The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 29, 1897, Image 8

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I : ? r fined by Dewe a Taberl
Is there not ia vour net
'smile when He sees little mite ol
humanity, ami frail asamall, usurp
ing the )owcr ol God and ilethron
'ing Him to sit themselves iu harsh,
I unforcivinir. unrelenting judgment
j. I on their fellow, whose conditions
''8 Miotetroia and temptation none but
i . I . iii OI etrvns uihi i
.1,01 a in rson w.iose ,:i?t V. .the-All NVise know. And those
'and Kuflered, whose feeling have
,n,tf urn. whoso name is . ueuuou-, ,mve
.1 wiili a look ot liolv horror bvi . , . ,. t
xvlun together for a chat ( uuJera1l;t.ti(,n ,lose
it .sol Muhrrsonsl would wntejf . w anJ imr ,he
w-k, and may my pen all entlellea4 aml kind
stLrnwd in power for the task. i , ? !,.. tKo
pped u. ,wior ine ia,K. , meekness and jveace, have the
'growing sense that much of the evil
It a uiau commit a eiiine, be giv-iin the world is fostered and strength
en u fair trial, lie found guilty, und'enej those who falsely conclude
be condemned, what lnvoincs ot j themselves to lie good, barring as
him ? He trots to prison and works ; tiev 4j0 ,v tla-ir suero-sanet manners
out his sentence. And then? Then tin' way of hope and life and labor
he js guiltless in the eye ot the law,:, iml happiness to the sinner, who
aud he is as though he I ad uoiie no
wrong thing. J lis retention in prt
n has expiated his I'rime : he is a
pure member of society. Hut what
Hays soeiuty through you '.' The
answer by deeds is this : "Tin? stain
ot that wrong shall; stay on him for
ever; he shall lie haiiipcivd in every
way ; he shall lie prevented from
getting an hoiiorabli position by
modJlesoine tongues reviving the
story of the past; he shall helioiiud
ed by the voices of those who say,
I am holier than thou' ; he shall be
made to fuel that the world is too
email to hide himself, and the grave
too shallow to purify him; tor the
stigma of crime shall fasten even
on liis children after him."
If a man commit a sin and no
one knows it, he is as pure as the
luxsullied snow in the eyes of the
world ; but if it lie known, though
lie weep over it until its very sub
tanoe is washed away by the flood
of grief, though he agonize with re
gret, though he spend his last effort
to right a wrong, yet in every
neighborhood are those whose niein
oraes are long ns death or whose
liearts are hard as adament, whose
-cool, calculating ways save them
from sin or whose clever conceal
ments save them from discovery,
these Pharisees, 1 say, will summon
the ghosts of a man's past from the
grave, though it lie buried deep be
neath accumulated years of remorse
And tinliappiness. Like mythical
gools and real hyenas, these lovers
of carrion will dig till they tiiuWlie
treasure they ask, the sin spot ; and
they rejoice with bowlings that all
.ihe world can hear. '
If a life of probity be lived for
25 years or more, and the deeds of
good lie plentiful a grain in harvest-time;
if the citadel of character
bo hold by keen conflict with evil,
until Millie weary moment of sloth,
and J'vil then rush in through some
unguarded spot, though only lor a
Jew .moments, the world through
.1.1 te deeds of the world, fays that
.tlieycars of probity count for naught.
Thereafter the spot shall lie larger
than the whole, the live minutes of
evil blot out the the whole memory
of a (piartcr of a century of good.
.An earthquake rends in a moment
iJm; works put up by a patient pro
cess ot accretion, and there is noth
ing then but dust and disaster where
Ixsanty stood before ; and so is it
with the dazed man who is the suf
ferer from the moral upheaval of
bitterness and uneharity in a com
munity. One moment he rightly
stands In-fore them all, worthy of
iTinfidenee and recognized as a pow
er for good, the next moment his
clmracter lies. bruised and mangled,
never to be well again so far as the
Invites and Pharisees are, never to
live mid move and have lull lioing
again unless some barred-out Sa
ri laritan with goodness, far excelling
Ik t of these aloof ones, comes to the
rtwv Wl1'1 sympathy and love.
jj ft e;irl kept intentionally ig
uorantV herself, tll(,se who
train her . ',!(' wn0 know not the
diflerence' ft. ''" BR"! d
purity, makw. faux pas under the
tnm of idling.'1"11 nlie not
MiKk-ixtand andll. pleadings of the
SiHanbo ought to worthy of
triue.ln.Wi hulMl k,,to
truM, u"- ... ravening
oftai turn on her Wu
.beasts, driving her out
vjft'orlll 10 luni'v. - ,
- - . . . mi
sorrows and would do lietter. ine
wnndorinir ono ltows hunleiMM at
" ... A.tnn. UiMinher. HU!I
, visited.
. ,u.nmitli d bv tllOS fc
jins,0l omissio" w. - -4
' . . . .11
who raised no warning
tliepitfiillsof life.'
-If the AU-Father take note of
i ....... nml tenderly
tlM lali oi a Bputiw"! , --
2 with our misdeeds, giving o
T,.,u wmnideil snirit when
who should cherish it
from it, how grimly must He?-d.
xM)sure, callous to the gain of the
race once honored, tierce in enmu
to society; anil so on trom bad to
worse until the end confirms the
evil theories of the professedly good.
Tliouih uplifted..
Fn-elv Kilted
Willi ttte power or propliecy.
Naught aralloti
II ti who ralleth
In dlvtuent Uliurlty.
B ilJIy npurnliiK
Sirlpus und bur ul n j.
Striving to live righteously ;
Kiich endeavor
I.iv-ketli ever,
If untouched by Charily.
Dove-eyed maiden
I'lty Indea,
Ureutest ol th' ubldlne three,
, Kver living.
Holy, bleiwed Charity.
May all nation
Pour obligation
To thy sweet divinity.
Hailing other
Frlenils and brothers,
In the name of charity.
Iloa'l Tobirco Spit aad Knvkt Ivar IJIt Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be maff
runic, lull of life, nerve and vlitor, take No-To-IlM.the
wonder-worker, that make weak men
atrong. All drugRlita, 80c or II. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Kemedy Co , Chicago or New York,
A Kre rtrholanhlp.
Any young man or woman who ia a
bonafide patron of the Middleburg
Post may secure a musical educa
tion. The Ithaca Conservatory of
M'jsic, Ithaca, N. Y-, offers se7eral
free scholarships. These are award
ed upon competitor, and all may
enter the Competition Uoot. 7 and 8
In Addition it offers Twhty Psr
Cknt Discount to all bona fide pa
trons of the Post io any course,
regular or special violin, piano,
organ, voice, banjo, guitar, mando
lin, elocution, fencing, harmony,
French, Gerniau, Italian, physical
culture, etc. providing a simple
condition is met that can be ascer
tained by a postal card request to
the Business Manager of the Con
Miss Jennie Fry of MlllDrstown la visiting ber
many frloiMs In this section.
Miss Emma ttfttrtz and brother, Charles, of
Tro.KL'lvllle were In town on Wednesday.
The Junior V. H. S. C. K. on Friday evening
held a vary Interest lug loclal at the home of the
Superintendent, Miss Estulla Itoiulg.
Dr. II. Clay Brunner of Treverlon visited at
this place Sunday.
Itnllln Krebs of tho West Is staying with his
Aunt, Jim. Kph. Komlg.
lir. Uooke und wife of Wlnlleld were at this
place a few days.
Misses Maine Morhtlcy and M yra Kotntg at
tended the I'. E. It. illy of the Troxclvllle and
Mlddluburghsoclllus at the former place ou
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. flanks Dreese was visiting In Middleburg
last week.
Charles Uunsch of Bellefonte and A. V. UUbert
of Middleburg were callers at Aduiiiiburg lost
Tuesday evening.
Uev. U. F. Kautz and son, Paul, returned from
Morn to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Erb, a 111 U). boy.
"Jake" suyi McKlaley, as sure as you are born.
Oeorge Washington Wblslcr was seen on our
streets lost week with a double-barrel gun on
his shoulder and a bottle of fire watarln each of
his pockets, pulling for New Lancaster.
Win. II. Knopp's little girl, Sablna, cut an ug
ly gash In her foot by tramping on a broken tea
cup which may cause ber to be a cripple for life.
The dispute belweon the parties at McClure
lost week Is to bo settled before a Justice at
Heaver Springs. Is that home protection f
J. J. Steely threshed 14 bushels ot wheat trom
154 sheaves. The wbeat Is called the Duplex.
Mrs. Aaron Moyer Is spendlug a few weeks
wttb her daughter, Mrs. Lash, in Mifflin county.
T. F. Swlnelord made a business trip to Lew
lstowu last week.
Wo. Bartholomew otSunbury was here a few
duys last week In search of wood-cock. The re
sult two. Call again Billy.
P.W.Treaster's little boy, Charlie, bas been
suffering with a sore leg for tbe past mouth. At
this writing be Is some better.
Miss Mattle Dlmm la tbe guest ot ber sister
in ruuaueipnia.
' Miss Elsie Hoffman returned to her borne on
gi'turdaT after a visit of a mouth with ber many
Irlt. uas nenn
mi. ises Clara Wallace and Lottie Kantnor are
vlsltU'tf relatives In Hhamokln.
Her. W. H. Hllblshand family of McClure an
the guests Ol rr . l ullU IUU WHO.
Arthur Belt, one of Dnncannon.s enthusiastic
wheelmen, maae a trip u oeiiiiBHivve r riumjr,
Miss Elizabeth Dili ot Patarson, N. J., spent a
few days last wen at tue uuuio vi i o. ouuii;
Btlas Eva Schoch gave a tea to a number of ber
r eve Ding.
hot. m. r. PMur lf at 4 family of MlOercbart
are beiut oiarutited by Jara. r.a amUar. Mra.
tuxaa FUikvr. . . ,.,
O. P. Heraaa 1 Mutrr atopttd over la Iowa
oa Friday wuilaoa bla way to Altooaa.
H. L. Bond ol Lewi" bun. th tealal aalmnaa
foi h flyui'iuth Kjtk Wuolra Co.. waalatuwa
03 Frkiny kokU.( up kt trade.
Dr Mel. tltich cam up from bla borne at Mil
lemburg oo Friday oa b'U'lneaa.
Mrs. Minnie Laudeaalacrr and children, of
Bwwlok are rnjoylug a visit to Mra, i-arah MU
rr on High Street.
Sheriff Rltter and IX T. Kkoada were acej on
ouralrertBbaiUid4. . .
Mra. Ilaydm aud son of Wllkea Barn are wel.
cotue gueata at H. U ttchnurt.
Mlaaea Ooff and Yuung ot Scrautoa are visiting
tusir i. lend htbeisciiucr. .
Ke. II. C. Salem and wife of S-atp Level are
e.ijuyiug me uaspiuiuy ot . u. saiem and wur,
' J. H. Vlsh speni avveral days list week with
uw ruu. nr. n II.. . ihuiwwh.
Mrs. ATJmerm iu of Suamoklu Is tbe guest of
M a. iX Kauluer.
H E. Davla, John Haas. Jr.. and MaJ. C H
Ci m-uioisi.nuuiy wnrilu town PruUy-
Teachers' Examinations.
ApplkvnU for a tat-hera certificate will be
eiainiiied in the several dintriuta of rlnvder
county at place and on date herein named, via :
Aug. 13, Mlddlebuag k Franklin, Franklin
Aug. IA, Monroe Twp., Sbaniokin Dam
Aug. 17, Penn TwpH Salem
Aug 1H, Jackaun Twp., Kratxervllie
Aug. 19, Miihllecreek Twp., Kreamer
Aug 30, WaahliiKlon Twp , Freeburg
Aug. Zl, Heaver Twp., Beavertown
Aug. 26, Spring Twp , AdamsUurg
Aug. 27, lVuvcr Went Twps Mci'lure
Aug. 30, Adam Twp., Troxelville
Aug SI, Centre Twp.. Peiim Creek
Sept. 1, l'erry Twp., HoUter Valley
Sept 2, l'erry W. A Kvan t'roM Koadf
Sept. a. ( hup nmn Tp Kohrer'aS. II.
Sept. , Union Twp., Port Trcverton
Sept 13, Oeneral Special, Middiebu'gh.
Kxaiiiinatlona will begin promptly at 8:80
o cloca a. in.
All perflons inuat lie examined in the dintrlct
in which they expe:t to teach, unless a majori
ty of the directors of the dintriet in whieh at
pllcent has applied, approve of said eiamina
tion being taken elsewhere. When eroiis
full In ohlalninir a school in the district In
which they oriKtnally applied and seek employ
ment in another diHtriet, if holders of legal cer
tificates issued during the current year, a re
examination will not lie necessary, certifi
cate when isrued being valid for the entire
Persons less than seventeen years of age need
not apply for a certificate as none will be is
sued to any who come benealb the aforesaid
An urgent request Is extended to tbe direc
tum of the several districts of the county to be
in attendance at the examination of their re
npective districts. In truth, this ia a duty that
ought to receive as much attention and if any
thing more than any other business relative to
the o Alee.
A hearty and most cordial invitation Is ex
tended to all lovers of our puhlio schools and to
the ireneral public to attend these examinations
and view the work being done by those who
expect to come iato your hearts and homes Sa
teachers. Itespectfully,
Middleburg, Pa., July 18, 1W.
01 the Breast.
Mr. A. H. Crausby, of i8 Kerr St.,
Memphis, Term., says that his wife
paid no attention to a small lump which
appeared in her breast, but it soon dct
veioped into a cancer of the worst type,
and notwithstanding the treatment of
the beat physicians, it continued to
spread ana grow rapidly, -eating two
holes in her breast. The doctors
soon pronounced
her incurable. A
celebrated New York
specialist then treat
ed her, but she con
tinued to grow worse
and when informed
that both her aunt
and grandmother had
died from cancer he
gave the case np as
Someone then re
commended S.S.S.
and thongh little hope remained, she
begun it, and an improvement was no
ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and
when she had taken several bottles it
disappeared entirely, and although sev
eral years have elapsed, not a sign of
the disease has ever returned.
A Real Blood Remedy
S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable)
is a real blood remedy, and never fails
to enre Cancer. Eczema, Rheumatism
Scrofula, or any other blood disease.
(Jar books
will be mailed
free to any ad
dress. Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta Ga.
when the Creator. said to woman,
"In sorrow shall thou bring forth
children' that a curse was pro
nounced against the human race,
but the joy felt by every Mother
when she first presses to her heart
her babe, proves the contrary.
Danger and suffering lurk in
the pathway of the' Expectant
Mother, and should be avoided,
that she may reach tbe hour when
the hope of her heart is to be real
ized, in full vigor and strength.
so relaxes the
system and as
sists Nature,
that the nec
essary change
ssr JSSr iaKes Pace
3d ( 'vsJ'Fr without Nau
lil Jilffsi J sea' Headache,
j IImWIvI Nervous or
"- I Gloomy Fore-
bodingof dan
ger, and the
trying hour is robbed of its pain
and suffering, as so many happy
mothers have experienced.
Nothing but "Mother's Friend" does
this. Don't be deceived or
persuaded to use anything else.
"Kother"! Friend" is the greatest remodyereT
pat oa the uiarVut, and all our customers praise it
highly."-W. U. Kino Co., Whitewrlght, Tex.
Of drugglata at 11 .00, or sent by mall on receipt
f price. Write for book containing valua
ble Information for all Mothers, mailed fraa.
The Snafttle Escalator Ce., illaata, Ga.
The undersigned having been restored to
health by simple uicaus, alter suffering for sev
eral years with asevre lung affection, and thai
dread disease Consumption, la anxious to
make known to hla fellow Burfervrs the means
of cure. To thoe who desire li. he will cheerful
1 asnd (free or charge) a copy of tbe prescription
used, which they will find a sure cure for t on
sumptlaa, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis,
and all throat and lung Maladies, lie hopes all
sufferers will try this remedy, aa It la Invaluable.
Those desiring the prescription, which will cost
them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will
please address
a-10-lyr Brooklyn, New York
The Morgan & Wright alngle-tube
qnick-repalr tire muat be regarded aa
a diatinct improvement in bicycle tire
construction. It haa the following ad
vantages: While punctures in it can be re
paired with plugs, or semi-liquid in
jections, aa well aa in any other
single-tube tire, it can be pcmaiuntly
repaired by naing the quick-repair
atrip inside the tire. 8ee cat No. 1.
No. I.
By Injecting M. & W. quick-repair
cement through the puncture, and
then pressing down on the tire with
the thumb, as in cut No. 2, the repair
M. L. MILLER, - Prop'r
I keep constantly on hand and man
ufacture to order all kinds of
Marble and Granite
Monests Aid iaion!
Old Stones Cleaned and Hepaired.
I have one of tbe best Marble Cut
ters in the state aud consequently
turn on t tfnru vvnrlr
r. - v
HafCouia and nnn inv ia ork A. nrlnaa.
Thankful for past favors I most re-
Bpecuuiiy ass a oonunnance or same,
Newly Established.
Oae-fonrta mile Baal of Blehflelel.
Teams free for traveling men to drive
to town, before or after meais.
Kates 7o cents per Day.
J 3D. Rosa, Pro.
To Car Coastlpatloa rererar. v
, Take cucarela Candy Cathartic lOo or Be.
iiawi iaii hi vurv, uraggisie reiuna money.
No. 2. No. 3.
atrip inside is picked up by the cement,
thua closing the puncture, as in cut
No. 3.
The Morgan & Wright single-tube
quick-repair tire is guaranteed not
porous. This is on account of the way
in which it is made. Nearly every
rider haa heard of tlrea that "leak
like a sieve."
Many tirea rot, because water gets
into the fabric between the two layers
of rubber. The Morgan & Wright
fabric is proof against moisture.
Everybody knows how comfortable
Morgan & Wright tires are, and yet
how seldom they puncture. This is
due to the fabric.
Ask any bicycle dealer whether
other tirea last as long as Morgan &
Wright tires. Ask, also, what the
Morgan & Wright guarantee means.
Morgan & Wright tirea are repaired
free of charge, at the factory in
Chicago or at any of the Morgan &
Wright free repair shops, located in
the principal cities. ,
N. B. When you have a puncture,
get right off. Riding a tire flat, when
it has a tack or nail in it, may
amage it considerably.
Corrected weekly by our merchants.
Batter .-. 10
Ekks ; 10
Onions 25
Lard 5
Tallow 4
Chickens per lb 0
Turkeys 8
Hide .:. 7
Shoulder 7
Bam 10
Old Wheat 78
Rye m 8
Old Corn 23
Oats '. 2u
Bran per 100 lbs 00
Middlings " 70
Chop " 85
Flour per bbl .. 475
Consult or coramaBlette with tte Editor
of this paper, who will give a'l needed Information.
In order to make room for fall goods I will make Big Redactions a frj,
Boys' Tan Shoes. Sizes 1 to 5, (
Ol.OO per pairreduced from
$1.35 and 51.50.
Boys' Every-day Shoes, Sizes 2 1
5. at 90 Cents, reduced
from $1.30.
Ladies' Every-day Shoes, at 65
and 75c. reduced from $1.35.
Men's Plow Shoes at 90c. & $l.Qc
reduced from $1.25.
Bicycle Shoes at Reduced Prices.
Ladies' Oxford Tie Shoes. 60c. r
duced from $1.00.
M r A .""M iaTT- I I I Mrvl
: at :
Everything in the clothing line I keep.
t n j n j .. j t n
i mmu iiudu liuuus ana low m
Special reductions are now ?4
i beintr offered. Gents' fur- tl
oiinishing Goods,Hats, Caps, etc.jY.w
G.C.GUTELIUS, Middle bur
eJustice of the Peace
Middlcburgh, Pa
Offices lo Hank Ilulldlntr.
MMm Pa.
Collections, Loans
and Investments.
Real Eatt and Private Hunker.
"WilliamBport, Lycoming Co., Pa
Deposits accept, subject to drafts or checks,
roin auy part of tba world.
K. 1 Pottiegei',
VeteriNarY sUrceoN.
All professional business entrusted to my care
rill receive prompt and cnrefiil attention.
attoknky at law, . .
Middleburg, fa.
All biiMineHM eutruxteJ to his care
will receive prompt attention.
Tlic man that knows what lie
and knows a good wlieul wl
sot's it rides a
Our Catalogue Tells His He
KeatiNg Wheel co.
Middletown, Corf
.IiwRale Earnralona via Prnnajrlva
! nla HitllraiMl.
i The Pennsylvania Kullroad Company villi run
' a series of ten day excursions to Niagara Kails,
. leaving Philadelphia, Baltlmor. aud Washing
.ton on July IK, August and l, and September
4 and la. An experienced tourist agent and
cuuperou accompany ana excursion.
Excursion tickets, good for return p ihho on
any regular train, exluslva of limited expreas
trains, within ten days, will be sold at $10 from
I'hlladelphla Hultliuoie, Waalilnirtgn. and all
points on the Delaware Division ; ttf.70 from
Lancaster; Hat) rrom Altonna and Uarrlfburg i
h.m from Wllkesbarre; from Wllllamf
port, and at proportional) rains from other
points. A stop-over will be "Mowed at Buffalo,
Huchester, and Watklns returning.
A special truln of Pullman parlor cars and day
coaches will be run with each excursion.
For further Information apply to nearest tick
et agent, or address Oeo. w. IJoyd. Asalstaut
Oeneral Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station,
Philadelphia. , Out Aug. WUi.
G. A. R. Encampment, Buffalo.
For the National Encampment of the Grand
Army ot the Republic, at Buffalo, August gtrd,
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company wlU sell
special tickets from all points oo Its system to
Buffalo and return at raie ol a single fair tor tbe
round trip. These tickets wUl be sold and wlU
be good going on August 31 to 83, and good to re
turn not earlier than August M nor later than
August 31, 1W. 7-W.
Sptaodld oppertaakr mane aai
MTlatcoodMOairsKtirad. Addrsaa
niBTBUEGRAPa scnooii
Executor's Sale of Valuabl
The underslaned Rxecutora. of the a
Jacob Svhnee, lataot West ferry 1 wp
on tba premises at Fremont, on
Saturday, August 28, 18971
the following described real estate H
Tract No. 1 Homestead Kami tiM
Perry Twp., Snyder Co., Pa., eonlaiti
.nil LVt iwrpliM UnunilMl on til
by land of thohelra of Jacob Dreese, dci
joiin Korignt, ivasi by lana or iicnri
anl John Sclinee, South by land of U.
Kubllc road and town ol rreemoni, '
nd of Hnnrv Hclinaa. 1,10 acras of tllli
In a hla-li state of cultivation with 14
biillulnifs, consisting of Frame 11
House, large bank barnand mliioroutbij
Two good ana inrmjr orciiaras. nunm
at tbe bouse and barn.
Tract No. 2-Brick House, situated hf
of Market and Second Street In ids
Trapt No. S -Frame Dwalllnor Houss,
on Market Street and wast of Tract No-
Tract Ko. 4 Prams Dwallina- Housl i
er of Market and Walnut Streets, Kroort
Tms Kn K S Tlmhar land In PsrH
alwiait I ml la Hnnlh of Vraamnllt. COIISW
and M acres, respectively, bounded N
lana ot Micnaei r. womer, tM oj
Nairle. South bv land of Natmleon Brof
John Fields, West by land of Fred. 1
above tracts are well n m berea.
Tn. N. Tln.hr1.nil sltusted I
Two., 1H miles N. B. of Freemontoa J
leading from Kreemont to Mlddleburi
talnlng V acre and lo perones, mure
hnunilad North h land nl KK. Ulllff.
and Jacob Verger, West by land ol 11. A
Bala to eomroenca at 10 a. to. when M
be made known by
v. V- Nlt.PI.K.
L W. Loneacra. Auo. k M
Rlpani Tabulea cure flatuVacc
Rlpana Tabulea cure eoostipau
' aiiNuu Tabulaa: for aour aW