; from Mni. II. huruh
to Mt. I'li'iifiiint M i I Ik. South liy lunils of .lui'oli
S'Iiih'c'b licirn mni i n tllr W-l liy IiiiiiIm of Mi.
.Iitcoli ArliuKiiHt mni ulliern. 1'ont.tiiiitiK 115
Arrrw, muri or Ii!,, with thn npiiiirti'iiaiirCH,
nearly all of wliii li it ch ar mni in it khiiiI ntnti
of cultivation anil on whirh urn cmird a Ijitki'
Two-Htory Traini lwrlliii IIuiihi. a larxi' Ni-w
Itank llitrii anil oIIiit oiithiiililiiiKH, Komi HatiT
ami all kinil of fruit on tln rciiiiNiM, rloin. to
iliurrh, Hrlmol, mai-Ui'l ami mill. Tin almvu in
priui'liMilly liiue-Htotic noil.
HlHAt T No. "-IfeliiKntnii't of Wooil IjiihI,
wt'll tiiuhiTil with i-hrHtuut, onk, pini, vhiti
onk, itimti' in IVrry Twp., louiity ami ntutc
aforosniil, lioumli'il North hy Shailii iMuiintaiu,
I'jiHt by IiiiiiIh of Joniithaii ilotti:rr. South liy
lamlM of llt'iiry Itoyrr. WiNon .MiltrrliiiK.,
ami on the Wt'.st liy huulmif .louiitliaii Kottiwr,
('uitaiiiiiiK 411 Ail ex, inoru or Im with Ihc
Halo tocoiiuurnco nt 10 o'clock A. M. of Mniil
ilay when ilue uttcmlaiicis will he given untl the
tcriiiH of utile- iiuwlu known hy
.lAI'OH DltKKSI'.,
S. K. Itenner, Aue. Kxecutorn.
Jiuvh (lilhirt, Attorney.
AONTS WANTKI) for Dr. Tiilliiiioi-B 'TIIK
KA U TI I (ill(III.Kl)" or IiIh tnininiM tour nroiiiid
the world. A tlirllluiir Htory of savnu and
llnrbiirnim Innds. Faur mill ton TiiIiiiiiko hooks
olcl, mid "The Knrtli lilriMei"l IiIh lnlesl anil
Ifreutt'st. PenmiiU I'liiirnioiiH jEveryljinly wiints
thlH fiiinoiiH bonk, only f.' H I vr iHiuk, Mi;
((inmilMHlon, a Onld mini) for workers, ( rcdll
(riven ; Frelulitiiu'O pulil ; oullltsi tree. Drop
all triiHh mid nell the King of biHikH unit iiuikv
:ik) per month. Aildress for ontilt and terrl
tory, l'Kori.Ws.
6 i4-iil. .1141 market Kt I'lilla,, Pu.
A Miorl Cut lo llenllli.
To try to cure constipation by taking pills Is
llko irolnir round In a circle. You will never rciicli
the point soiik'ht, hut only cot. hack to the stiirt
liif point. A perfect natural laxative is Hacons'
Celery Klnff, the celebrated remedy rorall nerve
blood, Hlomaoho, liver niul kidney disease?. It
retruliiteH tlie bowels. W. II. spangler, .Middle
burirli ; M. Kotlinx-k, M. I)., Mt. Pleasant, .Mills,
will (five you a Bumiilu package free. Luree size
S5 and Wets.
--Merchants' House?--
Third Ntrcet Above Cnllowhlll,
Under New Management
Kates $1.50 a day,
$5.00 per Week.
Wm. F. Miller, Prop'r.
J fit
' nm Am
' J z t W 'if
Money returned, Less Expressage,
Sf not accepted.
EquAL or anVWhecl Mamufactured
Liberal Adjustments
Only tlio Oldest, Strongest Cash Companios,
Fire, Lite, Accident, and Tornado.
No Assessments
Tlio Aetna rounded A. 1)., 1S1!) Asscts$ll,055,513.8S
u Home u 1 u 1S:1 " !),.S53,(i28.51
" American " " IS 10 " 2,10!),5Sl.5;i
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The IMdeliti Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronage Si licited.
Everytliinj; in the clothing lino I keep.
I Guarantee M Goois anfl Lo?
Special reductions are now
t bemtr ottered.
i'nishiny CJoods,'Hats, Caps, etc
G.C.GUTELIUS, Middieburg
Tl Mill
It gives all important news of tho Xotion.
It gives all important news of the World.
It gives entertainment to 3 011 ng and old
It gives brilliant and instructive Editorials,
Price, $1.50 a Year.
:kn, direct
laving the
agents' and
l!i'ij,'lit 11 .v ili'ij,'iis -louk inn liviu
every im k niul cm tier of cur St tin
tSliti 1 niul Style,, in which ,A nn
yoti sen vmir Uleul
CARl'KTS, ItniS, AKTSlJl'AlW ami
PICTl'KKS at iric'H ho low that, oth
er merchants run not compete.
Youth Ih'Kpt'otfiillv,
Prompt Payments.
No Premium Notes.
Oents' t'm-
ail luol.
of .".